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Mobility is crucial for the maintenance of viable metapopulations, but quantitative data to evaluate risks due to insufficient individual mobility of focal insect species are mostly lacking. We selected the butterfly Brenthis ino, a species typically confined to wet fallow grasslands in Central Europe and performed a mark–release–recapture study in a 3.2 ha study area with one big and one small patch of suitable habitat from 22 June to 23 July 2010. The position of each butterfly capture was measured with a GPS and transferred into a GIS. In total, we marked 984 individuals in 1,545 capture events and estimated that the cumulative population size was 2,400 individuals. The initial increase of adult males proceeded much faster than for females, similar to the protandrous population build-up known from other butterflies. Moved distances for both sexes usually did not exceed 80 m, and about 40 % of all individuals used less than 2 % of the available suitable habitat. All individuals switching to the other patch returned later to their patch of origin, confirming that B. ino is highly philopatric. We conclude that low effective mobility in B. ino produces much smaller home ranges than suggested by merely observing flight activities in the field, and that low tendencies towards long-distance movements significantly hamper the maintenance of metapopulations when patch density decreases due to landscape fragmentation.  相似文献   

Quantifying dispersal is fundamental to understanding the effects of fragmentation on populations. Although it has been shown that patch and matrix quality can affect dispersal patterns, standard metapopulation models are usually based on the two basic variables, patch area and connectivity. In 2004 we studied migration patterns among 18 habitat patches in central Spain for the butterfly Iolana iolas, using mark–release–recapture methods. We applied the virtual migration (VM) model and estimated the parameters of emigration, immigration and mortality separately for males and females. During parameter estimation and model simulations, we used original and modified patch areas accounting for habitat quality with three different indices. Two indices were based on adult and larval resources (flowers and fruits) and the other one on butterfly density. Based on unmodified areas, our results showed that both sexes were markedly different in their movements and mortality rates. Females emigrated more frequently from patches, but males that emigrated were estimated to move longer daily dispersal distances and suffer higher mortality than females during migration. Males were more likely to emigrate from small than from large patches, but patch area had no significant effect on female emigration. The effects of area on immigration rate and the within-patch mortality were similar in both sexes. Based on modified areas, the estimated parameter values and the model simulation results were similar to those estimated using the unmodified patch areas. One possible reason for the failure to significantly improve the parameter estimates of the VM model is the fact that resource quantity and butterfly population sizes were strongly correlated with patch area. Our results suggest that the standard VM modelling approach, based on patch area and connectivity, can provide a realistic picture of the movement patterns of I. iolas .  相似文献   

The Macedonian Grayling is listed as critically endangered in the recent IUCN Red List of European butterflies because of its extreme rarity and habitat loss due to quarrying. This categorisation was, however, based on rather limited knowledge on its actual distribution, population size and habitat requirements. In 2012, we conducted field surveys to acquire more information. We found the species at six new sites extending its known range of suitable habitat to just under 10 km2. The daily population size was estimated using capture-mark-recapture method in the most densely populated part of the Pletvar pass site at more than 650 individuals. Adults proved to be extremely sedentary, not moving far even within the continuous habitat on the same slope. Oviposition was observed on dry plant material and in a rock crevice close to the potential larval host plant Festuca sp. Quarrying is confirmed to be the main threat to the habitat of the Macedonian Grayling with five out of seven populated sites containing active marble quarries. Due to the enlargement of the known area of occupancy, its threat status would now be estimated at endangered. Despite the restricted knowledge about its distribution and trends in the population size, the IUCN criteria proved to be applicable to determine the threat status of a rare and localized butterfly such as Pseudochazara cingovskii. Its original assessment of being called the most threatened butterfly in Europe resulted in immediate research project and subsequent actions that will undoubtedly help to conserve it in the future.  相似文献   

Males of many butterfly species persistently court and attempt to mate with females even if the females reject courtship. This male harassment almost certainly has negative effects on female fitness. Therefore, females have likely evolved strategies to avoid such encounters. To investigate the harassment avoidance strategy of females of the small copper butterfly, Lycaena phlaeas daimio, I observed the reactions of females to other individuals flying nearby in the field. In response to the conspecific butterflies, females closed their wings if they had previously been open and did not exhibit any action if the wings had been closed. Females that closed their open wings in response to a conspecific received fewer mating attempts than did females that held their wings open. These results indicate that the wing‐closing behaviour of L. phlaeas females functions to deter male mating attempts. The wing‐closing reaction occurred primarily in mated females. Because females of L. phlaeas copulate only once during their lives, this behaviour is not considered an indirect mate choice but rather an attempt to avoid persistent mating attempts (i.e. sexual harassment) by males.  相似文献   

Numerous factors affect the fine-scale social structure of animal groups, but it is unclear how important such factors are in determining how individuals encounter resources. Familiarity affects shoal choice and structure in many social fishes. Here, we show that familiarity between shoal members of sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) affects both fine-scale social organization and the discovery of resources. Social network analysis revealed that sticklebacks remained closer to familiar than to unfamiliar individuals within the same shoal. Network-based diffusion analysis revealed that there was a strong untransmitted social effect on patch discovery, with individuals tending to discover a task sooner if a familiar individual from their group had previously done so than if an unfamiliar fish had done so. However, in contrast to the effect of familiarity, the frequency with which individuals had previously associated with one another had no effect upon the likelihood of prey patch discovery. This may have been due to the influence of fish on one another''s movements; the effect of familiarity on discovery of an empty ‘control’ patch was as strong as for discovery of an actual prey patch. Our results demonstrate that factors affecting fine-scale social interactions can also influence how individuals encounter and exploit resources.  相似文献   

Marko Nieminen 《Oecologia》1996,108(4):643-651
Rapidly increasing fragmentation of natural landscapes decreases the ability of many species to reach the smaller and more isolated patches of habitat in a metapopulation. The densities of local populations of several moth species and the butterfly Hipparchia semele in a network of small islands, and the rates of inter-island movement and movement patterns, were investigated, to determine the factors affecting the rate and pattern of movements. The estimated population densities ranged from 0.001 to 0.2 individuals/m2. The observed emigration and immigration rates depended on island isolation and various traits of the species, with great variability in migration rates among species. Thin-bodied, slow-flying species did not move among the islands, whereas many robust, fast-flying species moved among the islands relatively frequently. Migration rate increased significantly with body size and was significantly higher in oligophagous than in polyphagous species, suggesting that these factors are important determinants of the migration rate of the species. Migration rate was low when the surface temperature of the sea was low, and a greater proportion of individuals emigrated from small than large patches of habitat. The migration distances of female noctuids were shorter than those of males and those of both sexes of the butterfly H. semele. The observed movement patterns are consistent with a metapopulation structure in most of the moth species.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(4):237-244
Anthropogenic introduction of a plant species may cause novel encounters between the plant and local herbivores, and initiate evolutionary changes in host plant usage by herbivores. Until recently the endemic aquatic plant Hygrophila pogonocalyx was endangered and had a restricted distribution in Taiwan. Massive restoration efforts since 1997 have led to an expansion of the plant's distribution and a novel encounter between it and an Asian butterfly, the chocolate pansy, Junonia iphita (Nymphalidae). This butterfly appears to have colonized H. pogonocalyx, switching from its original host, Strobilanthes penstemonoides var. formosana. In the present study, we aimed to investigate whether the utilization of H. pogonocalyx as a host plant has initiated a differentiation between butterflies using the novel and the original hosts. To this purpose we collected butterflies from patches of the two host plants which grow sympatrically. We tested oviposition preference for the two hosts and larval performance on them. Female adults exhibited distinct oviposition preference toward the host plant their mothers preferred. Offspring showed greater survivorship and pupal weight when fed on the host plant their mothers preferred. Male adults displayed territorial behaviors on the host plant that their mothers had preferred. Finally, the survival rate of offspring produced from cross-mating between individuals with different host plant preference was lower than that of non-hybrids. Taken together, we suggest that genetic differentiation has occurred between individuals preferring H. pogonocalyx versus S. penstemonoides as host plants via host shifting. This process was likely induced by the mass restoration of the formerly rare and endangered plant species.  相似文献   

Dispersal patterns are important in metapopulation ecology because they affect the dynamics and survival of populations. However, because little empirical information exists on dispersal behaviour of individuals, theoretical models usually assume random dispersal. Recent empirical evidence, by contrast, suggests that the butterfly Maniola jurtina uses a non‐random, systematic dispersal strategy, can detect and orient towards habitat from distances of 100–150 m, and prefers a familiar habitat patch over a non‐familiar one (‘homing behaviour’). The present study (1) investigated whether these results generalise to another butterfly species, Pyronia tithonus; and (2) examined the cause of the observed ‘homing behaviour’ in M. jurtina. P. tithonus used a similar non‐random, systematic dispersal strategy to M. jurtina, had a similar perceptual range for habitat detection and preferred a familiar habitat patch over a non‐familiar one. The ‘homing behaviour’ of M. jurtina was found to be context‐dependent: individual M. jurtina translocated within habitat did not return towards their capture point, whereas individuals translocated similar distances out of habitat did return to their ‘home’ patch. We conclude that butterfly ‘homing behaviour’ is not based on an inherent preference for a familiar location, but that familiarity with an area facilitates the recognition of suitable habitat, towards which individuals orient if they find themselves in unsuitable habitat. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we suggest that frequent, short ‘excursions’ over habitat patch boundaries are evolutionarily advantageous to individuals, because increased familiarity with the surrounding environment is likely to increase the ability of a straying animal to return to its natural habitat, and to reduce the rate of mortality experienced by individuals attempting to disperse between habitat patches. We discuss the implications of the non‐random dispersal for existing metapopulation models, including models of the evolution of dispersal rates.  相似文献   

The Neotropical butterfly Dryas iulia has been collected from several locations in Thailand and Malaysia since 2007, and has been observed breeding in the wild, using introduced Passiflora foetida as a larval host plant. The butterfly is bred by a butterfly house in Phuket, Thailand, for release at weddings and Buddhist ceremonies, and we hypothesized that this butterfly house was the source of wild, Thai individuals. We compared wing patterns and COI barcodes from two, wild Thai populations with individuals obtained from this butterfly house. All Thai individuals resemble the subspecies D. iulia modesta, and barcodes from wild and captive Thai specimens were identical. This unique, Thai barcode was not found in any of the 30 specimens sampled from the wild in the species'' native range, but is most similar to specimens from Costa Rica, where many exporting butterfly farms are located. These data implicate the butterfly house as the source of Thailand''s wild D. iulia populations, which are currently so widespread that eradication efforts are unlikely to be successful.  相似文献   

1. The spatial arrangement of resources and climatically favourable sites affects the dispersal pattern of butterflies. 2. The microdistribution of the satyrine butterfly Lethe diana changes seasonally, meaning that the relative spatial arrangement of resources also changes seasonally. The seasonal change in the dispersal pattern of this butterfly was studied. 3. Males of the May–June generation tended to stay in a restricted habitat patch while females of the same generation did not. A number of the May–June generation males became resident at prime forest edge sites, where a territorial behaviour that was rarely seen in other generations was prevalent. Females of the May–June generation moved to these territorial sites for mating but left after copulation to avoid male harassment; their residency was therefore weak. 4. In both sexes, the July–August generation tended to be more mobile than the September–October generation. This was because the July–August generation butterflies utilised dark environments for thermoregulation and, because these conditions were widespread throughout the forest, the butterflies were able to move widely. The September–October generation, however, preferred intermediate light conditions, which tended to be restricted to the forest edge; as this was a relatively small area, butterfly movement was restricted.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment and coercion have mainly been considered from a sex difference perspective. While traditional social science theories have explained harassment as male dominance of females, the evolutionary perspective has suggested that sex differences in the desire for sex are a better explanation. This study attempts to address individual differences associated with harassment from an evolutionary perspective. Considering previous research that has found links between sociosexual orientation inventory (SOI) and harassment, we consider whether this association can be replicated in a large, representative sample of high school students (N=1199) from a highly egalitarian culture. Expanding the previous studies which mainly focused on male perpetrators and female victims, we also examine females and males as both perpetrators and as victims. We believe that unrestricted sociosexuality motivates people to test whether others are interested in short-term sexual relations in ways that sometimes might be defined as harassment. Furthermore, unrestricted individuals signal their sociosexual orientation, and while they do not desire all individuals that react to these signals with sexual advances, they attract much more sexual advances than individuals with restricted sociosexual orientations, especially from other unrestricted members of the opposite sex. This more or less unconscious signaling thus makes them exploitable, i.e., harassable. We find that SOI is a predictor for sexual harassment and coercion among high school students. The paper concludes that, as expected, unrestricted sociosexuality predicts being both a perpetrator and a victim of both same-sex and opposite-sex harassment.  相似文献   

The occurrence pattern of the marsh fritillary was studied within a patch network on the Baltic island Öland, Sweden. Presence/absence was established for potentially suitable habitat patches (n = 158) on calcareous moist grassland and analyzed in a multiple logistic regression model where patch area, patch isolation and nine habitat quality variables were included as explanatory variables. Larval food plant density was positively, and patch isolation negatively, correlated to the presence of Euphydryas aurinia. Area did not contribute to the explanation of the occurrence pattern. Significant interactions between larval food plant density times patch isolation, and larval food plant density times vegetation height, show that with low food plant density the butterfly primarily occurs in patches with a vegetation height of 4–10 cm, within a distance of 250 m from nearest occupied patch. In patches with a high food plant density the butterfly occurs in patches where the vegetation height is higher, 4–16 cm, and the distance to nearest occupied patch can be longer, up to 1.4 km. This study supports earlier findings in other regions, suggesting that a network of adjacent patches with a high food plant density and a vegetation height within the preferred threshold, despite their size, is an apparent conservation goal.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the relationship between plant patch size and population density of herbivores within fields often deviates from predictions of the theory of island biogeography and the resource concentration hypothesis. Here we argue that basic features of foraging behaviour can explain different responses of specialist herbivores to habitat heterogeneity. In a combination of field and simulation studies, we applied basic knowledge on the foraging strategies of three specialist herbivores: the cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae), the cabbage butterfly (Pieris rapae L.) and the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.), to explain differences in their responses to small scale fragmentation of their habitat. In our field study, populations of the three species responded to different sizes of host plant patches (9 plants and 100 plants) in different ways. Densities of winged cabbage aphids were independent of patch size. Egg‐densities of the cabbage butterfly were higher in small than in large patches. Densities of diamondback moth adults were higher in large patches than in small patches. When patches in a background of barley were compared with those in grass, densities of the cabbage aphid and the diamondback moth were reduced, but not cabbage butterfly densities. To explore the role of foraging behaviour of herbivores on their response to patch size, a spatially explicit individual‐based simulation framework was used. The sensory abilities of the insects to detect and respond to contact, olfactory or visual cues were varied. Species with a post‐alighting host recognition behaviour (cabbage aphid) could only use contact cues from host plants encountered after landing. In contrast, species capable with a pre‐alighting recognition behaviour, based on visual (cabbage butterfly) or olfactory (diamondback moth) cues, were able to recognise a preferred host plant whilst in flight. These three searching modalities were studied by varying the in flight detection abilities, the displacement speed and the arrestment response to host plants by individuals. Simulated patch size – density relationships were similar to those observed in the field. The importance of pre‐ and post‐ alighting detection in the responses of herbivores to spatial heterogeneity of the habitat is discussed.  相似文献   

Andrena hattorfiana is a rare solitary bee which has declined during the last decades throughout western Europe. It is specialised to forage pollen from plants of the family Dipsacaceae. Knowledge of distribution, dispersal propensity, and local population sizes is essential for successful conservation of A. hattorfiana. The investigated local bee populations (n = 78) were dominated by small local populations and 60% were smaller than 10 female individuals and 80% were smaller than 50 female individuals. The area of the median occupied habitat patch was 1.25 hectare and harboured 7 female bees. Mark-release-recapture studies of female A. hattorfiana revealed a sedentary behaviour. Among pollen-foraging female bees the average registered distance moved was 46 m. The patch emigration rate was about 2%, with an observed maximum colonization distance of 900 m. Only 10% of the individuals crossed areas without the pollen plant within grassland patches, such as unpaved roads, stone walls and small tree-stands, even if these areas were less than 10 m wide. This study shows that solitary bees can occur in local populations of extremely small size and they have a sedentary behaviour. These are features that usually increase the risk of local population extinction.  相似文献   

An obvious consequence of habitat fragmentation is an increasing role of habitat edges for species survival. Recently it has been suggested that the endangered butterfly Maculinea nausithous prefers forested edges of its meadow habitats. However, the prevalence of forests in the study area used for this analysis makes it impossible to distinguish whether the effect detected is a genuine preference for forest edges or a preference for any natural patch edges as opposed to patch interiors. We investigated habitat selection by Maculinea nausithous and Maculinea teleius occurring sympatrically at five habitat patches surrounded by mosaic landscape. Butterfly capture positions were marked with GPS and subsequently analysed with GIS software. Both species avoided the interiors of their patches and concentrated in the edge zone, but these preferences were visible only at three larger patches exceeding 1 ha in area. Among different types of edges those bordering densely built-up areas were avoided, whereas all natural edges (adjacent to forests, reeds or grasslands) were similarly used. We hypothesise that preferences towards natural patch edges, regardless of their type, can be explained by the spatial interactions between Maculinea butterflies and Myrmica ants they parasitise. Patch surroundings constitute refuge space for the ants, and hence their densities may be expected to be higher near patch edges. Our findings indicate the importance of patch surroundings for the persistence of Maculinea populations. Regretfully, current legal framework makes it difficult to protect patch surroundings, where neither priority species nor their habitats occur.  相似文献   

A comprehensive mechanistic approach to dispersal requires the translation of the whole mobility register of the target organism into movement rules that could subsequently be used to model its displacements. According to the optimality paradigm, this procedure implies a cost–benefit analysis of mobility patterns taking into account not only movements, but also their external context and the internal state of the moving individuals. Using this framework, we detected a ‘dispersal mood’ in some individuals of the meadow brown butterfly Maniola jurtina. These adopted a direct flight strategy, which was topologically different from the previously documented foray search strategy. Those individuals that used the direct flight strategy moved straighter as soon as they left the habitat and avoided heading back to their patch of origin, which is the best inter‐patch search strategy when dispersal risks and costs are high. The direct flight strategy was conditional to sex: females used it twice as much as males. We suggest that this sex bias was due to female investment in offspring, which is maximized by male avoidance and spatial bet hedging. Inter‐patch dispersal of gravid females is crucial for the persistence of M. jurtina populations in spatially and temporally unpredictable environments.  相似文献   

Postcopulatory behavior was studied in Libellula pulchella, a North American dragonfly in which ovipositing females face frequent harassment by unpaired males seeking matings. Although males performed noncontact guarding of their mates after copulation, females received minimal protection since their guarders tended to leave on extended chases of other males when harassment was intense. Ovipositions by unguarded females were even more likely to be terminated by harassment and were disrupted sooner. Female tactics to minimize interference included rapid escape flights, repeated return visits to the water within short time periods, perching when severerly harassed, and proceeding with mating when clasped. Female use of multiple oviposition sites is discussed in the context of guarding effectiveness and mate recognition by males.  相似文献   

Regeneration of Blepharisma undulans variety japonicus from which the hypostome has been removed is retarded by dosages of 3000 to 4600 ergs/mm.2 at wavelength 2654A most strongly when the fragment is exposed soon after cutting. Dosages greater than 4600 ergs/mm.2 prevent regeneration. Regeneration is also retarded strongly when the Blepharisma are cut soon after irradiation. Starvation retards regeneration and potentiates the effect of ultraviolet radiations. Division after regeneration of Blepharisma is also retarded by ultraviolet radiations about equally, regardless of when the Blepharisma are cut indicating a more lasting effect of the radiations upon the cells. Blepharisma cut after irradiation usually recover from the effects of the radiations sooner than uncut individuals given the same dosage. Retardation of division by ultraviolet radiation is subject to photoreversal by visible light, especially in a nitrogen atmosphere, provided the ultraviolet dose is not excessive. Visible light alone if prolonged, retards regeneration or may even kill the cut fragments of Blepharisma.  相似文献   

Teinopalpus aureus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) is endemic to the mountains of southern China and Vietnam. This butterfly species was the focus of several high profile poaching cases in China and influenced conservation policies in the country because of this attention. In this study we closely monitored 2.25 km2 of the butterfly’s known habitat in Mt. Dayao Nature Reserve, Guangxi Province, China, from 2012 to 2014. A total of 33 magnolia host plants were found in the plot, and 28 individuals were reared from the egg/early larval stage until they pupated or died. We found T. aureus sufficiently difficult to breed and failed to induce oviposition in captivity. In 2015, a public museum was built in Mt. Dayao Nature Reserve to raise conservation awareness of local biodiversity, which specifically featured an exhibition of T. aureus. To investigate whether the museum was effective in increasing local conservation awareness, in 2013, 2015 and 2017, a total of 1022 local residents were interviewed regarding their conservation awareness of the butterfly. Conservation awareness significantly increased with time from 2013 to 2017, but this was also strongly influenced by residence location and respondent age.  相似文献   

Passive restoration depending on native shrubs is an attractive approach for restoring desertified landscapes in semi-arid sandy regions. We sought to understand the relationships between spatial patterns of native shrubs and their survival ability in sandy environments. Furthermore, we applied our results to better understand whether passive restoration is feasible for desertified landscapes in semi-arid sandy regions. The study was conducted in the semi-arid Mu Us sandy land of northern China with the native shrub Artemisia ordosica. We analyzed population structures and patterns of A. ordosica at the edges and centers of land patches where sand was stabilized by A. ordosica-dominated vegetation. Saplings were more aggregated than adults, and both were more aggregated at the patch edges than at the patch centers. At the patch edges, spatial association of the saplings with the adults was mostly positive at distances 0.3–6.6 m, and turned from positive to neutral, and even negative, at other distances. At the patch centers, the saplings were spaced almost randomly around the adults, and their distances from the adults did not seem to affect their locations. A greater number of A. ordosica individuals emerged at the patch edges than at the patch centers. Such patterns may have resulted from their integrative adjustment to specific conditions of soil water supply and sand drift intensity. These findings suggest that in semi-arid sandy regions, native shrubs that are well-adapted to local environments may serve as low-cost and competent ecological engineers that can promote the passive restoration of surrounding patches of mobile sandy land.  相似文献   

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