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The developmental stages of oak zygotic embryos (ZEs) are characterized here according to morphological and physiological features. Seeds were harvested from June to September in 1-week intervals. Excised embryos were classified into four stages of development by using growth parameters. For physiological characterization, endogenous levels of abscisic acid (ABA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), l-proline, starch content and water status were determined. The expression of the oak legumin storage protein gene was tested in immature cotyledonary ZEs before and after ABA treatment. The ABA levels of the embryos showed a significant peak during the intermediate stage of maturation (stage III) and then decreased again at the end of the late maturation phase (stage IV). Concomitant with ABA, the moisture content declined with the maximum embryo size. High IAA levels were found at the beginning of embryo enlargement as exponential growth occurred (stage II) but decreased during further development. Starch accumulated gradually in the course of maturation, whereas significant values were found in stage IV ZEs near shedding. Proline, on fresh weight basis, was high during stages I and II. Osmotic potential increased when, by rapid dry matter accumulation, stage II ZEs reached their maximum size during early intermediate development. Expression of precocious germination was higher on hormone-free medium, in particular, among stage II and stage III ZEs. Variations in phytohormone levels in combination with changes in tissue water status seem to be important factors for oak ZE development.  相似文献   

Desiccation tolerance can be induced in microspore-derived embryos of Brassica napus L. by application of abscisic acid (ABA). Scanning electron microscopy was employed to study and compare desiccation-tolerant and -sensitive microspore-derived embryos. The external surface of those desiccated embryos in which desiccation tolerance had been induced was uniformly shriveled due to severe dehydration, and their internal tissue system was well preserved. In contrast, in desiccation-sensitive embryos, dehydration caused tearing of the epidermis and collapse of the internal tissue system. After the desiccated embryos had been rehydrated, the size and external morphology of the desiccation-tolerant ones recovered to the pre-desiccation state within 1 day, whereas the sensitive ones did not recover or remained shriveled. The effect of ABA on the induction of desiccation tolerance is discussed. Received: 25 June 1998 / Revision received: 03 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 September 1998  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of stereochemically pure analogs of abscisic acid (ABA) on three responses in Brassica napus microspore embryos. The analogs used include modifications to natural (S-) (+)-ABA (= N-ABA) at the C-1 and C-1 positions. At the C-1 position, the carboxylic acid function was replaced with an alcohol, aldehyde, or methyl ester functional group, and at the chiral C-1 position both enantiomers were prepared. The rationale for choosing these particular analogs was that they had previously shown some potential as slow release forms of ABA (Gusta LV, Ewan B, Reaney MJT, Abrams SR (1992) Can J Bot. 70:1550–1555). The responsiveness of microspore-derived embryos of B. napus to these analogs was investigated. Three types of responses were evaluated: (1) the inhibition of precocious germination; (2) induction of oleosin gene expression; and (3) induction of napin gene expression. All of the structural analogs of ABA tested were effective in the three assays, regardless of functional group substitution or stereochemistry. However, the three assays showed differential sensitivity to the various analogs. The U-forms of abscisyl alcohol and abscisyl aldehyde were very effective in inhibiting precocious germination (greater than natural ABA). Oleosin mRNA accumulation responded most effectively to U-abscisyl alcohol, while the N-abscisyl aldehyde and ABA methyl ester were the most effective at inducing napin mRNA accumulation. This work highlights the distinct differences in activity which result from using stereochemically pure analogs. In addition, surprisingly potent responses are reported in one or more of the assays for abscisyl aldehyde and abscisyl alcohol.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - LEA late embryogenic abundant - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - MOPS 4-morpholinepropanesulfonic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Inferior spikelets usually exhibit a slower grain filling rate and lower grain weight than superior spikelets in a rice (Oryza sativa L.) panicle. This study investigated whether the variations in grain filling between the two kinds of spikelets were attributed to their sink strength and whether the sink strength was regulated by the hormonal levels in the grains. Using two field-grown rice genotypes, the division rate of endosperm cells, hormonal levels in the grains, and grain weight of both superior and inferior spikelets were determined during the grain filling period. The results showed that superior spikelets had dominance over inferior spikelets in endosperm cell division rate and cell number, grain filling and grain weight. Changes in zeatin (Z) and zeatin riboside (ZR) contents paralleled and were very significantly correlated with the cell division rate and cell number. Cell division rate and the content of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in the grains were also significantly correlated. Gibberellin (GAs; GA1+ GA4) content of the grains was high but ABA levels were low at the early grain filling stage. ABA increased substantially during the linear phase of grain growth and was very significantly correlated with grain dry weight during this period. Application of kinetin at 2 through 6 days post anthesis (DPA) significantly increased cell number, while spraying ABA at 11 through 15 DPA significantly increased the grain filling rate. The results suggest that differences in sink strength are responsible for variations in grain filling between superior and inferior spikelets. Both cytokinins and IAA in the grains may mediate cell division in rice endosperm at early grain filling stages, and therefore regulate the sink size of the grain, whereas ABA content correlates with sink activity during the linear period of grain growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study morphological and biochemical aspects during zygotic embryogenesis in O. catharinensis, by measuring changes in the endogenous concentrations of proteins, amino acids, polyamines (PAs), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA). Buffer-soluble and insoluble protein contents were determined by spectrometry, and amino acids, PAs, IAA and ABA concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Total amino acid accumulation, predominantly asparagine, occurred when the embryo showed completely developed cotyledons, with posterior reduction in the mature embryo. This decrease in total amino acid concentration in the mature embryo may result from their use in storage␣as well as for LEA protein synthesis. Free putrescine (Put) concentration decreased, while free spermine (Spm) increased during embryo development. This suggest a role for Put in the initial phases of embryogenesis when high rates of cell division occur, while elevated concentration of Spm are essential from the middle to the end of embryo development, when growth is mainly due to cell elongation. An IAA peak in zygotic embryos occurred during initial development, suggesting a link between growth and cellular division as well as with the establishment of bilateral symmetry. ABA concentration declined during initial stages of development then increased at the mature embryo stage, suggesting a possible relationship with dormancy and recalcitrance characteristics. Our results show that changes in the phytohormones (IAA, ABA and PAs) concentrations in combination with amino acids are likely important factors determining the developmental stages of O.␣catharinensis zygotic embryos.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies against castor-oil seed cytosolic and leucoplastic pyruvate kinases (PKc and PKp, respectively; EC were utilized to examine the subunit compositions and developmental profiles of canola (Brassica napus L. cv. Topas) PKc and PKp over 6 d of seed germination and 35 d of culture of microspore-derived embryos. The PKc from germinating seeds appears to be composed of a single type of 56-kDa subunit, whereas the enzyme from cultured embryos contains equal proportions of immunologically related 57- and 56-kDa subunits. The PKp was immunologically undetectable in germinating seeds, while the enzyme from cultured embryos consisted of immunologically related 64- and 58-kDa subunits in a ratio of about 12, respectively. The large increase in PK activity that occurs between the second and fourth days of seed gemination is based upon de-novo synthesis of PKc. Between 7 and 14 d of culture of microspore-derived embryos, the levels of PKp and PK maximal activity increased approx. 3- and 2.5-fold, respectively. These increases were coincident with an approximately fourfold rise in the in-vivo pyruvate: phosphoenolpyruvate concentration ratio. Conversely, PKc was not only far less abundant relative to PKp, but its level remained constant over 35 d of microspore-embryo culture. Developing non-zygotic (microspore-derived) embryos strongly resembled ripening zygotic (seed) embryos in terms of PK specific activity as well as relative amounts and subunit compositions of PKc and PKp. The results indicate that the synthesis of PK isoenzymes in B. napus seeds is highly regulated and that this regulation follows a preset developmental program.Abbreviations IgG immunoglobulin G - IU international unit - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - PK(s) pyruvate kinase(s) - PKc cytosolic pyruvate kinase - PKp plastidic pyruvate kinase - PYR pyruvate Plant Research Centre contribution No. 1374We wish to thank Ms. Kathryn Hovey and Ms. Suzanne Belliveau (Agriculture Canada) for their expert assistance in the culturing and harvesting of microspore-derived embryos of canola. This work was supported by a Strategic Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

In Brassica napus, glucosinolates are transported from all parts of the plant into the embryo during seed development. In this study we describe the uptake of the alkenyl glucosinolate sinigrin by microspore derived embryos from high and low glucosinolate genotypes. Microspore derived embryos develop completely isolated from maternal tissues unlike zygotic embryos, which contains glucosinolates transported into the embryo synthesised in the vegetative tissues. The sinigrin in the culture medium was almost completely absorbed by the embryos after three days of culture. The embryos of high and low glucosinolate genotypes were equally capable of absorbing sinigrin from the medium. A significant increase in different alkenyl glucosinolates following feeding of sinigrin suggests induction of biosynthetic enzymes in the embryos. Following excess feeding of sinigrin, we found a strong uptake against a concentration gradient and stable accumulation by the embryos. The glucosinolate was detected in single dissected cotyledons by a photometric test and by HPLC. This test could potentially be useful for screening mutants defective in glucosinolate uptake into the embryo.  相似文献   

Endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinins [zeatin (Z) zeatin riboside, dihydrozeatin, dihydrozeatin riboside, N6-isopentenyl adenine (iP) and N6-isopentenyladenine riboside] were evaluated in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cotyledons of different developmental stage and genetic source for their somatic embryogenic capacity. There was an inverse correlation between the embryogenic potential of cotyledons and the degree of maturity of zygotic embryos, the first characteristic being associated with iP-type cytokinins and the second with Z-type cytokinins. Although the differences in total cytokinin, ABA and IAA contents between the cotyledons were small, the IAA/ABA and, mainly, the iP-type/Z-type cytokinin ratios were found to be two good indexes of the embryogenic competence of explants, suggesting that the endogenous hormonal balance is a very important factor defining the in vitro potential of hazelnut cotyledons. Received: 6 January 1997 / Revision received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted 1 April 1997  相似文献   

Two late stages [days 35 and 40 after pollination (DAP)] in zygotic embryo (ZE) development of Brassica napus were utilized to quantify, by the stable isotope-labeled dilution method, levels of “free” and “aglycone” gibberellins (GAs), as well as abscisic acid (ABA), during the programmed dehydration of the seed. GAs from both the early 13 hydroxylation and early non-hydroxylation pathways were present in these ZEs of B napus. Between 35 and 40 DAP endogenous ABA dropped precipitously (almost 30-fold) and this drop in ABA was accompanied by a significant reduction in levels of GA1 and even in levels of the inactive GA catabolites, GA8 and GA29. Levels of GA4 and putative GA85 also dropped appreciably, though not significantly. In contrast, the levels of GA20 and GA9 (the immediate precursors of GA1 and GA4, respectively) did not change in the ZEs during this transition. A fungal-derived cellulase was used to hydrolyze the highly water-soluble fraction, which will contain GA conjugates. Relatively high levels of several GAs (GA9, GA20) were thus quantified after hydrolysis as the aglycones, e.g., 56 and 25 ng/g DW of GA20 and 23 and 5 ng/g DW, of GA9, respectively at DAP 35 and DAP 40. Other GAs found after hydrolysis of the highly water-soluble fraction remained relatively constant between 35 and 40 DAP. An exception was the putative GA85 aglycone, which increased sixfold (free GA85 decreased by ca. half). The transition to the dry seed stage for ZEs of B. napus is thus accompanied not only by the expected reduction in ABA, but also by reduced levels of many “free” GAs, especially the bioactive, 3β-hydroxylated GAs. In contrast, levels of 3-deoxy GAs remain relatively high, implying a partial block in the 3β-hydroxylation “activation” step of GA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Isolated microspores of Brassica napus were cultured on high concentrations of mannitol or polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000), with only a very limited amount of sucrose (0.08–0.1%) provided as carbohydrate source in the medium. While microspores cultured on high mannitol yielded no embryos and no embryogenic cell divisions were observed, microspores on high PEG developed into embryos within 2 weeks, and the embryo yield appeared comparable to that of the sucrose control. When placed under light, PEG embryos quickly changed color from yellow to dark green, while sucrose embryos first remained yellowish and then slowly changed color to pale green. Three-week-old PEG embryos were strikingly similar to immature zygotic embryos developed in ovulo, dissected at 14–15 days post-anthesis (DPA), while sucrose embryos differed from the latter in the size and shape, color and morphology of their cotyledons. These results demonstrate that in microspore embryogenesis of Brassica napus: (1) the level of metabolizable carbohydrate required for microspore embryo induction and formation appears to be substantially less than commonly used amounts, (2) sucrose as an osmoticum can be replaced with high-molecular-weight PEG. With further improvement the new method described here might be suitable for other Brassica species and would have a great potential application in breeding programs. Received: 29 May 1997 / Revision received: 12 August 1997 / Accepted: 2 September 1997  相似文献   

Immature embryos of Brassica napus were cultured in vitro with and without various concentrations of germination inhibitors, and the progress of embryogeny was monitored by comparing accumulation of storage proteins in culture with the normal accumulation in seeds. The two major B. napus storage proteins (12S and 1.7S) were purified from seed extracts and analyzed by rocket immunoelectrophoresis (12S protein) or by sodium lauryl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1.7S protein). During embryo development within seeds both the 12S and 1.7S proteins were first detected when the cotyledons were well developed (embryo dry weight, 0.4 mg), and each storage protein accumulated at an average rate of 26 g d-1 during maximum deposition. Accumulation of the 1.7S protein stopped when the water content of the embryo began to decline (embryo DW, 2.7 mg), but accumulation of the 12S protein continued until seed maturity (embryo DW, 3.6 mg). At the end of embryo development the 12S and the 1.7S proteins comprised approx. 60 and 20% of the total salt-soluble protein, respectively. When embryos were removed from seeds at day 27, just as storage protein was starting to accumulate, and placed in culture on a basal medium, they precociously germinated within 3d, and incorporation of amino acids into the 12S storage protein dropped from 3% of total incorporation to less than 1%. If 10-6 M abscisic acid (ABA) was included in the medium, amino-acid incorporation into the 12S protein increased from 3% of total incorporation when embryos were placed into culture to 18%, 5d later, and the accumulation rate (27.1±2.6 g embryo-1 d-1) matched the maximum rate observed in the seed. High osmotica, such as 0.29 M sucrose or mannitol, added to the basal medium, also inhibited precocious germination, but there was a lag period before 12S-protein synthesis rates equaled the rates on ABA media. These results indicate that some factor in the seed environment is necessary for storage-protein synthesis to proceed, and that ABA is a possible candidate.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride - SDS sodium lauryl sulfate  相似文献   

The antagonistic effects of ethylene and Ag+ on the metabolism of [1-14C]indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and on the rates of ethylene production were studied in tobacco leaf discs ( Nicotiana rustica var. Brasilia ). During the first 10 h of incubation, Ag+-pretreated leaf discs contained more free [14C]IAA than untreated ones due to decreased oxidative decarboxylation, and the discs also produced more ethylene. Exogenously supplied ethylene nullified these effects of Ag+. However, the most pronounced effect of Ag+ in increasing ethylene production, as well as the strongest antagonistic effect of exogenous ethylene, were found between 24 and 48 h of incubation. During this time span no effect on the level of free IAA and on its decarboxylation could be observed. It is suggested that ethylene exerted its autoinhibitory effect by a feedback control on the IAA-induced ethylene biosynthesis. Possible mechanisms for the autoinhibitory effect of ethylene are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes on abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels were investigated in papaya seedlings (Carica papaya L.) cv. “Baixinho de Santa Amalia” under progressive water stress and subsequent rehydration. Also, the behaviour of leaf gas exchange and leaf growth was determined under stress condition. The results indicated that ABA and JA differ in their pattern of change under water stress. ABA continuously increased in leaves and roots during the whole period of stress whereas JA showed a sharp increase and a later decrease in both organs. Re-watering reduced rapidly (24 h) leaf and root ABA to control levels whereas the influence on JA levels could not be assessed. Drought and recovery did not alter IAA levels in leaf and root tissues of papaya seedlings. In addition, water stress reduced stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, the percentage of attached leaves and leaf growth. Rehydration reverted in few days the effects of stress on leaf growth and gas exchange parameters. Overall, the data suggest that ABA could be involved in the induction of several progressive responses such as the induction of stomatal closure and leaf abscission to reduce papaya water loss. In addition, the pattern of accumulation of JA is compatible with a triggering signal upstream ABA. The unaltered levels of IAA could suggest a certain adaptive ability of papaya to maintain active physiological processes under progressive drought stress.  相似文献   

Treatment of different plant materials, seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris, Zea mays and Pinus silvestris and young plants of Phaseolus, with kinetin increased the level of extractable IAA. For seeds this increase was most pronounced in bean seeds, which contained the lowest amount of endogenous IAA and cytokinins, and lower in maize seeds with high endogenous content of IAA and cytokinins. – For young bean plants the kinetin treatment significantly increased the extractable amounts of IAA from all parts of the plant, hypocotyls, cotyledons, epicotyls and primary leaves, when the cut plants were placed for 24 h in kinetin solution. For plants sprayed with kinetin solution only the primary leaves showed a significantly higher level of extractable IAA, which could be explained by the fact that the plants were growing very close together, so that the primary leaves received most of the kinetin during spraying.  相似文献   

Cultured microspores of Brassica napus L. cvs Topas and Reston initiated cell divisions within 3 to 4 days, and globular, heart and torpedo shaped embryos were prevalent after approximately 6, 8, and 10 days, respectively. Embryos with rudimentary cotyledons were evident within 2 weeks, but those that reached this stage of development represented only 1–5% of the original microspore population. The fresh weight of microspore-derived embryos at all stages of development was significantly greater than that for zygotic embryos, but the pattern of change in fresh weight and fatty acid accumulation was similar in developing zygotic and microspore embryos. In freshly isolated microspores of both Topas (low erucic acid) and Reston (high erucic acid), the predominant fatty acid was 18:3, while 18:1 comprised less than 15% of total fatty acids. During development in both zygotic and microspore embryos, the level of 18:3 declined markedly while 18:1 rapidly increased. Erucic acid (22:1) was not detected in the early stages of embryogenesis in Reston. However, small amounts of 22:1 appeared by early cotyledonary stage and the level gradually increased in both zygotic and microspore embryos through the later stages of development. The fatty acid compositions of mature embryos was nearly identical to that of dry seed, except the level of 22:1 in Reston embryos was consistently less than in the seed. Triacylglycerols comprised only 15% of total lipids in freshly isolated microspores, but increased to more than 90% by 4 weeks. The fatty acid composition of the triacylglycerol fraction was generally similar to that of total lipids at all stages of development of microspore-derived embryos.  相似文献   

Efforts to increase the frequency of recovered homozygous transgenic B. napus plants from direct DNA transformation treatments led to the development of a method of combined microprojectile bombardment and desiccation/DNA imbibition. The combined method was compared to individual treatments in two experiments utilizing microspore-derived embryo hyocotyls as targets for the -glucuronidase (GUS) and NPT II genes. Both the transient gene expression of -GUS and the stable transformation by NPT II demonstrated that the combined use of microprojectile bombardment and desiccation/DNA imbibition yielded more transgenic plants (at least three-times more) than either individual transformation protocol. In a histochemical analysis for -GUS activity, an average of 37% of the hypocotyls receiving the combined treatment displayed a positive response, whereas only 8% of the hypocotyls showed a positive response following microprojectile bombardment alone. The hypocotyls obtained by the joint treatment also showed more multisite expression of the -GUS gene per hypocotyl than those treated only with microprojectile bombardment. Southern analysis of NPT II gene integration into subsequently-derived secondary embryos indicated that the transformation efficiency of the combined treatment was 2% in comparison to 0.6% for that of the singular microprojectile bombardment. The number of inserts integrating per transformation event appears to be independent of the transformation methods. Neither of the marker genes was expressed in hypocotyls treated only with desiccation/DNA imbibition. Utilization of hypocotyl regeneration from microspore-derived embryos via a secondary embryogenesis system provided a reliable method for producing transgenic plants. The combined use of microprojectile bombardment and desiccation/DNA imbibition proved to be an efficient approach to obtain homozygous transgenic canola plants.  相似文献   

Microspores of Brassica napus L. cv. Topas, undergo embryogenesis when cultured at 32.5 °C for the first 18–24 h and then at 25 °C. The first division in heat-treated microspores is a symmetric division in contrast to the asymmetric division found after the first pollen mitosis in-planta or in microspores cultured continuously at 25 °C. This asymmetric division is unique in higher plants as it results in daughter cells separated by a non-consolidated wall. The cytoskeleton has an important role in such morphological changes. We examined microtubule (MT) organization during the first 24 h of heat induction in the embryogenic B. napus cv. Topas and the non-embryogenic B. napus breeding line 0025. Preprophase bands (PPBs) of MTs appeared in cv. Topas microspores in late uninucleate microspores and in prophase figures after 4–8 h of heat treatment. However, more than 60% of the PPBs were not continuous bands. In contrast, PPBs were never observed in pollen mitosis; MT strands radiated from the surface of the nuclear envelope throughout microspore maturation to the end of prophase of pollen mitosis I, during in-planta development and in microspores cultured at 25 °C. Following 24 h of heat treatment, over 95% of the microspores appeared to have divided symmetrically as indicated by the similar size of the daughter nuclei, but only 7–16% of the microspores eventually formed embryos. Discontinuous walls were observed in more than 50% of the divisions and it is probable that the discontinuous PPBs gave rise to such wall abnormalities which may then obstruct embryo development. Preprophase bands were not formed in heat-treated microspores of the non-embryogenic line 0025 and the ensuing divisions showed discontinuous walls. It is concluded that the appearance of PPBs in heat-induced microspores marks sporophytic development and that continuous PPBs are required for cell wall consolidation and embryogenesis. It follows that induced structures with two equally condensed nuclei, do not necessarily denote symmetric divisions. Received: 22 October 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

Ogata Y  Iizuka M  Nakayama D  Ikeda M  Kamada H  Koshiba T 《Planta》2005,221(3):417-423
When seed coats (pericarps) were picked from 14-day-old carrot (Daucus carota) seedlings and cultured on agar plates, embryogenic cell clusters were produced very rapidly at a high frequency on the open side edge. Embryo induction progressed without auxin treatment; indeed treatment caused the formation of non-embryogenic callus. The embryogenic tissues (primary embryos) developed normally until the torpedo stage; however, after this a number of secondary somatic embryos were produced in the hypocotyl and root regions. Tertiary embryos were formed on some of the secondary embryos, but many developed into normal plantlets. The primary embryos contained significantly higher levels of abscisic acid (ABA) than the hypocotyl-derived normal and seed-coat-derived secondary embryos. Fluridone inhibited the induction of secondary embryogenesis, while exogenously supplied ABA induced not only tertiary embryogenesis on the seed-coat-derived secondary embryos, but also secondary embryos on the hypocotyl-derived normal somatic embryos. These results indicate that ABA is one of the important endogenous factors for the induction of secondary embryogenesis on carrot somatic embryos. Higher levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in primary embryos also suggest the presence of some concerted effect of ABA and IAA on the induction of secondary embryogenesis in primary embryos.  相似文献   

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