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Organisms are exposed to strong selective pressures from several sources, including predators and pathogens. Response to such interacting selective pressures may vary among species that differ in life history and ecology in predictable ways. We consider the impact of multiple enemies (fish predators and trematode parasites) on the behavior of larvae of three anuran species (Lithobates ( = Rana) sylvaticus, L. clamitans and L. catesbeianus). We show that the three ranid species differ in response to the trade-off imposed by the simultaneous presence of fish predators and trematode parasites in the environment. Two more permanent pond breeders (L. clamitans and L. catesbeianus), which commonly encounter parasites and fish, increased activity when in the combined presence of parasites and a fish predator, resulting in a relatively lower parasite encystment rate. In contrast, the temporary pond breeder (L. sylvaticus), which does not commonly encounter fish in the wild, decreased activity in the combined presence of a fish predator and parasites similar to when only the predator was present. For L. sylvaticus, this suggests that the presence of an unknown predator poses a greater threat than parasites. Further, the presence of fish along with parasites increased the susceptibility of both L. sylvaticus and L. clamitans to trematode infection, whereas parasite infection in L. catesbeianus was unaffected by the presence of fish. Unpalatability to fish may allow some species to respond more freely to attacking parasites in the presence of fish. The results from this study highlight the importance of considering multiple selective pressures faced by organisms and how this shapes their behavior.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) takes place when natural enemies that use similar resources attack each other. The impact of IGP on biological control can be significant if the survival of natural enemy species is disrupted. In the present study, we assessed whether Geocoris punctipes (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) engages in IGP on Eretmocerus eremicus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) while developing on whitefly nymphs of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). In choice and non-choice tests, we exposed G. punctipes to parasitized and non-parasitized whitefly nymphs. We found that G. punctipes does practice IGP on E. eremicus. However, choice tests assessing G. punctipes consumption revealed a significant preference for non-parasitized T. vaporariorum nymphs. Subsequently, we investigated whether E. eremicus females modify their foraging behavior when exposed to conditions involving IGP risk. To assess this, we analyzed wasp foraging behavior under the following treatments: i) whitefly nymphs only (control = C), ii) whitefly nymphs previously exposed to a predator ( = PEP) and, iii) whitefly nymphs and presence of a predator ( = PP). In non-choice tests we found that E. eremicus did not significantly modify its number of attacks, attack duration, oviposition duration, or behavior sequences. However, E. eremicus oviposited significantly more eggs in the PEP treatment. In the PP treatment, G. punctipes also preyed upon adult E. eremicus wasps, significantly reducing their number of ovipositions and residence time. When the wasps were studied under choice tests, in which they were exposed simultaneously to all three treatments, the number of attacks and frequency of selection were similar under all treatments. These results indicate that under IGP risk, E. eremicus maintains several behavioral traits, but can also increase its number of ovipositions in the presence of IG-predator cues. We discuss these findings in the context of population dynamics and biological control.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of hearing in fishes has become a major interest among bioacoustics researchers studying fish behavior and sensory ecology. Most fish begin to detect acoustic stimuli during the larval stage which can be important for navigation, predator avoidance and settlement, however relatively little is known about the hearing capabilities of larval fishes. We characterized the acoustically evoked behavioral response (AEBR) in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus, and used this innate startle-like response to characterize this species'' auditory capability during larval development. Age and size of larval midshipman were highly correlated (r2 = 0.92). The AEBR was first observed in larvae at 1.4 cm TL. At a size ≥1.8 cm TL, all larvae responded to a broadband stimulus of 154 dB re1 µPa or −15.2 dB re 1 g (z-axis). Lowest AEBR thresholds were 140–150 dB re 1 µPa or −33 to −23 dB re 1 g for frequencies below 225 Hz. Larval fish with size ranges of 1.9–2.4 cm TL had significantly lower best evoked frequencies than the other tested size groups. We also investigated the development of the lateral line organ and its function in mediating the AEBR. The lateral line organ is likely involved in mediating the AEBR but not necessary to evoke the startle-like response. The midshipman auditory and lateral line systems are functional during early development when the larvae are in the nest and the auditory system appears to have similar tuning characteristics throughout all life history stages.  相似文献   

Temik® aldicarb pesticide [2-Methyl-2-(methylthio) propionaldehyde-O-(methylcarbamoyl) oxime] is an effective contact and systemic compound against a wide variety of agricultural pests. Its metabolism in soils may lead to aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone which are both toxicologically important. The comparative effects of these compounds on body activity and stylet movement of second-stage larvae of the potato cyst nematode, Heterodera rostochiensis, were investigated. Temik aldicarb was the most effective contact toxicant, rapidly inhibiting body activity and stimulating abnormal stylet movement. A 24-hr post-nematicide water treatment allowed effective recovery of body vigor and cessation of abnormal stylet movement of the larvae treated with Temik aldicarb at low concentrations, and with aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone at all the dosage levels used. Larvae treated with 10 ppm Temik aldicarb remained paralyzed, the toxic effect being apparently irreversible. Control of Heterodera rostochiensis by direct contact toxicity may not be effective in soil since Temik degrades to compounds having reversible toxic effect.  相似文献   

We compared incidences of cannibalism and intraguild (IG) predation (IGP) and quantified attack and escape rates—mechanisms which possibly account for the difference in incidences of these interactions—in laboratory experiments with Harmonia axyridis and Coccinella septempunctata. There was a tendency for H. axyridis to act as an IG predator and C. septempunctata as an IG prey. Cannibalism was also often observed in both species. The incidences of both IGP and cannibalism were different between the species. The average attack rates of C. septempunctata were less than 20%, but those of the more aggressive H. axyridis exceeded 50%. Larvae of both species attacked conspecifics and heterospecifics H. axyridis larvae successfully escaped when attacked by both conspecifics and by heterospecifics, while larvae of C. septempunctata escaped from attacks of conspecifics but not from those of heterospecifics. Thus the aggressive behavior of H. axyridis, in particular, of the third and fourth instars, negatively affects the larval survival of C. septempunctata. It may contribute to the dominance of H. axyridis in ladybird assemblages and its displacement of other ladybird species in several places in the world.  相似文献   

王晓娟  叶萌  周祖基  宋昆  代勇 《四川动物》2013,32(2):228-231
植食性昆虫主要利用嗅觉、味觉、视觉和触觉等对寄主植物进行选择,而植物挥发物是引导植食性昆虫寄主定向行为的主要因素。利用"Y"型嗅觉仪测试康定虫草蝠蛾Hepialus armoricanus二龄幼虫对适生地的几种植物材料的嗅觉反应;并用欧式距离和Q型聚类法对供试植物进行相似性分析和聚类分析。结果表明:蝠蛾幼虫对几种植物材料表现出强弱不同的趋性反应;根据植物的相似性可将供试植物分为4类,且同一类植物引导蝠蛾幼虫产生相似的嗅觉反应。  相似文献   

The larvae of the tiger beetle, Cicindela hirticollis Say, inhabit sandy shoreline areas that flood periodically. This species has declined over much of its range and at least one subspecies is near extinction, possibly as a result of human alteration of waterways. In addition to physiological tolerance for anoxia, the larvae have physical and behavioral adaptations to avoid drowning. We hypothesized that C. hirticollis larvae would exhibit behavioral responses to soil moisture change and flooding because, unlike most other tiger beetles, they frequently relocate their burrows. Our laboratory studies demonstrated that larvae select surface soil moisture levels of 7–50% saturation in which to dig new burrows. Within 96 h of immersion, most larvae abandon burrows and larvae do not form new burrows in darkness. Larvae may relocate when flooded, suggesting a previously undocumented mechanism for dispersal; however, dams often eliminate suitable habitat areas downstream, suggesting that this behavior may be detrimental in riverine populations. Because larvae move during daylight hours, they also are likely to suffer mortality from trampling due to human recreational activity.  相似文献   

Rae  John G. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,524(1):115-124
The colonization patterns of larval chironomid midges were studied on clean sieved sediments (range 0.25-4.0 mm; pure and mixed) placed in a third order stream in NW Pennsylvania, USA. Chironomid abundance and species richness were significantly different among four sites for homogeneous and mixed sediments. Species richness increased with sediment particle size. Fourteen of the 18 most common species had significant substrate preferences. The interpretation of two cluster analyses of sediment samples indicated two assemblages of chironomid species, each of which appeared to correlate with particular sediments, indicating some assemblage level sediment preference. Sediment size, but not heterogeneity, appears to be a strong factor in the species richness pattern of the community, and in the microhabitat choices of individual chironomid species, in this sandy environment.  相似文献   



Ethanol exposure during pregnancy is one of the leading causes of preventable birth defects, leading to a range of symptoms collectively known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. More moderate levels of prenatal ethanol exposure lead to a range of behavioural deficits including aggression, poor social interaction, poor cognitive performance and increased likelihood of addiction in later life. Current theories suggest that adaptation in the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and neuroendocrine systems contributes to mood alterations underlying behavioural deficits and vulnerability to addiction. In using zebrafish (Danio rerio), the aim is to determine whether developmental ethanol exposure provokes changes in the hypothalamo-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis (the teleost equivalent of the HPA), as it does in mammalian models, therefore opening the possibilities of using zebrafish to elucidate the mechanisms involved, and to test novel therapeutics to alleviate deleterious symptoms.

Results and Conclusions

The results showed that developmental exposure to ambient ethanol, 20mM-50mM 1-9 days post fertilisation, had immediate effects on the HPI, markedly reducing the cortisol response to air exposure stress, as measured by whole body cortisol content. This effect was sustained in adults 6 months later. Morphology, growth and locomotor activity of the animals were unaffected, suggesting a specific action of ethanol on the HPI. In this respect the data are consistent with mammalian results, although they contrast with the higher corticosteroid stress response reported in rats after developmental ethanol exposure. The mechanisms that underlie the specific sensitivity of the HPI to ethanol require elucidation.  相似文献   

Size variance among similarly aged individuals within populations is a pattern common to many organisms that is a result of interactions between intrinsic and extrinsic traits of individuals. While genetic and maternal effects, as well as physiological and behavioral traits have been shown to contribute to size variation in animal populations, teasing apart the influence of such factors on individual growth rates remain a challenge. Furthermore, tracing the effects of these interactions across life stages and in shaping adult phenotypes also requires further exploration. In this study we investigated the relationship between genetics, hatching patterns, behaviors, neuroendocrine stress axis activity and variance in growth and metamorphosis among same-aged larval amphibians. Through parallel experiments we found that in the absence of conspecific interactions, hatch time and to a lesser extent egg clutch identity (i.e. genetics and maternal effects) influenced the propensity for growth and development in individual tadpoles and determined metamorphic traits. Within experimental groups we found that variance in growth rates was associated with size-dependent foraging behaviors and responses to food restriction. We also found an inverse relationship between glucocorticoid (GC) hormone levels and body mass and developmental stage among group-reared tadpoles, which suggests that GC expression plays a role in regulating differing within-population growth trajectories in response to density-dependent conditions. Taken together these findings suggest that factors that influence hatching conditions can have long-term effects on growth and development. These results also raise compelling questions regarding the extent to which maternal and genetic factors influence physiological and behavioral profiles in amphibians.  相似文献   

The silver-leaf nightshade nenmtode, Nothanguina phyllobia, is a promising biological control agent for its only reported host, Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. When infective larvae of N. phyllobia and stem tissue of 39 econmnically important plant species were suspended in 0.5% water agar, nematodes aggregated about S. elaeagnifolium, Solanum carolinense L., Solanum melongena L., Solanum tuberosum L., and Prunus caroliniana (Mill.) Ait. Nematodes responded to Solanum spp. via positive chemotaxis and/or klinokinesis, but aggregated near tissue of P. caroliniana as a result of orthokinetic effects. Nematodes aggregated away from tissue of Hibiscus esculentus L., Triticum aestivum L., Santolina sp., Rosa sp., and Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. in the absence of orthokinetic effects. Experiments that excluded light and maintained relative humidity at 100% showed N. phyllobia to ascend the stems of 35 plant species to a height of > 9 cm within 12 h. Differences in stem ascension were not attributable to stem surface characteristics.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses of Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) to visual and olfactory cues were assessed in a cylindrical black box and a Y-tube olfactometer. Frankliniella occidentalis preferred circular shapes to other five geometrical patterns (rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle, diamond, and modified circle imitating flower petals) in multiple choice tests. In pair wise choice tests, the thrips preferred the yellow artificial flower shape to the geometrical patterns tested. Frankliniella occidentalis stayed on the artificial flower about four times longer than on the geometrical patterns. Higher numbers of thrips responded to a combination of p-anisaldehyde and artificial flower compared to the arm with only the olfactory or the visual cue. These results suggest that shape is an important cue for F. occidentalis.  相似文献   

Heavy metals are essential components of biological systems but are extremely toxic at high doses. As a result, we hypothesized that perception of heavy metals through gustation may exist in Drosophila melanogaster. In this study, we investigated the behavioral effects of iron, copper, zinc, and cadmium on D. melanogaster gustation, oviposition, and pupation-site selection. In addition, we examined the biological effects of heavy metals on the fruit fly survival and reproductive success. Our results illustrate that D. melanogaster responds behaviorally to the presence of high concentrations of heavy metals in food. All metals acted as repellents to the fruit flies at high doses, with the egg-laying and feeding of the female flies significantly decreasing. Furthermore, supplementation of heavy metals in the culture medium reduced survival to the adult stage and shortened the life span of adult flies. From these observations, we speculate that D. melanogaster avoidance behavior towards high concentrations of heavy metals may have a positive effect on their survival and reproductive success in nature, particularly in the presence of metal-contaminated food sources.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation of Orius majusculus (Reuter) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) on Encarsia formosa (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), both natural enemies of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), was studied under laboratory conditions. The experiments quantified prey consumption by 5th instar nymphs and adults of O. majusculus offered unparasitised 3rd, early 4th or 4th instar B. tabaci nymphs or parasitised nymphs containing 2nd or 3rd larval instar or pupal parasitoids. In addition, prey preference of the two stages of O. majusculus for parasitised or unparasitised whitefly nymphs was studied using nine different prey combinations. Both predator stages readily preyed upon on both unparasitised and parasitised B. tabaci. In no-choice experiments, predation on 3rd instar E. formosa by adult predators was the highest, while predator nymphs preyed most on unparasitised 3rd instar B. tabaci and 2nd instar parasitoids. Predation of predator stages was lowest on 4th instar B. tabaci and E. formosa pupae. In all prey combinations, both stages of O. majusculus showed a significant preference for parasitised over unparasitised whitefly nymphs except for the combination of 5th instars of O. majusculus with early 4th instar whiteflies and E. formosa pupae. The results indicate that intraguild interactions between O. majusculus and E. formosa may have negative effects on biological control of B. tabaci.  相似文献   

Predation was measured in the laboratory by Dicyphus hesperus females on patches of greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) pupae. The patches contained different proportions of unparasitized pupae and those parastisized as nymphs by Encarsia formosa. Dicyphus hesperus fed readily on parasitized pupae and the number of parasitized pupae consumed increased with the proportion available indicating a capacity for intraguild predation. However, D. hesperus females did not display a preference for feeding on parasitized pupae versus unparasitized pupae. Dicyphus hesperus adults were released at three densities into greenhouse enclosures containing tomato plants harbouring greenhouse whitefly and immature E. formosa. Numbers of killed and parasitized whitefly nymphs and pupae and the total number of healthy whitefly were compared among Dicyphus density treatments. On upper leaves, the amount of predation on whitefly nymphs was higher at the highest predator density than at the lower density or in enclosures where D. hesperus was not released. On lower leaves, the number of parasitized pupae was lowest with the highest predator density indicating a negative effect of intraguild predation by D. hesperus on E. formosa. Despite this, Dicyphus density did not affect the density of whitefly in the presence of E. formosa. The results are discussed as they relate to concurrent use of D. hesperus and E. formosa for regulation of greenhouse whitefly populations.  相似文献   

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