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Flowers in detarioid legume taxa (Isoberlinia angolensis, Microberlinia brazzavillensis, M. bisulcata, Hymenostegia klainii) initiate all 21 floral organs, are radially symmetrical, and have little or no organ suppression. All share a narrow, "Omega"-shaped floral apex and massive bracteoles at initiation. All have helical sepal initiation, starting abaxially. They differ in whether the first sepal initiates medianly (Microberlinia brazzavillensis, M. bisulcata) or nonmedianly (Isoberlinia angolensis, Hymenostegia klainii), and in petal order: helical (I. angolensis) or unidirectional (M. brazzavillensis, M. bisulcata, H. klainii). Stamens initiate in unidirectional order in each whorl except in M. brazzavillensis, which has a bidirectional outer whorl. An unusual feature is the ring meristem in M. bisulcata, on which petals and stamens are initiated. Overlap in time of organ initiation between whorls occurs in I. angolensis, M. brazzavillensis, and M. bisulcata but not in H. klainii. The carpel initiates concurrently with petals in all except H. klainii, in which it initiates with the outer stamens. The carpel remains open at ovule initiation in both species of Microberlinia. These detarioid taxa represent elements of the tribe having essentially radially symmetrical flowers, with all organs initiated and persisting to anthesis, but their specialized "Omega" character-state complex is shared with specialized taxa that have zygomorphic flowers and some organs suppressed.  相似文献   

Naghiloo S  Dadpour MR  Movafeghi A 《Planta》2012,235(4):793-805
Comparative studies of floral ontogeny represent a growing field that promise to provide new insights on floral evolution. Floral ontogenetic information has been used successfully in Leguminosae for re-examining phylogenetic relationships at different levels. Using epi-illumination light microscopy, we present original ontogenetic data in Astragalus compactus, which was chosen because of its unusual arrangement of inflorescence and variable occurrence of bracteoles on flowers. Based on our results, uncommon ontogeny of the inflorescence led to the arrangement of flowers in four different positions. Variation was observed not only in the presence of bracteoles, but also in the order of sepal initiation in flowers of the same inflorescence. Surprisingly, besides the widely stated unidirectional pattern, bidirectional, sequential and an atypical unreported order were observed. High degree of overlapping between whorls and formation of two types of common primordia also were found. The variable occurrence of bracteoles suggests that the species is in an intermediate state towards fully lacking of bracteoles. We propose that the variability of the sequence of sepal initiation is possibly a consequence of the function of mechanical forces generated by surrounding leaves. Relationships between mechanical force and auxin signalling are discussed.  相似文献   

Floral development was compared among three taxa in caesalpinioid tribe Detarieae sensu lato: Amherstia nobilis and Tamarindus indica have racemose, helically arranged inflorescences, while Brownea latifolia has cauliflorous capitate flower clusters that arise as racemes. All have acropetal flower order; initiation and development are sequential in all except Brownea, which is synchronous. All have paired persistent showy bracteoles. Floral symmetry is dorsiventral (zygomorphic) in all except Brownea, with radial symmetry at anthesis. Sepals initiate helically on a circular floral apex, starting with a median abaxial sepal, in all. Petals are initiated helically in Brownea, and unidirectionally in Amherstia and Tamarindus. Stamens are initiated unidirectionally in each stamen whorl in all except Amherstia, in which the outer whorl is bidirectional. The carpel initiates concurrently with the petals in Brownea, and with the outer stamens in the other taxa. The two upper (adaxial) sepal primordia become fused during development in all, so that the calyx appears tetramerous. Some reduced petals occur in Amherstia and Tamarindus, and some reduced stamens occur in all. All produce a hypanthium by zonal growth, and all except Tamarindus have the gynoecium attached adaxially to the hypanthial rim.  相似文献   

A comparative developmental study of flowers was carried out using epi-illumination light microscopy on four genera of Lamiaceae (Nepeta, Rosmarinus, Salvia, andZiziphora), representing all three subtribes of Mentheae. All species examined share unidirectional (adaxial to abaxial) sepal initiation, except Rosmarinus, which has the reverse unidirectional sequence, starting abaxially. Initiated but suppressed bracteoles were detected only in Rosmarinus. In Rosmarinus, Salvia, and Ziziphora, initiation of petals and stamens proceeds unidirectionally from the abaxial side. Floral initiation of Nepeta has bidirectional inception of petals and unidirectional stamen initiation from the adaxial side. Temporal overlap in organ initiation between petal and stamen whorls occurs in all taxa, though this feature is more prominent in Rosmarinus. Significant structural and developmental features that distinguish the four genera include: (1) polysymmetric calyx tube, highly tomentose corolla and deeply four-partitioned ovary in Nepeta; (2) monosymmetric two-lipped calyx and shallowly four-partitioned ovary in Ziziphora; and (3) suppression of adaxial stamens in Salvia and Rosmarinus. Adaxial stamens are absent from Rosmarinus, but reduced stamens remain as staminodia in Salvia. In a phylogenetic context, the late monosymmetry of Nepeta and very early monosymmetry of Rosmarinus could both be regarded as derived conditions compared with the early monosymmetry ofSalvia and Ziziphora.  相似文献   

Comparative ontogeny of the perianth is reported for representative genera and species among mimosoid legumes in order to elucidate intertribal relationships and also relationships to the other two subfamilies of legumes. Initiation of the perianth is acropetal in two whorls. The calyx arises first followed by the corolla. Order of initiation of both calyx and corolla is determined during early ontogeny. Four different types of order of initiation have been found in the calyx: helical, simultaneous within one whorl, bidirectional, and ring meristem. Helical initiation is considered primitive; simultaneous within one whorl, bidirectional, and ring meristem are considered derived. Differences during early organogeny in the calyx among mimosoids result in similar morphologies of the mature calyx which indicates that parallel evolution may have played a major role in evolution of radial symmetry within the group. Order of initiation of the corolla is uniformly simultaneous whorled with one exception. Position of organs is a significant feature which separates mimosoids from caesalpinioids and papilionoids. In mimosoids the median sepal is located abaxially and the median petal adaxially in relation to the subtending bract. In both caesalpinioids and papilionoids the median sepal is located abaxially and the median petal adaxially in relation to the subtending bract. Fusion of the calyx in some taxa can be interpreted as an example of acceleration.  相似文献   

Floral initiation and development of Hedysarum varium, Onobrychis melanotricha and Alhagi persarum was studied using epi-illumination light-microscopy techniques. The studied species belong to the tribe Hedysareae of the inverted repeat loss clade (IRLC clade), which is characterized by missing the large inverted repeat in the chloroplast genome. The main aim of our study was to determine developmental bases for similarities and differences among the three taxa and to verify the position of Alhagi relative to other genera of the IRLC clade. According to our observations, bracteoles are missing in Onobrychis melanotricha, but are present in the other two species. All three species share unidirectional sepal initiation starting with a median abaxial sepal and bidirectional petal initiation. Stamen initiation is unidirectional in all except in the outer stamen whorl of Hedysarum varium, where it is bidirectional. An important ontogenetic feature in O. melanotricha is the existence of five common primordia, which give rise to petal and stamen primordia. Although in H. varium and O. melanotricha common primordia are observed at some stages in floral organ initiations, in Alhagi all organs are initiated separately. Moreover, overlap in time of floral organs initiation occurs in H. varium and O. melanotricha, but not in A. persarum. The carpel initiates concurrently with the petal primordia in all. It might be presumed that Alhagi is primitive in relation to the other studied Hedysareae taxa, due to the presence of bracteoles, the absence of common primordia, and the lack of overlap in time of different organ initiations.  相似文献   

Marked floral zygomorphy and a reduced number of petals and/or stamens are the character traits that distinguish the taxa described (species of Afzelia, Berlinia, Gilbertiodendron, Macrolobium, Neochevalierodendron, Paramacrolobium, Phyllocarpus, and Tetraberlinia). All have an "Omega"-shaped floral apex after bracteole initiation, bracteoles large when initiated, helical sepal initiation, unidirectional petal initiation (simultaneous in Afzelia, not determinable in Tetraberlinia), and unidirectional stamen initiation. Floral zygomorphy is expressed primarily by one petal being much larger than the others and by suppression of several of the stamens. Five petals are initiated in all; suppression begins in late development. Either two petals (Neochevalierodendron, Phyllocarpus) or four petals (Afzelia, Berlinia, Macrolobium, Tetraberlinia) are suppressed. All ten stamens are initiated; at midstage, suppression begins in either three stamens (Afzelia) or seven stamens (Gilbertiodendron, Macrolobium, Paramacrolobium). Other expressions of zygomorphy may include diadelphy, stamen filament connation late in development, or displacement of the carpel from a central position to the adaxial side of the hypanthium. There is no loss of organs similar to that which occurs in some other Detarieae.  相似文献   

Floral organogenesis and development of the tropical legume treesDalbergia brasiliensis, Machaerium villosum, Platymiscium floribundum, andPterocarpus rotundifolius were studied using scanning electron microscopy. The aims were to compare ontogenies and to elucidate if floral ontogenetic data will provide new character states diagnostic of the tribe Dalbergieae, which is considered a basal papilionoid tribe and primarily defined on fruit characters. Organ inception is principally acropetal in all taxa studied. Carpel inception is, however, consistently precocious. InD. brasiliensis sepals are initiated in an order not previously reported in Papilionoideae. It may be considered modified helical. InP. rotundifolius the inner whorl of stamens initiate in an unusual way, this is lateral two stamens first, then the two abaxial ones, and last the adaxial one, opposed to the unidirectional order usually seen in Papilionoideae. Generally the differences in flower development among the studied genera appear at initiation and late stage in ontogenesis, rather than at mid-stage.  相似文献   

黄利春  金樑  李晶  张晓强  杨阳  王晓娟 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5360-5368
蝶形花亚科(Papilionoideae)植物种类丰富、繁育系统多样,与其传粉者关系密切,主要表现在花部适应与传粉系统的形成。蝶形花形态复杂,为完全花,花萼、花瓣5基数,花萼呈箭头状,相邻花瓣螺旋轮生,旗瓣较大位于最外边,两片翼瓣紧贴旗瓣着生并包裹两片合生的龙骨瓣,龙骨瓣内包裹着雌、雄蕊,雌蕊位于正中央,雄蕊轮生,构成二体雄蕊(多数9+1,少数5+5)。对蝶形花亚科植物的花部特征、传粉功能群、酬物与传粉系统构建进行了回顾,重点论述了蝶形花形态和化学组成与传粉系统的进化关系以及花粉呈现机制。其中,泛化的传粉系统以蜂媒传粉为主,同时存在鸟媒传粉、蝙蝠传粉和松鼠传粉等方式,花部结构和传粉者的相互选择和相互适应推动了传粉系统的演化。花粉释放是体现蝶形花植物与其传粉功能群相互作用的重要方面,二者协同进化形成了以下4种花粉呈现机制:弹花机制、活塞机制、瓣膜机制和毛刷机制。蝶形花的花部特征与传粉功能群的相互作用形成相应的传粉系统,而传粉系统是执行传粉功能的重要集合体,各个构件的相互协调和适应保证了蝶形花亚科植物传粉过程的顺利完成。  相似文献   

Floral development using scanning electron microscopy is compared in several taxa of the Brachystegia subtribal group of caesalpinioid tribe Detariae. This group is characterized by missing sepals and/or petals. In Aphanocalyx djumaensis, Monopetalanthus durandii, and two Brachystegia species, one sepal is initiated in median abaxial position. In the first two, one or two additional sepal rudiments may initiate late. Brachystegia species have all five sepals, which remain scalelike. In Aphanocalyx and Monopetalanthus, one petal initiates adaxially and medianly (a position atypical for the first initiated petal in the family); additional petal rudiments may form in lateral sites. In Brachystegia, five petals are initiated unidirectionally on a meristem ring, but all are suppressed after initiation. In all taxa, ten stamens are initiated on a ring meristem: unidirectionally in Monopetalanthus, bidirectionally in Brachystegia, vs. in erratic order in Aphanocalyx. Carpel and petal initiation are concurrent. Different organ whorls overlap in time in Monopetalanthus and Brachystegia. In all, the floral apex characteristically is elongate radially and narrow tangentially after bracteole initiation. Two ontogenetic features, the meristem ring and the radially elongate post-bracteole floral apex, appear to be possible synapomorphies for the Brachystegia group.  相似文献   

Flowers of Dipterygeae (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae) exhibit an unusual petaloid calyx. The two adaxial sepals are large and petaloid, and the three abaxial sepals form a three‐toothed lobe. The goal of this study was to elucidate the ontogenetic pathways of this peculiar calyx in light of the floral development of the three genera that comprise the tribe. Floral buds of Dipteryx alata, Pterodon pubescens and Taralea oppositifolia were analysed using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The order of bracteole and sepal initiation varies among the species. The androecium is asymmetric. The carpel cleft is positioned to the right or to the left, and is opposite the adaxial antepetalous stamen. The peculiarity of the calyx becomes noticeable in the intermediate stages of floral development. It results from the differential growth of the sepal primordia, in which the abaxial and lateral primordia remain diminutive during floral development, compared with the adaxial ones that enlarge and elongate. Bracteoles, abaxial sepals, petals and anthers are appendiculate, except in T. oppositifolia, in which the appendices were not found in bracteoles or anthers. These appendices comprise secretory canals or cavities. Considering that the ontogenetic pathway for the formation of the petaloid calyx is similar and exclusive for Dipterygeae, it might be a potential synapomorphy for the group, with the presence of secretory canals in the appendices of abaxial and lateral sepals and petals. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174 , 529–550.  相似文献   

The early floral ontogeny of three subfamilies, viz. Verbenoideae, Viticoideae and Caryopteridoideae of Verbenaceae (s.l.), was compared. Two differently initiated patterns were found. In the present species of Verbenoideae, there is a unidirectional sequence of organogenesis, from abaxial to adaxial side of the floral apex. While the abaxial paired sepal, petal and stamen arise sequentially, the adaxial paired sepal, petal and stamen do not appear or appear in a much earlier stage. The centripetal whorled sequence of organogenesis appears in Viticoideae and Caryopteridoideae, where sepal primordia arise simultaneously or successively (from adaxial to abaxial). After completion of sepal initiation a plastochron is indicated, during which time a change to the induction of petal takes place, and five petals appear simultaneously, followed by initiation of four stamens. Events of floral organogenesis support the phylogeny inferred from morphological data and rbcL sequence analysis, i.e. the subfamily Verbenoideae does not form a monophyletic group with the subfamilies Viticoideae and Caryopteridoideae.  相似文献   

灌木铁线莲(毛茛科)花器官的发生与发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对铁线莲属(Clematis L.)植物灌木铁线莲(C. fruticosa Turcz.)花的形态发生和发育过程进行了观察。灌木铁线莲花原基形成后,4枚萼片以交互对生的方式首先发生,呈轮状排列。最早的4枚雄蕊原基在4枚萼片交接的位置上近螺旋状发生,此后,随着雄蕊原基的向心发生和数目不断增多,其发生的螺旋状序列逐渐明显。雄蕊原基发生后,在花原基顶端,心皮原基沿着雄蕊原基的发生序列呈螺旋状发生。本文结果支持在原始被子植物花中螺旋状排列和轮状排列同时存在的观点。此外,本文也进一步证实了花萼与苞片的同源性。  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral development of two tropical legume trees, Dahlstedtia pinnata and Dahlstedtia pentaphylla, occurring in the Atlantic Forest of south-eastern and southern Brazil, were investigated and compared with other papilionoids. Few studies have been made of floral development in tribe Millettieae, and this paper is intended to fill that gap in our knowledge. Dahlstedtia species have an unusual inflorescence type among legumes, the pseudoraceme, which comprises axillary units of three or more flowers, each with a subtending bract. Each flower exhibits a pair of opposite bracteoles. The order of flower initiation is acropetal; inception of the floral organs is as follows: sepals (5), petals (5), carpel (1) plus outer stamens (5) and finally inner stamens (5). Organ initiation in sepal, petal and inner stamen whorls is unidirectional; the carpel cleft is adaxial. The vexillum originates from a tubular-shaped primordium in mid-development and is larger than other petals at maturity, covering the keels. The filament tube develops later after initiation of inner-stamen primordia. Floral development in Dahlstedtia is almost always similar to other papilionoids, especially species of Phaseoleae and Sophoreae. But one important difference is the precocious ovule initiation (open carpel with ovules) in Dahlstedtia, the third citation of this phenomenon for papilionoids. No suppression, organ loss or anomalies occur in the order of primordia initiation or structure. Infra-generic differences in the first stages of ontogeny are rare; however, different species of Dahlstedtia are distinguished by the differing distribution pattern of secretory cavities in the flower.  相似文献   

Floral initiation and development were examined using scanning electron microscopy in Exostyles venusta, Harleyodendron unifoliolatum, Lecointea hatschbachii, and Zollernia ilicifolia. Common features include (1) unidirectional sepal initiation, (2) simultaneous petal initiation, (3) unidirectional initiation of each stamen whorl (except in the antesepalous whorl in Lecointea and Exostyles), (4) overlap in time of initiation of the two stamen whorls, and (5) initiation of the carpel concurrently with petals. Significant developmental features include (1) the first sepal median abaxial in all except Lecointea where it is non-median abaxial; (2) intraspecific variation in petal aestivation in Exostyles, Harleyodendron, and Lecointea; (3) initiation of antepetalous stamens before the antesepalous ones in Zollernia, Exostyles, and Lecointea; and (4) ovule initiation before the carpel margins are fused in Exostyles. The stamen sequence has not been found in any other legumes. The following late developmental events distinguish the four genera from each other: copious hairs hold the anthers together as a domelike structure at anthesis in Harleyodendron; zygomorphy in Zollernia results from differing petal reflexion; late hypanthium in Exostyles, Lecointea, and Holocalyx (no hypanthium in Harleyodendron or Zollernia); and reflexed sepal lobes in Exostyles, Harleyodendron, and Zollernia but not in Holocalyx and Lecointea. The genera studied here are ontogenetically more similar to taxa of Sophoreae than to other Swartzieae that have been investigated. None of the taxa studied here has a ring meristem, the structure that characterizes the remaining swartzioid taxa studied elsewhere.  相似文献   

Floral ontogeny of Lespedeza thunbergii was studied with the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The ontogeny varies in all whorls from the undirectional mode, which has been long held to be the rule in Leguminosae. In the sepal whorl, the lateral and the adaxial sepals are formed simultaneously, which is interpreted as a tendency towards whorled organ formation. Whorled organ formation is shown in the petal whorl. The antesepalous stamen whorl varies least from the unidirectional mode. Here, the adaxial stamens are formed successively. This is seen as a remnant of an original helical organ formation in Papilionoideae. Within the antepetalous stamen whorl, the two abaxial stamens and the adaxial stamen are formed first, followed by the two lateral stamens. This is a rarely found phenomenon, which is hard to interpret at the present state of knowledge. Concerning the mature flower, it is shown that nectar stomata are found in a distinct area on the adaxial side of the flower. The presented new characteristics should be an initial step toward further work on taxa of the tribe Desmodieae. These studies will broaden the data set and enable a detailed phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The cotyledon areole, which is a spot with granular projections of epidermal cells, appears on the abaxial surface and on the midvein of some legume seed cotyledons. The distribution and systematic utility of cotyledon areoles were studied by observation of 132 legume species, which represent 100 genera and are classified into 34 tribes of three subfamilies, i.e., Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, and Papilionoideae. The cotyledon areole is found in many species of Papilionoideae but not in the other two subfamilies. Presence of a cotyledon areole is presumed to be an apomorphic character state in Papilionoideae from the outgroup rule.  相似文献   

Under brief consideration is the problem of primary or secondary status of the judgments about taxa relative to the judgments about characters in the biological classifications. The following formal definition of taxonomic system (classification) TS is provided: TS = BT[T, C(t), R(t), R(c), R(tc)], where BT is a biological theory constituting content-wise background of the system, T is a set of taxa, C(t) is a set of taxonomic characters, R(t) is a set of relationships among taxa (similarity, kinship, etc.), R(c) is a set of relationships among characters (homology, etc.), and R(tc) is a set of correspondences among taxa and characters. The latter correspondences may be complete or incomplete. At ontological level, there two basical traditions exist in biological systematics regarding R(tc) according to which the biological diversity is patterned either as a set of groups of organisms (taxa) or as a set of their properties (characters). In the first case, taxon is "primary" relative to character (in cladistics); in its opposite, character is "primary" relative to taxon (in scholasticism, classical typology, classical phylogenetics). At epistemological level, incompleteness of the taxon-character correspondence makes classificatory procedure iterative and taxonomic diagnoses context-dependent. The interative nature of classificatory procedure makes the "primary" or "secondary" status of both taxa and characters relative and alternating. This makes it necessary to introduces a kind of uncertainty relation in biological systematics which means impossibility of simultaneous definition of both extensional and intentional parameters of the taxonomic system at each step of classificatory iterations.  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral development of three species of Indigofera (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), I. lespedezioides, I. spicata, and I. suffruticosa, were investigated and compared with that of other papilionoid groups, especially with members of the recently circumscribed Millettioid clade, which was merged as sister to Indigofereae in a recent cladistic analysis. Although Indigofera is a genus of special interest, because of its great richness in species and its economic importance, few studies have been made of floral development in the genus or in Indigofereae as a whole. Flower buds and inflorescences were analysed at several stages of development in the three species. Our results confirmed that Indigofera species bear a usual inflorescence type among legumes, the raceme, which comprises flowers initiated in acropetal succession, each with a subtending bract and no bracteoles initiated. The inception of the floral organs is as follows: sepals (5), petals (5), carpel (1), outer stamens (5), and, finally, inner stamens (5). Organ initiation in the sepal, petal, and both stamen whorls is unidirectional, from the abaxial side; the carpel cleft is adaxial. The vexillum is larger than other petals at maturity, covering the keels, which are fused edge-to-edge. Nine filaments are fused to form an adaxially open sheath, and the adaxial stamen of the inner whorl remains free (diadelphous androecium) in the mid-stage of development. Most of the infra-generic differences occurred in the later stages of development. Data on floral development in Indigofera obtained here were also compared with those from other members of Papilionoideae. This comparison showed that the early expression of zygomorphy is shared with other members of the Millettioid clade but is rarely found in other papilionoids, corresponding to a hypothetically morphological synapomorphy in the pair Indigoferae plus millettioids.  相似文献   

Floral organogenesis and development of the tropical legume trees Haematoxylum campechianum (logwood) and H. brasiletto (brazilwood) were studied using scanning electron microscopy. The aims were to compare ontogenies, and to elucidate the relationships of Haematoxylum with other genera of Caesalpinieae, the basal tribe of Caesalpinioideae. Flowers of Haematoxylum are in racemes or fascicles, lack bracteoles, and are pentamerous, hermaphroditic, and either actinomorphic or zygomorphic. Whorls arise in acropetal order except for the carpel, which arises concurrently with the outer stamens. Sepal order is bidirectional (a rare condition) within the whorl in both. Petals and outer stamens are initiated bidirectionally in H. campechianum, and unidirectionally in H. brasiletto. Inner stamens are initiated unidirectionally in both. In H. campechianum, time of petal initiation overlaps with that of outer stamens, and initiation of the two stamen whorls overlap. In both, the gynoecium becomes stipitate, and a hypanthium forms late in development. Both show many plesiomorphic states at anthesis; H. brasiletto alone shows several specialized states (expressed late in development), including a fused, gibbous calyx cup, a zygomorphic corolla, lightly aggregated filaments held together by hairs, and fenestrations in the stamen column. Ontogenetic divergence late in ontogeny characterizes differences at anthesis between related species.  相似文献   

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