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The two parts of the bovine kidney cortex plasma membrane, the basal-lateral and the brush-border membrane, were simultaneously prepared from the same organ. Both types of membrane bound parathyrin, but only from the basal-lateral fraction was the hormone displaceable by its bioactive N-terminal fragment. In parallel, parathyrin-stimulated adenylate cyclase was predominantly found in basal-lateral membranes. The hormone was fragmented by both membrane types. Basal-lateral membranes generated fragments with a rather uniform size distribution (somewhat smaller than the intact peptide) and apparently preferred the hormone itself as a substrate. In contrast, the fragments produced by brush-border membranes were numberous small peptides.  相似文献   

Two groups of opiate-like materials, one with a molecular weight equal to or greater than 5000 daltons and another with a molecular weight smaller than 5000 daltons as judged by gel filtration on Sephadex G-25, were detected in bovine testes. The existence of opiate-like materials with a molecular weight smaller than 5000 daltons was demonstrated in ovine pancreas. The pancreatic fraction most strongly adsorbed on CM-cellulose possessed the highest opiate receptor binding activity. Bovine testis contained corticotropin-like material(s) which stimulated corticosterone production by isolated rat adrenal cells.  相似文献   

Y Jinsmaa  M Yoshikawa 《Peptides》1999,20(8):957-962
Conditions for the release of beta-casomorphin-7 from bovine beta-casein by gastrointestinal proteases in vitro were investigated. beta-Casomorphin-7 was released only from a genetic variant of beta-casein containing a His residue at the 67th position of the peptide chain. Elastase cleaved the peptide bond between Ile66 and His67, releasing the carboxyl terminus of beta-casomorphin-7. Pepsin and leucine aminopeptidase were required to release the amino terminus of this peptide. beta-Casomorphin-9, -13, and -21 also were isolated, and their opioid activities were measured. In this study, we also isolated a novel opioid peptide neocasomorphin-6 (Tyr-Pro-Val-Glu-Pro-Phe), which was released by action of trypsin or pepsin and chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

beta-galactosidases from A. oryzae and a thermophilic CLONEZYME glycosidase library were used to catalyze the transfer of the beta-D-galactopyranosyl moiety from lactose to the hydroxyl groups of hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) in sodium acetate buffer. The degree of substitution was quantified by using galactose oxidase enzymatic assays. Depolymerization was also observed in the course of the transglycosylation reactions.  相似文献   

Enzymes find widespread industrial use in the modification of the functional properties of plant polysaccharides both in vivo and in vitro. Reactions catalysed include depolymerization, debranching and de-esterification, depending on the specific enzyme or enzyme mixture employed and on the particular industrial requirement. Depolymerization of pentosans and/or barley β-glucans to destroy their viscosity-building properties is essential in starch and gluten manufacture, in the mashign of barley malt and in the production of maltosaccharide syrups. Depolymerization of pectin is required in juice clarification and to allow concentration. However, in other instances the aim may be to maintain or, at most, only slightly alter the molecular size of functional polysaccharides, i.e. in the conversion of guar galactomannan to a locust-bean type galactomannan and in the enzymic treatment of wheat-flour doughs. Enzymes may also be used to produce specific oligosaccharide fragments from polysaccharides and as diagnostic tools in the measurement of a particular polysaccharide in a mixture.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase from bovine liver has been purified 5000-fold employing conventional techniques and methotrexate/aminohexyl/Sepharose affinity chromatography. Electrophoresis of the isolated enzyme on polyacrylamide gels resulted in the separation of two enzymatically active protein components which were not interconvertible by treatment with dihydrofolate and/or the coenzyme. The two forms, present in a ratio of 20:1, were found by isoelectric focusing to have isoelectric points of 7.15 and 5.94. They had identical specific activities toward dihydrofolate (26.1-27.0 U/mg) and folate (1.3-2.2 U/mg), and had identical molecular weights (23500) and amino acid compositions. Due to the small quantity of the acidic form and the similarity of the two forms, the amino-terminal sequence (19 residues) was determined on a mixture of carboxymethylated reductase. The single sulfhydryl group of the enzyme can be modified by several sulfhydryl reagents in the native enzyme without loss of activity. Modification of the same residue occurs in the denaturated state and partially inhibits renaturation to the fully acitve enzyme. One disulfide bridge was detected by reduction and alkylation. The cleavage of this bond did not effect the enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Several classes of proteolytic enzymes were used to gain an insight into the biochemical composition of the antiotensin II (ATII) receptor prepared from bovine adrenal cortices. Exposure of the receptor fractions to trypsin reduced their capacity to bind [3H]ATII. Phospholipases A2 and C similarly inhibited the [3H]ATII binding process, while phospholipase D had no effect. Binding was stimulated following addition of phosphatidylcholine but inhibited by lysophosphatidylcholine. Neuraminidase had no influence on [3H]ATII affinity for binding, while beta-galactosidase reduced binding of the radioligand. Concanavalin A did not displace [3H]ATII bound to receptor fractions. Very little aminopeptidase activity was detected in the receptor fraction, relative to the homogenate. The data suggest that the ATII recognition sites contain protein moieties, while phospholipids may play an essential role in ATII binding. Galactose units may form a part of the ATII receptor not directly associated with the binding site. The peptidase studies indicate that ATII probably cannot be hydrolyzed to its des-Asp1 metabolite at or near the site of binding.  相似文献   

Bovine mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (EC was inactivated by the specific modifications of a single histidine residue upon reaction with iodoacetamide. NADH protected against this loss of activity and reaction with the histidine residue, suggesting that the histidine is at the NADH binding site. N-Ethylmaleimide also modified the enzyme by reacting with 1 sulfhydryl residue. The reaction rate with N-ethylmaleimide was increased by decreasing the pH from neutrality or by the addition of urea. NADH protected against the modification of the sulfhydryl group under all the conditions tested, again suggesting active site specificity for this inactivation. This enzyme has a subunit weight of 33,000 and is a dimer. The native malate dehydrogenase will bind only 1 mol of NADH and it is thus assumed that there is only a single active site per dimer.  相似文献   

2-Hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide, at a 100-fold molar excess, was observed to react withthrombin at pH 4.0 to give a modified enzyme which possessed 20% of the fibrinogen clotting activity and 80% of the esterase activity compared to a control preparation. Spectrophotometric analysis of the modified protein indicated that this effect on catalytic activity was associated with the incorporation of 1 mol of reagent per mol of thrombin. Amino acid analysis showed no loss of amino acids other than tryptophan. The reaction of N-bromosuccinimide with thrombin at 2-fold molar excess resulted in the modification of one tryptophan per mol of enzyme with the loss of 80% of the fibrinogen clotting activity with, as above, a considerably smaller loss of esterase activity. Oxidation of thrombin with N-bromosuccinimide decreased the extent of subsequent tryptophan modification with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide. Thrombin modified with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide showed a 3-4 fold increase in Km and a decrease in V for the ester substrate. The reaction of thrombin with 2-acetoxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide, a substrate analogue, also resulted in the inactivation of the enzyme. The data are interpreted to show the presence of a tryptophan residue at or near the enzyme's substrate binding site.  相似文献   

M V Leslie  P J Hansen 《Steroids》1991,56(12):589-597
The uterine milk (UTM) proteins are the major progesterone-regulated proteins secreted by the sheep uterus during pregnancy. Recently, proteins related to the UTM proteins have been identified in uterine secretions of the pregnant cow and sow. The present objective was to determine the time course for induction of the UTM proteins in sheep and cattle. Twelve ovariectomized ewes received subcutaneous injections of either vehicle for 10 days or 100 mg/d of progesterone for 10 days or 30 days. The presence of UTM proteins was examined by Western blotting of uterine flushings and by immunoabsorption of radiolabeled UTM proteins from conditioned medium of endometrial explant cultures performed with [35S]methionine precursor. Uterine milk proteins were present in slight amounts in uterine flushings and endometrial-conditioned culture medium of some ewes in the control group, but amounts of proteins were greatly enhanced by progesterone after 10 or 30 days of treatment. Prolonged exposure to progesterone (30 days versus 10 days) increased amounts of UTM proteins. Immunohistochemical analysis of endometrium indicated that the major site of UTM proteins was the glandular epithelium. In the second experiment, nine ovariectomized cows were treated daily with vehicle for 12 days or 750 mg progesterone for 12 or 30 days. Uterine flushings and conditioned endometrial culture medium were examined for UTM proteins by Western blotting. Uterine milk proteins were present to some degree in cows treated with vehicle, and an enhancement in amounts of UTM proteins was not observed until after 30 days of progesterone treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Yeast protein isolate with 85% of pure protein and 1.2% of nucleic acids in dry matter was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a procedure of two pre-treatment steps, acidic extraction and isoelectric precipitation. The application of this yeast protein isolate was limited by its functionality resulting from the partially extreme isolating conditions. An enzymatic partial hydrolysis with Thermitase to a degree of hydrolysis of 5% not only improved the solubility and foaming properties, but also the water binding capacity and the emulsifying properties. The hydrolysate was free of bitter taste and could be applied either in two fractions of different solubility after centrifugation or as a whole product in food systems to improve the physiological and functional quality. The yeast protein hydrolysate had the same or even better properties than conventional protein products.  相似文献   

1. This communication reports the action of bovine thrombin on ovine, bovine and human growth hormones. Thrombin cleavage was shown to be restricted to a single homologous peptide bond in all three growth hormones (at sequence positions 133--134 of the ovine and bovine hormones). 2. Ovine growth hormone was the most sensitive to the action of thrombin, bovine growth hormone was attacked to a relatively less extent, and human growth hormone was the most resistant to the enzyme. 3. After reduction and carbamidomethylation of the disulfide bonds in thrombin modified ovine growth hormone, the two fragments (residues 1--133 and 134--191) were isolated. The large NH2-terminal thrombin fragment of the hormone (residues 1--133) was found to be inactive in the rat tibia test, whereas a tryptic fragment (residues 96--133) isolated in an independent way gave measurable responses.  相似文献   

S Soulier  P Gaye 《Biochimie》1981,63(7):619-628
The results of subcellular fractionation of sheep mammary gland membranes indicate that N-acetylgalactosaminyl polypeptide transferase and galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase, which are involved in the assembly of disaccharide units of kappa-casein, are localized chiefly in Golgi membranes. The glycosyltransferase activities incorporating N-acetyl [1-14C] galactosamine and [U-14C] galactose from uridine diphosphate N-acetyl [1-14C] galactosamine and uridine diphosphate [U-14C] galactose, respectively, were measured after membrane solubilization with Triton X-100 either with unglycosylated caseinomacropeptide, or with this polypeptide containing the N-acetylgalactosamine side chain residues (desialylated and degalactosylated caseinomacropeptide). Radioactive N-acetylgalactosamine was incorporated in the unglycosylated acceptor peptide, and the glycosidic bonds in the product were alkali labile, suggesting that they were linked to the hydroxyamino acid residues. In addition radioactive N-acetylgalactosamine was released after alpha N-acetyl-D-galactosaminidase treatment of labelled caseinomacropeptide. [U-14C] galactose was incorporated in the desialylated and degalactosylated acceptor peptide. Reductive alkaline treatment of [U-14C] galactose peptide resulted in the release of a major product, the chromatographic properties of which in TLC were identical with authentic galactosyl (1 leads to 3) N-acetylgalactosaminitol. The structure of the labelled disacchariditol determined after periodate oxidation (two equivalents) by gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that the [U-14C] galactose was linked to position C-3 on the N-acetylgalactosaminyl-residue. The anomery of the galactose, as determined by a chemical method, indicates unambiguously a beta configuration.  相似文献   

The parathyrin receptor in renal cortex has been investigated by studying the binding of 125I-labelled parathyrin, or of unlabelled parathyrin detected with 125I-labelled antibodies, to a partially purified plasma membrane fraction. The kinetics of hormone uptake demonstrated a biphasic response in both systems at 22 degrees C but this phenomenon was not detectable at 37 degrees C. Specific displacement of lactoperoxidase labelled 125I-labelled parathyrin occurred with 8 ng unlabelled bovine parathyrin. The apparent affinity constant was 2.3-10(8) M(-1) and the apparent binding capacity of the membranes 1.25 pmol/mg protein. Using the labelled antibody technique the receptor showed maximal binding at pH 7.0-7.5. As little as 80 pg bovine parathyrin produced a significant increase in binding of labelled anti-bovine parathyrin antibody and saturation of binding sites was demonstrated at 2.5 pmol/mg protein. Oxidized hormone showed undetectable binding. Treatment of membranes with phospholipases A or D, or Trypsin greatly reduced subsequent hormone binding. Prior incubation of membranes with 1-34 synthetic parathyrin decreased the binding of intact hormone whereas gastrin, insulin and glucagon had no effect. Growth hormone and calcitonin slightly increased parathyrin binding.  相似文献   

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