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Wolbachia are very common, maternally transmitted endosymbionts of insects. They often spread by a mechanism termed cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) that involves reduced egg hatch when Wolbachia-free ova are fertilized by sperm from Wolbachia-infected males. Because the progeny of Wolbachia-infected females generally do not suffer CI-induced mortality, infected females are often at a reproductive advantage in polymorphic populations. Deterministic models show that Wolbachia that impose no costs on their hosts and have perfect maternal transmission will spread from arbitrarily low frequencies (though initially very slowly); otherwise, there will be a threshold frequency below which Wolbachia frequencies decline to extinction and above which they increase to fixation or a high stable equilibrium. Stochastic theory was used to calculate the probability of fixation in populations of different size for arbitrary current frequencies of Wolbachia, with special attention paid to the case of spread after the arrival of a single infected female. Exact results are given based on a Moran process that assumes a specific demographic model, and approximate results are obtained using the more general Wright-Fisher theory. A new analytical approximation for the probability of fixation is derived, which performs well for small population sizes. The significance of stochastic effects in the natural spread of Wolbachia and their relevance to the use of Wolbachia as a drive mechanism in vector and pest management are discussed.  相似文献   

An important factor in the dynamic transmission of HIV is the mobility of the population. We formulate various stochastic models for the spread of HIV in a heterosexual mobile population, under the assumptions of constant and varying population sizes. We also derive deterministic and diffusion analogues for these models, using a convenient rescaling technique, and analyze their stability conditions and equilibrium behavior. We illustrate the dynamic behavior of the models and their approximations via a range of numerical experiments.  相似文献   

Classical ecological theory predicts that environmental stochasticity increases extinction risk by reducing the average per-capita growth rate of populations. For sedentary populations in a spatially homogeneous yet temporally variable environment, a simple model of population growth is a stochastic differential equation dZ t μ Z t dtσ Z t dW t , t ≥ 0, where the conditional law of Z tt ? Z t given Z t z has mean and variance approximately z μΔt and z 2 σ 2Δt when the time increment Δt is small. The long-term stochastic growth rate ${\lim_{t \to \infty} t^{-1}\log Z_t}$ for such a population equals ${\mu -\frac{\sigma^2}{2}}$ . Most populations, however, experience spatial as well as temporal variability. To understand the interactive effects of environmental stochasticity, spatial heterogeneity, and dispersal on population growth, we study an analogous model ${{\bf X}_t = (X_t^1, \ldots, X_t^n)}$ , t ≥ 0, for the population abundances in n patches: the conditional law of X tt given X t x is such that the conditional mean of ${X_{t+\Delta t}^i - X_t^i}$ is approximately ${[x^i \mu_i + \sum_j (x^j D_{ji} - x^i D_{ij})] \Delta t}$ where μ i is the per capita growth rate in the ith patch and D ij is the dispersal rate from the ith patch to the jth patch, and the conditional covariance of ${X_{t+\Delta t}^i - X_t^i}$ and ${X_{t + \Delta t}^j - X_t^j}$ is approximately x i x j σ ij Δt for some covariance matrix Σ = (σ ij ). We show for such a spatially extended population that if ${S_t = X_t^1 + \cdots + X_t^n}$ denotes the total population abundance, then Y t X t /S t , the vector of patch proportions, converges in law to a random vector Y as ${t \to \infty}$ , and the stochastic growth rate ${\lim_{t \to \infty} t^{-1}\log S_t}$ equals the space-time average per-capita growth rate ${\sum_i \mu_i \mathbb{E}[Y_\infty^i]}$ experienced by the population minus half of the space-time average temporal variation ${\mathbb{E}[\sum_{i,j}\sigma_{ij}Y_\infty^i Y_\infty^j]}$ experienced by the population. Using this characterization of the stochastic growth rate, we derive an explicit expression for the stochastic growth rate for populations living in two patches, determine which choices of the dispersal matrix D produce the maximal stochastic growth rate for a freely dispersing population, derive an analytic approximation of the stochastic growth rate for dispersal limited populations, and use group theoretic techniques to approximate the stochastic growth rate for populations living in multi-scale landscapes (e.g. insects on plants in meadows on islands). Our results provide fundamental insights into “ideal free” movement in the face of uncertainty, the persistence of coupled sink populations, the evolution of dispersal rates, and the single large or several small (SLOSS) debate in conservation biology. For example, our analysis implies that even in the absence of density-dependent feedbacks, ideal-free dispersers occupy multiple patches in spatially heterogeneous environments provided environmental fluctuations are sufficiently strong and sufficiently weakly correlated across space. In contrast, for diffusively dispersing populations living in similar environments, intermediate dispersal rates maximize their stochastic growth rate.  相似文献   

A continuous spatial model for populations that are not density-regulated is analyzed. The model is a generalization of the geometric Brownian motion often used to describe populations at a single location. The locations are linked by migration and spatial correlation in the noise. At any point of time, the population size at a given location is log normally distributed so the log population size constitutes a Gaussian field. The model is homogeneous in space but not in time. In particular, we analyze the case when the stochastic growth rate is negative and the total population approaches extinction. The properties of the extinction process is studied by considering local quasi-extinctions. A major conclusion is that migration tends to increase the time to extinction provided that there is no cost of migration. However, as the area occupied by the species starts to decrease, the decrease is faster for populations with larger migration.  相似文献   

In this communication, based upon the deterministic Gompertz law of cell growth, a stochastic model in tumour growth is proposed. This model takes account of both cell fission and mortality too. The corresponding density function of the size of the tumour cells obeys a functional Fokker--Planck equation which can be solved analytically. It is found that the density function exhibits an interesting "multi-peak" structure generated by cell fission as time evolves. Within this framework the action of therapy is also examined by simply incorporating a therapy term into the deterministic cell growth term.  相似文献   

A nonautonomous model of population growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

This paper develops a deterministic and a stochastic population size model based on power-law kinetics for the black-margined pecan aphid. The deterministic model in current use incorporates cumulative-size dependency, but its solution is symmetric. The analogous stochastic model incorporates the prolific reproductive capacity of the aphid. These models are generalized in this paper to include a delayed feedback mechanism for aphid death. Whereas the per capita aphid death rate in the current model is proportional to cumulative size, delayed feedback is implemented by assuming that the per capita rate is proportional to some power of cumulative size, leading to so-called power-law dynamics. The solution to the resulting differential equations model is a left-skewed abundance curve. Such skewness is characteristic of observed aphid data, and the generalized model fits data well. The assumed stochastic model is solved using Kolmogrov equations, and differential equations are given for low order cumulants. Moment closure approximations, which are simple to apply, are shown to give accurate predictions of the two endpoints of practical interest, namely (1) a point estimate of peak aphid count and (2) an interval estimate of final cumulative aphid count. The new models should be widely applicable to other aphid species, as they are based on three fundamental properties of aphid population biology.  相似文献   

Stochastic matrix projection models are widely used to model age- or stage-structured populations with vital rates that fluctuate randomly over time. Practical applications of these models rest on qualitative properties such as the existence of a long term population growth rate, asymptotic log-normality of total population size, and weak ergodicity of population structure. We show here that these properties are shared by a general stochastic integral projection model, by using results in (Eveson in D. Phil. Thesis, University of Sussex, 1991, Eveson in Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 70, 411-440, 1993) to extend the approach in (Lange and Holmes in J. Appl. Prob. 18, 325-344, 1981). Integral projection models allow individuals to be cross-classified by multiple attributes, either discrete or continuous, and allow the classification to change during the life cycle. These features are present in plant populations with size and age as important predictors of individual fate, populations with a persistent bank of dormant seeds or eggs, and animal species with complex life cycles. We also present a case-study based on a 6-year field study of the Illyrian thistle, Onopordum illyricum, to demonstrate how easily a stochastic integral model can be parameterized from field data and then applied using familiar matrix software and methods. Thistle demography is affected by multiple traits (size, age and a latent "quality" variable), which would be difficult to accommodate in a classical matrix model. We use the model to explore the evolution of size- and age-dependent flowering using an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) approach. We find close agreement between the observed flowering behavior and the predicted ESS from the stochastic model, whereas the ESS predicted from a deterministic version of the model is very different from observed flowering behavior. These results strongly suggest that the flowering strategy in O. illyricum is an adaptation to random between-year variation in vital rates.  相似文献   

Taylor''s law (TL) asserts that the variance of the density (individuals per area or volume) of a set of comparable populations is a power-law function of the mean density of those populations. Despite the empirical confirmation of TL in hundreds of species, there is little consensus about why TL is so widely observed and how its estimated parameters should be interpreted. Here, we report that the Lewontin–Cohen (henceforth LC) model of stochastic population dynamics, which has been widely discussed and applied, leads to a spatial TL in the limit of large time and provides an explicit, exact interpretation of its parameters. The exponent of TL exceeds 2 if and only if the LC model is supercritical (growing on average), equals 2 if and only if the LC model is deterministic, and is less than 2 if and only if the LC model is subcritical (declining on average). TL and the LC model describe the spatial variability and the temporal dynamics of populations of trees on long-term plots censused over 75 years at the Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, NY, USA.  相似文献   

The present work deals with a single species population growth model, exhibiting diverse functional modes. The model is based on the principle of limiting factors for population growth. This paradigm was adapted from the law of the minimum, and the law of the tolerance. In the framework presented here, rates of natality and mortality are controlled by extreme values of limiting factors. The formal expression of these ideas corresponds to what we call a functionally diverse model. This model permits the identification of thresholds of viability, starvation, intraspecific cooperation and competition. The performance of the model is evaluated using data for populations growing under experimental or natural conditions.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - This work is devoted to studying the dynamics of a structured population that is subject to the combined effects of environmental stochasticity, competition for...  相似文献   

A stochastic model of population growth is treated using the Bellman-Harris theory of agedependent stochastic branching processes. The probability distribution for the population size at any time and the expectation are obtained when it is assumed that there is probability (1−σ), 0≤σ<1, of the organism dividing into two at the end of its lifetime, and probability σ that division will not take place.  相似文献   

Simple correlated random walk (CRW) models are rarely sufficient to describe movement of animals over more than the shortest time scales. However, CRW approaches can be used to model more complex animal movement trajectories by assuming individuals move in one of several different behavioural or movement states, each characterized by a different CRW. The spatial and social context an individual experiences may influence the proportion of time spent in different movement states, with subsequent effects on its spatial distribution, survival and fecundity. While methods to study habitat influences on animal movement have been previously developed, social influences have been largely neglected. Here, we fit a 'socially informed' movement model to data from a population of over 100 elk (Cervus canadensis) reintroduced into a new environment, radio-collared and subsequently tracked over a 4-year period. The analysis shows how elk move further when they are solitary than when they are grouped and incur a higher rate of mortality the further they move away from the release area. We use the model to show how the spatial distribution and growth rate of the population depend on the balance of fission and fusion processes governing the group structure of the population. The results are briefly discussed with respect to the design of species reintroduction programmes.  相似文献   

Stochastic models of population genetics are studied with special reference to the biological interest. Mathematical methods are described for treating some simple models and their modifications aimed at the problems of the molecular evolution. Unified theory for treating different quantities is extensively developed and applied to some typical problems of current interest in genetics. Mathematical methods for treating geographically structured populations are given. Approximation formulae and their accuracy are discussed. Some criteria are given for a structured population to behave almost like a panmictic population of the same total size. Some quantities are shown to be independent of the geographical structure and their dynamics are described.  相似文献   

A new nonlinear age-structured population model is presented. Within its framework the occurence of time-persistent age distributions is possible, even if the population sizes are nonstationary. The age distribution as well as the moments of the generation index can be determined analytically. The proposed model is a nonlinear generalization of Lotka's theory of stable populations.  相似文献   

A model is described for investigating the interactions of age-specific birth and death rates, age distribution and density-governing factors determining the growth form of single-species populations. It employs Monte Carlo techniques to simulate the births and deaths of individuals while density-governing factors are represented by simple algebraic equations relating survival and fecundity to population density. In all respects the model's behavior agrees with the results of more conventional mathematical approaches, including the logistic model andLotka's Law, which predicts a relationship betwen age-specific rates, rate of increase and age distribution. Situations involving exponential growth, three different age-independent density functions affecting survival, three affecting fecundity and their nine combinations were tested. The one function meeting the assumptions of the logistic model produced a logistic growth curve embodying the correct values or rm and K. The others generated sigmoid curves to which arbitrary logistic curves could be fitted with varying success. Because of populational time lags, two of the functions affecting fecundity produced overshoots and damped oscillations during the initial approach to the steady state. The general behavior of age-dependent density functions is briefly explored and a complex example is described that produces population fluctuations by an egg cannibalism mechanism similar to that found in the flour beetle Tribolium. The model is free of inherent time lags found in other discrete time models yet these may be easily introduced. Because it manipulates separate individuals, the model may be combined readily with the Monte Carlo simulation models of population genetics to study eco-genetic phenomena.  相似文献   

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