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Experiments in mice on the fraction of haemopoietic stem cells in S-phase after irradiation indicated that a large fraction of the cells resting in G0 will enter S-phase after a very short interval of time.
After excluding alternative explanations it must be concluded that cells in G0 have completed all preparations for going into S-phase or, in other words, that the localization of these G0 cells in relation to other phases of the cell cycle must be between G1 and S-phase.  相似文献   

The model is based on the assumption that the cell cycle contains a Go-phase which cells leave randomly with a constant probability per unit time, γ. After leaving the Go-phase, the cells enter the C-phase which ends with cell division. The C-phase and its constituent phases, the‘true’G1-phase, the S-phase, the G2-phase and mitosis are assumed to have constant durations of T, T1Ts, T2 and Tm, respectively. For renewal tissue it is assumed that the probability per unit time of being lost from the population is a constant for all cells irrespective of their position in the cycle. The labelled mitosis curve and labelling index for continuous labelling are derived in terms of γ, T, and Ts. The model generates labelled mitosis curves which damp quickly and reach a constant value of twice the initial labelling index, if the mean duration of the Go-phase is sufficiently long. It is shown that the predicted labelled mitosis and continuous labelling curves agree reasonably well with the experimental curves for the hamster cheek pouch if T has a value of about 60 hr. Data are presented for the rat dorsal epidermis which support the assumption that there is a constant probability per unit time of a cell being released from the Go-phase.  相似文献   

Rat hepatocytes are responsive to a serum factor inhibiting their progression through the cell cycle from the late G1 phase to the S phase. After fractionation of normal adult rat serum by two chromatographic steps on DEAE cellulose and sephadex gel filtration, the inhibitory activity was linked to proteins having a high electronegative charge and of apparent high molecular weight. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of active fraction showed that the α1 macroglobulin was its main component. Male and female baby rats were sensitive to the inhibitory factor from normal rats. Contrary to the normal adult rat serum the whole hepatectomized adult rat serum did not exhibit any inhibitory activity on the G1-S transition. However, two components having antagonist activities: an α1 globulin and a γ globulin, were separated by chromatographic procedures from hepatectomized rat serum.
  • a. The α1 globulin showed an inhibitory activity. It had an apparent molecular weight lower than that found in normal rats. Its activity was sex related: only male baby rats were responsive.
  • b. The factor present in the γ globulin fraction was found to be antagonistic to the α1 globulin factor. Its occurrence after hepatectomy explains the absence of inhibitory activity in the serum of hepatectomized rats.

This review describes the metabolic steps that occur in mammalian cells and that are related to the onset of DNA synthesis and mitosis. Two types of cells are considered separately: those continuously dividing and those that are quiescent but can be stimulated to enter DNA synthesis by appropriate stimuli. Despite the scarcity of data, a review of the literature suggests that the genome itself controls its own replication, and that this control is mediated through the synthesis of specific RNA and protein molecules. A similar mechanism is operating in the control of mitosis.  相似文献   

The proliferative behaviour induced in the acinar cells of the rat submaxillary gland in response to isoprenaline has been used to examine the transit time of cells from a quiescent (G0) state into the S phase. Cumulative 3H-TdR labelling index curves were constructed to determine the mean time interval (Gis time) between stimulation with isoprenaline and entry into the S phase. Data were collected for the proliferative wave induced by three sequential injections of isoprenaline, and the effects of varying the interval between the second and third injections of isoprenaline, and of changing the dose of the drug, were examined. Intervals of 28, 52 and 76 hr between isoprenaline injections resulted in mean Gis times of 16-2, 20-9 and 25-6 hr respectively. It was concluded that the Gis time depended on the recent history of cells with respect to stimulation, but not division. The results are considered in terms of two models, in one of which the time to leave G0 is variable, whilst in the other the cells leave G0 immediately the stimulus is applied.  相似文献   

Abstract— 1. Histochemical evidence was presented illustrative of the composition of neuronal and neuropil ('glial') fractions isolated according to a previously published procedure. The neuropil refers to all cortical tissue other than neuronal perikarya.
2. On the basis of cell counts and of DNA content, an average cell mass of 100-110 pg was calculated for cells in the neuronal fraction. Eight per cent of the total DNA was recovered in the neuronal fraction.
3. Both fractions synthesized ATP in vitro. Concentrations after 60 min incubation with glucose were: neuropil, 7–36 μmoles/mg protein; neuronal, 12–31 μmoles/mg protein.
4. Osmotic shock or homogenization resulted in changes in turbidity of the cell fractions which were interpreted as indicative of loss of cell structure. The free pool amino acids glutamate, glutamine, GABA, aspartate and alanine were retained in the precipitable material through several washes with isotonic solutions. Homogenization released 72 per cent of the neuronal and 68 per cent of the neuropil amino acids into the supernatant, but only 37 per cent and 19 per cent respectively of the protein.
5. By contrast with earlier reports, K+ accumulation has now been demonstrated in both neuronal and neuropil fractions. After incubation with glucose, K+ level were calculated as being 80 per cent of slice in the neuronal, and 65 per cent in the neuropil fraction. These results, and those of the osmotic shock experiments, were taken as indicative of the retention of some cell structure.
6. By comparison, cell fractions prepared by other procedures, using acetone-glycerol-water or tetraphenylboron for tissue disaggregation, produced preparations with limited metabolic capabilities; oxygen uptake, CO2 and lactate production were all lowered substantially.  相似文献   

With a technique of preselecting the mitotic cell in the living state for subsequent electron microscopy, it has been possible to examine the ultrastructure of the various stages of mitosis with greater precision than has been reported previously. The early dissolution of the nuclear envelope has been found to be preceded by a marked undulation of this structure within the nuclear "hof." This undulation appears to be intimately related to the spindle-forming activity of the centriole at this time. Marked pericentriolar osmiophilia and extensive arrays of vesicles are also prominent at this stage, the former continuing into anaphase. Progression of the cell through prophase is accompanied by a disappearance of these vesicles. A complex that first makes its appearance in prophase but becomes most prominent in metaphase is a partially membrane-bounded cluster of dense osmiophilic bodies. These clusters which have a circumferential distribution in the mitotic cell are shown to be derived from multivesicular bodies and are acid phosphatase-positive. The precise selection of cells during the various stages of anaphase has made it possible to follow chronologically the morphological features of the initiation of nuclear membrane reformation. The nuclear membrane appears to be derived from polar aggregates of endoplasmic reticulum, and the process begins less than 2 minutes after the onset of karyokinesis. While formation of the nuclear envelope is initiated on the polar aspects of the chromatin mass, envelope elements appear on the equatorial aspect long before the polar elements fuse. Apparently interfering with this fusion are continuous spindle tubules which traverse the chromatin mass in striking density at characteristic points. Several cortical changes, also most pronounced in anaphase, have been described, as has the kinetochore which is seen to good advantage only in this stage. The Golgi complex has been found to disappear both morphologically and histochemically during mitosis and to reappear rapidly in telophase. Evidence is presented which implicates the continuous spindle tubules in certain phases of chromosome movement.  相似文献   

A new rapid method for the cell cycle analysis of asynchronously growing cells is presented. The new method is an alternative to the more time consuming and subjective fraction of labeled mitoses (FLM) method. Like the FLM method, all cells in the S phase of the cell cycle are marked by pulse labeling with a radioactive DNA precursor. The subsequent progress of the cohort of cells thus labeled is monitored through a narrow window in the cell cycle. The window is defined by a narrow range of DNA contents corresponding to cells in mid-S phase and is designated Si. The cellular DNA content is measured by flow cytometry and the cells in the window Si are selected by electronic cell sorting. The radioactivity per cell in Si (RCSi) is determined by liquid scintillation counting. The duration of S phase and of the total cycle and the dispersions therein are determined from the oscillation of the RCSi values with time. The complete cell cycle analysis can be accomplished in as little as 1 day following the collection of samples. Exponentially growing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were analyzed according to the RCSi method and the FLM method. It is demonstrated that the two techniques give essentially the same results.  相似文献   

The duration of the mitotic cycle and of its components was analysed for each of the six successive generations of differentiating spermatogonia (A1, A2, A3, A4, intermediate and B), using radioautographed whole mounts of seminiferous tubules from testes of adult Sprague-Dawley rats. Cell cycles were determined from two successive waves of per cent labeled metaphases obtained during the period of 81 hr after a single dose of 3H-thymidine. Except for the A1 spermatogonia, all spermatogonial types (A2 to B) had similar cell cycle durations of 41-42.5 hr and comparable pre-DNA synthesis phases (G1) of 11-13 hr. Although the combined duration of DNA synthesis (S) and the post-synthesis phase (G2) remained identical for all the cell types including A1, there was a progressive lengthening of the S period at the expense of G2 during the process of spermatogonial maturation. This change was most marked during the transition from A1 to A3 spermatogonia when the S period increased from 14 hr to 21 hr, and the G2 phase shortened from 13 hr to 7.5 hr. This feature seems to be unique to germ cells and may be associated with an increasing amount of heterochromatin in the nucleus. Excluding the development of type A1 cells, the entire process of spermatogonial maturation lasted for 208 hr. Combined data on cell cycle times indicated that every 313 hr or 13 days, a new sequence of spermatogonial differentiation was initiated by the A1 cells. This was equivalent to the duration of one 'cycle' of the seminiferous epithelium as measured by other techniques.  相似文献   

钙调素对细胞周期的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RC3细胞是一种用真核表达载体1~(CaM)转染NIH 3T3细胞建成的可调钙凋素(Calmodulin,CaM)高表达细胞模型。通过分子杂交及蛋白免疫印迹方法证实在地塞米松(Dexamethasome,DXM)作用下,RC3细胞可高表达CaM。CaM的过表达使G_1期细胞减少,S期细胞增加;CaM拮抗剂三氟拉嗪(trifluoperazine,TFP)则使G_1期细胞增加,S期细胞减少。高表达CaM使细胞分裂指数提高,G_2期细胞减少,有丝分裂前期细胞增加,M中期细胞比例下降。而TFP处理则使分裂指数下降,G_2期细胞增加,M前期细胞减少,M中期细胞增加。实验结果表明CaM在G_1/S、G_2/M和M中期/M后期3个位点上对细胞周期进行调控;通过加速G_1至S期,G_2至M期和M中期至M后期的进程,使细胞倍增时间缩短,促进细胞增殖。本工作表明,RC3细胞作为CaM表达可调细胞模型,是研究细胞周期调控的有力工具。  相似文献   

Following a 10 min pulse labeling with 3H-TdR, flasks of asynchronous monolayer cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells were subjected to mitotic selection at 2 hr intervals. The mitotic index of the selected populations was always greater than 90%. Counts per min per cell obtained by liquid scintillation counting were plotted versus time after the pulse label. Comparisons were made between cycle times obtained by the mitotic-scintillation counting method and by the standard per cent labeled mitosis technique. The resulting curves were used for calculations of the cell cycle times and the lengths of G1, S, G2 and M phases of the cell cycle. There was less than 2% difference in the cell cycle times obtained using the scintillation method as compared to times calculated from autoradiographic data obtained from individual petri dishes. The mitotic-scintillation counting technique is simple, accurate and rapid and allows the calculation of the cell kinetics parameters within 1 hr of the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Mitotic, nonmalignant Balb/c 3T3 cells exhibit endogenous, surface galactosyltransferase activity that does not require intercellular contact throughout the assay period. In this respect, mitotic 3T3 cells resemble malignant Balb/c 3T12 cells which similarly show no contact requirement for optimum transferase activity in any phase of their cell cycle. Previously, it was shown that randomly growing populations of 3T3 cells have lower galactosyltransferase activity when assayed under conditions which decreased cell contact. This led to the conclusion that these normal (3T3) and malignant (3T12) cells differed in that intercellular contact is required for optimum activity of surface galactosyltransferases on the normal cell type. The present data indicate that mitotic 3T3 cells may be capable of expressing enzyme activities exhibited at all times by malignant cells. That is, mitotic 3T3 cells and randomly growing 3T12 cells may readily catalyze galactosyltransferase reactions between enzymes and acceptors on the same cell. Interphase 3T3 cells, on the other hand, might require that enzymes glycosylate acceptors on adjacent cells. A model is proposed that suggests that changes in the spatial arrangement of surface enzymes and acceptors or variations in the fluidity of the cell membrane can account for this contact-related glycosylation.  相似文献   

Given the starting cell cycle age distribution and the growing conditions, the model developed through modification of Hahn's vector analysis predicts the age distribution of the population after a growth period. The model was able to simulate changes in growth and the per cent of cells in each stage of the cell cycle for cells growing in excess thymidine, in colcemid, in normal medium, and after successive treatments of these drugs, specifically the chemical synchronization method of L5178Y cells.  相似文献   

A method is described, which is applicable to cell renewal systems with an anatomical structure in which all cell locations may be uniquely mapped. Its use is demonstrated on the rat incisor inner enamel epithelium, which forms a one cell thick column in the sagittally sectioned tooth. Cells born in the apical part of the column migrate toward the distal end of the tooth, where they mature. As the cells migrate along the column, they traverse the various cell cycle phases. The present study has been designed to estimate the probability of a cell being in a given phase; all cells touching the basement membrane were numbered, and the number of cells separating any two cells was taken as a measure of distance. Since generally all cells move in one direction (lateral cell migration may occur), it is possible to solve the problem with the aid of functions describing the renewal counting stochastic process in which cell distance serves as an independent variable. The method predicts labelled cell and mitotic rates which agree with those estimated in the usual way. It was then utilized to estimate the fraction of cells in G2.  相似文献   

The incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the DNA of erythroblasts, primitive ependymal cells, and mesenchymal cells of 11-day mouse embryos was studied by radioautography at different times between 25 minutes and 18 hours after injection intraperitoneally. There was no labeling of mitotic figures until 1 hour after injection. Following this, mitotic figures were labeled for about 5.5 hours in primitive ependymal cells and mesenchymal cells, and for a longer period in erythroblasts. The percentage of the labeled primitive ependymal cells at various times after injection indicate a periodic migration into and out of the mitotic zone. The cell generation cycle of primitive ependymal cells and mesenchymal cells is similar to some kinds of adult cells. The cycle of the erythroblasts is more like that of the cells of aging mice.  相似文献   

Vegetative cells of Pelagomonas calceolata Andersen & Saunders were confirmed to possess a reduced flagellar apparatus, consisting of a single basal body/flagellum that is not accompanied by either flagellar roots or a barren basal body. Just prior to division, the parental flagellum retracts (or is abscised) as two new basal bodies/flagella arise de novo. During cytokinesis the parental basal body segregates with a new basal body/flagellum, briefly producing a progeny cell typical of other known uniflagellates (i.e. containing a basal body/flagellum and accompanying barren basal body). The parental basal body then disintegrates or "transforms" out of existence, leaving both progeny cells with a single basal body/flagellum (i.e. neither progeny cell possesses any vestige of a mature flagellum/basal body ). Pelagomonas calceolata belongs to a lineage of chromophyte algae characterized by having a reduced flagellar apparatus, but it is the only known species, not only in this lineage but among all eukaryotes, to have undergone the complete elimination of the mature flagellum /basal body .  相似文献   

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