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The antibiotic resistance plasmid pBS228 has been completely sequenced, and revealed to be descended from a plasmid virtually identical to the Birmingham IncP-1alpha plasmid RK2/RP4/RP1. However, it has three additional transposon insertions, one of which is responsible for the extra antibiotic resistances conferred. Loss of kanamycin resistance, which is characteristic of most IncP-1alpha plasmids, is the result of this insertion. A second transposon causes inactivation of the mating pair formation apparatus, rendering the plasmid non-self-transmissible. Comparison with the published data for other IncP-1alpha plasmids gives insight into the recent evolutionary history of this group as well as the acquisition and transmission of one of the first ampicillin resistance transposons discovered.  相似文献   

Rep-mob loci of naphthalene degradative plasmid pBS286 (IncP-9) have been cloned on the Escherichia coli vectors pUC19 and pUBR322. These loci confer to recombinant plasmids pBS952 and pBS953 the ability for effective mobilization by RP4 (IncP-1) and F plasmid, as well as constant maintenance in various gram-negative bacteria. Localization of cloned sequences in the restriction fragments of conservative part of the pBS286 genome was established. The data obtained correlate with the analysis of plasmids pBS950 and pBS951 which are spontaneous mini-derivatives of pBS286 and pBS292 (delta NPL1::Tn1/Tra+ Nah-) plasmids formed during transformation of E. coli HB101 cells. Plasmids pBS952 and pBS953 retain the incompatibility properties of parental IncP-9 replicon. These recombinant derivatives can be used for construction of bhr vectors with required properties and compatible with bhr vectors constructed on the basis of plasmids from the IncP-1 and IncP-4 groups.  相似文献   

Studies on the initiation of plasmid DNA replication   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

This report describes a method for isolating mutants of plasmid ColE1 that exhibit unstable maintenance and altered replication characteristics. It also describes the initial characterization of four mutants isolated by that method. A chimeric plasmid, pHSG124, containing a ColE1 derivative and a temperature-sensitive replication derivative of pSC101 was mutagenized in vitro, using hydroxylamine. By adjusting the growth conditions of transformants containing the mutagenized chimeric deoxyribonucleic acid, it was possible to rapidly screen colonies and identify those that had a high probability of carrying ColE1 mutants that exhibit unstable maintenance. Of those mutants, some exhibited altered copy number or accumulated catenated structures. Evidence is presented which suggests that the mutations in three of the mutants are probably located in the HaeII A fragment of ColE1.  相似文献   

Broad-host-range IncP-1 plasmids generally encode two replication initiation proteins, TrfA1 and TrfA2. TrfA2 is produced from an internal translational start site within trfA1. While TrfA1 was previously shown to be essential for replication in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, its role in other bacteria within its broad host range has not been established. To address the role of TrfA1 and TrfA2 in other hosts, efficiency of transformation, plasmid copy number (PCN), and plasmid stability were first compared between a mini-IncP-1β plasmid and its trfA1 frameshift variant in four phylogenetically distant hosts: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, Sphingobium japonicum, and Cupriavidus necator. TrfA2 was sufficient for replication in these hosts, but the presence of TrfA1 enhanced transformation efficiency and PCN. However, TrfA1 did not contribute to, and even negatively affected, long-term plasmid persistence. When trfA genes were cloned under a constitutive promoter in the chromosomes of the four hosts, strains expressing either both TrfA1 and TrfA2 or TrfA1 alone, again, generally elicited a higher PCN of an IncP1-β replicon than strains expressing TrfA2 alone. When a single species of TrfA was produced at different concentrations in E. coli cells, TrfA1 maintained a 3- to 4-fold higher PCN than TrfA2 at the same TrfA concentrations, indicating that replication mediated by TrfA1 is more efficient than that by TrfA2. These results suggest that the broad-host-range properties of IncP-1 plasmids are essentially conferred by TrfA2 and the intact replication origin alone but that TrfA1 is nonetheless important to efficiently establish plasmid replication upon transfer into a broad range of hosts.  相似文献   

Summary MiniF, a 9.3 kb fragment of the dispensable F plasmid, carries genes necessary for its replication and partition as well as for the expression of an SOS signal. The arrest of replication of a thermo-sensitive miniFts at 42°C induced SOS functions such as prophage , sfiA expression, W-reactivation of UV-irradiated phage . Two miniF ts9 and ts17 mutations were located within the KpnI fragment (43.6–46.9) in the minimal oriS replicon. Blocking miniF replication by incBC + incompatibility genes situated in trans on a second plasmid also induced SOS functions. In contrast, if miniFts17 plasmid escaped the replication block at 42°C by being inserted into pR325, there was no SOS induction. SOS induction by the arrest of miniF replication required the miniF lynA + locus in cis, the host recA + and lexA + genes. We found that SOS induction was increased greatly near the stationary phase and that cell viability declined. During host cell exponential growth, miniFts9 and miniFts17 plasmids were lost rapidly, although SOS induction persisted for several cell generations. We postulate that lynA expresses a persistent product that may lead to the unwinding of chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Complete sequence of the IncP-9 TOL plasmid pWW0 from Pseudomonas putida   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The TOL plasmid pWW0 (117 kb) is the best studied catabolic plasmid and the archetype of the IncP-9 plasmid incompatibility group from Pseudomonas. It carries the degradative (xyl) genes for toluenes and xylenes within catabolic transposons Tn4651 and Tn4653. Analysis of the complete pWW0 nucleotide sequence revealed 148 putative open reading frames. Of these, 77 showed similarity to published sequences in the available databases predicting functions for: plasmid replication, stable maintenance and transfer; phenotypic determinants; gene regulation and expression; and transposition. All identifiable transposition functions lay within the boundaries of the 70 kb transposon Tn4653, leaving a 46 kb sector containing all the IncP-9 core functions. The replicon and stable inheritance region was very similar to the mini-replicon from IncP-9 antibiotic resistance plasmid pM3, with their Rep proteins forming a novel group of initiation proteins. pWW0 transfer functions exist as two blocks encoding putative DNA processing and mating pair formation genes, with organizational and sequence similarity to IncW plasmids. In addition to the known Tn4651 and IS1246 elements, two additional transposable elements were identified as well as several putative transposition functions, which are probably genetic remnants from previous transposition events. Genes likely to be responsible for known resistance to ultraviolet light and free radicals were identified. Other putative phenotypic functions identified included resistance to mercury and other metal ions, as well as to quaternary ammonium compounds. The complexity and size of pWW0 is largely the result of the mosaic organization of the transposable elements that it carries, rather than the backbone functions of IncP-9 plasmids.  相似文献   

Recently the plasmid RK2 replication initiation protein, TrfA, has been shown to bind to the beta subunit of DNA Polymerase III (DnaN) via a short pentapeptide with the consensus QL[S/D]LF. A second consensus peptide, the hexapeptide QLxLxL, has also been demonstrated to mediate binding to DnaN. Here we describe the results of a comprehensive survey of replication initiation proteins encoded by bacterial plasmids to identify putative DnaN-binding sites. Both pentapeptide and hexapeptide motifs have been identified in a number of families of replication initiation proteins. The distribution of sites is sporadic and closely related families of proteins may differ in the presence, location, or type of putative DnaN-binding motif. Neither motif has been identified in replication initiation proteins encoded by plasmids that replicate via rolling circles or strand displacement. The results suggest that the recruitment of DnaN to the origin of replication of a replisome by plasmid replication initiation proteins is not generally required for plasmid replication, but that in some cases it may be beneficial for efficiency of replication initiation.  相似文献   

Chieko Wada  Takashi Yura 《Plasmid》1982,8(3):287-298
When temperature-sensitive mafA mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 carrying mini-F plasmid (pSC138) are transferred from 30 to 42 °C, plasmid DNA replication as determined by incorporation of [3H]thymidine into covalently closed circular (CCC) mini-F DNA or by DNA-DNA hybridization is inhibited markedly within 10 min. The results of extensive pulse-chase experiments suggest that the initiation rather than the chain elongation step of plasmid replication is affected under these conditions. The replication inhibition in the mutant is accompanied by appearance of a class of plasmid DNA with a buoyant density higher than that of CCC DNA observed in the wild type, and is followed by gradual inhibition of host cell growth. The inhibition of plasmid replication is reversible at least for 60 min under the conditions used, and the recovery at low temperature (30 °C) depends on the synthesis of untranslated RNA. These results taken together with other evidence suggest that the mafA mutations primarily affect the initial step(s) of F DNA replication, presumably at or before the synthesis of untranslated RNA.  相似文献   

IHF (integration host factor) mutants exhibit asynchronous initiation of chromosome replication from oriC as determined from flow cytometric analysis of cultures where RNA synthesis was inhibited with rifampicin. However, the run-out kinetics of chromosome replication in ihf mutants shows that they continue to produce oriCs for some time in the absence of RNA synthesis resulting in a twofold increase in the oriC per mass ratio. An ihf dnaA double mutant did not exhibit this continued increase of the oriC per mass ratio. This indicates that ihf mutants can initiate replication from oriC in a rifampicin-resistant initiation mode but requires fully functional DnaA protein. The origin per mass ratio, determined by a quantitative Southern blotting technique, showed that the ihf mutants had an origin per mass ratio that was 60% of the wild type although it had a normal DnaA protein concentration. This shows that the initiation mass was substantially higher in the ihf mutants. The oriC per terminus ratio, which was also determined by Southern blotting, was very low in the ihf mutant, although it grew with the same doubling times as the wild-type strain. This indicates that cells lacking IHF replicate their chromosome(s) very fast.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas’ IncP-7 plasmids play significant role in the environmental biodegradative potential and sometimes carry antibiotic-resistance genes. Rms148 plasmid was used as archetypal P-7 plasmid in microbiological incompatibility studies for more then 30 years. However, the structure of its basic replicon was not described until now; furthermore, the phylogenetic relationships between all known plasmids within the IncP-7 group have not yet been studied. In the course of our study, we have constructed two pairs of primers to amplify the main components of the region of the initiation of P-7 replication, and the subsequent screening of repA intragenic polymorphism was performed using the laboratory collection of IncP-7 plasmids. The minimal replicon of Rms148 was determined and its nucleotide sequence was found to be 81–83% identical to repA-oriV of known P-7 plasmids and is considered to fall into a separate clade of the corresponding phylogenetic tree. Additionally, repA group members seem to be more conservative than the putative oriV region. The estimated amino acid sequence and predicted secondary and tertiary structures of Rms148 RepA protein allowed us to make the assumption that the initiation of replication in plasmids of the P-7 incompatibility group is described by the same model as for the unclassified cryptic plasmid pPS10.  相似文献   

The genetic aspects of ori C replication initiation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis are largely unknown. A two-step genetic screen was utilized for isolating M. tuberculosis dna A cold-sensitive (cos) mutants. First, a resident plasmid expressing functional dna A integrated at the att B locus in dna A null background was exchanged with an incoming plasmid bearing a mutagenized dna A gene. Next, the mutants that were defective for growth at 30°C, a non-permissive temperature, but resumed growth and DNA synthesis when shifted to 37°C, a permissive temperature, were subsequently selected. Nucleotide sequencing analysis located mutations to different regions of the dna A gene. Modulation of the growth temperatures led to synchronized DNA synthesis. The dna A expression under synchronized DNA replication conditions continued to increase during the replication period, but decreased thereafter reflecting autoregulation. The dna Acos mutants at 30°C were elongated suggesting that they may possibly be blocked during the cell division. The DnaA115 protein is defective in its ability to interact with ATP at 30°C, but not at 37°C. Our results suggest that the optimal cell cycle progression and replication initiation in M. tuberculosis requires that the dna A promoter remains active during the replication period and that the DnaA protein is able to interact with ATP.  相似文献   

A new broad host-range plasmid capable of conjugative transfer has been isolated and characterized. The plasmid has the high frequency of conjugation transfer, is capable of conjugative transfer mobilization of nonconjugative plasmids, carries no known phenotypic markers. The plasmid demonstrates the specific interaction with the plasmids of P incompatibility group. The comparatively small size of the plasmid permits one to use it efficiently for comparative study of organization of the broad host range plasmids.  相似文献   

Tn5-induced tra mutations were localized on the physical map of a broad host range plasmid pBS1001. Mutations were united into three clusters covering 25% of plasmid DNA. They were distributed in 7 groups by complementation analysis. It was shown that coexistence of tra mutants of pBS1001 and RP4 within the same cell did not restore conjugation properties of both plasmids. High frequency mobilization of some known vectors by pBS1001 was demonstrated.  相似文献   

A mini-replicon was obtained for the caprolactam/salicylate degradation plasmid pBS270 (105 kb) of incompatibility group P-7 from Pseudomonas bacteria, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. A new gene that encodes a TrfA-like replication initiator was found on this replicon. The level of homology between this replication initiator and known proteins of the TrfA family suggests that the obtained replicon can be classified as IncP-1-like. The pBS270mini was shown to be chimeric.  相似文献   

The mechanistic basis of control of replication initiation of plasmid R6K was investigated by addressing the following questions. What are the biochemical attributes of mutations in the pi initiator protein that caused loss of negative control of initiation? Did the primary control involve only initiator protein-ori DNA interaction or did it also involve protein-protein interactions between pi and several host-encoded proteins? Mutations at two different regions of the pi-encoding sequence individually caused some loss of negative control as indicated by a relatively modest increase in copy number. However, combinations of the mutation P42L, which caused loss of DNA looping, with those located in the region between the residues 106 and 113 induced a robust enhancement of copy number. These mutant forms promoted higher levels of replication in vitro in a reconstituted system consisting of 22 purified proteins. The mutant forms of pi were susceptible to pronounced iteron-induced monomerization in comparison with the WT protein. As contrasted with the changes in DNA-protein interaction, we found no detectable differences in protein-protein interaction between wild type pi with DnaA, DnaB helicase, and DnaG primase on one hand and between the high copy mutant forms and the same host proteins on the other. The DnaG-pi interaction reported here is novel. Taken together, the results suggest that both loss of negative control due to iteron-induced monomerization of the initiator and enhanced iteron-initiator interaction appear to be the principal causes of enhanced copy number.  相似文献   

Plasmid pBS221 was physically mapped for restriction endonucleases EcoRI, BamHI, BglII, HindIII. The regions essential for the plasmid existence and participating in replication (oriV trfA*) and mobilization (mob) were cloned. The tet determinant and oriV trfA* regions were localized on the physical map of the plasmid. A DNA sequence homologous to genes of Tn501 mer operon was detected in this plasmid. The studies on homology of plasmids RP4 (IncP alpha), R751 (IncP beta) and pBS221 plasmid suggest that the latter belongs to the IncP beta subgroup.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive replication (Tsr) mutants have been isolated from the Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pC194. For three of the four mutant plasmids tested (pSAO801, pSAO802, and pSAO804) the segregation kinetics suggested a complete block of plasmid replication at 43 degrees C. The replication defects of three mutant plasmids: pSAO802, pSAO803, and pSAO804 could be complemented by recombinant plasmids carrying a segment from either the wild type or the other mutant, pSAO801. There was no complementation when the segment carried by the recombinant plasmid was derived from one of the three complementable mutants. These data were taken as evidence for the involvement of a diffusible, plasmid-encoded product, RepH, in pC194 replication. The complementation of the fourth Tsr mutant, pSAO801, could not be tested due to an abnormal susceptibility of this mutant to the incompatibility expressed by recombinants carrying segments derived from pC194 or its mutants. A single mutation was found to be responsible for both pSAO801 instability and its altered incompatibility properties but the nature of the defect has not yet been elucidated.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli chaperones DnaJ, DnaK and GrpE increase P1 plasmid initiator binding to the origin by promoting initiator folding. The binding allows initiation and also promotes pairing of origins which is believed to control initiation frequency. Chaperone-independent DNA binding mutants are often defective in replication control. We show here that these mutants have increased rates of association for DNA binding and defects in origin pairing. The increases in association rates were found to be due either to increased protein folding into active forms or to increases in the association rate constant, kon. Since the dissociation rate constants for DNA release with these mutants are not changed, it is unlikely that the DNA binding domain is affected. The pairing domain may thus control replication and modulate DNA binding. The role of the pairing domain in DNA binding can be significant in vivo as the selection for chaperone-independent binding favors pairing-defective mutants.  相似文献   

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