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A three-dimensional scalable biomechanical model of the four fingers of the hand to evaluate power grip is proposed. The model has been validated by means of reproducing an experiment in which the subjects exerted the maximal voluntary grasping force over cylinders of different diameters. The model is used to simulate the cylinder grip for two hand sizes and for five different handle diameters. The reduction of the muscle forces using different handle diameters has been studied. The model can be applied to the design and evaluation of handles for power grip and to the study of power grasp for normal and abnormal hands.  相似文献   

Many studies use a reference task of an isometric maximum voluntary power grip task in a mid-pronated forearm posture to normalize their forearm electromyographic (EMG) signal amplitude. Currently there are no recommended protocols to do this. In order to provide guidance on the topic, we examined the EMG amplitude of six forearm muscles (three flexors and three extensors) during twenty different maximal voluntary efforts that included various gripping postures, force and moment exertions and compared them to a frequently used normalization task of exerting a maximum grip force, termed the reference task. 16 participants (8 male and 8 female, aged 18–26) were recruited for this study. Overall, maximal muscle activity was produced during the resisted moment tasks. When contrasted with the reference task, the resisted moment tasks produced EMG activity that was up to 2.8 times higher (p < 0.05). Although there was no one task that produced greater EMG values than the reference task for all forearm muscles, the resisted flexor and extensor moment tasks produced similar, if not higher EMG activity than the reference task for the three flexors and three extensor muscles, respectively. This suggests that researchers wishing to normalize forearm EMG activity during power gripping prehensile tasks should use resisted flexor and extensor moment tasks to obtain better estimates of the forearm muscles’ maximum electrical activation magnitudes.  相似文献   

This study aimed to provide quantitative activation data for muscles of the forearm during pronation and supination while using a power grip. Electromyographic data was collected from 15 forearm muscles in 11 subjects while they performed maximal isometric pronating and supinating efforts in nine positions of forearm rotation. Biceps brachii was the only muscle with substantial activation in only one effort direction. It was significantly more active when supinating (µ = 52.1%, SD = 17.5%) than pronating (µ = 5.1%, SD = 4.8%, p < .001). All other muscles showed considerable muscle activity during both pronation and supination. Brachioradialis, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, pronator quadratus and pronator teres were significantly more active when pronating the forearm. Abductor pollicis longus and biceps brachii were significantly more active when supinating. This data highlights the importance of including muscles additional to the primary forearm rotators in a biomechanical analysis of forearm rotation. Doing so will further our understanding of forearm function and lead to the improved treatment of forearm fractures, trauma-induced muscle dysfunction and joint replacements.  相似文献   


BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the biodynamic response (BR) of the human hand-arm system is an important part of the foundation for the measurement and assessment of hand-transmitted vibration exposure. This study investigated the BR of human fingers in a power grip subjected to a random vibration. METHOD: Ten male subjects were used in the experiment. Each subject applied three coupling actions to a simulated tool handle at three different finger grip force levels. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The BR is practically independent of the hand coupling actions for frequencies at or above 100 Hz. Above 50 Hz, the BR is correlated to finger and hand sizes. Increasing the finger coupling force significantly increases the BR. Therefore, hand forces should be measured and used when assessing hand-transmitted vibration exposure. The results also show that under a constant-velocity vibration, the finger vibration power absorption at frequencies above 200 Hz is approximately twice that at frequencies below 100 Hz. This suggests that the frequency weighting specified in the current ISO 5349-1 (2001) may underestimate the high frequency effect on vibration-induced finger disorders.  相似文献   

The "squeeze" form of power grip is investigated for the purposes of clarifying the hand posture and activities associated with the grip, assessing the potential in chimpanzees for using the grip, and identifying morphological correlates of an effective power grip that may be recognized in fossil hominid species. Our approaches include: (1) the analysis of the human grip, focusing on both the hand posture involved and hand movements associated with use of the grip in hammering; (2) the analysis of similar chimpanzee grips and associated movements; (3) comparative functional analysis of regions in the hand exploited and stressed by the grip and its associated movements in humans; and (4) a review of the literature on the power grip and its morphological correlates. Results of the study indicate that humans use a squeeze form of power grip effectively to wield cylindrical tools forcefully as extensions of the forearm. Several morphological features occur in high frequency among humans which facilitate the grip and are consistent with the large internal and external forces associated with it in hammering and in other tool-using activities. Chimpanzee hand postures resembling this form of human power grip are not fully comparable and lack some of these morphological correlates that facilitate its use. The hand of Australopithecus afarensis does not appear to have been stressed by use of the grip, but there is some evidence for this type of stress in the metacarpals from Sterkfontein Member 4. Hands from Olduvai and Swartkrans do not provide sufficient evidence for assessment of power grip capabilities.  相似文献   

A method is reported for the separation of S-adenosyl-3-methylthiopropylamine and other basic compounds in the eye of the sea catfish (Arius felis) by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex. One of the basic compounds was isolated in crystalline form and was shown to be S-adenosyl-3-thiopropylamine by chemical and spectroscopic characterizations and by comparison with a synthetic sample.  相似文献   

We describe here a newly developed method for a contact-free optical pH measurement in yeast suspensions supplemented with glucose, and containing the pH sensitive triphenylmethane dye bromocresol green. It is suitable for performing the acidification power test (based on measuring the rate of pH drop of yeast suspension caused by active extrusion of acidity from cells after glucose addition) used for assessing yeast vitality in fermentation industries. Using this methodology we monitored the pH in yeast suspensions in the course of acidification in the pH range of 3.5–5.3. Optical pH measurement allows simultaneous testing of several samples, minimizes the sample volume, simplifies sample handling and reduces the hands-on time in sample processing.  相似文献   

For compression treatment to be effective in patients with chronic venous insufficiency, it is vital that leg circumference be measured accurately. If compression stockings are custom fit and appropriate for the medical indications, patient compliance will be high. Exact measurements of circumference and length are prerequisites for a good fit. The aim of the present study was to compare an opto-electronic device for the contact-free measurement of calf circumference with the conventional manual method using a tape measure. We investigated the differences between the results obtained with the two methods, and also their reproducibility. Circumferences were measured at defined heights on an anatomically shaped non-yielding leg model and on the leg of a healthy volunteer by 10 different experimenters both with the tape measure and with the opto-electronic device. The calf circumferences measured manually with the tape measure varied significantly more than those measured opto-electronically, both in the leg model and in the leg of the volunteer. A systematic error in the opto-electronic method appears unlikely, since the manual measurements on the leg model were both larger and smaller than those obtained with the opto-electronic device. Reproducibility was exceptionally high with the opto-electronic device (standard deviation 0.11-0.42 cm). The opto-electronic method yields rapid accurate measurements of circumference with excellent intra- and inter-operator reproducibility.  相似文献   

Loss of grasping power is a ratable factor of permanent partial disability by the Industrial Accident Commission of the State of California. The ratings that issue therefrom are based upon the proportion of grasping power actually lost as a result of the injury sustained. The conditions which most frequently impair grasping power are, (1) amputation; (2) limited motion of digits, wrists, forearm, elbow or shoulder; (3) pain; (4) muscular weakness. The examining physician can greatly facilitate proper rating if he carefully and fully reports data needed by the I.A.C. Grip readings should be measured by the most precise instrument which can be obtained. Makeshift devices such as using a blood pressure cuff are not acceptable. A committee of the California Medical Association appointed to study the subject of loss of grip for purposes of establishing compensation rating, concluded that a dynamometer that registers pounds force is preferable to one registering pressure.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to compute the mechanical power of the resultant braking force during an actual propulsion cycle with a manual wheelchair on the field. The resultant braking force was calculated from a mechanical model taking into account the rolling resistances of the front and rear wheels. Both the resultant braking force and the wheelchair velocity were not constant during the propulsion cycle and varied according to the subject's fore-and-aft and vertical movements in the wheelchair. These variations had logical repercussions on the braking force mechanical power, which ranged from 20.6 to 34.5 W (mean = 29.6 W) during the propulsion cycle. The mechanical power was also calculated from the conditions of a classical drag test, by the product of the cycle mean velocity and a constant braking force corresponding to a 60% rear wheels distribution of the subject-and-wheelchair's weight. This second mechanical power (32.4 W) was 10% higher than the average of the instantaneous power. Beyond the need of a clear definition of the two phases of the propulsion cycle, this study showed that the assumption on wheelchair locomotion usually admitted on laboratory ergometers cannot be applied in field studies, and that the kinetic energy variations during the cycle propulsive phase should be considered for evaluating the subject's mechanical work and power.  相似文献   

This study investigates prehension in 20 tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) in a reaching task requiring individuals to grasp a small food item fixed to a tray. The aim was twofold: 1) to describe capuchins' grasping techniques in detail, focusing on digit movements and on different areas of contact between the grasping fingers; and 2) to assess the relationship between grip types and manual laterality in this species. Capuchins picked up small food items using a wide variety of grips. In particular, 16 precision grip variants and 4 power grip variants were identified. The most frequently used precision grip involved the distal lateral areas of the thumb and the index finger, while the most preferred kind of power grip involved the thumb and the palm, with the thumb being enclosed by the other fingers. Immature capuchins picked up small food items using power grips more often than precision grips, while adult individuals exhibited no significant preference for either grip type. The analysis performed on the time capuchins took to grasp the food and withdraw it from the tray hole revealed that 1) precision grips were as efficient as power grips; 2) for precision grips, the left hand was faster than the right hand; and 3) for power grips, both hands were equally quick. Hand preference analysis, based on the frequency for the use of either hand for grasping actions, revealed no significant hand bias at group level. Likewise, there was no significant relationship between grip type and hand preference.  相似文献   

A reliable and easy to use manual dispensing system has been developed for the in meso membrane protein crystallization method. The system consists of a stepping motor-based dispenser with a new microsyringe system for dispensing, which allows us to deliver any desired volume of highly viscous lipidic mesophase in the range from ~50 to at least ~200 nl. The average, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of 20 repeated deliveries of 50 nl cubic phase were comparable to those of a current robotic dispensing. Moreover, the bottom faces of boluses delivered to the glass crystallization plate were reproducibly circular in shape, and their centers were within about 100 μm from the center of the crystallization well. The system was useful for crystallizing membrane and soluble proteins in meso.  相似文献   

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