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Mussels, Mytilus trossulus, were sampled in 1992 and 1993 from beaches in Prince William Sound that had been oiled by the Exxon Valdez spill of March, 1989. At some of the oiled beaches, mussels were collected from beds overlying oiled sediments, and from bedrock adjacent to these beds. Mussels were also collected from beaches within the Sound that had not been impacted by the spill. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in mussel tissue, physiological responses (byssal thread production, condition index, clearance rate, and glycogen content), were determined for each group of mussels. Total PAH concentrations in mussel tissue ranged from 0 to 6 μg g−1, and were significantly greater in mussels from oiled beds than those from reference beds. No significant differences were noted in byssal thread production, condition index, clearance rate, or glycogen content between oiled sample sites and reference sites. The lack of physiological response was surprising because mussels in this study were chronically exposed to PAH for 3–4 years, and none of the physiological responses measured appeared to be affected by that exposure. The lack of a physiological response suggests that chronically exposed mussels may develop a physiological tolerance to PAH, but we recognize that these measures may not have been sensitive enough to discriminate response from background noise.  相似文献   

During 1985–1990, two groups of killer whales in Prince William Sound, Alaska, experienced unusually high rates of mortality, while seven others did not. Those affected were AB pod, part of the southern Alaska population of resident (fish-eating) killer whales, and the AT1 transient (marine mammal–eating) group, a very small, reproductively isolated population that last reproduced in 1984. In 1985–1986, several AB pod members were shot by fishermen defending their catch from depredation, which explains some of the deaths. Understanding the other deaths is complicated by the Exxon Valdez oil spill (March 1989) and uncertainties about the causes and times of the deaths. For AB pod, possible factors involved in the post-spill mortalities are delayed effects of bullet wounds, continued shooting, oil exposure, and consequences of being orphaned. For the AT1 group, possible factors are oil exposure, small population size, old age, and high-contaminant burdens. An analysis of possible effects of inhalation of volatile organic compounds, contact with the oil slick, and ingestion of oil with water or prey did not reveal route(s) of exposure that could explain the mortalities. The cause(s) of the killer whale deaths recorded following the oil spill remain uncertain.  相似文献   

Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) returning to Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska, have increased to historically high levels of abundance in recent years, but average body size at return has declined. We examined how body size at return of PWS pink salmon was related to 10 biophysical factors, including the scale of hatchery production. We also examined the effect of body size at return on productivity of wild pink salmon in PWS. For the 1975–1999 brood years, we found that an index of total abundance of pink salmon in the Gulf of Alaska and sea surface temperature during the year of return best explained the variation in pink salmon body size over time. Body size at return was significantly correlated with productivity of wild pink salmon. We used stepwise-regression to fit a generalized linear version of the Ricker spawner-recruit model to determine if body size would explain significant variation in wild-stock productivity in context with other environmental variation, including hatchery production. The results indicate that variability in wild-stock productivity is primarily driven by density-independent factors in the marine environment, but that body size of wild spawners also significantly affects productivity of wild PWS pink salmon. We conclude that the success of large-scale enhancement increasing the total run in PWS may have contributed to the decline in body size because of density-dependent growth in the Gulf of Alaska. We used a simulation model to estimate the impact of hatchery-induced changes in adult body size on wild-stock production in PWS. We estimated an annual wild-stock yield loss of 1.03 million pink salmon, less than 5% of the annual hatchery return of 24.2 million adult pink salmon for brood years 1990–1999.  相似文献   

Climate change has produced disproportionate levels of warming in high latitude ecosystems. A critical challenge is to understand how changes in temperature will mediate ecological processes, such as disease. Several authors have suggested that warming will increase prevalence of diseases at high latitudes, yet long-term studies are lacking. We evaluated how parasite abundance and prevalence in an ecologically and economically important species (juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka) has changed in an Alaskan watershed that has experienced substantial climatic change over the past half-century. We hypothesized that the average increase in summer water temperature of 1.9°C over the past 46 years in our study system would have resulted in a corresponding increase in fish metabolism, and thus potential consumption rates, that would increase infestation rates of the tapeworm Triaenophorus crassus. However, our comparison of data from 1948–1960 to 2008–2009 provided no evidence that the parasite load in juvenile sockeye salmon has significantly changed and that there is no significant relationship between summer temperature and average infestation rates. Climatic projections for southwest Alaska forecast a continuation of the current warming trend, which could potentially have effects on our studied parasite-host interaction, but thus far we found no change in infestation rates over the last 60 years.  相似文献   

On 25 April 1998, approximately 4.5 hm(3) of pyritic sludge, containing 5000 mg of As kg(-1) among other pollutants, was spilled into the Agrio and Guadiamar rivers and the surrounding agricultural areas (Aznalcóllar, Seville, Southern Spain). Many trace metals such as Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Tl, Sb and As reached the Do?ana National Park, the largest wetland area in Europe, affecting soils, different plant and animal species. In order to recuperate the affected lands by employing plants capable of accumulating high levels of contaminants in shoots, periodical field surveys have been made to identify the metal-tolerant species that are spontaneously growing in the polluted soils, and are able to uptake one or various of the contaminants. Among the 99 different plant species studied, Anchusa azurea, Beta vulgaris, Chamaemelum fuscatum, Convolvulus arvensis, Cynodon dactylon, Diplotaxis virgata, Erodium aethiopicum, Lavatera cretica, Malva nicaeensis, Silybum marianum and, above all, Amaranthus blitoides highlight as the most promising to be used in the remediation of the affected area.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on the orchid diversity in Penang Hill, Penang, Malaysia was conducted from 2004 to 2008 with the objective to evaluate the presence of orchid species listed by Curtis (J Strait Br R Asiat Soc 25:67–173, 1894) after more than 100 years. A total of 85 species were identified during this study, of which 52 are epiphytic or lithophytic and 33 are terrestrial orchids. This study identified 57 species or 64.8% were the same as those recorded by Curtis (1894), and 78 species or 66.1% of Turner’s (Gardens’ Bull Singap 47(2):599–620, 1995) checklist of 118 species for the state of Penang including 18 species which were not recorded by Curtis (1894) and the current study but are actually collected from Penang Hill. A comparison table of the current findings against Curtis (1894) and Turner (1995) is provided which shows only 56 species were the same in all three studies. The preferred account for comparison was Curtis’ (1894) list as his report was specifically for the areas around Penang Island especially Penang Hill, Georgetown and Ayer Itam areas. Our study reveals that about 50% of Curtis’ collection localities have been converted to residential areas and agricultural land, and this probably explains the decreasing numbers of species found in the current study especially for the terrestrial species as epiphytic species have better adaptation capabilities towards environmental changes. Seven species were identified as new records to Penang Hill as they were not recorded by Curtis (1894). None of the three species recorded as endemic to Penang by Turner (1995) was recollected during the current study, of which only Zeuxine rupestris was in Curtis’ (1894) list. Overall, we concluded that Penang hill harbours at least 136 species of orchids of which 78 species or 57.4% were recollected in this study. This also indicates that this area is still suitable for orchid growth even though it is surrounded by rapid development and mass conversion of forested land into fruit orchards and residential area. The designation of Penang Hill as a Permanent Forest Reserve would better guarantee the survival of some orchid species unless human interventions and climatic changes occur.  相似文献   

Edward O. Wilson's forays into human sociobiology have been the target of persistent, vehement attack by his Harvard colleague in evolutionary biology, Richard C. Lewontin. Through examination of existing documents in the case, together with in-depth personal interviews of Wilson, Lewontin, and other biologists, the reasons for Wilson's stance and Lewontin's criticisms are uncovered. It is argued that the dispute is not primarily personally or politically motivated, but involves a conflict between long-term scientific-cum-moral agendas, with the reductionist program as a key issue. It is concluded that it is in the interest of both disputants to keep the controversy alive.  相似文献   

Throughout the last century the increasing human activities in Antarctic region, particularly research expeditions, fishing, and tourism amplified the risk of oils spills at these high latitudes of the meridional hemisphere. A number of studies have been focused on chronic hydrocarbon contamination near Antarctic research stations revealing the presence and persistence of these human-derived contaminants. Marine ship-source oil spills in Antarctic region can have significant impacts on the marine environment. The key factors to effectively fight oil spills are a careful selection and proper use of the equipment and materials best suited to the critical local conditions. Despite the significant advances in the field of environmental recovery after an “oil spill” episode, research has recently shown that the usual techniques are often less effective than expected. This issue become much more relevant in the Antarctic case, not only for the incomparable environmental value of the Antarctic region but also for the extreme environmental conditions and the great distances from properly equipped centers, that make unfeasible sending naval vessels. Scope of the STRANgE Project is the preliminary design of a prototype floating platform, parachutable by plane, able to intervene as quickly as possible for the containment, removal and treatment/storage of the oil slick. New sorbent nanostructured materials and specialized Antarctic bacteria applications constitute the main innovations of this Project.  相似文献   

Peatland restoration in North America (NA) was initiated approximately 25 years ago on peat‐extracted bogs. Recent advances in peatland restoration in NA have expanded the original concepts and methodology. Restoration efforts in NA now include restoring peatlands from many diverse types of disturbances (e.g. roads, agriculture, grazing, erosion, forestry, and petrol industry infrastructure impacts) and occur in a greater array of peatland types (e.g. fens and swamps). Because fens are groundwater and surface flow driven, techniques to restore the hydrology of fens are generally more complicated than bogs. Restoring a greater variety of peatland types on a large‐scale basis (>10 ha) commands new techniques for reestablishing a broader array of plants other than Sphagnum spp., including non‐Sphagnum mosses, sedges, nonericaceous shrubs, and trees. The rationale for restoring peatlands has expanded to include legal requirements, wetland mitigation and banking, climate mitigation, water quality, and as part of responsible ecosystem management for industry or society. In the past 25 years, peatland restoration in NA has evolved from (1) trial and error to a more empirically based scientific approach, (2) small site‐specific experiments to landscape‐scale restoration (e.g. hydrological connectivity, ecological fragmentation), and (3) individual stakeholder (academic) to multiple stakeholders across jurisdictional boundaries (private, local, and regional governmental agencies, NGOs, and so on). However, many research gaps still exist that must be addressed to enhance our ability to restore peatlands successfully.  相似文献   

Boldness is defined as the tendency of an individual to take risks when exposed to novel objects or situations. The main aim of this work was to dilucidate if boldness was related to the development of the secondary sexual traits (SSTs) in the male of the fiver blenny Salariafluviatilis, a freshwater fish which takes care of eggs. As a second objective SSTs effect on pa rental status adoption was also be explored. Wild young fish were caught in the Segre River (Ebro basin) in November 2010. Fish were kept in five aquaria in groups of eight males and eight females with artificial nests. Boldness (boldness score and hesitancy) of males (initially with little SSTs development) was tested as the time required to exit a refuge when exposed to a new environ ment. Fish were mantained in the same aquaria for several months, and males' SSTs development and reproductive behaviour were monitored. Boldness score was negatively associated to cephalic crest development. Hesitancy was negatively related to male length and was also influenced by the interaction between male length and cephalic crest. Parental status acquisition was positively related to the male's length, marginally related to anal gland development, and nonrelated to cephalic crest. These re sults suggest an intrasexual role of the crest as an informative trait of boldness (honest signal) which might not necessarily be chosen by the females. It is also discussed that correlational selection could be responsible for linking boldness and growth rate in this species. Sexual selection, in addition to having directed the evolution of secondary sexual traits, might have favored certain personality traits (e.g. boldness) associated with the achievement of a larger body length .  相似文献   



After the Great East Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2011), the fatigue of relief workers became a major problem in affected areas. In the present study, we conducted a questionnaire survey 2.5 years post-disaster identifying factors related to the fatigue of relief workers.


This survey was cross-sectional and participants (N?=?119) were relief workers living in affected areas. We used a self-administered questionnaire which included participants’ current problems, sources of strong feeling of loss, psychological distress and compassion fatigue. Based on answers (Yes/No) to the fatigue item, we created 2 groups; a Fatigue-group and a Non-fatigue group. We employed bivariate analysis on items with significant differences between the two groups and entered them into a multivariable logistic regression model.


Fifty-seven (48%) reported that they were “very tired” and were assigned to the Fatigue group. The total score of the 6-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) and each subscale score (burnout, secondary trauma, and compassion satisfaction) of the Professional Quality of Life measure (Pro-QOL) in the Fatigue group were significantly higher than those in the Non-fatigue group. There were significant differences between the two groups for 11 items relating to current problems and sources of strong feelings of loss, and the following items were extracted as factors related to the fatigue of relief workers: loss of trust in others (adjusted OR, 10.03: 95%CI, 2.30–43.79), no confidence to continue work (adjusted OR, 6.27: 95%CI, 1.72–22.83), loss of important person(s) (adjusted OR, 5.58: 95%CI, 2.05–15.19), and sleep disturbance (adjusted OR, 5.14: 95%CI, 1.93–13.67).


Many relief workers who reported fatigue had experienced various losses and current problems. Adequate consideration and care systems for local relief workers with fatigue should be given for a long-period after a disaster and it is important for the workers themselves to continue accepting support from others and maintaining self-care habits.

The Watarase River, running through Japan’s northern Kanto region, has a long history of trace-metal contamination originating from the Ashio Copper Mine. Given the historical importance of incidents at this mine, understanding spatiotemporal environmental changes in the river, including changes in water quality, is important. By using long-term water-quality monitoring data (1960–2010), we aimed to reconstruct the spatiotemporal changes in six water-quality variables—the concentrations of three metals (copper, zinc, arsenic), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and concentration of nitrate-nitrogen—along the Watarase River using generalized additive mixed models. The modeling results clearly demonstrate that during the 1960 and 1970s, metal pollution levels (as represented by copper and zinc) greatly decreased (from 450–2300 to 8–39 μg Cu L?1 and from 490–1500 to 17–52 μg Zn L?1), whereas organic pollution levels, as represented by the BOD and COD increased. Unique changes were observed in the cases of arsenic and nitrate-nitrogen (e.g., marked increases in the 1960s). From the 1980s until 2010, gradual decreases in the levels of metal and organic pollution were generally observed. Only in the 2000s were annual mean concentrations of copper in the lower reaches of the Watarase River lower than the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) water-quality criterion.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - In the original publication of the article, Tables 2 and 3 were published with error. The correct tables are provided below (Tables 2, 3). The...  相似文献   

We examined the vertical distributions of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur (TS), and 21 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a 100-cm-long sediment core collected from Lake Kitaura, a small and shallow eutrophic freshwater lake in central Japan, to elucidate changes in its aquatic environment and the input of PAHs with respect to human activity over the last 1000 years. Using a cross-plot of TOC and TS, the aquatic environment of this lake was well classified into four stages: a marine–brackish water period (≤1321 AD), a brackish–freshwater period (1394–1646 AD), a freshwater period (1726–1958 AD), and a eutrophication period (≥1971 AD). During the current eutrophication period, both TOC and TN have increased dramatically and TOC/TN (which is a useful indicator for distinguishing between aquatic and terrestrial plant sources) has decreased because algal production has markedly increased recently due to eutrophication. The vertical distributions of PAHs (which have derived primarily from combustion over the last 1000 years) showed increases in layers corresponding to periods of volcanic activity in the 18th century, as well as dramatic increases from 1971 to the present. Thus, both the aquatic environment and the input of PAHs in Lake Kitaura have been strongly affected by recent human activity. On the other hand, among all of the PAHs, only perylene—which is known to be of biological origin—was consistently formed via first-order kinetics over the period covered by the core. Its formation was barely influenced by fluctuations in the input of the precursor of perylene or how reductive the environment in the bottom water was.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is believed to be low in regions with vegetation that has adapted to water stress. Additionally, there is little interest by authorities in establishing and expanding conservation units in these areas. In Brazil, the Caatinga and the Cerrado biomes comprise this xerophilous vegetation. In both, climate is tropical and the dry season is long and well-defined. The Caatinga is the Brazilian biome with the smallest area protected by conservation units. This study evaluates the efficacy of conservation units in the Caatinga biome based on abundance and richness of drosophilids. Flies were collected inside and outside these areas. In total, approximately 23,000 flies of 32 species were collected in six conservation and six non-conservation sites. Two non-described species occurred exclusively inside protected areas, underlining the importance of conservation efforts in the maintenance of biodiversity. Other species were recorded exclusively outside conservation areas, which emphasizes the importance of establishing and expanding conservation units in the Caatinga. Native species were significantly more abundant inside conservation units, though the richness was similar in protected and non-protected areas. Abundance of exotic species outside conservation areas was statistically different in comparison with that of native ones.  相似文献   

The Caribbean reef-building corals Acropora palmata and Acropora cervicornis have undergone widespread declines in the past two decades, leading to their designation as candidates for listing under the United States Endangered Species Act. Whole-reef censuses in 1983 and 2000 at Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary in the Florida Keys provide estimates of areal loss of live Acropora spp. cover. Area (square meters) of live coral cover was quantified from depiction on scaled base maps of extent of coral cover observed by a snorkeler on each reef spur at each census. Certain thickets appear to have been persistent (though none expanded), but the total area of live A. palmata at Looe Key is estimated to have declined by 93% and A. cervicornis by 98% during this 17-year interval. It is likely that acroporid populations may have already undergone substantial decline prior to our initial census in 1983.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on fungal growth and spore production is less well documented than for allergenic pollen grains, although similar implications for respiratory tract diseases in humans occur. Fungal spores are commonly described as either “dry” or “wet” according to the type of weather associated with their occurrence in the air. This study examined the distribution of selected fungal spores (Alternaria spp., Cladosporium spp., Didymella spp., Epicoccum spp., Leptosphaeria spp. and rusts) occurring in the West Midlands of UK during 2 years of contrasting weather. Spore specimens were collected using a 7-day volumetric air sampler and then analysed with the aid of light microscopy. Distributions of spores were then studied using normality tests and Mann–Whitney U test, while relationships with meteorological parameters were investigated using Spearman’s rank test and angular-linear correlation for wind direction analysis. Our results showed that so-called wet spores were more sensitive to the weather changes showing statistically significant differences between the 2 years of study, in contrast to “dry” spores. We predict that in following years we will observe accelerated levels in allergenic fungal spore production as well as changes in species diversity. This study could be a starting point to revise the grouping system of fungal spores as either “dry” or “wet” types and their response to climate change.  相似文献   

Possible molecular biomarkers of impact by organic pollution on mussels were applied to samples from five sites along the Galician Coast, Spain, taken 6 months after the oil spill from the tanker “Aegean Sea.” Whole body aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations were similar at all sites, but specific chemical ratios (resolved/unresolved hydrocarbons; carbon preference index; pristane/phytane) indicated a predominance of degraded petrogenic hydrocarbons nearer the oil spill. Levels of whole body polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (sum of 13 PAHs) increased steadily towards the oil spill, and were paralleled by increases in digestive gland levels of total cytochrome P-450, CYP1A-like protein and lipid peroxidation (corr. coeffs. with PAHs of 0.64–0.67). Differences were more marked in CYP1A-like protein than total cytochrome P450, indicating induction of specific P450 isoenzyme(s). No differences between sites were seen for benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase, glutathione S-transferase, Superoxide dismutase and DT-diaphorase activities. Bulky, hydrophobic DNA-adducts were detected in digestive gland of mussels from industrial and urban sites, but not from the site nearest to the oil spill which had the highest tissue levels of PAHs. Overall the results indicate induction of cytochrome P450(s) and oxidative damage in mussel with oil exposure.  相似文献   

Hédl  Radim 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(2):243-265
From 1941–;1944 nearly 30 phytosociological relevés were completed by F. K. Hartmann in the Rychlebské Mountains, a typical mountainous area in northeastern Czech Republic. Of the original plots still covered with adult grown beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest, 22 were resampled in 1998 and 1999. In order to describe the recent vegetation variability of the sites 57 relevés were recorded. Changes in vegetation were estimated using relative changes in species density and ordinations (PCA, RDA). Environmental changes were assessed using Ellenberg indicator values when no direct measurements were available. A decline in species diversity has been documented, particularly, many species occurring frequently in deciduous forests with nutrient and moisture well-supplied soils around neutral have decreased. In contrast, several light-demanding, acid- and soil desiccation-tolerant species have increased. Natural succession, quantified as forest age, contributed slightly to these changes. In Ellenberg indicator values, a decline in F (soil moisture), R (soil calcium) and N (ecosystem productivity), and an increase in L (understorey light) were shown. This is interpreted as the influence of modified forestry management and of airborne pollutants. Intensified logging caused the canopy to open and soil conditions to worsen. The latter is most likely also due to acid leaching of soil cations (Ca, K, Na). This caused a decline in soil productivity, thus the effect of nitrification could not be detected. The original relevés may have differed in size influencing the results. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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