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We investigated the contribution of internal water storage and efficiency of water transport to the maintenance of water balance in six evergreen tree species in a Hawaiian dry forest. Wood‐saturated water content, a surrogate for relative water storage capacity, ranged from 70 to 105%, and was inversely related to its morphological correlate, wood density, which ranged between 0·51 and 0·65 g cm?3. Leaf‐specific conductivity (kL) measured in stem segments from terminal branches ranged from 3 to 18 mmol m?1 s?1 MPa?1, and whole‐plant hydraulic efficiency calculated as stomatal conductance (g) divided by the difference between predawn and midday leaf water potential (ΨL), ranged from 70 to 150 mmol m?2 s?1 MPa?1. Hydraulic efficiency was positively correlated with kL (r2 = 0·86). Minimum annual ΨL ranged from ? 1·5 to ? 4·1 MPa among the six species. Seasonal and diurnal variation in ΨL were associated with differences among species in wood‐saturated water content, wood density and kL. The species with higher wood‐saturated water content were more efficient in terms of long‐distance water transport, exhibited smaller diurnal variation in ΨL and higher maximum photosynthetic rates. Smaller diurnal variation in ΨL in species with higher wood‐saturated water content, kL and hydraulic efficiency was not associated with stomatal restriction of transpiration when soil water deficit was moderate, but avoidance of low minimum seasonal ΨL in these species was associated with a substantial seasonal decline in g. Low seasonal minimum ΨL in species with low kL, hydraulic efficiency, and wood‐saturated water content was associated with higher leaf solute content and corresponding lower leaf turgor loss point. Despite the species‐specific differences in leaf water relations characteristics, all six evergreen tree species shared a common functional relationship defined primarily by kL and stem water storage capacity.  相似文献   

Abstract Water flow and water storage were investigated for Agave deserti, a desert succulent showing crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). The anatomy and water relations of the peripheral chlorenchyma, where CAM occurs, and the central water-storage parenchyma were investigated for its massive leaves so that these tissues could be incorporated as discrete elements into an electrical-circuit analogue of the whole plant. The daily cycling of osmotic pressure was represented by voltage sources in series with the storage capacitors. With soil water potential and leaf transpiration rate as input variables, axial water flow through the vascular bundles and radial flows into and out of storage during the day/night cycle were determined. The predominantly nocturnal transpiration was coincident with increases in cell osmotic pressure and in titratable acid of the leaf chlorenchyma. In the outer layers of the chlorenchyma, water potential was most negative at the beginning of the night when transpiration was maximum, while the water-storage parenchyma reached its minimal water potential 9 h later. The roots plus stem contributed 7% and the leaves contributed 50% to the total water flow during maximal transpiration; peak water flow from the soil to the roots occurred at dawn and was only 58% of the maximal transpiration rate. Over each 24-h period, 39% of the water lost from the plant was derived from storage, with flow into storage occurring mainly during the daytime. Simulations showed that the acid accumulation rhythm of CAM had little impact on water uptake from the soil under the conditions employed. In the outer chlorenchyma, water potential and water flows were more sensitive to the day/night changes in transpiration than in osmotic pressure. Nevertheless, cell osmotic pressure had a large influence on turgor pressure in this tissue and determined the extent to which storage was recharged during the latter part of the night.  相似文献   

Stem water storage capacity and diurnal patterns of water use were studied in five canopy trees of a seasonal tropical forest in Panama. Sap flow was measured simultaneously at the top and at the base of each tree using constant energy input thermal probes inserted in the sapwood. The daily stem storage capacity was calculated by comparing the diurnal patterns of basal and crown sap flow. The amount of water withdrawn from storage and subsequently replaced daily ranged from 4 kg d–1 in a 0·20-m-diameter individual of Cecropia longipes to 54 kg d–1 in a 1·02-m-diameter individual of Anacardium excelsum, representing 9–15% of the total daily water loss, respectively. Ficus insipida, Luehea seemannii and Spondias mombin had intermediate diurnal water storage capacities. Trees with greater storage capacity maintained maximum rates of transpiration for a substantially longer fraction of the day than trees with smaller water storage capacity. All five trees conformed to a common linear relationship between diurnal storage capacity and basal sapwood area, suggesting that this relationship was species-independent and size-specific for trees at the study site. According to this relationship there was an increment of 10 kg of diurnal water storage capacity for every 0·1 m2 increase in basal sapwood area. The diurnal withdrawal of water from, and refill of, internal stores was a dynamic process, tightly coupled to fluctuations in environmental conditions. The variations in basal and crown sap flow were more synchronized after 1100 h when internal reserves were mostly depleted. Stem water storage may partially compensate for increases in axial hydraulic resistance with tree size and thus play an important role in regulating the water status of leaves exposed to the large diurnal variations in evaporative demand that occur in the upper canopy of seasonal lowland tropical forests.  相似文献   

Vulnerability to water-stress-induced embolism and variation in the degree of native embolism were measured in lateral roots of four co-occurring neotropical savanna tree species. Root embolism varied diurnally and seasonally. Late in the dry season, loss of root xylem conductivity reached 80% in the afternoon when root water potential (psi root) was about -2.6 MPa, and recovered to 25-40% loss of conductivity in the morning when psi root was about -1.0 MPa. Daily variation in psi root decreased, and root xylem vulnerability and capacitance increased with rooting depth. However, all species experienced seasonal minimum psi root close to complete hydraulic failure independent of their rooting depth or resistance to embolism. Predawn psi root was lower than psi soil when psi soil was relatively high (> -0.7 MPa) but became less negative than psi soil, later in the dry season, consistent with a transition from a disequilibrium between plant and soil psi induced by nocturnal transpiration to one induced by hydraulic redistribution of water from deeper soil layers. Shallow longitudinal root incisions external to the xylem prevented reversal of embolism overnight, suggesting that root mechanical integrity was necessary for recovery, consistent with the hypothesis that if embolism is a function of tension, refilling may be a function of internal pressure imbalances. All species shared a common relationship in which maximum daily stomatal conductance declined linearly with increasing afternoon loss of root conductivity over the course of the dry season. Daily embolism and refilling in roots is a common occurrence and thus may be an inherent component of a hydraulic signaling mechanism enabling stomata to maintain the integrity of the hydraulic pipeline in long-lived structures such as stems.  相似文献   

Abstract Water storage and nocturnal increases in osmotic pressure affect the water relations of the desert succulent Ferocactus acanthodes, which was studied using an electrical circuit analog based on the anatomy and morphology of a representative individual. Transpiration rates and osmotic pressures over a 24-h period were used as input variables. The model predicted water potential, turgor pressure and water flow for various tissues. Plant capacitances, storage resistances and nocturnal increases in osmotic pressure were varied to determine their role in the water relations of this dicotyledonous succulent. Water coming from storage tissues contributed about one-third of the water transpired at night: the majority of this water came from the nonphotosynthetic, water storage parenchyma of the stem. Time lags of 4 h were predicted between maximum transpiration and maximum water uptake from the soil. Varying the capacitance of the plant caused proportional changes in osmotically driven water movement but changes in storage resistance had only minor effects. Turgor pressure in the chlorenchyma depended on osmotic pressure, but was fairly insensitive to doubling or halving of the capacitance or storage resistance of the plant. Water uptake from the soil was only slightly affected by osmotic pressure changes in the chlorenchyma. For this stem succulent, the movement of water from the chlorenchyma to the xylem and the internal redistribution of water among stem tissues were dominated by nocturnal changes in chlorenchyma osmotic pressure, not by transpiration.  相似文献   

Abstract Field water relations of Lactuca serriola serriola and L. serriola integrifolia were examined. Leaf conductance to water vapour was high early in the morning and declined rapidly during the midday hours. Leaf water potentials decreased to their minima early in the morning and remained low all day. Afternoon recovery of leaf conductance occurred occasionally. Leaf conductance was shown to have a linear response to vapour concentration difference. No differences were seen between L. serriola serriola and L. serriola integrifolia. The pattern of diurnal gas-exchange activity appeared to be complemented by the pattern of intercepted solar irradiance which results from the compass plant leaf orientation observed in L. serriola.  相似文献   

Isohydric and anisohydric regulations of plant water status have been observed over several decades of field, glasshouse and laboratory studies, yet the functional significance and mechanism of both remain obscure. We studied the seasonal trends in plant water status and hydraulic properties in a natural stand of Eucalyptus gomphocephala through cycles of varying environmental moisture (rainfall, groundwater depth, evaporative demand) in order to test for isohydry and to provide physiological information for the mechanistic interpretation of seasonal trends in plant water status. Over a 16 month period of monitoring, spanning two summers, midday leaf water potential (psi(leaf)) correlated with predawn psi(leaf), which was correlated with water table depth below ground level, which in turn was correlated with total monthly rainfall. Eucalyptus gomphocephala was therefore not seasonally isohydric. Despite strong stomatal down-regulation of transpiration rate in response to increasing evaporative demand, this was insufficient to prevent midday psi(leaf) from falling to levels below -2 MPa in the driest month, well into the region likely to induce xylem air embolisms, based on xylem vulnerability curves obtained in the study. However, even though midday psi(leaf) varied by over 1.2 MPa across seasons, the hydrodynamic (transpiration-induced) water potential gradient from roots to shoots (delta psi(plant)), measured as the difference between predawn and midday psi(leaf), was relatively constant across seasons, averaging 0.67 MPa. This unusual pattern of hydraulic regulation, referred to here as isohydrodynamic, is explained by a hydromechanical stomatal control model where plant hydraulic conductance is dependent on transpiration rate.  相似文献   

A three‐domain pressure–volume relationship (PV curve) was studied in relation to leaf anatomical structure during dehydration in the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina. In domain 1, relative water content (RWC) declined 13% with 0.85 MPa decrease in leaf water potential, reflecting a decrease in extracellular water stored primarily in trichomes and petiolar cisternae. In domain 2, RWC decreased by another 12% with a further reduction in leaf water potential to ?5.1 MPa, the turgor loss point. Given the osmotic potential at full turgor (?4.2 MPa) and the effective modulus of elasticity (~40 MPa), domain 2 emphasized the role of cell wall elasticity in conserving cellular hydration during leaf water loss. Domain 3 was dominated by osmotic effects and characterized by plasmolysis in most tissues and cell types without cell wall collapse. Extracellular and cellular water storage could support an evaporation rate of 1 mmol m?2s?1 for up to 54 and 50 min, respectively, before turgor loss was reached. This study emphasized the importance of leaf anatomy for the interpretation of PV curves, and identified extracellular water storage sites that enable transient water use without substantive turgor loss when other factors, such as high soil salinity, constrain rates of water transport.  相似文献   

Leaf structure and water relations were studied in a temperate population of Avicennia marina subsp. australasica along a natural salinity gradient [28 to 49 parts per thousand (ppt)] and compared with two subspecies grown naturally in similar soil salinities to those of subsp. australasica but under different climates: subsp. eucalyptifolia (salinity 30 ppt, wet tropics) and subsp. marina (salinity 46 ppt, arid tropics). Leaf thickness, leaf dry mass per area and water content increased with salinity and aridity. Turgor loss point declined with increase in soil salinity, driven mainly by differences in osmotic potential at full turgor. Nevertheless, a high modulus of elasticity (ε) contributed to maintenance of high cell hydration at turgor loss point. Despite similarity among leaves in leaf water storage capacitance, total leaf water storage increased with increasing salinity and aridity. The time that stored water alone could sustain an evaporation rate of 1 mmol m?2 s?1 ranged from 77 to 126 min from subspecies eucalyptifolia to ssp. marina, respectively. Achieving full leaf hydration or turgor would require water from sources other than the roots, emphasizing the importance of multiple water sources to growth and survival of Avicennia marina across gradients in salinity and aridity.  相似文献   

The permeability (P) of the gaseous diffusion barrier in the nodules of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] decreases when water deficits are extended over a 7 to 10 d period. The mechanism controlling P changes is unclear, but may result from the release of water to intercellular pathways, and an associated change in the nodule water potential. The purpose of these experiments was to impose water deficit treatments rapidly in order to determine the early sequence of the responses of nodule water potential and nodule gas exchange without the complications that arise from long-term water deficit treatments. A vertical, split-root system was used to separate nodule drying effects from plant water deficits by replacing humidified air that was passed over upper root nodules in well-watered plants with dry air, or by replacing the nutrient solution that surrounded lower roots with -1.0 MPa polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution, or by a combination of the dry air and PEG treatments. The PEG treatment caused large decreases in both the components of nodule water potential and nodule relative water content, but there was no indication that these factors had immediate, direct effects on either nitrogenase activity or P. After 7 h of the PEG treatment a significant decrease in nitrogenase activity was found but no decrease in P was detected. These results indicate that changes in nitrogenase activity in response to water deficits precede decreases in P. Exposure of nodules to dry air in well-watered plants had no significant effect on either nitrogenase activity or P during the 7 h treatment.  相似文献   

基于水源涵养的流域适宜森林覆盖率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱志芳 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1662-1668
适宜森林覆盖率的研究是流域防护林空间布局的基础研究,对流域内防护林林种和林分结构调整有着重要的指导意义。以对土壤饱和蓄水量的贡献大小为依据,人力可控和可测为原则进行流域有林地水源涵养功能评价指标筛选。采用群组AHP法剔除因子间相关性较大的指标,筛选出了地形-土壤因子、林分因子、干扰强度因子共计12个指标;用层次分析法(AHP)计算各指标对土壤饱和蓄水量的权重,以此权重计算各有林地小班水源涵养的等级值以及每个等级对应的面积。以流域历年(40a)最大日降雨量147.2 mm计算流域适宜森林覆盖率。结果表明:林分因子 (0.637)>干扰强度因子(0.258)>地形-土壤因子(0.105),即影响平通河流域有林地水源涵养功能最大的因子是林分因子,其次是干扰度因子;流域基于水源涵养的适宜森林覆盖率为57.09%,变幅为43%-73%。  相似文献   

Abstract Midday water potentials of blades of the dune grasses Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link and Elymus mollis Trin. ex Spreng. growing in situ declined over the summer growing period, indicating a trend of increasing water stress. An analysis of the water relations characteristics of these blades using pressure-volume techniques demonstrated that both species increased bulk osmotic pressure at full hydration () and, therefore, bulk turgor as an acclimation response. In A. arenaria, however, the increase of osmotic pressure (+ 0.35 MPa) was entirely the result of decreasing symplasmic water content. The increase of osmotic pressure (+ 0.54 MPa) observed in E. mollis blades was due to solute accumulation (72% of Δ) and to a lesser degree, decreased symplasmic water content (28% of Δ). Osmotic adjustment in E. mollis blades was accompanied by a significant decrease in tissue elasticity (max went from 12 to 19 MPa). The elastic properties of A. arenaria blades remained constant over the same period and had a maximum modulus (10 MPa) that was always less than that of E. mollis, As estimated from Höfler plots, these seasonal adjustments of osmotic pressure and differences in tissue elasticity enabled plants in situ to maintain turgor pressure in the range of 0.5–0.6 MPa at the lowest water potentials of mid-August. Laboratorygrown plants exhibited the species-specific differences in osmotic pressure, turgor pressure, and tissue elasticity observed in field plants. Although certain alterations of leaf structure were expected to coincide with the observed changes and species-specific differences in symplasmic water content and tissue elasticity, these could not be detected by measurements of specific leaf weight or the ratio of dry matter to saturated water content.  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductivity ( K ) in the soil and xylem declines as water potential ( Ψ ) declines. This results in a maximum rate of steady-state transpiration ( E crit) and corresponding minimum leaf Ψ ( Ψ crit) at which K has approached zero somewhere in the soil–leaf continuum. Exceeding these limits causes water transport to cease. A model determined whether the point of hydraulic failure (where K = 0) occurred in the rhizosphere or xylem components of the continuum. Below a threshold of root:leaf area ( A R: A L), the loss of rhizosphere K limited E crit and Ψ crit. Above the threshold, loss of xylem K from cavitation was limiting. The A R: A L threshold ranged from > 40 for coarse soils and/or cavitation-resistant xylem to < 0·20 in fine soils and/or cavitation-susceptible xylem. Comparison of model results with drought experiments in sunflower and water birch indicated that stomatal regulation of E reflected the species' hydraulic potential for extracting soil water, and that the more sensitive stomatal response of water birch to drought was necessary to avoid hydraulic failure. The results suggest that plants should be xylem-limited and near their A R: A L threshold. Corollary predictions are (1) within a soil type the A R: A L should increase with increasing cavitation resistance and drought tolerance, and (2) across soil types from fine to coarse the A R: A L should increase and maximum cavitation resistance should decrease.  相似文献   

The effects of water stress on water potential components, tissue water content, mean elastic modulus and the osmoregulation capacity of olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Coratina) leaves was determined. Artificial rehydration of olive leaf tissues altered the P-V relationships so that a plateau phenomenon occurred. Points in the P-V curve in the region affected by the plateau, generally up to –0.5 MPa, were corrected for all the samples analyzed. In the corrected P-V relationship, an osmotic adjustment was found in drought-stressed leaf tissues. Osmotic potentials at full turgor (0 (sat)) and osmotic potential at turgor-loss (0 (TVT)) decreased from –2.06±0.01 MPa and –3.07±0.16 MPa in controls to –2.81±0.03 MPa and –3.85±0.12 MPa in most stressed plants. Osmotic adjustment values obtained from the P-V curves agreed with those obtained using an osmometer. An active osmotic adjustment of 1.42 MPa was also observed in 1–4 mm- diameter roots. Mannitol is the main carbohydrate involved in osmotic potential decrease in all treatments. The maximum elastic modulus increased from 11.6±0.95 MPa in the controls to 18.6±0.61 MPa in the most stressed plants.  相似文献   

Water loss by cell suspensions during centrifugation is well defined by simple physical principles. The major factors affecting water release during centrifugation are: duration of centrifogation, depth of the cell mass, density of cells, relative centripetal acceleration and centripetal force. Water release during centrifugation was best described by an exponential decay process with a decay constant that increases with acceleration from 0.31 ± 0.01 to 0.66 ± 0.12 min?1 (mean ± SE) between 4 825 and 19 300 m s?2, respectively. The cell mass relative water content (RWC) at equilibrium was not a function of rate of water loss and was constant for each acceleration. A centripetal force was generated by the mass of the cells being accelerated away from the axis of rotation. This force generated a pressure that removed some of the cell wall and symplast water, by compression at contact points between the cells and by compression of the cytoplasm. Pressure induced by centripetal forces ranging from ?0.02 to ?0.23 MPa gave a linear relationship (r2 > 0.99) between force and RWC. The slope (0.900 MPa) was proportional to the cell wall modulus of elasticity (±). and the intercept was interpreted to give the mass of the cells at full turgor without interstitial water (RWC=1). This interpretation is supported by the findings, of two independent experiments. Centrifuged cells suspended at 100% relative humidity for over 48 h reached the same water content as predicted by the intercept. Interstitial water was labelled with solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG. Mr 8 000), the diameter of which was too large to enter the pores of plant cell walls. Centripetal accelerations greater than 10 900 m s?2 removed PEG-labelled water to levels below 0.9% of cell water content. Removal of interstitial water and other loosely bound water provided a convenient method for determination of growth, RWC and ±. The centrifugal methods provide the foundation for new quantitative methods for cell culture water relations analyses.  相似文献   

Many trees in tropical dry forests flower during the dry season when evaporative demand is high and soil water levels are low. In this study the factors influencing the water balance of flowers from three species of dry forest trees were examined. Flowers had greater mucilage contents than leaves, high intrinsic and absolute capacitances, long time constants for water exchange and high transfer resistances. Flower water potentials were higher than in leaves and did not fluctuate over the lifespan of the flower. Flower water content also remained constant even though evaporation rates were high, suggesting that water was being supplied from the stem. In two of the species, the water potential gradient between flowers and leaves was opposite to that necessary for water transport from stem to flowers through the xylem, and it was therefore hypothesized that water may enter the flower through the phloem. Calculations showed that nectar production in these flowers could drive a sink of sufficient magnitude to allow water input via the phloem equal to water lost from the flower to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

通过测定中国境内荒漠植物红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)主要分布区21个自然种群407个植株叶片的氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)含量、有机质和叶片含水量,以及不同种群内土壤含水量、可溶性盐分含量、有机质、全氮、全磷含量等土壤理化性状指标,分析不同自然种群红砂叶片元素含量与土壤环境因子之间的关系.研究结果表明,随着不同土壤层含水量的增加,红砂叶片N含量和叶片含水量显著增加,而叶片K含量显著降低.土壤养分含量、可溶性盐分含量与红砂叶片P含量显著正相关,与叶片含水量显著负相关.随着土壤pH值的增加,红砂叶片N含量显著下降,叶片含水量显著增加.说明不同自然种群中红砂叶片养分含量受土壤状况的影响显著,不同土壤理化性状指标对红砂叶片元素含量的贡献显著不同.土壤水分含量是生境中影响红砂叶片特征的最关键因子,而红砂叶片含水量则最易受各种土壤理化性状的影响.生境中土壤含水量对红砂各种元素含量的影响和红砂叶片含水量对不同土壤条件的这种响应模式支持了红砂是一种以提高水分利用效率而适应于极端干旱生境的典型超旱生植物.  相似文献   

Arne Sellin 《Plant and Soil》1996,184(2):273-280
Variation in base water potential (Ψb, a daily maximum level of plant water potential, which is presumed to correspond to the condition of equilibrium between the soil and plant water potentials) was examined in shoots of Norway spruce trees growing in well-drained and waterlogged soils. The influence of soil water content, air temperature, and vapour pressure deficit of the atmosphere on Ψb was studied using the pressure chamber technique. Maximum daily water potentials were not always observable before dawn; some were registered up to two hours later. This tendency being characteristic of trees growing under stress (shade, waterlogging) conditions, increased with declining soil water availability. In trees growing in well-drained soil, Ψb depended asymptotically on the available soil water storage (R2=0.73), while the values were slightly influenced by vapour pressure deficit of the atmosphere as well. In trees growing in waterlogged soil, Ψb was independent of the soil water storage, but sensitive to the vapour pressure deficit.  相似文献   

Given the close relationship between a plant's growth rate and its pattern of biomass allocation and the effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on biomass allocation, we studied the influence of ABA on biomass allocation and growth rate of wildtype tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) plants and their strongly ABA-deficient mutant sitiens. The relative growth rate of sitiens was 22% lower than that of the wildtype, as the result of a decreased specific leaf area. The net assimilation rate and the leaf weight ratio were not affected. The mutant showed a much higher transpiration rate and lower hydraulic conductance of the roots. These two factors resulted in sitiens having a significantly lower leaf water potential and turgor. resulting in reduced leaf expansion and, consequently, a lower specific leaf area relative to the wildtype. Addition of ABA to the sitiens roots resulted in phenotypic reversion to the wildtype. We conclude that the influence of ABA-deficiency on biomass allocation and relative growth rate is the result of altered water relations in the plants, rather than of a direct effect on sink strength of different plant organs.  相似文献   

In recent years, attempts have been made in linking pressure–volume parameters and the leaf economics spectrum to expand our knowledge of the interrelationships among leaf traits. We provide theoretical and empirical evidence for the coordination of the turgor loss point and associated traits with net CO2 assimilation (An) and leaf mass per area (LMA). We measured gas exchange, pressure–volume curves and leaf structure in 45 ferns and angiosperms, and explored the anatomical and chemical basis of the key traits. We propose that the coordination observed between mass-based An, capacitance and the turgor loss point (πtlp) emerges from their shared link with leaf density (one of the components of LMA) and, specially, leaf saturated water content (LSWC), which in turn relates to cell size and nitrogen and carbon content. Thus, considering the components of LMA and LSWC in ecophysiological studies can provide a broader perspective on leaf structure and function.  相似文献   

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