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A chemical mutagenized population of Arabidopsis Col-0-gl plants was screened for an altered hypersensitive response (HR) after spray inoculation with an HR-inducing isolate of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (strain 147). Three classes of mutant were identified: those exhibiting an HR- phenotype or partial loss of HR; hyper-responsive mutants showing necrotic lesions rapidly leading to the collapse of leaves; and susceptible mutants. One mutant belonging to the susceptible class, hxc-2, was extensively characterized. The compatible phenotype observed several days after initiation of the interaction was confirmed by measurement of in planta bacterial growth and use of bacterial strains constitutively expressing the GUS reporter gene. In the same way, accumulation of autofluorescent compounds, salicylic acid production and defence gene expression in the mutant were found to be similar to that displayed by the susceptible ecotype. Inoculation of hxc-2 with different avirulent bacteria suggests that the mutation is specific for the interaction with the Xcc 147 strain, although the mutation has been shown to affect a single dominant locus, different from the resistance locus defined by genetic analysis of resistance to Xcc 147. Genetic mapping of the mutation indicated that it is located on chromosome III, defining a previously unknown resistance function in response to X. c. campestris.  相似文献   

The constitutive and drought-induced activities of the Arabidopsis thaliana RD29A and RD29B promoters were monitored in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.] via fusions with the visual marker gene β-glucuronidase (GUS). Physiological responses of soybean plants were monitored over 9 days of water deprivation under greenhouse conditions. Data were used to select appropriate time points to monitor the activities of the respective promoter elements. Qualitative and quantitative assays for GUS expression were conducted in root and leaf tissues, from plants under well-watered and dry-down conditions. Both RD29A and RD29B promoters were significantly activated in soybean plants subjected to dry-down conditions. However, a low level of constitutive promoter activity was also observed in both root and leaves of plants under well-watered conditions. GUS expression was notably higher in roots than in leaves. These observations suggest that the respective drought-responsive regulatory elements present in the RD29X promoters may be useful in controlling targeted transgenes to mitigate abiotic stress in soybean, provided the transgene under control of these promoters does not invoke agronomic penalties with leaky expression when no abiotic stress is imposed.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has a fundamental role in the plant hypersensitive disease resistance response (HR), and S-nitrosylation is emerging as an important mechanism for the transduction of its bioactivity. A key step toward elucidating the mechanisms by which NO functions during the HR is the identification of the proteins that are subjected to this PTM. By using a proteomic approach involving 2-DE and MS we characterized, for the first time, changes in S-nitrosylated proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana undergoing HR. The 16 S-nitrosylated proteins identified are mostly enzymes serving intermediary metabolism, signaling and antioxidant defense. The study of the effects of S-nitrosylation on the activity of the identified proteins and its role during the execution of the disease resistance response will help to understand S-nitrosylation function and significance in plants.  相似文献   

Gardiner J  Marc J 《Protoplasma》2003,222(1-2):61-74
Summary. Plant microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) are important in modulating the function of the microtubule cytoskeleton. Various plant MAPs have already been described. However, because of the complexity of the plant microtubule cytoskeleton and its responses to developmental and environmental stimuli, there are undoubtedly many more MAPs to be discovered. We have used a literature search and the BLAST protein comparison program to identify which model MAPs from other taxa have close homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana. The search revealed Arabidopsis homologues of 14 model MAPs, with E values (numbers of proteins that will match the model protein merely by chance) of <1×10–10 and homologous domains spanning 98–599 amino acid residues, representing 57.1–97.0% of the model MAP sequence, as well as 22.5–72.8% amino acid identities and 76.3–96.2% conservation of secondary structure in the homologous domain. All of the Arabidopsis homologues have either a full cDNA clone or an expressed sequence tag in the GenBank database and therefore are expressed. The proteins are likely to regulate a variety of functions, including tubulin folding, microtubule nucleation and polymerisation dynamics, microtubule-dependent cell cycle control, organisation of microtubule arrays, interaction of microtubules with plasma-membrane-associated protein complexes, and interactions with various other proteins. The exact functions of these putative MAPs in the plant cell remain to be elucidated empirically. The identification of these putative MAPs opens new avenues for the investigation of the complexities of the plant microtubule cytoskeleton.Present address: School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.Correspondence and reprints: School of Biological Sciences A12, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.Received October 21, 2002; accepted December 30, 2002; published online September 23, 2003  相似文献   

Exogenously applied brassinolide (BL) increased both gravitropic curvature and length of primary roots of Arabidopsis at low concentration (10(-10) M), whereas at higher concentration, BL further increased gravitropic curvature while it inhibited primary root growth. BRI1-GFP plants possessing a high steady-state expression level of a brassinosteroid (BR) receptor kinase rendered the plant's responses to gravity and root growth more sensitive, while BR-insensitive mutants, bri1-301 and bak1, delayed root growth and reduced their response to the gravitropic stimulus. The stimulatory effect of BL on the root gravitropic curvature was also enhanced in auxin transport mutants, aux1-7 and pin2, relative to wild-type plants, and increasing concentration of auxin attenuated BL-induced root sensitivity to gravity. Interestingly, IAA treatment to the roots of bri1-301 and bak1 plants or of plants pretreated with a BL biosynthetic inhibitor, brassinazole, increased their sensitivity to gravity, while these treatments for the BL-hypersensitive transgenic plants, BRI1-GFP and 35S-BAK1, were less effective. Expression of a CYP79B2 gene, encoding an IAA biosynthetic enzyme, was suppressed in BL-hypersensitive plant types and enhanced in BL-insensitive or -deficient plants. In conclusion, our results indicate that BL interacts negatively with IAA in the regulation of plant gravitropic response and root growth, and its regulation is achieved partly by modulating biosynthetic pathways of the counterpart hormone.  相似文献   

A proteomic approach was developed for the identification of membrane-bound proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana. A subcellular fraction enriched in vacuolar membranes was prepared from 4-week-old plants and was washed with various agents to remove peripheral membrane proteins and contaminating soluble proteins. The remaining membrane-bound proteins were then subjected to proteomic analysis. Given that these proteins were resolved poorly by standard two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we subjected them instead to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and to protein digestion within gel slices with lysylendopeptidase. The resulting peptides were separated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and subjected to Edman sequencing. From the 163 peptide peaks analyzed, 69 peptide sequences were obtained, 64 of which were informative. The proteins corresponding to these peptide sequences were identified as belonging to 42 families, including two subfamilies, by comparison with the protein sequences predicted from annotation of the A. thaliana genome. A total of 34 proteins was identified definitively with protein-specific peptide sequences. Transmembrane proteins detected in the membrane fraction included transporters, channels, receptors, and unknown molecules, whereas the remaining proteins, categorized as membrane-anchored proteins, included small GTPases, GTPase binding proteins, heat shock protein 70-like proteins, ribosomal proteins, and unknown proteins. These membrane-anchored proteins are likely attached to membranes by hydrophobic anchor molecules or through tight association with other membrane-bound proteins. This proteomic approach has thus proved effective for the identification of membrane-bound proteins.  相似文献   

The heavy metal lead was administered to Arabidopsis thaliana plants by foliar spray. At a concentration of l4mol m?3, the lead nitrate suspension induced densely distributed necrotic lesions on A. thaliana leaves. A number of Arabidopsis ecotypes were tested and a differential response to heavy-metal toxicity was noted. The necrosis provoked as a result of the phytotoxic effect of lead had a similar appearance to the necrotic lesions observed in a hypersensitive response of A. thaliana to inoculation with Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Lummerzheim et al. 1993, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 6, 532–544). In addition to this phenotypic resemblance, accumulation of polyphenols and callose depositions observed by microscopic analysis, as well as increases in the activities of the stress-related proteins β1,3-glucanases, chitinases and peroxidases, revealed significant similarities in the plant response to the two treatments examined, lead toxicity and bacterial infection. The results allow the establishment of markers for both types of stress.  相似文献   

Weakly bound cell wall proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana were identified using a proteomic and bioinformatic approach. An efficient protocol of extraction based on vacuum-infiltration of the tissues was developed. Several salts and a chelating agent were compared for their ability to extract cell wall proteins without releasing cytoplasmic contaminants. Of the 93 proteins that were identified, a large proportion (60%) was released by calcium chloride. From bioinformatics analysis, it may be predicted that most of them (87 out of 93) had a signal peptide, whereas only six originated from the cytoplasm. Among the putative apoplastic proteins, a high proportion (67 out of 87) had a basic pI. Numerous glycoside hydrolases and proteins with interacting domains were identified, in agreement with the expected role of the extracellular matrix in polysaccharide metabolism and recognition phenomena. Ten proteinases were also found as well as six proteins with unknown functions. Comparison of the cell wall proteome of rosettes with the previously published cell wall proteome of cell suspension cultures showed a high level of cell specificity, especially for the different members of several large multigenic families.  相似文献   

Oligogalacturonides (OGs) are elicitors of plant defence responses released from the homogalacturonan of the plant cell wall during the attack by pathogenic micro-organisms. The signalling pathway mediated by OGs remains poorly understood, and no proteins involved in their signal perception and transduction have yet been identified. In order to shed light into the molecular pathways regulated by OGs, a differential proteomic analysis has been carried out in Arabidopsis. Proteins from the apoplastic compartment were isolated and their expression compared between control and OG-treated seedlings. 2-D gels and difference in gel electrophoresis (DIGE) techniques were used to compare control and treated proteomes in the same gel. The analysis of subcellular proteomes from seedlings allowed the identification of novel and low abundance proteins that otherwise remain masked when total cellular extracts are investigated. The DIGE technique showed to be a powerful tool to overcome the high interexperiment variation of 2-D gels. Differentially expressed apoplastic proteins were identified by MS and included proteins putatively involved in recognition as well as proteins whose PTMs are regulated by OGs. Our findings underscore the importance of cell wall as a source of molecules playing a role in the perception of pathogens and provide candidate proteins involved in the response to OGs.  相似文献   

Cullin (CUL)-dependent ubiquitin ligases form a class of structurally related multisubunit enzymes that control the rapid and selective degradation of important regulatory proteins involved in cell cycle progression and development, among others. The CUL3-BTB ligases belong to this class of enzymes and despite recent findings on their molecular composition, our knowledge on their functions and substrates remains still very limited. In contrast to budding and fission yeast, CUL3 is an essential gene in metazoans. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes two related CUL3 genes, called CUL3A and CUL3B. We recently reported that cul3a loss-of-function mutants are viable but exhibit a mild flowering and light sensitivity phenotype. We investigated the spatial and temporal expression of the two CUL3 genes in reproductive tissues and found that their expression patterns are largely overlapping suggesting possible functional redundancy. Thus, we investigated the consequences on plant development of combined Arabidopsis cul3a cul3b loss-of-function mutations. Homozygous cul3b mutant plants developed normally and were fully fertile. However, the disruption of both the CUL3A and CUL3B genes reduced gametophytic transmission and caused embryo lethality. The observed embryo abortion was found to be under maternal control. Arrest of embryogenesis occurred at multiple stages of embryo development, but predominantly at the heart stage. At the cytological level, CUL3 loss-of-function mutations affected both embryo pattern formation and endosperm development.  相似文献   

The protein pattern of leaf plasma membranes from Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Landsberg erecta was analysed in order to detect changes induced by acute short-term ozone treatment. Plasma membranes were isolated 0, 3 and 8 h after the end of a 2 h fumigation of the plants with 500 nmol mol?1 of O3. Proteins extracted from plasma membranes were separated by high-performance two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Eight hours after the end of fumigation, one new protein appeared and the amounts of two other proteins increased significantly. The reported study is a first step towards the identification of plasmalemma proteins altered by ozone and to a more detailed characterization of structural changes occurring in the plasma membrane after ozone exposure.  相似文献   

Secreted and plasma membrane proteins play crucial roles in a variety of physiological and developmental processes of multicellular organisms. Systematic cloning of the genes encoding these proteins is therefore of general interest. An effective method of trapping signal sequences was first described by Tashiro et al. (1993), and a similar yet more efficient method was reported by Klein et al. (1996) and Jacobs et al. (1997). In this study, we carried out the latter yeast-based signal sequence trap to clone genes from Arabidopsis thaliana encoding secreted and plasma membrane proteins. Of 144 sequenced cDNA clones, 18% are identical to previously cloned Arabidopsis thaliana genes, 12% are homologous to genes identified from various organisms, and 46% are novel. All of the isolated genes identical or homologous to previously reported genes are either secreted or plasma membrane proteins, and the remaining novel genes appear to contain functional signal sequences based on computer-aided sequence analysis. The full-length cDNA clones of one homologous gene and another novel gene were isolated and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences suggest that the former encodes a secreted protein, and the latter encodes a type 1 membrane protein. These results indicate that the signal sequence trap method is effective and useful for the isolation of plant genes encoding secreted and plasma membrane proteins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kip-related-proteins (KRPs), negative regulators of cell division, have recently been discovered in plants but their in planta function is as yet unclear. In this study the spatial expression of all seven KRP genes in shoot apices of Arabidopsis thaliana were compared. METHODS: In situ hybridization analyses were performed on longitudinal sections of shoot apices from 2-month-old Arabidopsis plants. KEY RESULTS: The study provides evidence for different expression pattern groups. KRP1 and KRP2 expression is restricted to the endoreduplicating tissues. In contrast, KRP4 and KRP5 expression is mainly restricted to mitotically dividing cells. KRP3, KRP6 and KRP7 can be found in both mitotically dividing and endoreduplicating cells. CONCLUSION: The results suggest differential roles for the distinct KRPs. KRP1 and KRP2 might specifically be involved in the establishment of polyploidy. In contrast, KRP4 and KRP5 might be involved in regulating the progression through the mitotic cell cycle. KRP3, KRP6 and KRP7 might have a function in both types of cell cycle.  相似文献   

核糖体蛋白不仅参与蛋白质合成,而且参与植物生长发育的调控.利用拟南芥核糖体磷酸蛋白P1(ribosomal phosphoprotein P1,RPP1)家族基因RPP1A缺失突变体rpp1a研究RPP1A缺失对幼苗蛋白质表达水平的影响,揭示其参与调控幼苗生长的作用机制.表型分析发现,与野生型WT相比,RPP1A缺失导...  相似文献   

Given the influence of photoperiod on reproductive development and whole-plant senescence in monocarpic plants, one would suspect that leaf senescence in these plants might be under photoperiodic control. In Arabidopsis thaliana , which is monocarpic and also a nonobligate long-day (LD) plant, LDs (16 h, 300 μmol m−2 s−1) caused leaves to die earlier than did short days (SDs, 10 h). Since leaf longevity was not paralleled by the reproductive development in the present study, the reproductive structures did not seem to be the primary controls of leaf senescence. The LD effect appeared to depend on the amount of light rather than on day length, for leaves given LDs at reduced light intensity (180 μmol m−2 s−1) lived longer than those in LDs with full light. In addition, the higher light intensity promoted chlorophyll loss and anthocyanin accumulation in LDs. Thus, senescence of these leaves seems to be governed by light dosage rather than photoperiod. Light may play a natural role in promoting the senescence of A. thaliana leaves.  相似文献   

We report a detailed functional characterization of an Arabidopsis isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (AtIPMDH1) that is involved in both glucosinolate biosynthesis and leucine biosynthesis. AtIPMDH1 shares high homology with enzymes from bacteria and yeast that are known to function in leucine biosynthesis. In plants, AtIPMDH1 is co‐expressed with nearly all the genes known to be involved in aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis. Mutation of AtIPMDH1 leads to a significant reduction in the levels of free leucine and of glucosinolates with side chains of four or more carbons. Complementation of the mutant phenotype by ectopic expression of AtIPMDH1, together with the enzyme’s substrate specificity, implicates AtIPMDH1 in both glucosinolate and leucine biosynthesis. This functional assignment is substantiated by subcellular localization of the protein in the chloroplast stroma, and the gene expression patterns in various tissues. Interestingly, AtIPMDH1 activity is regulated by a thiol‐based redox modification. This work characterized an enzyme in plants that catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation step in both leucine biosynthesis (primary metabolism) and methionine chain elongation of glucosinolates (specialized metabolism). It provides evidence for the hypothesis that the two pathways share a common origin, and suggests a role for redox regulation of glucosinolate and leucine synthesis in plants.  相似文献   

拟南芥铵超敏感突变体amosd和vtc1对外源铵的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了不同外源铵浓度(0、1、5、10、20mmol.L-1)处理下,2个铵超敏感突变体amosd和vtc1对于外源铵处理的响应差异。结果表明,尽管amosd和vtc1都表现为对外源铵超敏感,但二者对外源铵处理浓度的敏感性上存在差异。随着外源铵浓度的增加,vtc1比amosd先表现出铵中毒症状,更高浓度(20mmol·L-1)铵处理时amosd受到的毒害程度表现更加严重,AMOSD遗传位点的缺失容易导致植物出现铵毒害死亡。其次,二者在遭受外源铵胁迫时表现的最敏感部位有所不同,主要的毒害特征上存在差异,amosd在铵胁迫下首先表现在叶片尤其是新叶的发育受阻,而vtc1则主要表现在根部尤其是主根的伸长受阻。通过分区供应实验证明,amosd主要对于地上部供铵处理超敏感,对根部供铵处理不表现超敏感特性;而vtc1则相反,对根部供铵处理超敏感,对地上部供铵不表现超敏感特性。由此可见,amosd和vtc1这2个铵超敏感突变体在拟南芥铵毒害范围和部位上存在较大差异,与vtc1有所不同,amosd是一个叶源铵超敏感型突变体。在农业机械化叶面喷施施肥日益增加和环境铵沉降日益严重的当下,叶源型铵超敏感突变体amosd的获得为揭示植物地上部铵毒害机制提供了一个理想的遗传材料,对系统全面认识植物铵毒害机制,提高作物耐铵性状具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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