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目的:针对药学专业仪器分析教学中存在的教学内容不能满足社会需要、实验内容陈旧、学生实践和创新能力差等问题进行教学改革和实践。方法:对药学专业仪器分析课程的教学内容、教学手段和实验教学进行了教学改革。结果:通过对连续6届药学专业本科生的教学实践,学生的学习成绩、实验技能和应用能力明显提高。结论:在药学专业仪器分析化学教学中进行适合本专业特色的教学改革能提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

在我国医学检验专业开设时间长达20多年,已经逐步形成目标明确和形式多样的教育体系,随着医学检验技术的发展,现有的医学检验专业教学已经逐渐不适合医学检验学科的发展需要,基于这种认识,首先对医学检验专业的教学改革背景进行了分析,进而突显出教学改革的必要性;而在此基础之上,从培养目标、课程体系和实验教学三个方面提出了医学检验专业教学改革与实践的探索方法,进而促进医学检验学科的发展需要。  相似文献   

目的探讨翻转课堂在中医本科生急诊医学理论课堂教学中的应用效果。方法选取2015级中医专业本科生1组95名为实验组,同专业2组95名为对照组,实验组采用翻转课堂教学,对照组采用传统教学方法教学。通过调查问卷和理论考核、实践技能考核的方法对教学效果进行评价。结果实验组学生对翻转课堂的认可率较高,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。两组学生的理论考核成绩、理论考核成绩平均分比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);两组学生的实践技能考核成绩、实践技能考核成绩平均分比较,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论翻转课堂的教学模式有助于提高学生的自学能力、医患沟通能力和急诊临床思维,有利于提高学生的临床技能水平,但对学生的理论考核成绩影响不大。  相似文献   

中职学生的培养重在对实践技能的培养,本文针对中职医学检验技术专业学生在实验技能过关考核过程中出现的问题,通过思考教学改革,结合昆明卫生职业学院相关教育教改思路和文件,探索更好的实验技能过关考核方案,旨在提高学生实验技能考核的全面性,满足现代中职医学教育的需求。  相似文献   

目的:探讨"小组"模式在护理技能竞赛中应用效果。方法:随机抽取10级护生120人为实验组,242人为对照组,一般资料无明显差异,实验组采用小组方式进行,对照组采用个人方式进行培训及竞赛。结果:实验组学生对综合能力自我评价优于对照组,参赛评委对实验组学生综合能力评价优于对照组,培训教师对实验组学生综合能力评价优于对照组,实习期间实践考核成绩实验组优于对照组。结论:小组形式技能竞赛有助提高综合能力。  相似文献   

卢礼  谭颖徽  张纲  裘松波 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7139-7141
目的:为提高口腔科学教学质量,探索”以病例为基础的互动教学法”在口腔见习课教学中的效果。方法:五年制医学本科2007级125名学生为对照组口腔临床见习课教学中采用传统教学法,2008级120名学生为实验组采用以病例为基础的互动教学法,对这2组学生考试成绩进行分析,用P检验进行统计分析,同时进行问卷调查,比较两种教学方法的教学效果和学生的评价。结果:实验组学生的考核成绩优于对照组,差异有显著性;问卷调查表明实验组学生总体满意度较高,学习自我感觉较轻松,学生反应课程内容充实,对疾病的诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗设计、并发症等的认识更系统,且参与实践机会多,提高了学习的积极性。结论:”以病例为基础的互动教学法”能加强理论知识和临床病例的联系,提高学生的临床实践能力和自主学习能力,有助于提高教学效果。  相似文献   

目的:了解临床医学专业课程建设情况,总结专科层次临床医学专业教育教学的主要成绩,查找专业建设存在的问题,为专科层次临床医学专业教育教学改革提出改进意见。方法:对我校2013届(应届生)306名、2011届和2012届(往届生)333名专科层次临床医学专业毕业生进行问卷调查,主要调查内容包括:课程内容、课程资源和课程评价。结果:专科层次临床医学专业毕业生认为本专业核心课程知识和技能模块设计合理,且应届毕业生认可度高于往届毕业生;对专业类纸质图书、纸质期刊等课程资源满意度高,认为专业类精品课程、教学视频等课程资源需要进一步改善;毕业生对专业知识考评认可度较高,应届生认可度优于往届生。结论:专科层次临床医学专业课程建设效果较好,特别是课程内容安排和课程评价合理,但在专业技能训练和课程资源建设方面需重点加强。  相似文献   

为提高学生的综合素质,适应快速发展的食品微生物检验行业和不断变化的食品微生物检验标准,我校开展了以岗位胜任力为导向的“食品微生物学检验”课程改革,从课程目标、课程内容、教学方法和考核方式4个方面开展教学改革,除了培养学生获得以专业知识和技能为主的显性胜任力外,还注重发展和提升学生的自主学习能力、解决实际问题能力,以及实事求是、吃苦耐劳等隐性胜任力。通过3年的教学实践,证实基于岗位胜任力的“食品微生物学检验”教学改革可以有效提高学生专业素养、综合素质和岗位胜任力,为食品质量与安全专业教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

医学检验专业医学寄生虫学与检验课程教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的改革医学寄生虫学与检验理论与实践教学方法,提高教学质量。方法框架式讲授理论与实验内容后,引入案例,通过启发式教学方法引发学生兴趣;以问题为导向,进行探究式学习,以专业需求为目标,设专题实验室,以实践性和综合性实验为主导,改革课程知识安排顺序和考核评价方法。结果学生学习主动性提高,专业重点清晰。结论教学改革取得满意的效果。  相似文献   

针对当前高职医学检验专业文理兼招、学生基础薄弱的实际情况,在微生物学检验课程教学中,以微生物检验岗位工作任务为引领,以强化技能训练为主导,课程设计了基础知识、基本技能、技术应用及单元实训四大模块,将微生物学理论知识融合于技能训练项目之中,构建"串行体系"结构的课程体系,部分实验内容采用学生自主设计,并且教学方法多措并举,考核方式多元化。结果表明:通过课程改革与实践,激发了学生学习兴趣,培养了学生的创新能力和实践动手能力,教学效果明显。  相似文献   

C. Barber Mueller  F. Ames 《CMAJ》1974,111(8):813-815,817
To obtain a quantitative measure of the extent to which graduate education and qualification for specialty practice have become an integral part of the total educational experience, samples of the graduating classes of 1960, 1964, 1968 and 1970 of Canadian medical schools were tracked through postgraduate educational training and into specialty certification. From the 1960 cohort 65% chose a career recognized by special certifying exams in Canada and/or the United States, entered a residency, completed it and achieved certification of special competence. From the 1970 cohort, by the end of 1972 approximately 50% had entered a recognized specialty training program leading to certification. The diminishing trend toward specialty practice is demonstrated by reviewing the comparative figures in the 1964 and 1968 cohorts. Evidence garnered in this study indicates a continuing strong motivation for specialty practice although family medicine and/or general practice appear increasingly attractive as career choices. Strong provincial educational forces as well as social and other forces will probably continue to modify career selection and may lead an increasing number of Canadian medical graduates into family practice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention in adolescent health designed for general practitioners, in accordance with evidence-based practice in continuing medical education. Design Randomized, controlled trial with baseline testing and 7- and 13-month follow-ups. Setting The intervention was delivered in local community settings to general practitioners in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. Participants A total of 108 self-selected general practitioners. Intervention A multifaceted educational program (2.5 hours per week for 6 weeks) in the principles of adolescent health care, followed 6 weeks later by a 2-hour session of case discussion and debriefing. Outcome measures Objective ratings of videotaped consultations with standardized adolescent patients and self-completion questionnaires were used to measure general practitioners' knowledge, skill, and self-perceived competency; satisfaction with the program; and self-reported change in practice. Results 103 of 108 physicians (95%) completed all phases of the intervention and evaluation protocol. The intervention group showed significantly greater improvements than the control group in all outcomes at the 7-month follow-up (all subjects P<0.03), except for the standardized patients' rating of rapport and satisfaction (P=0.12). 104 participants (96%) found the program appropriate and relevant. At the 13-month follow-up, most improvements were sustained, the standardized patients' rating of confidentiality fell slightly, and the objective assessment of competence further improved. 106 physicians (98%) reported a change in practice attributable to the intervention. Conclusions General practitioners were willing to complete continuing medical education in adolescent health and its evaluation. The design of the intervention, using evidence-based educational strategies, proved effective and expeditious in achieving sustainable and large improvements in knowledge, skill, and self-perceived competency.  相似文献   

LBL联合PBL的教学模式是一种"教为主导,学为主体,教与学并重"的综合教学方法。在临床医学专业的药理学教学中合理应用LBL联合PBL教学法,即采用LBL教学法讲授完理论知识后开设PBL病例讨论课。选取2011级五年制临床医学专业的学生为实验组,采用LBL联合PBL教学模式,2010级五年制临床医学专业的学生为对照组,采用传统LBL教学模式,对两组进行教学效果评估比较。结果显示与传统LBL教学法相比较,LBL联合PBL的教学法能显著提高学生的学习成绩,问卷调查分析结果显示LBL联合PBL的教学法能明显提高学生的综合能力。药理学授课中应用LBL联合PBL教学法充分调动了学生的积极性,培养了学生自主学习能力,分析问题、解决问题的能力和临床思维能力,对培养创新型医学人才具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The career status of 149 graduates of the University of Toronto faculty of medicine who entered in 1958 and graduated in 1962 was determined in 1973. The response rate to the mailed questionnaire was 96.6%. Of the graduates 4.7% were not practising medicine, 2.0% stated that medicine was not their primary gainful activity and 4.1% were untraceable or unknown. Of the 24 women in the class 17 (70.8%) were practising at least 76% of their time and 4 (16.7%) were practising 26 to 75% of their time. General practice or family medicine had been chosen by 39.0% of the class and a specialty by 55.7%; 5.4% were unknown or untraceable. The place of longest residence before entrance to university was a good predictor of ultimate location of practice but not of type of practice.  相似文献   

To define the policy of our specialty with a consensus opinion, a questionnaire entitled “hybrid imaging” was sent to practicing nuclear medicine specialist physicians in France to obtain their opinion on the impact of this recent method in training and in the practice of nuclear medicine and on the relations between nuclear medicine specialists and other medical imaging specialists. This questionnaire, written by the office of the French Society of Nuclear Medicine (FSNM) and molecular imaging , was divided into four parts: Profile and experience in hybrid imaging, Relations with radiologists, Practice of CT scans with hybrid equipment, and the Future of the specialty and of training in nuclear medicine. The response rate was 60%, i.e. 374 completed questionnaires. Overall, the responses were uniform, whatever the respondent's experience, type and place of practice. Regular participation in hybrid imaging practice was the reply provided by the majority of respondents. In terms of relations with radiologists, such contacts existed in over 85% of cases and are considered as being of high quality in over 90% of cases. The vast majority of practitioners believe that hybrid imaging will become the standard. Opinions on the diagnostic use of CT scans are divided, as well as their interpretation by a radiologist, a nuclear medicine specialist or by both. In the opinion of the vast majority, hybrid equipment systems should be managed by nuclear medicine specialists. With regard to the future, nuclear medicine should remain an independent specialty with enhanced training in morphological imaging and a residency training program whose length should be increased to 5 years.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多情景式模拟教学在护理人际沟通双语实践课的应用。方法:采用不对等对照组组间设计方法,2011级全日制护理专业本科78名学生为对照组,2012级全日制护理专业本科生72名为实验组,在相同《护理人际沟通》双语理论教学的基础上,对照组进行常规实践教学;实验组应用多情景式的模拟教学。结果:对照组实践成绩为35.02±18.44,实验组实践成绩为40.27±12.61,实验组实践课成绩高于对照组,有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:将多情景式的模拟教学应用于《护理人际沟通》双语课程的实践教学,有助于提升英语水平,建立团队协作意识,学会合理利用沟通技巧处理不同情景中的人际矛盾,更能够提高护理人际沟通教学质量,为人际沟通课程改革提供指导。  相似文献   

目的:探讨医患沟通技能培养对生殖医学教育的作用及效果。方法:选择2010 级临床本科专业两个班级共30 人作为观察 组,进行医患沟通技能培养;另选取同年级的两个班级共28 人作为对照组,进行传统生殖医学教学模式培养。运用自行编制的教 学效果调查问卷及SEGUE 量表对两组学生的教学效果及医患沟通技能进行评价及比较。结果:与对照组相比,观察组的教学效 果有明显优势,学生对生殖医学更感兴趣,使生殖医学的教学更富有启发性,学生处理问题的能力显著增强,学生对生殖医学的 知识掌握程度及综合应用能力显著提高,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);与对照组相比,观察组学生在信息收集、信息给予、理解 病人及沟通结束等四个维度的医患沟通能力显著增强,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在生殖医学教育中加强医患沟通技 能的培养是一种行之有效的教学方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

Historically, the method used in veterinary medicine to teach technical procedures which are to be performed on live animals, has taken the form of an apprenticeship. However, in the last decade, there have been several new developments in technologies oriented toward the development of such abilities and skills by students - for example, manuals, videos, pictures, and virtual reality simulators. Unfortunately, these simulators are inaccessible to many, due to their high cost. For this reason, it is necessary to create simulators that are easy to manufacture at low cost, and that are also portable. These simulators also need to be validated with regard to their ability to fulfil the required educational objectives. The validation of a venous simulator is described in this study. Fifty-two veterinary students, with no previous experience in the creation and maintenance of an indwelling venous cannula, were selected at random. They were divided into two groups: one experimental group (n = 35), who had training practice on the simulator, and the remainder (n = 17), who acted as the control group (i.e. they had no training practice on the simulator). The outcome measure was the number of attempts required to successfully cannulate the cephalic vein of an anaesthetised rabbit. The students in the experimental group showed more skill in cannulating the vein, with 45% effectiveness, as compared to 20% effectiveness in the control group. The difference between the groups was statistically significant (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

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