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The qualification of physicians is a key factor in controlling type 1 diabetes(T1 D) since they provide crucial information to their patients about self-management. To investigate whether Chinese physicians' medical strategies influence the control of T1 D in their patients, we designed a questionnaire to survey Chinese physicians, which covered their diagnosis and patient-management strategies for T1 D. A total of 442 completed questionnaires were received from 35 public hospitals in 12 cities. The results showed Chinese physicians mainly diagnosed T1 D based on the clinical features and islet dysfunction. One-third of physicians in this study still prescribed non-basal-bolus insulin regimens to their T1 D patients. More than 80% of the doctors prescribed alpha-glucosidase inhibitors as adjunctive therapy, in addition to insulin therapy. Moreover, most of the physicians in China did not pay attention to identify coexistent autoimmune diseases. T1 D patients in China were not armed with self-management knowledge and skills, which should be provided by their doctors. One of the circumstances leading to insufficient disease control in Chinese T1 D patients is the ineffective therapeutic strategy prescribed by their physicians. We need to promote knowledge of efficient strategies among physicians in China to achieve better disease control in Chinese T1 D patients in the future.  相似文献   

While researching concepts of neurasthenia as described by patients and physicians of various backgrounds, it was found that there is a great discrepancy between the two groups. In this study, questionnaires were administered to 70 psychiatric patients, 6 Chinese medicine men, 44 general physicians and 35 neuropsychiatrists, to inquire into the reasons for positive or negative attitudes toward neurasthenia. Half of the clinical patients believed that they were suffering from neurasthenia. Neurasthenia is a predominate term used for various types of distress arising mainly from psychiatric diseases. Chinese medicine men are aware that this term is a medical diagnosis introduced from the West. Through experience they regard neurasthenia as a kind of deficit of nerve. Apparently, the concept of neurasthenia has been integrated into the Chinese medical system, a fact substantiated by its longstanding, nosological use by the public.Younger generation physicians within both general and neuropsychiatric disciplines on the whole reject neurasthenia as a diagnostic term. However, one-third of neuropsychiatrists and 40% of general physicians use this term in their practice in order to improve the treatment of and to establish good communication and rapport with the patients whom they treat. Most of them, however, do not use the term in their formal diagnosis. The concept of the illness, neurasthenia, is historically rooted and today presents a nosological dilemma. It will eventually be transformed conceptually and disappear from the public mind.  相似文献   

During the 1840s, physicians from the Habsburg Empire played a decisive role in the reform of medical structures in the Ottoman Empire. This paper discusses different aspects of this scientific and cultural encounter. It emphasizes the importance of Austrian health care structures as a model for the work of these physicians in the Ottoman Empire and studies the role of the medical school ran by the Austrians as a means of representing, on the one hand, the reformatory efforts of the Ottoman Empire and, on the other hand, the motivations of the Habsburg monarchy for an involvement in Ottoman health care affairs, strongly bound up with its own quarantine politics towards the Ottoman Empire.  相似文献   

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, in collaboration with the Universities of Calgary and Alberta, has developed a program to routinely assess the performance of physicians, intended primarily for quality improvement in medical practice. The Physician Achievement Review (PAR) provides a multidimensional view of performance through structured feedback to physicians. The program will also provide a new mechanism for identifying physicians for whom more detailed assessment of practice performance or medical competence may be needed. Questionnaires were created to assess an array of performance attributes, and then appropriate assessors were designated--the physician himself or herself (self-evaluation), patients, medical peers, consultants and referring physicians, and non-physician coworkers. A pilot study with 308 physician volunteers was used to evaluate the psychometric and statistical properties of the questionnaires and to develop operating policies. The pilot surveys showed good statistical validity and technical reliability of the PAR questionnaires. For only 28 (9.1%) of the physicians were the PAR results more than one standard deviation from the peer group means for 3 or more of the 5 major domains of assessment (self, patients, peers, consultants and coworkers). In post-survey feedback, two-thirds of the physicians indicated that they were considering or had implemented changes to their medical practice on the basis of their PAR data. The estimated operating cost of the PAR program is approximately $200 per physician. In February 1999, on the basis of the operating experience and the results of the pilot survey, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta implemented this innovative program, in which all Alberta physicians will be required to participate every 5 years.  相似文献   

This article examines how a group of public health physicians in the urban Amazon values medicinal plant knowledge. As biomedical health care providers, physicians routinely draw on scientific plant knowledge. At the same time, as residents of the Amazon and health care providers to the poor, they are aware of and sometimes participate in local systems of plant knowledge. When discussing medicinal plant use, physicians repeatedly mention three themes: science, superstition, and biopiracy. The way in which physicians construct and negotiate these themes is part of the process of maintaining and legitimating their expertise and authority. This analysis finds that context is key to understanding whether, when, and why physicians value certain bodies of knowledge. Locally, in clinics, scientific plant knowledge is constructed as superior. In a global context, however, local plant knowledge is explicitly valued. This situational valuation/devaluation of plant knowledge relates to the positions of power physicians occupy in each context.  相似文献   

SIMKIN-SILVERMAN, LAUREY R, RENA R WING. Management of obesity in primary care. Obesity is one of the most common presenting chronic medical conditions in primary care, yet it is not adequately treated. Physicians are often reluctant to counsel patients because of their limited training in treating chronic weight problems and negative attitudes toward obese patients. This study evaluated the feasibility of training physicians to provide weight control counseling to their patients. Eleven physicians were randomly assigned to either an obesity-counseling skills training group or to a control group. Physicians in the counseling skills group received training in behavioral and motivational weight control techniques using a five-step patient-centered model; they were also given patient materials for use in their practice. To evaluate pretraining to posttraining changes in physician counseling behavior, independent samples of patients with obesity were surveyed immediately after their visit to the physician's office. Physicians in both the counseling skills training and the control groups discussed weight with 42% to 47% of their patients at baseline. This increased to 89% in physicians who received training, whereas it remained at 42% in control physicians. Scores on a counseling measure also significantly increased from a mean of 2. 7 to 9. 9 in the counseling group, whereas scores in the control group remained low and stable (2. 3 and 1. 9, respectively). The training program was effective in improving the frequency and quality of counseling that physicians delivered to their patients with obesity. Future research is needed to evaluate the effect of physician counseling on the weight and physical activity level of their patients.  相似文献   

Language and cultural beliefs play an extremely important role in the interaction between patients from diverse cultural groups and physicians. Especially in emergency rooms, there are many dangers in missed communications. A patient from a foreign culture, especially one who does not speak English, often expresses symptoms in ways that are unfamiliar to many American physicians. Specific areas of cultural vulnerability can be identified for the major ethnic groups in the United States as they interact with the scientific medical system. A short review of folk medical beliefs and recommendations for improving diagnostic accuracy and treatment may assist emergency room staffs in offering care that is culturally acceptable to patients of diverse ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between patients'' opinions about their physicians'' communication skills and the physician''s history of medical malpractice claims. The sample consisted of 107 physicians and 2,030 of their patients who had had an operation or a delivery. Although patients tended to give their physicians favorable ratings, they were least satisfied with the amount of explanations they received. Patients gave higher ratings to general surgeons and obstetrician-gynecologists and poorer ratings to orthopedists and anesthesiologists. Women and better-educated patients gave higher ratings on explanations and communication to physicians with fewer claims. Men and patients with less education, however, gave higher ratings on these dimensions to physicians with more claims. These findings suggest the need for physicians to tailor their communications to a patient''s individual needs. Improved communication between physicians and patients may result in fewer nonmeritorious malpractice claims while leading to less costly resolution of meritorious claims.  相似文献   

Dissatisfied with some functional aspects of the problem-oriented medical records used by their medical group, a committee of member physicians redesigned their office charts. Applying techniques of systematic layout planning, employed regularly as a tool of industrial engineering, these clinicians devised what they feel to be outpatient document with unique features. The resulting product forms a cohesive unit, eliminates duplication and provides many medicolegal safeguards.  相似文献   

《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》(以下称《学报》)一直秉承严格的同行评议制度,2020年度共有411位审稿专家为《学报》审稿,他们的辛勤工作保证了本刊的学术质量。有作者向我们反映,每次投稿,都能收到编辑部的建设性意见,使他们的科研工作做得更加完善,提高了文章的学术水平和写作质量,受益匪浅。近几年《学报》的投稿量在持续增加,2020年增加幅度更大,同时也加大了审稿专家的工作量。在此,编辑部谨向所有的审稿专家致以最诚挚的感谢!以下为审稿专家名单,其中审稿3篇以上、审稿认真的专家被评为优秀审稿专家。 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》编辑部 2021年1月  相似文献   

All physicians, at some point in their career, are responsible for the education of their peers and junior colleagues. Although medical students are expected to develop clinical and research skills in preparation for residency, it is becoming clear that a student should also be expected to develop abilities as a teacher. A handful of institutions have student-as-teacher programs to train medical students in education, but most students graduate from medical school without formal training in this area. When such a program does not exist, medical students can gain experience in education through participation in peer teaching, course design, educational committees, and medical education scholarship. In doing so, they attain important skills in the development, implementation, and evaluation of educational programs. These skills will serve them in their capacity as medical educators as they advance in their careers and gain increasing teaching responsibility as residents, fellows, and attending physicians.  相似文献   

The ritual of taking an oath upon graduating from medical school is, with a few exceptions, a routine requirement for graduation. Albeit that many students believe that they have taken the Hippocratic Oath, this is virtually never the case. Very often students themselves write many of these oaths, and taking such an oath impresses the student as well as the public, who are potential patients. It sketches the ethically proper way for physicians to treat their patients. Such an oath is meaningful only when it is not coerced but in reality sketches the physicians' obligations toward patients, society, and each other. The question and problem of a coerced oath are discussed. It is concluded that students when first entering medical school know that such an oath will be a requirement for graduation, and because much of the time the persons taking the oath are writing it, I believe that coercion is not a factor. It is an unfortunate fact that throughout the nation students who are known to behave in ethically inappropriate ways are nevertheless allowed to graduate. Possible ways of addressing this troubling situation are discussed. Equally troublesome is the fact that we who administer the oath as well as the students who swear to it are aware that the system of medical care makes it extremely difficult and at times impossible to truly adhere to the full implications of this oath. According to the oath, physicians (in virtually all formulations) swear that social standing (and by implication economic factors) will not change the way in which patients are treated. This becomes impossible when uninsured patients are sent away at the front desk long before the physician can interact with them. Furthermore, the current fact that physicians often are confronted with not doing what they consider a necessary test (or prescribe what they think would be the best medication) raises the problem of either lying or suggesting to the patient that he/she do so--a fact that in the long run cannot help but damage the physician's veracity and the trust which patients put in their physicians. That virtually all codes of the American Medical Association (AMA) as well as the various specialties insist that physicians work toward universal access is stressed.  相似文献   

Background: Patients in different countries have different attitudes toward self-determination and medical information. Little is known how much respect Japanese patients feel should be given for their wishes about medical care and for medical information, and what choices they would make in the face of disagreement.
Methods: Ambulatory patients in six clinics of internal medicine at a university hospital were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire.
Results: A total of 307 patients participated in our survey. Of the respondents, 47% would accept recommendations made by physicians, even if such recommendations were against their wishes; 25% would try to persuade their physician to change their recommendations; and 14% would leave their physician to find a new one.
Seventy-six percent of the respondents thought that physicians should routinely ask patients if they would want to know about a diagnosis of cancer, while 5% disagreed; 59% responded that physicians should inform them of the actual diagnosis, even against the request of their family not to do so, while 24% would want their physician to abide by their family's request and 14% could not decide. One-third of the respondents who initially said they would want to know the truth would yield to the desires of the family in a case of disagreement.
Interpretations: In the face of disagreement regarding medical care and disclosure, Japanese patients tend to respond in a diverse and unpredictable manner. Medical professionals should thus be prudent and ask their patients explicitly what they want regarding medical care and information.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the views of a large and representative group of consultant physicians on the Calman proposals, in which acute general medical services will change from being primarily consultant led to consultant provided. DESIGN--Postal questionnaires. SUBJECTS--All 236 consultant physicians in acute hospitals in North West and South West Thames regions. RESULTS--Replies were received from 179 (76%). One hundred and thirty seven (77%) indicated that they would not resume emergency residential duties, and 126 (71%) indicated that they would probably withdraw from general medical duties under these circumstances. One hundred and twenty six (70%) and 137 (77%) had not inserted a central venous line or temporary pacemaker, respectively, within the previous five years. Of 157 answering a question on the impact of the Calman proposals on the quality of patient services, 125 considered that it would be detrimental, and only 18 (11%) thought that it would be beneficial. CONCLUSION--Most consultant physicians are not prepared to resume emergency duties and could not do so without retraining in practical procedures. There is widespread antagonism to the Calman proposals, and most physicians consider that their impact on the quality of patient services will be detrimental.  相似文献   

The numerous challenges now facing the profession of medicine have led to an intense focus on professionalism by individual physicians and by their professional and academic organizations. In 2002, a distinguished group of leaders in internal medicine created the Physician Charter, which calls on physicians to reaffirm medical professionalism through commitment to three principles and 10 responsibilities. The Charter reflects a duty-based ethic that is chiefly concerned with physician competence. This article offers a critical analysis of the Physician Charter from the perspective of the traditional values of medicine as articulated in medical oaths and championed by leaders of past generations, exemplified by William Osler. The authors argue that medical professionalism should reflect the values of a virtue-based ethic that stresses compassion and beneficence, rather than the values of a duty-based ethic. The challenges that now confront the practice of medicine can be addressed successfully only to the extent that physicians promote virtue-ethics, act collectively in the public interest, and render service that clearly transcends their own self-interests.  相似文献   

D K Peachey  A L Linton 《CMAJ》1990,143(7):629-632
The recognition that much current medical practice is based on incomplete scientific evidence has led to calls for the generation of guidelines for optimal patterns of practice. These guidelines must be developed from a synthesis of existing scientific data ideally obtained from randomized clinical trials. However, at present we may have to rely on less satisfactory data and the views of experts in the field. The primary purpose of these initiatives must be to improve patient care. The Ontario Medical Association has made recommendations on how such guidelines should be produced, and in a recent survey a substantial majority of family physicians supported them. There is general agreement that the coordinating body should be independent of government and other interested parties. In addition, the medical profession must have the primary role, and a number of medical organizations should also be represented. We propose a possible structure for a group charged with developing guidelines for medical practice at a provincial level and on an experimental basis. Recommendations are made on its membership, function and relationship with other organizations. The identification and diffusion of justifiable, scientific practice patterns will help reduce waste of scarce resources, maintain the role of the profession as guardian of the quality of care and ultimately benefit the patient.  相似文献   

Philippe Huneman 《PSN》2004,2(2):47-60
The author analysesEncyclopédie’s articles devoted to nervous and mental functioning and disorders, showing that a new approach to lunacy as a mental illness, which is defined in some articles as a “general trouble of the animal economy”, progressively emerged. The term,animal economy, unified physical and moral aspects of the study of man. It was elaborated by XVIIIth century physiologists and was widely accepted by French physicians. This idea is based on the vitalistic thought of the Montpellier school, which equated life with sensibility, and on English medical conceptions of a nervous-centred organism. Later on Philippe Pinel’s work displayed the legacy of these conceptions. On one hand, the comprehensive view of physical and moral dimensions in theanimal economy neutralized the question of an organic or psychogenetic origin of madness. This enabled him to consider it as a determinate field of sensibility interactions and as a medical matter, and to legitimize the group of therapeutic practices that he namedtraitement moral. On the other hand, Pinel departed from the classical conception ofanimal economy by developing his concept of aprinciple of mania, which underlies the manifold symptoms and forms of madness, and which are only perceptible to a trained specialist (aliéniste). The historical development analysed in this article show how alienists were enabled to claim both the wholly medical nature of insanity as disease, and their specific competence as apart from the other medical disciplines. To this extent, Esquirol achieved Pinel’s scientific work.  相似文献   

Although cigarette smoking is the number one public health problem in the United States, physicians have failed to take the lead either in convincing youngsters not to begin smoking or in aiding adults to quit smoking. To be most effective and convincing in combating the smoking epidemic, practicing physicians must have the same basic fund of knowledge about the short- and long-term consequences of smoking as they do about other commonly encountered medical problems. By acting on such knowledge and adopting a definite set of attitudes and activities in their offices and with patients, physicians can make a significant contribution to their patients and to the entire community in which they practice.  相似文献   

The incidence of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) among Latinos and African Americans nationally and in Los Angeles has risen substantially. No data exist to indicate which physicians (or groups of physicians) provide care to these groups, however. To better plan AIDS educational programs, efforts were made to identify those physicians whose offices were located in areas with high proportions of nonwhites. Many physicians in these areas--30% of all office-based primary care physicians in Los Angeles--were found to be graduates of international medical schools. A survey of a stratified random sample of international medical graduates revealed that compared with a random sample of United States medical graduates, they had a greater proportion of nonwhite patients, often of an ethnicity similar to theirs; practiced in areas with a greater proportion of Asians and lower family incomes; had fewer patients infected with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in their practices; and were more avoidant of such patients. As the incidence of HIV infection increases among minority groups, means need to be developed to ensure their access to counseling and screening, as well as treatment with the latest available agents. Options include imaginative and engaging approaches to continuing medical education for all physicians and the creation of separate public sector infrastructures to meet the HIV-related needs of these communities.  相似文献   

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