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The taxonomic status and biogeography of the North American Raphia species is reviewed using adult morphology, larval host plants, geographic phenotypic variation, and variation of mtDNA COI barcode sequences. Lack of diagnostic morphological differences, combined with relatively low mtDNA barcode divergences and clinal phenotypic variation in key geographic regions indicate that the six previously recognized species of North American Raphia are best interpreted as parapatric subspecies. Raphia frater abrupta Grote, stat. n., R. f. coloradensis Putnam-Cramer, stat. r., R. f. piazzi Hill, stat. n., and R. f. elbea Smith, stat. n., are accordingly revised to subspecies of R. frater Grote. Type locality restrictions are provided for Raphia abrupta and Raphia frater and a neotype is designated for Raphia frater var. coloradensis.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(6):777-781
Haemolymph concentrations of total carbohydrate and fatty acids were determined in velvetbean caterpillar (Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) adult females throughout a 4-hr period of tethered flight. Total carbohydrate concentration decreased from approx. 30 to 10 μg/μl during the first 45 min of flight. Total fatty acid concentration increased from approx. 20 to 40 μg/μl during the first 60 min of flight and then declined to and stabilized at preflight levels. The decrease in wet weight (from approx. 97 to 80 mg/moth) during flight was probably due to defecation since no change in dry weight or haemolymph volume occurred. After 4 hr of flight, no apparent change in whole body lipid content (approx. 12 mg/moth) was observed but the much smaller carbohydrate content was reduced approx. 80% (from approx. 0.6 to 0.1 mg/moth). Approximately equal amounts (approx. 360–550 μg) of carbohydrate and lipid were removed from the haemolymph during 4 hr of flight. Changes in the haemolymph concentrations of palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids correspond to the changes in total fatty acid concentration of the haemolymph, indicating that these are the major components of the lipid mobilized and utilized during flight of A. gemmatalis.  相似文献   

This study provides comprehensive documentation of silk production in the pest moth Helicoverpa armigera from gland secretion to extrusion of silk thread. The structure of the silk glands, accessory structures and extrusion apparatus are reported. The general schema of the paired silk glands follows that found for Lepidoptera. Morphology of the duct, silk press, muscle attachments and spigot are presented as a three-dimensional reconstruction and the cuticular crescent-shaped profile of the silk press is demonstrated in both open and closed forms with attendant muscle blocks, allowing advances in our knowledge of how the silk press functions to regulate the extrusion of silk. Growth of the spigot across instars is documented showing a distinctive developmental pattern for this extrusion device. Its shape and structure are related to use and load-bearing activity.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural examination of diapause and nondiapause larval brains of the European corn borer disclosed anatomical differences that may be related to the insect's "blood-barrier". The perineurial type I cells are quite closely appressed in the diapause brain, but thrown into extensive folds with large intercellular spaces in the nondiapause brain. The perineurial type II cells of diapause and nondiapause larvae are basically similar in general ultrastructure, and most likely form the basis for the "blood-brain barrier." Horseradish peroxidase penetration studies indicated that the outer margin of the perineurial type II cells constitute the limits of infiltration into the brain. An enzymatic component of the "blood-brain barrier" is postulated in this insect. The localization of ATPase in the perineurial type II cells indicates that energy-requiring regulatory mechanisms may be localized here. Metabolic studies with isolated brains, coupled with recent evidence from mammalian systems, suggest that glial cells may be of importance in an enzymatic "blood-brain barrier."  相似文献   

The effect of two insect growth regulators of plant origin viz. plumbagin and azadirachtin and the ecdysteroids 20-hydroxyecdysone, makisterone A and a phytoecdysteroid on DNA synthesis in imaginal wing discs of day 4 final instarHelicoverpa armigera larvae was studied. DNA synthesis increased with increase in time of incubation up to 8 h and decreased later without the addition of moulting hormone. Addition of 20-hydroxyecdysone supported long term acquisition of competence for DNA synthesis in the wing discs. Both DNA synthesis and protein content were drastically reduced in plumbagin and azadirachtin-treated insects. Underin vitro conditions, plumbagin had a more pronounced inhibitory effect than azadirachtin. All the ecdysteroids tested, viz. makisterone A, 20-hydroxyecdysone and the ecdysteroidal fraction from the silver fernCheilanthes farinosa enhanced DNA synthesis  相似文献   

A cDNA clone coding for pheromone binding protein was isolated from the antennae of Helicoverpa armigera by RT-PCR and (5'/3')-RACE technique. The full-length of H. armigera pheromone binding protein (HarmPBP) was 952 bp, possessing 162 amino acid residues including a signal peptide of 20 amino acids. Its predicted molecular weight and isoelectric point were 18.26 kDa and 5.23, respectively. This deduced amino acid sequence shared some common structural features with odorant-binding proteins from several moth species, including the six conserved cysteine motif, a typical characteristic of insect's odorant-binding proteins. Northern blot showed that HarmPBP is specifically expressed in the antennae of Helicoverpa armigera and more abundantly expressed in male than female. During the antennal development, HarmPBP is first expressed about 4 days prior to adult eclosion and rises to a plateau 2 days prior to adult eclosion. In order to obtain sufficient PBP for further determining its biochemical and physiological properties, a bacterical expression vector of PBP was constructed and successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant PBP was shown to cross-react with an anti-PBP antiserum from Antheraea polyphemus. Polyclonal antibodies against HarmPBP were used to mark the distribution of the protein in olfactory sensilla. Very strong labeling was observed in the sensillum lymph of the hair lumen and of the sensillum-lymph cavity. In the male, HarmPBP is expressed in sensilla trichodea and not in sensilla basiconica, while in the female, it is expressed both in sensilla basiconica and sensilla trichodea.  相似文献   

I investigated two possible reasons for remating in female Plodia interpunctella: i) females remate to obtain sufficient sperm to maintain fertility; and ii) male investment in non-sperm components increases female fecundity and longevity. The number of sperm and the mass of the spermatophore transferred by males decreases on successive matings. Sperm numbers and potential male investment were varied by allowing females to mate either once or twice with males either on their first or second mating. Females receiving a single small spermatophore containing few sperm (from a male on his second mating) had sufficient sperm to fertilize all their eggs. Females did not show increased fecundity or longevity as a result of obtaining more spermatophore material. I discuss why females remate when they already have sufficient sperm to fertilize all their eggs.  相似文献   

Lipids in the sex pheromone gland of females of the Z-strain of Ostrinia nubilalis were analyzed for fatty acyl pheromone analogs (FAPAs) and other potential biosynthetic intermediates. More than 80% of the FAPAs were found in the triacylglycerols (TGs), with smaller amounts found in the phosphatidyl cholines, ethanolamines, and serines. Analysis of the TGs by lipase revealed that the two FAPAs were distributed fairly evenly among all three stereospecific positions. Comparison of changes in titers of key glandular fatty acids with those of pheromone components, with respect to photoperiodic time and age of females, showed that both FAPA and pheromone titers exhibited a cyclical pattern with peaks in the scotophase and valleys in the photophase. However, whereas pheromone titer tended to peak in the first half of the scotophase, FAPA titer peaked at the end of the scotophase. Significantly, the titer of the FAPA of the minor component, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (3% of pheromone), was always much greater than the titer of the FAPA of the major component, (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (97%), of the pheromone. Titer of myristate, an intermediate in pheromone biosynthesis, was also higher during the scotophase than the photophase. However, myristate titer showed a pronounced dip in the middle of the scotophase. These data suggest two roles for glandular lipids in sex pheromone biosynthesis in O. nubilalis. Firstly, they remove excess FAPA of the minor component so the fatty acid reductase system is not presented with a high ratio of this isomer (which would otherwise result from the reductase's own selectivity), which could cause changes in the final pheromone ratio. Secondly, hydrolysis of the large amounts of stored saturated fatty acids from the TGs may provide substrate for pheromone biosynthesis.  相似文献   

中国绢螟属(Diaphania Hübner)记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王平远 《昆虫学报》1963,(3):358-367
一、前言 绢螟(Diaphania Hubner,1818)在系统分类上隶属于螟蛾科(Pvralidae),拟螟亚科(Pyraustinae)。本属昆虫种类相当繁多,同时又多半是农林作物和热带经济作物上的害虫,至今全世界已经记述过的种类约在四百余种左右。这类螟蛾成虫一般皆是小形至中等大小的蛾类,翅面半透明,色泽鲜艳,绚丽夺目;于阳光或灯光照耀下,五彩缤纷,尤似丝  相似文献   

Polycalin has been confirmed as a binding protein of the Cry toxins in a few Lepidoptera insects, but its function in the action mechanism of Cry1Ac and whether it is involved in resistance evolution are still unclear. In this study, Ligand blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays showed that Helicoverpa armigera polycalin could specifically interact with Cry1Ac with a high affinity (Kd = 118.80 nM). Importantly, antisera blocking polycalin in H. armigera larvae decreased the toxicity of Cry1Ac by 31.84%. Furthermore, the relative gene and protein expressions were lower in Cry1Ac-resistant strain (LF60) than that in Cry1Ac-susceptible strain (LF). These findings indicated that H. armigera polycalin was a possible receptor of Cry1Ac and may be contributed to the resistance to Cry1Ac.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) recordings showed that female Spodoptera exigua can detect their own sex pheromones (two single components and their mixture), displaying a similar dose–response pattern to that of males, although intensities of female responses were much less at all doses compared with males. Furthermore, the female calling behavior was inhibited and late-shifted by the presence of the female sex pheromone. When the pheromone components were presented, the calling female proportion in the peak calling period was significantly reduced and the calling peak time and calling termination time postponed, compared with controls. Although the calling behavior was inhibited, the pheromone titer of treated females was not different to the control, implying a reduced pheromone biosynthesis in the pheromone glands of treated moths. However, observations during the olfactometer experiments revealed that there were no obvious behavioral responses of females exposed to sex pheromone stimuli including whole gland extracts, 0.1, 1 or 10 μg binary pheromone mixtures.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven species of the genus Coleophora Hübner (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) are recognized in the Korean peninsula, including seven species that are new to Korea: C. albicans Zeller, C. falkovitshella Vives, C. honshuella Baldizzone & Oku, C. japonicella Oku, C. kononenkoi Baldizzone & Savenkov, C. rectimarginalis Li, and C. vestianella (Linnaeus). For all known species, bibliographies, collecting localities, distribution, biological information, and some taxonomic notes are provided, with illustrations of the male or the female genitalia.  相似文献   

The two armyworm species Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and S. litura (F.) are Important pests on several agricultural crops in the tropics. Knowledge about species abundance is important for the development of integrated pest management strategies. During 1998 and 1999 population densities were recorded weekly using pheromone traps at San Leonardo and Munoz (Province Nueva Ecija, 150 km north of Metro Manila) on the Philippine island Luzon. Furthermore, meteorological conditions and natural enemies were observed. Both armyworm species were present year-round at both observation sites. No differences in numbers of male insects trapped in pheromone traps between seasons were found for S. litura. Contrary, numbers of male S. exigua trapped during rainy season was significant higher than during dry season. Rainfall explained between 30 and 40% of trapped moths and has to be considered when monitoring population density with pheromone traps. Parasitism rates were below 5% in both years and for both species and can not explain the high variation observed in population densities.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is one of the most prominent polyphagous species of the Heliothinae pest complex that inflicts severe damage to a wide range of crops in India. Knowledge regarding the population structure of the pest species, whether morphological or genetic, is considered as an essential tool in making effective management decisions. Thus here, we performed the phenotypic characterization of H. armigera populations collected from varied geographic locations across India. Studied populations differed significantly for several external morphometric traits studied at larval, pupal and adult stages. Significant differences were also observed with respect to the intensity of black pigmentation on larval body as well as adult eye and forewing colour patterns. Besides external phenotypic traits, the length of genital organs like aedeagus and valva in males, and bursa copulatrix and bursa seminalis in females also differed significantly amongst populations. The dendrogram based on selected traits showed clear cut differentiation of studied populations into two major groups, one including all the South Zone populations and the other having populations from North and Central Zones. Differences based on phenotyping in the present study indicate the possibility of the existence of different subspecies within the Indian populations of H. armigera.  相似文献   

Sullivan JB  Lafontaine JD 《ZooKeys》2011,(149):107-116
After examining the type specimens of species in the eastern North American genus Argyrostrotis the number of known species in the genus is reduced from 10 to six through synonymy. A key to species is included along with illustrations of the adults and genitalia of each species. Three Neotropical species currently included in Argyrostrotis (Argyrostrotis eurysaces Schaus, 1914; Argyrostrotis quadrata Dognin, 1910; and Celiptera surrufula Dyar, 1913) are transferred to other genera as Argyrosticta eurysaces (Schaus, 1914), comb. n. [Noctuidae: Bagisarinae], Heterochroma quadrata (Dognin, 1910), comb. n. [Noctuidae: Amphipyrinae], and Ptichodis surrufula (Dyar, 1913), comb. n. [Erebidae: Erebinae: Euclidiini].  相似文献   

In moths, males can detect a distinct blend of several pheromone components by specialized olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) on the antennae. Four candidate pheromone receptors (PR) with seven transmembrane domains were identified by homology cloning from the antennae of Spodoptera exigua (Sexi). Phylogenetic analyses reveal that all four odorant receptors (OR) belong to pheromone receptor subtypes. Expression patterns revealed that PRs were male-specific in the antenna except for SexiOR11, which was female antenna-biased. Functional analyses of these PRs were conducted using heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes. SexiOR13 and SexiOR16 were all broadly activated by multiple pheromone components. SexiOR13 responded robustly to the critical pheromone component, Z9, E12-14:OAc and the minor pheromone component, Z9-14:OAc at a concentration of 10?4 M. Dose-response studies indicate that SexiOR13 was approximately 4 times more sensitive to Z9,E12-14:OAc (EC50 = 3.158 × 10?6 M) compared to Z9-14:OAc (EC50 = 1.203 × 10?5 M). While, SexiOR16 responded robustly to the secondary pheromone component Z9-14:OH with high sensitivity (EC50 = 9.690 × 10?7 M). However, similar tests of the five pheromones with SexiOR6 and SexiOR11 failed to elicit any response. These results provide basic knowledge to further advance research on the molecular mechanisms of pheromone reception.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1978,8(4):231-236
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity was demonstrated in intact brains of larvae from the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis using 2-(2′-benzothiazolyl)-5-stryl-3-(4′-phthalhydrazidyl) tetrazolium chloride (BSPT). With tryptamine as the substrate, MAO specific activity was restricted to mitochondria within perineurial cells. The basic BSPT methodology was modified by the substitution of 2% dimethylsulfoxide for dimethylformamide in the incubation medium. This yielded increased permeability of the brain to the incubation medium, presumably by disrupting the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. A discussion of possible reasons for the previous inability to demonstrate insect neuronal MAO activity is presented.  相似文献   

The eichhorni group lies within the genus Delias (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) which has markedly diversified aposematic wing markings. The phylogenetic relationships among all species of the eichhorni group, representatives of each of the other 21 species groups of Delias butterflies, and some related genera were analyzed based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene. A supplemental study using the nuclear elongation factor-1alpha (EF-1alpha) gene was also carried out. The results are compared with those of morphological studies. Our results confirm the monophyly of the eichhorni group and suggest the monophyly of the genus Delias. They also indicate phylogenetic intragroup relationships, particularly the division of the eichhorni complex into groups I and II. Moreover, they also indicate that the initial diversification of the eichhorni group involved separation of the D. catisa + D. toxopei clade, followed by the divergence of other species including the eichhorni complex. Based on these findings, it is supposed that this group first appeared close to or within the western mountain range of New Guinea Island (135 degrees 30(')-140 degrees E) where D. catisa, D. toxopei, and representatives of other species cohabit.  相似文献   

.The fig leaf roller or Fig-tree Skeletoniser, Choreutis nemorana (Lep.: Choreutidae), is a destructive pest of fig trees found in some fig-growing areas of Iran. The larvae feed on the upper level of leaves, near the main vein. In this study, digestive carbohydrases including α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, α-galactosidase, β-galactosidase and proteinases including trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase were investigated. The results showed that the carbohydrases were present in the alimentary tracts of the pest. Optimum pH for α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase activity was at pH 6.0 and 7.0, respectively. Maximum activity of α-galactosidase and β-galactosidase occurred at pH 6.0. Total proteolitic activity against the substrate azocasein was optimally occurred at pH 10.0. The greatest activity of trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase was determined at pH 10.0, 11.0 and 11.0, respectively. Zymogram analyses using nitrocellulose membrane revealed two trypsin isoforms in which one of them was completely inhibited by Soybean Kunitz inhibitor and the other was notably inhibited.  相似文献   

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