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Benefits of group life depend in large part on whether animals remain cohesive, which often requires collective decisions about where and when to move. During a group movement, the leader may be considered as the individual occupying the vanguard position of the group progression, when its movement evokes following by other group members. In nondespotic societies, individuals with greater incentives to move frequently are leaders. During 15 months of observations (1,712 contact hours), we investigated two mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) groups at La Flor de Catemaco (Los Tuxtlas, Mexico) to examine whether sex and female reproductive state influenced leadership likelihood in two contexts: movements toward feeding trees; movements associated with loud calls, a group-defense behavior used by males of this genus. Females led and occupied forward positions during group movements toward feeding trees more often than adult males. Adult females led these movements more frequently when they were gestating than when they were lactating or cycling. There were no differences between sexes in the leadership of group movements associated with loud calls. Leadership by gestating females is perhaps the result of their higher nutritional/energetic needs when compared with cycling females, and of their greater mobility when compared with lactating females carrying dependent offspring. Female leadership during movements toward feeding trees may be a mechanism to optimize access to food resources in mantled howler monkeys.  相似文献   

Coordination of primate group movements by individual group members is generally categorized as leadership behavior, which entails several steps: deciding where to move next, initiating travel, and leading a group between food, water sources, and rest sites. Presumably, leaders are able to influence their daily foraging efficiency and nutritional intake, which could influence an individual's feeding ecology and long-term reproductive success. Within anthropoid species, females lead group movements in most female-bonded groups, while males lead groups in most nonfemale-bonded groups. Group leadership has not been described for social prosimians, which are typically not female-bonded. We describe group movements in two nonfemale-bonded, lemurid species living in southeastern Madagascar, Propithecus diadema edwardsi and Eulemur fulvus rufus. Although several social lemurids exhibit female dominance Eulemur fulvus rufus does not, and evidence for female dominance is equivocal in Propithecus diadema edwardsi. Given the ecological stresses that females face during reproduction, we predict that females in these two species will implement alternative behavioral strategies such as group leadership in conjunction with, or in the absence of, dominance interactions to improve access to food. We found that females in both species initiated and led group movements significantly more often than males did. In groups with multiple females, one female was primarily responsible for initiating and leading group movements. We conclude that female nutritional needs may determine ranging behavior to a large extent in these prosimian species, at least during months of gestation and lactation.  相似文献   

The energetic costs of reproduction have an important influence on the life histories of female primates. At present, however, the interplay of female reproductive state, food availability, and strategies aimed at maintaining energy balance has been described for only a few species, limiting our ability to understand intra- and interspecific variation in female life histories. We assessed how female mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) are affected by reproductive seasonality, and whether they alter their behavior to cope with the energetic demands of reproduction. From August 2013 to July 2015 we measured the reproductive state, behavior (1100 h of focal animal observations), and energetic condition (312 urine samples collected for C-peptide analysis) of 7 adult females, and assessed food availability (weekly phenological sampling of 397 food trees). Female behavior did not vary with reproductive state or reproductive seasonality. There were, however, differences in how females responded to variation in food availability according to reproductive state. Cycling and gestating females spent more time feeding than lactating females, and cycling females less time resting than females in other reproductive states, when food was more available. C-peptide concentrations were unaffected by either individual or overall variation in reproductive state, except for cycling females, whose concentrations increased during periods of high food availability. The energetic condition of female mantled howlers is broadly maintained over different stages of reproduction, but is sensitive to variation in food availability.  相似文献   

Group-living species have to coordinate collective actions to maintain cohesion. In primates, spatial movements represent a meaningful model to study group coordination processes across different socio-ecological contexts. We studied 4 groups of red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons) in Kirindy Forest, Madagascar, between 2008 and 2010 across different ecological and reproductive seasons. We collected data on ranging patterns using GPS collars and observational data on different predefined parameters of group movements, including initiation, leadership, followership, overtaking events, termination, and travel distances. Cohesion of these relatively small, egalitarian lemur groups was high year-round, but daily path length and home range size varied considerably between ecological seasons, presumably due to long-distance migrations of some groups at the beginning of the rainy season. Individuals of different age and sex classes successfully initiated group movements. However, stable female leadership prevailed year-round, irrespective of ecological and reproductive season, which might be due to higher or more specific energetic requirements of reproduction. In contrast to lemur species with a more despotic social structure, female red-fronted lemurs did not recruit more followers than males. Adult leaders recruited more followers than subadult ones. Further, recruitment success was higher during the peak of the dry season, when predation risk appeared to be higher. Distances of single group movements did not depend on the initiator’s sex and age or on ecological seasons. Our results provide new insights into seasonal variability of coordination processes and the role of social dominance in lemur group movements, thereby contributing to a comparative perspective from a primate radiation that evolved group living independently of anthropoids.  相似文献   

The activity budgets and daily activity rhythms of Varecia rubra were examined over an annual cycle according to season and reproductive stage. Given the relatively high reproductive costs and patchy food resources of this species, I predicted that V. rubra would 1) travel less and feed more during seasonal resource scarcity in an attempt to maintain energy balance, and 2) show sex differences in activity budgets due to differing reproductive investment. Contrary to the first prediction, V. rubra does not increase feeding time during seasonal food scarcity; rather, females feed for a consistent amount of time in every season, whereas males feed most during the resource-rich, hot dry season. The results are consistent with other predictions: V. rubra travels less in the resource-scarce cold rainy season, and there are some pronounced sex differences, with females feeding more and resting less than males in every season and in every reproductive stage except gestation. However, there are also some provocative similarities between the sexes when activity budgets are examined by reproductive stage. During gestation, female and male activity budgets do not differ and appear geared toward energy accumulation: both sexes feed and rest extensively and travel least during this stage. During lactation, activity budgets are geared toward high energy expenditure: both sexes travel most and in equal measure, and rest least, although it remains the case that females feed more and rest less than males. These similarities between female and male activity budgets appear related to cooperative infant care. The high energetic costs of reproduction in V. rubra females may require that they allot more time to feeding year round, and that their overall activity budget be more directly responsive to seasonal climate change, seasonal food distribution, and reproductive schedules.  相似文献   

The activity budgets of individual orangutans were investigated at the Kutai Reserve, Indonesia. Activity profiles within and between individuals were compared to examine monthly variations in feeding patterns, potential energetic constraints imposed by large body size and parturition, and the costs of sociality. Animals showed monthly changes in travelling, feeding, and resting patterns. Monthly increases in travelling and feeding were associated with marked reductions in the time spent resting. Inter-individual variations in activity budgets did not exist among animals of the same age-sex class. Activity patterns differed, however, as a function of age and sex. Adult females and subadult males travelled and fed significantly longer than an adult male. Parturition had predictable effects on activity; one female reduced her feeding and travelling immediately following parturition. Adult male orangutan sociality appears to be limited by travel costs. Associations with females forced a male orangutan to travel significantly more compared with periods in which he was solitary. The male did not lose an appreciable amount of time feeding when accompanying a female.  相似文献   

In this study, we compare the life-history patterns of male and female Eulemur fulvus rufus based on longitudinal data collected on individuals from two study groups from 1988-1998 in southeastern Madagascar. Mean group size was 9.5 individuals, and groups either contained more adult males than females or equal numbers of both sexes. Females reproduced for the first time between 2 and 4 years of age and reproduced each year, although the mean interbirth interval between surviving offspring was 2.1 years. An average of two adult females reproduced annually in each social group, and age and body weight may positively influence reproductive success. Females also appear to be philopatric but not female-bonded. Young natal males immigrated between 3 and 4.5 years of age and may join a new group within 612 months based on the age of emigrants. Once in a social group, they remained until old age, although a male's spatial position in the social group varied with age. Young nonnatal males were members of the social core and had the first opportunity to mate with all estrous females. Older males were peripheral to the social group and mated with females later in their cycle. We hypothesize that group size, the number of females in the group, and individual variation in reproductive success is influenced by several ecological conditions at this site: extreme variability in food availability during reproductive periods, the lack of large food patches, low plant species diversity, and small numbers of important aseasonal food sources such as Ficus species.  相似文献   

Leadership of travel progression is an important aspect of group living. It is widely believed that trichromacy evolved to facilitate the detection and selection of fruit in the dappled light of a forest. Further, it has been proposed that in New World primate species, which typically contain a range of color vision phenotypes, at least one female in a group will be trichromatic (i.e., having three types of visual pigment, in contrast to the two types of pigment found in dichromatic individuals) and will lead the group to fruiting trees. We examine progression leadership within two wild mixed-species troops of saddleback (Saguinus fuscicollis) and mustached (Saguinus mystax) tamarins over a complete year. As whole units, the mixed-species troops were most frequently led by a mustached tamarin. This is the first time that mixed-species group leadership and individual leadership have been quantified in these tamarin species. In terms of single-species intragroup leadership, neither the visual status (dichromatic or trichromatic) nor the sex of individuals had a consistent effect across species. Saddleback tamarin groups were led by males more frequently than females, while evidence suggests that mustached tamarins may be female-led. The notion that all groups contain at least one trichromatic female that leads the troop to feeding trees was not supported.  相似文献   

Socioecological theory predicts that aggressive feeding competition is associated with linear dominance hierarchies and reproductive advantages for high-ranking females. Female blue monkeys contest fruits and have a linear dominance hierarchy, yet previous research has shown no evidence that high-ranking females benefit from greater feeding success or fertility. Here, we assess whether individuals differ in fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) excretion and examine proximate determinants of such differences to infer potential fitness correlates of rank, using data collected from two study groups in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya. We found that higher ranking females had preferential access to fruits in both groups, although the behavioral mechanisms leading to this effect varied between groups. Despite a consistent rank difference in feeding on fruits, an overall rank effect on fGCs emerged in only one group; females of this group spent comparatively more time feeding on fruits, fruits accounted for a greater proportion of the diet, and females engaged in more frequent food-related agonism. In addition, more females in this group were lactating during a period of low fruit availability, when rank effects on fGCs were particularly strong. Regardless of fruit availability, among lactating females of both groups higher rank was associated with lower fGC levels, indicating lower energetic stress in higher ranking females when energy demands were particularly high. Individual rates of agonism, a potential psychological stressor, were unrelated to fGCs at all times. After we accounted for rates of agonism and feeding on fruits, females of one group who groomed others more had lower fGCs, suggesting that variable social coping behavior can contribute to fGC variation in some groups. This study provides the first empirical evidence that high-ranking female blue monkeys may obtain fitness benefits from their social status, by gaining priority of access to fruits during critical times in the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Female reproduction is known to be influenced by food availability and its impact on energetic status. However, emerging evidence suggests that the phytochemical content of food may also be an important factor. Here, we investigated this hypothesis, presenting 20 months of data on fecal progestin (fP) patterns in wild female Phayre's leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus phayrei crepusculus). We examined whether (a) the availability of Vitex (a plant known to contain phytochemicals) might be linked to seasonal fP levels, (b) fP levels were associated with female reproductive performance, and (c) reproductive performance might also be linked with energetic status (as measured by physical condition). We collected fecal samples (N = 2077) from 10 adult females to analyze estrogen (fE) and progestin (fP) metabolites, behavioral data from 7 cycling females to determine receptivity, and monthly data on Vitex availability and female physical condition. Seasonally elevated fP levels were found in all females, with higher levels when Vitex leaves and fruits were abundant. During the period of high progestins, females had longer cycle lengths and follicular phases, while receptive periods did not change. Nevertheless, when ovulations occurred, females were more likely to conceive. On the other hand, conceptions were also more likely when physical condition was improving, suggesting that the effects of phytochemicals and energetic status on reproduction may be difficult to separate. Although our results support the predicted effects of Vitex on endocrine and reproductive function, future studies with detailed feeding data and chemical analyses of plants are needed to confirm this finding.  相似文献   

Mate-guarding is a widespread and efficient male strategy for increasing paternity success. The inability to guard entire female receptive phases or complete lack of mate-guarding has been explained by energetic constraints posed on males. The energetic costs per unit time a male can afford to suffer are thought to be lowest in year-round breeding species in marginal habitats and highest in seasonally breeding species in rich habitats. Here we test the prediction that mate-guarding is energetically costly in seasonal breeders in marginal habitats. We observed all males in one group of wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) for two 4-mo mating seasons and recorded activity and travel paths via focal animal sampling, physical condition via visual inspection, and collected feces for analysis of glucocorticoid levels. Generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) analyses did not reveal an effect of mate-guarding on time spent feeding or moving or on distance traveled, travel speed, directedness of travel, or glucocorticoid levels. This lack of mate-guarding costs was consistent with the lack of a relationship between individual time spent mate-guarding and change in physical condition over the mating season. Within the limitations of our study the results do not support the idea that seasonally breeding males in marginal habitats face energetic costs of mate-guarding. With others we suggest instead that though these costs may be found in species where strength, size, and mass predict rank, mating, and reproductive success, males may not engage in costly mate-guarding in species such as Assamese macaques where also smaller, weaker males may attain high social status via political coalitions or other routes alternative to direct contest over guarded females.  相似文献   

Male chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, cooperate to defend a community range within which resident females range in smaller core areas. There has been debate over exactly what males are defending, whether mates, territory or both. One hypothesis holds that males are defending mates, and that an increase in community range size will lead directly to the acquisition of more females. However, males frequently attack females as well as males at the edge of the community range. We examined 18 years of observational data on the Gombe chimpanzees to determine the behaviour of males during extragroup encounters, and the consequences of changes in community range size on the number of adult females and indirect measures of food availability. Males were always aggressive to males from other communities, and often attacked adult females, especially those that were not sexually receptive, were older, and/or had more than one offspring. The number of females did not increase with range size, but several measures suggested an increase in food availability with range size. These measures include more time spent in large foraging parties, higher encounter rates with resident females, more encounters with sexually receptive females and higher female reproductive rates. These findings suggest that males defend a feeding territory for their resident females and protect them from sexual harassment. Although a large range may eventually attract more females, this is not an immediate consequence of range expansion. Male number was not correlated with community range size.  相似文献   

Space use patterns of a population are a result of the set of movements of its individuals, which are directly influenced by their attributes and environmental conditions. Understanding space use patterns and its determinants may give us insights about a species’ ecology, social and mating systems. Although echimyid rodents display a variety of mating and social systems, movements of burrowing species are poorly studied due to their cryptic habits. Hence, in this study, we evaluated the effects of body mass, sex, and palm fruit availability on space use patterns of the burrowing echimyid Clyomys laticeps, by measuring their daily home range (DHR) and intensity of habitat use. In 9 months of study in a “cerrado campo sujo” site, we tracked 14 adults with the spool‐and‐line in a backpack method. Adult males had larger DHR size than females, probably as a response to greater body mass and reproductive behavior. Furthermore, adult females had greater intensity of habitat use, presenting site fidelity, which can be due to offspring care as a response to non‐seasonal reproduction observed in our study and/or due to nest site defense strategy to avoid energetic costs associated with burrow construction. Differently from expected, food availability (i.e., Allagoptera campestris palm fruits) had no influence on the space use patterns of C. laticeps. As in other herbivorous rodents, shifts in proportion of consumed food items according to their availability may explain the lack of this influence in our study. Our findings suggest that space use patterns of C. laticeps are mainly explained by behavioral and physiological differences between sexes, including body mass and reproductive strategies. Additionally, larger male movements and female site fidelity suggest a solitary behavior and a polygynous mating system, although further studies regarding spatial organization and genetic structure are necessary to support these suggestions.  相似文献   

The importance of dominance status to foraging and ultimately survival or reproductive success in wild primates is known; however, few studies have addressed these variables simultaneously. We investigated foraging and social behavior among 17 adult female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan, from September to November in 2 consecutive years (2004 and 2005) to determine whether interannual variation in food availability was related to variation in agonistic interactions over food resources and the feeding behavior of individuals of different dominance rank. We compared energy obtained with daily energy requirements and also examined the effect of variation in feeding behavior on female survival and reproductive success. Fruiting conditions differed considerably between the 2 yr: of four nut-producing species, the nuts of only Torreya nucifera fruited in 2004, whereas all four species, particularly Fagus crenata, produced nuts in abundance in 2005. The abundance and average crown size of trees of Torreya nucifera were smaller than those of Fagus crenata, and there was a higher frequency of agonistic interactions during 2004, when dominant, but not subordinate, individuals were able to satisfy daily energy requirements from nut feeding alone through longer nut feeding bouts. In contrast, all macaques, regardless of their dominance rank, were able to satisfy their energy requirements by feeding on nuts in 2005. Subordinate macaques appeared to counter their disadvantage in 2004 by moving and searching for food more and maintaining larger interindividual distances. Several lower-ranking females died during the food-scarce season of 2004, and only one dominant female gave birth the following birth season. In contrast, none of the adult females died during the food-scarce season of 2005, and 12 females gave birth the following birth season. These findings suggest that an interaction between dominance rank and interannual variation in food availability are related to macaque behavior, survival, and reproduction.  相似文献   

Male spiders are able to detect and respond to chemical cues deposited by females in the environment. In many species, detection of these chemicals may be the first indication a male has to the presence of a nearby female. In wolf spiders (Lycosidae), which do not produce webs, females leave a trail of silk and chemical cues as they move through the leaf-litter habitat. Males could increase encounter rates with receptive females if they were able to follow these trails. We used behavioral assays to determine whether male Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders are able to detect and respond to cues resulting from a single-pass trail by a female, and whether they are able to determine the direction of female travel. Our focal males responded to virgin adult female trails with following behavior, but showed no propensity to follow trails from other conspecifics (subadult females or males). While males were able to follow a female trail, our observations and analysis indicates that they are not able to determine trail directionality.  相似文献   

Animals facing seasonal variation in food availability experience selective pressures that favor behavioral adjustments such as migration, changes in activity, or shifts in diet. Eclectic omnivores such as many primates can process low-quality fallback food when preferred food is unavailable. Such dietary flexibility, however, may be insufficient to eliminate constraints on reproduction even for species that live in relatively permissive environments, such as moist tropical forests. Focusing on a forest-dwelling primate with a flexible diet (Cercopithecus mitis) we investigated whether females experience seasonal energetic stress and how it may relate to reproductive seasonality. We used fecal glucocorticoids (fGCs) as an indicator of energetic stress, controlling for the potentially confounding effects of social interactions and reproductive state. We modeled within-female fGC variation with General Linear Mixed Models, evaluating changes in feeding behavior and food availability as main effects. Regardless of reproductive state, fGCs increased when females shifted their diet towards fallback foods (mature leaves and other non-preferred items) and when they spent more time feeding, while fGCs decreased with feeding time on preferred items (insects, fruits, young leaves) and with the availability of young leaves. Changes in fruit availability had no general effects on fGCs, likely because fruits were sought out regardless of availability. As predicted, females in the energetically demanding stages of late pregnancy and early lactation showed greater increases in fGCs between periods of low versus high availability of fruits and young leaves than females in other reproductive states. Potential social stressors had no measurable effects on fGCs. Preliminary evidence suggests that seasonal energetic stress may affect the timing of infant independence from mothers and contribute to unusually long inter-birth intervals compared to closely related species of similar body size. Our findings highlight how the study of stress responses can provide insights into the proximate control of reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

The ring-tailed coati (Nasua nasua) is the only coati species in which social groups contain an adult male year round, although most males live solitarily. We compared reproductive success of group living and solitary adult male coatis to determine the degree to which sociality affects reproductive success. Coati mating is highly seasonal and groups of female coatis come into oestrus during the same 1-2 week period. During the mating season, solitary adult males followed groups and fought with the group living male. This aggression was presumably to gain access to receptive females. We expected that high reproductive synchrony would make it difficult or impossible for the one group living male to monopolize and defend the group of oestrous females. However, we found that group living males sired between 67-91% of the offspring in their groups. This reproductive monopolization is much higher than other species of mammals with comparably short mating seasons. Clearly, living in a group greatly enhanced a male's reproductive success. At the same time, at least 50% of coati litters contained offspring sired by extra-group males (usually only one offspring per litter); thus, resident males could not prevent extra-group matings. The resident male's reproductive advantage may reflect female preference for a resident male strong enough to fend off competing males.  相似文献   

Ovarian function in female hominoids is sensitive to both energy flux and energy balance, resulting in a reduced probability of conception during periods when a successful reproductive outcome is less likely. However, the extent to which energetic factors constrain gonadal function in male hominoids is not clear. We examined the effects of both acute and chronic variation in energy availability on urinary testosterone (T) levels in adult male chimpanzees. Acute changes in energy availability, which were assayed by means of observational data on feeding behavior, did not result in decreased T production for 11 individuals at Kibale National Park, Uganda. Chronic energy shortages, on the other hand, may be associated with lower T levels in this population. Adult males in Kibale (n=11), who maintain suboptimal access to energy, exhibit significantly lower urinary T levels than males in captivity (n=11), who are more sedentary and better fed. These results suggest that data on hormonal function in captive chimpanzees should be interpreted with caution because individuals may produce T at levels well above those that are typical in the wild. They also suggest that short-term variations in T levels in male hominoids are more likely to be explained by social factors than by energetic ones.  相似文献   

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