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Five transport media, eight plating media, and three enrichment broth media for the isolation of salmonellae and shigellae were evaluated. Eight laboratories in widely separated regions of the United States participated in this evaluation by submitting 490 fecal specimens in the transport media provided. The results suggest that the newer transport media may not offer any advantage over the use of buffered glycerol-saline in the isolation of these enteric pathogens. Shigellae were best isolated by direct inoculation, whereas salmonellae were isolated in greater numbers after tetrathionate (without Brilliant Green) enrichment with subsequent culturing on the plating medium. The use of a variety of plating media is recommended for the recovery of a larger number of these enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

The efficiencies of three enrichment broths and four plating media for isolation of enteric pathogens were compared from 1,117 stool specimens. Direct streaking proved to be inferior to enrichment, detecting only 50% of the salmonellae and 61% of the shigellae. By contrast, Selenite Broth (SF) found 90% of the total salmonellae isolates and 82% of the shigellae isolates. Gram-Negative Broth (GN) found 82% and 85%, respectively, but Tetrathionate found only 60% and 39%. Thus, SF and GN were comparable for both salmonellae and shigellae and significantly better than Tetrathionate Broth for both. The plating media compared were MacConkey (MAC), deoxycholate citrate (DC), xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD), and xylose lysine Brilliant Green (XLBG) Agars. Of the total salmonellae isolated, XLD produced 94%; XLBG, 71%; MAC, 55%; and DC, only 35%. Of shigellae, XLD found 89%; MAC, 75%; XLBG, 63%; and DC, but 27%. The efficacy of XLD is observed to be almost threefold that of DC. The most successful combination of media for the detection of fecal pathogens was GN or SF enrichment broths streaked to XLD plates. These analyses resulted in the isolation of 118 strains of salmonellae and 33 of shigellae.  相似文献   

The fluorescent antibody (FA) tests for group B and group D Shigella were reevaluated. Duplicate swab specimens from patients suspected of having shigellosis were cultured shortly after collection and after transport in a soft-agar holding medium. Smears for FA examination were made at the same time. Results obtained for the group D Shigella agree closely with those obtained in previous studies. The percentage of isolations of group B Shigella from transported specimens which were positive by FA was 59.6% as compared to 39.3 and 53.3% in previous studies. S. flexneri was isolated from 76.7% of the FA-positive specimens when they were examined shortly after collection. More isolates of Shigella were obtained when specimens were examined by both methods than when either method was used alone. The results indicated that FA tests for both group B and group D Shigella are practical and may be useful to laboratories engaged in Shigella isolation.  相似文献   

Polyvalent Shigella conjugates were prepared for Shigella groups A, B, C, and D. After preliminary testing with pure cultures of both homologous and heterologous organisms, these reagents were used in three evaluation studies. Fecal specimens from patients hospitalized with diarrhea, from children involved in an institutional outbreak of dysentery due to S. sonnei, and from patients with diarrhea in Arizona were screened by fluorescent-antibody (FA) tests and were cultured. Specimens were examined at various periods of time after collection and after incubation in broth and saline. Results showed that shigellae were detected most frequently when specimens were cultured immediately after collection. FA tests revealed more positive results when the specimens were incubated in either saline or broth than when they were examined immediately after collection. The S. sonnei conjugate gave the most reliable results of any of the Shigella FA reagents used in these investigations. It proved to be both sensitive and specific.  相似文献   

Numerous selective media, available commercially, act by suppressing "normal" bacterial inhabitants of the intestine while permitting the growth of so-called pathogenic representatives of the family Enterobacteriaceae. This investigation attempts to evaluate the action of Salmonella-Shigella (SS) agar, xylose lysine desoxycholate (XLD) agar, and hektoen enteric (HE) agar. Salmonellae and shigellae, isolated from clinical material, were mixed in various ratios with escherichiae, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia group bacteria, and members of the tribe Proteeae, also of clinical origin. Several of the mixtures were plated in multiple dilutions on the three media. Stools in preservative were also used for evaluation of the media after the addition of definite numbers of the pathogenic bacteria. Results indicate that SS agar suppresses the shigellae along with the autochthonous members of Enterobacteriaceae. XLD and HE agars readily permit the recovery of shigellae as well as salmonellae. This recovery is not obscured by the higher yield of other species obtained with these media.  相似文献   

Five different anaerobic culture methods and several different media were compared for their ability to recover anaerobes from clinical specimens. Specimens were obtained from patients with documented infections, avoiding contamination with normal flora, and immediately placed in an anaerobic transporter. Each specimen was cultured by all methods and on all the various media. The comparative data indicate that anaerobic jars (GasPak and evacuation-replacement types) are just as effective in the recovery of clinically significant anaerobes as the more complex roll-tube and chamber methods employing prereduced media. Liquid media were disappointing as a "back-up" system but chopped-meat glucose was superior to two thioglycolate formulations. Growth of all anaerobes was poorer on selective media, but these media were very helpful in the workup of specimens containing mixed growth of anaerobic and facultative organisms. A variety of different anaerobes was isolated, but no very fastidious or extremely oxygen-sensitive organisms were recovered. This suggests that such organisms may not play a significant role in causing clinical infections.  相似文献   

Enrichment media (tetrathionate, selenite and Rapp ap ort broths) and selective media (desoxycholate citrate agar and brilliant green agar) were tested in different combinations to ascertain their capacity for isolation of salmonella bacteria. The material consisted of 299 samples of cattle faeces from two herds infected with salmonella (Table 1), and of 111 artificially contaminated samples of pig faeces (Table 3). The tetrathionate and selenite broths were equally useful for the material as a whole, whereas the results varied between different species of salmonella which is of great practical interest. The number of salmonella isolations was much lower when enrichment with Rappaport broth was used. The rate of salmonella isolations can often be increased by parallel enrichments with two different media. Of the selective agar media tested, brilliant green agar was superior to desoxycholate citrate agar.  相似文献   

Six media were evaluated to determine their ability to isolate yeasts and inhibit bacteria. The media included the following: Snyder, Snyder tellurite, Sabouraud tellurite, Littman-gentamicin, molybdate, and Mycosel (BBL). Doses of mixed intestinal gram-negative bacilli and enterococci were most effectively inhibited by Snyder tellurite agar. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most common bacterial contaminant of the other media. All six media were comparable in isolating yeasts while preventing the growth of the oral bacterial flora. The selection of a basal fungal growth medium for tellurite incorporation to inhibit bacteria but permit growth of yeasts was affected by pH. The bacteriostatic effect of tellurite was decreased with increasing pH of media while fungistatic action was increased. The arbitrary selection of Snyder and Littman agars to isolate yeast from burn wound cultures demonstrated the need to include a selective medium for these specimens. Blood, phenylethyl alcohol blood agar, and Columbia CN blood agar were all inadequate for isolating yeasts from burns. Growth of a variety of filamentous saprophytic and pathogenic dimorphic fungi grew adequately on four of five selective media tested.  相似文献   

Many enteric media are more efficient for the detection of salmonellae than of shigellae. Comparisons of three enrichment broths and three plating media were made during analysis of 1,405 stool specimens to choose a combination of media which would enhance detection of shigellae as well. Gram-Negative (GN), Selenite, and Silliker's Broths were streaked to E M B, Salmonella-Shigella (SS), and xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) Agars. The enrichment broths produced a twofold increase in isolations of both salmonellae and shigellae over direct streaking. All three broths performed equally well for Salmonella detection, but GN and Silliker's produced twice as many Shigella isolates as did Selenite. Comparison of the plating media showed that XLD was markedly more efficient than either E M B or SS Agar for the recovery of both genera. SS Agar was superior to E M B for isolation of salmonellae after enrichment, whereas E M B was better for isolation of shigellae by direct streaking. Both E M B and SS were more effective when used after GN and Silliker's than after Selenite. GN Broth and XLD Agar were the most efficient combination of media. During these analyses, 158 salmonellae and 49 shigellae isolates were obtained.  相似文献   

A total of 15 agar media were examined for their yield, selectivity, readability, and simplicity of preparation and use. A thallium medium of Barnes was selected as the better of the high yield-fair selectivity type of medium and an azide-citrate medium of Reinbold appeared to be the better of the low yield-high selectivity type of medium. Sodium carbonate (optimal concentration, 0.20%) was found to increase recovery substantially when added to certain media, especially in the presence of 0.05% Tween 80. When these two ingredients were incorporated into a medium modified after Slanetz and Bartley, the resultant medium was superior to other media for the isolation and enumeration of enterococci in certain frozen foods, such as peas and hamburger, by the direct plating method.  相似文献   

To compare the effectiveness of culture methods for identifying yak Salmonella, three selective enrichment broths (SC, TTB, MSRV) and three media (SS, XLD, CAS) for detecting Salmonella were evaluated in this study. The results showed that TTB broth was better than SC broths and MSRV broths, and SS medium has the highest isolation rate, significantly higher than those of CAS and XLD media (P < 0.05). It is worth noticing that there was no overlapping of the positive results given by TTB, SC and MSRV broths. In addition, all of the yak Salmonella isolates were detected positive by the five reported PCR assays, targeting the invA, srfC, invE, stn and 16S–23S rRNA genes. The combination of TTB and MSRV broths and SS and CAS media (or XLD) recommended in this study was relatively efficient in recovering Salmonella from yak feces, and the five PCR assays can be successfully used to identify yak Salmonella.  相似文献   

Efficacies of Gram Negative Broth (GN) and Rappaport's Enrichment Broth (RE) were compared for detection of enteric pathogens from clinical specimens. Whereas direct streaking on four plating media found 57% of the salmonellae, GN found 80% and RE found 92% of the 157 isolates. By contrast, direct streaking found 87% of the shigellae whereas GN detected 93%, but RE found only 20%. RE produced 35% more Salmonella-positive plates than GN did, which resulted in a 15% increase in isolates. Statistically, RE proved to be significantly better than GN. The unsuitability of RE for shigellae, however, dictates that, if only one enrichment broth is to be used, GN must be that choice, but that maximal isolations of all enteric pathogens should result from the use of both RE and GN. Of the four plating media, Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar detected 90% of the salmonellae and 85% of the shigellae. Salmonella-Shigella Agar detected 72 and 43%, respectively, and Levine Eosin Methylene Blue Agar found 45 and 55%. Bismuth Sulfite Agar detected only 22% of the salmonellae and found no shigellae. The performance of all of the plating media was enhanced by enrichment, but RE was especially effective for salmonellae when compared to GN.  相似文献   

Efficacies of Gram Negative Broth (GN) and Rappaport''s Enrichment Broth (RE) were compared for detection of enteric pathogens from clinical specimens. Whereas direct streaking on four plating media found 57% of the salmonellae, GN found 80% and RE found 92% of the 157 isolates. By contrast, direct streaking found 87% of the shigellae whereas GN detected 93%, but RE found only 20%. RE produced 35% more Salmonella-positive plates than GN did, which resulted in a 15% increase in isolates. Statistically, RE proved to be significantly better than GN. The unsuitability of RE for shigellae, however, dictates that, if only one enrichment broth is to be used, GN must be that choice, but that maximal isolations of all enteric pathogens should result from the use of both RE and GN. Of the four plating media, Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar detected 90% of the salmonellae and 85% of the shigellae. Salmonella-Shigella Agar detected 72 and 43%, respectively, and Levine Eosin Methylene Blue Agar found 45 and 55%. Bismuth Sulfite Agar detected only 22% of the salmonellae and found no shigellae. The performance of all of the plating media was enhanced by enrichment, but RE was especially effective for salmonellae when compared to GN.  相似文献   

Two enrichment broths and four plating media were compared for efficiency of detection of enteric pathogens from 1,597 stool specimens. Of 170 salmonellae isolated from the composite of all methods, direct streaking yielded but 54%, whereas enrichment in gram-negative broth found 87% and Selenite-F broth 97%. By contrast, gram-negative broth produced 100% of the 17 shigellae, Selenite-F broth but 77%, and direct streaking only 59%. Thus, enrichment methods produced almost twice the number of both pathogens as direct streaking. Comparison of the plating media revealed xylose lysine deoxycholate agar (XLD) and Hektoen enteric agar to be equal in their abilities to find both pathogens. Both were moderately better than Salmonella-Shigella agar and markedly superior to eosin methylene blue agar. XLD fround 83% of salmonellae produced by the composite of four media and 90% of the shigellae. Hektoen enteric agar found 80% of both. Salmonella-Shigella agar detected 74 and 68%, respectively, and eosin methylene blue agar only 42 and 63%. The numbers of false positives accruing to each medium, however, showed Hektoen enteric and Salmonella-Shigella agars to produce more than twice as many false-positive plates as XLD. Similarly, Selenite-F broth resulted in many more false-positives for all plating media than did gram-negative broth. Consequently, the index of validity, which equates successful isolation of pathogens with total pickings, favored XLD and gram-negative broth as the media of choice, with direct streaking the poorest method by all counts.  相似文献   

Four media, Staib's Guizotia abyssinica, trypan blue, and Staib's with 2 and 10 mg of methyl violet per liter, were compared for the selective and differential isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans from environmental samples. Trypan blue medium allowed for the differentiation of C. neoformans colonies from Candida albicans colonies several days earlier than did Staib's medium. The addition of methyl violet to Staib's medium was found to be inhibitory to some strains of all species tested. Diphenyl in Staib's medium inhibited the growth of 30 strains of C. neoformans and C. albicans.  相似文献   

Enterobacter sakazakii is associated with neonatal infections and is occasionally present at low levels (<1 CFU/g) in powdered infant formula milk (IFM). It has been previously reported that some E. sakazakii strains do not grow in standard media for Enterobacteriaceae and coliform bacteria; therefore, a reliable method is needed for recovery of the organism. Three E. sakazakii enrichment broths—Enterobacteriaceae enrichment broth (EE), E. sakazakii selective broth (ESSB), and modified lauryl sulfate broth (mLST)—were compared with a novel broth designed for maximum recovery of E. sakazakii, E. sakazakii enrichment broth (ESE). One hundred seventy-seven strains (100%) grew in ESE, whereas between 2 and 6% of strains did not grow in EE, mLST, or ESSB. E. sakazakii possesses α-glucosidase activity, and a number of selective, chromogenic agars for E. sakazakii isolation based on this enzyme have been developed. E. sakazakii isolation agar produced fewer false-positive colonies than did Druggan-Forsythe-Iversen agar. However, the latter supported the growth of more E. sakazakii strains. It was also determined that 2% of E. sakazakii strains did not produce yellow pigmentation on tryptone soya agar at 25°C, a characteristic frequently cited in the identification of E. sakazakii. The recovery of desiccated E. sakazakii (0.2 to 2000 CFU/25 g) from powdered IFM in the presence of a competing flora was determined with various enrichment broths and differential selective media. Current media designed for the isolation and presumptive identification of E. sakazakii do not support the growth of all currently known E. sakazakii phenotypes; therefore, improvements in the proposed methods are desirable.  相似文献   

With the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic of 2003 and renewed attention on avian influenza viral pandemics, new surveillance systems are needed for the earlier detection of emerging infectious diseases. We applied a “next-generation” parallel sequencing platform for viral detection in nasopharyngeal and fecal samples collected during seasonal influenza virus (Flu) infections and norovirus outbreaks from 2005 to 2007 in Osaka, Japan. Random RT-PCR was performed to amplify RNA extracted from 0.1–0.25 ml of nasopharyngeal aspirates (N = 3) and fecal specimens (N = 5), and more than 10 µg of cDNA was synthesized. Unbiased high-throughput sequencing of these 8 samples yielded 15,298–32,335 (average 24,738) reads in a single 7.5 h run. In nasopharyngeal samples, although whole genome analysis was not available because the majority (>90%) of reads were host genome–derived, 20–460 Flu-reads were detected, which was sufficient for subtype identification. In fecal samples, bacteria and host cells were removed by centrifugation, resulting in gain of 484–15,260 reads of norovirus sequence (78–98% of the whole genome was covered), except for one specimen that was under-detectable by RT-PCR. These results suggest that our unbiased high-throughput sequencing approach is useful for directly detecting pathogenic viruses without advance genetic information. Although its cost and technological availability make it unlikely that this system will very soon be the diagnostic standard worldwide, this system could be useful for the earlier discovery of novel emerging viruses and bioterrorism, which are difficult to detect with conventional procedures.  相似文献   

-Results with phase microscopy can often be improved by the proper selection of mounting media. Temporary mounts can first be made in liquid mixtures of water and glycerol, butyl carbitol and alpha-chloronaphthalene, alpha-chloronaphthalene and alpha-bromonaphthalene or alpha-bromonaphthalene with methylene iodide to determine what index liquid serves best to emphasize structures of primary interest. Once this has been determined, permanent mounts can be prepared by the substitution of a solid mounting medium that most closely approaches the refractive index of the liquid.  相似文献   

Selective Medium for the Isolation of Streptococci from Clinical Specimens   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Incorporating neomycin and nalidixic acid into a blood-agar base resulted in a medium highly selective for beta-hemolytic streptococci under conditions in which detection of streptococcal colonies by conventional means would have been very difficult.  相似文献   

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