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The new speciesMarsdenia woodburyana from southwestern Puerto Rico is described, illustrated, and contrasted to its putatively closest relative. The new nameCalyptranthes proctorii is provided for the later homonymCalyptranthes uniflora Proctor.
Resumen  En el presente artículo, la nueva especieMarsdenia woodburyana es descrita, ilustrada y comparada con su pariente mas cercano. Adicionalmente, se provee el nuevo nombreCalyptranthes proctorii (Myrtaceae) para reemplazarCalyptranthes uniflora Proctor, un homónimo posterior.

Based on pollen and floral morphology,Blechum grandiflorum is transferred toRuellia, and the nameR. mirandana is proposed for this species. A new species,Ruellia tuxtlensis, is described which is distinguishable fromR. mirandana by its longer spike and elliptic bracts. It is presently known only from the lowlands of Veracruz, Mexico.  相似文献   

Ceropegia schumanniana , a new species belonging to Asclepiadaceae is described from the Western Ghats of India.  相似文献   

Alan W. Meerow 《Brittonia》1985,37(3):305-309
Eucrosia tubiflora is described from Peru, andEucrosia peruviana is transferred toStenomesson asS. campanulatum.  相似文献   

Asclepias welshii, restricted to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes of southern Utah, is described and illustrated. Its relationship to other species of seriesRoseae is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Acanthaceae (Ruellia saülensis) is described and illustrated from French Guiana, and three new combinations (Justicia potarensis, J. flaviflora, andJ. tobagensis) and one new name (Justicia coppenamensis) are proposed. The new species is compared to its closest relative (Ruellia rubra), and a justification of the transfers is provided.  相似文献   

Phylloscirpus acaulis and Trichophorum rigidum (Cyperaceae) are widely distributed in the Andes of South America. A study of the taxonomy, vegetative architecture and inflorescence structure showed the existence of two subspecies, Phylloscirpus acaulis subsp. pachycaulis and Trichophorum rigidum subsp. ecuadoriense.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2010,30(3):287-289
描述了自甘肃南部发现的葡萄属一新种,文县蘡薁Vitis wenxianensis W.T.Wang。此新种与特产浙江的三出蘡薁V.bryoniifolia Bunge var.ternata(W.T.Wang)C.L.Li有很近的亲缘关系,二者可能是由蘡薁V.bryoniifolia Bunge衍生而出的一对姊妹群。基于上述认识,将三出蘡薁由变种提升至种的等级,但由于存在一个于1871年发表的种名V.ternata Baker,因此,必须为三出蘡薁拟定一新名。  相似文献   

The monotypic genusPolakowskia is reduced to a section ofFrantzia. Two new species from Costa Rica,F. villosa andF. talamancensis, are described. The new nomenclatural combination,F. tacaco (Pittier) Wunderlin, is proposed.  相似文献   

Susan Verhoek 《Brittonia》1978,30(2):165-171
Two new species ofManfreda are named,M. longibracteata from Michoacán, Mexico, andM. sileri, a succulent-leaved species from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and Mexico.Agave hauniensis is transferred toManfreda.  相似文献   

Hyphoderma nemorale and H. incrustatum are described. Incompatability between the new species and against related species has been ascertained using confrontations with haploid mycelia.  相似文献   

Populations of Daphnia peruviana from several high mountain ponds in southern Peru were compared with Harding's type material from the vicinity of Titicaca Lake and the species re-described. Differential diagnosis for three more morphologically similar species from the region is given. New species Daphnia inca found in a mountain pond near the Peru–Chile border is described and compared with other South American species of the subgenus Ctenodaphnia.  相似文献   

Tetsuo Koyama 《Brittonia》1972,24(3):279-282
Described as new are Lagenocarpus subaphyllus of the affinity ofL. triqueter, and Rhynchospora caesionux of sect.Spermodontes. Lageno carpus sect. Junciformes is proposed as new to accommodate the subaphyllous species of the genus with terminal panicles.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate the male, female, and pupa of two new species of Neocorynura from the Colombian Andes, and provide information on their nesting behavior, host plants and social organization. Nests of Neocorynura iguaquensis sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez and N. muiscae sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez were found in flat or vertical banks, and contained one to three adult females. The percentage of multi‐female nests varied considerably from 8.3% to 40% of the total of dissected nests at different times in 2000 and 2003. The ovarian development, wing and mandibular wear of females in the nests with two or more females indicated that they were the offspring that remained in the nest before dispersal or a mother and a newly emerged daughter. Pollen taken from the nest cells and scopae of museum specimens showed that both species rely heavily on pollen of asteraceans and may be active year‐round. Details on the nest architecture and comments on the phylogenetic placement of both species are also provided. Direct observations on the multi‐female nests are required to determine whether or not such nests contain temporary assemblages or truly semisocial colonies.


Describimos e ilustramos el macho, hembra y pupa de dos especies nuevas de Neocorynura de los Andes colombianos, y proporcionamos información sobre su biología de nidificación, plantas hospederas y organización social. Los nidos de Neocorynura iguaquensis sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez y N. muiscae sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez fueron encontrados en el suelo, en áreas planas o barrancos verticales, y tenían de una a tres hembras adultas. El porcentaje de nidos con más de una hembra varió considerablemente desde 8.3% al 40% del total de nidos disectados a diferentes meses en el año 2000 y 2003. El desarrollo ovárico, desgaste de las alas y mandíbulas de las hembras en los nidos con dos o más hembras indicaron que ellas fueron las crías que permanecieron en el nido antes de dispersarse o una madre con la hija recién nacida. El polen tomado de las celdas de cría y escopas de especimenes de museo mostró que ambas especies dependen principalmente de asteraceas y que podrían estar activas todo el año. También oferecemos detalles de la arquitectura del nidos y comentarios sobre la posición filogenética de ambas especies. Observaciones directas de los nido con más de una hembra son necesarias para determinar si tales nidos son agrupaciones temporales o verdaderas colonias semisociales.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Sporobolomyces and one of the genus Rhodotorula are described. Sporobolomyces elongatus and Rhodotorula armeniaca spp. nov. were isolated from the surfaces of leaves of Callistemon viminalis (Soland ex Gaertn.) G. Don ex Loud. and Sporobolomyces foliicola from the leaves of Banksia collina R. Br. growing at Armidale.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):224-226
描述了自甘肃南部发现的葡萄属一新种,文县蘡薁(Vitis wenxianensis W. T. Wang)。此新种与特产浙江的三出蘡薁[V. bryoniifolia Bunge var. ternata(W. T. Wang)C. L. Li]有很近的亲缘关系,二者可能是由蘡薁(V. bryoniifolia Bunge)衍生而出的一对姊妹群。基于上述认识,将三出蘡薁由变种提升至种的等级,但由于存在一个于1871年发表的种名(V. ternata Baker),因此,必须为三出蘡薁拟定一新名。  相似文献   

James L. Luteyn 《Brittonia》2001,53(3):437-446
Satyria ventricosa andVaccinium monteverdense from Panama and Costa Rica, respectively, are described and illustrated.Gonocalyx megabracteolatus andVaccinium talamancense are new combinations. Relationships of the new species are discussed. Keys are provided for the entire genusGonocalyx, and forSatyria in Mesoamerica.
Resumen  Se describenSatyria ventricosa yVaccinium monteverdense de Panamá y Costa Rica, respectivamente, con sus ilustraciones. Se hace una nueva combinación deGonocalyx megabracteolatus yVaccinium talamancense. También se discuten las relaciones entre las nuevas especies. Se incluyen claves para el género completoGonocalyx y para el géneroSatyria en Mesoamérica.

刘会梅  张天宇 《菌物学报》2006,25(3):386-388
报道分离自土壤中的齿梗孢属 Scolecobasidium 二新种:椭圆齿梗孢 Scolecobasidium ellipticum 和小孢齿梗孢 Scolecobasidium microsporum。椭圆齿梗孢与亚马逊齿梗孢 S. amazonense、粗腐植齿梗孢 S. crassihumicola 和倒卵齿梗孢 S. obovatum 形态近似,区别在于 S. amazonense 的分生孢子倒卵形,常在分生孢子基部形成一横隔膜,同样 S. crassihumicola 的分生孢子也仅具一横隔膜;S. obovatum 的分生孢子(10-25×4-6μm)明显地较新种的大,且表面光滑,因此容易区分。小孢齿梗孢与嗜粪齿梗孢 S. coprophilum、腐植齿梗孢 S. humicola 和小疣齿梗孢 S. verruculosum 分生孢子形态有些相似,但新种的分生孢子明显小于 S. coprophilum(6-12.5×2.8-4.2μm)和 S. humicola(7-13×2.8-4μm, Matsushima,1971)的,分生孢子梗也明显较后两者的短;此外,新种的分生孢子密生刺突,而 S. verruculosum 分生孢子表面遍生小疣,使它们陪此易于区分。二新种的模式标本(干制培养物)保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

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