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Summary Incorporation of tritiated glucose into cell walls of growingSaccharomyces cerevisiac andSchizosaccharomyces pombe was studied using electron microscopic autoradiography. The pattern and the extent of labelling ofS. cerevisiae cell walls depended on the cell stage in the cell cycle. Quantitative evaluation of autoradiographs showed that the highest rate of wall synthesis took place during bud growth. The incorporation of new material into the wall of growing bud showed an increasing rate with the magnitude of the bud. The incorporation into the mother cell wall was almost negligible during bud growth. The rate of wall synthesis in double cells decreased during cell division. This period and that before new bud initiation was found to be the time of substantially reduced rate of wall replication inS. cerevisiae. A significant random incorporation was observed into the walls of post-division adult cells, both parental and daughter. The cell walls ofS. pombe were labelled almost exclusively at growing tips. The incorporation of tritiated carbohydrates into non-extensile regions ofS. pombe cell walls was found to be only about 5% of the total wall labelling.  相似文献   

Cell wall composition and protoplast regeneration in Candida albicans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The transition of blastospores to the mycelial phase in Candida albicans was induced after the blastospores were kept at 4 degrees C for several hours and then transferred to a fresh medium prewarmed at 37 degrees C. Glucan was the most abundant polymer in the wall in the two morphogenetic forms but the amount of chitin was higher in the mycelial form than in blastospores. Efficient protoplasting required reducing agents and proteases together with beta-glucanases (zymolyase). Protein synthesis in regenerating protoplasts was initiated after about 30 min. Chitin synthetase, initially very low, was incorporated in important amounts into cell membranes mainly in a zymogenic state. After a few hours chitin was the most abundant polymer found in the aberrant wall of the regenerating protoplast.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the first fungus for which the structure of the cell wall is known at the molecular level. It is a dynamic and highly regulated structure. This is vividly illustrated when the cell wall is damaged and a salvage pathway becomes active, resulting in compensatory changes in the wall.  相似文献   

Cell wall synthesis in yeast protoplasts   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The kinectics of incorporation of two precursor mannoproteins into the regenerating cell wall of Candida albicans protoplasts have been followed at 28°C and 37°C using two monoclonal antibodies specific for protein epitopes (MAb 1B12 and 4C12) as probes. Both molecules were secreted from the beginning of the regeneration process, and their incorporation was retarded significantly. Analysis of the secreted materials by Western immunoblotting with MAb 1B12 allowed the identification of two closely migrating bands at apparent Mr higher than 170 kDa and significant amounts of a highly polydisperse material of even greater molecular mass. Some of these mannoproteinaceous species carried both N- and O-glycosidically linked mannose residues, as deduced from their drop in apparent Mr when synthesized in the presence of tunicamycin and by their reactivity with Concanavalin A. Following secretion, the molecules reacting with MAb 1B12 were incorporated into the regenerating walls by covalent binding. Then, when the regenerating walls by covalent binding. Then, when the antigen molecules were solubilized from partially regenerated walls, their mobility differed when regeneration took place at 28°C (blastoconidia) or 37°C (mycelial cells).Abbreviations used IIF indirect immunofluorescence - MAb monoclonal antibody - PBS phosphate-buffed saline - PMSF phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Intraspecific hybrid production from the polyethylene glycol induced fusion of yeast protoplasts was greatly increased when calcium propionate was included as the source of the requisite Ca2+. The use of calcium propionate, as opposed to the more commonly employed calcium chloride, resulted in substantially greater yields of hybrids from intraspecific fusions of protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans. It is postulated that the ability of calcium propionate to enhance the fusion frequency is due to the anion binding to the etheric oxygen of PEG and potentiating the fusogenicity of the polymer.  相似文献   

As revealed by double immunodiffusion and the competitive immunoenzyme assay, the immunization of animals with ribosomes isolated from group A streptococci leads to the formation of antibodies to M-protein and does not lead to the formation of antibodies to A-polysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid, which is seemingly caused by the presence of M-protein in ribosomes. Antiribosomal serum has permitted the detection of more antigenic determinants in M-protein than commercial antiserum to homologous M-protein. The immunoenzyme assay for the quantitative determination of ribosomes has been developed.  相似文献   

A number of plants have been surveyed with respect to isolation by mild grinding in large quantities of leaf cells. The extent of recovery of mesophyll cells per unit leaf area was found to vary with plant species and the method of grinding. Greater than 70% recovery was obtained from the leaves of Canna indica L., Crotalaria Laburnifolia L., and Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb.  相似文献   

Recombination after protoplast fusion in the yeast Candida tropicalis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Candida tropicalis protoplasts obtained by snail enzyme treatment were induced to fuse by the use of polyethylene-glycol. Heterokaryons formed by two auxotrophic strains were selected by complementation on minimal medium. These heterokaryons were unstable and readily dissociated into their nuclear components. Under appropriate conditions, the parental nuclei of an heterokaryon fused. The homokaryon so obtained was unstable and segregated into various types of auxotrophic and prototrophic recombinants.List of Abbreviations Used MM minimal medium - YEA yeast extract agar (complete medium) - YPGT yeast-peptone-glucosethiol (medium for protoplast preparation) - PTP medium for cell pretreatment (used before the action of snail enzyme) - PEG polyethylene glycol - p-FPA para-fluorophenylalanine - 5-FC 5-fluorocytosine  相似文献   

Leaves and pith of Turkish, Wisconsin 38, and Samsun NN tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) varieties, which differ in their sensitivity to tobacco mosaic virus, showed the same qualitative isoperoxidase patterns and a similar distribution of distinctive isoperoxidases between the cell protoplast and wall-free, ionically, and covalently bound fractions. No changes in the qualitative isoenzyme spectrum were found in relation to age, mechanical injury, or leaf infection with tobacco mosaic virus. The distinctive isoperoxidases which reacted to infection were the same as those responsive to mechanical injury, confirming that the enzyme reaction to infection results from a nonspecific response to injury. The increase in peroxidase activity in response to infection or mechanical injury, or both, was greater in young tissue than in the older ones. The great increase in Samsun NN leaves and no increase in those of the two other varieties in response to infection may be due to differences in the degree to which the pathogen affected processes controlling the nonspecific peroxidase reaction to injury. Peroxidase development in the infected Samsun NN leaves was due to isoenzymes which form the wall-bound fraction in very young tissues, and to those which increase in activity with aging in the protoplast and wall-free fractions. In mechanically injured tissue, only the first group of isoenzymes increased in activity. In Samsun NN plants, the increased peroxidase activity in upper intact leaves above the infected ones was only due to isoenzymes whose activity increases with both normal and virus-accelerated senescence. Peroxidase reaction to challenge inoculation in these leaves was the same whether the lower ones were intact, infected and/or mechanically injured. Thus, the induced systemic resistance to tobacco mosaic virus may be due to other than peroxidase factors.  相似文献   

During the process of degradation of the cell wall of the yeast form of Pullularia pullulans by the lytic system of Micromonospora chalcea samples were withdrawn at different times and observed under phase contrast and electron microscope. The progressive lysis of the walls reveals a fibrillar component inside the apparently amorphous wall. Freeze etched preparations of cells during the formation and regeneration of protoplasts show that the cellular membrane is split and this method allows the smooth external face of the membrane and other internal face covered by particles to be seen. The fact that the smooth face of the membrane is only visible during the preparation or the regeneration of protoplasts and very rarely when intact cells are fractured, suggests a strong adherence between cell wall and this external layer of the membrane. During the regeneration which takes place as in most of the yeasts and moulds, a special study of the extension of the cell wall is made and a possible mechanism for this extension of the regenerated cell wall is proposed.  相似文献   

The cell walls of the yeast and mycelial forms of Yarrowia lipolytica were isolated and purified. Electron microscopy studies showed no differences between both types of cell walls. Chemical analysis revealed that the yeast cell wall contained 70% neutral carbohydrate, 7% amino sugars, 15% protein, 5% lipids and 0.8% phosphorus. Mycelial cell walls contained 70% carbohydrate, 14% aminosugars, 6% protein, 5% lipids and 0.6% phosphorus. Three polysaccharides: -glucan, mannan and chitin were detected. Proteins were solubilized from both cell wall fractions and separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. About 50 protein bands were detected, four of them corresponding to glycoproteins. The cell walls of the yeast and mycelial forms of Y. lipolytica were qualitatively similar and only quantitative differences were found.Abbreviations GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - FITC-WGA fluorescein isothiocyanate-wheat germ agglutinin - PAS periodic acid Schiff  相似文献   

Isolation and chemical analyses of the cell walls of the yeast (Y form) and mycelial forms (M form) of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Blastomyces dermatitidis revealed that their chemical composition is similar and depends on the form. Lipids, chitin, glucans, and proteins are the main constituents of the cell walls of both forms of these fungi. There is no significant difference in the amount of lipids (5 to 10%) and glucans (36 to 47%) contained by the two forms. In both fungi, the Y form has a larger amount of chitin (37 to 48%) than the M form (7 to 18%), whereas the M form has a larger amount of proteins (24 to 41%) than the Y form (7 to 14%). Several properties of the glucan of P. brasiliensis were studied. Almost all of the glucan in the Y form was soluble in 1 n NaOH, was weakly positive in the periodic acid-Schiff reaction, was not hydrolyzed by snail digestive juice, and had alpha-glycosidic linkage. Glucans of the M form were divided into alkali-soluble (60 to 65%) and alkali-insoluble (35 to 40%) types. The alkali-soluble glucan was similar to that of the Y form; the alkali-insoluble glucan was positive in the periodic acid-Schiff reaction and was hydrolyzed by snail digestive juice.  相似文献   

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