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Two mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ccr1 and tpy1, have been found to interfere with the transport of small molecules across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Both also have the effect of interfering with the synthesis of a number of cytoplasmically located enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis, even when the cells are released from glucose repression. The ccr1 mutant, defective in the transport of dicarboxylic acids across the inner membrane, represses the synthesis of gluconeogenic enzymes almost totally, but synthesis can be induced on complete medium without a carbon source. This mutant has low levels of intracellular malate under all growth conditions tested. The tpy1 mutant, defective in the transport of pyruvate across the inner membrane, shows repression of gluconeogenesis enzymes under some growth conditions, particularly high levels of ethanol in the medium. These conditions also lead to low levels of malate in the cells. Intracellular levels of malate in these mutants, and in the wild type, are correlated with the levels of gluconeogenic enzymes present. The ability of isolated mutant mitochondria to phosphorylate ADP is shown to be consistent with the interpretation that they are defective in inner membrane transport, although as yet no evidence is available that these defects are the primary lesions in the two mutants. The data are consistent with two general models. In one, the exhaustion of an extramitochondrial corepressor or introduction of a coinducer by mitochondrial activity triggers the induction of gluconeogenic enzyme synthesis. In the second, the mitochondria themselves trigger this induction, but only when the tricarboxylic acid cycle is able to operate at a high level.  相似文献   

The distribution of mitochondria to daughter cells is an essential feature of mitotic cell growth, yet the molecular mechanisms facilitating this mitochondrial inheritance are unknown. We have isolated mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are temperature-sensitive for the transfer of mitochondria into a growing bud. Two of these mutants contain single, recessive, nuclear mutations, mdm1 and mdm2, that cause temperature-sensitive growth and aberrant mitochondrial distribution at the nonpermissive temperature. The absence of mitochondria from the buds of mutant cells was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and by transmission electron microscopy. The mdm1 lesion also retards nuclear division and prevents the transfer of nuclei into the buds. Cells containing the mdm2 mutation grown at the nonpermissive temperature sequentially form multiple buds, each receiving a nucleus but no mitochondria. Neither mdm1 or mdm2 affects the transfer of vacuolar material into the buds or causes apparent changes in the tubulin- or actin-based cytoskeletons. The mdm1 and mdm2 mutations are cell-cycle specific, displaying an execution point in late G1 or early S phase.  相似文献   

Vasopressin increases the permeability of receptor cells to water and, in tissues such as toad bladder, to solutes such as urea. While cyclic AMP appears to play a major role in mediating the effects of vasopressin, there is evidence that activation of the water permeability system and the urea permeability system involves separate pathways. In the present study, we have shown that inhibitors of oxidative metabolism (rotenone, dinitrophenol, and methylene blue) selectively inhibit either vasopressin-stimulated water flow or vasopressin-stimulated urea transport. There was no inhibition, however, when exogenous cyclic AMP was substituted for vasopressin, and little to no inhibition when the potent analogue 8-bromoadenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (8-Br-cAMP) was employed. Rotenone had no effect on adenylate cyclase activity or cyclic AMP levels within the cell; dinitrophenol decreased adenylate cyclase activity minimally. Additional studies with vinblastine and nocodazole, inhibitors of microtubule assembly, demonstrated an inhibition of vasopressin and cyclic AMP-stimulated water flow but showed no effect on urea transport. We would conclude that water and urea transport, as examples of hormone-stimulated processes, have different links to cell metabolism, and that in addition to cyclic AMP, a non-nucleotide pathway may be involved in the action of vasopressin.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of yeast mitochondrial Phe-tRNA synthetase is studied in vivo. Antibodies against the enzyme are raised in rabbits. They precipitate two proteins in the post-ribosomal supernatant of the yeast cell homogenate. Immunoprecipitate analysis on SDS - gel electrophoresis shows that the two types of mitochondrial enzyme subunits with molecular weights of 57,000 and 72,000, respectively, are cytoplasmically synthesized as larger, individual precursors. Terminal extensions of the precursors prevent enzyme activity. Mitochondrial membranes linked protease(s) play(s) an active role in maturation.  相似文献   

G. Lauquin  P.V. Vignais 《BBA》1973,305(3):534-556
1. Optimal test conditions for adenine nucleotide translocation in Candida utilis mitochondria are a standard medium, consisting of 0.63 M mannitol, 2 mM EDTA (or ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid, EGTA), 10 mM morpholinopropane sulfonic acid (pH 6.8), and a temperature of 0 °C.

2. Adenine nucleotide translocation in C. utilis mitochondria is an exchange-diffusion process. The whole pool of internal adenine nucleotides is exchangeable, ADP being the most readily exchangeable nucleotide. The rate of mitochondrial ADP exchange, but not the Km value, depends on growth conditions. At 0 °C, the rate is about 3 to 4 nmoles ADP/min per mg protein for mitochondria obtained from yeast grown in the presence of 1.5% glucose; it rises to 11.5 nmoles when glucose is replaced by 3% ethanol in the growth medium. The Km value for ADP is 2 μM. The Q10 is about 2 between 0 and 20 °C. Among other exchangeable adenine nucleotides are ATP, dADP and the methylene and the hypophosphate analogues of ADP. Unlike mammalian mitochondria, C. utilis mitochondria are able to transport external UDP by a carboxyatractyloside-sensitive process.

3. Under conditions of oxidative phosphorylation (phosphate and substrate present in an aerated medium), added ADP is exchanged with internal ATP. A higher ATP/ADP ratio was found in the extramitochondrial space than in the intramito-chondrial space. The difference between the calculated phosphate potentials in the two spaces was 0.9–1.7 kcal/mole.

4. Atractyloside, carboxyatractyloside, bongkrekic acid and palmityl-CoA inhibit mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocation in C. utilis as they do in mammalian mitochondria, but 2 to 4 times less efficiently. The inhibition due to atractyloside or palmityl-CoA is competitive with respect to ADP whereas that due to bongkrekic acid and carboxyatractyloside is non-competitive. Carboxyatractyloside and atractyloside inhibitions are additive. The apparent Kd for the binding of [35S]-carboxyatractyloside and [14C]bongkrekic acid is 10–15 nM and the concentration of sites 0.4–0.6 nmole/mg protein in both cases. [35S]Carboxyatractyloside binding is competitively displaced by atractyloside and vice versa.

5. Binding of [14C]ADP has been carried out with mitochondria depleted of their endogenous adenine nucleotides by incubation with phosphate and Mg2+ at 20 °C. The amount of bound [14C]ADP which is atractyloside removable is 0.08–0.16 nmole/mg protein.

6. The rate of ADP transport is quite different in mitochondria isolated from C. utilis, according to whether it is grown on glucose, or on ethanol or in the presence of chloramphenicol; for instance, it decreases by 10 times when 3% ethanol in the growth medium is replaced by 10% glucose and by 5 times when chloramphenicol is added to the medium. These variations are accompanied by parallel variations in cytochrome aa3. The number of atractyloside-sensitive ADP binding sites is not modified by the above conditions of culture, nor the number of [35S]carboxyatractyloside binding sites. The affinity for ADP is apparently not significantly modified, nor the size of the endogenous adenine nucleotide pool. In contrast to glucose repression or chloramphenicol inhibition, semi-anaerobiosis in C. utilis lowers significantly the mitochondrial binding capacity for carboxyatractyloside. Strict anaerobiosis in S. cerevisiae results in a practical loss of the cytochrome oxidase activity, and also of the carboxyatractyloside and ADP binding capacity. Transition from anaerobiosis to aerobiosis restores the cytochrome oxidase activity and the ADP and carboxyatractyloside binding capacities.  相似文献   

Summary A number of 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DOG) resistant mutants exhibiting resistance to glucose repression were isolated from variousSaccharomyces yeast strains. Most of the mutants isolated were observed to have improved maltose uptake ability in the presence of glucose. Fermentation studies indicated that maltose was taken up at a faster rate and glucose taken up at a slower rate in the mutant strains compared to the parental strains, when these sugars were fermented together. When these sugars were fermented separately, only the 2-DOG resistant mutant obtained fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae strain 1190 exhibited alterations in glucose and maltose uptake compared to the parental strain. Kinetic analysis of sugar transport employing radiolabelled glucose and maltose indicated that both glucose and maltose were transported with higher rates in the mutant strain. These results suggested that the high affinity glucose transport system was regulated by glucose repression in the parental strain but was derepressed in the mutant.  相似文献   

Little is known about the regulation of ion transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To approach this problem, we devised a screening procedure for facilitating the identification of proteins involved in mitochondrial ion homeostasis. Taking advantage of the growth inhibition of yeast cells by electroneutral K(+)/H(+) ionophore nigericin, we screened for genetic mutations that would render cells tolerant to this drug when grown on a nonfermentable carbon source and identified several candidate genes including MDM31, MDM32, NDI1, YMR088C (VBA1), CSR2, RSA1, YLR024C, and YNL136W (EAF7). Direct examination of intact cells by electron microscopy indicated that mutants lacking MDM31 and/or MDM32 genes contain dramatically enlarged, spherical mitochondria and that these morphological abnormalities can be alleviated by nigericin. Mitochondria isolated from the Deltamdm31 and Deltamdm32 mutants exhibited limited swelling in an isotonic solution of potassium acetate even in the presence of an exogenous K(+)/H(+) antiport. In addition, growth of the mutants was inhibited on ethanol-containing media in the presence of high concentrations of salts (KCl, NaCl, or MgSO(4)) and their mitochondria exhibited two- (Deltamdm31 and Deltamdm32) to threefold (Deltamdm31Deltamdm32) elevation in magnesium content. Taken together, these data indicate that Mdm31p and Mdm32p control mitochondrial morphology through regulation of mitochondrial cation homeostasis and the maintenance of proper matrix osmolarity.  相似文献   

We report the identification and characterization of eight yeast mitochondrial tRNA mutants, located in mitochondrial tRNA(Gln), tRNA(Arg2), tRNA(Ile), tRNA(His), and tRNA(Cys), the respiratory phenotypes of which exhibit various degrees of deficiency. The mutations consist in single-base substitutions, insertions, or deletions, and are distributed all over the tRNA sequence and structure. To identify the features responsible for the defective phenotypes, we analyzed the effect of the different mutations on the electrophoretic mobility and efficiency of acylation of the mutated tRNAs in comparison with the respective wild-type molecules. Five of the studied mutations determine both conformational changes and defective acylation, while two have neither or limited effect. However, variations in structure and acylation are not necessarily correlated; the remaining mutation affects the tRNA conformation, but not its acylation properties. Analysis of tRNA structures and of mitochondrial and cytoplasmic yeast tRNA sequences allowed us to propose explanations for the observed defects, which can be ascribed to either the loss of identity nucleotides or, more often, of specific secondary and/or tertiary interactions that are largely conserved in native mitochondrial and cytoplasmic tRNAs.  相似文献   

We have used homology modeling to construct a three-dimensional model of the yeast mitochondrial citrate transport protein (CTP), based on the recently published x-ray crystal structure of another mitochondrial transport protein, the ADP/ATP carrier. Superposition of the backbone traces of the homology-modeled CTP onto the crystallographically determined ADP carrier structure indicates that the CTP transmembrane domains are well modeled (i.e., root mean square deviation of 0.94 A), whereas the loops facing the intermembrane space and the mitochondrial matrix are less certain (i.e., root mean square deviation values of 0.72-2.06 A). The homology-modeled CTP is consistent with our earlier de novo models of the transporter's transmembrane domains, with respect to residues which face into the transport path. Importantly, the resulting model is consistent with our previous experimental data obtained from measuring reactivity of 34 single cysteine mutants in transmembrane domains 3 and 4 with methanethiosulfonate reagents. The model also points to a likely dimer interface region. In conclusion, our data help to define the substrate translocation pathway in both the modeled CTP structure and the crystallographic ADP carrier structure.  相似文献   

By using d-glucose, d-xylose, d-galactose and d-fructose in the strictly aerobic yeast Rhodotorula glutinis and by comparing the half-saturation constants with inhibition constants the yeast was shown to possess a single common system for d-xylose and d-galactose (K m's and K i's all between 0.5 and 1.1 mM) but another distinct transport system for d-fructose. The transport of d-glucose has a special position in that glucose blocks apparently allotopically all the other systems observed although it uses at least one of them for its own transport. The different character of d-glucose uptake is underlined by its relative independence of pH (its K m is completely pH-insensitive) in contrast with all other sugars. At low concentrations, all sugars show mutual positive cooperativity in uptake, suggesting at least two transport sites plus possibly a modifier site on the carrier.  相似文献   

A new class of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants deficient in biosynthesis of all cytochromes was isolated from cultures grown in medium containing ethidium bromide. Cytochrome c synthesis may be restored to normal by growing mutant cells in medium supplemented with δ-aminolevulinic acid. Cytochrome deficiency results from mutation in two genetic determinants, one nuclear, the other mitochondrial. When cells possess normal (ρ+) mitochondrial DNA, expression of the abnormal nuclear determinant (cyd-1) is largely masked, so that cells can grow on glycerol as primary carbon source and all cytochromes are present. Nevertheless, the presence of the cyd-1 mutation may be detected in ρ+ strains, since synthesis of all cytochromes is enhanced to some extent by δ-aminolevulinic acid. Destruction of mitochondrial DNA unmasks the underlying defect so that cyd-1 ρ? strains are almost completely lacking in detectable cytochromes. Although spectra of cyd-1 ρ+ strains resemble those of cytochrome c (cyc) mutants, cyd-1 mutants represent a new complementation group different from six known cyc groups. Cytochrome c biosynthesis in only one of these six types of cytochrome c mutants, cyc4-1, was restored to normal by δ-aminolevulinic acid. Therefore, since cyc4-1 and cyd-1 are complementary, and segregate independently, δ-aminolevulinic acid synthesis appears to be controlled by at least two nuclear genes, and by one or more genes located in mitochondrial DNA. Glycine does not replace δ-aminolevulinic acid in stimulating cytochrome biosynthesis in cyd-1 or cyc-4 mutants. A regulatory system involving exchange of information between mitochondria and the nuclear-cytosolic compartment is indicated by the results. Studies with isolated mitochondria indicate that a limitation of intra-cellular δ-aminolevulinic acid supply is reflected in mitochondrial composition, not just in numbers of organelles.  相似文献   

Summary The mitochondrial ATPase from oligomycin-resistant mutants which map on different regions of an extrachromosomal DNA (01 and 011 class mutants) showed an increased resistance to oligomycin and venturicidin when assayed in vitro as compared to the sensitive strains.The resistance to oligomycin of the isolated mitochondrial ATPase from 01 class mutants was higher than that of the 011 class mutants.Cross resistance of the oligomycin-resistant mutants to the antibiotics peliomycin and ossamycin, which also inhibit phosphoryl transfer reactions in mitochondria (Walter et al., 1967), was observed, 01 mutants being more resistant to ossamycin than 011 class mutants. At the concentrations of peliomycin studied, no difference in sensitivity among both groups of oligomycin-resistant mutants could be detected.Mitochondrial respiration and isolated mitochondrial ATPase activity are sensitive to venturicidin, suggesting that the previously observed (Brunner et al., 1977) in vivo venturicidin resistance of K. lactis is probably due to an impairment of the influx of the drug at the level of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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