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Embryonic, larval and juvenile development of the catadromous roughskin sculpin,Trachidermus fasciatus, were described using eggs spawned in an aquarium. The eggs, measuring 1.98–2.21 mm in diameter, were light reddish-yellow and had many oil globules, 0.05–0.18 mm in diameter. Hatching occurred 30 days after spawning at 2.3–11.3°C. The newly-hatched larvae, measuring 6.9–7.3 mm BL, had a single oil globule, 9–10+25–26=34–36 myomeres and 6 or 7 large stellate melanophores dorsally along the gut. The yolk was almost resorbed, number of pectoral-fin rays attained 16–17, and two parietal, one nuchal and four preopercular spines were formed, 5 days after hatching, at 8.2–8.4 mm BL. The oil globule disappeared, and one supracleithral spine was formed, 11 days after hatching, at 8.9–9.5 mm BL. Notochord flexion began 15 days after hatching, at 9.7–10.3 mm BL. A posttemporal spine was formed 20 days after hatching, at 10.7–10.9 mm BL. The first dorsal fin spines (VII–VIII), second dorsal fin and anal fin rays (18–19, 16–18, respectively) appeared 23 days after hatching, at 12.0–13.7 mm BL. The pelvic fin spine and rays (I, 4) were formed and black bands on the head and sides of the body began to develop 27 days after hatching, at 13.8–15.8 mm BL. Newly-hatched larvae swam just below the surface in the aquaria. Preflexion larvae (8.9–9.5 mm BL), in which the oil globule had disappeared, swam in the middle layer, while juveniles (13.8–15.8 mm BL) began swimming on the bottom of the aquaria. Swimming behavior observed in the aquaria suggested that the fish started to change to a demersal existence at the juvenile stage.  相似文献   

Spawning of snowy sculpin in Peter the Great Bay begins in November and takes place at a depth of about 4–7 m. Males of this sculpin species guard their laid eggs. Larvae hatch in April. Final fecundity is attained at ovary maturity stages IV–V.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - The population of Arctic lamprey (Lethenteron camtschaticum) is declining at the southern limit of its distribution in the Northern Hemisphere. Rising river water...  相似文献   

The larvae of 15 freshwater fish species from Lake Trichonis (western Greece) are described from field samples and laboratory-raised fish. Larval morphologies are compared to identify distinguishing characters. The potential utility of these data sets for assessing phylogenetic relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

Using a variety of sampling techniques and observations we describe aspects of the reproductive ecology and early life-history of Bear Lake sculpin, Cottus extensus, a species endemic to Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho. Adult sculpin spawned in shallow water (0.5–6.0 m depths) in cavities beneath large cobbles and boulders. During 1993, egg mass densities were highest (> 4.0 m2) at 1.0–2.0 m depths. Electivity indices verified substrate selection and also indicated an avoidance of s and- and gravel-embedded materials. During years of low water elevation, suitable spawning substrates were restricted to one or two limited areas of the lake and comprised < 0.004% of the total benthic area. Disturbance from turbulence, as would be produced by storm-induced waves, appeared to initiate hatching. After hatching, embryos passed through a pelagic interval that lasted for approximately one week. Laboratory experiments confirmed the short duration of this surface-swimming behavior. The pelagic behavior of free embryos appears to aid in dispersal of fish via currents from limited spawning habitats to areas throughout the 282 km2 lake.  相似文献   

A three-year study on reproduction in wild populations of Testudo hermanni has shown that:
( a ) sexual activity occurs between March and October, except the nesting season (May and June), and is most frequent in August and September,
( b ) tortoises are promiscuous in their mating habits, there is no evidence of mate selection in relation to size,
( c ) nest site selection is correlated to ground temperature and nesting itself mainly occurs in the early evening before dark, when the ground temperature characteristics are most indicative of a specific site's relative temperature,
( d ) incubation takes about three months and is probably temperature dependent,
( e ) most nests are preyed upon by mammalian predators within a few days after laying (> 90% being destroyed), the main cue being the smell of the eggs,
( f ) average clutch size in Greece is higher than in France, while mean egg weight in France is higher than in Greece, and there is no strong relationship between body size or weight and egg or clutch weight in either country,
( g ) in contrast to other studies, there is no apparent correlation between rainfall and reproduction parameters,
( h ) some females nest in successive years, and more than once in a year, with a laying interval of 10–20 days,
( i ) mean size of sexually active individuals is not significantly different from the mean size of adults, although nesting females are significantly bigger; the minimum size for sexually active males is about 120 mm and for females 130 mm.
The discussion examines these observations in an evolutionary context.  相似文献   

Reproduction and larval rearing of amphibians   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reproduction technologies for amphibians are increasingly used for the in vitro treatment of ovulation, spermiation, oocytes, eggs, sperm, and larvae. Recent advances in these reproduction technologies have been driven by (1) difficulties with achieving reliable reproduction of threatened species in captive breeding programs, (2) the need for the efficient reproduction of laboratory model species, and (3) the cost of maintaining increasing numbers of amphibian gene lines for both research and conservation. Many amphibians are particularly well suited to the use of reproduction technologies due to external fertilization and development. However, due to limitations in our knowledge of reproductive mechanisms, it is still necessary to reproduce many species in captivity by the simulation of natural reproductive cues. Recent advances in reproduction technologies for amphibians include improved hormonal induction of oocytes and sperm, storage of sperm and oocytes, artificial fertilization, and high-density rearing of larvae to metamorphosis. The storage of sperm in particular can both increase the security and reduce the cost of maintaining genetic diversity. It is possible to cryopreserve sperm for millennia, or store it unfrozen for weeks in refrigerators. The storage of sperm can enable multiple parentages of individual females' clutches of eggs and reduce the need to transport animals. Cryopreserved sperm can maintain the gene pool indefinitely, reduce the optimum number of males in captive breeding programs, and usher in new generations of Xenopus spp. germ lines for research. Improved in vitro fertilization using genetic diversity from stored sperm means that investigators need the oocytes from only a few females to produce genetically diverse progeny. In both research and captive breeding programs, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions for the rearing of large numbers of a diverse range of species. Compared with traditional systems, the raising of larvae at high densities has the potential to produce these large numbers of larvae in smaller spaces and to reduce costs.  相似文献   

The developmental process of eu- and paraspermatozoa in the cottid fish, Hemilepidotus gilberti, was observed by electron microscopy. Euspermatozoa of H. gilberti consist of a thin disk-like sperm head (about 3 microm in length), a short middle piece, and a long flagellum, but lack an acrosome. On the other hand, during spermiogenesis, aberrant spermatids, rich in cytoplasm and possessing binuclei, develop into cysts containing spermatids. The developing aberrant spermatids connect with normal spermatids and euspermatozoa by intercellular bridges. The early phase of chromatin condensation in aberrant spermatids is almost identical to that in normal spermatids, but the nuclei in the later phase develop into a mass of highly electron-dense globules. Since the aberrant spermatids complete karyokinesis but not cytokinesis at telophase of the second meiotic division, they are considered to develop into hyperpyrenic cells due to incomplete cytokinesis of the second meiotic division. These spermatids are oval in shape (5-7 microm in diameter) and lack a flagellum. The aberrant spermatids of H. gilberti are shed along with euspermatozoa and amount to about 50% of semen in volume. Judging from their form and developmental process, aberrant spermatids produced in H. gilberti are considered hyperpyrenic paraspermatozoa.  相似文献   


Silicified trilobite faunas yield a well preserved and abundant record of early development in many taxa. Although their morphologies are well known, protaspid larvae are poorly understood in terms of trilobite life history and developmental biology. Two distinct morphologic types are recognized among the great diversity of protaspides studied; these are termed adult‐like and nonadult‐tike according to gross similarity to later developmental stages. Transitions between nonadult‐like and adult‐like morphologies are abrupt, occurring between successsive instars, and, thereby, constitute metamorphoses.

By analogy with developmental patterns among modern marine arthropod taxa, metamorphoses during early trilobite ontogeny correspond to radical modifications in life mode and ecology. Adult‐like trilobite protaspides possess a dorso‐ventrally flattened tergum which displays a coarsely featured prosopon and surface‐parallel spines; these are interpreted as benthic larvae. In contrast, nonadult‐like protaspid larvae display an ovoid to spheroidal shape with spine pairs that project at right angles to one another; these are considered to have been planktonic. Protaspid morphologies are compared and discussed in light of these inferred modes of life.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized seven polymorphic microsatellite loci of Ophioblennius atlanticus atlanticus (Valenciennes, 1836) using an optimized protocol to construct and screen a microsatellite‐enriched genomic library. The analysis of variability was performed in 16 specimens from Faial Island (Azores, Portugal). The mean number of alleles was 8.71 ± 2.43 and the level of expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.764 to 0.903. The total exclusionary probabilities using these loci for the first and the second parent were 0.985 and 0.998, respectively, suggesting that these microsatellites are a useful tool for large‐scale parentage analysis.  相似文献   

The Pacific Arctic marine ecosystem has undergone rapid changes in recent years due to ocean warming, sea ice loss, and increased northward transport of Pacific-origin waters into the Arctic. These climate-mediated changes have been linked to range shifts of juvenile and adult subarctic (boreal) and Arctic fish populations, though it is unclear whether distributional changes are also occurring during the early life stages. We analyzed larval fish abundance and distribution data sampled in late summer from 2010 to 2019 in two interconnected Pacific Arctic ecosystems: the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, to determine whether recent warming and loss of sea ice has restricted habitat for Arctic species and altered larval fish assemblage composition from Arctic- to boreal-associated taxa. Multivariate analyses revealed the presence of three distinct multi-species assemblages across all years: (1) a boreal assemblage dominated by yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera), capelin (Mallotus catervarius), and walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus); (2) an Arctic assemblage composed of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and other common Arctic species; and (3) a mixed assemblage composed of the dominant species from the other two assemblages. We found that the wind- and current-driven northward advection of warmer, subarctic waters and the unprecedented low-ice conditions observed in the northern Bering and Chukchi seas beginning in 2017 and persisting into 2018 and 2019 have precipitated community-wide shifts, with the boreal larval fish assemblage expanding northward and offshore and the Arctic assemblage retreating poleward. We conclude that Arctic warming is most significantly driving changes in abundance at the leading and trailing edges of the Chukchi Sea larval fish community as boreal species increase in abundance and Arctic species decline. Our analyses document how quickly larval fish assemblages respond to environmental change and reveal that the impacts of Arctic borealization on fish community composition spans multiple life stages over large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Larvae of Asemichthys taylori were reared in the laboratory to identifiable juveniles. A preserved series of larvae was characterized in part by fin meristics (X–XI, 14–15 dorsal fin rays; 15 anal fin rays), as well as a combination of the alignment of the jaw tip with the ventral margin of the gut, heavy lateral melanistic pigment except on the caudal peduncle, and a series of postanal ventral melanophores. An internal, horizontal band of melanin extends through the head from the snout to the gut. Hypural plates do not align vertically even after settlement, giving the appearance that the larvae do not complete notochord flexion during their planktonic stage. Larval A. taylori resemble known larvae of Radulinus spp., a genus under which some authors have synonymized the monotypic genus Asemichthys.  相似文献   

Temperature is considered an important factor that influences the life cycle of annual fishes, however the thermal preferendum of Austrolebias nigrofasciatus reproduction has not been defined. The hypothesis was that the fecundity of the species would respond differently within the temperature range analyzed, presenting an optimum thermal. Thus, this study investigated the effect of temperature on the fecundity of A. nigrofasciatus for the first time under laboratory conditions. Pairs of A. nigrofasciatus were placed in aquaria with temperatures of 17, 21 or 25°C, with four pairs (replicates) for each treatment, for five weeks. Contrary to expected, there were no significant differences in fecundity parameters among the tested temperatures, but the weekly fecundity at 17 and 21°C was more homogeneous than at 25°C. During the experimental period, the temperature did not affect male growth; however, at 25°C there was a negative effect on female body growth. The condition factor was also influenced, suggesting a tendency towards a negative energy balance with increasing temperature. The results indicate that temperatures between 17 and 21°C are suitable for broodstock maintenance.  相似文献   

Pseudopolydora cf. kempi and Pseudopolydora cf. reticulata, which are morphologically similar, are sympatric in Gamo Lagoon, near Sendai on the Pacific eastern coast of Honshu, Japan. Reproduction, larval development, and larval morphology of these two species were compared. The larval developmental pattern of P. cf. kempi was determined to be short-term planktonic with lecithotrophy and adelphophagy, whereas that of P. cf. reticulata was long-term planktonic with planktotrophy. The number of embryos per capsule differed between the two species: 0–16 for P. cf. kempi and 62–405 for P. cf. reticulata. Nurse eggs were only found for P. cf. kempi. The results of this study suggest that some previous studies attributed to P. kempi may have been to P. cf. reticulata or to another species in this complex.  相似文献   

Obelia dichotoma is a thecate hydroid with a worldwide distribution, occurring mainly on shallow water hard substrates. Since the trophic ecology of hydroids in polar waters is badly understood, the aim of the present work was to study qualitatively and quantitatively the diet of these organisms in an Arctic environment and to determine their trophic significance. For this purpose, the density of the hydroid population was documented, and simultaneously, zooplankton was sampled in two different years (1997 and 1998). Prey capture rates were estimated by analysing the gastrovascular content of the polyps in a diurnal cycle. Additionally, the digestion time of O. dichotoma was measured by laboratory feeding experiments using diatoms as food items. The analyses of the gastrovascular cavities of the polyps sampled during the diurnal cycles showed that O. dichotoma fed mainly on faecal pellets, organic matter and microalgae. Zooplankton prey was also observed, but gastrovascular contents and zooplankton abundance did not show any correlation in both years. The consumption rates of the hydroid populations differed between the 2 years. It was almost double (8.9 mg Carbon m?2) in 1998 compared to 1997 (5.5 mg Carbon m?2). The significance of the environmental variability in the feeding ecology and population dynamics of hydroids under Arctic conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

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