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Spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution of the zooplankton in a large tropical reservoir were investigated for a year. The zooplankton was sampled at 10 limnetic stations. Rotifera were richest in number of species and individuals, especially in transitional river–lake zones. They were dominant during the summer in nine sampling stations, and decreased in spring. The main species were Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella americana, K. cochlearis and Conochilus unicornis. Polyarthra vulgaris was widely distributed. Keratella was more abundant at upstream stations, and a dense population of C. unicornis was observed in a lateral, sheltered compartment. Among copepods, Calanoida were more abundant in spring and Cyclopoida in autumn. Longitudinal gradients in the Calanoida/Cyclopoida relation were observed, with the predominance of Cyclopoida at upstream sampling stations and Calanoida in more lacustrine zones towards the dam. Notodiaptomus iheringi, Thermocyclops minutus and T. decipiens were the main species. Diaphanosoma birgei, the most abundant cladoceran, mainly occurred in lacustrine zones, while Moina minuta was more abundant at riverine sampling stations, generally in association with Bosminopsis deitersi. Peaks of tintinnid protozoans were observed in upstream zones during summer and spring.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the feeding process of Argyrodiaptomus furcatus (Copepoda-Calanoida) in the Lobo Reservoir (São Carlos, SP, Brazil). Non-ovigerous adult females and the 14C technique were used to measure filtration and assimilation rates. The diet contained the following phytoplankton species: Chlamydomonas sp., Ankistrodesmus gracilis, Melosira italica, Scenedesmus quadricauda and Chlorella zoofingensis.The experiments were carried out using unialgal and mixed cultures during 2-, 4- and 6-h periods. The results of the filtration and assimilation rates were compared.The data obtained by statistical tests showed the highest assimilation rate in Argyrodiaptomus furcatus fed Chlamydomonas sp. in both culture types. However, Chlorella zoofingensis and Scenedesmus quadricauda were the most filtered species in unialgal and mixed cultures, respectively. A higher filtration rate was observed for the 2-h period than for the 4- and 6-h periods.Culture agent was also important. Higher assimilation and filtration rates were obtained during the log phase of Chlamydomonas sp. growth than during the stationary phase.  相似文献   

To determine the incidence of tinea capitis in São Paulo, Brazil, an investigation was performed in Private and Public Pediatrics Service involving 4,500 children from 0 to 15 years old during 5 years (1996–2000). Samples were taken from 132 children with suspected fungal infection of the scalp, for direct microscopy and culture. Tinea of scalp was mycologically confirmed in 112 patients (85%). Males were more affected than females in all age groups. Children below 8 years old accounted for more than 75% of the occurrences. Only three cases of tinea capitis were diagnosed in children from 12 to 15 years of age. Tinea capitis was prevalent in 103 cases (91.96%); inflammatory kerion type lesions were diagnosed in 9 patients (8.04%). Microsporum canis (70.5%) and Trichophyton tonsurans (23.2%) were the most common agents followed by T. mentagrophytes (3.6%), M. gypseum (1.8%) and T. rubrum (0.9%).  相似文献   

Faunal inventories are extremely important, especially when focused on neglected groups, such as echinoderms, and concentrated on areas under intense anthropic activity such as the SAo Sebastilo Channel in Brazil (23 degrees 41' - 23 degrees 54' S and 45 degrees 19' - 45 degrees 30' W). Intertidal and upper sublittoral zone collections were performed at five sites of the Channel's continental margin from May to August 2001. The rocky substrate down to 19 m deep was surveyed by snorkeling and SCUBA diving from August 2002 to May 2004, on both margins of the Channel: continental (14 sites) and insular (10 sites). We report a total of 38 species of echinoderms (one Crinoidea, nine Asteroidea, 13 Ophiuroidea, nine Echinoidea and six Holothuroidea). Seven of those species have been recorded here for the first time for the Channel (four Asteroidea, two Ophiuroidea and one Echinoidea).  相似文献   

Benthic annelid communities were studied during a one-year period (August/95 to July/96) in two sectors of the beaches Engenho d'Agua and S?o Francisco, S?o Sebasti?o Channel (S?o Paulo, Brazil), where the substrate is composed by a mixture of sand and rock fragments. Abiotic parameters such as salinity of interstitial water and sediment properties were used to characterize the environment. The polychaetes were well represented in the two sectors and their distribution was related with sediment type. The density of individuals and the number of taxa was higher at S?o Francisco, while the diversity and the evenness were higher at Engenho d'Agua. This difference can be a consequence of organic enrichment caused by domestic input, and of the lower and more variable salinity at S?o Francisco. Due to these factors, the high density of opportunistic species, like Capitella capitata ssp., Scolelepis squamata, Laeonereis acuta and several oligochaetes, represented 75.5% of total abundance at this sector.  相似文献   

Seeking to identify thrips species associated to peach and the injuries they cause, plants of Aurora and Tropic Beauty cultivars were weekly monitored, from May to August of 2005, in Holambra II district, in Paranapanema, SP. Flowers and fruits from six plants per hectare were sampled by the hitting technique. Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), F. schultzei (Trybom), F. gardenia (Moulton), F. condei John, F. insularis (Franklin) and Thrips tabaci Lindeman, in Thripidae, and Haplothrips gowdeyi (Franklin), in Phlaeothripidae were identified. F. occidentalis was dominant, comprising 55.7% of the total specimens sampled. Slight and severe injuries were registered in fruits.  相似文献   

In this work, we correlate the daily number of human leptospirosis cases with several climatic factors. We used a negative binomial model that considers hospital daily admissions due to leptospirosis as the dependent variable, and the climatic variables of daily precipitation pattern, and maximum and minimum temperature as independent variables. We calculated the monthly leptospirosis admission probabilities from the precipitation and maximum temperature variables. The month of February showed the highest probability, although values were also high during the spring months. The month of February also showed the highest number of hospital admissions. Another interesting result is that, for every 20 mm precipitation, there was an average increase of 31.5% in hospital admissions. Additionally, the relative risk of leptospirosis varied from 1.1 to 2.0 when the precipitation varied from 20 to 140 mm.  相似文献   

In order to determine the epidemiology of tinea cruris in São Paulo, Brazil, an investigation was carried out from April 95 to March 1997. A total of 2000 individuals were studied, of whom 105 were suspected of having tinea cruris infection. Direct microscopy and/or culture were positive in 66 [62.8%] of the cases. Erythematous-scale plaques and erythematous-liquenificated plaques were the most frequently found clinicaltypes. T. rubrum was the prevalent dermatophyte in 90% of the cases, followed by T. tonsurans (6%) and T. mentagrophytes (4%).  相似文献   

Dos Santos  A. C. A.  Calijuri  M. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,367(1-3):139-151
The dynamics of the phytoplankton community in the Barra Bonita Reservoir (S?o Paulo, Brazil) were studied through daily sampling in the field (integrated samples from the euphotic zone) and microcosm experiments, for two short periods: the winter of 1993 (June 30 to July 10) and the summer of 1994 (January 24 to February 2). The goal of the study was to evaluate and compare the variations in the composition of isolated phytoplankton community which occur over short periods of time. Three series were separated into Erlenmeyer flasks for each study period, with samples from the euphotic zone divided into three portions: total, smaller than 64 μm, and smaller than 20 μm. All of the Erlenmeyer flasks were inclubated in situ at the sampling station. The maximum period of incubation was 10 d. Variations of the community in the euphotic zone were characterised by high diversity and a community in a state of non-equilibrium in winter, without the predominance of any species. In the summer, the community presented a low diversity and a state of equilibrium, with the predominance of Microcystis aeruginosa. The microcosm experiments showed that the confinement of the community in the Erlenmeyer flasks, and therefore in isolation from the physical variability of the ecosystem, especially in relation to the mixing patterns, stimulated the return of the community to the initial phases of succession with the predominance of small species and those which grow rapidly (r-selective or C-strategist). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Populational parameters of primates in the remaining southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest have been estimated, but investigations are biased to coastal evergreen sites. In this study density of three primate species was assessed through line-transect surveys in four semi-deciduous forest fragments (240 to 1450 ha) in Fazenda Barreiro Rico, eastern range of central Plateau of São Paulo state, Brazil. A total of 274 km was surveyed from January to October 2000. I estimated densities via DISTANCE software. Two of the largest fragments contained five primate species while two of the smallest ones harboured, respectively, four and two species. Densities of Cebus apella (15.34–47.92 ind./km2), Alouatta guariba (8.32–34.61), and Brachyteles arachnoides (19.92–35.11) were considerable. Differently from C. apella and A. guariba, B. arachnoides presented a density higher than previously estimated for the largest patch. The hypothetical minimum total population of B. arachnoides (601) may be the largest in semi-deciduous sites. This reinforces the value of the area in terms of its relative contribution for conservation of this endangered species. The narrow spatial scale distribution of forest fragments at Barreiro Rico and its proximity to academic institutions make the site suitable for programs of forest connectivity, studies on conservation biology, and wildlife management endeavours.  相似文献   

The present study reports a collection of Amblyomma spp. ticks in birds from several areas of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 568 tick specimens (404 larvae, 164 nymphs) were collected from 261 bird specimens. From these ticks, 204 (36%) specimens (94 larvae, 110 nymphs) were reared to the adult stage, being identified as Amblyomma longirostre (94 larvae, 90 nymphs), Amblyomma calcaratum (13 nymphs), Amblyomma nodosum (2 nymphs), and Amblyomma cajennense (5 nymphs). Additionally, 39 larvae reared to the nymphal stage and 8 nymphs that died before reaching the adult stage were identified as A. longirostre according to peculiar characters inherent to the nymphal stage of this species: scutum elongate, and hypostome pointed. The remaining 271 larvae and 46 nymphs were identified as Amblyomma sp. Ticks were collected from 51 species of birds distributed in 22 bird families and 6 orders. The order Passeriformes constituted the vast majority of the records, comprising 253 (97%) out of the 261 infested birds. Subadults of A. longirostre were identified from 35 species of Passeriformes, comprising 11 families (Cardinalidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Fringillidae, Furnariidae, Parulidae, Pipridae, Thamnophilidae, Thraupidae, Turdidae, Tyrannidae, and Vireonidae), and from 1 species of a non-passerine bird, a puffbird (Bucconidae). Subadults of A. calcaratum were identified from 5 species of Passeriformes, comprising 5 families (Cardinalinae, Conopophagidae, Pipridae, Thamnophilidae and Turdidae). Subadults of A. nodosum were identified from 2 species of Passeriformes, comprising two bird families (Thamnophilidae and Pipridae). Subadults of A. cajennense were identified from 2 species of non-passerine birds, belonging to 2 different orders (Ciconiiformes: Threskiornithidae, and Gruiformes: Cariamidae). Birds were usually infested by few ticks (mean infestation of 2.2 ticks per bird; range: 1–16). Currently, 82 bird species are known to be infested by immature stages of A. longirostre, with the vast majority [74 (90%)] being Passeriformes. Our results showed that Passeriformes seems to be primary hosts for subadult stages of A. longirostre, A. calcaratum, and A. nodosum. However, arboreal passerine birds seem to be the most important hosts for A. longirostre whereas ground-feeding passerine birds seem to be the most important for both A. calcaratum and A. nodosum. In contrast, the parasitism of birds by subadults of A. cajennense has been restricted to non-passerine birds.  相似文献   

Nattrassia mangiferae formerly known as Hendersonula toruloidea,is a phaeoid coelomycete described by Nattrass in 1933. We report five casesof N. mangiferae infections in São Paulo, Brazil. This fungus wasisolated from interdigital lesions on the feet in one patient, toenails in threecases and fingernails in the other one. The infections were initially consideredto be caused by a dermatophyte. Although there are only a few cases describedin the medical literature, the five cases reported suggest that N. mangiferaeshould be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of tinea pedisinfections.  相似文献   

This study investigated rickettsial infection in animals, humans, ticks, and fleas collected in five areas of the state of S?o Paulo. Eight flea species (Adoratopsylla antiquorum antiquorum, Ctenocephalides felis felis, Polygenis atopus, Polygenis rimatus, Polygenis roberti roberti, Polygenis tripus, Rhopalopsyllus lugubris, and Rhopalopsyllus lutzi lutzi), and five tick species (Amblyomma aureolatum, Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyomma dubitatum, Ixodes loricatus, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus) were collected from dogs, cats, and opossums. Rickettsia felis was the only rickettsia found infecting fleas, whereas Rickettsia bellii was the only agent infecting ticks, but no animal or human blood was shown to contain rickettsial DNA. Testing animal and human sera by indirect immunofluorescence assay against four rickettsia antigens (R. rickettsii, R. parkeri, R. felis, and R. bellii), some opossum, dog, horse, and human sera reacted to R. rickettsii with titers at least four-fold higher than to the other three rickettsial antigens. These sera were considered to have a predominant antibody response to R. rickettsii. Using the same criteria, opossum, dog, and horse sera showed predominant antibody response to R. parkeri or a very closely related genotype. Our serological results suggest that both R. rickettsii and R. parkeri infected animals and/or humans in the studied areas.  相似文献   

Six species of bioluminescent agarics are described and illustrated from a single site in primary Atlantic Forest habitat in the Parque Estadual Turistico do Alto Ribeira, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. These include two new taxa of Mycena, viz. M. asterina and M. lucentipes. Luminescence in Mycena fera, M. singeri and M. discobasis is reported for the first time. In addition an undeterminable luminescent Mycena species is described and additional specimens of Gerronema viridilucens are documented. An accounting of known bioluminescent species of Mycena and a discussion of why they luminesce are presented.  相似文献   

Visceral larva migrans syndrome by Toxocara affects mainly children between 2 and 5 years of age, it is generally asymptomatic, and the seroprevalence varies from 3 to 86% in different countries. A total of 399 schoolchildren from 14 public schools of the Butant? region, S?o Paulo city, Brazil, were evaluated by Toxocara serology (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Epidemiological data to the Toxocara infection obtained from a protocol were submitted to multiple logistic regression analysis for a risk profile definition. Blood was collected on filter paper by finger puncture, with all samples tested in duplicate. Considering titers > or = 1/160 as positive, the seroprevalence obtained was 38.8%. Among infected children, the mean age was 9.4 years, with a similar distribution between genders. A significant association was observed with the presence of onychophagia, residence with a dirty backyard, living in a slum, previous wheezing episodes, school attended, and family income (p < 0.05). All data, except "living in a slum", were considered to be determinant of a risk profile for the acquisition of Toxocara infection. A monthly income > or = 5 minimum salaries represented a protective factor, although of low relevance. Toxocara eggs were found in at least one of the soil samples obtained from five schools, with high prevalence of Toxocara infections, indicating the frequent soil contamination by this agent.  相似文献   

Infections by Cryptococcus strains other than C. neoformans have been detected in immunocompromised patients. Of these strains, three are considered human pathogens: C. albidus, C. laurenttii, and C. uniguttulatus. This study deals with the in vitro susceptibility of Cryptococcus to drugs such as amphotericin B, itraconazole, fluconazole, and 5-fluorocytosine. Environmental Cryptococcus isolates (50) distributed as follows: C. neoformans var. neoformans (16), C. albidus (17), C. laurentii (14), and C. uniguttulatus (3) were evaluated by the micro and macrodilution techniques, according to EUCAST and NCCLS recommendations, respectively. Considering both methodologies the respective minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were 0.125 and 2 microg/ml for amphotericin B, 0.06 and 8 microg/ml for itraconazole, and 0.5 and more than 64 microg/ml for fluconazole and 5-fluorocytosine. Agreement percentages for the two methodologies were 100% for amphotericin B and fluconazole for all the strains tested. For itraconazole, the agreement percentage was 81.3% in the C. neoformans strain and 100% for all the others. All species had a agreement percentage of 94.1 to 100% when susceptibility to 5-fluorocytosine was tested. It is concluded that environmental isolates of C. neoformans var. neoformans, C. albidus, C. laurentii, and C. uniguttulatus may show high MICs against certain drugs, suggesting in vitro primary resistance to the antifungals tested.  相似文献   

A total of 25 aphid species were collected from 49 ornamental plant species in S?o Carlos-S?o Paulo, Brazil; 12 aphids were monophagous, four oligophagous and nine polyphagous. A total of 58 aphid-plant associations are recorded, 43 unknown from Brazil. Eucarazzia elegans (Ferrari, 1872) (Aphididae: Aphidinae: Macrosiphini) is recorded for the first time from Brazil, and Nectandra megapotamica Spreng. (Lauraceae) is recorded for the first time as host plant for Lizerius tuberculatus (E.E. Blanchard, 1939) (Drepanosiphidae: Drepanosiphinae: Lizeriini). We also describe the injuries caused by aphids to the ornamental plants.  相似文献   

São Paulo is the most developed state in Brazil and little of its native vegetation remains. In Luiz Antonio and Santa Rita do Passa Quatro municipalities, only small fragments of cerrado (Brazilian savanna) physiognomies (cerradão, cerrado sensu stricto) and of semideciduous forest have been left, surrounded by eucalyptus silviculture and sugar-cane agriculture. However, that vegetation mosaic still shelters large mammals, including several carnivore species. To detect the carnivores present in such a mosaic area (50,000 ha), and to find out how they use the landscape, we recorded them through 21 camera traps and 21 track plots, during 18 months. Species richness, diversity and relative frequency were evaluated according to the habitat. Ten species were recorded, some of them locally threatened to extinction (Puma concolor, Leopardus pardalis, Chrysocyon brachyurus). Species diversity did not significantly differ among fragments, and although most species preferred one or another habitat, the carnivore community as a whole explored all the study area regardless of the vegetation cover; eucalyptus plantations were as used by the carnivores as the native fragments. Therefore, it seems possible to maintain such animals in agricultural landscapes, where some large native fragments are left and the matrix is permeable to native fauna.  相似文献   

Particulate matter less than 10 microns aerodynamic diameter (PM10) is associated with adverse health effects including increased respiratory problems and mortality. PM10 is also associated with increases in cancer in some urban areas. Identification of toxic compounds in PM10 is a step toward estimating exposure to these compounds and evaluating their public health risk. However, the toxic compounds on PM10 are part of a highly complex mixture of compounds that makes chemical characterization difficult. Before this study, there has been little investigation of genotoxic compounds in particulate matter from Latin American cities. Here, both bioassay (mutagenicity) and chemical analyses were conducted with organic solvent extracts of PM10 collected from S?o Paulo, a major Brazilian city. Sequential extraction in dichloromethane (DCM) followed by acetone (ACE) yielded 20.3% and 10.2% of the total mass, respectively. Non-polar and moderately polar organic material solubilized in DCM. ACE extracted more polar organic species and some inorganic ions. Both extracts were fractionated separately using cyanopropyl-bonded silica chromatography with organic solvents of increasing polarity. The mass distribution among the fractions was measured. The mutagenic activity of the fractions was assayed using the microsuspension procedure with the Salmonella typhimurium tester strain TA98, with and without addition of metabolic enzymes (S9). The DCM extract had about four times higher mutagenic activity than the ACE extract. In general, addition of S9 resulted in an increase in mutagenicity of DCM fractions, but a decrease for the ACE extract. Most of the activity was concentrated in fractions in the mid-range of polarity within both the DCM and ACE extracts. The fractions were analyzed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC/MS) without derivatization. The most mutagenic fractions in the DCM extract contained ketones, aldehydes, and quinolines. The most mutagenic ACE fraction had ketones, carboxylic acids, and aldehydes.  相似文献   

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