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The structure of the retinal photoreceptors of the ranch mink (Mustela vison) has been investigated by light and electron microscopy. In this mammalian species, the photoreceptors can be readily differentiated and adequately described by the classical terminology of rods and cones, with the rods being the more numerous. Rods are long slender cells while cones are shorter and stouter in appearance. Both rods and cones are highly differentiated and extremely polarized cells consisting of an outer segment, a non-motile connecting cilium, an inner segment, a nuclear region and a synaptic process extending to an expanded synaptic ending. Morphological differences are noted between rods and cones for most of the various regions of these cells. While rods reach to the cell body of the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, larger apical processes from the RPE extend to the shorter cone cells, so that both photoreceptor types are in intimate contact with the retinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the retinal epithelium has been studied by electron microscopy in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). The retinal epithelium, over most of the retina, is typical of that in other vertebrates and consists of a single layer of heavily pigmented, cuboidal cells. These cells display extensive basal (scleral) infoldings and numerous apical (vitreal) processes which enclose photoreceptor outer segments. A semicircular area of the retinal epithelium in the superior fundus is further specialized as a tapetum lucidum. The reflecting material consists of a large quantity of lipoidal spheres scattered throughout the epithelial cells. Centrally in the tapetal area very few or no melanosomes are found, indicating a non-occlusible tapetum. Peripherally in the tapetum, the epithelial cells contain both reflecting material and melanosomes. As in the non-tapetal area, the epithelial cells of the tapetum display large amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and numerous mitochondria. Bruch's membrane everywhere displays the usual pentalaminate structure described for most vertebrates. The choriocapillaris is also typical, in that numerous fenestrations are present in the endothelium bordering Bruch's membrane.  相似文献   

Eimeria and Isospora of the mink,Mustela vison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary The pars intermedia of intact and experimental female minks has been studied by light, electron and fluorescence microscopy. The general structure of the mink intermediate lobe is described. Two main cell types are recognized. One, termed glandular cell, predominates in number and is characterized by the presence of electron-dense granules about 200 nm in diameter and numerous large vesicles up to 300 nm in diameter. The other, termed stellate cell, is devoid of cytoplasmic vesicles and granules and possesses microfilaments, junctional complexes and elongated processes inserted between the glandular cells. Different treatments (photostimulation and administration of hypertonic saline and metopirone) induced morphological reactions in the glandular cells. The significance of these changes and the possibility of a functional relation between the pars intermedia and ACTH secretion are discussed.Numerous nerve fibres and axon terminals containing electron-dense granules (60–120 nm) and electron-lucent vesicles (30–40 nm) are observed throughout the pars intermedia.With the histochemical fluorescence method of Falck-Hillarp a rich system of delicate fluorescent varicose fibres, sometimes provided with irregular swellings or droplets, is observed in the pars intermedia and also in the pars nervosa. Microspectrofluorometrically these fibres exhibit the spectral characteristics of catecholamines. All the cells of the pars intermedia and a large number of cells in the pars distalis show a yellowish weak fluorescence, which becomes much stronger after combined formaldehyde-ozone treatment. This cellular fluorophore shows the same microspectrofluorometric characteristics as does the fluorophores of tryptamine and of certain peptides with NH2-terminal tryptophan.Supported by the Swedish Fur Breeders' Association and the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (grant No. 2124). Thanks are due to Miss W. Carlsson and Miss Y. Lilliemarck for their helpful technical assistance.Supported by the Harald and Greta Jeanssons Stiftelse and by the Ford Foundation. The skilful technical assistance of Mrs. Eva Svensson and Miss Annika Borgelin is greatfully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The diets of free-ranging male and female mink were sampled by analysing faeces collected from radio-tagged individuals. Significant sex differences were apparent in the predation upon three of the five principal prey groups. The larger males preyed much more heavily upon lagomorphs, the largest prey taken, while females preyed more upon fish and crustaceans than did males. These differences were consistent in each season except the autumn (September to November), when males preyed more heavily upon fish and crustacea than did females. Due to their large size, adult lagomorphs are felt to be relatively unavailable to female mink. Male mink are apparently large enough to specialize on lagomorphs, and male mink niche breadth was consistently lower than that of females. Dietary overlap approximated to 40% in all seasons except summer (68%), when female predation upon lagomorphs reached a peak. This reduction in intraspecific feeding competition was felt to be a valuable side-effect of body-size dimorphism.  相似文献   

In mink, restricting the duration of copulation (相似文献   

Multivariate statistical techniques were used to examine craniometric variation within and between ranch and feral populations of American mink (Mustela vison). An examination of variation between ranches revealed that differences are greater between ranches than within ranches, although all comparisons were statistically significant. There is highly significant variation within a population of mink sampled from a single ranch during a short time period; female mink of different pelt colour are differentiable by their skull shape but not by skull size. This offers evidence for a genetic background to cranial variation in ranch mink. Cranial sexual dimorphism is reduced in ranch mink, when compared to feral populations, and size accounts for a lesser proportion of the variation between the sexes in ranched populations. In addition, the skulls of ranched mink are larger, have a relatively shorter palate and a relatively narrower postorbital constriction compared to their feral counterparts. We believe this reduced dimorphism to be a product of relaxed sexual selection, lack of resource competition and selective breeding for larger specimens of both sexes within ranch populations.  相似文献   

Trevor B.  Poole  Nigel  Dunstone 《Journal of Zoology》1976,178(3):395-412
Fishing behaviour of the American mink ( Mustela vison Schreber) was investigated in the laboratory. Data were recorded using ciné film and tape recorded commentaries. Three species of prey were presented to mink, namely, carp ( Cyprinus curpio ), goldfish ( Carassius auratus ) and minnows ( Phoxinus phoxinus ).
It was found to be necessary to train ranch-bred mink to enter water and catch fish; young mink appeared to be easier to train than adults. Mink spent 5–20 sec under water when fishing; prey had usually previously been located from an aerial vantage point. Predatory behaviour was highly organized sequentially whereas fish were more prone to indulge in unpredictable stratagems; the behaviour of mink and fish were highly correlated.
The mink's efficiency in catching fish was related to prey size (smaller individuals being more vulnerable to capture) and shoaling. Minnows, which form highly organized shoals, were less easily caught when present in large numbers; this was not true of a loosely shoaling species, the carp.
Of the three species of prey presented, vulnerability to capture took the form goldfish> carp> minnow; these differences, however, may have been influenced by the fish's previous experience of underwater predators.  相似文献   

In the U.K. the impact of introduced American mink Mustela vison , on water voles Arvicola terrestris , may be exacerbated by habitat loss and fragmentation. Pristine wetlands in Belarus, which American mink invaded in the early 1990s, provide a three-pronged opportunity to test this hypothesis. First, we examine the evidence that, even in the unmanaged wetlands of our Belarussian study site, American mink have reduced water vole populations. Second, we ask whether habitat size, type and isolation mitigate the impact of American mink predation. Thirdly, we explore whether water voles are at greater risk of predation from American than European mink because of their patterns of habitat use. Following the invasion of American mink, water voles were most abundant in small, still-water sites, far from river banks, while American mink were most active in large, running-water sites. Small mammal remains were found in a higher percentage of American than European mink scats, and of these, more were water vole in American mink scats. The occurrence of water voles in scats of both mink species declined after the American mink invaded and established. Our results provide at least circumstantial evidence that American mink limit water vole populations even in unmanaged wetland eco-systems, and that they have a greater impact than their European congener at least partly because they make greater use of isolated marshes. Although by no means providing complete protection, the configuration and dispersion of available habitat mitigated the impact of American mink on water voles. This raises the possibility that habitat restoration, especially through the establishment of isolated enclaves, could help reduce the effect of American mink in the U.K. These observations are of broader interest in the context of assessing the effect of multiple pressures on vulnerable species.  相似文献   

In mink (Mustela vison) kits newborn mortality is very high. One of the major causes of death is hypothermia. The objectives of this study were to observe the development of thermoregulation in mink kits, and their ability to maintain their body temperature during the postnatal period (1-50 days of age). Based on the kit's body weight (BW), and rectal and ambient temperature measurements during cold (+4 degrees C) and warm (+40 degrees C) exposures, a homeothermy index (HI) and cooling and warming rates were calculated. No significant differences in the body temperatures were found between the kits and the dam after 36 days of age. The kits were able to maintain homeothermy by 22 days of age (HI 90%). The body cooling rate was 0.88+/-0.04 degrees C min(-1) on day 1 but only 0.35+/-0.03 degrees C min(-1) at 22 days of age. The body WR was lower: day 1, 0.85+/-0.04 degrees C min(-1) and 0.22+/-0.03 degrees C min(-1) at 22 days of age. All measured and calculated thermophysiological variables were significantly influenced by BW and age of the kit.  相似文献   

Mink are seasonal breeders that display an obligate delay preceding implantation and a post implantation gestation of 31 d. The purpose of this study was to evaluate gestational parameters in mink by ultrasonography. A total of 92 female mink were mated twice during the period from March 2 to 20. The mink were scanned once and allowed to whelp (n=55); or scanned at 3 to 5-d intervals until parturition (n=13); or immediately subjected to autopsy (n=24) after scanning. Embryonic age was calculated from the date of parturition or from crown rump length. Uterine swelling diameter and fetal head size were correlated with embryonic age. The gestational sac grew rapidly once implantation had occurred. Uterine swellings of 4 to 5 mm in diameter were found on Days 2 to 4 post implantation and increased through Days 18 to 20, at which time they began to elongate due to the longitudinal growth of the fetus. Fetal cardiac activity could be detected on Days 10 to 12 post implantation in live embryos. The heart frequency was 198 +/- 3.0 beats per minute and did not vary from Days 12 to 30 post implantation. Fetal head diameter of 5 mm was first detected on Day 19 post implantation and grew gradually to 9 to 10 mm at parturition. It was not possible to accurately assess the number of conceptuses in utero. We conclude that ultrasonography can be employed in mink to diagnose pregnancy, to predict the parturition date and to determine the presence of live fetuses.  相似文献   

(1) We measured cooling rate for neonatal mink during a 10min coldroom (3.9 degrees C) exposure and subsequent warming rate during a 20min incubator (37.2 degrees C) exposure, the behaviour of the kits and the changes in their pelage between 1 and 46d of age, in an attempt to monitor the ontogeny of their thermoregulatory capacity. (2) Body weight of the 1d old kits averaged only 12.8+/-2.3g (n=4), but they gained weight rapidly reaching 226.1+/-28.3g (males, n=4) and 207.6+/-16.1g (females, n=4) at 30-31d of age, and 562.3+/-43.2g (males, n=3) and 435.7+/-35.5g (females, n=4) at 45-46d of age. (3) Body cooling rate (C(rate) ( degrees C/min); n=80) was affected by the age (between 1 and 31d), BW, initial rectal temperature (T(r0)), and sex of the kits, in addition to their body posture (P(cold), 1=extended, 2=curled-up) during coldroom exposure. C(rate) ( degrees C/min)=-0.34-0.02age-0.002BW+0.05T(r0)-0.06sex-0.20P(cold) (R(2)=0.75). (4) Body warming rate (W(rate) ( degrees C/min); n=80) was influenced by the age(2) and rectal temperature of the kit after the coldroom exposure (T(r10)). W(rate)( degrees C/min)=1.24+0.0002age(2)-0.04T(r10) (R(2)=0.76). (5) Kit fur fibre length increased from 5.45+/-0.63mm (males, n=2) and 6.20+/-0.20mm (females, n=3) at 22-23d of age to 9.43+/-1.44mm (males, n=4) and 8.70+/-1.89mm (females, n=4) at 30-31d of age, and to 12.93+/-0.47mm (males, n=3) and 11.38+/-0.41mm (females, n=4) at 45-46d of age, the growth averaging about 0.26mm per day. (6) Under normal circumstances newborn mink kits are hypothermic.Their thermoregulation develops only gradually and is dependent on increase in body mass, insulation and behavioural thermoregulation. Their strategy of survival is based on the ability to withstand hypothermia and on the nutrition and warmth provided by the dam.  相似文献   

Modupe  Akande 《Journal of Zoology》1972,167(4):475-479
Feral American mink ( Mustela vison ) thrive in Scotland. The potential impact of the mink on the native fauna was investigated through its food. Fifty-five stomachs and 33 scats were analysed by identifying the indigestible remains. Fish formed the main prey (49% occurrence) and birds and mammals 28% and 23% respectively. Most of the fish eaten were Salmonidae (brown trout and salmon). No remains of eels were found.
Mink may compete with otters for food, but the smaller prey taken by the mink and its greater use of land separates it from the otter. Mink seem to be occupying a vacant feeding niche in Scotland.  相似文献   

Isakova GK 《Genetika》2007,43(2):280-283
The frequency of emergence of monochorial twins in the postimplantational embryogeny of the American mink and their karyotypes were studied. Monochorial pairs were found in which embryos had different karyotypes: 2n, XX and 2n, XY or 2n and 3n. This fact contradicts the notion that monochorial twins should be monozygotic and genetically identical but confirms our earlier hypothesis that a third twinning type exists in mink: monozygotic but genetically different. The mechanism of the emergence of this twinning type in mammals is discussed. It is suggested that the high (up to 4.5%) frequency of its emergence in the American mink is related to obligate embryonic diapause, causing abnormal fertilization.  相似文献   

Population studies on feral American mink Mustela vison in Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Populations of feral American mink Mustela vison were investigated in several study areas in Ireland, principally by capture-recapture techniques. The populations were found to be essentially self-regulating, with stress, weight loss and mortality evident during the winter and spring. The highest mean density recorded, in terms of animals per unit length of river or lake shore, was 1.4 individuals km−1 with a peak density of 2.3 individuals km−1, but population densities were considerably lower in most areas. Trappability and population structure, in age, sex and residency classes, varied between habitats, but population turnover was high, leading to complete replacement of individuals in two populations monitored for two years. The availability of the preferred prey, crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes appeared to be a major factor determining population size and preferred breeding areas. Control methods are either unnecessary or are likely to fail in most situations, and may be counterproductive.  相似文献   

  • 1 Demographic data on an invasive species of management concern, the American mink, are presented. Data were obtained on three feral mink populations in Europe distinguished by differences in the time elapsed since population establishment.
  • 2 Demographic data are presented in the form of life tables, age–sex distributions and sex ratios. Mink lived a maximum of 6 years, and mortality of 1‐year‐olds and adults differed substantially between populations.
  • 3 The data support the hypothesis that mink populations subject to culling have a higher proportion of young (less than 1 year old) to adults compared with non‐culled populations.

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