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The solvent accessibilities to the tryptophanyl microenvironments of wild type sperm whale apomyoglobin (apoMb) and two mutants (W7F and W14F) containing a single tryptophan are measured by fluorescence quenching studies. The results are compared to those relative to horse apoMb. In the wild type sperm whale protein, no difference is noticed in the solvent accessibility of the two indole residues, as documented by the values of the Stern-Volmer constants. By contrast, the two tryptophan residues of horse apoMb are exposed to the solvent in a different way, thus indicating that some local conformational differences exist between the two homologous proteins in solution. The single W --> F substitution at either position 7 or 14 determines local conformational changes that increase the accessibility of the remaining indole residue but do not affect the overall architecture of the protein molecule.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are frequently associated with amyloid deposits in most amyloid diseases, and there is evidence to support their active role in amyloid fibril formation. The purpose of this study was to obtain structural insight into GAG-protein interactions and to better elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the effect of GAGs on the amyloid aggregation process and on the related cytotoxicity. To this aim, using Fourier transform infrared and circular diochroism spectroscopy, electron microscopy and thioflavin fluorescence dye we examined the effect of heparin and other GAGs on the fibrillogenesis and cytotoxicity of aggregates formed by the amyloidogenic W7FW14 apomyoglobin mutant. Although this protein is unrelated to human disease, it is a suitable model for in vitro studies because it forms amyloid-like fibrils under physiological conditions of pH and temperature. Heparin strongly stimulated aggregation into amyloid fibrils, thereby abolishing the lag-phase normally detected following the kinetics of the process, and increasing the yield of fibrils. Moreover, the protein aggregates were harmless when assayed for cytotoxicity in vitro. Neutral or positive compounds did not affect the aggregation rate, and the early aggregates were highly cytotoxic. The surprising result that heparin induced amyloid fibril formation in wild-type apomyoglobin and in the partially folded intermediate state of the mutant, i.e., proteins that normally do not show any tendency to aggregate, suggested that the interaction of heparin with apomyoglobin is highly specific because of the presence, in protein turn regions, of consensus sequences consisting of alternating basic and non-basic residues that are capable of binding heparin molecules. Our data suggest that GAGs play a dual role in amyloidosis, namely, they promote beneficial fibril formation, but they also function as pathological chaperones by inducing amyloid aggregation.  相似文献   

Fibril formation by collagen from piglet skin was studied at temperatures of 28–39°C. Collagen fibrils obtained in this temperature range differ in the degree of ordering. Electron microscopy shows that fibrils of minimal diameter are formed at physiological pH, ionic strength (PBS), and temperature. The greater diameter of fibrils formed at 34.5°C is due to enhanced collagen hydration. Fibril diameter at 38.5°C is increased because of cooperative unfolding of the triple helix and weaker binding between collagen molecules. The optimal temperature for fibrillogenesis appears to be 36.5°C, and such fibrils are most similar to those observed in vivo.  相似文献   

The effect of the polypeptide environment on polyalanine-induced fibril formation was investigated with amyloidogenic fragments from PAPBN1, a nuclear protein controlling polyadenylation. Mutation-caused extensions of the natural 10 alanine sequence up to maximally 17 alanines result in fibril formation of PABPN1 and the development of the disease oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD). We explored the influence of fibril formation on the structure and function of a one-domain protein linked to the fibril-forming part of PABPN1. The well-characterized, stably folded, one-domain protein, cold-shock protein CspB from Bacillus subtilis, was fused either to the C terminus of the entire N-terminal domain of PABPN1 or directly to peptides consisting of 10 or 17 alanine residues. The fusion protein between the N-terminal domain of PABPN1 and CspB formed fibrils in which the structure and activity of CspB were retained. In the fibrils formed by fusions in which the polyalanine sequence was directly linked to CspB, CspB was unfolded. These results indicate that the folded conformation and the function of a protein domain can be maintained in amyloid-like fibrils, and that the distance between this domain and the fibril plays an important role.  相似文献   

The N-terminal fragment 1-29 of horse heart apomyoglobin (apoMb(1-29)) is highly prone to form amyloid-like fibrils at low pH. Fibrillogenesis at pH 2.0 occurs following a nucleation-dependent growth mechanism, as evidenced by the thioflavin T (ThT) assay. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirms the presence of regular amyloid-like fibrils and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra indicate the acquisition of a high content of beta-sheet structure. ThT assay, TEM and CD highlight fast and complete disaggregation of the fibrils, if the pH of a suspension of mature fibrils is increased to 8.3. It is of interest that amyloid-like fibrils form again if the pH of the solution is brought back to 2.0. While apoMb(1-29) fibrils obtained at pH 2.0 are resistant to proteolysis by pepsin, the disaggregated fibrils are easily cleaved at pH 8.3 by trypsin and V8 protease, and some of the resulting fragments aggregate very quickly in the proteolysis mixture, forming amyloid-like fibrils. We show that the increase of amyloidogenicity of apoMb(1-29) following acidification or proteolysis at pH 8.3 can be attributed to the decrease of the peptide net charge following these alterations. The results observed here for apoMb(1-29) provide an experimental basis for explaining the effect of charge and pH on amyloid fibril formation by both unfolded and folded protein systems.  相似文献   



Arabidopsis thaliana copper metallochaperone CCH is a functional homologue of yeast antioxidant ATX1, involved in cytosolic copper transport. In higher plants, CCH has to be transported to specialised cells through plasmodesmata, being the only metallochaperone reported to date that leaves the cell where it is synthesised. CCH has two different domains, the N-terminal domain conserved among other copper-metallochaperones and a C-terminal domain absent in all the identified non-plant metallochaperones. The aim of the present study was the biochemical and biophysical characterisation of the C-terminal domain of the copper metallochaperone CCH.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of amyloid fibril formation of a protein, we examined wild-type and three mutant human lysozymes containing both amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic proteins: I56T (amyloidogenic); EAEA, which has four additional residues (Glu-Ala-Glu-Ala-) at the N-terminus located on a beta-structure; and EAEA-I56T, which is an I56T mutant of EAEA. All formed amyloid-like fibrils through an in the increase contents of alpha-helix with increasing concentration of ethanol. The order of propensity for amyloid-like fibril formation in highly concentrated ethanol solution is EAEA-I56T > EAEA > I56T > wild-type. This order is almost the reverse of the order of conformational stability of these proteins, wild-type > EAEA > I56T > EAEA-I56T. The important views in this work are as follows. (i) Artificially modified proteins formed amyloid fibrils in vitro. This means that amyloid formation is a generic property of polypeptide chains. (ii) The amyloidogenic mutation Ile56 to Thr caused the destabilization and promoted fibril formation in the wild-type and EAEA human lysozymes, indicating that instability facilitates amyloid formation. (iii) The mutant protein EAEA human lysozyme had higher propensity for fibril formation than the amyloidogenic mutant protein, indicating that amyloid formation is controlled not only by stability but also by other factors. In this case, appending polypeptide chains to a beta-structure accelerated amyloid formation.  相似文献   

Macromolecular crowding is expected to have several significant effects on protein aggregation; the major effects will be those due to excluded volume and increased viscosity. In this report we summarize data demonstrating that macromolecular crowding may lead to a dramatic acceleration in the rate of protein aggregation and formation of amyloid fibrils, using the protein alpha-synuclein. The aggregation of alpha-synuclein has been implicated as a critical factor in development of Parkinson's disease. Various types of polymers, from neutral polyethylene glycols and polysaccharides (Ficolls, dextrans) to inert proteins, are shown to accelerate alpha-synuclein fibrillation. The stimulation of fibrillation increases with increasing length of polymer, as well as increasing polymer concentration. At lower polymer concentrations (typically up to approximately 100 mg/ml) the major effect is ascribed to excluded volume, whereas at higher polymer concentrations evidence of opposing viscosity effects become apparent. Pesticides and metals, which are linked to increased risk of Parkinson's disease by epidemiological studies, are shown to accelerate alpha-synuclein fibrillation under conditions of molecular crowding.  相似文献   

The formation of protein fibrils, and in particular amyloid fibrils, underlies many human diseases. Understanding fibril formation mechanisms is important for understanding disease pathology, but fibril formation kinetics can be complicated, making the relationship between experimental observables and specific mechanisms unclear. Here we examine one often-proposed fibril formation mechanism, nucleated polymerization with off-pathway aggregation. We use the characteristics of this mechanism to derive three tests that can be performed on experimental data to identify it. We also find that this mechanism has an especially striking feature: although increasing protein concentrations generally cause simple nucleated polymerizations to reach completion faster, they cause nucleated polymerizations with off-pathway aggregation to reach completion more slowly when the protein concentration becomes too high.  相似文献   

Light chain amyloidosis involves the systemic deposition of fibrils in patients overproducing monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains. The kinetics of fibril formation of LEN, a benign light chain variable domain, were investigated at physiological pH in the presence of urea. Despite the lack of in vivo fibril formation, LEN readily forms fibrils in vitro under mildly destabilizing conditions. The effect of low to moderate concentrations of urea on the conformation, association state, stability, and kinetics of fibrillation of LEN were investigated. The conformation of LEN was only slightly affected by the addition of up to 4 m urea. The fibrillation kinetics were highly dependent on protein and urea concentrations, becoming faster with decreasing protein concentration and increasing urea concentration. Changes in spectral probes were concomitant to fibril formation throughout the protein and urea concentration ranges, indicating the absence of off-pathway oligomeric species or amorphous aggregates prior to fibril formation. Reducing the amount of dimers initially present in solution by either decreasing the protein concentration or adding urea resulted in faster fibril formation. Thus, increasing concentrations of urea, by triggering dissociation of dimeric LEN, lead to increased rates of fibrillation.  相似文献   

The conversion of protease-sensitive prion protein (PrP-sen) to a high beta-sheet, protease-resistant and often fibrillar form (PrP-res) is a central event in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases. This conversion can be induced by PrP-res itself in cell-free conversion reactions. The detergent sodium N-lauroyl sarkosinate (sarkosyl) is a detergent that is widely used in PrP-res purifications and is known to stimulate the PrP-res-induced conversion reaction. Here we report effects of sarkosyl and other detergents on recombinant hamster PrP-sen purified from mammalian cells under oxidizing conditions that maintain the single native disulfide bond. Low concentrations of sarkosyl (0.001-0.1%) induced aggregation of PrP-sen molecules, increased light scattering, altered fluorescence excitation and emission spectra, and enhanced the proportion of beta-sheet secondary structure according to circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopies. An enhancement of beta-sheet content was also seen with 0.001% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) but not several other types of detergents. Electron microscopy revealed that sarkosyl induced the formation of both amorphous and fibrillar aggregates. The fibrils appeared to be constructed from spherical bead-like protofibrils. Neither TSE infectivity nor the characteristic partial proteinase K resistance of PrP-res was detected in the sarkosyl-induced PrP aggregates. We conclude that certain anionic detergents can disrupt the conformation of PrP-sen and induce high beta-sheet aggregates that are distinct from scrapie-associated PrP-res in terms of protease-resistance, infrared spectrum and infectivity. These results reinforce the idea that not all high-beta aggregates of PrP are equivalent to the pathologic form, PrP-res.  相似文献   

B A Johnson  D W Aswad 《Biochemistry》1985,24(10):2581-2586
At pH 7.4, 37 degrees C, bovine brain protein carboxyl methyltransferase transiently methylates deamidated adrenocorticotropin. The methylation occurs at the alpha-carboxyl group of an atypical beta-carboxyl-linked isoaspartyl residue (position 25). Several lines of evidence indicate that the immediate product of demethylation is an aspartyl cyclic imide involving positions 25 and 26. The evidence includes (1) the rapid rate of methyl ester hydrolysis, which is consistent with intramolecular catalysis, (2) the inability of the demethylated product to be remethylated, (3) the charge of this product, and (4) its rate of breakdown. The eventual hydrolysis of the cyclic imide produces a 30/70 mixture of peptides containing either alpha- or beta-carboxyl-linked aspartyl residues, respectively. Cyclic imide formation is nonenzymatic and can explain the unusual lability of mammalian protein methyl esters in general. These findings suggest that protein carboxyl methylation in mammalian tissues is not a simple on/off reversible modification as it apparently is in chemotactic bacteria. Carboxyl methylation may serve to activate selected protein carboxyl groups for subsequent longer lasting modifications, possibly subserving a role in protein repair, degradation, cross-linking, or some other as yet undiscovered alteration of protein structure.  相似文献   

The solution structure and stability of N-terminally truncated beta2-microglobulin (deltaN6beta2-m), the major modification in ex vivo fibrils, have been investigated by a variety of biophysical techniques. The results show that deltaN6beta2-m has a free energy of stabilization that is reduced by 2.5 kcal/mol compared to the intact protein. Hydrogen exchange of a mixture of the truncated and full-length proteins at microM concentrations at pH 6.5 monitored by electrospray mass spectrometry reveals that deltaN6beta2-m is significantly less protected than its wild-type counterpart. Analysis of deltaN6beta2-m by NMR shows that this loss of protection occurs in beta strands I, III, and part of II. At mM concentration gel filtration analysis shows that deltaN6beta2-m forms a series of oligomers, including trimers and tetramers, and NMR analysis indicates that strand V is involved in intermolecular interactions that stabilize this association. The truncated species of beta2-microglobulin was found to have a higher tendency to self-associate than the intact molecule, and unlike wild-type protein, is able to form amyloid fibrils at physiological pH. Limited proteolysis experiments and analysis by mass spectrometry support the conformational modifications identified by NMR and suggest that deltaN6beta2-m could be a key intermediate of a proteolytic pathway of beta2-microglobulin. Overall, the data suggest that removal of the six residues from the N-terminus of beta2-microglobulin has a major effect on the stability of the overall fold. Part of the tertiary structure is preserved substantially by the disulfide bridge between Cys25 and Cys80, but the pairing between beta-strands far removed from this constrain is greatly perturbed.  相似文献   

The dependence on environmental conditions of the assembly of barstar into amyloid fibrils was investigated starting from the nonnative, partially folded state at low pH (A-state). The kinetics of this process was monitored by CD spectroscopy and static and dynamic light scattering. The morphology of the fibrils was visualized by electron microscopy, while the existence of the typical cross- structure substantiated by solution X-ray scattering. At room temperature, barstar in the A-state is unable to form amyloid fibrils, instead amorphous aggregation is observed at high ionic strength. Further destabilization of the structure is required to transform the polypeptide chain into an ensemble of conformations capable of forming amyloid fibrils. At moderate ionic strength (75 mM NaCl), the onset and the rate of fibril formation can be sensitively tuned by increasing the temperature. Two types of fibrils can be detected differing in their morphology, length distribution and characteristic far UV CD spectrum. The formation of the different types depends on the particular environmental conditions. The sequence of conversion: A-statefibril type Ifibril type II appears to be irreversible. The transition into fibrils is most effective when the protein chain fulfills particular requirements concerning secondary structure, structural flexibility and tendency to cluster.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - DLS dynamic light scattering - EM electron microscopy - SLS static light scattering - SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering - SOXS solution X-ray scattering  相似文献   

The recombinant V(L) domain that represents the variable part of the light chain (type kappa) of mouse monoclonal antibody F11 directed against human spleen ferritin was found to form amyloid fibrils at acidic pH as evidenced by electron microscopy, thioflavin T binding, and apple-green birefringence after Congo red staining. This is the first demonstration of amyloid fibril formation of the mouse V(L) domain. To understand the mechanism of acidic pH-induced amyloid fibril formation, conformational changes of the V(L) domain were studied by one-dimensional NMR, differential scanning calorimetry, analytical ultracentrifugation, hydrophobic dye binding, far-UV circular dichroism, and tryptophan fluorescence. The results indicated accumulation of two intermediate states during acid unfolding, which might be responsible for amyloid fibril formation. The more structured intermediate that exhibited maximal accumulation at pH 3 retained the nativelike secondary structure and a hydrophobic core, but exposed hydrophobic surfaces that bind 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate. Below pH 2, a more disordered intermediate with dequenched tryptophan fluorescence but still retaining the beta-sheet structure accumulated. The optimal pH of amyloid fibril formation (i.e., pH 4) was close to the optimal pH of the accumulation of the nativelike intermediate, suggesting that the amyloid fibrils might be formed through this intermediate.  相似文献   

Congo red (CR) has been reported to inhibit or enhance amyloid fibril formation by several proteins. To gain insight into the mechanism(s) for these apparently paradoxical effects, we studied as a model amyloidogenic protein, a dimeric immunoglobulin light chain variable domain. With a range of molar ratios of CR, i.e. r = [CR]/[protein dimer], we investigated the aggregation kinetics, conformation, hydrogen-deuterium exchange, and thermal stability of the protein. In addition, we used isothermal titration calorimetry to characterize the thermodynamics of CR binding to the protein. During incubation at 37 degrees C or during thermal scanning, with CR at r = 0.3, 1.3, and 4.8, protein aggregation was greatly accelerated compared with that measured in the absence of the dye. In contrast, with CR at r = 8.8, protein unfolding was favored over aggregation. The aggregates formed with CR at r = 0 or 0.3 were typical amyloid fibrils, but mixtures of amyloid fibrils and amorphous aggregates were formed at r = 1.3 and 4.8. CR decreased the apparent thermal unfolding temperature of the protein. Furthermore, CR perturbed the tertiary structure of the protein without significantly altering its secondary structure. Consistent with this result, CR also increased the rate of hydrogen-deuterium exchange by the protein. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that CR binding to the protein was enthalpically driven, indicating that binding was mainly the result of electrostatic interactions. Overall, these results demonstrate that at low concentrations, CR binding to the protein favors a structurally perturbed, aggregation-competent species, resulting in acceleration of fibril formation. At high CR concentration, protein unfolding is favored over aggregation, and fibril formation is inhibited. Because low concentrations of CR can promote amyloid fibril formation, the therapeutic utility of this compound or its analogs to inhibit amyloidoses is questionable.  相似文献   

Interaction of small molecule inhibitors with protein aggregates has been studied extensively, but how these inhibitors modulate aggregation kinetic parameters is little understood. In this work, we investigated the ability of two potential aggregation inhibiting drugs, curcumin and kaempferol, to control the kinetic parameters of aggregation reaction. Using thioflavin T fluorescence and static light scattering, the kinetic parameters such as amplitude, elongation rate constant and lag time of guanidine hydrochloride-induced aggregation reactions of hen egg white lysozyme were studied. We observed a contrasting effect of inhibitors on the kinetic parameters when aggregation reactions were measured by these two probes. The interactions of these inhibitors with hen egg white lysozyme were investigated using fluorescence quench titration method and molecular dynamics simulations coupled with binding free energy calculations. We conclude that both the inhibitors prolong nucleation of amyloid aggregation through binding to region of the protein which is known to form the core of the protein fibril, but once the nucleus is formed the rate of elongation is not affected by the inhibitors. This work would provide insight into the mechanism of aggregation inhibition by these potential drug molecules.  相似文献   

A 23-residue peptide termed BH(9-10) was designed based on a beta-hairpin segment of the single-layer beta-sheet region of Borrelia OspA protein. The peptide contains a large number of charged amino acid residues, and it does not follow the amphipathic pattern that is commonly found in natural beta-sheets. In aqueous solution, the peptide was highly soluble and flexible, with a propensity to form a non-native beta-turn. Trifluoroethanol (TFE) stabilized a native-like beta-turn in BH(9-10). TFE also decreased the level of solubility of the peptide, resulting in peptide precipitation. The precipitation process accompanied a conformational conversion to a beta-sheet structure, as judged with circular dichroism spectroscopy. The precipitate was found to be fibrils similar to those associated with human amyloid diseases. The fibrillization kinetics depended on peptide and TFE concentrations, and had a nucleation step followed by an assembly step. The fibrillization was reversible, and the dissociation reaction involved two phases. TFE appears to induce the fibrils by stabilizing a beta-sheet conformation of the peptide that optimally satisfies hydrogen bonding and electrostatic complementarity. This TFE-induced fibrillization is quite unusual, because most amyloidogenic peptides form fibrils in aqueous solution and TFE disrupts these fibrils. Nevertheless, the BH(9-10) fibrils have similar structure to other fibrils, supporting the emerging idea that polypeptides possess an intrinsic ability to form amyloid-like fibrils. The high level of solubility of BH(9-10), the ability to precisely control fibril formation and dissociation, and the high-resolution structure of the same sequence in the beta-hairpin conformation in the OspA protein provide a tractable experimental system for studying the fibril formation mechanism.  相似文献   

The antipsychotic phenothiazines may have other therapeutic applications because of their ability to kill bacteria, plasmids and tumor cells. They are also known to undergo a peroxidase-catalysed oxidation to form cation radicals that are stable at acid pH, but are not detected at a neutral pH. The objective of this project was to determine whether phenothiazine cation radical metabolites could cause oxidative stress at a neutral pH resulting in cytotoxicity. At a neutral pH, catalytic amounts of phenothiazines were found to be oxidised by a peroxidase/H2O2 system and also caused ascorbate, GSH and NADH cooxidation. NADH and GSH co-oxidation was accompanied by oxygen uptake and was increased by the addition of catalytic amounts of superoxide dismutase, indicating that the superoxide radical was formed. The phenothazines were different from other peroxidase substrates in that the NADH, ascorbate or GSH cooxidation was faster at pH 6.0 than pH 7.4, thereby partly reflecting the cation radical stability. The order of catalytic effectiveness found was promazine > chlorpromazine > trifluoperazine. Peroxidase/H2O2 also markedly increased phenothiazine cytotoxicity towards isolated rat hepatocytes at nontoxic phenothiazine concentrations. At both pH 6.0 and 7.4, the same order of phenothiazine catalytic effectiveness was observed as seen in the co-oxidation experiments. Cytotoxicity to hepatocytes could be attributed to oxidative stress as most hepatocyte glutathione oxidation and lipid peroxidation preceded phenothiazine induced cytotoxicity and that cytotoxicity was prevented by the antioxidant butylated hydroxyanisole. This hepatocyte/peroxidase/H2O2 system could be a useful model for studying drug induced idiosyncratic hepatic injury enhanced by inflammation.  相似文献   

The conformational state of sperm whale apomyoglobin (apoMb) was studied at neutral pH in the presence of negatively charged vesicles using near- and far-UV circular dichroism, tryptophan fluorescence, differential scanning microcalorimetry, and fast performance liquid chromatography. Under these conditions, the apoMb structure undergoes transition from its native to an intermediate state. In this state the protein loses its rigid native structure but retains its secondary structure. However, the environment of tryptophan residues remains rather hydrophobic. This intermediate state of apoMb shows properties similar to those of its molten globule state in solution. It is shown that apoMb can bind to negatively charged phospholipid vesicles even at neutral pH. A possible functional role of this intermediate state is discussed.  相似文献   

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