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散放麋鹿的警戒行为模式、警戒距离及其季节差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
警戒行为是动物对生存环境的风险或潜在风险的一种行为反应(Li ma and Zollner,1996;Treves,2000)。近年来关于警戒行为的研究正在成为热点,内容涉及了警戒行为模式、警戒行为与反捕食策略的关系和群体警戒等诸多方面(Li maand Zollner,1996;Beauchamp,2001;Hass andValenzuela  相似文献   

为了掌握獐(Hydropotes inermis)的警戒行为特征并为重引入项目提供管理依据,以人为干扰源观察獐的警戒反应,发现其警戒模式包括听(hear)或扫视(scan)、盯视(stare)、走开(walk away)、跑开(run away)、吼叫(bark)和压脖(stretch)。利用逃跑起始距离对上海松江野化圈养(自主采食)獐、上海华夏圈养(人工饲喂)獐和江苏盐城野生獐警戒性进行比较,得出人工饲喂獐警戒性最小,野生獐警戒性最大。野化獐警戒性提高,表明可通过降低人类活动和种群密度、扩大区域面积等途径野化提高獐警戒性。  相似文献   

为了掌握獐的警戒行为特征并为重引入项目提供管理依据,以人为干扰源观察獐的警戒反应,发现其警戒模式包括听 (listen) 或扫视 (scan) ,盯视 (stare) ,走开 (walk away) ,跑开 (run away),吼叫 (bark) 和压脖 (stretch) 。利用逃跑起始距离对上海松江圈养 (自由采食) 獐、上海华夏圈养(人工饲喂) 獐和江苏盐城野生獐进行警戒性比较,得出:人工饲喂獐警戒性最小,野生獐警戒性最大。可通过野化训练提高人工饲喂獐的警戒性;人类活动、种群密度、围栏和区域面积可能影响獐的警戒性。  相似文献   

家养有蹄类动物的反刍行为已有大量研究,而受限于野外条件,野生有蹄类动物反刍行为的研究有限。以往研究认为,体型可能是影响动物反刍行为的重要因素。本研究以日本奈良公园日本梅花鹿Cervus nippon nippon和中国江苏大丰麋鹿Elaphurus davidianus为研究对象,观察记录并比较分析了发情期的日本梅花鹿与发情期的麋鹿在卧息时反刍行为的种内及种间差异。按照年龄性别差异,分5种类型(成年雄性、成年雌性、亚成雄性、亚成雌性和幼鹿)研究两物种食团咀嚼时间、咀嚼频率和咀嚼速率的差异。结果表明,1)日本梅花鹿的咀嚼速率和食团咀嚼时间受性别-年龄的显著影响:咀嚼速率为幼体>亚成雌性>亚成雄性>成年雌性>成年雄性,而食团咀嚼时间为成年雄性>亚成雄性>成年雌性>亚成雌性>幼体;2)性别-年龄对麋鹿咀嚼频率有显著的影响,成年雄性<成年雌性<亚成雄性<亚成雌性<幼体;3)两物种在咀嚼频率、食团咀嚼时间和咀嚼速率上的差异均有统计学意义,体型更大的麋鹿咀嚼速率更慢,食团咀嚼时间更长。与体型相关的性别及年龄显著影响了日本梅花鹿和麋鹿的反刍行为。  相似文献   

采用大体解剖学方法对麋鹿头骨外形进行观察和研究,并与马鹿、驯鹿、牛、马头骨的解剖结构进行简单比较.结果发现:麋鹿头骨狭长,吻部狭窄,鼻骨长且平直,犁骨不发达,下颌角钝圆,泪骨形态特殊,颜面有纵形深窝,泪孔有两个,位于眶缘上被尖状泪突分开.  相似文献   

野生动物大多有一定的警戒足巨离,人类一旦进入它们的警戒距离,它们就会做出必要的反应。野象伤人事件往往发生在野象的警戒区内。  相似文献   

警戒行为是动物对群体内部或外部刺激的行为反应,主要表现为抬头环视周围环境,具有反捕食和社会性监视功能,有利于个体适合度的增加。诸多研究表明,多种因素可以影响到动物警戒行为的强度和模式。内部因素主要包括个体的年龄、性别、所处空间位置和群体大小等,外部因素主要是捕食风险和人类活动的干扰。近年来,动物警戒同步性研究引起了广泛关注。同步警戒和协调警戒对立于独立警戒而存在,强调个体能够受到周围个体警戒状态的影响,继而表现出相同或相反的行为,并且其强度与群体大小等因素有关。在今后的研究中,可以在警戒行为影响因素和同步性方面进行更加深入而全面的探索。此外,警戒行为的个体差异和时空变化等也将是重要的研究方向。  相似文献   

三种珍稀有蹄类动物的警戒行为数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李忠秋 《生物多样性》2016,24(12):1335-267
警戒行为是野生动物重要的反捕食策略之一, 警戒行为的研究已经成为行为生态学中继动物的采食行为、繁殖行为之外的另一热点研究领域。然而, 尽管研究人员至今已经在数百种鸟类、兽类中开展了各种类型的警戒行为学研究, 但相关研究的原始数据却鲜有共享。本文公开了利用焦点取样法采集的我国3种珍稀有蹄类动物警戒行为数据样本716个, 其中普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii) 175个、藏原羚(P. picticaudata) 180个、麋鹿(Elaphurus davidiamus) 361个, 并同时公布了采集该行为学数据时的相关变量, 包括性别、群体类型、群体大小、捕食风险、人类干扰等。结果显示在上述3种有蹄类动物中, 均存在明显的集群效应, 且此效应与性别及捕食风险存在交互作用。本文尝试建立标准的行为学数据规范, 以期为未来的行为学研究数据的共享及深度挖掘提供可能。  相似文献   

动物通过集群降低个体警戒时间,从而增加采食等行为时间,这种现象被称为" 群体效应" 。除群体大小
外,社会及环境因子如季节与性别也可能影响个体警戒水平。本文于2007 年至2009 年在新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类
野生动物保护区采用焦点动物取样法,通过测定鹅喉羚警戒行为比例、平均每次警戒持续时间及10 min内警戒频
因而其警戒水平显著高于雄性(P < 0.05);受繁殖行为影响,冬季雄性比雌性警觉性更高(P > 0. 05);春秋季
两性间警戒水平没有差异(P >0.05)。不同生理周期是导致鹅喉羚育幼期雌性及繁殖期雄性个体警戒水平发生
显著变化的重要因子。  相似文献   

对福建梅花山华南虎繁育研究所分别在笼舍和洞穴环境条件下出生的华南虎Panthera tigris amoyensis幼虎的警戒行为进行了研究。结果显示:幼虎的警戒行为多样;洞穴出生的幼虎警戒性整体高于笼舍出生的幼虎;在笼舍与半散放区连通的环境中,2组幼虎组内在每个测量时间点的警戒距离与逃逸距离差异均有高度统计学意义(警戒距离:df=18,F=5.690,P0.001;逃逸距离:df=18,F=4.875,P0.001),而2组幼虎之间的警戒距离与逃逸距离差异均无统计学意义(警戒距离:df=1,F=7.461,P=0.072;逃逸距离:df=1,F=3.288,P=0.167);2组幼虎的警戒距离与逃逸距离随时间增加分别有不同程度的下降,2组幼虎的警戒距离与时间没有显著相关性(笼舍组:R~2=0.082 0,P=0.235,n=19;洞穴组:R~2=0.084 2,P=0.228,n=19),而逃逸距离与时间显著相关(笼舍组:R~2=0.318 5,P=0.012,n=19;洞穴组:R~2=0.304 9,P=0.014,n=19)。  相似文献   

Roe deer ( Capreolus capreolus ) spacing behaviour, during the period between mother-fawn separation and home range establishment, was studied in southern Sweden during 1987–1992. Data were collected, using telemetry, in two non-hunted populations. Females dispersed either as yearlings, or as 2- or 3-year-olds after having migrated between non-overlapping summer and winter ranges for one and two seasons, respectively. Seasonal migration usually ended with permanent settlement in the new summer area. Males dispersed as one- or two-year-olds, or remained philopatric. Median distance moved was c. 2 km with no significant sex-bias. Both populations underwent one increase, and one stable phase. During the increase phase, the frequency of yearling dispersal was 70% in one of the populations, but dropped to 20% at high density. This drop paralleled a 14% decrease in yearling winter weights. In the other population, yearling dispersal frequency was 56% during the increase phase. This population stopped increasing at an intermediate density and dispersal frequency was kept at 75%. Weights remained high in this population. In neither of the populations, at intermediate and high densities, was a sex-bias in dispersal among yearlings evident. Dispersers were on average heavier than philopatrics. High juvenile winter weight did not predestinate yearlings to dispersal, whereas low weight seemed to prevent dispersal. On the basis of these relationships, we propose a hypothesis relating dispersal to body condition, in order to explain dispersal tendency at different population densities. Further, we suggest the reason for female migration is the advantage of residing in a group during winters when predation risk is high. Since it is difficult for females (but not for males) to join non-relatives, dispersers must go back to the natal area as long as they have too few offspring to form their own matriarchal group.  相似文献   

舔盐是部分植食性动物通过舔舐盐土或盐井补充体内盐分和矿物质的特殊行为,舔盐行为节律特征分析是有蹄类动物活动模式研究的重要组成内容,深入分析野生动物的特殊行为及活动模式,有利于了解其资源利用特征及生存规律。本研究利用远程视频监控系统对卧龙自然保护区天然盐井(臭水沟)进行24h监测,分析了水鹿的舔盐活动模式。结果表明:(1)在天然盐井区域的出现率,雌性水鹿高于雄性,成体高于亚成体(幼体);(2)水鹿的舔盐频率在秋季最高,冬季最低,且水鹿的舔盐活动主要在夜晚进行,秋季到达盐井的时间(18:00)早于春夏季节(20:00);(3)雌性水鹿在秋季具有明显的舔盐频率高峰,而雄性水鹿春、夏、秋季的舔盐频率都较高;(4)成体水鹿的舔盐高峰出现在秋季,而亚成体(幼体)的舔盐频率从春季到冬季呈现逐步递减的趋势,且舔 盐高峰时间先于成体水鹿。盐井是水鹿活动频繁的区域,在对具有舔盐习性的物种开展保护的同时应考虑对盐井等必需生境的保护。  相似文献   

Lymph nodes from 271 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Nebraska (USA) were examined microscopically for tuberculoid lesions. Lymph nodes lesions in at least one node were found in 12 deer. Lesions were examined with Zeihl-Neelson acid fast stains and by polymerase chain reactions using M. bovis specific probes. No evidence of tuberculosis was found. The small granulomatous lesions were likely caused by other bacteria.  相似文献   

Winter severity is a primary factor influencing deer survival and reproduction in northern climates. Prolonged, harsh winters can adversely affect body condition of does, resulting in depressed morphologic development of neonates. In this study, we captured 59 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) neonates (28 in 2001 and 31 in 2002), following two distinctly different winters, one severe and the other historically mild. Vaginal implant transmitters allowed exact age to be determined for 73% of the neonates; new hoof growth was used to estimate age (days) of the other 27%. Birthdate and morphologic measurements of neonates (i.e., birth mass, new hoof growth, hoof length) were compared by sex and capture year. For known-age neonates (n=43), there was a year-by-sex interaction effect (P=0.01) on birthdate, being later for females during spring 2001 compared with 2002, which was consistent with a significant (P=0.03) year-by-sex interaction for total hoof length (22.3 mm [SE=0.9] and 20.3 [SE=0.8] for females and males in 2001; 19.9 [SE=1.0] and 22.1 [SE=1.0] for females and males in 2002). Interestingly, there was no effect of year on birth mass or birthdate of known-age neonates. A year-by-sex interaction (P=0.04) was determined for birthdates of estimated age (5 yr old were born later (P<0.01) than fawns born to dams 相似文献   

Body size of diverse ectotherms is inversely related to developmental temperature in the laboratory. We monitored seasonal variation in wing length of two populations (Oregon, Washington) of D. subobscura, which was introduced in the Pacific Northwest in the late 1970s. Wing length varied seasonally and was shortest in summer. In Washington, however, wing length was longest in spring, not winter. Wing length was inversely and curvilinearly related to mean ambient temperature, as in a few previous studies of drosophilids. Mid-winter D. subobscura might not be the largest either because extremely low temperatures depress size or because flies collected in winter were in fact born the previous autumn, when developmental temperatures were more moderate.  相似文献   

G. J. Kenagy 《Oecologia》1976,24(2):105-140
Summary Populations ofDipodomys microps andD. merriami in eastern California (37°11N. Lat.) are active on the surface throughout the night and during the whole year. These two species, and the males and females within each species, show no significant differences in times of beginning or end of activity. Beginning and end of nightly activity generally fall within the brighter part of the twilights, even though the total time spent on the surface by individuals is at times only an hour or two, or even less, per night. Near the summer solstice in southern Saskatchewan, Canada (50°45N. Lat.), when sunset and sunrise were 7 h 43 min apart, the time from onset to end of activity in a population ofD. ordii (the northernmost of all kangaroo rats) was only 6 h; these animals were also only on the surface at intervals during the night.During the course of the year, the light intensity at which the first individualD. microps andD. merriami became active on the surface varied between 200 and 2,000 lux, and the light intensity at which the last individual was active in the morning varied between 50 and 20,000 lux. There was no apparent influence of the moonlight cycle upon the onset and end of activity; in fact the light levels at beginning and end of activity are about 2 to 4 orders of magnitude brighter than that at full moon. The onset of activity is fairly synchronous within the population in that most individuals surface within about a fhalf hour of each other; furthermore, two-thirds of the individuals appearing in the first 32 min of activity had already appeared within the first 12 min. There appears to be a similar, synchronous, but less well marked end of activity in the morning.There were systematic seasonal changes in the time relative to sunset and sunrise respectively, and in the corresponding light intensities, at which the animals began and ended activity. The phase relationship between the onset of activity and sunset ( onset) showed tow maxima and two minima per year, but the phase relationship between the end of activity and sunrise ( end) showed only one maximum and one minimum per year. On the other hand, the annual range of change in the evening phase onset (28 min) was half the annual range of change in the morning phae end (57 min). Such a conspicuous difference in frequency and amplitude of onset and end has not previously been reported for any species, nor has it been predicted by models of circadian rhythms and phase relationships. The resemblance of the course of annual change in onset to annual change in length of twilight and the resemblance of annual change in end to change in length of night are discussed. These differences may underline a circadian system based on two separate, but normally coupled components, which could be separately synchronized by dusk and dawn respectively.The daily running-wheel activity of 10 individually housedD. merriami under natural skylight in Los Angeles (34°05N. Lat.) began and ended at light intensities two to three orders of magnitude lower than corresponding values for surface activity in the field. The onset and end of activity for the captive population did not show the synchronous peaks typical of the field populations; nor did the nightly activity patterns of individuals show peaks at the beginning and end of the night. The social isolation of the captive kangaroo rats is suggested as a factor contributing to differences between activity parameters in captivity and field.Proximate and ultimate factors shaping the periodicity of activity in kangaroo rats are discussed. It is hypothesized that social interactions involving some form of territoriality may give rise to a population peak in onset of activity in some solitary mammals such as kangaroo rats. A set of criteria is presented for comparing vertebrate species with regard to the periodicity and synchronization of both daily and seasonal functions.  相似文献   

Blood and urinary profiles of free-ranging desert mule deer in Arizona   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As a corollary to a more comprehensive study on their ecology, we documented blood and urinary profiles for 10 free-ranging desert mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus crooki) (five males, five females) captured by net-gun shot from a helicopter during February 1988 in Saguaro National Monument, Arizona. Pursuit with the helicopter for netting deer ranged from 3 to 15 min. Blood profiles included seven hematological characteristics and 12 serum chemistries, electrolytes, hormones and enzymes. Urine samples were assayed for urea nitrogen, creatinine, sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Urinary data were compared as ratios to creatinine. Serum cholesterol was greater (P less than 0.05) in males than females. Pursuit time was correlated with serum non-esterified fatty acids (r = 0.67, P less than 0.05) and influenced urinary specific gravity (r2 = 0.77, P less than 0.004), urea nitrogen: creatinine (r2 = 0.79, P less than 0.005), and potassium: creatinine (r2 = 0.42, P = 0.08) ratios. Increasing specific gravity was related to urinary creatinine concentration (r2 = 0.72, P less than 0.008). All deer exhibited acute adrenal stimulation, accompanied by elevated serum creatine phosphokinase and urinary potassium: creatinine ratios, which were indicative of acute excitement and muscle trauma associated with the capture process. We demonstrated that urinary data are a valuable supplement to serum data in demonstrating effects of intense physical exertion, and both forms of data emphasize the need to assess capture-related excitability as a source of variation in blood and urine characteristics of free-ranging desert mule deer.  相似文献   

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