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SPARC, a matricellular protein: at the crossroads of cell-matrix.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
SPARC is a multifunctional glycoprotein that belongs to the matricellular group of proteins. It modulates cellular interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM) by its binding to structural matrix proteins, such as collagen and vitronectin, and by its abrogation of focal adhesions, features contributing to a counteradhesive effect on cells. SPARC inhibits cellular proliferation by an arrest of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. It also regulates the activity of growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The expression of SPARC in adult animals is limited largely to remodeling tissue, such as bone, gut mucosa, and healing wounds, and it is prominent in tumors and in disorders associated with fibrosis. The crystal structure of two of the three domains of the protein has revealed a novel follistatin-like module and an extracellular calcium-binding (EC) module containing two EF-hand motifs. The follistatin-like module and the EC module are shared by at least four other proteins that comprise a family of SPARC-related genes. Targeted disruption of the SPARC locus in mice has shown that SPARC is important for lens transparency, as SPARC-null mice develop cataracts shortly after birth. SPARC is a prototypical matricellular protein that functions to regulate cell-matrix interactions and thereby influences many important physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   

SPARC is a multifunctional glycoprotein that belongs to the matricellular group of proteins. It modulates cellular interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM) by its binding to structural matrix proteins, such as collagen and vitronectin, and by its abrogation of focal adhesions, features contributing to a counteradhesive effect on cells. SPARC inhibits cellular proliferation by an arrest of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. It also regulates the activity of growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The expression of SPARC in adult animals is limited largely to remodeling tissue, such as bone, gut mucosa, and healing wounds, and it is prominent in tumors and in disorders associated with fibrosis. The crystal structure of two of the three domains of the protein has revealed a novel follistatin-like module and an extracellular calcium-binding (EC) module containing two EF-hand motifs. The follistatin-like module and the EC module are shared by at least four other proteins that comprise a family of SPARC-related genes. Targeted disruption of the SPARC locus in mice has shown that SPARC is important for lens transparency, as SPARC-null mice develop cataracts shortly after birth. SPARC is a prototypical matricellular protein that functions to regulate cell-matrix interactions and thereby influences many important physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   

SPARC, a matricellular glycoprotein with important biological functions.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
SPARC (secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine) is a unique matricellular glycoprotein that is expressed by many different types of cells and is associated with development, remodeling, cell turnover, and tissue repair. Its principal functions in vitro are counteradhesion and antiproliferation, which proceed via different signaling pathways. SPARC consists of three domains, each of which has independent activity and unique properties. The extracellular calcium binding module and the follistatin-like module have been recently crystallized. Specific interactions between SPARC and growth factors, extracellular matrix proteins, and cell surface proteins contribute to the diverse activities described for SPARC in vivo and in vitro. The location of SPARC in the nuclear matrix of certain proliferating cells, but only in the cytosol of postmitotic neurons, indicates potential functions of SPARC as a nuclear protein, which might be involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression and mitosis. High levels of SPARC have been found in adult eye, and SPARC-null mice exhibit cataracts at 1-2 months of age. This animal model provides an excellent opportunity to confirm and explore some of the properties of SPARC, to investigate cataractogenesis, and to study SPARC-related family proteins, e.g., SC1/hevin, a counteradhesive matricellular protein that might functionally compensate for SPARC in certain tissues.(J Histochem Cytochem 47:1495-1505, 1999)  相似文献   

SPARC (Secreted Protein, Acidic and Rich in Cysteine) is a matricellular glycoprotein that modulates cell proliferation, adhesion, migration, and extracellular matrix (ECM) production. In this report chaperone-like activity of SPARC was identified in a thermal aggregation assay in vitro. Ultraviolet circular dichroism (UVCD) spectroscopy determined that SPARC was stable at temperatures up to 50 degrees C. Unfolding and aggregation of the chaperone target protein, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), were initiated at 50 degrees C. SPARC inhibited the thermal aggregation of ADH in a concentration-dependent manner, with maximal inhibition at a 1:4 molar ratio of SPARC:ADH. Synergy between the chaperone-like activities of SPARC and alphaB-crystallin, a small heat shock protein and molecular chaperone in the lens, was observed in SPARC-alphaB-crystallin double -/- mice.  相似文献   



Matricellular proteins are extracellular regulators of cellular adhesion, signaling and performing a variety of physiological behaviors such as proliferation, migration and differentiation. Within vascular microenvironments, matricellular proteins exert both positive and negative regulatory cues to vascular endothelium. The relative balance of these matricellular cues is believed to be critical for vascular homeostasis, angiogenesis activation or angiogenesis resolution. However, our knowledge of matricellular proteins within vascular microenvironments and the mechanisms by which these proteins impact vascular function remain largely undefined. The matricellular protein lipocalin-7 (LCN7) is found throughout vascular microenvironments, and circumstantial evidence suggests that LCN7 may be an important regulator of angiogenesis. Therefore, we hypothesized that LCN7 may be an important regulator of vascular function.

Methodology and Principal Findings

To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of LCN7 overexpression, recombinant protein and gene knockdown in a series of in vitro and in vivo models of angiogenesis. We found that overexpression of LCN7 in MB114 and SVEC murine endothelial cell lines or administration of highly purified recombinant LCN7 protein increased endothelial cell invasion. Similarly, LCN7 increased angiogenic sprouting from quiescent endothelial cell monolayers and ex vivo aortic rings. Moreover, LCN7 increased endothelial cell sensitivity to TGF-β but did not affect sensitivity to other pro-angiogenic growth factors including bFGF and VEGF. Finally, morpholino based knockdown of LCN7 in zebrafish embryos specifically inhibited angiogenic sprouting but did not affect vasculogenesis within injected embryos.

Conclusions and Significance

No functional analysis has previously been performed to elucidate the function of LCN7 in vascular or other cellular processes. Collectively, our results show for the first time that LCN7 is an important pro-angiogenic matricellular protein of vascular microenvironments.  相似文献   

SPARC (osteonectin, BM-40) is a matricellular glycoprotein that is expressed in many embryogenic and adult tissues undergoing remodeling or repair. SPARC modulates cellular interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM), inhibits cell adhesion and proliferation, and regulates growth factor activity. To explore further the function and activity of this protein in tissue homeostasis, we have developed several monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize distinct epitopes on SPARC. The MAbs bind to SPARC with high affinity and identify SPARC by ELISA, Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, immunocytochemistry, and/or immunohistochemistry. The MAbs were also characterized in functional assays for potential alteration of SPARC activity. SPARC binds to collagen I and laminin-1 through an epitope defined by MAb 293; this epitope is not involved in the binding of SPARC to collagen III. The other MAbs did not interfere with the binding of SPARC to collagen I or III or laminin-1. Inhibition of the anti-adhesive effect of SPARC on endothelial cells by MAb 236 was also observed. Functional analysis of SPARC in the presence of these novel MAbs now confirms that the activities ascribed to this matricellular protein can be assigned to discrete subdomains.  相似文献   

Alterations in the expression level of genes may contribute to the development and pathophysiology of obesity. To find genes differentially expressed in adipose tissue during obesity, we performed suppression subtractive hybridization on epididymal fat mRNA from goldthioglucose (GTG) obese mice and from their lean littermates. We identified the secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC), a protein that mediates cell-matrix interactions and plays a role in modulation of cell adhesion, differentiation, and angiogenesis. SPARC mRNA expression in adipose tissue was markedly increased (between 3- and 6-fold) in three different models of obesity, i.e. GTG mice, ob/ob mice, and AKR mice, after 6 weeks of a high fat diet. Immunoblotting of adipocyte extracts revealed a similar increase in protein level. Using a SPARC-specific ELISA, we demonstrated that SPARC is secreted by isolated adipocytes. We found that insulin administration to mice increased SPARC mRNA in the adipose tissue. Food deprivation had no effect on SPARC expression, but after high fat refeeding SPARC mRNA levels were significantly increased. Our results reveal both hormonal and nutritional regulation of SPARC expression in the adipocyte, and importantly, its alteration in obesity. Finally, we show that purified SPARC increased mRNA levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) in cultured rat adipose tissue suggesting that elevated adipocyte expression of SPARC might contribute to the abnormal expression of PAI-1 observed in obesity. We propose that SPARC is a newly identified autocrine/paracrine factor that could affect key functions in adipose tissue physiology and pathology.  相似文献   

SPARC (Secreted Protein, Acidic and Rich in Cysteine) is a matricellular glycoprotein that modulates cell proliferation, adhesion, migration, and extracellular matrix (ECM) production. Although SPARC is generally abundant in embryonic tissues and is diminished in adults, we have found that the expression of SPARC in murine lens persists throughout embryogenesis and adulthood. Our previous studies showed that targeted ablation of the SPARC gene in mice results in cataract formation, a pathology attributed partially to an abnormal lens capsule. Here we provide evidence that SPARC is not a structural component of the lens capsule. In contrast, SPARC is abundant in lens epithelial cells, and newly differentiated fiber cells, with stable expression in wild-type mice up to 2 years of age. Pertubation of the lens capsule in animals lacking SPARC appears to be a consequence of the invasion of the lens cells situated beneath the capsule. Immunoreactivity for SPARC in the lens cells was uneven, with minimal reactivity in the epithelial cells immediately anterior to the equator. These epithelial cells appeared essentially noninvasive in SPARC-null mice, in comparison to the centrally located anterior epithelial cells, in which strong labeling by anti-SPARC IgG was observed. The posterior lens fibers exhibited cytoplasmic extensions into the posterior lens capsule, which was severely damaged in SPARC-null lenses. The expression of SPARC in wild-type lens cells, together with the abnormal lens capsule in SPARC-null mice, indicated that the structural integrity of the lens capsule is dependent on the matricellular protein SPARC. The effects of SPARC in the lens appear to involve regulation of lens epithelial and fiber cell morphology and functions rather than deposition as a structural component of the lens capsule.  相似文献   

Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein that inhibits cellular adhesion and proliferation. In this study, we report the detection of SPARC in the interphase nuclei of embryonic chicken cells in vivo. Differential partitioning of SPARC was also noted in the cytoplasm of these cells during discrete stages of M-phase: cells in metaphase and anaphase exhibited strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity, whereas cells in telophase were devoid of labeling. Immunocytochemical analysis of embryonic chicken cells in vitro likewise showed the presence of SPARC in the nucleus. Furthermore, elution of soluble proteins and DNA from these cells indicated that SPARC might be a component of the nuclear matrix. We subsequently examined cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells, which initially appeared to express SPARC only in the cytoplasm. However, after elution of soluble proteins and chromatin, we also detected SPARC in the nuclear matrix of these cells. Embryonic chicken cells incubated with recombinant SPARC were seen to take up the protein and to translocate it to the nucleus progressively over a period of 17 h. These observations provide new information about SPARC, generally recognized as a secreted glycoprotein that mediates interactions between cells and components of the extracellular matrix. The evidence presented in this study indicates that SPARC might subserve analogous functions in the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Within the tumor microenvironment is a dynamic exchange between cancer cells and their surrounding stroma. This complex biologic system requires carefully designed models to understand the role of its stromal components in carcinogenesis, tumor progression, invasion, and metastasis. Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a prototypic matricellular protein at the center of this exchange. Two decades of basic science research combined with recent whole genome analyses indicate that SPARC is an important player in vertebrate evolution, normal development, and maintenance of normal tissue homeostasis. Therefore, SPARC might also play an important role in the tumor microenvironment. Clinical evidence indicates that SPARC expression correlates with tumor progression, but tightly controlled animal models have shown that the role of SPARC in tumor progression is dependent on tissue and tumor cell type. In this Prospectus, we review the current understanding of SPARC in the tumor microenvironment and discuss current and future investigations of SPARC and tumor-stromal interactions that require careful consideration of growth factors, cytokines, proteinases, and angiotropic factors that might influence SPARC activity and tumor progression.  相似文献   



SPARC is a matricellular protein involved in cell-matrix interactions. From expression patterns at the wound site and in vitro studies, SPARC has been implicated in the control of wound healing. Here we examined the function of SPARC in cutaneous wound healing using SPARC-null mice and dermal fibroblasts derived from them.  相似文献   

SPARC (osteonectin/BM-40), a secreted matricellular protein that promotes cellular deadhesion and motility in wound healing, carcinogenesis, and inflammation, binds to the scavenger receptor stabilin-1 in alternatively activated macrophages and undergoes endocytosis and clearance from the extracellular space. Both SPARC and stabilin-1 are expressed by endothelial cells during inflammation, but their interaction in this context is unknown. We have identified a binding site on SPARC for stabilin-1 by a solid-state peptide array coupled with a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A monoclonal antibody that recognizes the identified binding site was also characterized that could be an inhibitor for the SPARC-stabilin-1 interaction in macrophages or endothelial cells.  相似文献   

SPARC, a matricellular protein that affects cellular adhesion and proliferation, is produced in remodeling tissue and in pathologies involving fibrosis and angiogenesis. In this study we have asked whether peptides generated from cleavage of SPARC in the extracellular milieu can regulate angiogenesis. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3, but not MMP-1 or 9, showed significant activity toward SPARC. Limited digestion of recombinant human (rhu)SPARC with purified catalytic domain of rhuMMP-3 produced three major fragments, which were sequenced after purification by HPLC. Three synthetic peptides (Z-1, Z-2, and Z-3) representing motifs from each fragment were tested in distinct assays of angiogenesis. Peptide Z-1 (3.9 kDa, containing a Cu2+-binding sequence KHGK) exhibited a biphasic effect on [3H]thymidine incorporation by cultured endothelial cells and stimulated vascular growth in the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). In contrast, peptides Z-2 (6.1 kDa, containing Ca2+-binding EF hand-1) and Z-3 (2.2 kDa, containing neither Cu2+-binding motifs nor EF hands), inhibited cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner and exhibited no effects on vessel growth in the CAM. Reciprocal results were obtained in a migration assay in native collagen gels: peptide Z-1 was ineffective over a range of concentrations, whereas Z-2 or Z-3 stimulated cell migration. Therefore, proteolysis of SPARC by MMP-3 produced peptides that regulate endothelial cell proliferation and/or migration in vitro in a mutually exclusive manner. One of these peptides containing KHGK also demonstrated a concentration-dependent effect on angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Hevin, also known as SC1, MAST 9, SPARC-like 1, RAGS1 and ECM2, is a member of the SPARC-related family of matricellular proteins. Mouse hevin is 53% identical to mouse SPARC, and both proteins share a follistatin-like module and an extracellular Ca(2+)-binding (E-C) domain. SPARC functions as a modulator of cell-matrix interactions, a regulator of growth factor activity, a de-adhesive protein, and a cell cycle inhibitor. Although the functions of mouse hevin are unknown, its human orthologue has been shown to be de-adhesive for endothelial cells. We now report the production of recombinant mouse hevin in insect cells through the use of a baculoviral expression system and its purification by anion-exchange, size-exclusion chromatography, and isoelectric focusing. Furthermore, we have produced rat anti-hevin monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that have been characterized by indirect and capture ELISAs, immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Recombinant hevin, present as a soluble factor or bound to tissue-culture plastic, inhibited the spreading of bovine aortic endothelial cells in vitro. IHC analysis of hevin in normal human and mouse tissues revealed a limited expression pattern in many tissues, with particularly dominant staining in dermis, ducts, vasculature, muscle, and brain. In lung and pancreatic tumor xenografts, we found distinct reactivity with MAbs that were selective for stromal cells, tumor cells, and/or endothelial cells. Although similar to SPARC in its anti-adhesive activities, hevin nevertheless exhibits a distinctive histological distribution that, in certain invasive tumors, is associated with desmoplasia.  相似文献   

Hevin is an extracellular matrix-associated, secreted glycoprotein belonging to the secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) family of matricellular proteins. It contains three conserved structural domains that are implicated in the regulation of cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. Hevin is expressed during embryogenesis and tissue remodeling and is especially prominent in brain and vasculature. Its down-regulation in a number of cancers and the possibility of its functional compensation by SPARC has led to recent interest in hevin as a tumor suppressor and regulator of angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by dwarfism, morphological irregularities of long bones and hips, and early-onset osteoarthritis. This disease has been attributed to mutations in a structural protein of the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM), cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), which result in its selective retention in the chondrocyte rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Accumulation of excessive amounts of mutated COMP might reflect a defect in protein trafficking by PSACH chondrocytes. Here we identify the matricellular protein SPARC as a component of this trafficking deficit. SPARC was localized to the hypertrophic chondrocytes in the normal human tibial growth plate and in cultured control cartilage nodules. In contrast, concentrated intracellular depots of SPARC were identified in nodules cultured from three PSACH patients with mutations in COMP. The accumulated SPARC was coincident with COMP and with protein disulfide isomerase, a resident chaperone of the rough ER, whereas SPARC and COMP were not coincident in the ECM of control or PSACH nodules. SPARC-null mice develop severe osteopenia and degenerative intervertebral disc disease, and exhibit attenuation of collagenous ECM. The retention of SPARC in the ER of chondrocytes producing mutant COMP indicates a new intracellular function for SPARC in the trafficking/secretion of cartilage ECM.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the matricellular protein secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) was identified in a screen for genes expressed sex-specifically during mouse gonad development, as being strongly upregulated in the male gonad from very early in testis development. We present here a detailed analysis of SPARC gene and protein expression during testis development, from 11.5 to 15.5 days post coitum (dpc). Section in situ hybridization analysis revealed that SPARC mRNA is expressed by the Sertoli cells in the testis cords and the fetal Leydig cells, found within the interstitial space between the testis cords. Immunodetection with anti-SPARC antibody showed that the protein was located inside the testis cords, within the cytoplasm of Sertoli and germ cells. In the interstitium, SPARC was present intracellularly within the Leydig cells. The internalization of SPARC in Sertoli, Leydig, and germ cells suggests that it plays an intracellular regulatory role in these cell types during fetal testis development.  相似文献   

The publisher regrets that the above article was published with several typographical errors. The corrected version appears on the following pages. SPARC is a multifunctional glycoprotein that belongs to the matricellular group of proteins. It modulates cellular interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM) by its binding to structural matrix proteins, such as collagen and vitronectin, and by its abrogation of focal adhesions, features contributing to a counteradhesive effect on cells. SPARC inhibits cellular proliferation by an arrest of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. It also regulates the activity of growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The expression of SPARC in adult animals is limited largely to remodeling tissue, such as bone, gut mucosa, and healing wounds, and it is prominent in tumors and in disorders associated with fibrosis. The crystal structure of two of the three domains of the protein has revealed a novel follistatin-like module and an extracellular calcium-binding (EC) module containing two EF-hand motifs. The follistatin-like module and the EC module are shared by at least four other proteins that comprise a family of SPARC-related genes. Targeted disruption of the SPARC locus in mice has shown that SPARC is important for lens transparency, as SPARC-null mice develop cataracts shortly after birth. SPARC is a prototypical matricellular protein that functions to regulate cell–matrix interactions and thereby influences many important physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   

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