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We studied five patients with SSPE during a 10-year period (1994-2004). The first clinical symptoms developed at the age of 5-11 years. All patients were vaccinated regularly against measles according to the official immunization schedule. One patient had measles at the age of 18 months. Two of them had a history of morbilliform rash (unrecognized measles) at the age of six and seven months, respectively. In two patients, with no history of measles before vaccination the disease started after varicella infection. Using complement-fixation (F) test and EIA, antibodies to measles virus (MV) were detected in the CSF and sera of all patients. The CF-antibody titers ranged from 1:1024 to 1:65536 in sera and from 1:16 to 1:128 in CSF samples. MV antigen was detected in brain imprints using IFA in two patients. Electron microscopic analysis revealed intranuclear viral inclusions (MV nucleocapsids). Using RT-PCR, viral RNA was found in both patients. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the viruses found in the brain tissue belonged to the wild-type MV D6 genotype [7].  相似文献   

S Ueda  Y Okuno  Y Hamamoto  H Oya 《Biken journal》1975,18(2):113-122
A cytopathic agent causing formation of syncytial giant cells was isolated by co-cultivation of human embryonic lung cells with brain cells obtained at autopsy from a patient with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Measles specific intracellular immunofluorescence was detected in syncytial giant cells developed by the agent. Paramyxovirus-like nucleocapsids were observed by electron microscopy in nuclei of the syncytial giant cells. Measles specific immunofluorescence was also detected on the surface of unfixed syncytial giant cells. However, the synycytial giant cells did not produce either virions or hemogglutinin, and did not show hemadsorption of African green monkey red cells. Hence, the newly isolated agent seems to be a defective variant of measles virus, and was designated as the SSPE-"BIKEN" strain.  相似文献   

Measles virus is the causative agent of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). The viruses isolated from brain cells of patients with SSPE (called SSPE viruses) are defective in cell-free virus production in vitro. To investigate the cell tropism of three strains of SSPE virus (Osaka-1, Osaka-2, Osaka-3), SSPE virus-infected cell cultures were treated with cytochalasin D to prepare virus-like particles (CD-VLPs). All CD-VLPs formed syncytia after infection in CHO cells expressing CD150 but not in those expressing CD46. In addition, an antibody to CD46 did not block the infection of Vero cells by SSPE CDVLPs. The results were consistent with our previous suggestion that one or more unidentified receptors might be involved in the entry process. Infection with the CD-VLPs from three SSPE strains was further examined in different human cell lines, including those of neural origin, and was found to induce syncytia in epithelial cells (HeLa and 293T) as well as neuroblastoma cells (IMR-32 and SK-N-SH) with varying efficiency. SSPE CD-VLPs also infected glioblastoma cells (A172) and astrocytoma cells (U-251) but syncytial formation was rarely induced. These epithelial and neural cell lines were not permissive for the replication of wild-type MV. Together with our previous observations, these results suggest that the cell entry receptor is the major factor determining the cell tropism of SSPE viruses. Further studies are necessary to identify other viral and/or cellular factors that might be involved in the replication of SSPE virus in specific neural cells and in the brain.  相似文献   

Oligoclonal IgG bands from SSPE sera were isolated by combination of Protein A-Sepharose 4B column and preparative isoelectric focusing gel procedures. Each eluted fraction, when examined in analytic IEF, showed two or three individual bands with isoelectric points close to one another, compared to approximately fifteen IgG bands seen in whole serum. When the bands were tested for measles antibody activity in immunofixation with measles virus followed by peroxidase staining, the bands eluted in pH region 8.5 to 9.3 were found to be measles specific, whereas those in pH 7.0 to 8.4 lacked significant measles activity. When eluted fractions containing groups of bands were absorbed with measles virus, the bands in pH region 8.5 to 9.3 were removed, whereas those in pH 7.0 to 8.4 region remained unchanged; this indicated that a number of oligoclonal IgG bands without measles virus activities are present in SSPE. The bands lacking measles-specific activity may be synthesized against other infectious agents or they may represent nonspecific activation of B cell clones.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the phosphoprotein (P) gene of the Yamagata-1 strain of a defective subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) virus was determined. Comparison with the P gene of the Edmonston strain of measles virus (MV) revealed 44 differences of which 23 nucleotides substitutions were identical with those revealed between other SSPE viruses and MV (Cattaneo et al. (1989) Virology 173, 415-425). The consensus sequence of the G insertion site was completely conserved, whereas mRNAs with one or three non-templated G residue insertions were found in addition to the mRNA of the exact genome copy. As a result of the frameshift downstream of the site of G insertion, the cysteine-rich V protein was predicted from the one G-inserted mRNA besides the P and C proteins predicted from the genome-copied mRNA.  相似文献   

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) virus, a measles virus (MeV) mutant, was isolated from brain tissues of a patient shortly after the clinical onset, and the entire viral genome was sequenced. The virus, named SSPE-Kobe-1, formed syncytia on B95a and Vero/SLAM cells without producing cell-free infectious virus particles, which is characteristic of SSPE virus. Phylogenetic analysis classified SSPE-Kobe-1 into genotype D3. When compared with an MeV field isolate of the same genotype (Ich-B strain), SSPE-Kobe-1 exhibited mutation rates of 0.8-1.6% at the nucleotide level in each of the proteincoding regions of the viral genome. It is noteworthy that the mutation rate of the M gene (1.2%) of SSPE-Kobe-1 was considerably lower than for other SSPE virus strains reported so far, but that the majority of the mutations (75%) were the uridine-to-cytidine biased hypermutation characteristic of the SSPE virus M gene. At the amino acid level, the viral proteins, such as N, P, C, V, M, F, H and L proteins, had point-mutations on 3, 7, 1, 4, 3, 9, 8 and 14 residues, respectively, compared with the Ich-B strain. In addition, the F and H proteins had mutated C-termini due to single-point mutations near or at the stop codons. Two of the three mutations in the M protein were Leu-to-Pro mutations, which are likely to affect the conformation and, therefore, the function of the protein. Because of the relatively small number of mutations, SSPE-Kobe-1 would be a useful tool to study genetic evolution of SSPE virus.  相似文献   

By the aid of freezing and thawing, cell-free infectious virions were detected from an apparently nonproductive Vero cell line infected with Niigata-1 strain of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis virus. The production of infectious virions was limited in amount and such virions were detectable only during a limited period after cell subculture. The infectious virions were filtrable through a 0.65 mu membrane filter and neutralized completely by an antiserum against measles virus. The virions were banded at the density of 1.132, while Edmonston strain of measles virus banded at 1.164 in potassium tartrate density gradients. Infectious virions were also released from infected Vero cells by treatment of the cells in a hypotonic solution to an amount comparable to that obtained by freezing and thawing. Infection of normal culture of Vero cells with the infectious virions readily established a virus-cell interaction identical to that in the original infected culture from which the virions were recovered.  相似文献   

Most subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) viruses, including our Osaka-1, -2, and -3 strains isolated in Osaka, have shown negative hemadsorption (HAD) by African green monkey red blood cells. This property has been thought to be characteristic of SSPE virus as compared to the positive reaction of the standard Edmonston strain of measles virus (MV). However, this assumption has become quite obscure because MV mutates frequently at the genetic level during its multiplication and also because recent field strains isolated by lymphoblastoid cell lines have shown negative HAD. To investigate the above issue, the nucleotide sequences of the hemagglutinin (H) genes from SSPE virus Osaka-1, -2, or -3 strains were compared to those of various MV field strains isolated in Osaka by Vero cells. The H gene sequences of three SSPE strains were relatively conserved without such biased hypermutation as had been observed in the matrix (M) gene of three SSPE strains. However, this analysis of the H gene sequence of the SSPE viruses enabled us to deduce possible progenitor MVs, which are in agreement with the deduction from the M gene analysis we reported previously. The HAD of Vero cells transfected with the cloned H cDNAs from the SSPE strains and their progenitors suggested that negative HAD of the SSPE viruses has been maintained as one of original properties of the progenitor MVs rather than having been acquired as an altered one during long-term persistent infection in the brains of patients with SSPE.  相似文献   

Cell-free infectious viruses were successfully recovered by the aid of freezing and thawing from cultures infected with the Kitaken-1 and Biken strains of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) virus. Our results including those in a previous report which dealt with the Niigata-1 strain of SSPE virus show that cell-free viruses can be detected from all of the SSPE virus-carrying cultures established in Japan. It was also found that cell-free infectious viruses can be recovered efficiently by dispersing the virus-carrying cultures with EDTA. The inclusion of trypsin in the EDTA solution, however, caused a poor recovery of the infectious viruses. Infection of cells with the cell-free viruses readily established the virus-carrying cultures that have characteristics comparable to those of their original cultures. The culture infected with the Kitaken-1 strain produced infectious viruses in about ten times the amount of the other two infected cultures. The buoyant densities of the cell-free infectious viruses were almost the same among the three strains, the values being 1.120 to 1.132, but significantly less than that of 1.164 of measles virus. The low density can be ascribed to one of the characteristics of these SSPE viruses.  相似文献   

An appendix removed 15 days before onset of symptoms of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis was examined retrospectively for measles virus ribonucleic acid (RNA). Tissue sections hybridised in situ to a cloned measles virus probe of deoxyribonucleic acid specific for nucleocapsid protein showed that many cells of the lymphoid tissue contained measles virus RNA. In contrast, only a few infected lymphoid cells were detected in three out of six seropositive controls and none in three seronegative infants. A widespread chronic viral infection of the immune system, established after measles, may promote or even initiate nerve cell infection in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.  相似文献   



Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a late, rare and usually fatal complication of measles infection. Although a very high incidence of SSPE in Papua New Guinea (PNG) was first recognized 20 years ago, estimated measles vaccine coverage has remained at ≤70% since and a large measles epidemic occurred in 2002. We report a series of 22 SSPE cases presenting between November 2007 and July 2009 in Madang Province, PNG, including localized clusters with the highest ever reported annual incidence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

As part of a prospective observational study of severe childhood illness at Modilon Hospital, the provincial referral center, children presenting with evidence of meningo-encephalitis were assessed in detail including lumbar puncture in most cases. A diagnosis of SSPE was based on clinical features and presence of measles-specific IgG in cerebrospinal fluid and/or plasma. The estimated annual SSPE incidence in Madang province was 54/million population aged <20 years, but four sub-districts had an incidence >100/million/year. The distribution of year of birth of the 22 children with SSPE closely matched the reported annual measles incidence in PNG, including a peak in 2002.


SSPE follows measles infections in very young PNG children. Because PNG children have known low seroconversion rates to the first measles vaccine given at 6 months of age, efforts such as supplementary measles immunisation programs should continue in order to reduce the pool of non-immune people surrounding the youngest and most vulnerable members of PNG communities.  相似文献   

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