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Summary In the gastric mucosa of two teleost species, the perch (Perca fluviatilis) and the catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus) three endocrine cell types were found, located predominantly between the mucoid cells of the gastric mucosa. A fourth cell type is present in the gastric glands of catfish. Each cell type was defined by its characteristic secretory granules. Type-I cells were predominant in both fish. These cells contained round or oval granules with a pleomorphic core. The average diameter of granules was 400 nm for the perch and 270 nm for the catfish. Type-II cells of both species displayed small, highly osmiophilic granules about 100 nm in diameter. The secretory granules of type-III cells (260 nm in the perch and 190 nm in the catfish) were round or slightly oval in shape and were filled with a finely particulate electron-dense material. Type-IV cells of the catfish were found in the gastric glands only. Their cytoplasm was filled with homogeneous, moderately electron-dense granules averaging 340 nm in diameter. The physiological significance of these different morphological types of gastric endocrine cells requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Calmodulin, a multifunctional Ca(++)-binding protein, is present in all eucaryotic cells. We have investigated the distribution of this protein in the rat cerebellum by immunoelectron microscopy using a Fab-peroxidase conjugate technique. In Purkinje and granular cell bodies, calmodulin reaction product was found localized both on free ribosomes and on those attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the nuclear envelope. No calmoduline was observed in the cisternae of RER or the Golgi apparactus. Calmodulin did not appear to be concentrated in the soluble fraction of the cell under the conditions used. Rather, peroxidase reaction product could be seen associated with membranes of the Golgi apparatus the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), and the plasma membrane of both cell bodies and neuronal processes. In the neuronal dendrites, calmodulin appeared to be concentrated on membranes of the SER, small vesicles, and mitochondria. Also, granular calmodulin was observed in the amorphous material. In the synaptic junction, a large amount of calmodulin was seen attached to the inner surface of the postsynaptic membrane, whereas very little was observed in the presynaptic membrane or vesicles. These observations suggest that calmodulin is synthesized on ribosomes and discharged into the cytosol, and that it then becomes associated with a variety of intracellular membranes. Calmodulin also seems to be transported via neuronal processes to the postsynaptic membrane. Calmodulin localization at the postsynaptic membrane suggests that this protein may mediate calcium effects at the synaptic junction and, thus, may play a role in the regulation of neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Antitubulin antibody was used as an immunofluorescent and immunoelectron microscopic probe to localize tubulin in components of the mitotic apparatus of rat kangaroo (strain PtK1) cells in vitro. In addition to the detection of tubulin in the spindle microtubules and centrioles, other structures were found to display specific staining including kinetochores, amorphous pericentriolar material and small virus-like particles associated with the centrioles. The kinetochores consisted of a densely stained outer layer about 400 Å thick which is separated from an inner layer of the same dimension by a lightly staining middle layer. Microtubules were primarily associated with the outermost plate of the kinetochore but tubulin was uniformly distributed in both outer and inner plates. Colcemid treatment prevented the assembly of spindle microtubules and resulted in specific alterations of the kinetochore but failed to diminish the staining of the kinetochores. These observations suggest that tubulin molecules may comprise an important structural component of the kinetochore.  相似文献   

To localize angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in the fundic mucosa of the rabbit, we used autoradiography with the ACE inhibitor [3H]-trandolaprilate and post-embedding immunocytochemical techniques with a goat anti-rabbit ACE, using fluorescence and electron microscopy. Autoradiographic localization of [3H]-trandolaprilate in rabbit fundus sections shows that ACE is present in the fundic mucosa and mainly in the gland area. Fundic mucosa was fixed with 4% formaldehyde and embedded in Lowicryl K4M. Semi-thin (1 micron) or thin sections (800-900 A) were stained with anti-rabbit ACE followed by fluorescein isothyocyanate-labeled rabbit anti-goat IgG or protein A-gold reagent, respectively. Label was present on endothelium of all blood vessels running through the mucosa. Label was prominently localized in the granules of mucous surface and neck cells and on the granules of chief cells. The intracellular localization of ACE, and particularly its intragranular presence within chief and mucous cells, suggests that the enzyme, at the fundic level, is involved in the intragranular processing of a peptide, the nature of which remains to be determined.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) was reacted with monoclonal IgG antibody or Fab antibody fragments directed against the phosphocholine- (PC) binding site or a second unrelated site. The resulting immune complexes were viewed by a negative stain immunoelectron microscopy technique. Monoclonal anti-PC-binding site antibody bound to a single epitope on each of the five CRP subunits. The orientation of the PC-binding sites was determined to be slightly medial to one of the planar faces (A-face) of the molecule. The second monoclonal antibody, which was not PC-binding site related, bound to epitopes (one per CRP subunit) that were located slightly lateral to the other planar face (B-face) of the CRP molecule, i.e., opposite of the PC-binding site. Thus, the PC-binding site and the non-PC-binding site are oriented nearly perpendicular but on opposite sides with respect to the plane of the CRP molecule. The functional significance of this configuration is discussed.  相似文献   

A Grziwa  W Baumeister  B Dahlmann  F Kopp 《FEBS letters》1991,290(1-2):186-190
The subunit topography of the Thermoplasma acidophilum proteasome was determined by iminunoelectron microscopy using monospecific antibodies directed against the two constituent subunits (,β). Anti--subunit IgG was found to bind to the outer disks of the cylinder- or barrel-shaped molecule, while the binding sites of the anti-β-subunit IgG were mapped on the two inner rings. Probably the homologues of the two subunits in the compositionally more complex but isomorphous eukaryotic proteasomes occupy equivalent positions.  相似文献   

S Semoff  B L Hogan    C R Hopkins 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(10):1171-1175
Immunoelectron microscopy using protein A-colloidal gold complexes of different sizes was used to study the relative distribution of extracellular matrix glycoproteins within Reichert's membrane (RM) of 13.5-day mouse embryos. Labelling for fibronectin was distributed asymmetrically; the highest concentration occurring in the outermost layer adjacent to the trophoblast cells and negligible labelling in the inner matrix, beneath the parietal endoderm cells. Within the main body of the membrane, fibronectin was concentrated in discrete electron-opaque deposits. Antibodies raised against the native complex between laminin and entactin , and against entactin alone labelled the RM more uniformly.  相似文献   

In applying the enzymatic cell isolation technique to the fish heart about 40% of the dispersed myocytes maintained their spindle-shaped morphology, and about half of them tolerated physiological concentration of Ca2+ and excluded the vital dye, Evans blue. The length of spindle-shaped myocytes was on average 133 +/- 3 micron and the maximum width was 4.2 +/- 0.1 micron. The mean length of the sarcomeres was 2.1 +/- 0.1 micron. The sizes of the myocytes did not vary significantly with the weights of the fish. Electron microscopic examinations showed typical fish myocardial cell structure; absence of transverse tubule system, a sparse network of sarcoplasmic reticulum and from a few up to eight or more myofibrils. The cells were mononuclear. Most of the Ca2+-tolerant myocytes were quiescent, but the contraction in them could be induced by electric field stimulation. Both the spontaneous and electrically triggered contractions were of twitch type. The slowly propagating contraction waves, so-called phasic contractions common in isolated mammalian cardiac myocytes, could not be seen at all.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the sites of synthesis, assembly, and secretion of apoVLDL-II, a major apoprotein in very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), in the cockerel liver by immunoelectron microscopy. In the liver of the estrogen-treated cockerel, apoVLDL-II reaction products were localized in the cisternae of the nuclear envelope and the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Such products were not observed in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). ApoVLDL-II reaction products were also located on the surface of lipid particles in the Golgi apparatus and secretory vesicles. Such lipid particles were not detected in the RER or SER. Some secretory vesicles containing the reaction products were seen during the process of fusion with the plasma membrane. Such fusion took place against the plasma membrane lining the space of Disse as well as the intercellular spaces. Reaction products also occurred in the sinusoids. These observations are compatible with the following sequence of events in the synthesis, assembly and secretion of apoproteins in VLDL in the cockerel liver: ApoVLDL-II is synthesized on bound ribosomes attached to the nuclear envelope and RER, and is discharged into their cisternae. The protein is probably transported to the Golgi apparatus where the assembly of this protein and its lipid components probably takes place. Secretory vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus carry the VLDL particles to the plasma membrane where secretion of these particles takes place by exocytosis, and the VLDL are discharged into the sinusoid via both the space of Disse and intercellular spaces.This work was supported by Grants 78-1102 from the American Heart Association, and HL-16512 from the NIH  相似文献   

We have used immunoelectron microscopy to determine the location of an intermediate chain in the isolated outer arm dynein from Chlamydomonas flagella. When the purified alpha beta dimer of the outer arm was incubated with antibodies recognizing two distinct epitopes on its 69-kDa intermediate chain and then negatively stained and examined by electron microscopy, both antibodies appeared to have bound to the base of the Y-shaped stem that connects the two heads of the particle. These results indicate that this intermediate chain is located at the base of the stem. Inasmuch as this polypeptide is tightly associated with the 78-kDa intermediate chain and several light chains in an intermediate chain-light chain complex, it is likely that this entire assemblage is located at the base of the particle. Thus, these polypeptides are in a potentially important position with regard to the ATP-insensitive (structural end) binding of dynein to microtubules and to dynein-dynein interactions within the axoneme.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy was used to determine the spatial organization of the yeast RNA polymerase I core subunits on a three-dimensional model of the enzyme. Images of antibody-labeled enzymes were compared with the native enzyme to determine the localization of the antibody binding site on the surface of the model. Monoclonal antibodies were used as probes to identify the two largest subunits homologous to the bacterial beta and beta' subunits. The epitopes for the two monoclonal antibodies were mapped using subunit-specific phage display libraries, thus allowing a direct correlation of the structural data with functional information on conserved sequence elements. An epitope close to conserved region C of the beta-like subunit is located at the base of the finger-like domain, whereas a sequence between conserved regions C and D of the beta'-like subunit is located in the apical region of the enzyme. Polyclonal antibodies outlined the alpha-like subunit AC40 and subunit AC19 which were found co-localized also in the apical region of the enzyme. The spatial location of the subunits is correlated with their biological activity and the inhibitory effect of the antibodies.  相似文献   

F Harper  Y Florentin    E Puvion 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(6):1235-1241
SV40 chromatin extracted from 42 h post-infected cells by a modification of the standard Triton X-100-EDTA procedure and purified on neutral sucrose gradients was partially immunoprecipitable by a specific SV40 T-antigen (T-Ag) antiserum. Electron microscopic observations of spread minichromosomes were made after labelling by the indirect colloidal gold immunological method using monoclonal antibodies specific for the SV40 T-Ag. In 1-2% of morphologically mature minichromosomes the labelling corresponding to tightly bound T-Ag was localized within the nucleosome-free region near one of its borders. Mapping with three single-cut restriction endonucleases: BamHI, EcoRI and BglI localized the labelling near to, or at the origin of, replication. In addition, we observed that the T-Ag specific antibodies were linked to a DNA-bound particle when the region was not masked by a large clump of antibodies. The variable size of this particle led us to suggest that it might be a complex of T-Ag with other proteins.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus erythropolis IMET 7185 produces an inducible cholesterol oxidase (COD) which can easily be extracted by treatment of cells with 0.1% Triton X-100. The yield of the enzyme was 3.3 U/g wet wt from induced cells, which is about 5 times more than from non-induced cells. A study of the location of COD on intact cells and on ultrathin sections by means of immunogold electron microscopy revealed the following distribution, which corresponds with the biochemical results: (1) COD, which is extractable by the detergent, was localized in a distance up to 80 nm above the cell surface. It belongs to a surface layer, which only became visible after lysine/glutaraldehyde treatment and staining with ruthenium red, indicating a high carbohydrate content. (2) Non-extractable COD was found on the cell surface in a shorter distance to the cell wall as well as within the cell wall, in the cytoplasmic membrane and in the peripheral cytoplasm. In the latter clusters of gold particles on some places suggest the presence of larger amounts of insoluble enzyme.  相似文献   

Extraction of doublet microtubules from the sperm flagella of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus with sarkosyl (0.5%)-urea (2.5 M) yields a highly pure preparation of "tektin" filaments that we have previously shown to resemble intermediate filament proteins. They form filaments 2-3 nm in diameter as seen by negative stain electron microscopy and are composed of approximately equal amounts of three polypeptide bands with apparent molecular weights of 47,000, 51,000, and 55,000, as determined by SDS PAGE. We prepared antibodies to this set of proteins to localize them in the doublet microtubules of S. purpuratus and other species. Tektins and tubulin were antigenically distinct when tested by immunoblotting with affinity-purified antitektin and antitubulin antibodies. Fixed sperm or axonemes from several different species of sea urchin showed immunofluorescent staining with antitektin antibodies. We also used antibodies coupled to gold spheres to localize the proteins by electron microscopy. Whereas a monoclonal antitubulin (Kilmartin, J.V., B. Wright, and C. Milstein, 1982, J. Cell Biol. 93:576-582) decorates intact microtubules along their lengths, antitektins labeled only the ends of intact microtubules and sarkosyl-insoluble ribbons. However, if microtubules and ribbons attached to electron microscope grids were first extracted with sarkosyl-urea, the tektin filaments that remain were decorated by antitektin antibodies throughout their length. These results suggest that tektins form integral filaments of flagellar microtubule walls, whose antigenic sites are normally masked, perhaps by the presence of tubulin around them.  相似文献   

Seven African swine fever virus structural proteins were localized in the virion by immunoelectron microscopy. African swine fever virus-infected cells were incubated, before or after embedding and thin sectioning, with monoclonal antibodies specific for different structural proteins, and after labeling with protein A-gold complexes, the samples were examined in the electron microscope. Proteins p14 and p24 were found in the external region of the virion, proteins p12, p72, p17, and p37 were found in the intermediate layers, and protein p150 was found in the nucleoid and in one vertex. A monoclonal antibody that recognized protein p150 as well as p220, a virus-induced, nonstructural protein, could also bind to a component present in the nucleus of both uninfected and virus-infected cells.  相似文献   

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