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A methodology for simple convenient preparation of bright, negatively or positively charged, water-soluble CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals (NCs) and their stabilization in aqueous solution is described. Single NCs can be detected using a standard epifluorescent microscope, ensuring a detection limit of one molecule coupled with an NC. NCs solubilized in water by DL-Cys were stabilized, to avoid aggregation, by poly(allylamine) and conjugated with polyclonal anti-mouse antibodies (Abs). NC-Abs conjugates were tested in dot-blots and exhibited retention of binding capacity within several nanograms of antigen detected. We further demonstrated the advantages of NC-Abs conjugates in the immunofluorescent detection and three-dimensional (3D) confocal analysis of p-glycoprotein (p-gp), one of the main mediators of the MDR phenotype, overexpressed in the membrane of MCF7r breast adenocarcinoma cells. Immunolabeling of p-gp with NC-Abs conjugates was 4200-, 2600-, and 420-fold more resistant to photobleaching than its labeling with fluorescein isothiocyanate-Abs, R-phycoerythrin-Abs, and AlexaFluor488-Abs, respectively. The labeling of p-gp with NC-Abs conjugates was highly specific, and the data were used for confocal reconstruction of 3D images of the p-gp distribution in the MCF7r cell membrane. Finally, we demonstrated the applicability of NC-Abs conjugates obtained by the method described to specific detection of antigens in paraffin-embedded formaldehyde-fixed cancer tissue specimens, using immunostaining of cytokeratin in skin basal carcinoma as an example. We conclude that the NC-Abs conjugates may serve as easy-to-do, highly sensitive, photostable labels for immunofluorescent analysis, immunohistochemical detection, and 3D confocal studies of membrane proteins and cells.  相似文献   

Rasnik I  McKinney SA  Ha T 《Nature methods》2006,3(11):891-893
Photobleaching and blinking of fluorophores pose fundamental limitations on the information content of single-molecule fluorescence measurements. Photoinduced blinking of Cy5 has hampered many previous investigations using this popular fluorophore. Here we show that Trolox in combination with the enzymatic oxygen-scavenging system eliminates Cy5 blinking, dramatically reduces photobleaching and improves the signal linearity at high excitation rates, significantly extending the applicability of single-molecule fluorescence techniques.  相似文献   

Shi X  Jung Y  Lin LJ  Liu C  Wu C  Cann IK  Ha T 《Nature methods》2012,9(5):499-503
A major hurdle for molecular mechanistic studies of many proteins is the lack of a general method for fluorescence labeling with high efficiency, specificity and speed. By incorporating an aldehyde motif genetically into a protein and improving the labeling kinetics substantially under mild conditions, we achieved fast, site-specific labeling of a protein with ~100% efficiency while maintaining the biological function. We show that an aldehyde-tagged protein can be specifically labeled in cell extracts without protein purification and then can be used in single-molecule pull-down analysis. We also show the unique power of our method in single-molecule studies on the transient interactions and switching between two quantitatively labeled DNA polymerases on their processivity factor.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) has been proven to be an extremely powerful technique in animal cell research for generating high contrast images and dynamic protein conformation information. However, there has long been a perception that TIRFM is not feasible in plant cells because the cell wall would restrict the penetration of the evanescent field and lead to scattering of illumination. By comparative analysis of epifluorescence and TIRF in root cells, it is demonstrated that TIRFM can generate high contrast images, superior to other approaches, from intact plant cells. It is also shown that TIRF imaging is possible not only at the plasma membrane level, but also in organelles, for example the nucleus, due to the presence of the central vacuole. Importantly, it is demonstrated for the first time that this is TIRF excitation, and not TIRF-like excitation described as variable-angle epifluorescence microscopy (VAEM), and it is shown how to distinguish the two techniques in practical microscopy. These TIRF images show the highest signal-to-background ratio, and it is demonstrated that they can be used for single-molecule microscopy. Rare protein events, which would otherwise be masked by the average molecular behaviour, can therefore be detected, including the conformations and oligomerization states of interacting proteins and signalling networks in vivo. The demonstration of the application of TIRFM and single-molecule analysis to plant cells therefore opens up a new range of possibilities for plant cell imaging.  相似文献   

We have developed a new method, using a nanopipette, for controlled voltage-driven delivery of individual fluorescently labeled probe molecules to the plasma membrane which we used for single-molecule fluorescence tracking (SMT). The advantages of the method are 1), application of the probe to predefined regions on the membrane; 2), release of only one or a few molecules onto the cell surface; 3), when combined with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, very low background due to unbound molecules; and 4), the ability to first optimize the experiment and then repeat it on the same cell. We validated the method by performing an SMT study of the diffusion of individual membrane glycoproteins labeled with Atto 647-wheat germ agglutin in different surface domains of boar spermatozoa. We found little deviation from Brownian diffusion with a mean diffusion coefficient of 0.79 +/- 0.04 microm(2)/s in the acrosomal region and 0.10 +/- 0.02 microm(2)/s in the postacrosomal region; this difference probably reflects different membrane structures. We also showed that we can analyze diffusional properties of different subregions of the cell membrane and probe for the presence of diffusion barriers. It should be straightforward to extend this new method to other probes and cells, and it can be used as a new tool to investigate the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Marvelous background rejection in total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIR-FM) has made it possible to visualize single-fluorophores in living cells. Cell signaling proteins including peptide hormones, membrane receptors, small G proteins, cytoplasmic kinases as well as small signaling compounds have been conjugated with single chemical fluorophore or tagged with green fluorescent proteins and visualized in living cells. In this review, the reasons why single-molecule analysis is essential for studies of intracellular protein systems such as cell signaling system are discussed, the instrumentation of TIR-FM for single-molecule imaging in living cells is explained, and how single molecule visualization has been used in cell biology is illustrated by way of two examples: signaling of epidermal growth factor in mammalian cells and chemotaxis of Dictyostelium amoeba along a cAMP gradient. Single-molecule analysis is an ideal method to quantify the parameters of reaction dynamics and kinetics of unitary processes within intracellular protein systems. Knowledge of these parameters is crucial for the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying intracellular events, thus single-molecule imaging in living cells will be one of the major technologies in cellular nanobiology.  相似文献   

DNA curtain is a high-throughput system, integrating a lipid bilayer, fluorescence imaging, and microfluidics to probe protein–DNA interactions in real-time and has provided in-depth understanding of DNA metabolism. Especially, the microfluidic platform of a DNA curtain is highly suitable for a biochip. In the DNA curtain, DNA molecules are aligned along chromium nanobarriers, which are fabricated on a slide surface, and visualized using an intercalating dye, YOYO-1. Although the chromium barriers confer precise geometric alignment of DNA, reuse of the slides is limited by wear of the barriers during cleaning. YOYO-1 is rapidly photobleached and causes photocleavage of DNA under continuous laser illumination, restricting DNA observation to a brief time window. To address these challenges, we developed a new nanopatterned slide, upon which carved nanotrenches serve as diffusion barriers. The nanotrenches were robust under harsh cleaning conditions, facilitating the maintenance of surface cleanliness that is essential to slide reuse. We also stained DNA with a fluorescent protein with a DNA-binding motif, fluorescent protein–DNA binding peptide (FP–DBP). FP–DBP was slowly photobleached and did not cause DNA photocleavage. This new DNA curtain system enables a more stable and repeatable investigation of real-time protein–DNA interactions and will serve as a good platform for lab-on-a-chip.  相似文献   

Combined with the availability of highly purified, fluorescently labeled in vitro translation systems, the advent of single-molecule fluorescence imaging has ushered in a new era in high-resolution mechanistic studies of ribosome-catalyzed protein synthesis, or translation. Together with ensemble biochemical investigations of translation and structural studies of functional ribosomal complexes, in vitro single-molecule fluorescence imaging of protein synthesis is providing unique mechanistic insight into this fundamental biological process. More recently, rapidly evolving breakthroughs in fluorescence-based molecular imaging in live cells with sub-diffraction-limit spatial resolution and ever-increasing temporal resolution provide great promise for conducting mechanistic studies of translation and its regulation in living cells. Here we review the remarkable recent progress that has been made in these fields, highlight important mechanistic insights that have been gleaned from these studies thus far, and discuss what we envision lies ahead as these approaches continue to evolve and expand to address increasingly complex mechanistic and regulatory aspects of translation.  相似文献   

We have developed a new NIR fluorescent probe based on an ytterbium(III) (E)‐1‐(pyridin‐2‐yl‐diazenyl)naphthalen‐2‐ol (PAN) complex. This probe emits near‐infrared luminescence derived from the Yb ion through excitation of the PAN moiety with visible light (λex = 530 nm, λem = 975 nm). The results support the possible utility of the probe for in vivo fluorescence molecular imaging. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flors C 《Biopolymers》2011,95(5):290-297
With the expansion of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy methods, it is now possible to access the organization of cells and materials at the nanoscale by optical means. This review discusses recent progress in super-resolution imaging of isolated and cell DNA using single-molecule localization methods. A high labeling density of photoswitchable fluorophores is crucial for these techniques, which can be provided by sequence independent DNA stains in which photoblinking reactions can be induced. In particular, unsymmetrical cyanine intercalating dyes in combination with special buffers can be used to image isolated DNA with a spatial resolution of 30-40 nm. For super-resolution imaging of chromatin, cell permeant cyanine dyes that bind the minor groove of DNA have the potential to become a useful alternative to the labeling of histones and other DNA-associated proteins. Other recent developments that are interesting in this context such as high density labeling methods or new DNA probes with photoswitching functionalities are also surveyed. Progress in labeling, optics, and single-molecule localization algorithms is being rapid, and it is likely to provide real insight into DNA structuring in cells and materials.  相似文献   

Detection of protein-protein interactions is a fundamental step to understanding gene function. Here we report a sensitive and rapid method for assaying protein-protein interactions at the single-molecule level. Protein molecules were synthesized in a cell-free translation system in the presence of Cy5-puro, a fluorescent puromycin, using mRNA without a stop codon. The interaction of proteins thus prepared was visualized using a single-molecule imaging technique. As a demonstration of this method, a motor protein, kinesin, was labeled with Cy5-puro at an efficiency of about 90%, and the processive movement of kinesin along microtubules was observed by using total internal reflection microscopy. It took only 2 h from the synthesis of proteins to the functional analysis. This method is applicable to the functional analysis of various kinds of proteins.  相似文献   

AbstractWe delivered adenovirus vector (Ad) via intravitreous injection and monitored transgene (luciferase) expression in living mice (BALB/c) at multiple time points. In vivo live imaging technology was able to assess dynamically intraocular luciferase expression in a single animal population throughout the entire experiment period. Using this information, we were able to determine the optimal time point for readministration of Ad into the eyes and to dynamically study the time course of expression of a second Ad administration. Optical imaging demonstrated the limited period of transgene expression in eyes. Significant transgene signal was also detected in livers. The repeat intraocular delivery of the adenovirus resulted in significant blunting of transgene expression in both eyes and livers compared to the initial delivery. Periocular corticosteroid (triamcinolone acetonide) injection combined with initial Ad delivery was effective to rescue luciferase expression on repeat Ad vector delivery. However, this effect was not observed when corticosteroid was combined with repeat Ad delivery. Although corticosteroid enhanced ocular transgene expression, it also increased transgene expression in liver, which has potential safety implications. This dynamic transgene expression in eyes was successfully traced and monitored via a live imaging technique.  相似文献   

The development and validation of a multiscopic near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) probe, cinnamoyl-F-(D)L-F-(D)L-F-PEG-cyanine7 (cFlFlF-PEG-Cy7), that targets formyl peptide receptor on neutrophils using a mice ear inflammation model is described. Acute inflammation was induced in mice by topical application of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate to left ears 24 hours before probe administration. Noninvasive NIRF imaging was longitudinally performed up to 24 hours following probe injection. The in vivo neutrophil-targeting specificity of the probe was characterized by a blocking study with preadministration of excess nonfluorescent peptide cFlFlF-PEG and by an imaging study with a scrambled peptide probe cLFFFL-PEG-Cy7. NIRF imaging of mice injected with cinnamoyl-L-F-F-F-L-PEG-cyanine7 (cFlFlF-PEG-Cy7) revealed that the fluorescence intensity for inflamed left ears was approximately fourfold higher than that of control right ears at 24 hours postinjection. In comparison, the ratios acquired with the scrambled probe and from the blocking study were 1.5- and 2-fold at 24 hours postinjection, respectively. Moreover, a microscopic immunohistologic study confirmed that the NIRF signal of cFlFlF-PEG-Cy7 was associated with activated neutrophils in the inflammatory tissue. With this probe, in vivo neutrophil chemotaxis could be correlatively imaged macroscopically in live animals and microscopically at tissue and cellular levels.  相似文献   

Time resolution of current single-molecule fluorescence techniques is limited to milliseconds because of dye blinking and bleaching. Here we introduce a photoprotection strategy that affords microsecond resolution by combining efficient triplet quenching by oxygen and Trolox with minimized bleaching via the oxygen radical scavenger cysteamine. Using this approach we resolved the single-molecule microsecond conformational fluctuations of two proteins: the two-state folder α-spectrin SH3 domain and the ultrafast downhill folder BBL.  相似文献   

BackgroundProteins change their conformation depending on function. Although a vast number of static pictures of proteins have been accumulated, information regarding their dynamics in function is limited. Diffracted X-ray tracking (DXT) is a good candidate to obtain the missing data.Scope of reviewA gold nanocrystal was attached to the target protein as a probe and the motion of the X-ray diffraction spots from the crystal corresponded to the motion of the target. Although it has advantages of high temporal (sub-millisecond) and spatial (approximately 0.1°) resolutions, it is not extensively utilized. This review focused on its effective application from a user's perspective. We also present an example with the KcsA channel and the status of recent developments to show the future possibilities of the method.Major conclusionsDXT is a powerful method to investigate intramolecular structural changes. For instance, in the KcsA channel, the method revealed a wave of conformational changes transmitted from the gate region to the end of the molecule. The method is continuously being developed, and users can choose an appropriate measurement system depending on the condition of their sample.General significanceRevealing the protein structural changes with respect to function is an important frontier. The most distinctive feature of the DXT method is that both high temporal and spatial resolutions are achievable, and it is possible to track the motions of multiple molecules at the same time. This feature is an advantage for screening molecules associated with the target proteins (e.g., ligands and medicines).  相似文献   

Single-molecule tracking and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) applied to the plasma membrane in living cells have allowed a number of unprecedented observations, thus fostering a new basic understanding of molecular diffusion, interaction, and signal transduction in the plasma membrane. It is becoming clear that the plasma membrane is a heterogeneous entity, containing diverse structures on nano-meso-scales (2-200 nm) with a variety of lifetimes, where certain membrane molecules stay together for limited durations. Molecular interactions occur in the time-dependent inhomogeneous two-dimensional liquid of the plasma membrane, which might be a key for plasma membrane functions.  相似文献   

Detection of Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorescent protein labeled targets is a valuable strategy for measurement of protein-protein interactions and other intracellular processes. Despite the utility of FRET, widespread application of this technique to biological problems and high-throughput screening has been limited by low-contrast measurement strategies that rely on the detection of sensitized emission or photodestruction of the sample. Here we report a FRET detection strategy based on detecting depolarized sensitized emission. In the absence of FRET, we show that fluorescence emission from a donor fluorescent protein is highly polarized. Depolarization of fluorescence emission is observed only in the presence of energy transfer. A simple detection strategy was adapted for fluorescence microscopy using both laser scanning and wide-field approaches. This approach is able to distinguish FRET between linked and unlinked Cerulean and Venus fluorescent proteins in living cells with a larger dynamic range than other approaches.  相似文献   

Conventional organic fluorophores suffer from poor photo stability, narrow absorption spectra and broad emission spectra. Semiconductor nanocrystals, however, are highly photo-stable with broad absorption spectra and narrow size-tunable emission spectra. Recent advances in the synthesis of these materials have resulted in the generation of bright, sensitive, extremely photo-stable and biocompatible semiconductor fluorophores. Commercial availability facilitates their application in a variety of unprecedented biological experiments, including multiplexed cellular imaging, long-term in vitro and in vivo labeling, deep tissue structure mapping and single particle investigation of dynamic cellular processes. Semiconductor nanocrystals are one of the first examples of nanotechnology enabling a new class of biomedical applications.  相似文献   

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