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Recognition by vocal characteristics between parents and their offspring is thought to be ubiquitous in colonially nesting avian species. The Brown-headed Parrot Poicephalus cryptoxanthus nests in hollows in trees. However, when the chicks fledge they leave the nest and for the following three weeks spend their time in a tree where they are fed by their parents. As the fledglings are mobile and cryptic, returning parents must locate their own chicks. In this study a series of playback experiments was carried out, which showed that the chicks recognise their parents by voice. A simultaneous mirror experiment indicated that recognition was not reciprocated, although there may be alternative explanations for this behaviour. When the young began to forage with their parents, vocal stimuli did not induce any response from adult or chick. We suggest that vocal recognition becomes secondary to visual recognition as development proceeds.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Parental Care”. Parenting is best understood as a transactional process between parents and their offspring. Each responds to cues in the other, adapting their own behavior to that of their partner. One of the goals of parenting research in the past twenty years has been to untangle reciprocal processes between parents and children in order to specify what comes from the child (child effects) and what comes from the parent (parent effects). Child effects have been found to relate to genetic, pre and perinatal, family-wide, and child-specific environmental influences. Parent effects relate to stresses in the current context (e.g. financial strain, marital conflict), personality and ethnicity but also to adverse childhood experiences (e.g. parental mental health and substance abuse, poverty, divorce). Rodent models have allowed for the specification of biological mechanisms in parent and child effects, including neurobiological and genomic mechanisms, and of the causal role of environmental experience on outcomes for offspring through random assignment of offspring–mother groupings. One of the methods that have been developed in the human and animal models to differentiate between parent and child effects has been to study multiple offspring in the family. By holding the parent steady, and studying different offspring, we can examine the similarities and differences in how parents parent multiple offspring. Studies have distinguished between family average parenting, child-specific parenting and family-wide dispersion (the within family standard deviation). These different aspects of parenting have been differentially linked to offspring behavioral phenotypes.  相似文献   

Survival is a key component of fitness. Species that occupy discrete breeding colonies with different characteristics are often exposed to varying costs and benefits associated with group size or environmental conditions, and survival is an integrative net measure of these effects. We investigated the extent to which survival probability of adult (≥1-year old) cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) occupying different colonies resembled that of their parental cohort and thus whether the natal colony had long-term effects on individuals. Individuals were cross-fostered between colonies soon after hatching and their presence as breeders monitored at colonies in the western Nebraska study area for the subsequent decade. Colony-specific adult survival probabilities of offspring born and reared in the same colony, and those cross-fostered away from their natal colony soon after birth, were positively and significantly related to subsequent adult survival of the parental cohort from the natal colony. This result held when controlling for the effect of natal colony size and the age composition of the parental cohort. In contrast, colony-specific adult survival of offspring cross-fostered to a site was unrelated to that of their foster parent cohort or to the cohort of non-fostered offspring with whom they were reared. Adult survival at a colony varied inversely with fecundity, as measured by mean brood size, providing evidence for a survival–fecundity trade-off in this species. The results suggest some heritable variation in adult survival, likely maintained by negative correlations between fitness components. The study provides additional evidence that colonies represent non-random collections of individuals.  相似文献   

The thymus is required for the differentiation of T lymphocytes. A new study in lampreys indicates that the pharyngeal epithelium of the gill basket supports the development of T-like cells, suggesting the existence of a primitive thymus in these oldest of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Previously considered as toxin-free, the Baja California Peninsula has witnessed several toxic algal blooms during the past three years. Apparently these ‘red-tide’ phenomena's outbreaks are not linked to any human related activity. This may just reflect better detection and training. Such events may be periodical and natural rather than induced. The most common types of marine toxins have been detected along the coast of the Peninsula and neighboring waters by mouse bioassay and chromatographic techniques. These are: Tetrodotoxin (TTX), Amnesic Shellfish Poison (ASP), Paralytic Shellfish Poisons (PSP), Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisons (DSP) and even Ciguatera (CFP), which are related to the presence of organisms of Prorocentrum sp. and Alexandrium sp. groups, and the diatom Pseudonitzschia sp. among others. There are also some indications about different kinds of TTX in the puffer fish of the region, and reasons to believe that we are facing a quite different pattern in toxic components, since PSP toxic potency (defined as the number of mouse units per gram(MU/g)of shellfish meat) is very high in spite of low dinoflagellates cell density registered. The ecological and social impact of the above has been considerable, with mass deaths of shellfish, seagulls, dolphins and turtles, and even some human casualties. The locally registered toxicity records: PSP found in one single fanshell reaches to 23 000 MU/100 g of tissue as determined by the mouse bioassay and, on a different event, two persons killed after ingesting puffer fish fillet. The largest reservoir of commercial marine organisms in Mexico is precisely the Northwest coast of the country and important plans for building large harbors and develop aquaculture areas are in progress. Therefore, a monitoring program is essential for an adequate management of such resources. Considering the large extension of the Peninsula (about1600 km)and, at this time, the lack of efficient communication means and scarce population, the implementation of such monitoring programs presents a big challenge. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Lee P  Smith G 《Social biology》2000,47(1-2):127-134
Earlier studies reported a decline in September mortality in New York City and Budapest during years when Yom Kippur was in the interval September 28 through October 3, and fewer deaths among Californians with Jewish surnames during the week preceding Passover than during the week after Passover. These studies suggest that some Jews are able to postpone their deaths until after the celebration of an important religious event. We reexamine these findings using new data and find no statistically persuasive evidence that Jewish deaths decline before religious holidays. We do find an increase in deaths in the weeks shortly before and after birthdays.  相似文献   

The evolutionary significance of introns remains a mystery. The current availability of several complete eukaryotic genomes permits new studies to probe the possible function of these peculiar genomic features. Here we investigate the degree to which gene structure (intron position, phase and length) is conserved between homologous protein domains. We find that for certain extracellular-signalling and nuclear domains, gene structures are similar even when protein sequence similarity is low or not significant and sequences can only be aligned with a knowledge of protein tertiary structure. In contrast, other domains, including most intracellular signalling modules, show little gene structure conservation. Intriguingly, many domains with conserved gene structures, such as cytokines, are involved in similar biological processes, such as the immune response. This suggests that gene structure conservation may be a record of key events in evolution, such as the origin of the vertebrate immune system or the duplication of nuclear receptors in nematodes. The results suggest ways to detect new and potentially very remote homologues, and to construct phylogenies for proteins with limited sequence similarity.  相似文献   

Heterochrony, altered developmental timing between ancestors and their descendents, has been proposed as a pervasive evolutionary feature and recent analytical approaches have confirmed its existence as an evolutionary pattern. Yet, the mechanistic basis for heterochrony remains unclear and, in particular, whether intraspecific variation in the timing of developmental events generates, or has the potential to generate, future between‐species differences. Here we make a key step in linking heterochrony at the inter‐ and intraspecific level by reporting an association between interindividual variation in both the absolute and relative timing (position within the sequence of developmental events) of key embryonic developmental events and genetic distance for the pond snail, Radix balthica. We report significant differences in the genetic distance of individuals exhibiting different levels of dissimilarity in their absolute and relative timing of developmental events such as spinning activity, eyespot formation, heart ontogeny, and hatching. This relationship between genetic and developmental dissimilarity is consistent with there being a genetic basis for variation in developmental timing and so suggests that intraspecific heterochrony could provide the raw material for natural selection to produce speciation.  相似文献   

Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) is a solitary hyperparasitoid, which attacks prepupal and pupal stages of hymenopteran parasitoids inside mummified aphids. The larva feeds externally on the host, which is envenomed by the female at oviposition. To evaluate the influence of variations in host quality on the growth, development and fitness of D. carpenteri, we varied the size and developmental stage of the primary parasitoid host (Aphidius ervi Haliday), which was reared on different instars of pea aphid [Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)] and English grain aphid [Sitobion avenae (F.)]. Within each kind of host, females eclosed from the relatively larger mummies, while males eclosed from the smaller mummies. Host size and hyperparasitoid size were correlated, and females were larger than males. In hyperparasitoids developing on prepupal and pupal hosts, development time from oviposition to adult eclosion was proportional to size; females required more time for development than males. The mean relative growth rate was the same in males and females and increased with host quality, as predicted by the growth model of Mackauer and Sequeira (1993) for idiobiont parasitoids. Larvae developing on late-pupal stages and pharate adults of A. ervi were unable to consume sclerotized host tissues; they were smaller and needed more time for development. The average number of mature eggs at eclosion was six, except in females developing on suboptimal hosts, which contained only one egg or none. Egg volume was correlated with female size, possibly reflecting differences in larval ontogeny. We provide equations describing the relationship between host quality as indexed by hind-tibia length of the mummified aphid and adult body size in terms of dry mass, development time and mean relative growth rate of D. carpenteri. We discuss the usefulness of host size as a proxy of host quality for idiobiont parasitoids, and provide examples of exceptions. Received: 14 December 1997 / Accepted: 23 July 1998  相似文献   

Recently, constructive neutral evolution has been touted as an important concept for the understanding of the emergence of cellular complexity. It has been invoked to help explain the development and retention of, amongst others, RNA splicing, RNA editing and ribosomal and mitochondrial respiratory chain complexity. The theory originated as a welcome explanation of isolated small scale cellular idiosyncrasies and as a reaction to 'overselectionism'. Here I contend, that in its extended form, it has major conceptual problems, can not explain observed patterns of complex processes, is too easily dismissive of alternative selectionist models, underestimates the creative force of complexity as such, and--if seen as a major evolutionary mechanism for all organisms--could stifle further thought regarding the evolution of highly complex biological processes.  相似文献   

In type 1 diabetes, insulin-producing beta-cells in the pancreas are destroyed by immune-mediated mechanisms. The manifestation of the disease is preceded by the so-called pre-diabetic period that may last several years and is characterized by the appearance of circulating autoantibodies against beta-cell antigens. The role of the gut as a regulator of type 1 diabetes was suggested in animal studies, in which changes affecting the gut immune system modulated the incidence of diabetes. Dietary interventions, alterations in the intestinal microbiota and exposure to enteric pathogens, regulate the development of autoimmune diabetes in animal models. It has been demonstrated that these modulations affect the gut barrier mechanisms and intestinal immunity. Because the pancreas and the gut belong to the same intestinal immune system, the link between autoimmune diabetes and the gut is not unexpected. The gut hypothesis in the development of type 1 diabetes is also supported by the observations made in human type 1 diabetes. Early diet could modulate the development of beta-cell autoimmunity; weaning to hydrolysed casein formula decreased the risk of beta-cell autoimmunity by age 10 in the infants at genetic risk. Increased gut permeability, intestinal inflammation with impaired regulatory mechanisms and dysregulated oral tolerance have been observed in children with type 1 diabetes. The factors that contribute to these intestinal alterations are not known, but interest is focused on the microbial stimuli and function of innate immunity. It is likely that our microbial environment does not support the healthy maturation of the gut and tolerance in the gut, and this leads to the increasing type 1 diabetes as well as other immune-mediated diseases regulated by intestinal immune system. Thus, the interventions, aiming to prevent or treat type 1 diabetes in humans, should be targeting the gut immune system.  相似文献   

Gynandromorphism in Anostraca: multiple mechanisms of origin?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sassaman  Clay  Fugate  Michael 《Hydrobiologia》1997,359(1-3):163-169
Gynandromorphism is relatively rare in anostracans and is generally thought to arise from mitotic aberrations occurring during early embryogenesis that create somatic-cell mosaics. We have reared 35gynandromorphic Branchinecta, most of them being B. lindahli. The morphology of these individuals, the relatively high frequency of their occurrence, and their aggregation within sibships but not within pedigrees, indicate that they are not the result of mutational events. Their differential appearance in female-biased sibships suggests, instead, that the majority of them represent males that have been incompletely transformed into females by epigenetic feminizing factors. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

 We characterized an amphioxus NK-2 homeobox gene (AmphiNk2–1), a homologue of vertebrate Nkx2–1, which is involved in the development of the central nervous system and thyroid gland. At the early neurula stage of amphioxus, AmphiNk2–1 expression is first detected medially in the neural plate. By the mid-neurula stage, expression is localized ventrally in the nerve cord and also begins in the endoderm. During the late neurula stage, the ventral neural expression becomes transiently segmented posteriorly and is then down-regulated except in the cerebral vesicle at the anterior end of the central nervous system. Within the cerebral vesicle AmphiNk2–1 is expressed in a broad ventral domain, probably comprising both the floor plate and basal plate regions; this pattern is comparable to Nkx2–1 expression in the mouse diencephalon. In the anterior part of the gut, expression becomes intense in the endostyle (the right wall of the pharynx), which is the presumed homologue of the vertebrate thyroid gland. More posteriorly, there is transitory expression in the midgut and hindgut. In sum, the present results help to support homologies (1) between the amphioxus endostyle and the vertebrate thyroid gland and (2) between the amphioxus cerebral vesicle and the vertebrate diencephalic forebrain. Received: 4 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 October 1998  相似文献   

Numerous behavioural and morphological markers were found during the last instar of Trichoplusia ni which permit selection of highly synchronous groups of larvae for physiological or biochemical experiments. Growth parameters were also examined and it was found that the occurrence of a 6th instar was associated with a head-capsule width below the critical threshold of 1.66 mm. Starvation experiments indicated that the critical body weight triggering the first release of prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) was not the same for all larvae and was associated closely with a critical ratio of body size: head-capsule size and/or body size: initial body size at the beginning of the instar. The time of prothoracicotropic hormone-ecdysone release in preultimate instars was also associated with a similarly calculated ratio. The ratio was very similar from instar to instar. Neck or thoracic-abdominal ligation of larvae attaining various markers provided indications of times of release of critical amounts of prothoracicotropic hormone, ecdysone and juvenile hormone. The time of peak juvenile-hormone-esterase (JHE) activity in the haemolymph during the prepupal stage was determined with these markers.  相似文献   

Cell-cell communication plays a key role in organ formation and patterning in multicellular animals and is carried out by a few evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways. The modes of action of these pathways share a number of general properties, or habits, that allow them to strongly activate target genes in a ligand-dependent manner in the proper cellular contexts. Recent studies have revealed that some developmental signaling pathways can also strongly repress genes in a ligand-dependent manner. These new findings raise the interesting possibility that this repressive mode of action is shared by many or most developmental signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Perhaps Darwin would agree that speciation is no longer the mystery of mysteries that it used to be. It is now generally accepted that evolution by natural selection can contribute to ecological adaptation, resulting in the evolution of reproductive barriers and, hence, to the evolution of new species (Schluter & Conte 2009 ; Meyer 2011 ; Nosil 2012 ). From genes that encode silencing proteins that cause infertility in hybrid mice (Mihola et al. 2009 ), to segregation distorters linked to speciation in fruit flies (Phadnis & Orr 2009 ), or pollinator‐mediated selection on flower colour alleles driving reinforcement in Texan wildflowers (Hopkins & Rausher 2012 ), characterization of the genes that drive speciation is providing clues to the origin of species (Nosil & Schluter 2011 ). It is becoming apparent that, while recent work continues to overturn historical ideas about sympatric speciation (e.g. Barluenga et al. 2006 ), ecological circumstances strongly influence patterns of genomic divergence, and ultimately the establishment of reproductive isolation when gene flow is present (Elmer & Meyer 2011 ). Less clear, however, are the genetic mechanisms that cause speciation, particularly when ongoing gene flow is occurring. Now, in this issue, Franchini et al. ( 2014 ) employ a classic genetic mapping approach augmented with new genomic tools to elucidate the genomic architecture of ecologically divergent body shapes in a pair of sympatric crater lake cichlid fishes. From over 450 segregating SNPs in an F2 cross, 72 SNPs were linked to 11 QTL associated with external morphology measured by means of traditional and geometric morphometrics. Annotation of two highly supported QTL further pointed to genes that might contribute to ecological divergence in body shape in Midas cichlids, overall supporting the hypothesis that genomic regions of large phenotypic effect may be contributing to early‐stage divergence in Midas cichlids.  相似文献   

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