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1. The breakdown of oak ( Quercus robur L.), chestnut ( Castanea sativa Miller) and eucalypt ( Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) litter enclosed in 5-mm mesh bags was compared between first-order headwaters (two with native riparian forest and two with eucalypt plantations) and a third-order reach of Agüera stream. Weight loss and dynamics of phosphorus and nitrogen in litter were studied for a period of 155 days.
2. Among the different sites, processing rates ranged from 0.0045 to 0.0080 day–1 for chestnut leaf litter, from 0.0036 to 0.0051 day–1 for oak, and from 0.0027 to 0.0158 day–1 for eucalypt.
3. The availability of nutrients in water clearly influenced nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in litter. In headwater reaches, net immobilization was not observed and losses of phosphorus and nitrogen followed mass loss. However, there was an enrichment of litter at the low reach, where influence of human settlements—located upstream—could lead to a greater availability of phosphorus in water.
4. The enhancement of litter decay by the exogenous nutrient supply depended on leaf quality, as only the processing rate of eucalypt increased at the nutrient-rich site.
5. The processing rates differed little among headwaters, suggesting that riparian forest type, i.e. deciduous forest v eucalypt plantations, did not affect litter decay in the stream.  相似文献   

1. The breakdown of oak ( Quercus robur L.), chestnut ( Castanea sativa Miller) and eucalypt ( Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) litter enclosed in 5-mm mesh bags was compared between first-order headwaters (two with native riparian forest and two with eucalypt plantations) and a third-order reach of Agüera stream. Weight loss and dynamics of phosphorus and nitrogen in litter were studied for a period of 155 days.
2. Among the different sites, processing rates ranged from 0.0045 to 0.0080 day–1 for chestnut leaf litter, from 0.0036 to 0.0051 day–1 for oak, and from 0.0027 to 0.0158 day–1 for eucalypt.
3. The availability of nutrients in water clearly influenced nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in litter. In headwater reaches, net immobilization was not observed and losses of phosphorus and nitrogen followed mass loss. However, there was an enrichment of litter at the low reach, where influence of human settlements—located upstream—could lead to a greater availability of phosphorus in water.
4. The enhancement of litter decay by the exogenous nutrient supply depended on leaf quality, as only the processing rate of eucalypt increased at the nutrient-rich site.
5. The processing rates differed little among headwaters, suggesting that riparian forest type, i.e. deciduous forest v eucalypt plantations, did not affect litter decay in the stream.  相似文献   

1. Urbanisation and landuse changes threaten the ecological integrity of rivers and streams globally. A major challenge in such impacted environments is to develop functional indicators for use by waterway managers. We first reviewed cellulose decomposition potential (CDP) as one such indicator, and here present current understanding and highlight the knowledge gaps which hinder its widespread incorporation into programmes monitoring stream health. In a field study, we also evaluated two differing cellulose materials (Shirley soil burial test material and unbleached calico) and measurement techniques. 2. We also investigated the effects of urbanisation and riparian cover on CDP as a standardised indicator of ecosystem function. Cotton fabrics were deployed in paired open and closed reaches across six stream catchments varying in degree of urbanisation (in south‐eastern Australia). After 7, 14 and 21 days materials were retrieved and their decomposition assessed in conjunction with a number of physicochemical variables. 3. We observed a strong positive relationship between the decomposition of Shirley and calico materials, thus indicating unbleached calico is an effective substitute for Shirley test cloth, which is no longer available. 4. Across sites, CDP was positively correlated with ammonium concentrations and also, to a lesser extent, with filterable reactive phosphorus and sediment silt and clay content/carbon availability. Despite these relationships, cellulose decomposition was not correlated with urbanisation or riparian cover. 5. Cellulose decomposition is a simple, rapid and sensitive functional indicator of water quality and associated anthropogenic landuse changes and is thus a valuable tool for monitoring stream health.  相似文献   

Physical and biological evidence supports the probable existence of an enclave of relatively warm climate located between the Southern Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean in the United States during the Last Glacial Maximum. The region supported a mosaic of forest and prairie habitats inhabited by a "Floridian" ice-age biota. Plant and vertebrate remains suggest an ecological gradient towards Cape Hatteras (35°N) wherein forests tended to replace prairies, and browsing proboscideans tended to replace grazing proboscideans. Beyond 35°N, warm waters of the Gulf Stream were deflected towards the central Atlantic, and a cold-facies biota replaced "Floridian" biota on the Atlantic coastal plain. Because of niche diversity and relatively benign climate, biodiversity may have been greater in the south-eastern thermal enclave than in other unglaciated areas of North America. However, the impact of terminal Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions may also have been shorter and more severe in the enclave than further north. A comparison with biotic changes that occurred in North America approximately 55 million years (ma) ago at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum suggests that similar processes of change took place under both ice-house and greenhouse climates.  相似文献   

1. Urbanisation severely affects stream hydrology, biotic integrity and water quality, but relatively little is known about effects on organic matter dynamics. Coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) is a source of energy and nutrients in aquatic systems, and its availability has implications for ecosystem productivity and aquatic communities. In undisturbed environments, allochthonous inputs from riparian zones provide critical energy subsidies, but the extent to which this occurs in urbanised streams is poorly understood. 2. We investigated CPOM inputs, standing stocks, retention rates and retention mechanisms in urban and peri‐urban streams in Melbourne, Australia. Six streams were chosen along a gradient of catchment urbanisation, with the presence of reach scale riparian canopy cover as a second factor. CPOM retention was assessed at baseflow via replicate releases of marked Eucalyptus leaves where the retention distance and mechanism were recorded. CPOM and small wood (>1 cm diameter) storage were measured via cores and direct counts, respectively, while lateral and horizontal CPOM inputs were assessed using riparian litter traps. Stream discharge, velocity, depth and width were also measured. 3. CPOM inputs were not correlated with urbanisation, but were significantly higher in ‘closed’ canopy reaches. Urbanisation and riparian cover altered CPOM retention mechanisms, but not retention distances. Urban streams showed greater retention by rocks; while in less urban streams, retention by small wood was considerably higher. CPOM and small wood storage were significantly lower in more urban streams, but we found only a weak effect of riparian cover. 4. These findings suggest that while riparian vegetation increases CPOM inputs and has modest/weak effects on storage, catchment scale urbanisation decreases organic matter availability. Using an organic matter budget approach, it appears likely that the increased frequency and magnitude of high flows associated with catchment urbanisation exerts an overriding influence on organic matter availability. 5. We conclude that to maintain both organic matter inputs and storage, the restoration and protection of streams in urban or rapidly urbanising environments relies on the management of both riparian vegetation and catchment hydrology.  相似文献   

The historical influence of landscape on the quantitative variables and a special group of hyporheos in streams with similar origin but different catchment landscapes and forest management was studied. The study was conducted in two streams: (i) a preserved forested natural stream where critical ecosystem processes were unaltered by human activities and (ii) a stream with the strong anthropogenic stressors (e.g., logging, agriculture, pasture), impacting the system for the last 500 years. Some parameters were strongly related to these land use: conductivity, fine benthic organic matter (FBOM), orthophosphate (P_PO4) and periphyton content all increased along the gradient from the natural stream to the urban-dominated catchment. The density of interstitial assemblages corresponded with the conductivity (at P < 0.05) and was higher on the stream in urban-dominated catchments; and the Harpacticoida taxa richness, dominated by the family Canthocamptidae, was also greater here. The Multiple Regression Analysis shows that the rate of deforestation had had the most significant effect on the density of hyporheos. Among of crustacean fauna the representatives of epigean harpacticoids from (of) family Canthocamptidae, dominated.  相似文献   

Summary 1. We measured the breakdown rate of tussock grass in 12 New Zealand streams in catchments that provided a gradient of agricultural development. We also examined the microbial and invertebrate communities associated with decomposing tussock litter.
2. Pristine streams in the study had low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (<10  μ g L−1) and dissolved reactive phosphate (<3  μ g L−1), whereas streams in the most developed catchments had high concentrations of nitrate (>2500  μ g L−1) and phosphate (35  μ g L−1), as well as greater amounts of suspended sediment and fine sediment covering the streambed.
3. Breakdown rate and microbial respiration were significantly related across the sites, and both were positively related to concentrations of nitrate and phosphate. Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol, was positively related to microbial respiration and was also higher at sites with higher concentrations of nutrients. Total and shredding invertebrates were most abundant at the sites with high nutrient concentrations, but abundance of shredding invertebrates was not significantly related to breakdown rate. Amphipods were the most common shredding invertebrate at most sites, but probably did not contribute greatly to high rates of breakdown in streams in agricultural catchments.
4. With the exception of one site, nutrients from agricultural development appeared to have larger positive effects on litter breakdown than negative effects from sedimentation. Litter breakdown can serve as a functional measure of ecosystem health in streams, but caution should be exercised when a stress, such as land use, can have both positive (nutrients) and negative (sedimentation) effects.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are increasingly threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors. Release of treated sewage effluent and pollution from agricultural or urban sources can independently reduce water quality with implications for ecological communities. However, our knowledge of the combined effects of these stressors is limited. We performed a field study to quantify the combined effect of treated sewage discharge and land use on nutrient concentrations, sewage fungus presence and communities of macroinvertebrates and benthic algae. Over three seasons in four rivers we found that a model which included an interaction between sewage pollution and time of the year (i.e. months) was the best predictor of nutrient concentrations and the abundance of algae and sewage fungus. Both macroinvertebrate and algae communities shifted downstream of sewage input. Specifically, more tolerant groups, such as cyanobacteria and oligochaetes, were more abundant. The EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Tricoptera) water quality score was best explained by an interaction between month and agriculture in the surrounding landscape. Overall, our results show that sewage discharge has a significant impact on water quality and benthic riverine communities, regardless of the surrounding land uses. Agricultural inputs, however, could be more important than treated sewage discharge in reducing the abundance of sensitive invertebrate taxa. We need both improvements to wastewater treatment processes and reductions in agricultural pollution to reduce threats to vulnerable freshwater communities.  相似文献   

白杨 《应用生态学报》2012,23(6):1641-1648
通过评价不同管理方式下区域生态系统关键功能的得失,分析了万全镇各种生态系统功能及其空间分布特征,根据不同的发展需求建立情景并对其进行权衡.结果表明: 2009年,万全镇各种生态系统提供的支持功能价值为0.58亿元,以释氧功能(0.37亿元)为主;调节功能价值为12.38亿元,以气候调节(11.27亿元)为主;总功能价值达12.97亿元,是同期万全镇GDP(8.88亿元)的1.46倍.与2002年相比,2009年研究区各项生态系统功能价值均下降,其中气候调节功能和涵养水源功能的降幅最多;政策情景和保护情景下,各项生态系统功能价值的增减趋势基本一致,除释氧功能和营养元素循环功能价值表现为下降外,其他功能价值均明显增加,但保护情景下研究区生态系统功能总价值的增量高于政策情景,尤其是涵养水源功能和固碳功能.保护情景是研究区社会经济可持续发展的最优管理模式.  相似文献   

1. If species disproportionately influence ecosystem functioning and also differ in their sensitivities to environmental conditions, the selective removal of species by anthropogenic stressors may lead to strong effects on ecosystem processes. We evaluated whether these circumstances held for several Colorado, U.S.A. streams stressed by Zn. 2. Benthic invertebrates and chemistry were sampled in five second–third order streams for 1 year. Study streams differed in dissolved metal concentrations, but were otherwise similar in chemical and physical characteristics. Secondary production of leaf‐shredding insects was estimated using the increment summation and size‐frequency methods. Leaf litter breakdown rates were estimated by retrieving litter‐bags over a 171 day period. Microbial activity on leaf litter was measured in the laboratory using changes in oxygen concentration over a 48 h incubation period. 3. Dissolved Zn concentrations varied eightfold among two reference and three polluted streams. Total secondary production of shredders was negatively associated with metal contamination. Secondary production in reference streams was dominated by Taenionema pallidum. Results of previous studies and the current investigation demonstrate that this shredder is highly sensitive to metals in Colorado headwater streams. Leaf litter breakdown rates were similar between reference streams and declined significantly in the polluted streams. Microbial respiration at the most contaminated site was significantly lower than at reference sites. 4. Our results supported the hypothesis that some shredder species contribute disproportionately to leaf litter breakdown. Furthermore, the functionally dominant taxon was also the most sensitive to metal contamination. We conclude that leaf litter breakdown in our study streams lacked functional redundancy and was therefore highly sensitive to contaminant‐induced alterations in community structure. We argue for the necessity of simultaneously measuring community structure and ecosystem function in anthropogenically stressed ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Agriculture causes high sediment, nutrient and light input to streams, which may affect rates of ecosystem processes, such as organic matter decay. In the southern Appalachians, socioeconomic trends over the past 50 years have caused widespread abandonment of farmland with subsequent reforestation. Physical and chemical properties of streams in these reforested areas may be returning to pre‐agriculture levels thereby creating the potential for recovery of ecosystem processes. 2. We examined wood breakdown and microbial activity on wood substrata in streams with different historical and current agricultural activity in their catchments. We analysed historical (1950) and recent (1998) forested land cover from large areas of the southern Appalachians and categorized streams based on percent forested land cover in these two time periods. Categories included a gradient of current agriculture from forested to heavily agricultural and reforestation from agriculture due to land abandonment. We compared microbial respiration on wood veneer substrata and breakdown of wood veneers among these land‐use categories. We also compared temperature, sediment accumulation and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. 3. Streams with current agriculture had higher concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen than forested streams. Despite reforestation from agriculture, nitrogen concentrations were also elevated in streams with agricultural histories relative to forested streams. Temperature was also higher in agricultural streams but appeared to recover from historical agriculture through reforestation and stream shading. 4. Wood breakdown rates ranged from 0.0015 to 0.0076 day?1 and were similar to other studies using wood veneers to determine breakdown rate. Microbial respiration increased with incubation time in streams up to approximately 150 days, after which it remained constant. Neither wood breakdown nor microbial respiration was significantly different among land‐use categories, despite the observed physical and chemical differences in streams based on land‐use. Wood breakdown rates could be predicted by microbial respiration indicating microbial control of wood breakdown in these streams. Both breakdown and microbial respiration were negatively correlated with the amount of inorganic sediment accumulated on wood veneers. 5. Higher nutrients and temperature led us to expect faster breakdown and higher microbial respiration in agricultural streams, but sediment in these streams may be limiting microbial activity and breakdown of organic material resulting in little net effect of agriculture on wood breakdown. Wood may not be desirable as a tool for functional assessment of stream integrity due to its unpredictable response to agriculture.  相似文献   

Root respiration in temperate mountain grasslands differing in land use   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In grasslands the proportionally largest emission of CO2 comes from the soil. This study aimed to assess how root respiration, a major flux component, is affected by land management and changes in land use. Respiration of roots, separated to classes of different diameter, was measured in 11 temperate mountain grasslands, including meadows, pastures and abandoned sites at three geographic locations. Specific root respiration was affected by nitrogen (N) concentration, root class and land use. The relationship between root N concentration and respiration differed between locations. With increasing root diameter there was a decrease in root respiration, N concentration, respiration per unit N and Q10. In grasslands abandoned for several years specific root respiration was lower than in meadows, pastures and a recently abandoned site. This was due to lower root N concentrations and/or lower respiration rates per unit N within each root class. Since root biomass was higher on abandoned grasslands, total ecosystem root respiration did not differ consistently between sites. Ecosystem root respiration showed distinct seasonal changes due to changes in root biomass, which were less pronounced on abandoned grasslands. Fine roots generally made up the largest portion of ecosystem root respiration, their contribution varying between 35% and 96%. On meadows, clipping increased soil and root respiration by increasing soil temperature. When corrected for temperature effects soil respiration was reduced by 20–50%, whilst root respiration was little affected, suggesting that carbohydrate reserves sustained root metabolism for several days and that microbial respiration strongly responded to short‐term changes in assimilate supply.  相似文献   

1. The conversion of forested landscapes to agriculture and, increasingly, to suburban and urban development significantly affects the structure and function of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. While a growing body of research is examining how biotic communities change in response to human alteration of landscapes, less is known about how these changes in community structure affect biotic interactions. 2. The objective of this study was to examine top‐down control by macroconsumers (fish and crayfish) across a human‐impacted landscape. We predicted that changes in stream macroconsumers and physicochemical characteristics associated with increased catchment development (e.g. decreased abundance of fish that are obligate benthic invertivores, increased sedimentation) would diminish top‐down control of benthic insects. We expected that effects on algal assemblages would be more variable, with increased top‐down control at sites dominated by algivorous fish and diminished control elsewhere. To test these predictions, we experimentally excluded fish and crayfish from areas of the bed of five streams whose catchments ranged from 100% to <50% forested, and examined the effects of exclusion on benthic insects and algae. 3. Despite cross‐site differences in physical, chemical and biological characteristics, the outcome of our experiments was consistent across five sites representing a range of catchment development. Across all sites, macroconsumers reduced total insect biomass, largely due to decreases in Chironomidae and Hydropsychidae larvae. Macroconsumers also affected algal assemblages, reducing chlorophyll‐a and the proportion of upright and filamentous diatoms (e.g. Melosira, Cymbella) but increasing the proportion of adnate diatoms (e.g. Achnanthes) across all sites. 4. We expected that differences in factors such as macroconsumer assemblage composition, nutrient and light availability and sedimentation would result in variable responses to macroconsumer exclusion in the five streams. Contrary to these expectations, only one response variable (ash‐free dry mass) showed a statistically significant interaction (i.e. site × exclusion) effect. Most responses to exclusion were relatively consistent, suggesting functional redundancy in assemblages of macroconsumers among the sites despite differences in catchment land use.  相似文献   

李晶  任志远 《生态学杂志》2005,24(9):1029-1032
土地是一切陆地生态系统的载体,人类的一切活动同样离不开土地,在人类改造和利用自然的过程中不可避免地要影响各类生态系统的状况进而影响到它们为人类所提供的服务与功能。而第一性生产服务功能是生态系统服务功能主要特征之一。本文在地理信息系统的支持下,利用陕北黄土高原3期土地利用数据,估算了土地利用变化引起的生态系统服务价值的变化,结果表明,1996年区域NPP生态系统服务功能价值比1986年增加了1·17×108元;2001年生态服务功能价值比1986年增加了3·37×108元。因此,实施退耕还林、还草、遏制景观破碎化过程,合理控制城镇建设用地的扩展,是提高区域生态系统服务功能的有效途径。  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study examined whether length of time in the U.S., language use, and birthplace (proxy measures of acculturation) were associated with body mass index (BMI) and obesity in a sample of 174 low-income Puerto Rican women from Hartford, Connecticut. The mean BMI for the total sample (N = 174) was 27.39 (S.D. = 5.07), and nearly 34% of the sample was considered obese (BMI > or = 30). There was a statistically significant increase in BMI with length of time in the U.S. (P = 0.012) and these differences were even greater among women born in Puerto Rico (P = 0.003). Moreover, obesity prevalence was highest among women who had been in the U.S. for 10 years or more (40%), as compared to those who had been in the U.S. less than 1 year (29%; P = 0.045). There were no statistically significant associations between language and BMI for the total sample. However, among bilingual speakers born in Puerto Rico, there were significant differences in BMI according to their level of English fluency. Those who spoke fluent or very good English had a significantly higher BMI (mean = 29.72; SD = 4.12) than women whose English was good to not-so-good (mean = 26.8; SD = 5.24; P = 0.016). The findings from this study point to the need for more research on the acculturation process and obesity, in order to design culturally tailored obesity prevention programs.  相似文献   

1. Although many studies have focussed on the effects of catchment land use on lotic systems, the importance of broad (catchment) and fine (segment/reach) scale effects on stream assemblages remain poorly understood. 2. Nine biological metrics for macrophytes (498 sites), benthic macroinvertebrates (491) and fish (478) of lowland and mountain streams in four ecoregions of France and Germany were related to catchment and riparian buffer land use using partial Redundancy Analysis and Boosted Regression Trees (BRTs). 3. Lotic fauna was better correlated (mean max., r = 0.450) than flora (r = 0.277) to both scales of land use: the strongest correlations were noted for mountain streams. BRTs revealed strong non‐linear relationships between mountain assemblage metrics and land use. Correlations increased with increasing buffer lengths, suggesting the importance of near‐stream land use on biotic assemblages. 4. Several metrics changed markedly between 10–20% (mountain ecoregions) and 40–45% (lowland) of arable land use, irrespective of the buffer size. At mountain sites with >10% catchment arable land use, metric values differed between sites with <30% and sites with >30% forest in the near‐stream riparian area. 5. These findings support the role of riparian land use in catchment management; however, differences between mountain and lowland ecoregions support the need for ecoregion‐specific management.  相似文献   

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