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Variation is the basis for evolution, and understanding how variation can evolve is a central question in biology. In complex phenotypes, covariation plays an even more important role, as genetic associations between traits can bias and alter evolutionary change. Covariation can be shaped by complex interactions between loci, and this genetic architecture can also change during evolution. In this article, we analyzed mouse lines experimentally selected for changes in size to address the question of how multivariate covariation changes under directional selection, as well as to identify the consequences of these changes to evolution. Selected lines showed a clear restructuring of covariation in their cranium and, instead of depleting their size variation, these lines increased their magnitude of integration and the proportion of variation associated with the direction of selection. This result is compatible with recent theoretical works on the evolution of covariation that take the complexities of genetic architecture into account. This result also contradicts the traditional view of the effects of selection on available covariation and suggests a much more complex view of how populations respond to selection.  相似文献   

Studies of rodents have shown that both forced and voluntary chronic exercise cause increased hindlimb bone diameter, mass, and strength. Among species of mammals, "cursoriality" is generally associated with longer limbs as well as relative lengthening of distal limb segments, resulting in an increased metatarsal/femur (MT/F) ratio. Indeed, we show that phylogenetic analyses of previously published data indicate a positive correlation between body mass-corrected home range area and both hindlimb length and MT/F in a sample of 19 species of Carnivora, although only the former is statistically significant in a multiple regression. Therefore, we used an experimental evolution approach to test for possible adaptive changes (in response to selective breeding and/or chronic exercise) in hindlimb bones of four replicate lines of house mice bred for high voluntary wheel running (S lines) for 21 generations and in four nonselected control (C) lines. We examined femur, tibiafibula, and longest metatarsal of males housed either with or without wheel access for 2 months beginning at 25-28 days of age. As expected from previous studies, mice from S lines ran more than C (primarily because the former ran faster) and were smaller in body size (both mass and length). Wheel access reduced body mass (but not length) of both S and C mice. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed that body mass was a statistically significant predictor of all bone measures except MT/F ratio; therefore, all results reported are from ANCOVAs. Bone lengths were not significantly affected by either linetype (S vs. C) or wheel access. However, with body mass as a covariate, S mice had significantly thicker femora and tibiafibulae, and wheel access also significantly increased diameters. Mice from S lines also had heavier feet than C, and wheel access increased both foot and tibiafibula mass. Thus, the directions of evolutionary and phenotypic adaptation are generally consistent. Additionally, S-line individuals with the mini-muscle phenotype (homozygous for a Mendelian recessive allele that halves hindlimb muscle mass [Garland et al., 2002, Evolution 56:1,267-1,275]) exhibited significantly longer and thinner femora and tibiafibulae, with no difference in bone masses. Two results were considered surprising. First, no differences were found in the MT/F ratio (the classic indicator of cursoriality). Second, we did not find a significant interaction between linetype and wheel access for any trait, despite the higher running rate of S mice.  相似文献   

In exploring the roles of phenotypic plasticity in the establishment and early evolution of invading species, little empirical attention has been given to the importance of correlational selection acting upon suites of functionally related plastic traits in nature. We illustrate how this lack of attention has limited our ability to evaluate plasticity''s role during invasion and also, the costs and benefits of plasticity. We addressed these issues by transplanting clones of European‐derived Plantago lanceolata L. genotypes into two temporally variable habitats in the species'' introduced range in North America. Phenotypic selection analyses were performed for each habitat to estimate linear, quadratic, and correlational selection on phenotypic trait values and plasticities in the reproductive traits: flowering onset and spike and scape lengths. Also, we measured pairwise genetic correlations for our “colonists.” Results showed that (a) correlational selection acted on trait plasticity after transplantation, (b) selection favored certain combinations of genetically correlated and uncorrelated trait values and plasticities, and (c) using signed, instead of absolute, values of plasticity in analyses facilitated the detection of correlational selection on trait value‐plasticity combinations and their adaptive value. Based on our results, we urge future studies on species invasions to (a) measure correlational selection and (b) retain signed values of plasticity in order to better discriminate between adaptive and maladaptive plasticity.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the immune system consists of two arms of different characteristics: the innate and the acquired immune response. Parasites that are only shortly exposed to the immune system are most efficiently attacked by fast, constitutive innate immune mechanisms. Here, we experimentally selected within four fish families for high innate resistance versus susceptibility of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) against infection with the eye-fluke (Diplostomum pseudospathacaeum), a parasite whose metacercariae are protected from the immune system within the eye lens. We predicted that in families with high susceptibility, the adaptive immune system would be upregulated when challenged with infection. In accordance, we found that MHC class IIB expression is increased by approximately 50% in those lines selected for higher parasite load (i.e. low innate response). This suggests extensive genetic correlations between innate and adaptive immune system and/or crosstalk between both lines of defense. An efficient, specific innate immune response might reduce overall activation of the immune system and potentially alleviate associated effects of immunopathology.  相似文献   

Summary The cross-nursing technique was used to assess the relative importance of prenatal and postnatal maternal influences on growth in mice from an unselected population originated from a cross of four highly inbred strains. Body weights were studied at birth, 7-, 14-, 21- and 42-days, in addition to the weight gains between these ages and tail length at 21 and 42 days of age. At littering, each dam in each nursing set retained two of her own offspring and two were transfereed to each of the other dams in the set, so that each nursed litter contained six young representing three mothers. Prenatal influences accounted for 37, 15, 10, 11 and 13 % of the total variation in the respective body weights, while postnatal influences accounted for 0, 64, 65, 49 and 14% at the respective ages. In the case of weight gains, prenatal influences were responsible for 16, 4, 6 and 30%, while postnatal influences were responsible for 66, 66, 31 and 7% of the total variation in gain during the respective four periods examined. Apparently the individual weight gain from 7 to 14 days was a better measure of the lactational performance of the dam than individual 14-day weight. For tail length, prenatal influences accounted for 6 % and 4 % of the total variation in tail length at 21 and 42 days, respectively, while postnatal influences accounted for 60 % and 24 % at the respective ages. Generally, there was no indication of an important interaction between the nurse and the nursed young at any stage studied.  相似文献   

Climate change may force organisms to adapt genetically or plastically to new environmental conditions. Invasive species show remarkable potential for rapid adaptation. The ovoviviparous New Zealand mud snail (NZMS), Potamopyrgus antipodarum, has successfully established across Europe with two clonally reproducing mitochondrial lineages since its arrival in the first half of the 19th century. Its remarkable variation in shell morphology was shown to be fitness relevant. We investigated the effects of temperature on shell morphology across 11 populations from Germany and the Iberian Peninsula in a common garden across three temperatures. We analyzed size and shape using geometric morphometrics. For both, we compared reaction norms and estimated heritabilities. For size, the interaction of temperature and haplotype explained about 50% of the total variance. We also observed more genotype by environment interactions indicating a higher degree of population differentiation than in shape. Across the three temperatures, size followed the expectations of the temperature‐size rule, with individuals growing larger in cold environments. Changes in shape may have compensated for changes in size affecting space for brooding embryos. Heritability estimates were relatively high. As indicated by the very low coefficients of variation for clonal repeatability (CV A ), they can probably not be compared in absolute terms. However, they showed some sensitivity to temperature, in haplotype t more so than in z, which was only found in Portugal. The low CV A values indicate that genetic variation among European populations is still restricted with a low potential to react to selection. A considerable fraction of the genetic variation was due to differences between the clonal lineages. The NZMS has apparently not been long enough in Europe to accumulate significant genetic variation relevant for morphological adaptation. As temperature is obviously not the sole factor influencing shell morphology, their interaction will probably not be a factor limiting population persistence under a warming climate in Europe.  相似文献   

Four plastid markers, four nuclear markers and 14 morphometric characters were used in this study to investigate the evolution of Dactylorhiza baltica (Orchidaceae) in European Russia. In total, 98, 214 and 775 samples from 85, 112 and 121 populations were involved in the combined and separate molecular and morphometric analyses, respectively. In most cases, morphometric measures were done on exactly the same plants that were used for DNA studies. Dactylorhiza baltica plants from European Russia are most probably the products of several recent and mostly local hybridization events between the diploids D. fuchsii and D. incarnata , which have each been the maternal parent on different occasions. Considerable introgression into the parental diploids via the allopolyploid D. baltica is also hypothesized. Several morphological characters, such as length of the lip lateral lobe and the length of longest leaf, were found to be robust and could be useful in identification of D. baltica . This study demonstrates the advantage of 'combined' techniques, especially in the case of taxonomically complex taxa.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 257–274.  相似文献   

Aim Urbanization is a leading threat to global biodiversity, yet little is known about how the spatial arrangement and composition of biophysical elements – buildings and vegetation – within a metropolitan area influence habitat selection. Here, we ask: what is the relative importance of the structure and composition of these elements on bird species across multiple spatial scales? Location The temperate metropolitan area of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Methods We surveyed breeding birds on 71 plots along an urban gradient. We modelled relative density for 48 bird species in relation to local woody vegetation composition and structure and to tree cover, grass cover and building density within 50–1000 m of each plot. We used an information‐theoretic approach to compare models and variables. Results At the proximate scale, native tree and understory stem frequency were the most important vegetation variables explaining bird distributions. Species’ responses to landscape biophysical features and spatial scales varied. Most native species responded positively to vegetation measures and negatively to building density. Models combining both local vegetation and landscape information represented best or competitive models for the majority of species, while models containing only local vegetation characteristics were rarely competitive. Smaller spatial scales (≤ 500 m) were most important for 36 species, and eight species had best models at larger scales (> 500 m); however, several species had competitive models across multiple scales. Main conclusions Habitat selection by birds within the urban matrix is the result of a combination of factors operating at both proximate and broader spatial scales. Efforts to manage and design urban areas to benefit native birds require both fine‐scale (e.g., individual landowners and landscape design) and larger landscape actions (e.g., regional comprehensive planning).  相似文献   

Artificial cranial deformations (ACD) are a widespread cultural practice found in numerous historical and prehistoric contexts. Their study can yield valuable insight into craniofacial growth, specifically into the interactions between neurocranial and basicranial modules. This study seeks to reinvestigate the presumed effect of ACD on basicranial and masticatory elements by applying a 3D geometric morphometric approach to CT scans. A total of 51 French and Bolivian skulls, representing anteroposterior and circumferential deformations and including undeformed individuals, were scanned, and 3D landmarks were submitted to between-group principal components analysis and two-block partial least-squares analysis. Our results illustrate changes in basicranial shape and in cranial base angles induced by ACD, as well as in masticatory geometry, namely in the relative position of the mandibular fossae. Furthermore, our findings highlight differential effects of the various deformation types, which suggest that patterns of covariation between modified vaults and their associated basicrania are more complex than previously assumed, thereby stressing the degree of plasticity in human craniofacial growth.  相似文献   

Patch structure in sandy, compared to rocky streams, is characterized by isolated snags that can only be colonized by drifting. By measuring drift from patches (snags) of various quality we determined the factors that influence habitat selection and drift of the predaceous stoneflies Acroneuria abnormis and Paragnetina fumosa. The presence of refugia (loose bark and leaf packs) was more important than hunger level and modified the effects of increased predator densities and aggressive interactions. Stoneflies concentrated to 8x natural densities with access to refugia remained longer on snags than a single stonefly without access to refugia. During periods of activity, refugia were defended with larger stoneflies always displacing smaller nymphs. During long periods of inactivity, two and sometimes three nymphs would rest side-by-side sharing the same refuge. Hunger level (starved versus satiated stoneflies), an indirect measure of a predator's response to prey availability, had no significant effect on drift or habitat selection regardless of the presence of refugia. Stonefly predators had a uniform distribution while their prey were clumped. Drift was deliberate and almost always delayed until night, usually at dusk or dawn. An examination of previous research plus the results of this study suggest that non-predatory intra- and interspecific interactions can be an important mechanism causing drift in streams.  相似文献   

The dorsal crest of newts (Salamandridae) is a novel, phenotypically plastic, sexually selected trait that may evolve in association with complex courtship behaviours. We estimated a near-comprehensive, time-calibrated phylogeny for salamandrids and analysed the evolution of their crests and display behaviour. Different models give conflicting reconstructions for crest evolution, showing that likelihood can estimate incorrect ancestral states with strong statistical support. The best-fitting model suggests that crests evolved once and were lost repeatedly, supporting the hypothesis that sexually selected traits may be frequently lost. We demonstrate the correlated evolution of crests and courtship behaviour and show that species with larger numbers of crest-related traits have larger repertoires of behaviours. We also show that phenotypically plastic morphological traits can be maintained over long macroevolutionary timescales (~25-48 Myr). Finally, we use salamandrids to address how novel structures may arise, and support a model involving the expansion and subdivision of pre-existing structures.  相似文献   

Death feigning is considered to be an adaptive antipredator behaviour. Previous studies on Tribolium castaneum have shown that prey which death feign have a fitness advantage over those that do not when using a jumping spider as the predator. Whether these effects are repeatable across species or whether they can be seen in nature is, however, unknown. Therefore, the present study involved two experiments: (a) divergent artificial selection for the duration of death feigning using a related species T. freemani as prey and a predatory bug as predator, demonstrating that previous results are repeatable across both prey and predator species, and (b) comparison of the death‐feigning duration of T. castaneum populations collected from field sites with and without predatory bugs. In the first experiment, T. freemani adults from established selection regimes with longer durations of death feigning had higher survival rates and longer latency to being preyed on when they were placed with predatory bugs than the adults from regimes selected for shorter durations of death feigning. As a result, the adaptive significance of death‐feigning behaviour was demonstrated in another prey–predator system. In the second experiment, wild T. castaneum beetles from populations with predators feigned death longer than wild beetles from predator‐free populations. Combining the results from these two experiments with those from previous studies provided strong evidence that predators drive the evolution of longer death feigning.  相似文献   

We model the evolution of reaction norms focusing on three aspects: frequency-dependent selection arising from resource competition, maintenance and production costs of phenotypic plasticity, and three characteristics of environmental heterogeneity (frequency of environments, their intrinsic carrying capacity and the sensitivity to phenotypic maladaptation in these environments). We show that (i) reaction norms evolve so as to trade adaptation for acquiring resources against cost avoidance; (ii) maintenance costs cause reaction norms to better adapt to frequent rather than to infrequent environments, whereas production costs do not; and (iii) evolved reaction norms confer better adaptation to environments with low rather than with high intrinsic carrying capacity. The two previous findings contradict earlier theoretical results and originate from two previously unexplored features that are included in our model. First, production costs of phenotypic plasticity are only incurred when a given phenotype is actually produced. Therefore, they are proportional to the frequency of environments, and these frequencies thus affect the selection pressure to avoid costs just as much as the selection pressure to improve adaptation. This prevents the frequency of environments from affecting the evolving reaction norm. Secondly, our model describes the evolution of plasticity for a phenotype determining an individual's capability to acquire resources, and thus its realized carrying capacity. When individuals are distributed randomly across environments, they cannot avoid experiencing environments with intrinsically low carrying capacity. As selection pressures arising from the need to improve adaptation are stronger under such extreme conditions than under mild ones, better adaptation to environments with low rather than with high intrinsic carrying capacity results.  相似文献   

It is difficult to imagine how warning colours evolve in unpalatable prey. Firstly, novel warningly coloured variants gain no protection from their colours, since predators have not previously encountered and learnt their colour patterns. This leads to a frequency-dependent disadvantage of a rare variant within a species. Secondly, novel warningly coloured variants may be more conspicuous than non-aposematic prey.
Nevertheless, it is obvious that many palatable butterflies have bright colours used in intraspecific communication and in duping predators. Other palatable butterflies are already warningly coloured. Should such butterflies evolve unpalatability, perhaps because of a host-plant shift, these bright colours would be preadapted to a warning role. Warning colours could then continue to evolve by enhancement of memorable characteristics of these patterns, or by mimicry.
Even within lineages of warningly coloured, unpalatable butterflies, colour patterns have continued to evolve rapidly. This diversity of warning colour patterns could have evolved in a number of ways, including individual and kin selection, and by the shifting balance. Evidence for these mechanisms is discussed, as are the similarities between the evolution of warning colours and more general evolutionary processes, including sexual selection and speciation.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation in trait means is a common observation for geographically separated populations. Such variation is typically retained under common garden conditions, indicating that there has been evolutionary change in the populations, as a result of selection and/or drift. Much less frequently studied is variation in the phenotypic covariance matrix (hereafter, P matrix), although this is an important component of evolutionary change. In this paper, we examine variation in the phenotypic means and P matrices in two species of grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes and M. devastator. Using the P matrices estimated for 14 populations of M. sanguinipes and three populations of M. devastator we find that (1) significant differences between the sexes can be attributed to scaling effects; (2) there is no significant difference between the two species; (3) there are highly significant differences among populations that cannot be accounted for by scaling effects; (4) these differences are a consequence of statistically significant patterns of covariation with geographic and environmental factors, phenotypic variances and covariances increasing with increased temperature but decreasing with increased latitude and altitude. This covariation suggests that selection has been important in the evolution of the P matrix in these populations Finally, we find a significant positive correlation between the average difference between matrices and the genetic distance between the populations, indicating that drift has caused some of the variation in the P matrices.  相似文献   

Natural selection and drift can act on populations individually, simultaneously or in tandem and our understanding of phenotypic divergence depends on our ability to recognize the contribution of each. According to the quantitative theory of evolution, if an organism has diversified through neutral evolutionary processes (mutation and drift), variation of phenotypic characteristics between different geographic localities (B) should be directly proportional to the variation within localities (W), that is,  W. Significant deviations from this null model imply that non‐neutral forces such as natural selection are acting on a phenotype. We investigated the relative contributions of drift and selection to intraspecific diversity using southern African horseshoe bats as a test case. We characterized phenotypic diversity across the distributional range of Rhinolophus simulator (n = 101) and Rhinolophus swinnyi (n = 125) using several traits associated with flight and echolocation. Our results suggest that geographic variation in both species was predominantly caused by disruptive natural selection (B was not directly proportional to W). Evidence for correlated selection (co‐selection) among traits further confirmed that our results were not compatible with drift. Selection rather than drift is likely the predominant evolutionary process shaping intraspecific variation in traits that strongly impact fitness.  相似文献   

Oxygen demand increases during embryonic development, requiring an increase in red blood cells (RBCs) containing hemoglobin (Hb) to transport O(2) between the respiratory organ and systemic tissues. A thorough ontogenetic understanding of the onset and maturation of the complex regulatory processes for RBC concentration ([RBC]), Hb concentration ([Hb]), hematocrit (Hct), mean corpuscular indices (mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration ([MCHb])) is currently lacking. We hypothesize that during the last half of incubation when the respiratory organ (the chorioallantoic membrane) envelops most of the egg contents, mean corpuscular indices will stabilize. Accordingly, Hct, [RBC] and [Hb] must also all change proportionally across development. Further, we hypothesize that the hematological respiratory variables develop and mature as a function of incubation duration, independently of embryonic growth. As predicted, a similar increase in Hct (from 18.7±0.6% on day 10 (d10) to 34.1±0.5% on d19 of incubation), [RBC] (1.13±0.03×10(6)/μL to 2.50±0.03×10(6)/μL) and [Hb] (6.1±0.2 g% to 11.2±0.1 g%) occurred during d10-19. Both [RBC] and [Hb] demonstrated high linear correlation with Hct, resulting in constant [MCHb] (~33 g% from d10 to d19). The decrease in MCV (from ~165 μ(3) on d10 to ~140 μ(3) on d13) and MCH (~55 pg to ~45 pg) during d10-13, may be attributed to a changeover from larger primary to smaller secondary and adult-type erythrocytes with MCV and MCH remaining constant (~140 μ(3) and ~45 pg respectively) for the rest of the incubation period (d13-19). Hematological respiratory values on a given incubation day were identical between embryos of different masses using either natural mass variation or experimental growth acceleration, indicating that the hematological variables develop as a function of incubation time, irrespective of embryo growth.  相似文献   

A study of the population genetics of the estuarine bivalve Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn) in southern California marshes revealed significant spatial and temporal variation in leucine aminopeptidase-1 (LAP-1) gene frequencies which were correlated with environmental salinity. S California populations also generally show a deficit of heterozygotes at the LAP-1 locus with the degree of this deficit also correlated with environmental salinity. The results of this study are similar to previous studies on Mytilus edulis Linné where it has been proposed that antagonistic directional selection in low vs. high salinity environments acts to maintain the LAP-1 polymorphism. However, a general similarity between the genetic patterns for LAP-1 and other loci in G. demissa in S California makes a strict selectionist interpretation difficult. A similar study of G. demissa in San Francisco Bay failed to detect heterogeneity in allele frequencies or significant heterozygote deficits over gradients in environmental salinity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine allometric and sexual-selection explanations for interspecific differences in the amount of sexual dimorphism among 60 primate species. Based on evidence provided by statistical analyses, we reject Leutenegger and Cheverud’s [(1982). Int. J. Primatol.3:387-402] claim that body size alone is the major factor in the evolution of sexual dimorphism. The alternative proposed here is that sexual selection due to differences in the reproductive potential of males and females is the primary cause of sexual dimorphism. In addition, we propose that the overall size of a species determines whether the dimorphism will be expressed as size dimorphism,rather than in some other form.  相似文献   

Objectives:Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) compromises bone health purportedly due to lower levels of physical activity. The potential of an exercise intervention to improve bone health parameters in adolescents with DCD has not previously been studied. This study thus aimed to determine the impact of a multimodal exercise intervention on bone health in this population at-risk of secondary osteoporosis.Methods:Twenty-eight adolescents (17 male, 11 female) aged between 12-17 years (Mage=14.1) with DCD participated in a twice weekly, 13-week generalised multimodal exercise intervention. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography scans of the tibia (4% and 66%) were performed over a six month period. Generalised estimating equations were used to examine the impact of fitness measures on bone parameters over time.Results:An overall improvement trend was observed for bone health, with significant increases at the 66% tibial site for bone mass (4.12% increase, dcohen=0.23, p=0.010) and cortical area (5.42% increase, η2 =12.09, p=0.014). Lower body fitness measures were significantly associated with improvements in bone health parameters, tempered by the degree of motor impairment.Conclusion:A multimodal exercise intervention may be effective in improving bone health of adolescents with DCD. Given the impact of motor impairments, gains may be greater over an extended period of study.  相似文献   

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