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Herbert W.  Levi 《Journal of Zoology》1966,150(4):427-432
The three species of widow spiders found in the Negev Desert of Israel, Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus, L. pallidus and L. revivensis, seem to differ more in their behaviour and habits than in their morphology. Differences in structure of the genitalia are minor compared with differences in the integument of the abdomen and the structure of the sternum.  相似文献   

The six species of Widow-spiders ( Latrodectus ) found in Israel are revised. Three of them are reported for the first time from this region. The Mediterranean L.tredecimguttatus is maintained as a distinct species differing from the American L.mactans , while evidence on the occurrence in Israel of a distinct population, close to the American L.hesperus is provided. Five sympatric species of Latrodectus are found in the more arid zones of Israel and one allopatric population of the cosmotropical L.geometricus occurs in the Mediterranean Coastal Plain. A conspectus on the systematics alongside distribution and ecological records of each species is given. The biological and morphological distinctive characters separating the species are then assessed in an extended discussion. Illustrations and a key to the species are provided.  相似文献   

Summary— Some biological facts have been given concerning L. tredecim-guttatus and L. pallidus in Palestine. Their distribution and development have been dealt with. Special attention was paid to the structure of the web and the role the egg-sacs play in young spiders. The factors regulating the leaving of the sac were stated. Observations have been made on the process of copulation. The nature of the food has been investigated.
The question of the amount of venom of both species was given special emphasis, and along with some subsidiary questions an experiment was made to compare the strength of the venom of both Palestinian spiders. It has been shown that in the years in which observations were made the strength of the venom of Latrodectus tredecim-guttatus was greater than that of L. pallidus.  相似文献   

Webs of theridiid spiders: construction, structure and evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Understanding the web construction behaviour of theridiid (comb-footed) spiders is fundamental to formulating specific evolutionary hypotheses and predictions regarding the reduction of orb-webs. We describe for the first time in detail the web construction behaviour of Achaearanea tepidariorum , Latrodectus geometricus , Theridion sisyphium and T. varians as well as webs of a range of other theridiids. In our survey we distinguish four major web types. Among webs with gumfooted lines, we distinguish between webs with a central retreat ( Achaearanea -type) and those with a peripheral retreat ( Latrodectus -type). Among webs without gumfooted lines, we distinguish between those which contain viscid silk ( Theridion -type) and those with a sheet-like structure, which do not ( Coleosoma -type). Theridiid gumfoot-webs consist of frame lines that anchor them to surroundings and support threads which possess viscid silk. Building of gumfooted lines constitutes a unique stereotyped behaviour and is most probably homologous for Nesticidae and Theridiidae. Webs remained in place for extended periods and were expanded and repaired, but no regular pattern of replacement was observed. We suggest that the cost of producing and maintaining viscid silk might have led to web reduction, at least in theridiids.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 293−305.  相似文献   

Behavioural and biomaterial coevolution in spider orb webs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mechanical performance of biological structures, such as tendons, byssal threads, muscles, and spider webs, is determined by a complex interplay between material quality (intrinsic material properties, larger scale morphology) and proximate behaviour. Spider orb webs are a system in which fibrous biomaterials—silks—are arranged in a complex design resulting from stereotypical behavioural patterns, to produce effective energy absorbing traps for flying prey. Orb webs show an impressive range of designs, some effective at capturing tiny insects such as midges, others that can occasionally stop even small birds. Here, we test whether material quality and behaviour (web design) co‐evolve to fine‐tune web function. We quantify the intrinsic material properties of the sticky capture silk and radial support threads, as well as their architectural arrangement in webs, across diverse species of orb‐weaving spiders to estimate the maximum potential performance of orb webs as energy absorbing traps. We find a dominant pattern of material and behavioural coevolution where evolutionary shifts to larger body sizes, a common result of fecundity selection in spiders, is repeatedly accompanied by improved web performance because of changes in both silk material and web spinning behaviours. Large spiders produce silk with improved material properties, and also use more silk, to make webs with superior stopping potential. After controlling for spider size, spiders spinning higher quality silk used it more sparsely in webs. This implies that improvements in silk quality enable ‘sparser’ architectural designs, or alternatively that spiders spinning lower quality silk compensate architecturally for the inferior material quality of their silk. In summary, spider silk material properties are fine‐tuned to the architectures of webs across millions of years of diversification, a coevolutionary pattern not yet clearly demonstrated for other important biomaterials such as tendon, mollusc byssal threads, and keratin.  相似文献   

We examined the webs of Linyphia triangularis (Clerck) and Microlinyphia pusilla (Sundevall) using light and scanning electronic microscopic techniques and compared them with the better known orb‐webs. The linyphiid sheet‐web consists of an unordered meshwork of fibres of different thicknesses. The sheet is connected to the scaffolding by means of attachment discs. Thin threads with globules, which appear similar to the viscid silk droplets of orb‐webs, are present in most webs examined. Webs of M. pusilla had a higher density of these globules than did webs of L. triangularis. Webs of both species possess five types of thread connections and contain no aqueous glue for prey capture. Instead, unlike orb‐webs, the sticky substances produced by the linyphiid aggregate glands cement the different layers and threads of the sheet by drying up after being produced. Due to their function, sheet webs may not require viscid silk, thereby leading to a more economic web. The assumption made in most previous studies, that the globules in linyphiid webs have the same properties and function as viscid silk in orb‐webs, is unfounded.  相似文献   

In the Pisauridae both web-building and non web-building spiders are present, the former building webs comparable to the funnel-webs of the Agelenidae.
Pisaura mirabilis has always been described as a non web-building spider catching the prey by sight.
However the sexually immature Pisaura mirabilis has been found to build a web in which the animal sits.
The structure of this web is not directly comparable to any other type of web, but some kind of relationship to the funnel-web of the Agelenidae may exist.
Even if the young Pisaura mirabilis is capable of catching prey without using the web, detection of the prey seems to be a main function of this structure.  相似文献   

Koichi Tanaka 《Oecologia》1989,81(4):459-464
Summary Although spider webs may be effective in trapping prey, they require energy for construction. The design of webs varies in complexity from species to species. I assume that the energetic cost of web construction is significantly different among web types or species. This cost may constrain foraging tactics, particularly web relocation, because web relocation also requires energy to make a new web. To clarify the effect of the cost of web construction on web relocation, the energy cost of web construction and the rate of web relocation were estimated for the spider Agelena limbata. This spider constructs a sheet-funnel web consisting of a tight mesh of silk threads. This web was costly in terms of the energy needed for construction, which ranged from 9 to 19 times the daily maintenance energy. The daily rate of web relocation was below 1%, indicating high web-site tenacity. Relocation rates of species which built different types of web were compared in relation to cost of web construction. Orbweavers, which produce less costly webs than sheet-funnel weavers, relocate webs more frequently. Sheetweavers, which make webs of intermediate cost, appear to relocate webs more frequently than sheetfunnel weavers but less frequently than orbweavers. These results suggest that the energy cost of web construction is important in determining the frequency of web relocation.  相似文献   

间斑寇蛛Latrodectus tredecimguttatus的一个显著特点是其毒腺外组织甚至卵粒中也存在毒性成分。研究毒腺外的毒素不但可以加深对蜘蛛毒素的了解,而且可以发现具有重要应用前景的新型毒素分子。为了探究间斑寇蛛卵粒中低丰度表达的蛋白质类毒素,利用生物信息学方法从间斑寇蛛卵粒转录组中挖掘出一条编码多肽毒素的基因序列,利用基于3′-RACE和巢式PCR的策略成功克隆并异源表达了该基因。表达的多肽毒素命名为间斑寇蛛卵粒毒素-Ⅵ(Latroeggtoxin-Ⅵ,LETX-Ⅵ)。生物学活性鉴定结果表明,LETX-Ⅵ能抑制ND7/23细胞膜上的钠离子通道电流和促进PC12细胞多巴胺的释放,但对美洲蜚蠊Periplaneta americana和金黄色葡萄球菌及白色念珠菌等细菌和真菌不显示明显的毒性,说明LETX-Ⅵ是一种哺乳动物特异的神经毒素,在神经生物学研究工具试剂和相关疾病治疗药物的研发等方面具有潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(5):463-472
Late Cretaceous amber from La Garnache (France, Vendée) contains filamentous networks that have all the characteristics of spider webs. Using methods of classic and confocal microscopy, the web architecture and the thread structure are described. The geometry of the webs preserved in amber is presented in 3D imaging. Unlike most of the spider webs identified in amber, there are no regular radiating webs growing in two dimensions characteristic of the well-known orb web. A number of the characters would correspond to the apparently irregular organization of cob-type web or sheet web. By using confocal microscopy, we can highlight the preserved autofluorescence of spider silk proteins and new characters are proposed to identify the spider webs or fragments of webs in amber.  相似文献   

It has been proposed from behavioural observations that the ability of Phytoseiidae to penetrate the web is related to chaetotaxy. As phytoseiid species differ widely in chaetotaxy, as well as in their ability to cope with complex webs, this hypothesis was tested by studying relations between these two variables. In this paper we develop a simple method to quantify the degree to which the soma is protected from contact with the silk and apply it to phytoseiid species for which behavioural performance in the web is known from the literature. It is found that the better protected species experience less hinder from complex webs, such as produced byTetranychus spp. Moreover, they appear to be more successful in exterminating local populations ofTetranychus spp. Thus, setal patterns in the Phytoseiidae may well be a good indicator for selecting candidates for biological control ofTetranychus spp. Finally, we propose a parsimonious scenario for the evolution of dorsal chaetotaxy in the Phytoseiidae.  相似文献   

间斑寇蛛Latrodectus tredecimguttatus俗称"黑寡妇"蜘蛛。其毒素不仅存在于毒腺中,而且存在于其身体的其他部分、卵粒甚至新生幼蛛体内。研究间斑寇蛛毒腺和毒腺外材料中的毒素成分,探明它们之间的异同、进化关系和生物学作用,具有重要的理论和实际意义。现代蛋白质化学和蛋白质组学技术的发展为间斑寇蛛蛋白质和多肽毒素的研究提供了有效手段,从而可以同时从单一纯化蛋白质和组学的层面探究毒素作用的分子基础和作用机制。到目前为止,间斑寇蛛毒素的蛋白质化学与蛋白质组学研究已取得一定的进展,但相关研究尤其是毒腺外材料来源的毒素研究还有待进一步深入。  相似文献   

Cribellar prey capture threads found in primitive, horizontal orb-webs reflect more light, including ultraviolet wavelengths, than viscous threads found in more derived, vertical orb-webs. Low web visibility and vertical orientation are each thought to increase prey interception and may represent key innovations that contributed to the greater diversity of modern, araneoid orb-weaving spiders. This study compares prey interception rates of cribellate orb-webs constructed by Uloborus glomosus (Uloboridae) with viscous orb-webs constructed by Leucauge venusta (Tetragnathidae) and Micrathena gracilis (Araneidae). We placed sectors of cribellar and viscous threads side by side in frames that were oriented either horizontally or vertically. The webs of both U. glomosus and L. venusta intercepted more prey when vertically oriented. In each orientation L. venusta webs intercepted more insects than did U. glomosus. Although this is consistent with the greater visibility of cribellar threads, the more closely spaced capture spirals of L. venusta may have contributed to this difference. Micrathena gracilis webs intercepted more prey than did U. glomosus webs, although web orientation did not affect the performance of this araneoid species. The stickier and more closely spaced capture spirals of M. gracilis may have enhanced the interception rates of this species and accounted for the greater number of smaller dipterans retained in its webs. The tendency for these slow, weak flight insects to be blown into both horizontal and vertical webs may account for similar interception rates of horizontal and vertical M. gracilis webs. These observations support the enhanced prey interception of vertically oriented orb-webs, but offer only qualified support for the contributions of lower visibility viscous capture threads.  相似文献   

Psilochorus sphaeroides from Queensland, Australia and Smeringopus pallidus from Sri Lanka are long-legged, web-building pholcid spiders with a special defence behaviour, whirling. The efficiency of whirling as a defence against web-invading jumping spiders (Salticidae) was examined in the laboratory. Three salticid species were used in these tests- Euryattus sp., Portia fimbriata and Portia labiata. Euryattus leapt into webs, but Portia fimbriata and Portia labiata walked slowly into webs and practised aggressive mimicry. Portia fimbriata was more consistent at using aggressive mimicry and more efficient at capturing Psilochorus sphaeroides and Smeringopus pallidus than was Portia labiata . Both species of Portia were more efficient at catching pholcids than was Euryattus. Portia , especially Portia fimbriata , was less inclined than Euryattus to stimulate pholcids to whirl. In an experiment in which pholcids were artificially induced to whirl whenever a salticid was near, salticids never captured pholcids, providing additional evidence that whirling is an effective defence of Psilochorus sphaeroides and Smeringopus pallidus against web-invaders. Results from this study are compared to those from a study of another pholcid that whirls, Pholcus phalangioides .  相似文献   

Summary Web-building spiders (Araneae; Theridiidae, Linyphiidae, Araneidae) are catagorized as searchers because they devote a large amount of energy to the construction of the web which constitutes the search phase in the foraging sequence. In this study search energy is equated with the density of threads in a web and the effectiveness of a variety of webs in three broad catagories (tangle webs, sheet webs & orb webs) is tested in the light of current foraging theory. Within each web type there is a distinct thread density at which the number of approaching Drosophila (Diptera; Drosophilidae) that are captured is maximized (Figs. 1, 2, 3). That maximum results from a combination of factors that are a function of the density of threads in the web. The visibility of the web to an approaching Drosophila increases which acts to decrease the number of flies that enter the web (Tables 2, 3, 4). The ability of the web to detain a Drosophila that contacts it (capture efficiency) increases to an asymptote as a function of thread density (Fig. 4). These data support an assumption of many optimal foraging models that with increasing investment in search the predator receives a diminishing return.More Drosophila intercept orb webs than intercept sheet or tangle webs. In addition orb webs detain a greater proportion of the flies that contact them (Fig. 4). Sheet webs are intermediate between orb and tangle webs in their relative abilities to contact and detain Drosophila.  相似文献   

Pierre Olivier  Benjamin Planque 《Oikos》2017,126(9):1339-1346
A food web topology describes the diversity of species and their trophic interactions, i.e. who eats whom, and structural analysis of food web topologies can provide insight into ecosystem structure and function. It appears simple, at first sight, to list all species and their trophic interactions. However, the very large number of species at low trophic levels and the impossibility to monitor all trophic interactions in the ocean makes it impossible to construct complete food web topologies. In practice, food web topologies are simplified by aggregating species into groups termed trophospecies. It is not clear though, how much simplified versions of food webs retain the structural properties of more detailed networks. Using the most comprehensive Barents Sea food web to date, we investigate the performance of methods to construct simplified food webs using three approaches: taxonomic, structural and regular clustering. We then evaluate how topological properties vary with the level of network simplification. Results show that alteration of food web structural properties due to aggregation are highly sensitive to the methodology used for grouping species and trophic links. In the specific case of the Barents Sea, we show that it is possible to preserve key structural properties of the original complex food web in simplified versions when using taxonomic or structural clustering combined with intermediate 25% linkage for trophic aggregation.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long searched for structures and processes that impart stability in nature. In particular, food web ecology has held promise in tackling this issue. Empirical patterns in food webs have consistently shown that the distributions of species and interactions in nature are more likely to be stable than randomly constructed systems with the same number of species and interactions. Food web ecology still faces two fundamental challenges, however. First, the quantity and quality of food web data required to document both the species richness and the interaction strengths among all species within food webs is largely prohibitive. Second, where food webs have been well documented, spatial and temporal variation in food web structure has been ignored. Conversely, research that has addressed spatial and temporal variation in ecosystems has generally ignored the full complexity of food web architecture. Here, we incorporate empirical patterns, largely from macroecology and behavioural ecology, into a spatially implicit food web structure to construct a simple landscape theory of food web architecture. Such an approach both captures important architectural features of food webs and allows for an exploration of food web structure across a range of spatial scales. Finally, we demonstrated that food webs are hierarchically organized along the spatial and temporal niche axes of species and their utilization of food resources in ways that stabilize ecosystems.  相似文献   

The cribellum is an oval spinning field whose spigots produce silk fibrils that form the outer surfaces of the primitive prey capture threads found in aerial spider webs. A comparison of the cribella and cribellar capture threads of 13 species of spiders representing seven families (Amaurobiidae, Desidae, Dictynidae, Filistatidae, Neolanidae, Oecobiidae, and Uloboridae) confirms that the stickness of a cribellar thread is directly related to the number of spigots on a spider's cribellum. This comparison also demonstrates that the origin of orb-weaving spiders from ancestors that constructed less highly organized webs was associated with increases in both the weight-specific number of cribellum spigots and the weight-specific stickiness of cribellar prey capture threads. In contrast to other cribellate spiders, the number of cribellum spigots of orb-weaving species of the family Uloboridae scales to spider mass. Thus, the origin of orb-weaving spiders involved not only behavioural changes that stylized and restricted the placement of cribellar threads, but also included morphological changes that increased the stickiness of these capture threads by endowing them with more cribellar fibrils.  相似文献   

Summary The spinning apparatus ofLinyphia triangularis, adult females and males, was studied with the scanning electron microscope and the main anatomical and histochemical characteristics of the silk glands, including the epigastric apparatus of males, are presented. The epigastric glands seem to be important for the construction of sperm webs. A detailed account of the use of the different kinds of silk in web building is given.The spinning apparatus ofLinyphia closely corresponds to the araneid pattern. Characteristic of linyphiid spiders is the poor development of the aciniform glands. Corresponding to the minor importance of capture threads forLinyphia, the triads (aggregate and flagelliform glands) are less developed than in Araneidae.Linyphia make much less use of the secretions of the piriform glands for connecting threads than Araneidae. Capture threads adhere to other threads by their own glue; other threads seem mostly to be bound to one another by the secretion of the minor ampullate glands whose chemical properties, inLinyphia, appear especially adapted to this function. Neither the anatomical and histochemical data concerning the spinning apparatus nor the structure of the webs provide any indication of close relationships between Linyphiidae and Agelenidae, as was recently claimed.  相似文献   

Linyphiidae is the second largest family of spiders. Using Linyphia hortensis and L. triangularis, we describe linyphiid sheet-web construction behaviour. Orb-web construction behaviour is reviewed and compared with that of nonorb-weaving orbicularians. Phylogenetic comparisons and the biogenetic law are applied to deduce behavioural homology. Linyphia webs were constructed gradually and in segments over a period of many days and had a long lifespan. Two construction behaviours, supporting structure and sticky thread (ST) (within the sheet) were observed. ST construction behaviour in linyphiids is considered homologous to sticky spiral construction in orb-weavers. Overall web construction conformed to the pattern of alternate construction of sticky and nonsticky parts as observed in theridiids. Linyphiids had no problem in switching between structure construction and ST construction even during a single behavioural bout. Both web construction behaviours in linyphiids were nonstereotypic, which is unusual in orbicularians. This might be due to the loss of control mechanisms at genetic level, probably by macro mutation. Lack of stereotypic behaviour might have played a substantial role in the origin of the diverse web forms seen in nonorb-weaving orbicularians. This hypothesis is consistent with patterns observed in the orbicularian phylogeny.  相似文献   

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