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This article describes the implementation of a new docking approach. The method uses a Tabu search methodology to dock flexibly ligand molecules into rigid receptor structures. It uses an empirical objective function with a small number of physically based terms derived from fitting experimental binding affinities for crystallographic complexes. This means that docking energies produced by the searching algorithm provide direct estimates of the binding affinities of the ligands. The method has been tested on 50 ligand-receptor complexes for which the experimental binding affinity and binding geometry are known. All water molecules are removed from the structures and ligand molecules are minimized in vacuo before docking. The lowest energy geometry produced by the docking protocol is within 1.5 Å root-mean square of the experimental binding mode for 86% of the complexes. The lowest energies produced by the docking are in fair agreement with the known free energies of binding for the ligands. Proteins 33:367–382, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Location of functional binding pockets of bioactive ligands on protein molecules is essential in structural genomics and drug design projects. If the experimental determination of ligand-protein complex structures is complicated, blind docking (BD) and pocket search (PS) calculations can help in the prediction of atomic resolution binding mode and the location of the pocket of a ligand on the entire protein surface. Whereas the number of successful predictions by these methods is increasing even for the complicated cases of exosites or allosteric binding sites, their reliability has not been fully established. For a critical assessment of reliability, we use a set of ligand-protein complexes, which were found to be problematic in previous studies. The robustness of BD and PS methods is addressed in terms of success of the selection of truly functional pockets from among the many putative ones identified on the surfaces of ligand-bound and ligand-free (holo and apo) protein forms. Issues related to BD such as effect of hydration, existence of multiple pockets, and competition of subsidiary ligands are considered. Practical cases of PS are discussed, categorized and strategies are recommended for handling the different situations. PS can be used in conjunction with BD, as we find that a consensus approach combining the techniques improves predictive power.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate a hybrid model based on the Discrete Gradient method and an evolutionary strategy for determining the weights in a feed forward artificial neural network. Also we discuss different variants for hybrid models using the Discrete Gradient method and an evolutionary strategy for determining the weights in a feed forward artificial neural network. The Discrete Gradient method has the advantage of being able to jump over many local minima and find very deep local minima. However, earlier research has shown that a good starting point for the discrete gradient method can improve the quality of the solution point. Evolutionary algorithms are best suited for global optimisation problems. Nevertheless they are cursed with longer training times and often unsuitable for real world application. For optimisation problems such as weight optimisation for ANNs in real world applications the dimensions are large and time complexity is critical. Hence the idea of a hybrid model can be a suitable option. In this paper we propose different fusion strategies for hybrid models combining the evolutionary strategy with the discrete gradient method to obtain an optimal solution much quicker. Three different fusion strategies are discussed: a linear hybrid model, an iterative hybrid model and a restricted local search hybrid model. Comparative results on a range of standard datasets are provided for different fusion hybrid models.  相似文献   

Halperin I  Ma B  Wolfson H  Nussinov R 《Proteins》2002,47(4):409-443
The docking field has come of age. The time is ripe to present the principles of docking, reviewing the current state of the field. Two reasons are largely responsible for the maturity of the computational docking area. First, the early optimism that the very presence of the "correct" native conformation within the list of predicted docked conformations signals a near solution to the docking problem, has been replaced by the stark realization of the extreme difficulty of the next scoring/ranking step. Second, in the last couple of years more realistic approaches to handling molecular flexibility in docking schemes have emerged. As in folding, these derive from concepts abstracted from statistical mechanics, namely, populations. Docking and folding are interrelated. From the purely physical standpoint, binding and folding are analogous processes, with similar underlying principles. Computationally, the tools developed for docking will be tremendously useful for folding. For large, multidomain proteins, domain docking is probably the only rational way, mimicking the hierarchical nature of protein folding. The complexity of the problem is huge. Here we divide the computational docking problem into its two separate components. As in folding, solving the docking problem involves efficient search (and matching) algorithms, which cover the relevant conformational space, and selective scoring functions, which are both efficient and effectively discriminate between native and non-native solutions. It is universally recognized that docking of drugs is immensely important. However, protein-protein docking is equally so, relating to recognition, cellular pathways, and macromolecular assemblies. Proteins function when they are bound to other molecules. Consequently, we present the review from both the computational and the biological points of view. Although large, it covers only partially the extensive body of literature, relating to small (drug) and to large protein-protein molecule docking, to rigid and to flexible. Unfortunately, when reviewing these, a major difficulty in assessing the results is the non-uniformity in the formats in which they are presented in the literature. Consequently, we further propose a way to rectify it here.  相似文献   

An experimental study of hybridizing cultural algorithms and local search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper the performance of the Cultural Algorithms-Iterated Local Search (CA-ILS), a new continuous optimization algorithm, is empirically studied on multimodal test functions proposed in the Special Session on Real-Parameter Optimization of the 2005 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. It is compared with state-of-the-art methods attending the Session to find out whether the algorithm is effective in solving difficult problems. The test results show that CA-ILS may be a competitive method, at least in the tested problems. The results also reveal the classes of problems where CA-ILS can work well and/or not well.  相似文献   

A new method based on a mathematically natural local search framework for max cut is developed to uncover functionally coherent module and BPM motifs in high-throughput genetic interaction data. Unlike previous methods, which also consider physical protein-protein interaction data, our method utilizes genetic interaction data only; this becomes increasingly important as high-throughput genetic interaction data is becoming available in settings where less is known about physical interaction data. We compare modules and BPMs obtained to previous methods and across different datasets. Despite needing no physical interaction information, the BPMs produced by our method are competitive with previous methods. Biological findings include a suggested global role for the prefoldin complex and a SWR subcomplex in pathway buffering in the budding yeast interactome.  相似文献   

Homology models of the ionotropic rat kainate receptor iGluR6, based on the ligand binding domains of iGluR2, were constructed. A systematic analysis by low-mode docking searches of kainic acid in homology models of the native iGluR6 receptor, chimeric (iGluR2 and iGluR6) receptors and mutant receptors have identified three residues which influence the conformation of kainic acid in the binding core and hence the affinity for kainic acid. These residues are Leu650, Thr649 and Leu704, all located in domain 2. Leu650 has previously been implicated in the control of selectivity of iGluR2. However, this is the first report that suggests that Thr649 and Leu704 play a role in receptor selectivity.  相似文献   

The structure of the binding site of the stereoselective anti-D-amino acid antibody 67.36 was modeled utilizing web antibody modeling (WAM) and SWISS-MODEL. Although docking experiments performed with an aromatic amino acid as model ligand were unsuccessful with the WAM structure, ligand binding was achieved with the SWISS-MODEL structure. Incorporation of side-chain flexibility within the binding site resulted in a protein structure that stereoselectively binds to the D-enantiomer of the model ligand. In addition to four hydrogen bonds that are formed between amino acid residues in the binding site and the ligand, a number of hydrophobic interactions are involved in the formation of the antibody-ligand complex. The aromatic side chain of the ligand interacts with a tryptophan and a tyrosine residue in the binding site through pi-pi stacking. Fluorescence spectroscopic investigations also suggest the presence of tryptophan residues in the binding site, as ligand binding causes an enhancement of the antibody's intrinsic fluorescence at an emission wavelength of 350 nm. Based on the modeled antibody structure, the L-enantiomer of the model ligand cannot access the binding site due to steric hindrance. Additional docking experiments performed with D-phenylalanine and D-norvaline showed that these ligands are bound to the antibody in a way analogous to the D-enantiomer of the model ligand.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in behaviour within species is common. However, how behavioural plasticity varies between and within locally adapted populations is less studied. Here, we studied behavioural plasticity induced by perceived predation risk and food availability in pond (low predation - high competition) vs. coastal marine (high predation - low competition) nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) reared in a common garden experiment. Pond sticklebacks were more active feeders, more risk-taking, aggressive and explorative than marine sticklebacks. Perceived predation risk decreased aggression and risk-taking of all fish. Food restriction increased feeding activity and risk-taking. Pond sticklebacks became more risk-taking than marine sticklebacks under food shortage, whereas well-fed fish behaved similarly. Among poorly fed fish, males showed higher drive to feed, whereas among well-fed fish, females did. Apart from showing how evolutionary history, ontogenetic experience and sex influence behaviour, the results provide evidence for habitat-dependent expression of adaptive phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Retinoid X receptors (RXRα, β and γ) are recently known to be cancer chemotherapies targets. The ligand binding domains of RXRs have been crystallized, but the information of RXRγ ligand binding site is not yet available due to the lack of liganded complex. A thorough understanding of the ligand binding sites is essential to study RXRs and may result in cancer therapeutic breakthrough. Thus we aimed to study the RXRγ ligand binding site and find out the differences between the three subtypes. Alignment and molecular simulation were carried out for identifying the RXRγ ligand binding site, characterizing the RXRγ ligand binding mode and comparing the three RXRs. The result has indicated that the RXRγ ligand binding site is defined by helices H5, H10, β-sheet s1 and the end loop. Besides hydrophobic interactions, the ligand 9-cis retinoic acid interacts with RXRγ through a hydrogen bond with Ala106, a salt bridge with Arg95 and the π-π interactions with Phe217 and Phe218. The binding modes exhibit some similarities among RXRs, such as the interactions with Arg95 and Ala106. Nonetheless, owing to the absence of Ile47, Cys48, Ala50, Ala51 and residues 225∼237 in the active site, the binding pocket in RXRγ is two times larger than those of RXRα and RXRβ. Meanwhile, spatial effects of Trp84, Arg95, Ala106, Phe217 and Phe218 help to create a differently shaped binding pocket as compared to those of RXRα and RXRβ. Consequently, the ligand in RXRγ undergoes a “standing” posing which is distinct from the other two RXRs.  相似文献   

Kaushik S  Sowdhamini R 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e26251
Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) is considered as an important pharmaceutical target for the treatment of numerous diseases. Despite enormous studies on various aspects of POPs structure and function still some of the questions are intriguing like conformational dynamics of the protein and interplay between ligand entry/egress. Here, we have used molecular modeling and docking based approaches to unravel questions like differences in ligand binding affinities in three POP species (porcine, human and A. thaliana). Despite high sequence and structural similarity, they possess different affinities for the ligands. Interestingly, human POP was found to be more specific, selective and incapable of binding to a few planar ligands which showed extrapolation of porcine POP in human context is more complicated. Possible routes for substrate entry and product egress were also investigated by detailed analyses of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for the three proteins. Trajectory analysis of bound and unbound forms of three species showed differences in conformational dynamics, especially variations in β-propeller pore size, which was found to be hidden by five lysine residues present on blades one and seven. During simulation, β-propeller pore size was increased by ∼2 Å in porcine ligand-bound form which might act as a passage for smaller product movement as free energy barrier was reduced, while there were no significant changes in human and A. thaliana POPs. We also suggest that these differences in pore size could lead to fundamental differences in mode of product egress among three species. This analysis also showed some functionally important residues which can be used further for in vitro mutagenesis and inhibitor design. This study can help us in better understanding of the etiology of POPs in several neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) identifies protein sequences using database search engines, at the core of which is a score that measures the similarity between peptide MS/MS spectra and a protein sequence database. The TANDEM application was developed as a freely available database search engine for the proteomics research community. To extend TANDEM as a platform for further research on developing improved database scoring methods, we modified the software to allow users to redefine the scoring function and replace the native TANDEM scoring function while leaving the remaining core application intact. Redefinition is performed at run time so multiple scoring functions are available to be selected and applied from a single search engine binary. We introduce the implementation of the pluggable scoring algorithm and also provide implementations of two TANDEM compatible scoring functions, one previously described scoring function compatible with PeptideProphet and one very simple scoring function that quantitative researchers may use to begin their development. This extension builds on the open-source TANDEM project and will facilitate research into and dissemination of novel algorithms for matching MS/MS spectra to peptide sequences. The pluggable scoring schema is also compatible with related search applications P3 and Hunter, which are part of the X! suite of database matching algorithms. The pluggable scores and the X! suite of applications are all written in C++. AVAILABILITY: Source code for the scoring functions is available from http://proteomics.fhcrc.org  相似文献   

Criminality is highly costly to victims and their relatives, but often also to offenders. From an evolutionary viewpoint, criminal behavior may persist despite adverse consequences by providing offenders with fitness benefits as part of a successful alternative mating strategy. Specifically, criminal behavior may have evolved as a reproductive strategy based on low parental investment reflected in low commitment in reproductive relationships. We linked data from nationwide total population registers in Sweden to test if criminality is associated with reproductive success. Further, we used several different measures related to monogamy to determine the relation between criminal behavior and alternative mating tactics. Convicted criminal offenders had more children than individuals never convicted of a criminal offense. Criminal offenders also had more reproductive partners, were less often married, more likely to get remarried if ever married, and had more often contracted a sexually transmitted disease than non-offenders. Importantly, the increased reproductive success of criminals was explained by a fertility increase from having children with several different partners. We conclude that criminality appears to be adaptive in a contemporary industrialized country, and that this association can be explained by antisocial behavior being part of an adaptive alternative reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

InDrosophila melanogaster, male wing vibration, a key element of courtship behaviour, is most efficiently induced by a female-specific contact pheromonecis, cis 7,11 heptacosadiene (7, 11 HD), which is the main mature female cuticular hydrocarbon in the CS laboratory strain. A study of 63 strains from around the world revealed that flies from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean are unique in showing low levels 7,11 HD and high levels of the position isomer 5,9 HD. This difference maps to chromosome III, perhaps indicating a simple genetic control of the 7,11 HD: 5,9 HD ratio. Females from strains with high levels of 7,11 HD showed higher levels of mating and mated more rapidly than females with low levels of 7,11 HD. The results are discussed in light of recent discoveries of genetic differences betweenD. melanogaster strains from Africa and those from elsewhere around the world.  相似文献   

Given that characters exhibiting macroscopic asymmetry have evolved in a wide variety of taxa, heritable variation for bilateral asymmetry must have arisen at some point in their history. The recognition that heritable variation may underlie some statistical asymmetries not only raises concerns about the incautious use of statistical estimates of FA in studies of developmental stability, but it suggests some intriguing questions about the possible evolutionary origins of macroscopic asymmetries. First, we developed an additive model of bilateral variation based on some simple assumptions about the developmental control of bilateral variation. Second, using a new approach for studying statistical asymmetries, we conducted an analysis of bilateral variation in eight metrical traits of a harpacticoid copepod (Tigriopus californicus) to search for novel forms of statistical asymmetries. The model we developed revealed three independent statistical asymmetries of potential evolutionary significance:a) a previously unrecognized form of asymmetry (referred to here asnormal covariant asymmetry),b) antisymmetry, andc) directional asymmetry. Because each pattern of variation would seem to require different amounts and kinds of developmental-genetic information [a- only negative feedback between sides (bilateral inhibition),b- bothbilateral inhibition and average departure from symmetry (bilateral offset),c- bilateral inhibition, bilateral offset, and a consistent overdevelopment of one side or the other (side-bias control)], those requiring less information would seem more likely to represent earlier stages in the evolution of macroscopic asymmetries. Our analysis of bilateral variation inTigriopus revealed no evidence for any form of statistical asymmetry other than fluctuating asymmetry. However, a significant positive covariation between sides, even after correction for body size variation, suggested that factors influencing relative limb length (whether genetic or environmental) affected both sides equally rather than one side at the expense of the other. Finally, we note that certain statistical asymmetries (directional asymmetry, any form of covariant asymmetry) may render characters unreliable for estimating developmental stability because, unlike pure fluctuating asymmetry, they may signal a genetic component to asymmetry variation.  相似文献   

Countergradient variation is a geographical pattern of genotypes (with respect to environments) in which genetic influences on a trait oppose environmental influences, thereby minimizing phenotypic change along the gradient. Phenotypic similarity across changing environments ought to be of intense interest because it belies considerable genotypic change. When it occurs in characters that are positively associated with fitness, countergradient variation conflicts with the hypothesis that local adaptation to one environment trades off against performance in another environment. Cases of countergradient variation therefore offer unique insight into the mechanisms that produce and maintain phenotypic similarity and/or differences along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: It is widely recognized that homology search and ortholog clustering are very useful for analyzing biological sequences. However, recent growth of sequence database size makes homolog detection difficult, and rapid and accurate methods are required. RESULTS: We present a novel method for fast and accurate homology detection, assuming that the Smith-Waterman (SW) scores between all similar sequence pairs in a target database are computed and stored. In this method, SW alignment is computed only if the upper bound, which is derived from our novel inequality, is higher than the given threshold. In contrast to other methods such as FASTA and BLAST, this method is guaranteed to find all sequences whose scores against the query are higher than the specified threshold. Results of computational experiments suggest that the method is dozens of times faster than SSEARCH if genome sequence data of closely related species are available.  相似文献   

T Hou  J Wang  L Chen  X Xu 《Protein engineering》1999,12(8):639-648
A genetic algorithm (GA) combined with a tabu search (TA) has been applied as a minimization method to rake the appropriate associated sites for some biomolecular systems. In our docking procedure, surface complementarity and energetic complementarity of a ligand with its receptor have been considered separately in a two-stage docking method. The first stage was to find a set of potential associated sites mainly based on surface complementarity using a genetic algorithm combined with a tabu search. This step corresponds with the process of finding the potential binding sites where pharmacophores will bind. In the second stage, several hundreds of GA minimization steps were performed for each associated site derived from the first stage mainly based on the energetic complementarity. After calculations for both of the two stages, we can offer several solutions of associated sites for every complex. In this paper, seven biomolecular systems, including five bound complexes and two unbound complexes, were chosen from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) to test our method. The calculated results were very encouraging-the hybrid minimization algorithm successfully reaches the correct solutions near the best binded modes for these protein complexes. The docking results not only predict the bound complexes very well, but also get a relatively accurate complexed conformation for unbound systems. For the five bound complexes, the results show that surface complementarity is enough to find the precise binding modes, the top solution from the tabu list generally corresponds to the correct binding mode. For the two unbound complexes, due to the conformational changes upon binding, it seems more difficult to get their correct binding conformations. The predicted results show that the correct binding mode also corresponds to a relatively large surface complementarity score. In these two test cases, the correct solution can be found in the top several solutions from the tabu list. For unbound complexes, the interaction energy from energetic complementarity is very important, it can be used to filter these solutions from the surface complementarity. After the evaluation of the energetic complementarity, the conformations and orientations close to the crystallographically determined structures are resolved. In most cases, the smallest root mean square distance (r.m.s.d.) from the GA combined with TA solutions is in a relatively small region. Our program of automatic docking is really a universal one among the procedures used for the theoretical study of molecular recognition.  相似文献   

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