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Carotenoid pigments and in particular xanthophylls play several physiological functions in plant and animal membranes. Xanthophylls are present in biological membranes in the form of pigment-protein complexes but also as direct components of lipid phase. The biological activity of carotenoids in membranes depends on a molecular organisation of pigments in lipid bilayers, in particular the localisation, orientation and aggregational state. In the present work the organisation of lutein- and zeaxanthin-containing lipid membranes was analysed with the application of electronic absorption spectroscopy. Both xanthophyll pigments incorporated to the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) unilamellar liposomes form H-type molecular aggregates, manifested by the hypsochromic shift of the main absorption band of carotenoids. The aggregation of lutein and zeaxanthin in DPPC membranes was observed even at relatively low concentrations of a pigment in the lipid phase (1-5 mol%). Gaussian analysis of the absorption spectra of lutein and zeaxanthin in DPPC membranes in terms of the exciton splitting theory revealed the formation of different molecular structures of pigments interpreted as dimers, trimers, tetramers and large aggregates. The fraction of lutein and zeaxanthin in the monomeric form was found to depend on the physical state of the lipid phase. Pronounced monomerisation of lutein and zeaxanthin was observed as accompanying the transition from the P(beta)' phase to the L(alpha) phase of DPPC, mostly at the expense of the trimeric and tetrameric forms. The fraction of monomers of lutein is always lower by 10-30% than that of zeaxanthin under the same experimental conditions. Different organisational forms of lutein and zeaxanthin in the model system studied are discussed in terms of possible physiological functions of these pigments in the membranes of the retina: zeaxanthin in the protection of the lipid phase against oxidative damage and lutein in absorbing short wavelength radiation penetrating retina membranes.  相似文献   

Observational evidence is accumulating that the onset of age-related maculopathy, the leading cause of legal blindness in the Western World, could be delayed, or even averted, with antioxidant supplements. Lutein (L) and zeaxanthin (Z) are two hydroxy-carotenoids with antioxidant activity which accumulate at the macula, where they are collectively known as macular pigment (MP). It has been shown that MP is entirely of dietary origin, and that L and Z levels in serum, diet, and retina correlate. However, the nature of the relationships between L and Z in foodstuffs, blood, and macula is confounded by many variables including processes which influence digestion, absorption, and transport of the compounds in question, and accumulation and stabilization of the carotenoids in the tissues. If macular pigment is protective for age-related maculopathy, a clear understanding of the mechanisms whereby L and Z arrive at the target tissue (retina) from their source (foodstuff) is essential. In this paper, we review the literature germane to this growing area of interest.  相似文献   

The incorporation efficiencies of lutein, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin and beta-carotene into Retinal Pigment Epithelial (RPE) cells (the human RPE cell line D 407), liver microsomes and EYPC liposomes are investigated. In RPE cells the efficiency ratio of lutein and zeaxanthin compared to canthaxanthin and beta-carotene is higher than in the other membranes. The preferential interactions of lutein and zeaxanthin with RPE cells are discussed considering special protein binding properties. Incorporation yields were obtained from the UV-Vis spectra of the carotenoids. Membrane modulating effects of the carotenoids were obtained from the fluorescence spectra of co-incorporated Laurdan (6-dodecanoyl-2-dimethylaminonaphtalene). The Laurdan fluorescence quenching efficiencies of the membrane bound carotenoids offer an access to direct determinations of membrane carotenoid concentrations. Fetal calf serum as carrier for carotenoid incorporation appears superior to tetrahydrofuran.  相似文献   



Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are unavoidable by-products of oxygenic photosynthesis, causing progressive oxidative damage and ultimately cell death. Despite their destructive activity they are also signalling molecules, priming the acclimatory response to stress stimuli.  相似文献   

Sendai virus particles fuse with negatively charged liposomes but not with vesicles made of zwitterionic phospholipids. The liposome-virus fusion process was studied by dilution of the concentration-dependent excimer-forming fluorophore 2-pyrenyldodecanoylphosphatidylcholine contained in the liposomes by the viral lipids. The data were analyzed in the framework of a mass action kinetic model. This provided analytical solutions for the final levels of probe dilution and numerical solutions for the kinetics of the overall fusion process, in terms of rate constants for the liposome-virus adhesion, deadhesion and fusion. This analysis led to the following conclusions: At neutral pH and 37 degrees C, only 15% of the virus particles can fuse with the phospholipid vesicles, although all the virions may aggregate with the liposomes. The rate constants for aggregation, fusion and deadhesion are of the orders of magnitude of 10(7) M-1 X s-1, 10(-3) s-1 and 10(-2), s-1, respectively. The fraction of active virus increases with temperature. At acidic pH, both the fraction of 'fusable' virus and the rate of fusion increase markedly. The optimal pH for fusion is 3-4, where most of the virus particles are active. At higher pH values, an increasing fraction of the virus particles become inactive, probably due to ionization of viral glycoproteins, whereas at pH values below 3.0 the fusion is markedly reduced, most likely due to protonation of the negatively charged vesicles. While only 15% of the virions fuse with the liposomes at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C, all the liposomes lose their content (Amselem, S., Loyter, A. Lichtenberg, D. and Barenholz, Y. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 820, 1-10). We therefore propose that release of entrapped solutes is due to liposome-virus aggregation, and not to fusion. Both trypsinization and heat inactivation of the virus particles inhibit not only the fusion process but also the release of carboxyfluorescein. This demonstrates the obligatory role of viral membrane proteins in liposome-virus aggregation. Reconstituted vesicles made of the viral lipid and the hemagglutinin/neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein fuse with negatively charged liposomes similar to the intact virions. This suggests that the fusion of virions with negatively charged vesicles, unlike the fusion of the virus with biological membranes, requires only the HN and not the fusion glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The structure of three types of liposomes (egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (EPC) without modification and EPC vesicles containing cross-linked N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) networks of low and a high concentration inside the vesicles) were analyzed by static and dynamic light scattering. Upon polymerization the network was assumed to become attached to the membrane by reactive anchoring monomers. For the sample of high poly(NIPAM) content the polymer network was assumed to fill the whole space in the vesicles. The issue of the present study was to examine hard and hollow sphere behavior of the liposomes with networks of high and low poly(NIPAM) content. The theoretical scattering curves differ markedly for uniform hard and uniform hollow spheres by the presence of specific peaks. However, polydispersity washed out the peaks and led to smoothed asymptotes with fractal dimensions of df = 2 for hollow and df = 4 for hard spheres. The experimental data could efficiently be fitted with weakly polydisperse hollow spheres. No clear conclusion could be drawn from the angular dependence alone for the liposome of high poly(NIPAM) content. The two wavelengths from the HeNe and Ar lasers proved to be too long for the studied liposomes of about 100 nm in radius. However, evidence for hollow sphere behavior was found for fractionated liposomes from the ratio rho = Rg/Rh = 1.04 +/- 0.02 (theory rho = 1.00 for hollow spheres). Finally, from the molar mass and the sphere radius, an apparent density was determined. The analysis gave the expected density for the pure EPC lecithin vesicles and a poly(NIPAM) network density of 0.244 g/mL. For the liposome of low poly(NIPAM) content the network appeared to be attached to the inner surface of the lecithin shell to form a layer of about 18 nm thickness.  相似文献   

Major carotenoids of human plasma and tissues were exposed to radical-initiated autoxidation conditions. The consumption of lutein and zeaxanthin, the only carotenoids in the retina, and lycopene and beta-carotene, the most effective quenchers of singlet oxygen in plasma, were compared. Under all conditions of free radical-initiated autoxidation of carotenoids which were investigated, the breakdown of lycopene and beta-carotene was much faster than that of lutein and zeaxanthin. Under the influence of UV light in presence of Rose Bengal, by far the highest breakdown rate was found for beta-carotene, followed by lycopene. Bleaching of carotenoid mixtures mediated by NaOCl, addition of azo-bis-isobutyronitril (AIBN), and the photoirradiation of carotenoid mixtures by natural sunlight lead to the following sequence of breakdown rates: lycopene > beta-carotene > zeaxanthin > lutein. The slow degradation of the xanthophylls zeaxanthin and lutein may be suggested to explain the majority of zeaxanthin and lutein in the retina of man and other species. In correspondence to that, the rapid degradation of beta-carotene and lycopene under the influence of natural sunlight and UV light is postulated to be the reason for the almost lack of those two carotenoids in the human retina. Nevertheless, a final proof of that theory is lacking.  相似文献   

All-E-(3R,3′R,6′R)-lutein, all-E-(3R,3′R)-zeaxanthin, all-E-(3R,3′S,6′R)-3′-epilutein and some geometrical isomers of the former two dihydroxycarotenoids have been separated from an extract of human plasma by semipreparative high-performance liquid chromatography on a silica-based nitrile-bonded column. In the order of chromatographic elution, the isolated fractions were identified as all-E-lutein, all-E-zeaxanthin, all-E-3′-epilutein, 9Z-lutein, 9′Z-lutein, a mixture of 13Z-lutein and 13′Z-lutein, 9Z-zeaxanthin, 13Z-zeaxanthin and 15Z-zeaxanthin. The structures of all compounds, including the relative configuration at C(3′) and C(6′) of the luteins and the position of the stereomutated double bonds in the geometrical isomers, were unambiguously established by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The absolute configuration of the three all-E compounds was derived by circular dichroism and is also assumed to be valid for the geometrical isomers. The ultraviolet—visible absorption and mass spectra of each of the individually isolated compounds were also in agreement with the proposed structures.  相似文献   

In visual pigments, opsin proteins regulate the spectral absorption of a retinal chromophore by mechanisms that change the energy level of the excited electronic state relative to the ground state. We have studied these mechanisms by using photocurrent recording to measure the spectral sensitivities of individual red rods and red (long-wavelength-sensitive) and blue (short-wavelength-sensitive) cones of salamander before and after replacing the native 3-dehydro 11-cis retinal chromophore with retinal analogs: 11-cis retinal, 3-dehydro 9-cis retinal, 9-cis retinal, and 5,6-dihydro 9-cis retinal. The protonated Schiff's bases of analogs with unsaturated bonds in the ring had broader spectra than the same chromophores bound to opsins. Saturation of the bonds in the ring reduced the spectral bandwidths of the protonated Schiff's bases and the opsin-bound chromophores and made them similar to each other. This indicates that torsion of the ring produces spectral broadening and that torsion is limited by opsin. Saturating the 5,6 double bond in retinal reduced the perturbation of the chromophore by opsin in red and in blue cones but not in red rods. Thus an interaction between opsin and the chromophoric ring shifts the spectral maxima of the red and blue cone pigments, but not that of the red rod pigment.  相似文献   

The blue colour of the petals of the blue marguerite daisy, Felicia amelloides, has been found to arise from copigmentation between a novel malonylated delphinidin triglycoside, delphinidin 3-O-neohesperidoside 7-O- (6-O-malonyl-glucoside), and a new flavone C-glycoside, swertisin 2″-O-rhamnoside-4′-O-glucoside. Recombination, in vitro, of these two petal components at pH 6 recreates the blue petal colour.  相似文献   

To protect the eye from ultraviolet phototoxicity caused by free radicals, ocular components such as the aqueous humor accumulate antioxidants, such as the carotenoids. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids known to be present in the aqueous humor. Due to the small sample volume, pooling of samples from an undesirable large number of animals is often required for sufficient sensitivity and statistically significant differences to be achieved. In this paper we present a rapid, sensitive and robust packed capillary high-performance liquid chromatographic visible detection method for the quantification of lutein and zeaxanthin in the aqueous humor of single mouse eyes.  相似文献   

BackgroundClinical trials report benefits of the xanthophylls lutein and zeaxanthin for skin health. Here a keratinocyte culture was used to investigate the effects of in vitro xanthophyll treatment on gene expression and biochemical pathways.MethodsWe employed the EpiDerm tissue model, Affymetrix Human Genome Array U113, bioinformatics analyses, qPCR validation and biochemical assays for glycosaminoglycans.ResultsWe discovered 176 genes were significantly (p<0.05) down-regulated (log 2FC>2) and 47 genes were significantly up-regulated. Among the down-regulated genes we validated by qPCR marked reduction in expression of peptidase inhibitors. Bioinformatic analysis of the up-regulated genes implicated biosynthetic pathways for glycosaminoglycans. We assayed but found no increase in production of sulfated glycosaminoglycans, however there was a significant increase in biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid, a non-sulfated glycan.ConclusionsThe pattern of xanthophyll-regulated genes and the resulting biochemical responses can be linked with the responses observed in clinic trials.General significanceSkin health benefits from xanthophyll supplementation and this study reveals molecular mechanisms for some of the effects.  相似文献   

Pima S‐6 ( Gossypium barbadense L.) is a modern line with high stomatal conductance, while B368 is a primitive cotton with low conductance. The blue light sensitivity of adaxial guard cells, probed as the blue light‐dependent enhancement of the red light‐induced chlorophyll a fluorescence quenching, was investigated in these two cotton lines with contrasting stomatal conductance. Adaxial guard cells isolated from Pima S‐6 cotton plants had a significantly higher carotenoid content and a higher blue light sensitivity than those isolated from B368 plants. In a growth chamber‐grown F2 population of a cross between these two lines, adaxial stomatal conductances of individual plants segregated over a range exceeding the average conductances of the parents. Carotenoid content and the blue light sensitivity of adaxial guard cells also segregated. The concentrations of xanthophylls and β‐carotene in the adaxial guard cells were poorly correlated with the blue light response, except for zeaxanthin. The co‐segregation of stomatal conductance and blue light sensitivity suggested that the stomatal response to blue light may play a role in the regulation of stomatal conductance in the intact leaf. Zeaxanthin content and blue light sensitivity also co‐segregated, suggesting that both parameters are under genetic control. The co‐segregation of zeaxanthin content, blue light sensitivity and stomatal conductance provides further evidence for a role of zeaxanthin in the blue light photoreception of guard cells.  相似文献   

A discussion is presented of the problems involved in the interpretation of linear dichroism and fluorescence depolarization experiments on macroscopically ordered membrane systems. Particular attention has been paid to ordered membranes containing photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes, but the mathematical treatment can equally well be applied to other systems. The information about the orientational properties of the pigments is obtained by the application of the theories developed for the characterization of the molecular orientational order in liquid-crystalline materials. It is shown that while linear dichroism only yields the order parameter S mu of the absorption transition moment, fluorescence depolarization experiments yield in addition the order parameter Sv of the emission transition moment as well as three orientational correlation functions of the two transition moments. It is argued that in general the latter information can only be obtained on utilizing a number of experimental scattering geometries. In particular, the merits of angle-resolved experiments are illustrated.  相似文献   

Six acylated delphinidin glycosides (pigments 1-6) and one acylated kaempferol glycoside (pigment 9) were isolated from the blue flowers of cape stock (Heliophila coronopifolia) in Brassicaceae along with two known acylated cyanidin glycosides (pigments 7 and 8). Pigments 1-8, based on 3-sambubioside-5-glucosides of delphinidin and cyanidin, were acylated with hydroxycinnamic acids at 3-glycosyl residues of anthocyanidins. Using spectroscopic and chemical methods, the structures of pigments 1, 2, 5, and 6 were determined to be: delphinidin 3-O-[2-O-(β-xylopyranosyl)-6-O-(acyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-[6-O-(malonyl)-β-glucopyranoside], in which acyl moieties were, respectively, cis-p-coumaric acid for pigment 1, trans-caffeic acid for pigment 2, trans-p-coumaric acid for pigment 5 (a main pigment) and trans-ferulic acid for pigment 6, respectively. Moreover, the structure of pigments 3 and 4 were elucidated, respectively, as a demalonyl pigment 5 and a demalonyl pigment 6. Two known anthocyanins (pigments 7 and 8) were identified to be cyanidin 3-(6-p-coumaroyl-sambubioside)-5-(6-malonyl-glucoside) for pigment 7 and cyanidin 3-(6-feruloyl-sambubioside)-5-(6-malonyl-glucoside) for pigment 8 as minor anthocyanin pigments. A flavonol pigment (pigment 9) was isolated from its flowers and determined to be kaempferol 3-O-[6-O-(trans-feruloyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-7-O-cellobioside-4′-O-glucopyranoside as the main flavonol pigment.On the visible absorption spectral curve of the fresh blue petals of this plant and its petal pressed juice in the pH 5.0 buffer solution, three characteristic absorption maxima were observed at 546, 583 and 635 nm. However, the absorption curve of pigment 5 (a main anthocyanin in its flower) exhibited only one maximum at 569 nm in the pH 5.0 buffer solution, and violet color. The color of pigment 5 was observed to be very unstable in the pH 5.0 solution and soon decayed. In the pH 5.0 solution, the violet color of pigment 5 was restored as pure blue color by addition of pigment 9 (a main flavonol in this flower) like its fresh flower, and its blue solution exhibited the same three maxima at 546, 583 and 635 nm. On the other hand, the violet color of pigment 5 in the pH 5.0 buffer solution was not restored as pure blue color by addition of deacyl pigment 9 or rutin (a typical flower copigment). It is particularly interesting that, a blue anthocyanin-flavonol complex was extracted from the blue flowers of this plant with H2O or 5% HOAc solution as a dark blue powder. This complex exhibited the same absorption maxima at 546, 583 and 635 nm in the pH 5.0 buffer solution. Analysis of FAB mass measurement established that this blue anthocyanin-flavonol complex was composed of one molecule each of pigment 5 and pigment 9, exhibiting a molecular ion [M+1] + at 2102 m/z (C93H105O55 calc. 2101.542). However, this blue complex is extremely unstable in acid solution. It really dissociates into pigment 5 and pigment 9.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Chromatographic analyses were used to determine the concentration of plant pigments in the sediments at four intertidal stations at Barnstable Harbor, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Two of the stations were sand flats exposed to relatively strong tidal currents and two were mud flats subject to weak currents. In general, highest concentrations of all pigments were found in the upper mm. Chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-c and fucoxanthin concentrations decreased with depth but considerable quantities (20 to 50% of surface values) were found at 5 cm. Diatoxanthin, diadinoxanthin and carotene concentrations did not decrease with depth. Quantitative differences between the stations were noted.2. With one exception, measurements of light attenuation through these sediments, were roughly correlated with mean particle size.3. On one station, living diatoms were found as deep as 5 cm, but the vertical distribution of the pigments could not be explained by the diatom distribution.
Pflanzliche Pigmente und Lichtpenetration in Sedimenten des Gezeitenbereichs
Kurzfassung Die Verteilung pflanzlicher Pigmente und die Lichtpenetration wurden in vier verschiedenen Sedimenttypen untersucht, und zwar bei Barnstable Harbor, Massachusetts, USA. Mit einer Ausnahme erwies sich die Lichtattenuation als Funktion der Partikelgröße des Sediments. Obgleich lokale Unterschiede in der Pigmentverteilung an den einzelnen Untersuchungs-stationen beobachtet wurden, war das Verteilungsmuster grundsätzlich ähnlich. Die Konzentrationsmaxima lagen bei allen Pigmenten im obsersten Sedimentmillimeter. Die Konzentrationen der Chlorophylle und des Fucoxanthins verringerten sich allmählich mit zunehmender Tiefe; sie waren jedoch bei 5 cm Tiefe mit 20 bis 50% der Oberflächenwerte noch sehr hoch. Die Konzentrationen von Karotinen und anderen Xanthophyllen verringerten sich nicht mit der Tiefe. Die Verbreitung beweglicher pennater Diatomeen wurde an einer Station geprüft; es zeigte sich, daß die Mehrzahl der Individuen auf die obersten 3 mm beschränkt war. Lebende Diatomeen wurden bis zu einer Tiefe von 5 cm gefunden. Der Gehalt an organischer Substanz im Sediment wurde bestimmt und mögliche Korrelationen zwischen dessen prozentualem Pigmentanteil und einigen physikalischen Parametern der Stationen erörtert.

Contribution No. 90 Chesapeake Bay Institute, The Johns Hopkins University. Partially supported by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT [30-1] 1477), and the Office of Naval Research (Contract Nonr 248 [54]) and NIH training grant 5 T1 GM 535-04.  相似文献   

Non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in plants occurs in the light harvesting antenna of photosystem II and is regulated by the xanthophyll cycle. A new in vitro model for this process has been developed. Purified light harvesting complexes above the detergent critical micelle concentration have a stable high fluorescence yield but a rapidly inducible fluorescence quenching occurs upon addition of zeaxanthin. Violaxanthin was without effect, lutein and antheraxanthin induced a marginal response, whereas the violaxanthin analogue, auroxanthin, induced strong quenching. Quenching was not caused by aggregation of the complexes but was accompanied by a spectral broadening and red shift, indicating a zeaxanthin-dependent alteration in the chlorophyll environment.  相似文献   

Changes in the shape and size of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes at the phase transition at 41.5°C have been monitored by light microscopy. All liposomes change size or shape at the transition and those with simple topologies such as spheres and cylinders can be readily measured. The surface area of these is some 24% greater above the transition than below. This surface area change is virtually identical to that predicted by crystallographic measurements on this system. Also, the rate of transition from one state to another is seen to proceed more rapidly in the smaller liposomes. Optical microscopic observation provides a rapid simple method for monitoring the dependence of the lipid bilayer area on temperature.  相似文献   

By dynamic changes in protein structure and function, the photosynthetic membranes of plants are able to regulate the partitioning of absorbed light energy between utilization in photosynthesis and photoprotective non-radiative dissipation of the excess energy. This process is controlled by features of the intact membrane, the transmembrane pH gradient, the organization of the photosystem II antenna proteins and the reversible binding of a specific carotenoid, zeaxanthin. Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been applied for the first time to wild type and mutant Arabidopsis leaves and to intact thylakoid membranes to investigate the nature of the absorption changes obligatorily associated with the energy dissipation process. The observed changes in the carotenoid Resonance Raman spectrum proved that zeaxanthin was involved and indicated a dramatic change in zeaxanthin environment that specifically alters the pigment configuration and red-shifts the absorption spectrum. This activation of zeaxanthin is a key event in the regulation of light harvesting.  相似文献   

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