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While microtubule dynamics and organization have been extensively studied in vitro, both biochemically and in cultured cells, recent work has begun to extend this into tissues ex vivo and organisms in vivo. Advances in genetic tools and imaging technology have allowed studies on the dynamics, function, and organization of microtubules in the stratified epithelia of the epidermis. Here, we discuss recent work that highlights the varied roles that microtubules play in supporting epidermal function. These findings demonstrate that studying microtubules in tissues has revealed not only novel aspects of epidermal biology but also new principles of microtubule regulation.  相似文献   

In the normal ciliary epithelia of the rhesus monkey, owl monkey, albino rabbit, and human eye, a previously unreported relationship exists between mitochondria and certain desmosomes. At these sites, two mitochondria appear like "sentinels" attached to the cytoplasmic surfaces of their respective sides of a desmosome. In other instances, only one side of the junction may be afforded an associated mitochondrion. In each case the cytoplasmic filaments of the desmosome are seen to blend with the outer membrane of the mitochondrion. The relationship between desmosomes and mitochondria in the ciliary epithelium is unique among ocular tissues. A survey of ocular epithelia in the various species examined, failed to give any evidence of similar junctional/organelle complexes. Various functional roles for this relationship are discussed including the possibility that the mitochondria could control the cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration in the microenvironment of their associated desmosomal junctions.  相似文献   

Single-layered epithelia are the first differentiated cell types to develop in the embryo, with columnar and squamous types appearing immediately after blastocyst implantation. Here, we show that mouse embryonic stem cells seeded on hensin or laminin, but not fibronectin or collagen type IV, formed hemispheric epithelial structures whose outermost layer terminally differentiated to an epithelium that resembled the visceral endoderm. Hensin induced columnar epithelia, whereas laminin formed squamous epithelia. At the egg cylinder stage, the distal visceral endoderm is columnar, and these cells begin to migrate anteriorly to create the anterior visceral endoderm, which assumes a squamous shape. Hensin expression coincided with the dynamic appearance and disappearance of columnar cells at the egg cylinder stage of the embryo. These expression patterns, and the fact that hensin null embryos (and those already reported for laminin) die at the onset of egg cylinder formation, support the view that hensin and laminin are required for terminal differentiation of columnar and squamous epithelial phenotypes during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Human cytokeratin 13 is one of the most abundant intermediate filament (IF) proteins of many internal stratified epithelia and occurs, at least in certain cell cultures, in an O-glycosylated form binding the lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). As other groups have reported that, in the mouse, the synthesis of mRNA encoding the 47-kDa cytokeratin corresponding to human cytokeratin 13 is induced in epidermal keratinocytes during malignant transformation, we have examined the synthesis of cytokeratin 13 mRNA and protein in human epidermis and epidermal tumors, using specific cDNA probes and cytokeratin 13 antibodies. We isolated two different cDNA clones from the vulvar carcinoma cell line A-431, in which this protein is abundant: One clone seems to represent the entire mRNA, whereas the other is only a minor component and encodes a truncated cytokeratin 13 lacking most of the carboxy-terminal tail domain, probably a product of alternative, "incorrect" splicing. Comparison of the amino acid sequences with those of other cytokeratins revealed a high degree of conservation with respect to several other human type I cytokeratins, notably cytokeratin 15, and to the murine 47-kDa cytokeratin. When human epidermis and a series of benign and malignant epidermal tumors were examined with these cDNA probes and cytokeratin-13-specific antibodies we did not find an induction of expression in keratinocytes, normal or malignantly transformed, except for some scattered, sparse cytokeratin-13-positive cells and very low levels of cytokeratin 13 mRNA, detectable only with the highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We conclude that the gene(s) encoding cytokeratin 13 are not induced in human keratinocytes during epidermal carcinogenesis, in apparent contrast to reports of murine epidermal tumors, and we discuss possible explanations for this interspecies difference.  相似文献   

人的正常上皮细胞在一般的体外培养情况下很难分化成类似于机体的上皮样结构。为了得到上皮结构进行相关研究,近年来,国外建立了Raft(船式)培养方法。本文在长期从事细胞培养的工作中,摸索出了适合国内一般实验室条件的Raft细胞培养操作方案,模拟体内人皮肤结构的分化层次,以纤维细胞与胶原作为混合基质(作为上皮细胞的滋养物),同时加入一些生长因子、激素和必需的蛋白等成分。将纤维细胞、胶原和添加成分做为基层过夜培养,次日将培养好的上皮细胞种到上面,过夜培养后即为“skin equivalent”(皮肤等价物),将“皮肤等价物”移到一种网状金属架上以使细胞在气-液状态下培养,在这种条件下,培养中的上皮细胞与体内上皮细胞自然生长的状态、环境非常类似,在体外导致上皮细胞分化成清晰可见的层次。此项技术在临床治疗烧伤以及其它皮肤损伤的疾病方面有潜在的应用价值,也为研究皮肤的正常生理功能以及癌症的发生、发展以及治疗提供了一种模型。  相似文献   

Summary The chemical nature of the thickened plasma membrane of cornified cells in stratified squamous epithelium was investigated in comparison with that in noncornified epithelium. Localizations of transglutaminase, molecular weight 92000 daltons, and detection of epidermal cysteine proteinase inhibitor were effected with a monoclonal antibody and a monospecific rabbit anti-inhibitor immunoglobulin, respectively, directed to the antigens. N-(7-dimethylamino-4-methylcoumarinyl) maleimide was used to demonstrate S-S cross-linking. In all keratinizing epithelia, the enzyme and inhibitor were deposited on membranes of granular cells. S-S bonds were formed in cornification with the appearance of electron-dense material by the inner leaflet. Both enzyme and inhibitors occurred on the corneal epithelium, but S-S linkage and the thickened plasma membrane did not form even at the last stage of maturation. On the other hand, the internal vaginal epithelium in the proestrous stage without keratinization contained the enzyme, but neither inhibitor nor S-S linkage. Both antigens and S-S bonds were detected when keratinization proceeded during estrus. The staining patterns in the epithelium near the vaginal introitus were identical to those in the skin. Cuboidal and simple epithelia exhibited none of those constituents. The findings indicated that heterogenous components contribute to modification of the plasma membrane of cornified cells, but S-S cross-linkages are associated exclusively with formation of the ultrastructurally unique membrane structure. In addition, findings suggested hormonal regulation in the chemical modification of the membrane in estrogen-sensitive internal vaginal epithelium.  相似文献   

Human retinal pigment epithelium (HRPE) cells are important in maintaining the normal physiology within the neurosensory retina and photoreceptors. Recently, transplantation of HRPE has become a possible therapeutic approach for retinal degeneration. By negative immunoselection (CD45 and glycophorin A), in this study, we have isolated and cultivated adult human bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) with multilineage differentiation potential. After a 2- to 4-week culture under chondrogenic, osteogenic, adipogenic, and hepatogenic induction medium, these BMSCs were found to differentiate into cartilage, bone, adipocyte, and hepatocyte-like cells, respectively. We also showed that these BMSCs could differentiate into neural precursor cells (nestin-positive) and mature neurons (MAP-2 and Tuj1-positive) following treatment of neural selection and induction medium for 1 month. Furthermore, the plasticity of BMSCs was confirmed by initiating their differentiation into retinal cells and photoreceptor lineages by co-culturing with HRPE cells. The latter system provides an ex vivo expansion model of culturing photoreceptors for the treatment of retinal degeneration diseases.  相似文献   

HIV-infected subjects on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) are susceptible to comorbid microbial infections in the oral cavity. We observed that primary oral epithelial cells (POECs) isolated from HIV+ subjects on HAART grow more slowly and are less innate immune responsive to microbial challenge when compared with POECs from normal subjects. These aberrant cells also demonstrate epigenetic differences that include reduction in histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC-1) levels and reduced total DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) activity specific to enzymes DNMT1 and DNMT3A. The DNMT activity correlates well with global DNA methylation, indicating that aberrant DNMT activity in HIV+ (on HAART) POECs leads to an aberrantly methylated epithelial cell phenotype. Overall, our results lead us to hypothesize that, in patients with chronic HIV infection on HAART, epigenetic changes in key genes result in increased vulnerability to microbial infection in the oral cavity.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelia of the olfactory organ of two cyprinodontoid fish species were studied both by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The relatively flat floor of the organ is covered by sensory and nonsensory epithelia. The latter is distributed in the form of bands or ridges separating distinct areas of sensory epithelium. Differences between the olfactory organs of the two species investigated related only to the topography and quantitative distribution of the epithelia. Their ultrastructural features are very similar. The nonsensory stratified squamous epithelium contains numerous goblet cells and surface cells provided with microridges. A hypothetical function of the microridges is discussed. The sensory epithelium consists mainly of basal, supporting, and two types of sensory cells, i.e., ciliated and microvillous receptor cells. The cilia exhibit a predominant 9+0 microtubule pattern. Both epithelia are covered by a mucus layer in which all surface structures seem to be embedded. The possible nature, origin, and movement mechanisms of the mucus are discussed.This work was supported by the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftDedicated to Prof. Dr. med. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The morphological and histochemical characteristics of endocrinelike cells of the pulmonary epithelium of the right lower lobe of 12 human adult lungs were studied.Few cells were reactive to the argyrophil silver method of Grimelius and of Sevier and Munger and cells with a similar morphology and distribution emitted a green or yellow fluorescence after treatment of the lung epithelium with the amine precursors L-DOPA or L-HTP, respectively. A greater number of cells seems to be demonstrated by electron microscopy. The cells were characterized by small, round secretory granules showing a central dense core and a very thin clear halo between the core and the surrounding membrane.The cells are thought to be related to the endocrine-like cells of the pulmonary epithelium of the human foetal lung and to cells of carcinoids of larger bronchi.  相似文献   

Vangl2, a core component of the Planar Cell Polarity pathway, is necessary for the caudal migration of Facial Branchiomotor (FBM) neurons in the vertebrate hindbrain. Studies in zebrafish suggest that vangl2 functions largely non-cell autonomously to regulate FBM neuron migration out of rhombomere 4 (r4), but the cell-type within which it acts is not known. Here, we demonstrate that vangl2 functions largely in floor plate cells to regulate caudal neuronal migration. Furthermore, FBM neurons fail to migrate caudally in the mouse Gli2 mutant that lacks the floor plate, suggesting an evolutionarily conserved role for this cell type in neuronal migration. Although hindbrain floor plate cilia are disorganized in vangl2 mutant embryos, cilia appear to be dispensable for neuronal migration. Notably, Vangl2 is enriched in the basolateral, but not apical, membranes of floor plate cells. Taken together, our data suggest strongly that Vangl2 regulates FBM neuron migration by acting in floor plate cells, independently of cilia function.  相似文献   

12-HETE, the major lipoxygenase end-product of platelets and macrophages, may be released in contact of bronchial epithelium in inflammatory diseases of the lung. We have studied the outcome of 12-HETE in presence of human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC). When HBEC were incubated with [3H]12-HETE for 30 minutes, 27.5% of total radioactivity was found in HBEC and 72.5% in supernatants. Unesterified 12-HETE accounted for 22.4% of total radioactivity, 4.5% being recovered in phospholipids, preferentially in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. No incorporation in neutral lipids was detected. 72.9% of the incubated radioactivity was recovered in un identified metabolites. As 12-HETE has been shown to modulate the expression and production of various proteins, the consequence of the 12-HETE uptake on the release of GM-CSF and IL8 by HBEC was assessed. HBEC from control subjects were cultured for 24 hours with 12-HETE (10−9 to 10−7M) in the presence or absence of TNFα. Detectable amounts of both cytokines were released in the supernatant in basal conditions at 24hr, and TNFα increased significantly the release of GM-CSF. 12-HETE at 10−7M weakly but significantly decreased the TNF-induced release of GM-CSF from HBEC. Thus the uptake of 12-HETE could affect the epithelial cell function in some situations.  相似文献   

 In stratified squamous epithelia a critical balance among cell proliferation, differentiation, and death must be maintained in order for these tissues to fulfill their barrier function. Previous studies have demonstrated that plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 (PAI-2) is a product of differentiating epidermal keratinocytes, suggesting a role for this inhibitor during squamous differentiation. Furthermore, in certain tumor cell lines, overexpression of PAI-2 confers resistance to the induction of programmed cell death, suggesting cytoprotective function(s). In the present study we demonstrate that PAI-2 mRNA and protein are constitutively and uniquely expressed in differentiating cells of murine stratified squamous epithelia, including epidermis, esophagus, vagina, oral mucosa, and tongue. PAI-2 immunohistochemical localization patterns suggest a predominantly cytosolic distribution, consistent with biochemical identification of the major PAI-2 species as a 43-kDa, presumably non-glycosylated protein. Functional analysis shows that the majority of epithelial PAI-2 is active. In contrast to the high levels of PAI-2 expression in stratified squamous epithelia, little or no PAI-2 is detectable in simple epithelia. These findings suggest that epithelial PAI-2 may mediate inhibition of intracellular proteinases associated with events during terminal differentiation and death that are unique to stratified squamous epithelia. Accepted: 29 June 1998  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by cyst formation initiated by dedifferentiation and proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells. Renal tubular epithelial cells (RTC, derived from normal kidney tissue) in primary cultures exhibit both homogeneous expression of γ-glutamyl transferase and low molecular weight cytokeratin, two different markers for proximal and distal renal epithelial cells, respectively. RTC in cultures also abnormally express the dedifferentiation markers vimentin and PAX-2, which are proteins normally expressed in epithelial cells lining cysts in ADPKD kidneys but not tubular cells in normal kidneys. In contrast, different cultures of cystic epithelial cells (CEC, derived from the cysts walls of polycystic kidneys) display variable expression of cytokeratin, γ-glutamyl transferase, and PAX-2, but a constant level of vimentin. Importantly, RTC and CEC exhibit the capacity to convert to their respective original structures by forming tubules and cysts, respectively, when cultured in a three-dimensional gel matrix, whereas HK-2, LLC-PK1, and MDCK renal epithelial cell lines form cell aggregates or cysts. Our study demonstrates that the marker expression of the various epithelial cell types is not highly stable in primary cultures. Their modulation is different in cells originating from normal and ADPKD kidneys and in cells cultured in monolayer and three-dimensions. These results indicate the plasticity of epithelial cells that display a mixed epithelial/dedifferentiated/mesenchymal phenotype during their expansion in culture. However, RTC and CEC morphogenic epithelial properties in three-dimensional cultures are similar to those in vivo. Thus, this model is useful for studying the mechanisms leading to tubulogenesis and cystogenesis. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This work was supported by a grant from The Polycystic Kidney Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Children’s Medical Research Institute and Children’s Miracle Network Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The internal epithelium of mouse forestomach represents a fully keratinized tissue that has many morphological aspects in common with the integumental epidermis. In the present study we have, therefore, analyzed keratin expression in the total epithelium, in subfractions of basal cells and in living and dead suprabasal cells that were obtained by Percoll density gradient centrifugation of trypsin-dissociated forestomach keratinocytes. The keratin analysis revealed that basal forestomach keratinocytes synthesize the same keratin types as basal epidermal cells (60 000, 52 000 and 47 000 daltons), whereas differentiating cells contain both the epidermal suprabasal keratin pair (67 000 and 59 000 daltons) and the suprabasal keratin pair characteristic for other internal squamous epithelia (57 000 and 47 000 daltons). Indirect immunofluorescence using an antibody recognizing the members of the epidermal-type suprabasal keratin pair and in-situ-hybridization experiments using specific cDNA probes for the members of the internal-type keratin pair showed that the two keratin pairs are uniformly coexpressed in living suprabasal forestomach keratinocytes. Furthermore, it could be shown that distinct cells in the basal cell layer acquire the ability to express both the 67 000/59 000 dalton and the 57 000/47 000 dalton keratin pair and that some basal cells apparently lose the ability to synthesize mRNAs for basal keratins.  相似文献   

The gut epithelia in the species of Paragonimus known in Japan, P. westermani, P. ohirai, P. iloktsuenemis, P. miyazakii, and P. sadoensis, were observed with the scanning electron microscope. Transmission electron microscopy was employed to substantiate and clarify the results of these topographic studies. Morphological differences in the cytoplasmic projections of the gut epithelial surface were found to be present among some species of Paragonimus. The cytoplasmic projections in this group are of a sheet-like or broad lamellar type, although fine digitiform type projections have never been described in other trematodes.  相似文献   

A human fetal bronchial epithelial cell line (HFBE) grew in an undifferentiated pattern under conventional culture conditions. Despite a somewhat fibro-blastic shape the cells maintained immunoreactivity to cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen and epithelial membrane antigen. When grown on a collagen gel in a growth-hormone-supplemented medium, their spindle shape became more conspicuous. With an additional supplement of vitamin A (6 μg/ml), most of the cells underwent differentiation by producing many bright inclusion bodies which proved to be strongly positive with periodic acid-Schiff and weakly positive with alcian blue staining. Electron microscopy revealed a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, an enlarged Golgi apparatus and many highly electron-dense secretory granules resembling those of Clara cells. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that HFBE cells cultured on collagen gel with vitamin A secreted hyaluronic acid and neutral glycoproteins containing mainly N-linked glycoproteins whose glycans were of a complex type. A monoclonal antibody (SEC-41) generated against the neutral glyco-proteins detected a glycoprotein of approximately 52 kDa in the spent culture medium of differentiated HFBE cells. This antibody also reacted with the intracytoplasmic secretory granules in these cells. When tested on frozen sections of lung tissue, the immunohistochemical reactivity of the SEC-41 antibody was confined to Clara cells, some type II pneumocytes in the adult lung, and respiratory epithelial cells in the fetal lung. More-over, this antibody could detect secretory glycoprotein in broncho-alveolar lavages from two patients. This paper clearly demonstrates that cells derived from human fetal bronchial epithelium can be cultivated in an undifferentiated precursor state and, under appropriate culture conditions, can be stimulated to undergo differentiation into a Clara cell type.  相似文献   

Summary The growth, differentiation, ciliary beating pattern and frequency of human respiratory ciliated cells in primary culture were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and by videomicroscopy. The epithelial cells were obtained as outgrowth from explants of adult nasal polyps. When the explants were grown on type-I and type-IV collagen substrates in a standard serum-free, hormone-supplemented medium, a high percentage of ciliated cells (range 29±5% to 37±6%) was present within 2 days of culture. After 5 days of culture, the percentage of ciliated cells near the explant was 51±5%. Most of the cultured ciliated cells (85%) were characterized by individual cilia showing a coordinated movement during the beat cycle and a beating frequency (13.3±1.3 Hz) similar to that reported in vivo. In the other 15% of the ciliated cells, the dyskinetic cilia were aggregated into clumps and characterized by a rigid and planar bending movement and a lower (P<0.01) beating frequency (10.7±1.4 Hz). It is suggested that the latter type of cell, already described during fetal development, might be an intermediate type of ciliated cell which appears temporarily during the surface respiratory epithelial differentiation.  相似文献   

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