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Endophytic bacteria live inside plant tissues without causing disease and not only promote plant growth but can also protect plants against plant pathogens. During 2010–2011 crop years, some endophytic bacteria were collected and are then biochemically and molecularly identified (16srRNA) from bean farms of East Azarbaijan, Iran. Among these bacteria isolates, four isolates from Bacillus genera and four isolates from Streptomyces genera were selected for evaluation of their ability for biocontrol of Sclerotium rolfsii in laboratory and glasshouse conditions. Except one isolate named Streptomyces parvus, the rest of isolates could significantly inhibit mycelial growth in dual culture on PDA medium. All seven selected isolates showed significant inhibition in disease treatments in glasshouse experiments. Biological traits, such as length, wet and dry weight of roots and stems in endophytic bacterial treatment showed no differences with healthy control.  相似文献   

Eleven ash samples, from organs of nine tropical plants, were screened for their abilities to inhibit mycelial growth and sclerotial germination of a Nigerian isolate of Sclerotium rolfsii on agar and in the soil. Ten ash samples showed some activity against mycelial growth of S. rolfsii in vitro. Ash samples from Delonix regia stem wood, Mangifera indica leaf and Vernonia amygdalina leaf were most effective as each totally inhibited mycelial growth of S. rolfsii in vitro. Ocimum gratissimum leaf ash, D. regia wood ash and Musa paradisiaca flower bract ash inhibited sclerotial germination on agar. Nine ash samples protected seeds against pre-emergence rot. Ash from M. indica leaf, V. amygdalina leaf and Azadirachta indica leaf protected seedlings against post-emergence infection. Eichornia crassipes ash, which was ineffective in vitro, offered some protection to seeds in soil against pre-emergence rot. The study demonstrates potentials of ash samples from tropical plants in control of S. rolfsii on wheat. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aims:  Sclerotium rolfsii ATCC 201126 exopolysaccharides (EPSs) recovered at 48 h (EPS I) and 72 h (EPS II) of fermentation, with differences in rheological parameters, hydrogel topography, salt tolerance, antisyneresis, emulsifying and suspending properties, were subjected to a polyphasic characterization in order to detect structural divergences.
Methods and Results:  Fermenter-scale production led to productivity ( P r) and yield ( Y P/C) values higher at 48 h ( P r = 0·542 g l−1 h−1; Y P/C = 0·74) than at 72 h ( P r = 0·336 g l−1 h−1; Y P/C = 0·50). Both EPSs were neutral glucose-homopolysaccharides with a β-(1,3)-glycosidic backbone and single β-(1,6)-glucopyranosyl sidechains regularly attached every three residues in the main chain, as revealed by chemical analyses. The infra-red diagnostic peak at 890 cm−1 confirmed β-glycosidic linkages, while gentiobiose released by β-(1,3)-glucanases confirmed single β-1,6-glycosidic branching for both EPSs.
Conclusions:  The true modular repeating unit of S. rolfsii ATCC 201126 scleroglucan could be resolved. Structural stability was corroborated and no structural differences could be detected as to account for the variations in EPSs behaviour.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Recovery of S. rolfsii ATCC 201126 scleroglucan at 48 h might be considered based on better fermentation kinetic parameters and no detrimental effects on EPS structural features.  相似文献   

Genotypic Diversity among Brazilian Isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. from different hosts and regions of Brazil were studied in relation to morphology, mycelial compatibility, analysis of genomic DNA through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), variation within the nuclear rDNA [internal transcribed spacers (ITS)] and sequencing of ITS fragments. There was considerable variability among isolates in relation to the number, size and location of sclerotia on the medium surface. Thirteen mycelial compatibility groups (MCG) were identified among 23 isolates. Seven isolates were only self‐compatible. With the exception of group 3, where all the isolates came from soybean, there was no apparent correlation between group and isolate origin. On the basis of RAPD profiles, 11 haplotypes (A to K) were identified. There was an association between the RAPD groups and MCG. Haplotypes A, B, D, G, I and K belonged to MCG groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively. All other RAPD haplotypes contained incompatible isolates. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification with primers 4R and 5F amplified two fragments containing ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8 S rDNA sequences, that were present in all isolates, with molecular sizes of 739 and 715 bp. Restriction analysis of PCR products showed that the two fragments had sequence divergency which is referred to as ‘ITS types’. Four arbitrarily chosen soybean isolates (2, 6, 7 and 23) and two non‐soybean isolates (11 and 22) were used to investigate the variation within the ITS sequence and its role in the phylogeny. The strict consensus of nine most‐parsimonious trees inferred from the data set which included six isolates of S. rolfsii, four of which have two different ‘ITS types’, showed three well‐supported groupings. The neighbour‐joining tree inferred from the data set also showed three major clades as did the parsimony tree. The major difference was that in the neighbour‐joining tree the ‘ITS type’ 11 was resolved and grouped in one clade. These results show that the ‘ITS types’ within isolates are almost always phylogenetically distinct. There was no clear correlation between ITS‐based phylogeny and isolate origin.  相似文献   

Trichoderma species are collected from different location of sugarbeet growing areas of Tamil Nadu and it is effective against Sclerotium rolfsii pathogen caused by sugarbeet ecosystems. Out of thirty-one isolates of Trichoderma viride and four isolates of Trichoderma harzianum collected and tested for their antagonistic activity against S. rolfsii by dual culture technique, one isolate was found to be effective T. viride (TVB1) that recorded the maximum (73.03%) inhibition on the mycelial growth recording only 2.40 cm growth as against 8.90 cm in the control. The isolates of T. harzianum THB-1 recorded 71.19% mycelial growth reduction over control. The colonisation behaviour of T. viride (TVB1) revealed that it completely over grew on pathogen within 48 h after interaction with the pathogen, and speed of growth on pathogen was also high and it possesses a higher level of competitive saprophytic ability. The best four isolates of TVB1, TVB-2, TVB-3 and TVB31 and two isolates of T. harzianum THB-1 and THB-2 were compared with other species of Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Trichoderma reesei, Trichoderma koningii and Chaetomium globosum and tested under in vitro condition. BA of neem cake at 150 kg ha?1 + T. viride isolate (TVB1) at 2.5 kg/ha recorded least root rot disease incidence of 17.05% which accounted for 75.37% disease reduction over control and highest recorded maximum root yield 65.73 t ha?1 and increasing sugar content.  相似文献   

Cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) is an extracellular hemoflavoenzyme produced by several wood-degrading fungi. In the presence of a suitable electron acceptor, e.g., 2,6-dichloro-indophenol (DCIP), cytochrome c, or metal ions, CDH oxidizes cellobiose to cellobionolactone. The phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotium rolfsii (teleomorph: Athelia rolfsii) strain CBS 191.62 produces remarkably high levels of CDH activity when grown on a cellulose-containing medium. Of the 7,500 U of extracellular enzyme activity formed per liter, less than 10% can be attributed to the proteolytic product cellobiose:quinone oxidoreductase. As with CDH from wood-rotting fungi, the intact, monomeric enzyme from S. rolfsii contains one heme b and one flavin adenine dinucleotide cofactor per molecule. It has a molecular size of 101 kDa, of which 15% is glycosylation, and a pI value of 4.2. The preferred substrates are cellobiose and cellooligosaccharides; additionally, β-lactose, thiocellobiose, and xylobiose are efficiently oxidized. Cytochrome c (equine) and the azino-di-(3-ethyl-benzthiazolin-6-sulfonic acid) cation radical were the best electron acceptors, while DCIP, 1,4-benzoquinone, phenothiazine dyes such as methylene blue, phenoxazine dyes such as Meldola's blue, and ferricyanide were also excellent acceptors. In addition, electrons can be transferred to oxygen. Limited in vitro proteolysis with papain resulted in the formation of several protein fragments that are active with DCIP but not with cytochrome c. Such a flavin-containing fragment, with a mass of 75 kDa and a pI of 5.1 and lacking the heme domain, was isolated and partially characterized.  相似文献   

Cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) is an extracellular hemoflavoenzyme produced by several wood-degrading fungi. In the presence of a suitable electron acceptor, e.g., 2,6-dichloro-indophenol (DCIP), cytochrome c, or metal ions, CDH oxidizes cellobiose to cellobionolactone. The phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotium rolfsii (teleomorph: Athelia rolfsii) strain CBS 191.62 produces remarkably high levels of CDH activity when grown on a cellulose-containing medium. Of the 7,500 U of extracellular enzyme activity formed per liter, less than 10% can be attributed to the proteolytic product cellobiose:quinone oxidoreductase. As with CDH from wood-rotting fungi, the intact, monomeric enzyme from S. rolfsii contains one heme b and one flavin adenine dinucleotide cofactor per molecule. It has a molecular size of 101 kDa, of which 15% is glycosylation, and a pI value of 4.2. The preferred substrates are cellobiose and cellooligosaccharides; additionally, beta-lactose, thiocellobiose, and xylobiose are efficiently oxidized. Cytochrome c (equine) and the azino-di-(3-ethyl-benzthiazolin-6-sulfonic acid) cation radical were the best electron acceptors, while DCIP, 1,4-benzoquinone, phenothiazine dyes such as methylene blue, phenoxazine dyes such as Meldola's blue, and ferricyanide were also excellent acceptors. In addition, electrons can be transferred to oxygen. Limited in vitro proteolysis with papain resulted in the formation of several protein fragments that are active with DCIP but not with cytochrome c. Such a flavin-containing fragment, with a mass of 75 kDa and a pI of 5.1 and lacking the heme domain, was isolated and partially characterized.  相似文献   

Scleroglucan production by Sclerotium rolfsii ATCC 201126 has been studied using nitrate or ammonium as nitrogen sources at several concentrations. In all the experiments carried out, both growth and production were modelled by an unstructured kinetic model using logistic and Luedeking–Piret equations for describing growth and production, respectively. The kinetic parameters for growth ( and YXN) and for production ( and ) were obtained by fitting the data to the model using the single-response non-linear regression technique by means of the algorithm of Marquardt coupled to a fourth-order Runge–Kutta algorithm. Biomass and scleroglucan production were higher when nitrate was the nitrogen source. Rheological properties of scleroglucan produced using nitrate as nitrogen source were studied and rheological parameters calculated, revealing similarity between this biopolymer and commercial scleroglucan.  相似文献   

High performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis of mycelia of Sclerotium rolfsii grown on neem cake, and Zephyarenthes citrina bulb incorporated media was carried out. Several phenoloic acids, e.g., gallic, tannic, caffeic, cinnamic, chlorogenic and O-coumeric acids, were found in considerable amounts in treated mycelial mat as compared to the control. The amount of phenloic acids increased with increased concentration of both the materials in mycelia of 7 and 14 day-old cultures. Due to anti-oxidant and several other properties of phenolic acids, the senescence of the fungus has been prolonged which may be one probable reason of sustaining the virulence of the pathogen.  相似文献   

Summary Thielavia terrestris NRRL 8126 cell free supernatants contained mannanase and -mannosidase when cultured on a complex media containing locust bean gum. Using acetone precipitation, SP-Sephadex C50 ion exchange chromatography and preparative gel electrophoresis, the crude enzyme was resolved into one -d-mannosidase and four -d-mannanase components. -d-mannosidase had a specific activity of 0.02 (U/mg) onp-nitrophenyl--d-mannopyranoside substrate. Mannanase components M1, M2, M3 and M4 had specific activities of 28.2, 38.7, 52.8 and 4.17 (U/mg) respectively on purified locust bean galactomannan substrate. pH optima for the enzymes were in the range 4.5–5.5. Mannanase component M4 manifested the greatest thermostability, retaining full activity for 3 h at 60°C. Molecular weights determined by SDS-PAGE were 72 000 for -mannosidase and 52 000, 30 000, 55 000 and 89 000 for M1, M2, M3 and M4 respectively. Carbohydrate contents of the enzymes ranged from 6–36%. Preliminary studies indicate that enzyme components hydrolyse the mannan substrate in a synergistic manner.  相似文献   

Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. is an important fungal pathogen affecting the production of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Conventional control methods using chemicals are expensive, which constitute environmental hazards. This has necessitated the search for alternatives in botanicals. Ethanol and supernatant solution of fermented maize slurry extracts from Ocimum gratissimum, Cymbopogon citratus, Xylopia aethiopica, Aframomum melegueta and Allium sativum were evaluated. In vitro test was carried out at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% concentrations against the pathogen. Mycelial growth was significantly reduced in the following descending order: O. gratissimum?>?A. melegueta?>?A. sativum?>?X. aethiopica?>?C. citratus. Supernatant solution extracts of O. gratissimum and A. melegueta at 5% concentration gave highest mycelial reduction (0.00?mm), respectively, while O. gratissimum ethanol extract recorded highest mycelial reduction (0.23?mm) among the ethanol extracts. Supernatant solution of fermented maize slurry extracts of O. gratissimum and A. melegueta at 5% concentration was more effective in reducing mycelial growth of S. rolfsii.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic data revealed the presence of various isozymes of endoglucanase and beta-glucosidase, the number of which varied from one to three in various species of the genus Aspergillus. pH 5.0 was optimum for all the isozymes whereas metal ion treatment showed complete inhibition of almost all the isozymes by Hg2+ and partial inhibition by Ca2+ and Co2+ of isozymes of both the enzymes. An alteration in the electrophoretic mobility of isozymes of beta-glucosidase was also noticed in some species with Hg2+ treatment.  相似文献   

A bacteriolytic enzyme obtained from the culture fluid of Staphylococcus aureus FDA 209P was purified to homogeneity utilizing dye-ligand affinity column chromatography, hydrophobic interaction high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and hydroxyapatite HPLC. Subsequent characterizations indicated that the purified enzyme acted as endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase. The molecular weight determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was 51,000 and the isoelectric point was higher than 10. The optimum pH for the enzyme activity on whole cells of Micrococcus luteus as a substrate was 8.0. Some heavy metal cations (Cu2+ and Zn2+) inhibited the enzyme activity at a concentration of 0.1 mM and others (Ba2+, Mg2+ and Co2+) showed a stimulating effect at a concentration of 1 mM.  相似文献   

Endo-beta-1,4-glucanase A (EG A) of Aspergillus nidulans was purified to homogeneity, and its genomic gene (eglA) was cloned based on partial amino acid sequences of the purified enzyme and sequenced. The eglA gene comprised 1228 bp with four putative introns and encoded a polypeptide of 326 amino acids bearing high homology to the family A cellulases. The eglA promoter activity in A. nidulans was examined using the A. oryzae Taka-amylase A gene as a reporter. Expression of the reporter gene was induced by carboxymethylcellulose and cellobiose, and repressed by glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose, sorbitol, glycerol and succinate. Lactose neither induced nor repressed the expression.  相似文献   

The fungus Sclerotium rolfsii is presently under development as a bioherbicide for broadleaf weed species using fungus-infested substrates as application material in this laboratory. The effect of environmental factors and three precursors (citric acid, ascorbic acid, and sodium succinate) on mycelial growth, oxalic acid production, and virulence by SC64 in liquid culture were investigated. The results showed that for mycelia growth the optimum liquid medium was Modified Richard's solution (MRS) among the five tested media, but potato dextrose broth (PDB) produced the maximum oxalic acid production and virulence on detached Solidago canadensis leaves. When PDB was used as the basic medium, the oxalic acid/mycelial dry weight (mg g–1) ratio reached the peak 4 days after inoculation. The optimum temperature for oxalic acid production was at 27°C, but increased mycelial dry weight and virulence were observed at 30°C. The optimum range of initial pH value for oxalic acid accumulation was 4.0–6.0, with the optimal pH 5.0; highest mycelial growth was with an initial pH 3.5–6.0 (optimum pH 5.0) and subsequently pH 3.5–5.5 (maximum at pH 3.5). Both mycelial dry weight and oxalic acid production showed a decreasing trend as a result of the precursor of oxalic acid being added to PDB. Among the three precursors, the greatest decrease in mycelial dry weight, and oxalic acid production was caused by sodium succinate. This clarification of optimal conditions for production of mycelial biomass while insuring high concentrations of oxalic acid and high virulence should be useful for further development of this fungus as biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

To study the biochemical properties of single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) protein from Deinococcus geothermalis (DgeSSB), we have cloned the ssb gene obtained by PCR and developed an overexpression system. The gene consists of an open reading frame of 900 nucleotides encoding a protein of 300 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 32.45 kDa. The amino acid sequence exhibits 43, 44 and 75% identity with Thermus aquaticus, Thermus thermophilus and Deinococcus radiodurans SSBs, respectively. We show that DgeSSB is similar to Thermus/Deinococcus SSB in its biochemical properties. DgeSSB includes two oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding folds per monomer and functions as a homodimer. In fluorescence titrations with poly(dT), DgeSSB bound about 30 nt independent of the salt concentration, and the fluorescence was quenched by about 65%. In a complementation assay in Escherichia coli, DgeSSB took over the in vivo function of EcoSSB. DgeSSB is thermostable with half-lives of 50 min at 70°C and 5 min at 90°C. Hence, DgeSSB offers an attractive alternative for TaqSSB and TthSSB in their applications for molecular biology methods and for analytical purposes.  相似文献   

根据已知耐热甘露聚糖酶ManAd3氨基酸序列与毕赤酵母密码子使用偏爱性,设计并合成了甘露聚糖酶ManA全基因(Accession No.KJ806637),与表达载体pPIC9k重组后,转化毕赤酵母GS115,筛选获得重组菌株ManA-GS115。该重组菌株发酵产物经SDS-PAGE鉴定,其中甘露聚糖酶ManA含量达到电泳纯级别,分子量大小约为30 kDa。其酶学性质检测结果显示该酶最适反应温度为75℃,最适反应pH为6.0,比活力高达3200 IU/mg,并且在75℃下处理30 min仍能维持90%以上相对酶活力。该甘露聚糖酶ManA表达量较高,在偏酸性环境下仍能够维持较高的相对酶活力,且热稳定性显著,可广泛应用于食品、酿造、饲料、纺织和医药等工业领域。  相似文献   

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