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In vitro and in vivo cadmium toxicity studies focus almost exclusively on CdCl2 effects. Only a few studies have used adrenocortical cells and tissue to determine cadmium salt effects during stress of adrenocorticotropin stimulation. Because several biologically relevant water-soluble cadmium salts exist, this study extended work with CdCl2 to evaluate the acute adrenocortical cell steroid secretory responses to non-lethal cadmium acetate (CdAc2) and CdSO4 4 concentrations. Control or ACTH-stimulated cultured Y-1 mouse adrenal tumor cells (ATCC) which secrete 20-dihydroprogesterone (20-DHP) were incubated for 0.5 h in serum-free medium (FMEM) with or without 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0 and 1000.0 µg CdAc2 or CdSO4/ml FMEM (1.9, 3.8, 19.0, 38.0, 190.0, 380.0 and 1900.0 µmol/L, respectively). For each salt, cell viability was measured at the end of the incubation using live cell trypan blue exclusion. In addition, cumulative CdAc2 effects during 4 h incubations and effect reversibility were determined for control and stimulated cells. After each experimental incubation, the 20-DHP secreted into the medium was determined by radioimmunoassay. Over 80% of all control or ACTH-stimulated cells were viable after incubation in the presence or absence of various CdAc2 or CdSO4 concentrations. Cadmium acetate and sulfate inhibited basal and ACTH-stimulated steroid secretion in a dose-dependent manner. For basal steroid secretion the CdAc2 concentration that first significantly inhibited was 0.5 µg/ml medium (1.9 µmol/L); stimulated secretion was significantly inhibited beginning at 5.0 µg/ml (19.0 µmol/L) and the concentration reducing stimulated 20-DHP secretion by 50% (IC50) was 5.6 µg/ml (21.3 µmol/L). Similarly, the first CdSO4 concentration to significantly inhibit basal and ACTH-stimulated steroid secretion was 10.0 µg/ml medium (39.0 µmol/L); the IC50 was 7.8 µg/ml (29.8 µmol/L). Except that basally secreting Cd2+ 2+-treated cells almost doubled 20-DHP secretion after Cd2+ removal and subsequent incubation with ACTH, all basal and ACTH-stimulated steroid secretion was irreversibly inhibited by every CdAc2 concentration. All CdAc2 concentrations initiated and maintained cumulative inhibitory effects on basal and ACTH-stimulated steroid secretion over a 4 h period. Reversibility and cumulative CdSO4 treatment studies were not conducted. Based on the results from the present studies, both CdAc2 and CdSO4 appeared to incrementally inhibit control and ACTH-stimulated steroidogenesis without affecting cell viability and to be more potent inhibitors of adrenocortical cell steroid secretion than CdCl2. Finally, CdAc2 effects on control and stimulated cells were cumulative and irreversible.  相似文献   

In previous studies cadmium chloride (CdCl2) nonlethally inhibited Y-1 adrenal mouse adrenal tumour cell 20-dihydroxyprogesterone (20DHP) secretion, affecting unstimulated and stimulated steroidogenic pathway sites differently. We studied CdCl2 effects on unstimulated steroidogenesis using Y-1 cells incubated 0.5 h in medium with or without cadmium (using the concentration that inhibited ACTH-stimulated steroid secretion by 50%). Exogenously added 20-hydroxycholesterol (20OHC), 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol (22OHC), 25-hydroxycholesterol (25OHC), pregnenolone (PREG), or progesterone (PROG) were used to bypass any rate-limited steroidogenic pathway sites that CdCl2 might inhibit. 25OHC is a biologically active nonpathway steroid, while 20OHC, 22OHC, PREG, and PROG are pathway steroids; each increased unstimulated 20DHP secretion nearly 10-fold. Although CdCl2 could not reduce dibutyryl cyclic AMP- (dbcAMP)-stimulated 20DHP secretion significantly, it did significantly reduce basal and 25OHC-induced 20DHP secretion 25% below untreated levels. When 20OHC, 22OHC, PREG, or PROG were incubated with unstimulated Y-1 cells, their synthesis into 20DHP was unaffected by cadmium. dbcAMP bypasses the plasma membrane enzyme complex that synthesizes intracellular cAMP during exogenous ACTH stimulation; dbcAMP was not inhibited by CdCl2. The rate-limited step accelerated by cAMP involves plasma membrane and/or cytoplasmic cholesterol transport to and through outer and inner mitochondrial membranes before the cholesterol is synthesized into pregnenolone by side-chain cleavage enzymes on the inner membrane matrix face. Little is known regarding the mechanisms controlling unstimulated steroidogenesis. Under unstimulated conditions the 25-, 20- and 22(R)-monohydroxyls of cholesterol facilitate plasma membrane, cytoplasm and inner and outer mitochondrial solubility, diffusion and/or transport to bypass rate-limited steps and augment unstimulated steroid synthesis. Since conversion of endogenous mitochondrial cholesterol and 25OHC, but not dbcAMP-mobilized cytoplasmic cholesterol, 20OHC or 22OHC conversion, to 20DHP is inhibited by CdCl2, this suggests that (a) control of mitochondrial cholesterol supplies is independent of the cAMP-regulated mitochondrial steps in the 20DHP steroid synthetic pathway, (b) CdCl2 specifically inhibited endogenous mitochondrial cholesterol and 25OHC utilization, (c) CdCl2 toxicity may affect adrenal, testicular, ovarian, and placental basal steroidogenic functions, and (d) 25OHC may be a useful compound to examine unstimulated steroid synthesisAbbreviations ACTH adrenocorticotropin - ANOVA analysis of variance - CdCl2 cadmium chloride - cAMP cyclic 3,5-adenosine monophosphate - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - DNA deoxyribonucleic acid - FMEM serum-free Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethyl-piperazine-N-1,2-ethanesulfonic acid - 20OHC 20-hydroxycholesterol - 22OHC 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol - 25OHC 25-hydroxycholesterol - IC50' concentration inhibiting stimulated steroid secretion by 50% - IU international unit - MEM Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium - P450scc cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme - PREG pregnenolone - PROG progesterone - RNA ribonucleic acid - SEM standard error of the mean - SMEM serum-containing Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium - 20DHP 20-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one  相似文献   

In previous studies cadmium chloride (CdCl2) nonlethally inhibited Y-1 mouse adrenal tumor cell 20-dihydroxyprogesterone (20DHP) secretion, affecting unstimulated and stimulated steroidogenic pathway sites differently. In addition, dibutyryl cAMP-stimulated 20DHP secretion was unaffected by CdCl2, while the site of the unstimulated effect was indirectly shown to involve steps between endogenous cholesterol utilization and 20-hydroxycholesterol association with mitochondrial cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme. In the present study we determined CdCl2 effects on plasma membrane sites preceding pre-dbcAMP-stimulation of 20DHP secretion. Y-1 cells were incubated 0.5 h in medium with or without cadmium (using the concentration that inhibited adrenocorticotropin- (ACTH)-stimulated steroid secretion by 50%) together with exogenously added maximally stimulating concentrations of ACTH, cholera toxin, forskolin, or adenosine triphosphate Cholera toxin, forskolin and ATP bypass specific plasma membrane sites involved in the synthesis of intracellular cAMP and activate the steroid hormone biosynthetic pathway. Cadmium effects on ACTH-stimulated endogenous cAMP secretion were also examined. CdCl2 significantly reduced Y-1 cell 20DHP secretion following exposure to ACTH, cholera toxin, forskolin, and ATP; it also significantly decreased endogenous cAMP secretion into culture medium. These data may be interpreted to suggest that CdCl2 altered Y-1 cell regulation of adenyl cyclase activity, which reduced cAMP-activated cholesterol uptake by mitochondria as a consequence.Abbreviations ACTH adrenocorticotropin - ATP adenosine triphosphate - ANOVA analysis of variance - CdCl2 or Cd2+ cadmium chloride - cAMP cyclic 3,5-adenosine monophosphate - CTX cholera toxin - dbcAMP dibutyryl cAMP,N,O-dibutyryl-3,5-adenosine monophosphate - EGTA ethylene glycol bis tetraacetic acid - FMEM serum-free Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium with all other supplements - FSK forskolin - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-1,2-ethanesulfonic acid - IC50' concentration inhibiting stimulated steroid secretion by 50% - IU international unit - MEM Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium - P450scc cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme - PREG pregnenolone - PROG progesterone - SEM standard error of the mean - SMEM serum-containing Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium with supplements - 20DHP 20--hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one  相似文献   

In previous studies, nonlethal CdCl2 concentrations apparently inhibited basal Y-1 mouse adrenal tumor cell endogenous mitochondrial cholesterol conversion to pregnenolone. In addition, CdCl2 inhibited all agents stimulating both plasma membrane-dependent cAMP synthesis and 20-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20DHP) secretion. Bypassing the plasma membrane using dibutyryl-cAMP (dbcAMP) stimulated cytoplasmic cholesterol metabolism and 20DHP secretion in the presence of CdCl2. Since CdCl2 competed at metabolic steps requiring Ca2+ in other tissues, experiments were designed to examine Cd2+ competition with Ca2+ during steroidogenesis. Sets of cells incubated with either medium or adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) with or without CdCl2 were also treated with 0, 1.0, 5.0 or 10.0 mmol/L CaCl2 in the presence or absence of EGTA, a relatively specific Ca2+, but not Cd2+, chelating agent. Another experimental cell set incubated with either medium or ACTH, with or without CdCl2, was treated with or without 1 mmol/L A23187, an ionophore specifically facilitating extracellular Ca2+ transfer across plasma membranes. Besides determining Ca2+ involvement in steroidogenesis using steroid secretion as an endpoint, we directly measured Ca2+ concentrations using intracellular fura-2 fluorescence. Following loading with 2 mol/L fura-2, cells remained untreated or medium was infused with CdCl2, ACTH, ACTH/CdCl2 or ACTH followed after 50 s by CdCl2. Using Ca2+-supplemented media, we observed that Cd2+ inhibition of ACTH-stimulated 20DHP secretion was completely reversed. Standard Ca2+-containing medium supplemented with Ca2+ also enhanced maximally stimulated 20DHP secretion by ACTH. 20DHP secretion by ACTH-treated and ACTH/Cd2+-treated cells was only reduced by EGTA, when Ca2+ was not supplemented. The ionophore A23187 increased basal and ACTH-stimulated 20DHP secretion by Cd2+-treated cells, suggesting that extracellular Ca2+ resources may compete against Cd2+ effects on plasma membrane cAMP synthesis and on basal cholesterol metabolism by mitochondria. No time-dependent change in Ca2+ concentrations occurred within untreated cell suspensions. ACTH stimulation caused a 25 s burst in Ca2+ concentrations before returning to basal, steady-state levels. Cd2+ also stimulated intracellular fura-2 fluorescence. Untreated cell suspensions infused with Cd2+ exhibited a continuous rise in intracellular fluorescence. ACTH/CdCl2-treated cells exhibited a hyperbolic rise in intracellular fluorescence over the 300 s study period. Cells treated with Cd2+ 50 s after ACTH treatment initially exhibited the 25 s fluorescence burst followed by a Cd2+-induced hyperbolic rise in intracellular Cd2+. These fluorescence measurements suggested that cytoplasmic Ca2+ changes do not appear to be necessary for basal 20DHP synthesis and secretion; only a 25 s burst in intracellular Ca2+ is necessary to a slightly higher plateau level for stimulated 20DHP synthesis and secretion. Cd2+ freely enters the cell under basal conditions and Cd2+ entry is accelerated by ACTH stimulation. Data were consistent with Ca2+ being required for optimal stimulated steroid production and Cd2+ probably competing with Ca2+ during basal mitochondrial cholesterol metabolism and plasma membrane ACTH-stimulated cAMP generation.  相似文献   

Obesity is frequently associated with malfunctions of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and hyperaldosteronism, but the mechanism underlying this association remains unclear. Since the adrenal glands are embedded in adipose tissue, direct cross-talk between adipose tissue and the adrenal gland has been proposed. A previous study found that adiponectin receptor mRNA was expressed in human adrenal glands and aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA). However, the expression of adiponectin receptors in adrenal glands has not been confirmed at the protein level or in other species. Furthermore, it is unclear whether adiponectin receptors expressed in adrenal cells are functional. We found, for the first time, that adiponectin receptor (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2) mRNA and protein were expressed in mouse adrenal and adrenocortical Y-1 cells. However, adiponectin itself was not expressed in mouse adrenal or Y-1 cells. Furthermore, adiponectin acutely reduced basal levels of corticosterone and aldosterone secretion. ACTH-induced steroid secretion was also inhibited by adiponectin, and this was accompanied by a parallel change in the expression of the key genes involved in steroidogenesis. These findings indicate that adiponectin may take part in the modulation of steroidogenesis. Thus, adiponectin is likely to have physiological and/or pathophysiological significance as an endocrine regulator of adrenocortical function.  相似文献   

We evaluated the toxicity of CdCl2, HgCl2, and MeHgCl on the C6/36 cell line of Aedes albopictus. This cell line proved to be a suitable tool for studying heavy-metal toxicity in insect cells. Since data on heavy-metal toxicity in invertebrate cell cultures are almost nonexistent, our results are discussed in relation to in vivo invertebrate and in vitro vertebrate studies. Viability and proliferation were assessed by dye exclusion and DNA quantification, respectively. Viability tests were carried out with and without 5% fetal calf serum in the medium. The three metal species decreased viability to different extents (MeHgCl>HgCl2>CdCl2), and fetal calf serum had a protective effect. In serum-deprived cultures, LD50 values were 140.20, 2.51, and 2.08 µmol/L for CdCl2, HgCl2, and MeHgCl, respectively. For cultures with fetal calf serum, LD50 values were 149.71, 12.01, and 5.47 µmol/L, respectively. The viability curve for CdCl2 under serum-free conditions suggests the induction of a cell defense system. The three metal species also inhibited cell proliferation (MeHgCl> CdCl2> HgCl2). The IC50 values were 1.75, 18.36, and 0.96 µmol/L for CdCl2, HgCl2, and MeHgCl, respectively. In summary, low MeHgCl concentrations caused both cell death and inhibition of cell proliferation; HgCl2 primarily disrupted the plasma membrane, whereas CdCl2 primarily inhibited cell proliferation.  相似文献   



Plant secondary metabolites are possess several biological activities such as anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-aging, etc. Cell suspension culture is one of the most effective systems to produce secondary metabolites. It is possible to increase the phenolic compounds and tocopherols by using cell suspensions. Studies on tocopherols production by cell suspension cultures are seldom and generally focused on seed oil plants. Although fresh grape, grape seed, pomace and grape seed oil had tocopherols, with our best knowledge, there is no research on tocopherol accumulation in the grape cell suspension cultures. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of cadmium chloride treatments on secondary metabolite production in cell suspension cultures of grapevine. Cell suspensions initiated from callus belonging to petiole tissue was used as a plant material. Cadmium chloride was applied to cell suspension cultures in different concentration (1.0 mM and 1.5 mM) to enhance secondary metabolite (total phenolics, total flavanols, total flavonols, trans-resveratrol, and α-, β-, γ- δ-tocopherols) production. Cells were harvested at two days intervals until the 6th day of cultures. Amounts of total phenolics, total flavanols and total flavonols; trans-resveratrol and tocopherols (α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherols) and dry cell weights were determined in the harvested cells.


Phenolic contents were significantly affected by the sampling time and cadmium concentrations. The highest values of total phenolic (168.82 mg/100 g), total flavanol (15.94 mg/100 g), total flavonol (14.73 mg/100 g) and trans-resveratrol (490.76 μg/100 g) were found in cells treated with 1.0 mM CdCl2 and harvested at day 2. Contents of tocopherols in the cells cultured in the presence of 1.0 mM CdCl2 gradually increased during the culture period and the highest values of α, β and γ tocopherols (145.61, 25.52 and 18.56 μg/100 g) were detected in the cell cultures collected at day 6.


As a conclusion, secondary metabolite contents were increased by cadmium chloride application and sampling time, while dry cell weights was reduced by cadmium chloride treatments.  相似文献   

1. Catecholamine secretion from digitonin-treated chromaffin cells is stimulated directly by micromolar Ca2+ in the medium. The permeabilized cells are leaky to proteins. 2. In this study trypsin (30-50 micrograms/ml) added to cells after digitonin treatment completely inhibited subsequent Ca2+-dependent catecholamine secretion. The same concentrations of trypsin did not inhibit secretion from permeabilized cells if trypsin was present only prior to cell permeabilization. 3. The data indicate that trypsin entered digitonin-treated chromaffin cells which were capable of undergoing secretion and that an intracellular, trypsin-sensitive protein is involved in secretion. Chymotrypsin was less potent but had effects similar to those of trypsin. 4. The enhancement of Ca2+-dependent secretion from permeabilized chromaffin cells induced by the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) was inhibited by trypsin added simultaneously with Ca2+ to permeabilized cells at concentrations (3-10 micrograms/ml) which had little or no effect on Ca2+-dependent secretion from cells untreated with TPA. Ca2+-dependent secretion in TPA-treated cells was reduced by trypsin only to the level that would have occurred in cells not treated with TPA. Trypsin reduced the large TPA-induced increment of membrane-bound protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes were tested in vitro for genotoxic effects of cadmium chloride. Whole blood samples of four healthy, non-smoking subjects were preincubated with CdCl2 in concentrations of 10(-4), 10(-3), and 5 . 10(-3) mol/L for three hours before the cells were assessed for DNA-damage using the single cell alkaline gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay) or cultivated for chromosomal aberrations (CA), sister chromatid exchanges (SCE), and the micronucleus (MN) test. The comet assay showed notable interindividual differences. The results of the cytogenetic tests showed an increase in the frequency of CA, MN, and SCE with CdCl2 in the treated cultures, yet none was able to show a correlation between concentrations of cadmium chloride and the frequency of damages. The MN slides were stained with Giemsa and with DNA fluorochrome 4', 6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). The frequency of MN in slides stained with DAPI was significantly higher than in those stained with Giemsa, which might be due to an underestimation of small micronuclei in Giemsa-stained slides.  相似文献   

秦秦  李雪梅  台培东  刘宛  冯倩  邓鑫  马俊 《生态学杂志》2013,32(8):2043-2048
以普通茄(Solanum melongena,绿健)和野生茄(S.torvum,托鲁巴姆)为实验材料,通过对嫁接处理前后7叶龄植株开展7d含Cd水培实验(Cd浓度为0.1 mg· L-1),研究Cd在不同类型茄体内的富集特征以及嫁接对茄体内Cd运输途径和富集特性的影响.结果表明:绿健对Cd的富集能力强于托鲁巴姆.不同部位器官中Cd的分布特征为根>叶>茎,其中植株吸收的Cd 80.0%左右富集于根部;不同部位叶片,Cd优先富集于植株顶端幼叶中.嫁接使得Cd在茄地上部的富集量明显减少,接穗Cd的富集量均显著低于砧木:以绿健为对照,正向嫁接减少了48.4%,反向嫁接减少了34.2%,托鲁巴姆自嫁接减少了88.5%;以托鲁巴姆为对照,仅自嫁接地上部Cd富集量减少了58.0%.嫁接减少Cd在茄体内富集的原因可能是嫁接使接穗与砧木植物韧皮部结构产生了差异,由此推断Cd在茄体内的长距离运输过程中韧皮部起到了关键作用.  相似文献   

Mouse adrenal cortex Y-1 cell line was cultured on microcarriers in cell reactors containing 250 ml or 1500 ml culture medium; the same cell density as in the smaller vessel (0.9 × 106 cells ml−1) was obtained in the larger reactor by controlling pH and supplying the medium with O2. Consumption of glucose, oxygen, production of lactate and variation of 19 amino acids were determined with and without oxygen supply. Synthetic ACTH 1–24 induced steroidogenesis in a serum poor medium supplemented with cholesterol and albumin. Steroid production was similar to that of cell growth in usual culture dishes (2 μg 106 cells−1 24 h−1).  相似文献   

【背景】水中的重金属污染是一个严峻的环境问题,严重危害人体健康,利用微生物吸附剂修复重金属污染的水体是一种高效环保的方法。Sphingopyxis能够去除重金属,但是其去除水体中镉的研究很少,且其吸附镉的机理尚不清楚。【目的】以从水体中分离的Sphingopyxis sp. YF1为对象,探究该菌对镉的吸附特性和机制。【方法】分析在不同pH、接触时间及重金属初始浓度条件下YF1活菌和死菌对Cd2+的吸附效果,对其进行动力学模型和等温模型拟合,通过扫描电镜和能谱(scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, SEM-EDS)观察镉在活菌和死菌细胞表面的富集,并通过傅里叶变换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR)和X射线光电子能谱(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS)分析确定YF1菌中参与吸附Cd2+的官能团,阐明YF1对镉的吸附机理。【结果】当pH值为3.0-5.0时,随着pH值的升高,活菌与死菌的镉吸附量都随着增加,pH值为5.0-7.0时,活菌与死菌的镉吸附量均无较大变化,吸附主要发生在前10 min,之后吸附速率逐渐降低,活菌和死菌吸附Cd2+的过程更符合准二级动力学模型,表明菌体对镉主要是以化学吸附的方式进行;活菌和死菌等温模型拟合都更符合Langmuir模型,说明YF1对Cd2+的吸附为均相吸附;活菌和死菌对Cd2+的吸附量分别达到36.20 mg/g和62.98 mg/g;吸附后的活菌和死菌的细胞表面均有Cd(II)沉积在菌体表面,活菌和死菌的-OH、C-(O,N)和-NO2等基团参与了镉的吸附。【结论】Sphingopyxis sp. YF1菌具有较强的Cd2+去除能力,该菌株在去除水体Cd2+方面具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The mitogenic response of bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated by concanavalin A (ConA) was suppressed by infectious bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1). Proliferation in response to interleukin-2 (IL-2) by IL-2-dependent lymphocyte cultures was also inhibited by BHV-1. Although inhibition of mitogenesis approached 100%, less than 1 cell in 1,000 was productively infected by BHV-1 in ConA-stimulated cultures. Neither conditioned medium from mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures nor human recombinant IL-2 reversed suppression by the virus. Infection by BHV-1 did not influence the expression of IL-2 or IL-2 receptor mRNA in ConA-stimulated cultures, nor did it affect the cytolytic capabilities of lymphocytes. The data suggest that the inhibition of T-lymphocyte proliferation is the result of a nonproductive BHV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Zinc, cadmium, and copper are known to interact in many transport processes, but the mechanism of inhibition is widely debated, being either competitive or noncompetitive according to the experimental model employed. We investigated the mechanisms of inhibition of zinc transport by cadmium and copper using renal proximal cells isolated from rabbit kidney. Initial rates of65Zn uptake were assessed after 0.5 min of incubation. The kinetics parameters of zinc uptake obtained at 20°C were a Jmax of 208.0±8.4 pmol· min−1·(mg protein)−1, aK m of 15.0±1.5 μM and an unsaturable constant of 0.259±0.104 (n=8). Cadmium at 15 μM competitively inhibited zinc uptake. In the presence of 50 μM cadmium, or copper at both 15 and 50 μM, there was evidence of noncompetitive inhibition. These data suggest that zinc and cadmium enter renal proximal cells via a common, saturable, carrier-mediated process. The mechanisms of the noncompetitive inhibition observed at higher concentrations of cadmium or with copper require further investigation, but may involve a toxic effect on the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Both intact cortical tissue and isolated cortical cells from the adrenal gland of the rat were analyzed for 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, the hydrolysis metabolite of PGI2, using high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. 6-Keto-PGF1 alpha was present in both incubations of intact tissue and isolated cells of the adrenal cortex, at higher concentrations than either PGF2 alpha or PGE2. Thus, the cortex does not depend upon vascular components for the synthesis of the PGI2 metabolite. Studies in vitro, using isolated cortical cells exposed to 6-keto-PGF1 alpha (10(-6)-10(-4)M), show that this PG does not alter cAMP levels or steroidogenesis. Cells exposed to PGI2 (10(-6)-10(-4)M), however, show a concentration-dependent increase of up to 4-fold in the levels of cAMP without altering cortico-sterone production, ACTH (5-200 microU/ml) increased cAMP levels up to 14-fold, and corticosterone levels up to 6-fold, in isolated cells. ACTH plus PGI2 produced an additive increase in levels of cAMP, however, the steroidogenic response was equal to that elicited by ACTH alone. Adrenal glands of the rat perfused in situ with PGI2 showed a small decrease in corticosterone production, whereas ACTH greatly stimulated steroid release. Thus, while 6-keto-PGF1 alpha is present in the rat adrenal cortex, its precursor, PGI2, is not a steroidogenic agent in this tissue although it does stimulate the accumulation of cAMP.  相似文献   

Cultured epidermal cells from explants of skin of rainbow trout were used to study the cytological and functional changes following sublethal exposure to cadmium stress. The aim was to develop diagnostic markers for ecotoxicology. Cultures were exposed to the pollutant for 48 h. Cell structural and cytological changes were established by light and electron microscopy. Metabolic alterations were detected by immunohistochemistry. The relation between the initiation of cellular alterations and cadmium concentrations was compared in cultures exposed in commercially-available serum-free and serum-containing medium. The expression of stress proteins (metallothionein and heat shock protein) was also studied. Rainbow trout epithelial cells exposed to cadmium showed typical morphological changes indicative of cell death by apoptosis. Sublethal exposure also resulted in cellular metabolic disturbances with increased deposits of glycogen. Increased melanization was also observed. These changes appeared at lower concentrations of cadmium when cells were exposed in serum-free media than in serum-containing media. Cadmium induced the expression of heat shock proteins but not of metallothioneins. The results broadly confirm in vivo findings for cadmium toxicity and suggest that this in vitro technique may have applications in aquatic toxicology. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The liver is a target for toxic chemicals such as cadmium (Cd). When the liver is damaged, hepatic stellate cells (HSC) are activated and transformed into myofibroblast-like cells, which are responsible for liver fibrosis. Curcuma longa has been reported to exert a hepato-protective effect under various pathological conditions. We investigated the effects of C. longa administration on HSC activation in response to Cd induced hepatotoxicity. Forty adult male albino rats were divided into: group 1 (control), group 2 (Cd treated), group 3 (C. longa treated) and group 4 (Cd and C. longa treated). After 6 weeks, liver specimens were prepared for light and electron microscopy examination of histological changes and immunohistochemical localization of alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA) as a specific marker for activated HSC. Activated HSC with a positive αSMA immune reaction were not detected in groups 1 and 3. Large numbers of activated HSC with αSMA immune reactions were observed in group 2 in addition to Cd induced hepatotoxic changes including excess collagen deposition in thickened portal triads, interlobular septa with hepatic lobulation, inflammatory cell infiltration, a significant increase in Kupffer cells and degenerated hepatocytes. In group 4, we observed a significant decrease in HSC that expressed αSMA with amelioration of the hepatotoxic changes. C. longa administration decreased HSC activation and ameliorated hepatotoxic changes caused by Cd in adult rats.  相似文献   

《Tissue & cell》2016,48(5):425-431
Lithium Chloride (LiCl) has been used as a canonical Wnt pathway activator due to its ability to inhibit a glycogen synthase kinase-3. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of LiCl on cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation in stem cells isolated from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs). SHEDs were isolated and cultured in media supplemented with LiCl at 5, 10, or 20 mM. The results demonstrated that LiCl significantly decreased SHEDs colony forming unit ability in a dose dependent manner. LiCl significantly enhanced the percentage of cells in the sub G0 phase, accompanied by a reduction of the percentage of cells in the G1 phase at day 3 and 7 after treatment. Further, LiCl markedly decreased OSX and DMP1 mRNA expression after treating SHEDs in an osteogenic induction medium for 7 days. In addition, no significant difference in alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activity or mineral deposition was found. Together, these results imply that LiCl influences SHEDs behavior.  相似文献   

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