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North Carolina, USA, is the southernmost extent of the American black duck's (Anas rubripes) breeding range; however, little is known about their nesting ecology in this region. We located and monitored 140 nesting black ducks over 2 years (2017–2018) to quantify preferred nesting habitat and assess nesting productivity within coastal North Carolina. We located nests in brackish marshes (75%) and man-made dredge spoil islands (25%) at a density of 1 nest/22 ha. Black ducks selected high marsh and nested an average of 21.81 m from open water at a mean elevation of 1.36 m. In preferred nesting habitat, visual obstruction readings were 0.50 m with a maximum mean vegetation height of 0.81 m and land cover consisted largely of grasses (84.6%). Apparent nest success rates varied from 31% (2017) to 63% (2018) across years. The majority (72.2%) of variability in nest success was best predicted by nest location (mainland marsh, natural island, or spoil island), vegetation density, maximum vegetation height, and year. Management for breeding black ducks in coastal North Carolina should focus on promoting selected nesting habitat and reducing nest predators. Prescribed burns, used to set back succession on spoil islands and in brackish marshes should be conducted in the winter or in the early growing season not to exceed the twenty-fifth quantile date of black duck nest initiation (2 Apr). © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Social Displays of the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adult alligators perform two conspicuous social displays, bellowsand headslaps. Both of these behaviors are performed from a"head oblique tail arched" (HOTA) posture. Bellow displays,by both males and females, involve the production of a loud,roaring vocalization. Male alligators also produce a infrasonicsignal, termed subaudible vibrations, just prior to the audiblebellow. Bellowing occurs throughout the year but is most frequentduring the courting season, when alligators bellow daily inchoruses. Chorus length appears to be correlated with the sizeof the adult population. Chorusing is frequently initiated byfemales but seems to be perpetuated by male alligators. Bellowingmay serve to attract alligators of the opposite sex and possiblyto space out animals of the same sex. The headslap display is an assertion display consisting of eightcomponent behavioral acts: the elevated posture, HOTA posture,subaudible vibrations, headslap, jawclap, growl, inflated posture,and tail wag. Each act component is variable in presence andintensity producing a highly variable, graded signal. The alligatortypically remains motionless in the HOTA posture for about 16sec before executing the headslap/jawclap acts. The headslapdisplay involves a rapid clapping shut of the jaws as the undersurfaceof the head is slapped against the water surface. Headslappingis most common in early morning and afternoon hours. Analysisof 1,050 headslap displays by 91 known individuals indicatesthat 94.5% of the observed displays were performed by males.Headslap displays are generally performed from typical displaysites which the alligator seeks out prior to the display. Responsesto headslap displays include headslapping by others, lunges,approaches, and bellow growling. The headslap display functionsas a declaration of presence. A musky odor is commonly detected in association with both ofthese social displays, suggesting a possibly important, butlittle understood, pheromonal component of these behaviors. The displays both involve complex signals including visual,auditory, olfactory and possibly tactile channels of communication.Most of the behaviors described are shared with many other speciesof crocodilians.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the American alligator, Alligatormississippiensis, was studied using blood and tissue samplesfrom wild alligators, and blood samples drawn from a captivebreeding stock at the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in Louisiana.Generally the cycle commences in March as air and water temperaturesincrease. By early April the seminiferous tubules are full ofactively dividing spermatocytes and maturing spermatids. Testismass is greatest at this time and plasma testosterone is ata peak (>50 ng/ml), but mature spermatozoa do not appearuntil late April and mid May when mating takes place. Plasmatestosterone levels decline rapidly in June after spermiation,and are low to nondetectable in July and August when the testesare fully regressed. A second small peak in testosterone occursin September without any obvious changes in testicular histology.In the female a similar temperature dependent initiation ofthe ovarian cycle occurs in late March. Plasma estradiol levelsreach a peak (>600 pg/ml) in mid April, and ovarian folliclesincrease from 5 mm to 45 mm in diameter at ovulation in May.Plasma testosterone is also high in preovulatory females (ca.1.5 ng/ml). Plasma progesterone shows a periovulatory surgeto levels as high as 16 ng/ml, but declines rapidly during the3 wk between ovulation and oviposition. During egg incubation(66 days) when the female remains close to the nest, ovariansteroids remain undetectable.  相似文献   

The metabolic rate of the alligator is a direct function ofthe volume of blood flowing through the capillaries/unit time/unitweight, which in turn, is determined by the heart rate and thestroke volume. For an animal with such a low metabolic rate,the heart rate is relatively rapid, in part because the heartis relatively small. Metabolic rate of the smallest alligatorexceeds that of the largest by about 25 to 1. Lowering the temperaturedecreases blood flow without decreasing the oxygen and substrateextracted from each liter. Metabolic rate (oxygen consumption)is expressed by the equation M.R. = F(A – V), where Fis the blood flow and A – V is the oxygen A – Vdifference. For the catabolism of compounds in which oxygenis not directly involved, the expression is V = KF[S], whereV is the velocity of the reaction, F is the blood flow, and[S] is the concentration of the substrate. K is a constant,differing for each catabolite, but having about the same valuefor any one catabolite in vertebrates, cold- or warm-blooded.Enzyme kinetics in a live vertebrate has little in common withthat determined in the usual experiments in vitro. A 70 kg alligatorat 28°C has a blood flow of 0.2 liters/min, a stroke volumeof 6.3 ml, a circulation time of 27 min, and it produces about72 kcal/day, or about 4% of that of a man of equal size.  相似文献   

吴海龙  吴治安 《四川动物》2004,23(3):267-274
简要介绍了半个多世纪以来,扬子鳄自然种群的变化、种群衰落的原因、生活史对策、栖息地选择、行为生态、生理生态等方面的主要研究成果,并对将来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

于1990—2004年的繁殖季节,在青藏高原北部地区收集了12种常见的雀形目鸟类的巢,并且对这些鸟巢的分布格局和结构特征进行了比较研究。所有鸟巢分布表现出草地、灌木丛和沼泽的水平分割和地上、地面及地下的垂直分割的空间分布模式,其中地面杯状巢最普遍。巢结构特征,存在从简单到复杂的系列谱变化,主要表现:巢形状从浅到深,从开放到封闭;巢材性质从单一的植物性到复合的动植物性;巢材重从少到多。不管这些变化有多大,都反映了所有鸟种选择巢址是在安全和隔热两种基本条件之间权衡。在变化谱上的每种鸟巢都有自己的利弊,选择哪种类型的巢是由鸟本身的遗传和环境特征两方面的因素决定的。另外,巢材的运输反映了亲鸟对筑巢活动的投资,是繁殖投入的重要组成部分。因此,巢材重与亲鸟体重之比可以反映出筑巢活动投资的高低。百灵科鸟的开放式地面巢材重大约是亲鸟体重的1/2;而褐背拟地鸦的地下封闭巢的巢材重约为亲鸟体重的5倍以上。其余种类都在两者之间变化。总之,如此不同的投资差异是在捕食压力和种间竞争作用下以及亲鸟为满足鸟卵胚胎和雏鸟迅速生长发育的必要条件下,各种生物学特征协调的结果。  相似文献   

Cationic antimicrobial peptides and their therapeutic potential have garnered growing interest because of the proliferation of bacterial resistance. However, the discovery of new antimicrobial peptides from animals has proven challenging due to the limitations associated with conventional biochemical purification and difficulties in predicting active peptides from genomic sequences, if known. As an example, no antimicrobial peptides have been identified from the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, although their serum is antimicrobial. We have developed a novel approach for the discovery of new antimicrobial peptides from these animals, one that capitalizes on their fundamental and conserved physico-chemical properties. This sample-agnostic process employs custom-made functionalized hydrogel microparticles to harvest cationic peptides from biological samples, followed by de novo sequencing of captured peptides, eliminating the need to isolate individual peptides. After evaluation of the peptide sequences using a combination of rational and web-based bioinformatic analyses, forty-five potential antimicrobial peptides were identified, and eight of these peptides were selected to be chemically synthesized and evaluated. The successful identification of multiple novel peptides, exhibiting antibacterial properties, from Alligator mississippiensis plasma demonstrates the potential of this innovative discovery process in identifying potential new host defense peptides.  相似文献   

夏同胜  蒋宣清 《四川动物》2005,24(3):373-377
在2002~2004年的6-7月,每天观察扬子鳄的营巢行为,记录天气状况,得出扬子鳄的营巢时间受天气的影响,巢材湿度会影响鳄的产卵时间;在6月下旬末大雨天后,连续2~3天气温能保持在26~35℃时,鳄就会产卵;在整个产卵期巢受到严重破坏时,鳄不会产卵。  相似文献   

人工饲养条件下扬子鳄的营巢和产卵行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2003~2005年,利用红外线摄像仪,对人工饲养条件下扬子鳄(Alligatorsinensis)的营巢和产卵行为进行了研究。扬子鳄在产卵前,有营造后肢落脚洞的行为;在产卵后期,一边产卵,一边覆盖。为探讨气候对营巢的影响,采用线性回归对气候和扬子鳄营巢开始时间进行分析后的结果表明,对营巢开始时间影响最大的是4月的平均气温,较高的平均气温会导致扬子鳄营巢开始时间提前。运用主成分分析饲养条件下巢址的环境因子,得出巢址的植被盖度、离水源距离等对扬子鳄的巢址利用有较大影响。  相似文献   

This study details the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of the American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. American Alligator spermatozoa are filiform and slightly curved. The acrosome is tapered at its anterior end and surrounded by the acrosome vesicle and an underlying subacrosomal cone, which rests just cephalic to the nuclear rostrum. One endonuclear canal extends from the subacrosomal cone through the rostral nucleus and deep into the nuclear body. The neck region separates the nucleus and midpiece and houses the proximal centriole and pericentriolar material. The distal centriole extends through the midpiece and has 9 × 3 sets of peripheral microtubules with a central doublet pair within the axoneme that is surrounded by a dense sheath. The midpiece is composed of seven to nine rings of mitochondria, which have combinations of concentrically and septate cristae. The principal piece has a dense fibrous sheath that surrounds an axoneme with a 9 + 2 microtubule arrangement. The sheath becomes significantly reduced in size caudally within the principal piece and is completely missing from the endpiece. Dense peripheral fibers, especially those associated with microtubule doublets 3 and 8, penetrate into the anterior portion of the principal piece axoneme. The data reported here hypothesize that sperm morphology is highly conserved in Crocodylia; however, specific morphological differences can exist between species. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although folliculogenesis and oogenesis have been observed in numerous reptiles, these phenomena have not been described in detail in a crocodilian. Oogenesis and histological features of the adult ovary of Alligator mississippiensis are described. Using a complex process, the ovary develops telolecithal oocytes that attain a diameter of 38.8 +/- 2.4 mm. The morphology of yolk platelets shows gradual changes throughout the oogenic process. Initially, yolk platelets are seen surrounded by a vesicle. As vitellogenesis advances, the vesicles contain numerous yolk spheres, with slowly growing platelets. The yolk spheres continue to increase in size and number within the vacuoles. Differences in the animal and vegetal poles are seen based on the morphology and size of the yolk platelets. The ovary of A. mississippiensis shows a well-developed system of lacunae and bundles of smooth muscle around the follicles in all stages of development. Several features seen in the ovary of A. mississippiensis are similar to those observed in birds. In particular, the morphology of the yolk platelets, especially during the middle and late vitellogenic stages, and the presence of a ovarian system of lacunae and smooth muscle. These similarities in the reproductive biology of crocodilians and birds contribute to current studies of the evolution of archosaurian reproduction.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined population size and factors influencing nest survival of greater sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) at Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho, USA, during 1997–2000. Average local population of cranes from late April to early May, 1998–2000, was 735 cranes, 34% higher than that reported for May 1970–1971. We estimated 228 (SE = 30) nests in the basin core (excluding renests), 14% higher than a 1971 estimate. Apparent nest success in our study (x̄ = 60%, n = 519 nests) was lower than reported for Grays Lake 30–50 years earlier. Daily survival rates (DSRs) of all nests averaged 0.9707 (41.2%). The best model explaining nest survival included year and water depth and their interaction. Nest survival was highest (DSR = 0.9827) in 1998 compared with other years (0.9698-0.9707). Nest survival changed little relative to water depth in 1998, when flooding was extensive and alternative prey (microtines) irrupted, but declined markedly with lower water levels in 2000, the driest year studied. Hypotheses relating nest survival to vegetation height, land use (idle, summer grazing, fall grazing), and date were not supported. In a before-after-control-impact design using 12 experimental fields, nest survival differed among years but not among management treatments (idle, fall graze, fall burn, and summer—graze—idle rotation), nor was there an interaction between year and treatments. However, DSRs in fall-burn fields declined from 0.9781 in 1997–1998 to 0.9503 in 1999–2000 (posttreatment). Changes in the predator community have likely contributed to declines in nest success since the 1950s and 1970s. Our results did not support earlier concerns about effects of habitat management practices on crane productivity. Nest survival could best be enhanced by managing spring water levels. Managers should continue censuses during late April to evaluate long-term relationships to habitat conditions and management.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase was shown to be localized in liver mitochondria of the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, by immunofluorescent staining of frozen liver sections and by the detection of enzymatic activity and immunoreactive protein in the mitochondrial fraction following subcellular fractionation of liver tissue by differential centrifugation. The primary translation product of alligator liver glutamine synthetase mRNA was shown to have an Mr = 45,000 which is similar if not identical in size to that of the mature subunit. This mRNA was found to be heterogeneous in size with a major form corresponding to 2.8-3.0 kb and a lesser form corresponding to around 2 kb. Both are in excess of the size required to code for the glutamine synthetase subunit. The synthesis and presumably the mitochondrial import of glutamine synthetase in alligator liver are thus very similar to the same processes in avian liver. Despite the excretion of a high percentage of nitrogen as ammonia, the demonstration of a mitochondrial glutamine synthetase indicates the alligator has the typical avian-type uricotelic ammonia-detoxification system in liver. This suggests that the transition to uricotelism occurred in the sauropsid line of evolution and has persisted through both the lepidosaurian (snakes, lizards) and archosaurian (dinosaurs, crocodilians, birds) lines.  相似文献   

The growth dynamics of the American alligator ( Alligator mississippiensis ) were studied in the subtropical Florida Everglades using extensive mark-recapture data from over 2000 recaptures of known-aged and unknown-aged animals. A model based on the power curve best describes growth of Everglades alligators. The nonasymptotic character of this curve leads to rejection of the hypothesis that alligator growth is determinate. A model consisting of piece-wise linear equations better described growth in the first year, and suggested a period of arrested growth occurred in the first winter. A comparison of predictions from growth models derived from several populations indicated that Everglades alligators grew more slowly than did those in more temperate areas, leading to the rejection of the hypothesis that growth rates in subtropical Florida would be elevated because of the long growing season. We attribute this result to a combination of increased maintenance costs and a limited resource base in the Everglades.
Analyses considered the extent to which growth model evaluation and use can be affected by data selection. Mathematical constraints posed by negative growth data can be alleviated by including growth records over combined recapture intervals to achieve a positive growth increment. However, periods of no to negative growth may be real, and such deviations are obscured by fitting growth data to monotonically increasing models.  相似文献   

Eggs were sampled from 22 wild American alligator nests from the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in south-west Louisiana, along with the females guarding the nests. Three nests were sampled in 1995 and 19 were sampled in 1997. Females and offspring from all clutches were genotyped using five polymorphic microsatellite loci and the three nests from 1995 were also genotyped using one allozyme locus. Genotypes of the hatchlings were consistent with the guarding females being the mothers of their respective clutches. Multiple paternity was found in seven of the 22 clutches with one being fathered by three males, and the remaining six clutches having genotypes consistent with two males per clutch. Paternal contributions of multiply sired clutches were skewed. Some males sired hatchlings of more than one of the 22 clutches either as one of two sires of a multiple paternity clutch, as the sole sire of two different clutches, or as the sole sire of one clutch and one of two sires of a multiply sired clutch. There was no significant difference between females that had multiple paternity clutches and those that had singly sired clutches with respect to female total length (P = 0.844) and clutch size (P = 0.861). Also, there was no significant correlation between genetic relatedness of nesting females and pairwise nest distances (r2 = 0.003, F1,208 = 0.623, P = 0.431), indicating that females in this sample that nested close to one another were no more related than any two nesting females chosen at random. Eleven mutations were detected among hatchlings at the five loci over the 22 clutches. Most of these mutations (eight of 11) occurred at Ami(mu)-17, the only compound microsatellite locus of the five used in this study, corresponding to a mutation rate of 1.7 x 10-3. Finally, most of the mutations (82%) were homoplasious, i.e., mutating to an allelic state already present in this Louisiana population.  相似文献   

Animals that thrive both on land and underwater are faced with the task of interpreting stimuli in different media. This becomes a challenge to the sensory receptors in that stimuli (e.g., sound, motion) may convey the same type of information but are transmitted with different physical characteristics. We used auditory brainstem responses to examine hearing abilities of a species that makes full use of these two environments, the American alligator (Alligator mississipiensis). In water, alligators responded to tones from 100 Hz to 2,000 Hz, with peak sensitivity at 800 Hz. In air, they responded to tones from 100 Hz to 8,000 Hz, with peak sensitivity around 1,000 Hz. We also examined the contribution to hearing of an air bubble that becomes trapped in the middle ear as the animal submerges. This bubble has been previously implicated in underwater hearing. Our studies show that the trapped air bubble has no affect on auditory thresholds, suggesting the bubble is not an important adaptation for underwater hearing in this species.  相似文献   

Treatment of axenic Naegleria gruberi cultures with alligator serum resulted in time-dependent amoebacidal activity, with measurable activity at 5 min and maximal activity occurring at 20 min. The amoebacidal activity was concentration dependent, with measurable activity at 25% serum, whereas treatment of amoebas with undiluted serum resulted in only 16% survival. The efficacy was dependent on the concentration of amoebas, with higher survival rates at high amoeba densities and lower survival rates at low amoeba densities. The amoeba-killing effects of alligator serum were broad in spectrum because the serum was effective against 3 strains of Naegleria species tested and 4 Acanthamoeba species, which have been reported to be resistant to human serum complement-mediated lysis. The amoebacidal effects of alligator serum were temperature dependent, with optimal activity at 15-30 C and a decrease in activity below 15 C and above 30 C. The amoebacidal activity of alligator serum was heat labile and protease sensitive, indicating the proteinaceous nature of the activity, and was also inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, which indicated a requirement for divalent metal ions. These characteristics strongly suggest that the amoebacidal properties of alligator serum are because of complement activity.  相似文献   

1. The disaccharidase activities of the small intestines of American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) were studied in epithelial scrapes and brush-border membrane preparations. 2. Maltase, isomaltase and trehalase activities were found. Activities of these enzymes were higher in the proximal small intestine and decreased distally. 3. Disaccharidase activities were enriched 12-15 times in brush-border membrane preparations, compared with mucosa/enterocyte crude homogenates and were co-enriched with the brush-border membrane marker alkaline phosphatase. 3. The pH optima were: maltase 6.5; isomaltase 5.6; and trehalase 5.8. The Q10 of maltase, the most active enzyme, was equal to 1.82. 4. In reptiles, as in mammals, disaccharidase activities may be correlated with feeding habits. The co-occurrence of sucrase and isomaltase may not be a common feature of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Treatment of alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and human serum samples with Escherichia coli resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent inhibition of bacterial proliferation. When inoculated with E. coli, alligator serum exhibited 10-fold lower bacterial survival rates after 1 h than human serum. In addition, the antibacterial spectrum of alligator serum was shown to be much broader than that of human serum, with growth inhibition occurring in 100% of bacterial strains tested (compared to only 35% for human serum). Additional results showed that the antimicrobial activities of alligator serum could be completely inhibited by preincubation with proteases, indicating the proteinaceous nature of the antimicrobial activities. Furthermore, incubation of alligator serum at 56 degrees C for 30 min (classical human serum complement inactivation conditions) obliterated all antimicrobial properties of the alligator serum. The antibacterial activities occurred relatively quickly in vitro, with significant activity occurring within 5 min of inoculation with E. coli and maximal activity at 20 min. Also, the antimicrobial activity exhibited temperature dependence, with a substantial decrease in activity below 15 degrees C. These data suggest that the antimicrobial properties of alligator serum may be due to an active serum complement system.  相似文献   

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