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The roles of peptide-peptide charged interaction and lipid phase separation in helix-helix association in lipid bilayers were investigated using a model peptide, P24, as a transmembrane α-helical peptide, and its four analogues. Fluorescence amino acids, tryptophan (P24W) and pyrenylalanine (P24Pya), were introduced into the sequence of P24, respectively. Association of these peptides permits the resonance excitation energy transfer between tryptophan in P24W and pyrenylalanine in P24Pya or excimer formation between P24Pya themselves. To evaluate the effect of charged interaction on the association between α-helical transmembrane segments in membrane proteins, charged amino acids, glutamic acid (P24EW) and lysine (P24KPya), were introduced into P24W and P24Pya, respectively. Energy transfer experiments indicated that the charged interaction between the positive charge of lysine residue in P24KPya and the negative charge of glutamic acid residue in P24EW did not affect the aggregation of transmembrane peptides in lipid membranes. As the content ratio of sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol (Ch) was increased in the egg phosphatidylcholine (PC), the stronger excimer fluorescence spectra of P24Pya were observed, indicating that the co-existence of SM and Ch in PC liposomes, that is, the raft of SM and Ch, promotes the aggregation of the α-helical transmembrane peptides in lipid bilayers. Since the increase in the contents of SM and Ch leads to the decrease in the content of liquid crystalline-order phase, the moving area of transmembrane peptides might be limited in the liposomes, resulting in easy formation of the excimer in the presence of the lipid-raft.  相似文献   

Lipid bilayers composed of two phospholipids with significant acyl-chain mismatch behave as nonideal mixtures. Although many of these systems are well characterized from the equilibrium point of view, studies concerning their nonequilibrium dynamics are still rare. The kinetics of lipid demixing (phase separation) was studied in model membranes (large unilamellar vesicles of 1:1 dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (C(12) acyl chain) and distearoylphosphatidylcholine (C(18) acyl chain)). For this purpose, photophysical techniques (fluorescence intensity, anisotropy, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer) were applied using suitable probes (gel phase probe trans-parinaric acid and fluid phase probe N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)-dilauroylphosphatidylethanolamine). The nonequilibrium situation was induced by a sudden thermal quench from a one-fluid phase equilibrium situation (higher temperature) to the gel/fluid coexistence range (lower temperature). We verified that the attainment of equilibrium is a very slow process (occurs in a time scale of hours), leading to large domains at infinite time. The nonequilibrium structure stabilization is due essentially to temporarily rigidified C(12) chains in the interface between gel/fluid domains, which decrease the interfacial tension by acting as surfactants. The relaxation process becomes faster with the increase of the temperature drop. In addition, heterogeneity is already present in the supposed homogeneous fluid mixture at the higher temperature.  相似文献   

Folding of polytopic transmembrane proteins involves interactions of individual transmembrane helices, and multiple TM helix-helix interactions need to be controlled and aligned to result in the final TM protein structure. While defined interaction motifs, such as the GxxxG motif, might be critically involved in transmembrane helix-helix interactions, the sequence context as well as lipid bilayer properties significantly modulate the strength of a sequence specific transmembrane helix-helix interaction. Structures of 11 transmembrane helix dimers have been described today, and the influence of the sequence context as well as of the detergent and lipid environment on a sequence specific dimerization is discussed in light of the available structural information. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein Folding in Membranes.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) interactions with bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) were studied by measuring modulus of elasticity in direction perpendicular to the membrane plane (E perpendicular) and intramembrane potential delta psi. Upon interaction of CaM with egg phosphatidylcholine and asolectin BLM the parameter E perpendicular grew slightly (not more than by 10% as compared to the respective vale for nonmodified BLM), suggesting a weak effect on the ordering of the hydrophobic moiety of the lipid bilayer. In the presence of mesocaine (Mes), a calmodulin inhibitor, CaM affected the incorporation of Mes into the membrane. It can be concluded that CaM affects the ordering of the polar (superficial) membrane region.  相似文献   

Detergents are widely used for extracting and purifying membrane proteins. Four such detergents have been studied to find the extent to which they alone can alter black lipid film conductances. The slope of the plot of conductivity versus concentration for Triton X-100 is 4.54 in the range 0.025–0.15 mM; dodecyl sulphate 0.82 in the range 0.01–1 mM; sodium deoxycholate 1.03 in the range 0.01–1 mM and sodium cholate 1.37 in the range 0.1–10 mM. These ranges are below the respective critical micelle concentrations; above these concentrations the membranes break. Bilayer lipid membrane conductivity measured at constant detergent concentration increases with the conductivity of the bathing salt solution with a slope greater than 1, indicating an effect on the putative pore structures induced by detergents.  相似文献   

The increase in passive permeability of bilayer membranes near the phase transition temperature is usually explained as caused by either the increase in the amount of ‘boundary lipid’ present in the membrane, or by the increase in lateral compressibility of the membrane. Since both the amount of ‘boundary lipid’ and the lateral compressibility show a similar anomaly near the transition temperature, it is difficult to distinguish experimentally between the two proposed mechanisms.We have examined some details of both of the proposed pictures. The fluid-solid boundary energy, neglected in previous work, has been computed as a function of the domain size. For a single component uncharged lipid bilayer, the results rule out the existence of even loosely defined solid domains in a fluid phase, or vice versa. Thermodynamic fluctuations, which are responsible for anomalous behaviour near the phase transition temperature, are not intense enough to approximate the formation of a domain of the opposite phase.Turning next to lateral compressibility of bilayer membranes we have considered two-component mixtures in the phase separation region. We present the first calculation of lateral compressibility for such systems. The behaviour shows interesting anomalies, which should correlate with existing and future data on transport across membranes.  相似文献   

In the prokaryote Acholeplasma laidlawii, membrane bilayer properties are sensed and regulated by two interface glycosyltransferases (GTs), synthesizing major nonbilayer- (alMGS GT) and bilayer-prone glucolipids. These enzymes are of similar structure, as many soluble GTs, but are sensitive to lipid charge and curvature stress properties. Multivariate and bioinformatic sequence analyses show that such interface enzymes, in relation to soluble ones of similar fold, are characterized by high cationic charge, certain distances between small and cationic amino acids, and by amphipathic helices. Varying surface contents of Lys/Arg pairs and Trp indicate different membrane-binding subclasses. A predicted potential (cationic) binding helix from alMGS was structurally verified by solution NMR and CD. The helix conformation was induced by a zwitterionic as well as anionic lipid environment, and the peptide was confined to the bilayer interface. Bilayer affinity of the peptide, analyzed by surface plasmon resonance, was higher than that for soluble membrane-seeking proteins/peptides and rose with anionic lipid content. Interface intercalation was supported by phase equilibria in membrane lipid mixtures, analyzed by 31P NMR and DSC. An analogous, potentially binding helix has a similar location in the structurally determined Escherichia coli cell wall precursor GT MurG. These two helices have little sequence conservation in alMGS and MurG homologues but maintain their amphipathic character. The evolutionary modification of the alMGS binding helix and its location close to the acceptor substrate site imply a functional importance in enzyme catalysis, potentially providing a mechanism by which glycolipid synthesis will be sensitive to membrane surface charge and intrinsic curvature strain.  相似文献   

We examined the consequences of membrane heterogeneity for the association of a simple amphiphilic molecule with phospholipid vesicles with solid-liquid and liquid-liquid phase coexistence. To address this problem we studied the association of a single-chain, fluorescent amphiphile with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles containing varying amounts of cholesterol. DMPC bilayers containing 15 mol% cholesterol show a region of solid-liquid-ordered (s-l(o)) coexistence below the T(m) of pure DMPC (23.9 degrees C) and a region of liquid-disordered-liquid-ordered coexistence (l(d)-l(o)) above the T(m). We first examined equilibrium binding and kinetics of amphiphile insertion into single-phase vesicles (s, l(d), and l(o) phase). The data obtained were then used to predict the behavior of the equivalent process in a two-phase system, taking into account the fractions of phases present. Next, the predicted kinetics were compared to experimental kinetics obtained from a two-phase system. We found that association of the amphiphile with lipid vesicles is not influenced by the existence of l(d)-l(o) phase boundaries but occurs much more slowly in the s-l(o) phase coexistence region than expected on the basis of phase composition.  相似文献   

Summary The time course of the reaction of anionic surfactants with lipid bilayers is followed and analyzed. The distribution of detergents in the membrane phase gives rise to an asymmetry potential followed by a diffusion potential. Detergent-doped membranes are cation-permselective. It is postulated that a variable profile of mobile charges in the membrane account for the cation-permselectivity, the intercation selectivity, and the voltage-dependent gating phenomena observed in excitable membranes.Supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada.I thank Mr. G. Beauchesme for his technical assistance in part of this work.  相似文献   

Osmotic jump experiments were used to measure the ionic permeability induced in lipid vesicles by Megathura crenulata hemocyanin. It was found that this protein strongly increases the conductance of K+ and Cl- through these membranes but not that of SO 4 = . These effects were attributed to the formation of ionic channels in the vesicles. We have found that a simple first-order binding model can explain the dependence of the number of pore-containing vesicles both on the time after exposure to hemocyanin and on the protein concentration. Milder effects were attributed to a non-specific adhesion of the protein to the membrane surface. Consistent with the hypothesis of reversible association, vesicles which retained hemocyanin after step sucrose density gradient centrifugation at low ionic strength, lost most of the protein upon recentrifugation at high ionic strength. Consistent with the hypothesis of channel formation bot the above vesicle preparations transferred voltage-dependent hemocyanin channels into planar bilayers when they were made to fuse with them. It is concluded that hemocyanin can interact both specifically, by forming pores within the hydrophobic core of lipid membranes, and non-specifically, probably by means of electrostatic interaction with the surface of the same membrane.Abbreviations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PS phosphatidylserine - DOC sodium deoxycholate  相似文献   

To better understand bilayer property dependency on lipid electrostatics and headgroup size, we use atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to study negatively charged and neutral lipid membranes. We compare the negatively charged phosphatidic acid (PA), which at physiological pH and salt concentration has a negative spontaneous curvature, with the negatively charged phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and neutrally charged phosphatidylcholine (PC), both of which have zero spontaneous curvature. The PA lipids are simulated using two different sets of partial charges for the headgroup and the varied charge distribution between the two PA systems results in significantly different locations for the Na+ ions relative to the water/membrane interface. For one PA system, the Na+ ions are localized around the phosphate group. In the second PA system, the Na+ ions are located near the ester carbonyl atoms, which coincides with the preferred location site for the PG Na+ ions. We find that the Na+ ion location has a larger effect on bilayer fluidity properties than lipid headgroup size, where the Alipid and acyl chain order parameter values are more similar between the PA and PG bilayers that have Na+ ions located near the ester groups than between the two PA bilayers.  相似文献   

Summary Electrical relaxation studies have been made on lecithin bilayer membranes of varying chain length and degree of unsaturation, in the presence of dipicrylamine. Results obtained are generally consistent with a model for the transport of hydrophobic ions previously proposed by Ketterer, Neumcke, and Läuger (J. Membrane Biol. 5:225, 1971). This model visualizes as three distinct steps the interfacial adsorption, translocation, and desorption of ions. Measurements at high electric field yield directly the density of ions adsorbed to the membrane-solution interface. Variation of temperature has permitted determination of activation enthalpies for the translocation step which are consistent with the assumption of an electrostatic barrier in the hydrocarbon core of the membrane. The change of enthalpy upon adsorption of ions is, however, found to be negligible, the process being driven instead by an increase of entropy. It is suggested that this increase may be due to the destruction, upon adsorption, of a highly ordered water structure which surrounds the hydrophobic ion in the aqueous phase. Finally, it is shown that a decrease of transient membrane conductance observed at high concentration of hydrophobic ions, previously interpreted in terms of interfacial saturation, must instead be attributed to a more complex effect equivalent to a reduction of membrane fluidity.Research performed while on sabbatical leave April-September, 1974.  相似文献   

The interaction of bee melittin with lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The influence of melittin and the related 8-26 peptide on the stability and electrical properties of bilayer lipid membranes is reported. Melittin, unlike the 8-26 peptide, has a dramatic influence on lipid membranes, causing rupture at dilute concentrations. The circular dichroism of melittin demonstrated that under physiological conditions, in water, melittin is in extended conformation, which is enhanced in aqueous ethanol. However in 'membrane-like' conditions it is essentially alpha-helical. Secondary structure predictions were used to locate possible alpha-helical nucleation centres and a model of melittin was built according to these predictions. It is postulated that melittin causes a wedge effect in membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Bilayer lipid membranes were generated in an aqueous medium from synthetic, egg or plant phosphatidyl choline (PC) or from plant monogalactosyl diglyceride (MG). The water permeability of the black membranes was determined by measuring the net volume flux produced by a NaCl gradient. The osmotic permeability coefficient,P os, was markedly affected by the number of double bonds in the fatty acid conjugates of the lipids: the greater the degree of unsaturation, the higher the value ofP os. The temperature dependence ofP os of the lipid membranes was studied over a range of 29 to 40°C. The experimental activation energy,E a , estimated from the linear plots of log (P os)versus 1/T, was significantly higher for MG membranes (17 kcal/mole) than for the various PC membranes (11 to 13 kcal/mole), probably owing to hydrogen bonding between MG and water molecules. In comparison with PC membranes, the membranes generated from PC and cholesterol (11 molar ratio) had lowerP os but similarE a values. Likewise, either stigmasterol or -sitosterol decreasedP os of MG membranes, whileE a was not affected by the sterols. MG-cholesterol membranes were specifically characterized by a unique value ofE a (–36 kcal/mole) thus indicating temperature dependent structural changes.  相似文献   

Arnulphi C  Jin L  Tricerri MA  Jonas A 《Biochemistry》2004,43(38):12258-12264
The interaction of lipid-free apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) with small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) with and without free cholesterol (FC) was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Parameters reported are the affinity constant (K(a)), the number of protein molecules bound per vesicle (n), enthalpy change (DeltaH degrees), entropy change (DeltaS degrees ), and the heat capacity change (DeltaC(p) degrees). The binding process of apoA-I to SUVs of POPC plus 0-20% (mole) FC was exothermic between 15 and 37 degrees C studied, accompanied by a small negative entropy change, making enthalpy the main driving force of the interaction. The presence of cholesterol in the vesicles increased the binding affinity and the alpha-helix content of apoA-I but lowered the number of apoA-I bound per vesicle and the enthalpy and entropy changes per bound apoA-I. Binding affinity and stoichiometry were essentially invariant of temperature for binding to SUVs of POPC/FC at a molar ratio of 6/1 at (2.8-4) x 10(6) M(-1) and 2.4 apoA-I molecules bound per vesicle or 1.4 x 10(2) phospholipids per bound apoA-I. A plot of DeltaH degrees against temperature displayed a linear behavior, from which the DeltaC(p) degrees per mole of bound apoA-I was calculated to be -2.73 kcal/(mol x K). These results suggested that binding of apoA-I to POPC vesicles is characterized by nonclassical hydrophobic interactions, with alpha-helix formation as the main driving force for the binding to cholesterol-containing vesicles. In addition, comparison to literature data on peptides suggested a cooperativity of the helices in apoA-I in lipid interaction.  相似文献   

A peptide containing the transmembrane domain of the human EGF receptor was studied in fluid lipid bilayers for insight into receptor tyrosine kinase lateral associations in cell membranes. The peptide comprised the 23-amino acid hydrophobic segment thought to span the membrane (Ile(622) to Met(644) of the EGF receptor), plus the first 10 amino acids of the receptor's cytoplasmic domain (Arg(645) to Thr(654)). Probes for solid-state NMR spectroscopy were incorporated by deuteration of the methyl side chains of alanine at positions 623 and 637. (2)H-NMR spectra were recorded from 25 to 65 degrees C in membranes composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine, with and without 33% cholesterol, and relaxation times were measured. Peptide concentration ranged from 0. 5 to 10 mol %. The peptide behaved as predominant monomers undergoing rapid symmetric rotational diffusion; however, there was evidence of reversible side-to-side interaction among the hydrophobic transmembrane domains, particularly at physiological temperatures and in the presence of natural concentrations of cholesterol. The results of these experiments in fluid membranes are consistent with the existence of lipid-protein interactions that would predispose to receptor microdomain formation in membranes of higher animal cells.  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of the lipid bilayer phase transition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K R Srinivasan  R L Kay  J F Nagle 《Biochemistry》1974,13(17):3494-3496

A theoretical approach for estimating association free energies of alpha-helices in nonpolar media has been developed. The parameters of energy functions have been derived from DeltaDeltaG values of mutants in water-soluble proteins and partitioning of organic solutes between water and nonpolar solvents. The proposed approach was verified successfully against three sets of published data: (1) dissociation constants of alpha-helical oligomers formed by 27 hydrophobic peptides; (2) stabilities of 22 bacteriorhodopsin mutants, and (3) protein-ligand binding affinities in aqueous solution. It has been found that coalescence of helices is driven exclusively by van der Waals interactions and H-bonds, whereas the principal destabilizing contributions are represented by side-chain conformational entropy and transfer energy of atoms from a detergent or lipid to the protein interior. Electrostatic interactions of alpha-helices were relatively weak but important for reproducing the experimental data. Immobilization free energy, which originates from restricting rotational and translational rigid-body movements of molecules during their association, was found to be less than 1 kcal/mole. The energetics of amino acid substitutions in bacteriorhodopsin was complicated by specific binding of lipid and water molecules to cavities created in certain mutants.  相似文献   

Phase diagrams of lipid mixtures can show several different regions of phase coexistence, which include liquid-disordered, liquid-ordered, and gel phases. Some phase regions are small, and some have sharp boundaries. The identity of the phases, their location in composition space, and the nature of the transitions between the phases are important for understanding the behavior of lipid mixtures. High fidelity phase boundary detection requires high compositional resolution, on the order of 2% compositional increments. Sample artifacts, especially the precipitation of crystals of anhydrous cholesterol, can occur at higher cholesterol concentrations unless precautions are taken. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used quantitatively to find the phase boundaries and even partition coefficients of the dyes between coexisting phases, but only if data are properly corrected for non-FRET contributions. Self-quenching of the dye fluorescence can be significant, distorting the data at dye concentrations that intuitively might be considered acceptable. Even more simple than FRET experiments, measurements of single-dye fluorescence can be used to find phase boundaries. Both FRET and single-dye fluorescence readily detect the formation of phase domains that are much smaller than the wavelength of light, i.e. "nanoscopic" domains.  相似文献   

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