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We have investigated the interaction of calmodulin (CaM) with Ras-p21 and the significance of this association. All Ras-p21 isoforms tested (H-, K-, and N-Ras) were detected in the particulate fraction of human platelets and MCF-7 cells, a human breast cancer cell line. In MCF-7 cells, H- and N-Ras were also detected in the cytosolic fraction. K-RasB from platelet and MCF-7 cell lysates was found to bind CaM in a Ca2+ -dependent but GTPgammaS-independent manner. The yeast two-hybrid analysis demonstrated that K-RasB binds to CaM in vivo. Incubation of isolated membranes from platelet and MCF-7 cells with CaM caused dissociation of only K-RasB from membranes in a Ca2+ -dependent manner. CaM antagonist, W7, inhibited dissociation of K-RasB. Addition of platelet or MCF-7 cytosol alone to isolated platelet membranes did not cause dissociation of K-RasB and only addition of exogenous CaM caused dissociation. The results suggest a potential role for Ca2+/CaM in the regulation of K-RasB function.  相似文献   

The long neck of unconventional myosin V is composed of six tandem "IQ motifs," which are fully occupied by calmodulin (CaM) in the absence of calcium. Calcium regulates the activity, the folded-to-extended conformational transition, and the processive run length of myosin V, and thus, it is important to understand how calcium affects CaM binding to the IQ motifs. Here we used electron cryomicroscopy together with computer-based docking of crystal structures into three-dimensional reconstructions of actin decorated with a motor domain-two IQ complex to provide an atomic model of myosin V in the presence of calcium. Calcium causes a major rearrangement of the bound CaMs, dissociation of CaM bound to IQ motif 2, and propagated changes in the motor domain. Tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy showed that calcium-CaM binds to IQ motifs 1, 3, and 5 in a different conformation than apoCaM. Proteolytic cleavage was consistent with CaM preferentially dissociating from the second IQ motif. The enzymatic and mechanical functions of myosin V can, therefore, be modulated both by calcium-dependent conformational changes of bound CaM as well as by CaM dissociation.  相似文献   

Cardiac excitation-contraction coupling (EC coupling) links the electrical excitation of the cell membrane to the mechanical contractile machinery of the heart. Calcium channels are major players of EC coupling and are regulated by voltage and Ca(2+)/calmodulin (CaM). CaM binds to the IQ motif located in the C terminus of the Ca(v)1.2 channel and induces Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation (CDI) and facilitation (CDF). Mutation of Ile to Glu (Ile1624Glu) in the IQ motif abolished regulation of the channel by CDI and CDF. Here, we addressed the physiological consequences of such a mutation in the heart. Murine hearts expressing the Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) mutation were generated in adult heterozygous mice through inactivation of the floxed WT Ca(v)1.2(L2) allele by tamoxifen-induced cardiac-specific activation of the MerCreMer Cre recombinase. Within 10 days after the first tamoxifen injection these mice developed dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) accompanied by apoptosis of cardiac myocytes (CM) and fibrosis. In Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) hearts, the activity of phospho-CaM kinase II and phospho-MAPK was increased. CMs expressed reduced levels of Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) channel protein and I(Ca). The Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) channel showed "CDI" kinetics. Despite a lower sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) content, cellular contractility and global Ca(2+) transients remained unchanged because the EC coupling gain was up-regulated by an increased neuroendocrine activity. Treatment of mice with metoprolol and captopril reduced DCM in Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) hearts at day 10. We conclude that mutation of the IQ motif to IE leads to dilated cardiomyopathy and death.  相似文献   

Myosin V is a calmodulin-binding motor protein. The dissociation of single calmodulin molecules from individual myosin V molecules at 1 microM Ca(2+) correlates with a reduction in sliding velocity in an in vitro motility assay. The dissociation of two calmodulin molecules at 5 microM Ca(2+) correlates with a detachment of actin filaments from myosin V. To mimic the regulation of myosin V motility by Ca(2+) in a cell, caged Ca(2+) coupled with a UV flash system was used to produce Ca(2+) transients. During the Ca(2+) transient, myosin V goes through the functional cycle of reduced sliding velocity, actin detachment and reattachment followed by the recovery of the sliding velocity. These results indicate that myosin V motility is regulated by Ca(2+) through a reduction in actin-binding affinity resulting from the dissociation of single calmodulin molecules.  相似文献   

Liu CH  Satoh AK  Postma M  Huang J  Ready DF  Hardie RC 《Neuron》2008,59(5):778-789
Phototransduction in flies is the fastest known G protein-coupled signaling cascade, but how this performance is achieved remains unclear. Here, we investigate the mechanism and role of rhodopsin inactivation. We determined the lifetime of activated rhodopsin (metarhodopsin = M( *)) in whole-cell recordings from Drosophila photoreceptors by measuring the time window within which inactivating M( *) by photoreisomerization to rhodopsin could suppress responses to prior illumination. M( *) was inactivated rapidly (tau approximately 20 ms) under control conditions, but approximately 10-fold more slowly in Ca2+-free solutions. This pronounced Ca2+ dependence of M( *) inactivation was unaffected by mutations affecting phosphorylation of rhodopsin or arrestin but was abolished in mutants of calmodulin (CaM) or the CaM-binding myosin III, NINAC. This suggests a mechanism whereby Ca2+ influx acting via CaM and NINAC accelerates the binding of arrestin to M( *). Our results indicate that this strategy promotes quantum efficiency, temporal resolution, and fidelity of visual signaling.  相似文献   

Single cysteine mutants of calmodulin, Cam(S38C) and Cam(N111C), have been specifically labelled with Alexa488 maleimide to study the effects of calcium on the structural dynamics of calmodulin complexed with IQ3, IQ4 and IQ34 target peptide motifs of mouse unconventional myosin-V. Using phase fluorometry, the time-resolved anisotropy shows well-separated global and segmental correlation times. The calcium-sensitive global motion of either calmodulin domain can be independently monitored in domain-specific interactions of either apo- or Ca(4).calmodulin with IQ3 or IQ4 peptides. C-domain interactions predominate, and apo-N-domain interactions are unexpectedly weak. The 1:1 complex of Ca(4).calmodulin with IQ34 behaves as a compact globular species. The results demonstrate novel dynamic aspects of calmodulin-IQ interactions relating to the calcium regulation of motility of unconventional myosin.  相似文献   

The heart muscle responds to physiological needs with a short-term modulation of cardiac contractility. This process is determined mainly by properties of the cardiac L-type Ca(2+) channel (Ca(v)1.2), including facilitation and Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation (CDI). Both facilitation and CDI involve the interaction of calmodulin with the IQ motif of the Ca(v)1.2 channel, especially with Ile-1624. To verify this hypothesis, we created a mouse line in which Ile-1624 was mutated to Glu (Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) mice). Homozygous Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) mice were not viable. Therefore, we inactivated the floxed Ca(v)1.2 gene of heterozygous Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) mice by the α-myosin heavy chain-MerCreMer system. The resulting I/E mice were studied at day 10 after treatment with tamoxifen. Electrophysiological recordings in ventricular cardiomyocytes revealed a reduced Ca(v)1.2 current (I(Ca)) density in I/E mice. Steady-state inactivation and recovery from inactivation were modified in I/E versus control mice. In addition, voltage-dependent facilitation was almost abolished in I/E mice. The time course of I(Ca) inactivation in I/E mice was not influenced by the use of Ba(2+) as a charge carrier. Using 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid as a chelating agent for intracellular Ca(2+), inactivation of I(Ca) was slowed down in control but not I/E mice. The results show that the I/E mutation abolishes Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent regulation of Ca(v)1.2. The Ca(v)1.2(I1624E) mutation transforms the channel to a phenotype mimicking CDI.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) regulation of Ca(2+) channels is central to Ca(2+) signaling. Ca(V)1 versus Ca(V)2 classes of these channels exhibit divergent forms of regulation, potentially relating to customized CaM/IQ interactions among different channels. Here we report the crystal structures for the Ca(2+)/CaM IQ domains of both Ca(V)2.1 and Ca(V)2.3 channels. These highly similar structures emphasize that major CaM contacts with the IQ domain extend well upstream of traditional consensus residues. Surprisingly, upstream mutations strongly diminished Ca(V)2.1 regulation, whereas downstream perturbations had limited effects. Furthermore, our Ca(V)2 structures closely resemble published Ca(2+)/CaM-Ca(V)1.2 IQ structures, arguing against Ca(V)1/2 regulatory differences based solely on contrasting CaM/IQ conformations. Instead, alanine scanning of the Ca(V)2.1 IQ domain, combined with structure-based molecular simulation of corresponding CaM/IQ binding energy perturbations, suggests that the C lobe of CaM partially dislodges from the IQ element during channel regulation, allowing exposed IQ residues to trigger regulation via isoform-specific interactions with alternative channel regions.  相似文献   

In contrast with the transient pre-replicative increase in calmodulin (CaM) level observed in proliferative activated cells, postnatal development of rat testis was paralleled by 3 specific rises in CaM. The first one occurred between 5 and 10 days, coincident with the appearance and proliferation start of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells. Meiosis accomplishment and spermatid differentiation were paralleled by 2 additional rises, at 24 and 32 days, respectively. The plateau phase of testis growth was coincident with the appearance of maturating spermatids and spermatozoa in the germinal epithelium, and with a decrease in CaM content. Testicular DNA:g wet tissue ratio reached the highest level in 15-day-old rats and gradually decreased up to 35 days, when a constant level was reached. A similar level of Ca2+-CaMBPs was observed in 5- and 20-day-old rat testis. Although all subcellular fractions showed the ability to bind CaM in a Ca2+-dependent manner, CaM was mainly recovered in the nuclear and soluble fractions of adult and immature rat testis. Several Ca2+-CaMBPs with an apparent Mr of 82, 75, 64, 19, and 14 kD were purified by affinity chromatography from pachytene primary spermatocyte nuclear matrix. Ca2+-CaMBPs showing an Mr of 120, 78, 72, and 66 kD were also purified from the supernatant obtained after DNA and RNA hydrolysis of meiotic nuclei. Major cytosolic Ca2+-CaMBPs of primary spermatocytes showed an Mr of 120, 84, 44, and 39 kD. The functions that these Ca2+-CaMBPs might have during the first meiotic prophase is discussed. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48:127–136, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated the subunit structure of Ca2+-transport ATPase in human erythrocyte membranes using radiation inactivation analysis. All inactivation data were linear on a semilog plot down to at least 20% of the control activity. We found a target size for the calmodulin-dependent Ca2+-ATPase activity of 331 kDa, consistent with the presence of this enzyme as a dimer in calmodulin-depleted ghosts. Membranes which had been saturated with calmodulin before irradiation yield a a similar size of 317 kDa, implying that activation of Ca2+-transport ATPase by calmodulin does not involve significant change in oligomeric structure. Basal (calmodulin-independent) Ca2+-ATPase activity corresponded to a size of 290 kDa, suggesting that this activity resides in the same, or similar-sized, complex as the calmodulin-dependent activity. Mg2+-ATPase activity, however, was found to reside in a smaller complex of 224 kDa, which proved to be statistically distinct from the target size of Ca2+-ATPase activity. It would appear that Mg2+-ATPase is a distinct entity whose function is likely unrelated to the Ca2+-transport ATPase.  相似文献   

Cross-linked complex of gizzard myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and calmodulin (CM) was produced by glutaraldehyde treatment of a mixture of these proteins in a high Ca2+ (0.1 mM) solution. Although the specific activity was reduced, this complex showed MLCK activity in a Ca2+-independent manner, different from the original MLCK whose activity was Ca2+-dependent. Chlorpromazine, one of the CM antagonists, was no longer able to inhibit the MLCK activity of this complex. These observations support the previously proposed hypothesis on the regulatory mechanism of MLCK activity via Ca2+. This complex could be regarded as another kind of Ca2+-independent MLCK different from that obtained by chymotryptic digestion of MLCK (Walsh, M.P., Dabrowska, R., Hinkins, S., & Hartshorne, D.J. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 1919-1925). This complex caused superprecipitation of gizzard actomyosin and enhanced actin-activated ATPase of myosin Ca2+-independently.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ -activated neutral protease can proteolyze both Ca2+ -dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase. Ca2+ -dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from rat brain was converted to the Ca2+ -independent active form by Ca2+ -activated protease. The proteolytic effects on myosin light chain kinase of Ca2+-activated protease differed in the presence and absence of the Ca2+-calmodulin (CaM) complex. In the presence of bound CaM, myosin light chain kinase (130k dalton) was degradated to a major fragment of 62 kDa, which had Ca2+/CaM-dependent enzyme and CaM-binding activity. When digestion occurred in the absence of bound CaM, myosin light chain kinase cleaved to a fragment of 60 kDa. This peptide had no enzymatic activity in the presence or absence of the Ca2+-CaM complex. Available evidence suggests that the Ca2+-activated proteases may recognize the conformational change of smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase induced by Ca2+-CaM complex.  相似文献   

We have modeled the time-course of Ca2+ binding to calmodulin, troponin, parvalbumin, and myosin in response to trains of transient increases in the free myoplasmic calcium ion concentration (pCa). A simple mathematical expression was used to describe each pCa transient, the shape and duration of which is qualitatively similar to those thought to occur in vivo. These calculations assumed that all individual metal binding sites are noninteracting and that Ca2+ bind competitively to the Ca2+-Mg2+ sites of troponin, parvalbumin, and myosin. All the on-and-off rate constants for both Ca2+ and Mg2+ were obtained either from the literature or from our own research. The percent saturation of the Ca2+-Mg2+ sites with Ca2+ was found to change very little in response to each pCa transient in the presence of 2.5 X 10(-3)M Mg2+. Our analysis suggests that the Ca2+ content of these sites is a measure of the intensity and frequency of recent muscle activity because large changes in the Ca2+ occupancy of these sites can occur with repeated stimulation. In contrast, large rapid changes in the amount of Ca2+ bound to the Ca2+-specific sites of troponin and calmodulin are induced by each pCa transient. Thus, only sites of the "Ca2+-specific" type can act as rapid Ca2+-regulatory sites in muscle. Fluctuation in the total amount of Ca2+ bound to these sites in response to various types of pCa transients further suggests that in vivo only about one-half to one-third of the total steady-state myofibrillar Ca2+-binding capacity exchanges Ca2+ during any single transient.  相似文献   

The neuronal voltage-dependent sodium channel (Na(v)1.2), essential for generation and propagation of action potentials, is regulated by calmodulin (CaM) binding to the IQ motif in its α subunit. A peptide (Na(v)1.2(IQp), KRKQEEVSAIVIQRAYRRYLLKQKVKK) representing the IQ motif had higher affinity for apo CaM than (Ca(2+))(4)-CaM. Association was mediated solely by the C-domain of CaM. A solution structure (2KXW.pdb) of apo (13)C,(15)N-CaM C-domain bound to Na(v)1.2(IQp) was determined with NMR. The region of Na(v)1.2(IQp) bound to CaM was helical; R1902, an Na(v)1.2 residue implicated in familial autism, did not contact CaM. The apo C-domain of CaM in this complex shares features of the same domain bound to myosin V IQ motifs (2IX7) and bound to an SK channel peptide (1G4Y) that does not contain an IQ motif. Thermodynamic and structural studies of CaM-Na(v)1.2(IQp) interactions show that apo and (Ca(2+))(4)-CaM adopt distinct conformations that both permit tight association with Na(v)1.2(IQp) during gating.  相似文献   

We have used electron microscopy and proteolytic susceptibility to study the structural basis of myosin-linked regulation in synthetic filaments of scallop striated muscle myosin. Using papain as a probe of the structure of the head-rod junction, we find that this region of myosin is approximately five times more susceptible to proteolytic attack under activating (ATP/high Ca2+) or rigor (no ATP) conditions than under relaxing conditions (ATP/low Ca2+). A similar result was obtained with native myosin filaments in a crude homogenate of scallop muscle. Proteolytic susceptibility under conditions in which ADP or adenosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imidotriphosphate) (AMPPNP) replaced ATP was similar to that in the absence of nucleotide. Synthetic myosin filaments negatively stained under relaxing conditions showed a compact structure, in which the myosin cross-bridges were close to the filament backbone and well ordered, with a clear 14.5-nm axial repeat. Under activating or rigor conditions, the cross-bridges became clumped and disordered and frequently projected further from the filament backbone, as has been found with native filaments; when ADP or AMPPNP replaced ATP, the cross-bridges were also disordered. We conclude (a) that Ca2+ and ATP affect the affinity of the myosin cross-bridges for the filament backbone or for each other; (b) that the changes observed in the myosin filaments reflect a property of the myosin molecules alone, and are unlikely to be an artifact of negative staining; and (c) that the ordered structure occurs only in the relaxed state, requiring both the presence of hydrolyzed ATP on the myosin heads and the absence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation by ATP of E.*Ca2 (sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles (SRV) with bound 45Ca2+) during 5-10 ms leads to the occlusion of 2 *Ca2+/EPtot [quench by ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) alone] in both "empty" (10 microM free Ca2+in) or "loaded" SRV (20-40 mM free Ca2+in). The rate of Ca2+ "internalization" from the occluded E approximately P.*Ca2 was measured by using an ADP + EGTA quench; a *Ca2+ ion that is not removed by this quench is defined as internalized. In the presence of 20-40 mM unlabeled Ca2+ inside SRV, 1 *Ca2+/EPtot is internalized from 45Ca-labeled E approximately P.*Ca2 with a first-order rate constant of kl = 34 s-1. Empty SRV take up 2 *Ca2+/EPtot with the same initial rate, but the overall rate constant is kobsd = 17 s-1. The apparent rate constant (kb = 17 s-1) for internalization of the second *Ca2+ is inhibited by [Ca]in, with K0.5 approximately 1.3 mM and a Hill coefficient of n = 1.1. These data show that the two Ca2+ ions are internalized sequentially, presumably from separate sequential sites in the channel. [32P]EP.Ca2 obtained by rapid mixing of E.Ca2 with [gamma-32P]ATP and EGTA disappears in a biphasic time course with a lag corresponding to approximately 34 s-1, followed by EP* decay with a rate constant of approximately 17 s-1. This shows that both Ca2+ ions must be internalized before the enzyme changes its specificity for catalysis of phosphoryl transfer to water instead of to ADP. Increasing the concentration of ATP from 0.25 to 3 mM accelerates the rate of 45Ca2+ internalization from 34 to 69 s-1 for the first Ca2+ and from 17 to 34 s-1 for the second Ca2+. High [ATP] also accelerates both phases of [32P]EP.Ca2 disappearance by the same factor. The data are consistent with a single form of ADP-sensitive E approximately P.Ca2 that sequentially internalizes two ions. The intravesicular volume was estimated to be 2.0 microL/mg, so that one turnover of the enzyme gives 4 mM internal [Ca2+].  相似文献   

ATP-enriched human red cells display high rates of Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis (16 mmol·litre cells?1·h?1) with a high Ca2+ affinity (K0.5~0.2 μM). The finding suggests a mechanism for regulation of cell Ca2+ levels, involving highly-cooperative stimulation of active Ca2+ extrusion following binding of calmodulin to the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Measurement of the volume change by a rapid density method upon sequential addition of calcium ion to calmodulin showed relatively large, nonuniform increases for the first 4 moles Ca2+ per mole calmodulin. Substantially larger volume increases (approximately 15 ml/mol protein) were observed upon addition of the second and fourth moles Ca2+ relative to the first and third moles added per mole calmodulin. A total volume increase of approximately 170 ml/mol protein attended the addition of 4 moles Ca2+, as expected for multidentate carboxylate coordination to metal ion. Marginal changes in volume were observed upon further additions, the data showing a remarkably sharp transition after [Ca2+]/[calmodulin] = 4. The results are consistent with an ordered binding of Ca2+ in which pair-wise additions produce similar volume changes; the volume change behavior, however, does not indicate an absence of distinct conformational states for a Ca2+(1)-calmodulin and a Ca2+(3)-calmodulin complex as has been proposed on the basis of 1H-NMR evidences.  相似文献   

Calmodulin from phosphorylase kinase (the delta subunit) was obtained as a homogeneous protein in a spectroscopically pure form, and its interaction with Ca2+ and Mg2+ was studied. 1. Determination of the binding of Ca2+ to calmodulin in a buffer of low ionic strength (0.001 M) show that it contained six binding sites for this divalent cation. 2. Employment of a buffer of high ionic strength (0.18 M) allowed two Ca2+/Mg2+-binding sites (KdCa2+ = 4.0 microM), which showed Ca2+ - Mg2+ competition (KdMg2+ = 0.75 mM), to be distinguished from two Ca2+-specific binding sites (KdCa2+ = 40 microM). The remaining two Ca2+-binding sites are not observed under these conditions and are probably Mg2+-specific binding sites. Thus, the binding sites on calmodulin are remarkably similar to those of the homologous Ca2+-binding protein, troponin C [Potter and Gergely (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 4628, 4633]. 3. The conformational states of calmodulin are defined by Ca2+, Mg2+ and salt concentrations, which can be differentiated by their Ca2+ affinity and their relative tyrosine fluorescence intensity. In a buffer of high ionic strength, Mg2+ induces a conformation which enhances the apparent affinity for Ca2+. Addition of Ca2+ leads to an enhancement of the tyrosine fluorescence intensity, which remains enhanced even upon removal of Ca2+ by chelation with EGTA. Only additional chelation of Mg2+ with EDTA reduces the tyrosine fluorescence intensity. 4. Comparison of the Ca2+-binding parameters of phosphorylase kinase, which were previously determined under identical experimental conditions [Kilimann and Heilmeyer (1977) Eur. J. Biochem. 73, 191-197], with those reported here on calmodulin isolated from this enzyme, allows the conclusion that Ca2+ binding to the holoenzyme occurs by binding to the delta subunit exclusively. 5. Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ activation of phosphorylase kinase are compared and discussed in relation to the Ca2+ and Mg2+-induced conformation changes of calmodulin.  相似文献   

The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger is a plasma membrane protein that regulates intracellular Ca2+ levels in cardiac myocytes. Transport activity is governed by Ca2+, and the primary Ca2+ sensor (CBD1) is located in a large cytoplasmic loop connecting two transmembrane helices. The binding of Ca2+ to the CBD1 sensory domain results in conformational changes that stimulate the exchanger to extrude Ca2+. Here, we present a crystal structure of CBD1 at 2.5A resolution, which reveals a novel Ca2+ binding site consisting of four Ca2+ ions arranged in a tight planar cluster. This intricate coordination pattern for a Ca2+ binding cluster is indicative of a highly sensitive Ca2+ sensor and may represent a general platform for Ca2+ sensing.  相似文献   

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