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The objective of the current study was to investigate the mechanism by which the corpus luteum (CL) of the monkey undergoes desensitization to luteinizing hormone following exposure to increasing concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as it occurs in pregnancy. Female bonnet monkeys were injected (im) increasing doses of hCG or dghCG beginning from day 6 or 12 of the luteal phase for either 10 or 4 or 2 days. The day of oestrogen surge was considered as day ‘0’ of luteal phase. Luteal cells obtained from CL of these animals were incubated with hCG (2 and 200 pg/ml) or dbcAMP (2.5,25 and 100 M) for 3h at 37°C and progesterone secreted was estimated. Corpora lutea of normal cycling monkeys on day 10/16/22 of the luteal phase were used as controls. In addition thein vivo response to CG and deglycosylated hCG (dghCG) was assessed by determining serum steroid profiles following their administration. hCG (from 15–90 IU) but not dghCG (15-90 IU) treatment in vivo significantly (P < 0.05) elevated serum progesterone and oestradiol levels. Serum progesterone, however, could not be maintained at a elevated level by continuous treatment with hCG (from day 6–15), the progesterone level declining beyond day 13 of luteal phase. Administering low doses of hCG (15-90 IU/day) from day 6–9 or high doses (600 IU/day) on days 8 and 9 of the luteal phase resulted in significant increase (about 10-fold over corresponding control P < 0.005) in the ability of luteal cells to synthesize progesterone (incubated controls) in vitro. The luteal cells of the treated animals responded to dbcAMP (P < 0.05) but not to hCC added in vitro. The in vitro response of luteal cells to added hCG was inhibited by 0,50 and 100% if the animals were injected with low (15-90 IU) or medium (100 IU) between day 6–9 of luteal phase and high (600 IU on day 8 and 9 of luteal phase) doses of dghCG respectively; such treatment had no effect on responsivity of the cells to dbcAMP. The luteal cell responsiveness to dbcAMP in vitro was also blocked if hCG was administered for 10 days beginning day 6 of the luteal phase. Though short term hCG treatment during late luteal phase (from days 12—15) had no effect on luteal function, 10 day treatment beginning day 12 of luteal phase resulted in regain ofin vitro responsiveness to both hCG (P < 0.05) and dbcAMP (P < 0.05) suggesting that luteal rescue can occur even at this late stage. In conclusion, desensitization of the CL to hCG appears to be governed by the dose/period for which it is exposed to hCG/dghCG. That desensitization is due to receptor occupancy is brought out by the fact that (i) this can be achieved by giving a larger dose of hCG over a 2 day period instead of a lower dose of the hormone for a longer (4 to 10 days) period and (ii) the effect can largely be reproduced by using dghCG instead of hCG to block the receptor sites. It appears that to achieve desensitization to dbcAMP also it is necessary to expose the luteal cell to relatively high dose of hCG for more than 4 days  相似文献   

Blood flow in the corpus luteum of the pseudopregnant rabbit was measured with tracer-labelled microspheres before and at 1 and 3 h after saline treatment (N = 8) or after inhibition of progesterone synthesis with aminoglutethimide (N = 10). Before treatment luteal blood flow (29.5 +/- 3.9 ml/min.g-1 (mean +/- s.e.m.] was much higher than blood flow to other tissues (ovarian stroma = 2.9 +/- 0.6; uterus = 0.5 +/- 0.1; adrenal gland = 2.6 +/- 0.2 ml/min.g-1). Aminoglutethimide reduced serum progesterone by 60% within 1 h but luteal blood flow was unchanged (26.2 +/- 3.5 ml/min.g-1). At 3 h after aminoglutethimide, serum progesterone remained low and luteal blood flow was slightly reduced to 22.5 +/- 3.4 ml/min.g-1. This reduction was associated with a significant decline in mean arterial blood pressure which resulted in luteal vascular resistance being unaltered by aminoglutethimide treatment. Further analysis of these data indicated that serum progesterone concentration was not significantly correlated with blood flow to the corpora lutea or with blood flow to other tissues. In contrast, mean arterial blood pressure was highly correlated with blood flow to the corpus luteum (r = 0.80; P less than 0.001) but not to the ovarian stroma (r = 0.04), or adrenal gland (r = 0.06). These results indicate that luteal blood flow is not acutely responsive to changes in luteal progesterone production and suggest that luteal blood flow changes passively with changes in arterial blood pressure.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of frozen human corpora lutea were tested for the presence of an inhibitor of luteinizing hormone-receptor site binding (LHRBI) and for the subsequent effect on the stimulatory response of luteinizing hormone (LH) on progesterone synthesis by sheep ovarian cells. In the presence of human corpus luteum extract of normal menstrual cycle (30,000-g supernatant), the binding of 125I human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) to granulosa and luteal cells of sheep ovaries was markedly reduced, but the ability of rat testicular LH receptors to bind labelled hCG was less affected. However, extracts of corpora lutea of the first trimester of pregnancy appeared to be less inhibitory on the binding of LH/hCG to ovarian cells and had no effect on the binding of rat testicular cells compared to those of normal menstrual cycle. Addition of both extracts separately inhibited the LH-stimulated in vitro progesterone synthesis by granulosa cell cultures and by incubated sheep corpus luteum slices. These findings provide evidence for the presence of LHRBI in human corpus luteum.  相似文献   

To examine whether or not dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHAS) is a substrate for steroidogenesis in the corpus luteum, we studied 17 women in the luteal phase, the follicular phase, and after castration. Following suppression of adrenal function with dexamethasone, DHAS was administered intravenously and the serum levels of DHAS, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), androstenedione (ADS), testosterone (T), 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) were measured serially for 24 h. An obvious increase in the serum levels of all steroids except for E2 and P was observed in each subject for at least 8 h after DHAS administration. To evaluate the effect of DHAS on the serum levels of the steroid hormones, the integrated response area (IRA) was calculated for each hormone in all the subjects. The IRA values for ADS, T and E2 (at 2 and 4 h) in the luteal phase group were significantly higher than in the other DHAS treated groups, and the IRA values for DHA and P tended to be higher than in the other groups. These results suggest that the corpus luteum utilizes serum DHAS as a substrate for steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

To examine the factor affecting LH-induced progesterone production invitro in ovine luteal slices, an experimental procedure was employed wherein each slice served as its own control. The role of microfilaments in steroidogenesis was studied in luteal slices treated with cytochalasin B (an inhibitor of microfilament function). Cytochalasin B treatment resulted in significant reduction of progesterone production by luteal slices in response to LH and the addition of serum to the medium did not alter this effect. The ability of luteal slices to respond to LH with increased progesterone secretion was restored when cytochalasin B was removed from the medium. Further studies indicated that inhibition of LH-induced progesterone production by treatment with cytochalasin B was not a result of a change in: 1) cyclic adenosine 3'-5'-monophosphate production in response to LH; 2) mitochondrial membrane permeability to cholesterol; or 3) activity of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, Δ54-isomerase enzyme complex.The possibility existed that microfilaments were necessary for cholesterol transport to mitochondria in response to LH stimulation. However, mitochondrial cholesterol content was unchanged in response to LH in the presence or absence of aminoglutethimide (an inhibitor of cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme activity) as determined by uptake of 3H-cholesterol or total content determined by gas-liguid chromatography. Further, treatment with cytochalasin B had no effect on mitochondrial cholesterol content. These results suggest a role for microfilaments in LH-induced progesterone production at a point prior to the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone.  相似文献   

The synthesis of progesterone by the corpus luteum is essential for the establishment and maintenance of early pregnancy. Regulation of luteal steroidogenesis can be broken down into three major events; luteinization (i.e., conversion of an ovulatory follicle), luteal regression, and pregnancy induced luteal maintenance/rescue. While the factors that control these events and dictate the final steroid end products are widely varied among different species, the composition of the corpus luteum (luteinized thecal and granulosa cells) and the enzymes and proteins involved in the steroidogenic pathway are relatively similar among all species. The key factors involved in luteal steroidogenesis and several new exciting observations regarding regulation of luteal steroidogenic function are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Measurements of the endogenous RNA polymerase activities of nuclei isolated from immature rabbit uteri have shown that prior treatment of the animals with oestradiol-17beta has a profound effect on the apparent activities of both RNA polymerases A and B. Within 1 h of hormone treatment, the activity of RNA polymerase A is increased and continues to rise until about 4h when it reaches a plateau and remains steady until at least 8h. The activity of RNA polymerase B increases sharply after oestradiol treatment reaching an early maximum at 30-45 min. Thereafter this activity declines until by 1-2h it approaches control values but a second increase in activity then occurs with a maximum at 3-4h. Treatment of the rabbits with alpha-amanitin before the administration of oestradiol inhibits the hormone-induced stimulation of RNA polymerase A activity in isolated nuclei but when the administration of alpha-amanitin is delayed until after the early rise of RNA polymerase B activity, the oestradiol-induced stimulation of RNA polymerase A is retained. Similar results have been obtained in experiments with cycloheximide suggesting that the stimulation of RNA polymerase A activity by oestradiol is dependent on the hormone-induced stimulation of RNA polymerase B and the subsequent synthesis of protein using the RNA product of the early increase in RNA polymerase B activity. Measurement of the activities of RNA polymerases A and B after isolation of the enzymes from immature rabbit uterine nuclei before and after oestradiol treatment failed to show any differences. Therefore it would appear that the changes in the observed activities of RNA polymerases A and B in isolated nuclei are consequences of changes in the structure and function of chromatin rather than the results of modifications in the RNA polymerases themselves.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay procedures have been adapted for the assay of progesterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, estradiol-17beta, and prostaglandin F in human corpus luteum. The method utilises a single homogenisation and extraction of the tissue followed by fractionation of the steroids on alumina, and separation of the prostaglandins of the F series from the E and A series on silica gel, prior to radioimmunoassay. An attempt has been made to validate the method for the progestins by comparison with results after fractionation of the progestins on Sephadex LH-20, for estradiol-17beta by comparison with values obtained with competitive protein-binding, and for prostaglandin F by comparison with values after additional purification. The results showed that peak concentrations of the three steroids in corpora lutea from women during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle were comparable to those found in corpora lutea from women in early pregnancy. However, in six out of fourteen corpora lutea from non-pregnant women, prostaglandin F levels were higher than those found in corpora lutea from seven women in early pregnancy, i.e. 13-46 ng/g compared with 1-7 ng/g. Of the above six corpora lutea, four were on days 23-25 of the cycle, at a time when luteolysis would be commencing. The results in this paper support the conclusion that the corpus luteum is a major site of synthesis of the three steroids examined, although the site of synthesis of prostaglandin F is still equivocal.  相似文献   

Estradiol-17 beta (E2) and 17 alpha-ethinyl estradiol-17 beta (EE) were compared in terms of their relative capacities to alter growth and developmental patterns of cultured whole embryos during the early stages of organogenesis. Embryos exhibited a notable differential susceptibility to the embryotoxic effects of parents E2 vs EE when these estrogens were added directly to the media at the onset of the culture period. At initial concentrations of 0.1 mM, E2 failed to produce statistically significant effects whereas EE elicited marked embryotoxicity. Inclusion of a P-450-dependent biotransformation system in the culture media resulted in a significant attenuation of the embryotoxic effects of parent E2 vs EE when these estrogens were added directly to the media at the onset of the culture period. At initial concentrations of 0.1 mM, E2 failed to produce statistically embryotoxicity by hepatic S9. The divergent results produced by the two steroids could not be attributed to differences in rates of catecholestrogen generation in the culture medium or by the conceptuses. The results demonstrate definitive dissimilarities between the effects of two steroidal estrogens on developmental parameters and document marked differences in the effects of biotransformation on their embryotoxic potential. The data strongly suggest that the embryotoxicity of these steroids is not mediated via interactions with estrogen receptors. Additionally, the data show that the differential capacity of these two steroids to produce embryotoxic effects is diametrically opposite to earlier reported patterns of their carcinogenic potential in the Syrian hamster kidney.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or ovine luteinizing hormone (LH) on the number and size distribution of steroidogenic luteal cells. In Experiment I, 27 ewes were assigned to one of three groups: 1) hCG (300 IU, i.v.) administered on Days 5 and 7.5 of the estrous cycle (Day 0 = Estrus); 2) LH (120 micrograms, i.v.) administered at 6-h intervals from Days 5 to 10 of the cycle; 3) saline (i.v.) administered as in the LH treatment group. Blood samples were drawn daily from the jugular vein for quantification of progesterone. On Day 10, corpora lutea were collected, decapsulated, weighed, and dissociated into single cell suspensions. Cells were fixed, stained for 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta HSD) activity, and the size distribution of 3 beta HSD-positive cells was determined. Treatment with hCG, but not LH, increased (p less than 0.05) concentrations of progesterone in serum and the weight of corpora lutea. Treatment with either hCG of LH increased the proportion of cells greater than 22 micron in diameter and decreased the proportion of cells less than or equal to 22 micron (p less than 0.01). The ratio of small to large luteal cells decreased after treatment with either hCG or LH (p less than 0.05). In Experiment II, 9 ewes were assigned to one of two groups: 1) LH (120 micrograms, i.v.) administered at 6-h intervals from Days 5 to 10 of the estrous cycle, and 2) saline (i.v.) administered as in the LH treatment group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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