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Hill coefficients (n H) derived from four parameter logistic fits to dose–response curves were compared to calculated realistic reaction schemes and related to experimental data: (1) Hill coefficients may give information on the number of interacting sites but cannot distinguish between competitive, non-competitive or ortho-, iso-, or allosteric mechanisms. (2) For enzymatic dose–inhibition curves, Hill coefficients smaller than one do not indicate anticooperative binding but show that at least one ternary complex has enzymatic activity. (3) Hill coefficients different from one are proof for multiple ligand binding. The large variations of reported Hill coefficients corresponds to multiple allosteric binding, where induced conformational changes cause loss of the active conformation. Such a denaturation mechanism is in stark contrast to the desired specificity of drugs. The discussion is open.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTNFα plays a crucial role in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by stimulating fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS). Lymphotoxin α (LTα) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine with significant homology to TNFα. We compared the effects of both cytokines on cultured RA FLS.MethodsReceptor expression on RA FLS was analyzed by FACS. Cells were stimulated with LTα or TNFα and proliferation was measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation and secretion of inflammatory cytokines and metalloproteinase 3 by ELISA. Activation of MAP kinases and Akt was analyzed by Western blotting. Nuclear translocation of NFκB was visualized by immunofluorescence.Results60–80% and 30–50% of the RA FLS tested expressed TNF receptors I and II, respectively, and 70–75% expressed HVEM. LTα induced RA FLS proliferation at the same level of TNFα, which was blocked by etanercept. Both LTα and TNFα induced activation of MAP kinases ERK1/2 and p38 as well as Akt. 95–98% of FLS showed nuclear translocation of NFκB after stimulation with either cytokines. LTα and TNFα were potent to induce secretion of IL-6, IL-8 and metalloproteinase 3 in FLS.ConclusionLTα is as effective as TNFα in stimulating RA FLS. Blocking both cytokines might allow a better control of inflammation and synovial proliferation in RA.  相似文献   

Recently, the risk associated with low doses of ionizing radiation has gained new interest. Here, we analyze and discuss the major differences between two reports recently published on this issue; the report of the French Academy of Sciences and of the French Academy of Medicine published in March 2005, and the BEIR VII—Phase 2 Report of the American National Academy of Sciences published as a preliminary version in July 2005. The conclusion of the French Report is that the linear no-threshold relationship (LNT) may greatly overestimate the carcinogenic effect of low doses (<100 mSv) and even more that of very low doses (<10 mSv), such as those delivered during X-ray examinations. Conversely, the conclusion of the BEIR VII report is that LNT should be used for assessing the detrimental effects of these low and very low doses. The causes of these diverging conclusions should be carefully examined. They seem to be mostly associated with the interpretation of recent biological data. The point of view of the French Report is that these recent data are incompatible with the postulate on which LNT is implicitly based, namely the constancy of the carcinogenic effect per unit dose, irrespective of dose and dose rate.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Parental Care”.Mother–infant bonding is a characteristic of virtually all mammals. The maternal neural system may have provided the scaffold upon which other types of social bonds in mammals have been built. For example, most mammals exhibit a polygamous mating system, but monogamy and pair bonding between mating partners occur in ~ 5% of mammalian species. In mammals, it is plausible that the neural mechanisms that promote mother–infant bonding have been modified by natural selection to establish the capacity to develop a selective bond with a mate during the evolution of monogamous mating strategies. Here we compare the details of the neural mechanisms that promote mother–infant bonding in rats and other mammals with those that underpin pair bond formation in the monogamous prairie vole. Although details remain to be resolved, remarkable similarities and a few differences between the mechanisms underlying these two types of bond formation are revealed. For example, amygdala and nucleus accumbens–ventral pallidum (NA–VP) circuits are involved in both types of bond formation, and dopamine and oxytocin actions within NA appear to promote the synaptic plasticity that allows either infant or mating partner stimuli to persistently activate NA–VP attraction circuits, leading to an enduring social attraction and bonding. Further, although the medial preoptic area is essential for maternal behavior, its role in pair bonding remains to be determined. Our review concludes by examining the broader implications of this comparative analysis, and evidence is provided that the maternal care system may have also provided the basic neural foundation for other types of strong social relationships, beyond pair bonding, in mammals, including humans.  相似文献   

In this research work, pure and doped hydroxyapatite samples were synthesized using hydrolysis and hydrothermal methods to produce powder material. The crystal structure was carried out by producing data using the X-ray diffraction system and the Rietveld method using material analysis using diffraction software. Then the sample was irradiated with different radiation absorbed doses, and their thermoluminescence response was investigated from the dosimetry point of view. The results showed that the synthesis method, doping, and annealing temperature could significantly affect the crystal structure and thermoluminescence dosimetry response of hydroxyapatite samples, consequently. The results showed that the high-temperature annealing process and dopant could lead to the formation of the β-TCP crystal phase during or after the synthesis of hydroxyapatite, and the percentage of this formed phase increased when raising the temperature, and finally led to increase in the thermoluminescence response.  相似文献   

Most feed is poor in iodine and iodine supplementation of cow's diets must guarantee milk iodine concentrations for humans that contribute to prevention of the deficiency and minimize the risk of exceeding an upper limit of iodine intake. Five Holstein cows were fed four iodine doses (via Ca(ΙO3)2·6H2O). In four sequential 14-d periods, doses of 0.2 (basal diet), 1.3, 5.1, and 10.1 mg iodine kg?1 diet dry matter (DM) were administered. Samples of milk were collected during each period; blood was also sampled from each cow for each iodine dosage. In an 18-d depletion period, a non-supplemented diet was provided. Iodine was determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The iodine content of milk and serum reflected the iodine dosages in feed significantly. The levels for the four doses tested in milk were 101±32, 343±109, 1215±222, and 2762±852 μg iodine kg?1. The total amount of iodine in milk per day was 30–40% of ingested supplemental iodine. Omitting additional iodine resulted in a short-term reduction of serum and milk iodine following an exponential decay function. The iodine supplementation of 0.5–1.5 mg kg?1 diet DM represents the requirement of the cow, resulting in 100–300 μg iodine L?1 milk, which optimally contributes to human supply. The maximum dietary levels of former and present EU legislations (10 and 5 mg iodine kg?1 cow feed) increase the risk of iodine excess in humans.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review the use, in mutagenesis, of various mathematical models to describe the dose–response relationship and to try to identify thresholds. It is often taken as axiomatic that genotoxic carcinogens could damage DNA at any level of exposure, leading to a mutation, and that this could ultimately result in tumour development. This has led to the assumption that for genotoxic chemicals, there is no discernible threshold. This assumption is increasingly being challenged in the case of aneugens. The distinction between `absolute' and `pragmatic' thresholds is made and the difficulties in determining `absolute' thresholds using hypothesis testing approaches are described. The potential of approaches, based upon estimation rather than statistical significance for the characterization of dose–response relationships, is stressed. The achievement of a good fit of a mathematical model to experimental data is not proof that the mechanism supposedly underlying this model is operating. It has been argued, in the case of genotoxic chemicals, that any effects produced by a genotoxic chemical which augments that producing a background incidence in unexposed individuals will lead to a dose–response relationship that is non-thresholded and is linear at low doses. The assumptions underlying this presumption are explored in the context of the increasing knowledge of the mechanistic basis of mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. The possibility that exposure to low levels of genotoxic chemicals may induce and enhance defence and repair mechanisms is not easily incorporated into many of the existing mathematical models and should be an objective in the development of the next generation of biologically based dose–response (BB-DR) models. Studies aimed at detecting or characterizing non-linearities in the dose–response relationship need appropriate experimental designs with careful attention to the choice of biomarker, number and selection of dose levels, optimum allocation of experimental units and appropriate levels of replication within and repetition of experiments. The characterization of dose–response relationships with appropriate measures of uncertainty can help to identify `pragmatic' thresholds based upon biologically relevant criteria which can help in the regulatory process.  相似文献   

The induction of chromosome aberrations in Hordeum vulgare germinated seeds was studied after ionizing irradiation with doses in the range of 10–1,000 mGy. The relationship between the frequency of aberrant cells and the absorbed dose was found to be nonlinear. A dose-independent plateau in the dose range from about 50 to 500 mGy was observed, where the level of cytogenetic damage was significantly different from the spontaneous level. The comparison of the goodness of the experimental data fitting with mathematical models of different complexity, using the most common quantitative criteria, demonstrated the advantage of a piecewise linear model over linear and polynomial models in approximating the frequency of cytogenetical disturbances. The results of the study support the hypothesis of indirect mechanisms of mutagenesis induced by low doses. Fundamental and applied implications of these findings are discussed. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

An “expansive” risk assessment approach is illustrated, characterizing dose–response relationships for salmonellosis in light of the full body of evidence for human and murine superorganisms. Risk assessments often require analysis of costs and benefits for supporting public health decisions. Decision-makers and the public need to understand uncertainty in such analyses for two reasons. Uncertainty analyses provide a range of possibilities within a framework of present scientific knowledge, thus helping to avoid undesirable consequences associated with the selected policies. And, it encourages the risk assessors to scrutinize all available data and models, thus helping avoid subjective or systematic errors. Without the full analysis of uncertainty, decisions could be biased by judgments based solely on default assumptions, beliefs, and statistical analyses of selected correlative data. Alternative data and theories that incorporate variability and heterogeneity for the human and murine superorganisms, particularly colonization resistance, are emerging as major influences for microbial risk assessment. Salmonellosis risk assessments are often based on conservative default models derived from selected sets of outbreak data that overestimate illness. Consequently, the full extent of uncertainty of estimates of annual number of illnesses is not incorporated in risk assessments and the presently used models may be incorrect.  相似文献   

Genipin gel dosimeters are hydrogels infused with a radiation-sensitive material which yield dosimetric information in three dimensions (3D). The effect of inorganic salts and glucose on the visible absorption dose–response, melting points and mass density of genipin gel dosimeters has been experimentally evaluated using 6-MV LINAC photons. As a result, the addition of glucose with optimum concentration of 10% (w/w) was found to improve the thermal stability of the genipin gel and increase its melting point (Tm) by 6 °C accompanied by a slight decrease of dose–response. Furthermore, glucose helps to adjust the gel mass density to obtain the desired tissue-equivalent properties. A drop of Tm was observed when salts were used as additives. As the salt concentration increased, gel Tm decreased. The mass density and melting point of the genipin gel could be adjusted using different amounts of glucose that improved the genipin gel suitability for 3D dose measurements without introducing additional toxicity to the final gel.  相似文献   

As a result of excessive production of angiogenic molecules, tumor vessels become abnormal in structure and function. By impairing oxygen delivery, abnormal vessels fuel a vicious cycle of non-productive angiogenesis, which creates a hostile microenvironment from where tumor cells escape through leaky vessels and which renders tumors less responsive to chemoradiation. While anti-angiogenic strategies focused on inhibiting new vessel growth and destroying pre-existing vessels, clinical studies showed modest anti-tumor effects. For many solid tumors, anti-VEGF treatment offers greater clinical benefit when combined with chemotherapy. This is partly due to a normalization of the tumor vasculature, which improves cytotoxic drug delivery and efficacy and offers unprecedented opportunities for anti-cancer treatment. Here, we overview key novel molecular players that induce vessel normalization.  相似文献   

Suppression of oncogenic Wnt-mediated signaling holds promise as an anti-cancer therapeutic strategy. We previously reported a novel class of small molecules (IWR-1/2, inhibitors of Wnt response) that antagonize Wnt signaling by stabilizing the Axin destruction complex. Herein, we present the results of structure-activity relationship studies of these compounds.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) rate and plant density (PD) are important factors for sustainable cotton production. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of nitrogen rate and plant density on plant growth, source–sink relationship, and cotton yield. A split-plot arrangement was used in the field experiment with the main plots assigned to N rate (120 and 180 kg/ha), and the sub-plots assigned to plant density (8, 10, and 12 plants/m2). Results showed significant N and PD interaction on plant growth, leaf gas exchange, and yield. Higher plant growth and cotton yield were noted under low nitrogen rate and high planting density than other treatment combinations. Leaf photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2, transpiration rate, and water use efficiency were considerably influenced by planting density and nitrogen rate. Maximum values of these traits were obtained under low nitrogen rate with high planting density or high nitrogen rate with medium planting density, while the least values were under low nitrogen rate with low planting density. Correlation analysis revealed highly significant and positive relation between leaf gas exchange and cotton yield.  相似文献   

Based on the most recent estimates by the Canadian Cancer Society, 2 in 5 Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetimes. More than half of all cancer patients receive some type of radiation therapy, and all patients undergo radiation-based diagnostics. While radiation is one of the most important diagnostic and treatments modalities, high-dose cranial radiation therapy causes numerous central nervous system side-effects, including declines in cognitive function, memory, and attention. While the mechanisms of these effects have been studies, they still need to be further elucidated. On the other hand, the effects of low dose radiation as well as indirect radiation bystander effects on the brain remain elusive.

We pioneered analysis of the molecular and cellular effects of low dose direct, bystander and scatter radiation on the brain. Using a rat model, we showed that low dose radiation exposures cause molecular and cellular changes in the brain and impacts animal behavior. Here we reflect upon our recent findings and current state of knowledge in the field, and suggest novel radiation effect biomarkers and means of prevention. We propose strategies and interventions to prevent and mitigate radiation effects on the brain.  相似文献   

Cell signalling processes involve receptor trafficking through highly connected networks of interacting components. The binding of surface receptors to their specific ligands is a key factor for the control and triggering of signalling pathways. But the binding process still presents many enigmas and, by analogy with surface catalytic reactions, two different mechanisms can be conceived: the first mechanism is related to the Eley–Rideal (ER) mechanism, i.e. the bulk-dissolved ligand interacts directly by pure three-dimensional (3D) diffusion with the specific surface receptor; the second mechanism is similar to the Langmuir–Hinshelwood (LH) process, i.e. 3D diffusion of the ligand to the cell surface followed by reversible ligand adsorption and subsequent two-dimensional (2D) surface diffusion to the receptor. A situation where both mechanisms simultaneously contribute to the signalling process could also occur. The aim of this paper is to perform a computational study of the behavior of the signalling response when these different mechanisms for ligand-receptor interactions are integrated into a model for signal transduction and ligand transport. To this end, partial differential equations have been used to develop spatio-temporal models that show trafficking dynamics of ligands, cell surface components, and intracellular signalling molecules through the different domains of the system. The mathematical modeling developed for these mechanisms has been applied to the study of two situations frequently found in cell systems: (a) dependence of the signal response on cell density; and (b) enhancement of the signalling response in a synaptic environment.  相似文献   

Estimates of secondary cancer risk after radiotherapy are becoming more important for comparative treatment planning. Modern treatment planning systems provide accurate three-dimensional (3D) dose distributions for each individual patient. The dose distributions can be converted into organ equivalent doses to describe radiation-induced cancer after radiotherapy (OEDrad-ther) in the irradiated organs. The OEDrad-ther concept assumes that any two dose distributions in an organ are equivalent if they cause the same radiation-induced cancer risk. In this work, this concept is applied to dose–response relationships, which are leveling off at high dose. The organ-dependent operational parameter of this dose–response relationship was estimated by analyzing secondary cancer incidence data of patients with Hodgkin’s disease. The dose distributions of a typical radiotherapy treatment plan for treating Hodgkin’s disease was reconstructed. Dose distributions were calculated in individual organs from which cancer incidence data were available. The model parameter was obtained by comparing dose and cancer incidence rates for the individual organs.  相似文献   

The use of TNF-α antagonists has substantially improved the care of many patients with inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. However, approximately one third of such patients fail to respond well to treatment, regardless of the antagonist used or of the underlying disease. The mechanisms underlying these failures are analyzed in this review, and proposals made concerning how best to adapt therapeutic decisions in these instances.  相似文献   

Tyroserleutide (YSL) is a type of active, low molecular weight polypeptide, comprised of three amino acids, which has antitumor effects. YSL has various advantages over the other bioactive peptides such as its low molecular weight, simple construction, nonimmunogenicity, specificity, few side effects, and ease of synthesis. However, the biological activities contributing to it’s antitumor effects are not yet known. We studied the effects of YSL on the in vitro cytotoxic activity of BALB/c mice peritoneal macrophages (PEMφ) against the target tumor cell lines BEL-7402 and B16-F10. We also measured the concentrations of interleukin (IL)-1β, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and nitric oxide (NO) produced by YSL-activated Mφ, and we determined the concentrations of IL-1β and NO secreted by YSL-activated murine macrophage RAW264.7 cells. YSL activated Mφ in vitro, inhibited BEL-7402 proliferation, enhanced PEMφ antitumor effects, and stimulated IL-1β, TNF-α, and NO production by RAW264.7 cells. These data suggest that YSL activates the monocyte–macrophage system, which enhances Mφ antitumor effects against BEL-7402 and B16-F10 cells and stimulates the secretion by Mφ of cytotoxic effectors such as IL-1β, TNF-α, and NO.  相似文献   

Fink CA  Bates MN 《Radiation research》2005,164(5):701-710
This review was initiated in response to concerns that ionizing radiation could be a cause of melanoma. Studies presenting the relative risks for melanoma after external ionizing radiation exposure were in seven categories: (1) The Canadian Radiation Dose Registry, (2) nuclear industry workers, (3) subjects near nuclear test blasts, (4) survivors of the atomic bombings of Japan, (5) airline pilots and cabin attendants, (6) recipients of medical radiation, and (7) radiological technicians. Relative risks for leukemia in each of the studies were used to confirm the likelihood of exposure to ionizing radiation. When studies within a category were compatible, meta-analytic methods were used to obtain combined estimates of the relative risk, and a meta-regression analysis of melanoma relative risk compared to leukemia relative risk was used to examine consistency across exposure categories. Generally, exposure categories with elevated relative risks of leukemia had proportionately elevated relative risks of melanoma. This suggests that people exposed to ionizing radiation may be at increased risk of developing melanoma, although alternative explanations are possible. Future epidemiological studies of ionizing radiation effects should include melanoma as an outcome of interest.  相似文献   

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