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AIM: To establish and characterize a spontaneously immortalized human dermal microvascular endothelial cell line, iHDME1.METHODS: We developed a spontaneous immortalization method. This approach is based on the application of optimized culture media and culture conditions without addition of any exogenous oncogenes or carcinogens. Using this approach, we have successfully established a microvascular endothelial cell line, iHDME1, from primary human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. iHDME1 cells have been maintained in culture dishes for more than 50 passages over a period of 6 mo. Using a GFP expressing retrovirus, we generated a GFP-stable cell line (iHDME1-GFP).RESULTS: iHDME1 retain endothelial morphology and uniformly express endothelial markers such as VEGF receptor 2 and VE-cadherin but not α-smooth muscle actin (α-SM-actin) and cytokeratin 18, markers for smooth muscle cells and epithelial cells respectively. These cells retain endothelial properties, migrate in response to VEGF stimulation and form 3-D vascular structures in Matrigel, similar to the parental cells. There is no significant difference in cell cycle profile between the parental cells and iHDME1 cells. Further analysis indicates enhanced stemness in iHDME1 cells compared to parental cells. iHDME1 cells display elevated expression of CD133 and hTERT.CONCLUSION: iHDME1 cells will be a valuable source for studying angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Animals fed a diet deficient in vitamin A show severe physiological changes that often result in death. At the cellular level, retinoids have been shown to induce differentiation of cells dervied from a wide spectrum of tissues, including the vasculature. To understand further the mechanisms for these events, we studied the effects of 13-cis-retinoic acid, all trans-retinoic acid, all-trans-retinol, and all-trans-retinol acetate on human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC). Concentrations of retinoids in the physiological range from 0 to 1 μM were used in our experiments. These concentrations were nontoxic to HDMEC. Here we report that in addition to the known effect of retinoids on keratinocytes and sebacytes, retinoids induced morphological and functional changes in HDMEC that gave these cells macrophage like characteristics. 13-Cis-retinoic acid and all-trans-RA induced HDMEC to phagocytize and to increase the production of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion. These two retinoids also changed the morphology of endothelial cells from typical small compact cuboidal epithelioid cells to cells with larger cytoplasm and indistinct cell membranes. The retinoidstimulated HDMEC deposited increased amounts of extracellular matrix. All-trans-retinol and all-trans-retinol acetate did not significantly affect HDMEC in all parameters tested. The induction of these properties provides a new model with which to study how retinoids regulate gene expression using a normal, nontransformed cell line. © 1994 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDAC) are key enzymes in the epigenetic control of gene expression. Recently, inhibitors of class I and class II HDAC have been successfully employed for the treatment of different inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, airway inflammation and asthma. So far, little is known so far about a similar therapeutic effect of inhibitors specifically directed against sirtuins, the class III HDAC. In this study, we investigated the expression and localization of endogenous sirtuins in primary human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC), a cell type playing a key role in the development and maintenance of skin inflammation. We then examined the biological activity of sirtinol, a specific sirtuin inhibitor, in HDMEC response to pro-inflammatory cytokines. We found that, even though sirtinol treatment alone affected only long-term cell proliferation, it diminishes HDMEC inflammatory responses to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α and interleukin (IL)-1β. In fact, sirtinol significantly reduced membrane expression of adhesion molecules in TNFã- or IL-1β-stimulated cells, as well as the amount of CXCL10 and CCL2 released by HDMEC following TNFα treatment. Notably, sirtinol drastically decreased monocyte adhesion on activated HDMEC. Using selective inhibitors for Sirt1 and Sirt2, we showed a predominant involvement of Sirt1 inhibition in the modulation of adhesion molecule expression and monocyte adhesion on activated HDMEC. Finally, we demonstrated the in vivo expression of Sirt1 in the dermal vessels of normal and psoriatic skin. Altogether, these findings indicated that sirtuins may represent a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases characterized by a prominent microvessel involvement.  相似文献   

Oxytocin either increases or inhibits cell growth in different cell subtypes. We tested here the effect of oxytocin on cell proliferation and migration of human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC) and tumor-associated endothelial cells purified from human breast carcinomas (B-TEC). Oxytocin receptors were expressed in both cell subtypes at mRNA and protein levels. Through oxytocin receptor, oxytocin (1 nmol/L-1 mumol/L) significantly increased cell proliferation and migration in both HMEC and B-TEC, and addition of a selective oxytocin antagonist fully reverted these effects. To verify whether a different expression of adhesion molecule-related genes could be responsible for the oxytocin-induced cell migration, untreated and treated cells were compared applying a microarray technique. In HMEC, oxytocin induced the overexpression of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-17, cathepsin D, and integrin beta(6) genes. In B-TEC, oxytocin significantly switched on the gene profile of some MMP (MMP-11 and MMP-26) and of integrin beta(6). The up-regulation of the integrin beta(6) gene could be involved in the oxytocin-induced cell growth, because this subunit is known to determine activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase-extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2, which is involved in the oxytocin mitogenic effect. In B-TEC, oxytocin also increased the expression of caveolin-1 at gene and protein levels. Because oxytocin receptor localization within caveolin-1-enriched membrane domains is necessary for activation of the proliferative (instead of the inhibitory) response to oxytocin, its enhanced expression can be involved in the oxytocin-induced B-TEC growth as well. Altogether, these data indicate that oxytocin contributes to cell motility and growth in HMEC and B-TEC.  相似文献   

Multiple tethers are very likely extracted when leukocytes roll on the endothelium under high shear stress. Endothelial cells have been predicted to contribute more significantly to simultaneous tethers and thus to the overall rolling stabilization. We therefore extracted and quantified double tethers from endothelial cells with the micropipette aspiration technique. We show that the constitutive parameters (threshold force (F0) and effective viscosity (etaeff)) for double-tether extraction are twice those for single-tether extraction and are remarkably similar for human neonatal (F0=105+/-5 pN; etaeff=1.0+/-0.1 pN.s/microm) and adult (F0=118+/-13 pN; etaeff=1.3+/-0.2 pN.s/microm) dermal microvascular, and human umbilical vein (F0=99+/-3 pN; etaeff=1.0+/-0.1 pN.s/microm) endothelial cells. Additionally, these parameters are also independent of surface receptor type, cytokine stimulation, and attachment state of the endothelial cell. We also introduce a novel correlation between the cell-substrate contact stress and gap width, with which we can predict the apparent cell-substrate separation range to be 0.01-0.1 microm during leukocyte rolling. With a biomechanical model of leukocyte rolling, we calculate the force history on the receptor-ligand bond during tether extraction and predict maximum stabilization for the double simultaneous tether extraction case.  相似文献   

Iron is suspected to be involved in the induction and/or progression of various human tumors. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of iron on endothelial cells, keeping in mind that the homeostasis of microvessels plays a critical role in neo-angiogenesis. Applying a model of human dermal microvascular endothelial cell terminal differentiation and death induced by serum deprivation, we found that iron salts (iron chloride and ferric nitrilotriacetate) provided a survival advantage to endothelial cells. Using immunohistochemistry and Western Blot analysis, we found that the extended cellular life span induced by iron was paralleled by an increase of Bcl-2 protein expression. Taken together, these observations suggest that iron may give a survival advantage to endothelial cells and represent a novel mechanism through which iron may contribute to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Iron is suspected to be involved in the induction and/or progression of various human tumors. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of iron on endothelial cells, keeping in mind that the homeostasis of microvessels plays a critical role in neo-angiogenesis. Applying a model of human dermal microvascular endothelial cell terminal differentiation and death induced by serum deprivation, we found that iron salts (iron chloride and ferric nitrilotriacetate) provided a survival advantage to endothelial cells. Using immunohistochemistry and Western Blot analysis, we found that the extended cellular life span induced by iron was paralleled by an increase of Bcl-2 protein expression. Taken together, these observations suggest that iron may give a survival advantage to endothelial cells and represent a novel mechanism through which iron may contribute to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Homeostatic and inflammatory functions of skin microvessels are tightly regulated by vasoactive amines. Following stimulation with histamine, dermal microvascular endothelial cells (MEC) undergo a rapid change in phenotype (transdifferentiation) and subsequently exhibit an enhanced rate of growth. To elucidate mechanisms regulating MEC transdifferentiation, this study investigated the functional relationships among vimentin, Ca2+, and protein kinase C (PKC) in histamine-modulated dermal MEC in vitro. Distribution of vimentin and PKC in foreskin-derived MEC cultivated in a modified Iscove's medium was assessed with immunocytochemistry. Calcium ion kinetics in histamine-treated MEC were analyzed using the Ca2+ probe Fluo-3 in conjunction with interactive laser cytometry. Histamine, acting through H-1 receptors, produces a rapid (less than 100 ms) and differential elevation of free calcium in each of three cytological compartments defined by the vimentin cytoskeleton in epithelial MEC. A distinctive compartmentalized and nonuniform distribution of PKC precisely coincides with that observed for free-Ca2+ released in response to histamine. The studies reveal that histamine modulation of the MEC phenotype is associated with a rapid patterned reorganization of the vimentin skeleton. It is hypothesized that histamine induces vimentin post-translational modifications by activating a spatially localized interaction among cytoplasmic free Ca2+, PKC, and the vimentin matrix. The results further suggest that vimentin, in addition to its structural role, may participate in signal transduction and gene regulation processes in effecting MEC transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Different in vitro models, based on co-culturing techniques, can be used to investigate the behaviour of cell types, which are relevant for human wound and soft-tissue healing. Currently, no model exists to describe the behaviour of fibroblasts and microvascular endothelial cells under wound-specific conditions. In order to develop a suitable in vitro model, we characterized co-cultures comprising NHDFs (normal human dermal fibroblasts) and HDMECs (human dermal microvascular endothelial cells). The CCSWMA (co-culture scratch wound migration assay) developed was supported by direct visualization techniques in order to investigate a broad spectrum of cellular parameters, such as migration and proliferation activity, the differentiation of NHDFs into MFs (myofibroblasts) and the expression of endothelin-1 and ED-A-fibronectin (extra domain A fibronectin). The cellular response to hypoxia treatment, as one of the crucial conditions in wound healing, was monitored. RESULTS: The comparison of the HDMEC-NHDF co-culture with the respective mono-cultures revealed that HDMECs showed a lower proliferation activity when co-cultured, but their number was stable throughout a period of 48 h. NHDFs in co-culture were slightly slower at proliferating than in the mono-culture. The MF population was stable for 48 h in the co-culture, as well as in NHDF mono-culture. Co-cultures and HDMEC mono-cultures were characterized by a slower migration rate than NHDF mono-cultures. Hypoxia decreased both cell proliferation and migration in the mono-cultures, as well as in the co-cultures, indicating the general suitability of the assay. Exclusively, in co-cultures well-defined cell clusters comprising HDMECs and MFs formed at the edges of the in vitro wounds. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of these results, the CCSWMA developed using co-cultures, including HDMECs, NHDFs and MFs, proved to be an effective tool to directly visualize cellular interaction. Therefore, it will serve in the future to evaluate the influence of wound-healing-related factors in vitro, as shown for hypoxia in the present study.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the response to silver nanoparticles (Ag NP) of human microvascular endothelial cells, protagonists of angiogenesis.METHODS: We cultured human microvascular endothelial cells and endothelial colony-forming cells in their corresponding growth medium. Stock solutions of Ag NP were prepared in culture medium and sonicated before use. They were added at different concentrations and for different times to culture media. The toxicity of Ag NP was investigated by measuring the reduction of yellow tetrazolium salt to dark purple formazan (MTT assay) at 575 nm. After staining with trypan blue, cell proliferation was assessed by counting viable cells. The lactate dehydrogenase leakage assay was performed on culture media by following the oxidation of NADH to NAD+ and monitoring the reaction kinetically at 340 nm. Reactive oxygen species production was quantified using 2’-7’-dichlorofluorescein diacetate. The alkaline comet assay was performed after mixing the cells with low melting-point agarose. Electrophoresis was then conducted and the samples were stained with ethidium bromide and analyzed with a fluorescence microscope.RESULTS: Ag NP are cytotoxic in a dose and time dependent fashion for HMEC. At high concentrations, Ag NP determine loss of membrane integrity as demonstrated by the increased activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the culture medium. Ag NP rapidly stimulate the formation of free radicals. However, pre-incubation with Trolox, apocynin, or N-acetyl-L-cysteine, antioxidants which have different structure and act through different mechanisms, is not sufficient to prevent cytotoxicity. Ag NP also induce DNA damage dose-dependently, as shown by comet assay. When exposed to sublethal concentrations of Ag NP for long times, the cells remain viable but are growth retarded. Interestingly, removal of Ag NP partially rescues cell growth. Also genotoxicity is reversible upon removal of Ag NP from culture medium, suggesting that no permanent modifications occur. It is noteworthy that Ag NP are cytotoxic and genotoxic also for endothelial progenitors, in particular for endothelial colony-forming cells, which participate to angiogenesis.CONCLUSION: Silver nanoparticles are cytotoxic and genotoxic for human microvascular endothelial cells and might become a useful tool to control excessive angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Following activation with the inflammatory mediator phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), human microvascular endothelial cells (DMEC) is olated from the human dermis (DMEC) rapidly and dramatically convert from a classical epithelioid morphology to a spindle-shaped configuration. This is accompanied by changes in the organization of gap junctions and the vimentin and actin cytoskeletons. This report describes the sequential changes in the expression of four proto-oncogenes, c-fos, c-myc, c-sis and H-ras in DMEC following PMA exposure. The synthesis of c-fos mRNA was transiently induced by PMA from a basal concentration below the limit of detection to a maximum at 60 min., declining to the unstimulated level within 2 hrs. Synthesis of c-myc mRNA declined continuously and reached 37% of control levels over 16 hrs. Expression of c-sis which encodes for the B chain of platelet-derived growth factor, also declined to 34% of the control value over 16 hrs. There was no change in the synthesis of H-ras mRNA nor of beta-actin mRNA which was used as a control. The expression of c-myc in normal DMEC was compared to a human dermal microvascular cell line transformed by SV-40 (TREND). The TREND cell line maintains a permanent spindle-shaped configuration under all growth conditions and multiplies faster than DMEC. In contrast to the non-transformed cell cultures, expression of c-myc in TREND cells was induced by PMA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lee JH  Chung KY  Bang D  Lee KH 《Proteomics》2006,6(4):1351-1361
Endothelial cells constitute an interface between blood and tissue and act as a medium for active interaction between plasma and the intracellular environment for homeostasis. Aging of endothelial cells plays a significant role in the pathophysiology of age-related vascular diseases; however, precise mechanisms for senescence have not been elucidated. Proteomics allows identification of protein structures, functions, and characteristics, and can be applied to the study of aging processes. Using cultured human dermal microvascular endothelial cells and two-dimensional proteomic mapping, we studied the effects of kinetin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, all-trans-retinoic acid, and selenium on their senescence and searched for the aging-related proteins. The treatments resulted in 68 qualitative changes and 172 quantitative changes, and we were able to identify 46 spots among them. All of the agents indicated above induced changes in the expression of moesin, rho guanosine-5'-diphosphate-dissociation inhibitor, and actin, confirmed by immunoblotting and confocal laser microscopy. As these proteins were associated with cell cycle and cytoskeleton, immunoblotting of the proteins related to cell cycle was performed. Although practical significance remains to be confirmed by in vivo research, this fundamental discovery may provide a basis for understanding the mechanism of aging and age-related diseases.  相似文献   

Chemokines have been implicated convincingly in the driving of leukocyte emigration in different inflammatory reactions. Multiple signaling mechanisms are reported to be involved in intracellular activation of chemokine expression in vascular endothelial cells by various stimuli. Nevertheless, redox-regulated mechanisms of chemokine expression in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC) remain unclear. This study examined the effects of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC, 0.1 mM) and spermine NONOate (Sper-NO, 1 mM) on the secretion and gene expression of chemokines, interleukin (IL)-8, monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1, regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), and eotaxin. This study also addresses PDTC and Sper-NO effects on activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) induced by TNF-alpha (10 ng/ml). Treatment with TNF-alpha for 8 h significantly increased secretion of IL-8, MCP-1, and RANTES, but not of eotaxin, in cultured HDMEC. Up-regulation of these chemokines was suppressed significantly by pretreatment with PDTC or Sper-NO for 1 h, but not by 1 mM 8-bromo-cyclic GMP. The mRNA accumulation of IL-8, MCP-1, RANTES, and eotaxin, and activation of NF-kappaB were induced by TNF-alpha for 2 h; all were suppressed significantly by the above two pretreatments. These findings indicate that both secretion and mRNA accumulation of IL-8, MCP-1, and RANTES in HDMEC induced by TNF-alpha are inhibited significantly by pretreatment with PDTC or Sper-NO, possibly via blocking redox-regulated NF-kappaB activation. These results suggest that restoration of the redox balance using antioxidant agents or nitric oxide pathway modulators may offer new opportunities for therapeutic interventions in inflammatory skin diseases.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) is an adherence molecule that is induced on endothelial cells by cytokine stimulation and can mediate binding of lymphocytes or tumor cells to endothelium. Because these interactions often occur at the level of the microvasculature, we have examined the regulation of expression of VCAM-1 in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC) and compared it to the regulation of VCAM-1 in large vessel human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Both cell populations were judged pure as assessed by expression of von Willebrand factor and uptake of acetylated low density lipoprotein. Expression of VCAM-1 was not detectable on either unstimulated HDMEC or HUVEC when assessed by ELISA or flow cytometry. Stimulation of either HDMEC or HUVEC with TNF-alpha resulted in a time- and dose-dependent induction of VCAM-1. However, although TNF-alpha-induced cell surface and mRNA expression of VCAM-1 in HDMEC was transient, peaking after 16 h of stimulation, TNF stimulation led to persistently elevated cell surface expression of VCAM-1 on HUVEC. IL-1 alpha also induced cell surface expression of VCAM-1 on HUVEC in a time- and dose-dependent manner, but stimulation of HDMEC with IL-1 alpha at doses up to 1000 U/ml failed to induce significant cell surface expression. However, IL-1 alpha induced time- and dose-dependent increases in ICAM-1 on HDMEC. Similarly, IL-4 induced VCAM-1 expression and augmented TNF-alpha-induced expression on HUVEC but did not affect VCAM-1 expression on HDMEC. Binding of Ramos cells to cytokine-stimulated endothelial cell monolayers correlated with VCAM-1 induction. Increased binding was seen after stimulation of HDMEC with TNF-alpha, which was blocked by anti-VCAM-1 mAb, but no increases in binding were noted after stimulation of HDMEC monolayers with IL-1 alpha. These data provide additional evidence for the existence of endothelial cell heterogeneity and differences in cell adhesion molecule regulation on endothelial cells derived from different vascular beds.  相似文献   

CD36 is an 88-kDa glycoprotein that has been identified on platelets, monocytes, and some endothelial cells. Experimental evidence suggests that CD36 mediates the binding of Plasmodium falciparum-infected RBC to a variety of cells, and therefore may play a role in the vascular complications associated with malaria. Additionally, CD36 may also bind the extracellular matrix proteins thrombospondin and collagen. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells have been used in in vitro models examining the binding of P. falciparum RBC to endothelial cells, but they do not consistently express cell surface CD36. Inasmuch as human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC) differ in a variety of ways from large vessel endothelial cells, we have examined HDMEC for cell surface expression of CD36 in vivo and in vitro. Direct immunofluorescence of skin showed bright staining of HDMEC with antibody recognizing CD36 and flow cytometric analysis of cultured HDMEC revealed cell surface expression. In contrast, large vessel endothelial cells were not stained with antibody recognizing CD36 in vivo and cultured cells derived from umbilical vein failed to express cell surface CD36 in vitro. Western immunoblots of lysates of HDMEC but not human umbilical vein endothelial cells demonstrated an 88-kDa protein that comigrated with CD36 from platelets. Functional studies demonstrated that adherence of PRBC to HDMEC was inhibited up to 66% by mAb recognizing CD36. Furthermore, the expression of CD36 on HDMEC was increased in a dose- and time-dependent manner by IFN-gamma, and was decreased by protein kinase C agonists. These data demonstrate that HDMEC express functionally active CD36 and this expression can be positively and negatively regulated by soluble factors. This study demonstrates that HDMEC are useful in the study of CD36-mediated binding of PRBC to endothelial cells in vitro and provides further evidence of distinct phenotypic differences between HDMEC and large vessel endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Wide applications and extreme potential of metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) increase occupational and public exposure and may yield extraordinary hazards for human health. Exposure to NPs has a risk for dysfunction of the vascular endothelial cells. The objective of this study was to assess the cytotoxicity of six metal oxide NPs to human cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (HCMECs) in vitro. Metal oxide NPs used in this study included zinc oxide (ZnO), iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3), iron(II,III) oxide (Fe3O4), magnesium oxide (MgO), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), and copper(II) oxide (CuO). The cell viability, membrane leakage of lactate dehydrogenase, intracellular reactive oxygen species, permeability of plasma membrane, and expression of inflammatory markers vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, macrophage cationic peptide-1, and interleukin-8 in HCMECs were assessed under controlled and exposed conditions (12–24 h and 0.001–100 μg/ml of exposure). The results indicated that Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and Al2O3 NPs did not have significant effects on cytotoxicity, permeability, and inflammation response in HCMECs at any of the concentrations tested. ZnO, CuO, and MgO NPs produced the cytotoxicity at the concentration-dependent and time-dependent manner, and elicited the permeability and inflammation response in HCMECs. These results demonstrated that cytotoxicity, permeability, and inflammation in vascular endothelial cells following exposure to metal oxide nanoparticles depended on particle composition, concentration, and exposure time.  相似文献   

Membrane tethers were found to be extracted from leukocytes and macrovascular endothelial cells (e.g., human umbilical vein endothelial cells or HUVECs) when a point pulling force was exerted. These tethers stabilize leukocyte rolling on the endothelium during the inflammatory response. However, little is known about tether extraction from other vascular cells like microvascular endothelial cells (MECs). In this study, we extracted tethers from both adult and neonatal dermal MECs with the micropipette aspiration technique. We found a linear relationship between the pulling force and tether growth velocity for both cell lines. This constitutive relationship is mainly determined by the membrane mechanical property and the underlying actin-based cytoskeleton for both attached and suspended endothelial cells. It is independent of cell surface receptor type, attachment state, cytokine stimulation, or cell lineage. For both types of MECs, the threshold forces are 50 pN and the effective viscosities are around 0.5 pN·s/µm. These results, which are close to what was obtained from HUVECs, indicate that homogeneity is preserved in terms of tether extraction among different types of endothelial cells, and simultaneous tethers are likely extracted when leukocytes roll on either microvascular or macrovascular surfaces. leukocyte rolling; cell mechanics; micropipette; cytoskeleton  相似文献   

Ha MK  Chung KY  Bang D  Park YK  Lee KH 《Proteomics》2005,5(6):1507-1519
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been traditionally regarded as toxic by-products of aerobic metabolism. However, ROS also act as intracellular signaling molecules and can mediate phenotypes in vascular endothelial cells, which may be physiological or pathological in nature. To clarify the molecular mechanisms of ROS signaling, we examined hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-responsive proteins in cultured human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) using proteomic tools. Protein expression in HMVEC was studied after they had been exposed to low- and high-levels of H(2)O(2) for various times, and intracellular ROS production was examined by flow cytometer and UV spectrophotometer. Proteins obtained from dose- and time-dependent series were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and tentatively identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption-time of flight mass spectrometry, by matching the tryptic mass maps obtained with entries in the NCBI and Swiss-Prot protein sequence database. At least 163 proteins were changed by H(2)O(2), and 60 proteins were identified. Oxidative stress triggered dramatic change in the expression of proteins in primary microvessel endothelial cells, and their mapping to cellular process provided a view of the ubiquitous cellular changes elicited by H(2)O(2). These results could provide a framework for the understanding of the mechanisms of cellular redox homeostasis and H(2)O(2) metabolism in microendothelium environment in various biological processes as well as pathological conditions.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the mechanisms of long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) uptake by human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC). The time course revealed the presence of an early, carrier-mediated uptake component and a later component mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles (CCV) and caveolae, as evidenced by three different experimental approaches: 1) significant reduction of [3H]oleate uptake over 5 min by either inhibition of CCV formation by potassium depletion or hypertonic medium, or disruption of caveolae by filipin III or cyclodextrin. 2) Co-localization of intracellular 12-(N-methyl)-N-[(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino]octadecanoic acid with CCV and caveolae using confocal laser scanning microscopy. 3) Enrichment of [3H]oleate in a subcellular fraction containing CCV and caveolae. Within 10 min, more than 75% of intracellular [3H]oleate remained unmetabolized, suggesting that HMEC preferentially shuttle LCFA through the cell using CCV and caveolae as carriers. The uptake of albumin paralleled that of oleate within the first 10 min, suggesting internalization of at least some LCFA bound to albumin. Compared to oleate and albumin, the uptake of sucrose and dextran was low, indicating a potential minor contribution of fluid-phase endocytosis to the total vesicular LCFA uptake. The data indicate a previously unrecognized role of both CCV and caveolae for the uptake of LCFA by HMEC.  相似文献   

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