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Characteristics of the vacuolar-type (V-type) H+-ATPase fromguard cell protoplasts of Commelina communis L. were investigatedusing a linked enzyme assay and nitrate inhibition as a diagnosticindicator of the enzyme activity. ATPase activity was completelyinhibited by about 50 mol m–3 nitrate and activity wasoptimal near pH 8.0. The temperature optimum for activity wasabout 37 C and an Arrhenius plot indicated changes in activationenergy for the ATPase at 15C and possibly at about 30 C. Theenzyme was stimulated by Cl while Ca2+ inhibited activity(l50 = 1.5 mol m–3). The apparent Km (MgATP) was 0.62mol m–3. Incubation of guard cell protoplasts for up to 5 h in 50 µMabscisic acid (ABA) or 25µM fusicoccin (FC) did not affectsubsequent ATPase activity. In vitro assays with FC or ABA alsodid not affect enzyme activity. Activity was not affected bylight or potassium ferricyanide, two factors which are knownto influence stomatal activity. Beticoline was a potent inhibitorof activity (l50 = 50 µM) while DCCD was less effective(l50 = 90µM). On chlorophyll, protein and protoplast bases, V-type ATPaseactivity was greater in guard cell protoplasts than mesophyllcell protoplasts by 66, 13.9 and 1.9, respectively. On atonoplast surface area basis the enzyme activity was 5.6 timeshigher in guard cell protoplasts than in mesophyll cell protoplasts Thus, although the characteristics of the V-type, H +-ATPaseof GCP are very similar to those found in other cell types,rates of activity and probably tonoplast enzyme density aremuch greater in guard cell protoplasts than mesophyll cell protoplastsof C. communis which corresponds with the large and rapid ionfluxes across the tonoplast associated with stomatal movements Key words: Guard cell protoplasts, stomata, V-type H +-ATPase  相似文献   

Clint, G. M. 1985. The investigation of stomatal ionic relationsusing guard cell protoplasts. 1. Methodology.—J exp. Bot.36: 1726–1738. A study was made of the methodology for the production and useof guard cell protoplasts in ion transport studies, with particularemphasis placed on the effects of the composition of the externalmedium on protoplast survival and performance. Addition of externalKCl to media during the production of guard cell protoplastsfrom Commelina communis L. was found to improve viability andto increase K+ content and physiological competence of the isolatedprotoplasts. Addition of low levels (20 x 10–3 mol m–3)CaCl2 increased protoplast yield and the maintenance of viabilityin long-term incubation. Ambiguities and uncertainties werefound in the application of methods commonly used for the assessmentof viability of isolated protoplasts. Poor yields (despite highpercentage recoveries) together with difficulties in the assessmentof viability were considered to pose major potential problemsin the use of guard cell protoplasts in ion transport studies. Key words: Guard cell protoplasts, ion transport, Commelina communis  相似文献   

Cell walls were prepared from the epicotyls of dark-grown pea(Pisum sativum L.) seedlings. The walls were found to bind externally-added45Ca2+, with a binding constant of 4 ? 10–4 mol dm–3and a maximum capacity of 1.5 ? 10–8 g-ions of Ca2+ perg fresh weight of epicotyl. The binding capacity decreased asthe pH of the medium was decreased below 6.0, suggesting thatthe calcium was bound by an anionic group with an apparent pKof 4.7. More than half the calcium binding was due to polygalacturonicacid in the wall, since up to 60% of the calcium binding capacitywas removed by pre-incubation of the cell walls with polygalacturonase(E.C. Only small decreases in calcium binding wereseen following pre-incubation with protease, nucleases, phospholipaseand hemicellulase. These results indicate that calcium willbe displaced from the cell wall at hydrogen ion concentrationswhich are known to occur in the wall during wall extension.They are consistent with a mechanism by which calcium inhibitswall extension by forming ionic bridges between polygalacturonicacid molecules, and also with the hypothesis that calcium andhydrogen ions exert opposing influences on cell wall extensionby competing for the same binding sites on the polygalacturonicacid. Key words: Pea epicotyl, Cell wall, Calcium, pH  相似文献   

With the enzymatically isolated Nitella protoplasts, sufficientinsertions of micro-electrodes to make a stable measurementof the membrane potential by the conventional method could notbe made because of an ‘elasticity’ of the outermembrane. We developed an effective method in which a micro-electrodecould be inserted after the outer membrane was punctured bypassing an electrical impulse through the micro-electrode. Inthis method, Ca ions play a crucial role in the ‘punching’and ‘healing’ processes of the protoplast membrane. The effects of the cations K+, Na+, Ca2+ and the anions Cl,, , on the membrane potentials of Nitella expansa protoplasts were compared with those of intactcells. The membrane potential of protoplasts was less negativethan that of intact cells when concentrations of Na or K, inthe presence of Ca, were below certain levels which increasedwith increasing Ca concentration; and it tended to become identicalto that of intact cells when Na or K concentrations were beyondthose levels. Beyond those levels for K the membrane potentialsof both protoplasts and intact cells typically seemed to bethe Nernst potentials in the presence of 0•1 to 30 molm–3 Ca2+. However, for Na, the difference in potentialsbetween intact cells and protoplasts decreased at much higherconcentrations than for K. Increase of Ca always gave less negativeprotoplast potentials than those in intact cells. Replacementof Ca by Mg did not change the membrane potential of intactcells, although it was deleterious to protoplasts. The cellwall potential of intact cells was also measured by the micro-electrodetechnique and was revealed as a simple Donnan potential, assumingthe fixed negative charge density of 0•8 equivalent perdm3. The membrane potential of intact cells seems to be a significantreflection of the plasmalemma potential which is thought tobe measured directly in their protoplasts in terms of ionicselectivity and concentration dependency of the ion speciesexamined. In addition, increased sensitivity to calcium in protoplastpotentials compared to intact cells is suggested, though themembrane potential of intact cells seems to be largely preservedin their enzymatically isolated protoplasts. Key words: Membrane potential, protoplasts, Nitella expansa, cell wall potential  相似文献   

We have devised conditions which produced isolated protoplastsof non-spherical shape and which, therefore, affected the mechanismsthat control the exchange of membrane material between the plasmamembrane and an intracellular membrane reservoir. Non-sphericalprotoplasts of Avena sativa were obtained if protoplasts weretreated with hypertonic shock in the presence of 1.0 mol m–3LaCl3 at pH 8.3. This indicated that their ability to removeplasma membrane material via endocytotic vesiculation was suppressed.Non-spherical protoplasts were obtained under isotonic conditionsif protoplasts were incubated with 1.0 mol m-3 LaCl3 at pH 8.3and the proton carrier CCCP (12 mmol m–3) was added. Thenon-spherical protoplasts had intact membranes as judged bystaining with fluorescein diacetate. The loss of the sphericalshape was reversible. On addition of EDTA protoplasts resphericulatedimmediately. Incubation in isotonic solution at pH 8.3 containingeither only 1.0 mol m–3 LaCl3 or only CCCP did not influencethe protoplast shape. We conclude that the membrane hyperpolarizationinduced by CCCP at high pH acted to stimulate the incorporationof membrane material into the plasma membrane and, subsequently,produced nonspherical protoplasts if the removal of membranematerial was simultaneously suppressed. This demonstrates thatmembrane incorporation and removal are two largely independentprocesses.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) treatments on the surfaceelectrical properties of cells and isolated protoplasts fromCatharanthus roseus cell suspension cultures were studied byelectrophoretic mobility and 9-aminoacridine (9AA) fluorescencemeasurements. The surface charge densities of the cells andprotoplasts estimated from electrokinetic data were –0.064Cm–2and –0.048 C m–2 respectively. These values wereclose to that estimated by 9AA fluorescence technique i.e.,–0.053 Cm–2 for the cells and –0.041 Cm–2for the isolated protoplasts accordingly. The net negative surfacecharge density decreased after application of 10 µM and50 µM ABA in both cells and protoplats, the more pronouncedeffect being observed at 10 µM ABA. When 100 µMABA was supplemented to the cell suspension culture the oppositeeffect was observed. The average charge density increased to–0.074 C m–2 for the cells, and to –0.055C m–2 for protoplasts, as revealed from the 9AA measurements.The results are discussed in terms of specific concentrationdependent ABA-induced alterations of the electrostatic propertiesof cell and protoplast membranes. (Received December 12, 1994; Accepted April 3, 1995)  相似文献   

A method suitable for the large-scale isolation of cereal protoplastsfrom up to 50 g of leaf material is described. Surface-sterilizedleaves from cultivars of wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, andTriticale were diced and vacuum infiltrated with enzyme mixturecomposed of cellulysin (1 per cent w/v), hemicellulase (1 percent w/v), and macerozyme (0.5 per cent w/v). With this procedure,yields of between 106 to 107 protoplasts per gram of leavescan be reproducibly obtained after only 1.5–3 h of enzymatictreatment. These protoplasts were almost 100 per cent viable(as determined by fluorescein diacetate staining) and incorporationof 3H-uridine and 14C-leucine into an acid-insoluble fractionwas demonstrated. Almost one-third of the ribosomes of theseisolated protoplasts were present as polysomes. cereals, leaf mesophyll, protoplast isolation  相似文献   

The changes in morphology of the unicellular algae Cylindrocystisbrebissonii and two species of Micrasterias during freezingand thawing were observed on a light microscope fitted witha temperature controlled stage. At slow rates of cooling extensiveshrinkage of the protoplast was observed. The response of thecell wall varied with cell-type. In C. brebissonii plasmolysiswas not observed and the cell wall and protoplast shrank together.In Micrasterias the cell wall did not contract and a distinctplasmolysis was observed. Following freezing to and thawingfrom –25?C cells of C. brebissonii were non-viable butremained osmotically responsive. Cooling at faster rates inducedintracellular ice formation in all cell-types. The criticalrate of cooling varied with cell-type and was determined bycell volume and suface area. Intracellular gas bubbles wereobserved during thawing following both rapid and slow cooling. Following cooling in dimethylsulphoxide cells of C. brebissoniiwere protected against freezing injury. The recovery on thawingfrom –196?C being determined by the rate of cooling, anoptimum rate of 1?C min–1 was observed. During slow ratesof cooling (<2?C min–1) cells remained unshrunken,at faster rates (10?C min–1) the loss of cell viabilitywas related to osmotic shrinkage during cooling rather thanto nucleation of intracellular ice. Intracellular ice formationwas observed only following significantly faster rates of cooling(>20?C min–1). Key words: Cylindrocystis, Micrasterias, cryomicroscopy, freezing injury  相似文献   

We showed that the surface charge density of protoplasts canbe estimated by the 9-aminoacridine method. The estimated surfacecharge density of the protoplasts isolated from elongating regionsof Vigna mungo root was – 39 ? 8 mC/m2. The negative surfacecharge density increased when protoplasts were treated withglutaraldehyde or when EDTA was added to the protoplast suspensionmedium. These results support the validity of our estimationof the surface charge density of protoplasts by the 9-aminoacridinemethod. The concentration of amino groups at the surface ofthe protoplasts was estimated to be 34 mC/m2. (Received June 19, 1987; Accepted April 11, 1988)  相似文献   

Guard cell protoplasts (GCP) were prepared from leaves of Commelinacommunis L. and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) activityrecorded after injection of the protoplasts directly into theassay medium. The GCP were lysed immediately by the presenceof Triton X-100 and a lowered osmotic concentration in the assaycuvette enabling PEPc activity to be measured with ‘nascent’enzyme. There was no light activation of the enzyme with KmPEP (about 3.7 mol m–3) and Vmax being similar in light-ordark-treated protoplasts. Illumination of the GCP in the presenceof CO2-free air and KCI, a treatment which is known to swellGCP, did not change the kinetics. PEPc activity at saturating PEP was very sensitive to malateinhibition, 20 mmol m–3 (the I50 value) inhibiting activityby about 50%. Inhibition was similar in light- or dark-treatedprotoplasts. Malate inhibition was, however, much less (I50= 500 mmol m–3) if the enzyme source was a protoplastextract kept in the absence of glycerol. Inclusion of 20% glycerolin the extraction medium maintained the enzyme in the malate-sensitiveform as occurred in the in vivo assays. The high apparent KmPEP and the high sensitivity to malate inhibition of GCP PEPcare features unlike those observed with PEPc from leaf tissuesof C4 and CAM plants and from GCP extracts. PEPc activity increased slightly in the presence of KCI in theassay medium up to about 10 mol m–3 and thereafter activityslowly declined as KCI concentrations increased further. Key words: Guard cell protoplasts, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase  相似文献   

Owen, J. H., Hetherington, A. M. and Wellburn, A. R. 1987. Calcium,calmodulin and the control of respiration in protoplasts isolatedfrom meristematic tissues by abscisic acid.—J. exp. Bot.38: 1356–1361. A study was made of the possible involvement of calcium channelsand calmodulin during the calcium-dependent inhibition of mitochondrialrespiration by abscisic acid (ABA) in meristematic protoplastsobtained from light-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Patty)seedlings. The calcium channel blockers lanthanum, verapamiland nifedipine were all found to reduce the Ca2+-dependent inhibitionof protoplast respiration by ABA. The ionophore A23187 [GenBank] itselfcaused an inhibition of protoplast respiration, possibly becauseit mimicked the action of ABA by increasing plasmalemma permeabilityto extracellular calcium. By contrast, calmodulin antagoniststrifluoperazine and compound 48/80 both caused a partial decreasein the Ca2+-dependent inhibition of protoplast respiration byABA. In contrast to the action of ABA, gibberellic acid markedlyincreased the rates of protoplast respiration but this did notappear to require the presence of extracellular calcium ions.These results support the hypothesis that ABA increases plasmalemmapermeability to extracellular calcium which might then directlyor indirectly act as a second messenger, possibly in conjunctionwith calmodulin, to regulate mitochondrial dark respirationwhich is an important part of early meristematic cell development. Key words: Abscisic acid, calcium, calmodulin, meristematic respiration  相似文献   

A Novel Method for Extracting Protoplasts from Large Brown Algae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protoplasts have been isolated without the application of walldegrading enzymes from three large brown algal species: Macrocystisangustifolia, Ecklonia radiata and Durvillaea potatorum. Thecentral feature of this new protocol is the removal of wall-boundcalcium by substitution with sodium from the isolation medium.The new protocol is specific for cortex and inner meristodermcell walls with highest yields obtained from meristematic oryoung tissue. Protoplasts, extracted with this method, are approximately5–10 µm in diameter with viability estimates rangingfrom 73–86%. Consistent yields of 107 protoplasts g–1fresh weight have been obtained within 2–3 for all threespecies and this compares favourably with yields achieved usinga conventional enzyme-based system. Key words: Brown algae, protoplasts, alginate, calcium, enzymes  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts of one-month-old maize leaves were separatedenzymatically from bundle sheath strands, and purified by centrifugationthrough a Percoll layer. The protoplasts and BS strands wereessentially pure as judged by microscopy, chl a/b ratios, andlevels of enzyme markers (PEP carboxylase and NADP-malic enzyme).Chioroplasts were obtained from the protoplasts and from homogenates,and purified through Percoll. The distribution of four NAD P-linked dehydrogenases in tissuesand organdies was examined. NADP-triose phosphate dehydrogenasc,used as a chloroplast marker, shows high and comparable specificactivities in both main tissues. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenaseis located mainly in the mesophyll (at a specific activity of15.1 µmol h–1 mg–1chl in protoplasts) andis exclusively cytosolic. 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase,also present in both tissue types, has a higher activity inthe BS (12.6 in purified strands versus 7.3 µmol h–1mg–1 chl in protoplasts). It is a cytosolic enzyme, althoughplastids may contain a low activity. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate:NADP reductasc is entirely in the mcsophyll cytoplasm (11.2µmol h–1 mg–1 chl). It is suggested that thecytoplasm of mcsophyll cells is a site of diversion of sugarphosphates for production of NADPH, at rates, however, compatiblewith the operation of the triose phosphate shuttle to bundlesheath cells for the synthesis of starch. Key words: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dchydrogenase, glyceralde-hyde-3-phosphate : NADP reductase, Zea mays  相似文献   

Baydoun, E. A-H. and Brett, C. T. 1988. Properties and possiblephysiological significance of cell wall calcium binding in etiolatedpea epicotyls.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 199–208. The binding of 45Ca2+ ions to cell walls prepared from pea epicotylswas examined in young and old parts of the epicotyl, and wasfound to be considerably greater, on a carbohydrate basis, inthe older, non-growing cells. A similar comparison between light-and dark-grown stems showed greater binding in the dark-grownstems. The polygalacturonase-insensitive component of the bindingcontained at least three types of binding with different affinities,and had an apparent pK of 4.3. The specificity of the bindingfor calcium ions was examined and a considerable degree of specificitywas observed. The specificity of inhibition by calcium of epicotylelongation was similar to the specificity of calcium binding.A specific calcium chelator, EGTA, when present at a concentrationof above 10 mol m–3, promoted the extension of matureregions of the epicotyl, while inhibiting extension of youngertissue. Key words: Cell wall, calcium, pea epicotyl  相似文献   

GILL  RAVINDER 《Annals of botany》1990,66(1):31-39
Epicotyl-derived protoplasts of Psophocarpus tetragonolobuswere isolated and regenerated to plants. These protoplasts weretransformed to kanamycin resistance following uptake of plasmid(pABDl or pHP23) DNA in combination with PEG treatment. Protoplast-derivedtransformed colonies were selected on kanamycin (75 mg l–1).The transformed calli expressed NPT II activity and also exhibitedthe presence of the plasmid gene integrated into the plant genome.However, none of the transformed clones showed regenerationof shoot buds. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, winged bean, naked DNA transformation, protoplast culture, regenerated plants  相似文献   

Scagliarini, S., Pupillo, P. and Valenti, V. 1988. Isoformsof NADP-dependent malic enzyme in tissues of the greening maizeleaf.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 1109–1119. The compartmentation of the isoforms of NADP-dependent malicenzyme (E.C. [EC] ) has been studied in cell-free extractsand in enzymatically-isolated protoplasts of mesophyll tissue(MT) and bundle sheath (BS) strands of greening maize leaves.The etiolated leaf of 10-d-old seedlings contains a cytosolicisozyme with a pl of 5.4 ?0.1 at low specific activity (s.a,45 ? 3 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein), found both in MTand BS. The green leaf on the other hand contains the dominantBS chloroplast isozyme with pl 4.6 ? 0.2 at a s.a, of 370 ?40 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein (3.2 ? 0.5 µmolmin–1 mg–1 chl) and a minor, previously undescribedisoform with pl 6.5 ? 0.1 also localized in the BS at a s.a.of 38 ? 6 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein. Green MT protoplastshave only traces of pl 4.6 isozyme. After illumination of dark-grown seedlings, the total leaf activityshows a rapid increase (1.5-fold within 2 h), attributed mainlyto the pl 5.4 isozyme of MT protoplasts and BS strands. Thisis followed by a large increase of enzyme activity due to thecontinued rise of pl 5.4 isozyme for about 24 h and, after aninitial lag of a few hours, to the accumulation of pl 4.6 isozyme.After 18 h illumination, pl 4.6 and 5.4 isozyme activities tendto decline in the MT whereas they are still increasing in theBS, particularly the former. This pl 4.6 species has becomethe major one by 48 h illumination. The final pattern of greenleaves is established around 96 h light, when the chloroplastisozyme has attained its maximum level, the pl 5.4 isozyme ofBS strands has been superceded by the pl 6.5 species (also supposedto be cytosolic) and MT protoplasts retain little residual activity.Some metabolic implications of the changing pattern of NADP-dependentmalic isozymes during maize leaf greening are discussed. Key words: C4, isozymes, malic enzyme, photodifferentiation, Zea mays  相似文献   

Protoplasts were successfully isolated from internodal callustissues of both Oxalis glaucifolia and O. rhombeo-ovata whenthey were digested in a solution containing 0.1% (w/v) MacerozymeR-10, 0.5% (w/v) cellulase Onozuka R-10 and 0.3 mmol m–3sucrose. Protoplasts proliferated to give cell colonies on Gamborget al.'s B5 medium supplemented with 0.3 mmol m–3 mannitol,0.5 mg dm–32, 4-D, and 2.0 mg dm–3 kinetin. Calluswas produced upon transfer of cell colonies to Murashige andSkoog medium containing 2.0 mg dm–3 l-naphthaleneaceticacid (NAA) and 0.1 mg dm–3 kinetin for O. glaucifolia,or with 5.0 mg dm–3 NAA and 0.5 mg dm–3 6-benzylaminopurine,for O. rhombeo-ovata. Plants were regenerated from O. glaucifoliaprotoplasts on a medium containing 0.1 mg dm–3 NAA, 1.0mg dm–3 kinetin and 1.0 mg dm–3 gibberellic acid,but only vascular nodules were differentiated by O. rhombeo-ovataprotoplast-derived calli. Key words: Tissue culture, protoplasts, plant regeneration, Oxalis spp  相似文献   

Flicker, M. D. and Willmer, C. M. 1986. Vanadate sensitive ATPaseand phosphatase activity in guard cell protoplasts of Commelina.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 642–648. Phosphatase activity was measured in extracts of guard cellprotoplasts of Commelina communis L. using the artificial substratep-nitrophenylphosphate. A pH optimum of 5.8 to 6.3 was determined.Ammonium molybdate (Ol mol m–3) and sodium vanadate (1–0mol m–3) gave almost complete inhibition of phosphataseactivity at pH 60. ATPase assays were, therefore, conductedin the presence of 0–2 mol m –3 molybdate and vanadatewas used as a specific inhibitor of plasmamembrane ATPase activity.Vanadate sensitive ATPase activity showed a pH optimum of 6.6and activity was stimulated by KC1. These properties are characteristicof plasmamembrane proton pumping ATPases in other systems andsuggest that proton extrusion in guard cells could be mediatedby a similar enzyme. The maximum ATPase activity is sufficientto account for all the proton flux observed during the stomatalopening response. Key words: ATPase, Commelina, guard cell protoplasts, phosphatase, vanadate  相似文献   

The role of cytoplasmic calcium activity in activation of K+-channelsin the unicellular green alga Eremosphaera viridis has beenstudied. As reported previously, after a ‘light off’signal a voltage independent opening of K+-channels in the plasmalemmais observed. This effect is indicated by a transient polarization(TP) with a simultaneous increase of the membrane conductance.TPs can also be triggered by different treatments, which allowinvestigations within a ‘short-circuited’ signalchain. (i) After incubation with EGTA a single extended TP canbe released by a sudden increase of the external calcium concentration.The Ca2+-channel inhibitors nifedipine (10 –2 mol m–3)and verapamil (5 ? 10–2 mol m–3) suppress the releaseof this TP. (ii) In the presence of external calcium the additionof the ionophore A23187 [GenBank] (10–3 mol m–3) causes anextremely prolonged TP. (iii) Low external concentrations ofbarium (10–2 mol m–3) induce repetitive TPs in thepresence of external calcium. In this case the Ca2+-channelinhibitors are less effective. (iv) Strontium (0.1–1.0mol m–3) is able to trigger repetitive TPs even withoutexternal calcium. Whereas barium may stimulate a calcium influx,strontium can serve as a substitute for calcium to induce anopening of K+-channels. These results indicate strongly a Ca2+-dependentand voltage-independent activation of K+-channels in the plasmalemmaof Eremosphaera. The participation of cytoplasmic calcium inthe signal transduction chain after a ‘light off’signal is discussed. Key words: Ca2+-dependent K+-channels, Ca2+-channel effectors, A23187, transient membrane potential, Eremosphaera  相似文献   

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