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人体肝癌细胞急性低氧及低氧习服差异表达基因分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Wang JH  Shan YJ  Cong YW  Wu LJ  Yuan XL  Zhao ZH  Wang SQ  Chen JP 《生理学报》2003,55(3):324-330
本文分析了人体肝癌细胞(HepG2)急性低氧处理以及低氧习服处理后基因表达谱的改变。急性低氧处理为细胞在1%氧气中培养48h,低氧习服处理为细胞在1%氧气中培养24h,常氧培养24h,以此作为一个周期,重复6个周期。联合应用抑制消减杂交技术和cDNA芯片技术,筛选HepG2细胞经急性低氧处理与正常培养细胞相比差异表达的基因,以及经低氧习服处理细胞与正常培养细胞相比差异表达的基因。结果显示,HepG2细胞经急性低氧处理与在常氧条件下培养相比,差异表达的基因有37个,表达水平全部表现为下调,其中包括参与细胞周期、细胞应激、细胞信号转导、细胞骨架形成、转录相关蛋白及细胞代谢相关蛋白的基因,1个未知基因序列、4个EST序列、5个线粒体蛋白基因,另外有功能不明的蛋白质基因12个。低氧习服处理的细胞与常氧条件下培养的细胞相比,差异表达的基因有6个,其中包括两个线粒体蛋白基因、金属蛋白酶1基因、转铁蛋白基因、Thymosin .beta-4和TPT1基因。其中线粒体蛋白ND4、转铁蛋白、Thymosin.beta-4和TPT1基因的表达呈上调,线粒体NDl及金属蛋白酶1基因的表达水平呈下调。经低氧习服处理后,细胞低氧耐受力提高,低氧习服处理细胞基因的表达与急性低氧处理细胞和正常培养细胞的基因表达不同,这种变化可能与低氧习服细胞低氧耐受力的增强有关。  相似文献   

家蝇幼虫消减文库的构建及差异表达基因的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了鉴定家蝇Musca domestica免疫相关基因,应用抑制性消减杂交技术,构建刺激家蝇幼虫差异表达cDNA消减文库。以大肠杆菌Escherichia coli和金黄色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus诱导12 h的家蝇幼虫与未诱导的家蝇幼虫为消减杂交对象,获得了差异表达基因的cDNA片段,将其与T/A载体连接并转化大肠杆菌DH5α,构建了刺激家蝇幼虫cDNA消减文库。PCR检测发现,文库的阳性克隆中插入的cDNA片段大小在200~1 000 bp之间,随机挑选了161个含大小不等差异片段的克隆进行测序和同源性分析,鉴定了36种蛋白的基因片段,包括抗菌肽、酶、核糖体蛋白、其他功能蛋白以及功能不明的蛋白。用半定量RT-PCR分析了其中6种蛋白基因的表达,结果显示:防御素和攻击素基因在细菌刺激后24 h内明显上调表达,而溶菌酶、酚氧化酶原活化因子、糜蛋白酶和蛋白质合成起始因子基因在细菌刺激后0-4 h内表达受抑制,12 h后上调表达。该研究结果为家蝇免疫相关基因的克隆和家蝇免疫防御机制的探讨奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Caesium-affected gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Understanding the genes differentially expressing in aberrant organs of metabolic syndrome (MetS) facilitates the uncovering of molecular mechanisms and the identification of novel therapeutic targets for the disease. This study aimed to identify differentially expressed genes related to MetS in livers of E3 rats with high-fat-diet-induced metabolic syndrome (HFD-MetS). E3 rats were fed with high-fat diet for 24 weeks to induce MetS. Then, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technology was used to identify the genes differentially expressed between HFD-MetS and control E3 rat livers. Twenty positive recombinant clones were chosen randomly from forward subtractive library and sent to sequence. BLAST analysis in GenBank database was used to determine the property of each cDNA fragment. In total, 11 annotated genes, 3 ESTs, and 2 novel gene fragments were identified by SSH technology. The expression of four genes (Alb, Pip4k2a, Scd1, and Tf) known to be associated with MetS and other five genes (Eif1, Rnase4, Rps12, Rup2, and Tmsb4) unknown to be relevant to MetS was significantly up-regulated in the livers of HFD-MetS E3 rats compared with control rats using real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). By analyzing the correlations between the expression of these nine genes and serum concentrations of TG, Tch, HDL-C, and LDL-C, we found that there were significant positive correlations between TG and the expression of five genes (Alb, Eif1, Pip4k2a, Rps12, and Tmsb4x), Tch and three genes (Rnase4, Scd1, and Tmsb4x), and LDL-C and two genes (Rnase4 and Scd1), as well there were significant negative correlations between HDL-C and the expression of three genes (Rup2, Scd1, and Tf). This study provides important clues for unraveling the molecular mechanisms of MetS.  相似文献   

Seeds of a tropical tree species from Brazil, Astronium fraxinifolium, or zebrawood, were germinated, for the first time in microgravity, aboard the International Space Station for nine days. Following three days of subsequent growth under normal terrestrial gravitational conditions, greater root length and numbers of secondary roots was observed in the microgravity-treated seedlings compared to terrestrially germinated controls. Suppression subtractive hybridization of cDNA and EST analysis were used to detect differential gene expression in the microgravity-treated seedlings in comparison to those initially grown in normal gravity (forward subtraction). Despite their return to, and growth in normal gravity, the subtracted library derived from microgravity-treated seedlings was enriched in known microgravity stress-related ESTs, corresponding to large and small heat shock proteins, 14-3-3-like protein, polyubiquitin, and proteins involved in glutathione metabolism. In contrast, the reverse-subtracted library contained a comparatively greater variety of general metabolism-related ESTs, but was also enriched for peroxidase, possibly indicating the suppression of this protein in the microgravity-treated seedlings. Following continued growth for 30 days, higher concentrations of total chlorophyll were detected in the microgravity-exposed seedlings.  相似文献   

生命活动的各个进程伴随着不同基因的选择性开启和关闭。如何有效地分离克隆各种差异表达的基因,成为分子生物学研究的一个努力方向,大量差异基因分离策略因之问世。本文扼要介绍了近年来发展的几种主要分离策略,并详细介绍一种新的差异基因分离方法--抑制差减杂交。  相似文献   

目的 筛选与申克孢子丝菌酵母相与菌丝相双相转换相关的差异表达基因,为探讨其双相转换的分子的机制奠定基础.方法 应用抑制性消减杂交技术,构建高特异性的申克孢子丝菌菌丝相(mycelium,M)和酵母相(yeast,Y)的正反cDNA消减文库,并对其差异表达的基因进行生物信息学分析.结果 M+Y文库获得751条表达序列标签,平均长度为690.98 bp,经拼接后获得101条非冗余序列.Y+M文库获得875条表达序列标签,平均长度为575.9 bp,拼接获得249条非冗余序列.经BLASTN比对,这些差异表达基因中,某些结构基因和功能不明的细胞分子类基因可能与双相转换有关.结论 成功构建了高特异性的申克孢子丝菌菌丝相和酵母相的正反cDNA 消减文库,为进一步筛选申克孢子丝菌的双相转换基因奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Plasmodiophora brassicae is an intracellular pathogen that infects plants in the Brassicaceae family. Although an important pathogen group, information on the genomic makeup of the plasmodiophorids is almost completely lacking. We performed suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) between RNA from P. brassicae-infected and uninfected Arabidopsis tissue, then screened 232 clones from the resulting SSH library. In addition, we used an oligo-capping procedure to screen 305 full-length cDNA clones from the infected tissue. A total of 76 new P. brassicae gene sequences were identified, the majority of which were extended to full length at the 5' end by the use of RACE amplification. Many of the unisequences were predicted to contain signal peptides for ER translocation. Although we located few sequences in total, these markedly increase available data from the plasmodiophorids, and provide new opportunities to examine plasmodiophorid biology. Our study also points towards the best methods for future plasmodiophorid gene discovery.  相似文献   

Wei Xu 《Biofouling》2013,29(3):157-161
Because of its aggressive growth and firm attachment to substrata, the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) has caused severe economic and ecological problems since its invasion into North America. The nature and details of attachment of this nuisance mollusc remains largely unexplored. Byssus, a special glandular apparatus located at the root of the foot of the mussel produces threads and plates through which firm attachment of the mollusc to underwater objects takes place. In an attempt to better understand the adhesion mechanism of the zebra mussel, the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) assay was employed to produce a cDNA library with genes unique to the foot of the mussel. Analysis of the SSH cDNA library revealed the presence of 750 new expressed sequence tags (ESTs) including 304 contigs and 446 singlets. Using BLAST search, 365 zebra mussel ESTs showed homology to other gene sequences with putative functions. The putative functions of the homologues included proteins involved in byssal thread formation in zebra and blue mussels, exocrine gland secretion, host defence, and house keeping. The generated data provide, for the first time, some useful insights into the foot structure of the zebra mussel and its underwater adhesion.  相似文献   

采用抑制性消减杂交(Suppression subtractive hybridization,SSH)技术构建了衰亡期的链状亚历山大藻(Alexandriumcatenella)特异表达的cDNA文库。共获得800个克隆,利用巢式引物进行PCR筛选,最终确定阳性克隆556个。利用斑点杂交技术对这些阳性克隆进行差异筛选,获得差异表达克隆160个。测序后得到片段125个,经过归类,获得21种序列,其中6种在NCBI中经Blast,获得功能基因与其匹配,这些功能基因分别是CHK1类似检测点蛋白(checkpoint-like protein)、核酸外切酶复合体、谷氧还蛋白、Na+/K+ATPase、叶绿体中的一个开放阅读框和pG1蛋白,其他blast无同源序列,可能为新基因。推测链状亚历山大藻的衰亡过程可能涉及到DNA损伤、mRNA降解过程、氧化还原状态的变化、离子动态平衡的变化以及叶绿体一些生理状况的变化等过程。  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhiza development alters gene expression in the fungal and plant symbionts. The identification of a large number of genes expressed exclusively or predominantly in the symbiosis will contribute greatly to the understanding of the development of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. We have constructed a cDNA library of 4-day-old Eucalyptus globulus-Pisolithus tinctorius ectomycorrhiza and sequenced 850 cDNAs cloned randomly or obtained through suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Based on the absence of a database match, 43% of the ectomycorrhiza ESTs are coding for novel genes. At the developmental stage analysed (fungal sheath formation), the majority of the identified sequences represented 'housekeeping' proteins, i.e. proteins involved in gene/protein expression, cell-wall proteins, metabolic enzymes, and components of signalling systems. We screened arrayed cDNAs to identify symbiosis-regulated genes by using differential hybridization. Comparisons of signals from free-living partners and symbiotic tissues revealed significant differences in expression levels (differential expression ratio >2.5) for 17% of the genes analysed. No ectomycorrhiza-specific gene was detected. The results successfully demonstrate the use of the cDNA array and SSH systems as general approaches for dissecting symbiosis development, and provide the first global picture of the cellular functions operating in ectomycorrhiza.  相似文献   

柱花草栽培种热研2号(Stylosanthes guianensis‘Reyan2’)对铝毒有较强的耐受性。为了鉴定其在铝胁迫下的诱导基因,利用抑制消减杂交(SSH)技术构建在300μmol·L-1铝胁迫下正向cDNA文库。挑选插入片段大于300bp的600个克隆进行测序,共获得504条表达序列标签(EST)。序列重复性分析表明,其中12.1%的EST只有1次重复,61.4%的EST有2-16次重复,重复出现次数较高的EST是细胞色素P450(53次,占10.5%)、病原诱导型胰蛋白酶抑制剂(44次,占8.7%)和衰老相关蛋白(37次,占7.3%)。BLASTX分析显示,504条EST中有97种非冗余基因,其中包括46条功能已知基因和51条功能未知序列。46条功能已知EST中有30个为已报道铝胁迫相关基因,16个是新发现的铝胁迫相关基因。SSHcDNA文库提供的信息为阐明柱花草耐铝毒的分子机制提供了重要线索。  相似文献   

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