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Rebello, Celso M., Machiko Ikegami, M. Gore Ervin, Daniel H. Polk, and Alan H. Jobe. Postnatal lung function and protein permeability after fetal or maternal corticosteroids in preterm lambs.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 213-218, 1997.We evaluated postnatal lung function andintravascular albumin loss to tissues of 123-days-gestation pretermsurfactant-treated and ventilated lambs 15 h after direct fetal(n = 8) or maternal(n = 9) betamethasone treatment orsaline placebo (n = 9). Thebetamethasone-treated groups had similar increases in dynamiccompliances, ventilatory efficiency indexes, and lung volumes relativeto controls (P < 0.05). The lossesof 125I-labeled albumin fromblood, a marker of intravascular integrity, and the recoveries of125I-albumin in muscle and brainwere similar for control and betamethasone-exposed lambs.Betamethasone-treated lambs had lower recoveries of125I-albumin in lung tissues andin alveolar washes than did controls (P < 0.01). Although blood pressureswere higher for the treated groups (P < 0.05), all groups had similar blood volumes, cardiac outputs, andorgan blood flows. Maternal or fetal treatment with betamethasone 15 hbefore preterm delivery equivalently improved postnatal lung function,reduced albumin recoveries in lungs, and increased blood pressures.However, prenatal betamethasone had no effects on the systemicintravascular losses of albumin or did not change blood volumes.


Moss, T. J., M. G. Davey, G. J. McCrabb, and R. Harding.Development of ventilatory responsiveness to progressive hypoxia and hypercapnia in low-birth-weight lambs. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1555-1561, 1996.Our aim was todetermine the effects of low birth weight on ventilatory responses toprogressive hypoxia and hypercapnia during early postnatal life. Sevenlow-birth-weight (2.7 ± 0.3 kg) and five normal-birth-weight (4.8 ± 0.2 kg) lambs, all born at term, underwent weekly rebreathingtests during wakefulness while arterialPO2,PCO2, and pH were measured. Hypoxicventilatory responsiveness (HOVR; percent increase in ventilation whenarterial PO2 fell to 60% of resting values) increased in normal lambs from 86.6 ± 7.1% atweek 1 to 227.4 ± 24.9% atweek 6. In low-birth-weight lambs,HOVR was not significantly different at week1 (60.1 ± 18.7%) from that of normal lambs but didnot increase with postnatal age (56.6 ± 19.3% atweek 6). HOVR of all lambs at 6 wkwas significantly correlated with birth weight(r2 = 0.8).Hypercapnic ventilatory responsiveness (gradient of ventilation vs.arterial PCO2) did not change withage and was not significantly different between groups [84.7 ± 7.5 (low-birth-weight lambs) vs. 89.4 ± 6.6 ml · min1 · kg1 · mmHg1(normal lambs)]. We conclude that intrauterine conditions that impair fetal growth lead to the failure of HOVR to increase with age.


Recently, Wong et al. (Wong KA, Bano A, Rigaux A, Wang B, Bharadwaj B, Schurch S, Green F, Remmers JE, and Hasan SU, J Appl Physiol 85: 849-859, 1998) demonstrated that fetal lambs that have undergone vagal denervation prenatally do not establish adequate alveolar ventilation shortly after birth. In their study, however, vagal denervation was performed prenatally and the deleterious effects of vagal denervation on breathing patterns and gas exchange could have resulted from the prenatal actions of the neurotomy. To quantify the relative roles of pre- vs. postnatal vagal denervation on control of breathing, we studied 14 newborn lambs; 6 were sham operated, and 8 were vagally denervated below the origin of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Postoperatively, all denervated animals became hypoxemic and seven of eight succumbed to respiratory failure. In vagally denervated lambs, expiratory time increased, whereas respiratory rate, minute ventilation, and lung compliance decreased compared with the sham-operated animals. In the early postoperative period, the frequency of augmented breaths was lower but gradually increased over time in the denervated vs. sham-operated group. The dynamic functional residual capacity was significantly higher than the passive functional residual capacity among the sham-operated group compared with the denervated group. No significant differences were observed in the prevalence of various sleep states and in the amount of total phospholipids or large- and small-aggregate surfactants between the two groups. We provide new evidence indicating that intrauterine actions of denervation are not required to explain the effects of vagal denervation on postnatal survival. Our data suggest that vagal input is critical in the maintenance of normal breathing patterns, end-expiratory lung volume, and gas exchange during the early neonatal period.  相似文献   

Pulmonary blood flow distribution during partial liquid ventilation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Regionalpulmonary blood flow was investigated with radiolabeled microspheres infour supine lambs during the transition from conventional mechanicalventilation (CMV) to partial liquid ventilation (PLV) and withincremental dosing of perfluorocarbon liquid to a cumulative dose of 30 ml/kg. Four lambs supported with CMV served as controls.Formalin-fixed, air-dried lungs were sectioned according to a grid;activity was quantitated with a multichannel scintillation counter,corrected for weight, and normalized to mean flow. During CMV, flow inapical and hilar regions favored dependent lung(P < 0.001), with no gradient acrosstransverse planes from apex to diaphragm. During PLV the gradientwithin transverse planes found during CMV reversed, most notably in thehilar region, favoring nondependent lung(P = 0.03). Also during PLV, flow wasprofoundly reduced near the diaphragm(P < 0.001), and across transverse planes from apex to diaphragm a dose-augmented flow gradient developed favoring apical lung (P < 0.01). Weconclude that regional flow patterns during PLV partially reverse thosenoted during CMV and vary dramatically within the lung from apex todiaphragm.


Mateika, J. H., and R. F. Fregosi. Long-termfacilitation of upper airway muscle activities in vagotomized andvagally intact cats. J. Appl. Physiol.82(2): 419-425, 1997.The primary purpose of the presentinvestigation was to determine whether long-term facilitation (LTF) ofupper airway muscle activities occurs in vagotomized and vagally intactcats. Tidal volume and diaphragm, genioglossus, and nasal dilatormuscle activities were recorded before, during, and after one carotidsinus nerve was stimulated five times with 2-min trains of constantcurrent. Sixty minutes after stimulation, nasal dilator andgenioglossus muscle activities were significantly greater than controlin the vagotomized cats but not in the vagally intact cats. Tidalvolume recorded from the vagotomized and vagally intact cats wassignificantly greater than control during the poststimulation period.In contrast, diaphragm activities were not significantly elevated inthe poststimulation period in either group of animals. We conclude that1) LTF of genioglossus and nasaldilator muscle activities can be evoked in vagotomized cats;2) vagal mechanisms inhibit LTF inupper airway muscles; and 3) LTF canbe evoked in accessory inspiratory muscles because LTF of inspiredtidal volume was greater than LTF of diaphragm activity.


Wolfson, Marla R., Nancy E. Kechner, Robert F. Roache,Jean-Pierre DeChadarevian, Helena E. Friss, S. David Rubenstein, andThomas H. Shaffer. Perfluorochemical rescue after surfactant treatment: effect of perflubron dose and ventilatory frequency. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2): 624-640, 1998.To test the hypotheses that perfluorochemical (PFC) liquidrescue after natural surfactant (SF) treatment would improve pulmonaryfunction and histology and that this profile would be influenced by PFCdose or ventilator strategy, anesthetized preterm lambs(n = 31) with respiratory distresswere studied using nonpreoxygenated perflubron. All animals received SFat 1 h and were randomized at 2 h as follows and studied to 4 h postnatal age: 1) conventionalmechanical gas ventilation (n = 8),2) 30 ml/kg perflubron with gasventilation [partial liquid ventilation (PLV)] at 60 breaths/min (n = 8),3) 10 ml/kg perflubron with PLV at60 breaths/min (n = 7), and4) 10 ml/kg perflubron with PLV at30 breaths/min (n = 8). All animalstolerated instillation without additional cardiopulmonary instability.All perflubron-rescued groups demonstrated sustained improvement in gasexchange, respiratory compliance, and reduction in pressure requirements relative to animals receiving SF alone. Improvement wasdirectly related to perflubron dose and breathing frequency; peakinspiratory pressure required to achieve physiological gas exchange waslower in the higher-dose and -frequency groups, and mean airwaypressure was lower in the lower-frequency group. Lung expansion wasgreater and evidence of barotrauma was less in the higher-dose and-frequency group; regional differences in expansion were not differentas a function of dose but were greater in the lower-frequency group.Regional differences in lung perflubron content were reduced in thehigher-dose and -frequency groups and greatest in the lower-dose and-frequency group. The results suggest that, whereas PLV of theSF-treated lung improves gas exchange and lung mechanics, theprotective benefits of perflubron in the lung may depend on dose andventilator strategy to optimize PFC distribution and minimize exposureof the alveolar-capillary membrane to a gas-liquid interface.


Kianicka, Irenej, Véronique Diaz, Sylvain Renolleau,Emmanuel Canet, and Jean-Paul Praud. Laryngeal and abdominal muscle electrical activity during periodic breathing in nonsedated lambs. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2):669-675, 1998.We recently reported that glottic closure waspresent throughout central apneas in awake lambs. The present studytested whether glottic closure was also observed during periodicbreathing (PB). We attempted to induce PB in 21 nonsedated lambs onreturn from hypocapnic hypoxia to room air. Airflow and thyroarytenoid(a laryngeal constrictor, n = 16),cricothyroid (a laryngeal dilator, n = 10), and abdominal (n = 9) muscleelectrical activity (EMG) were monitored continuously. PB was observedin 16 lambs, with apneic phases in 8 lambs. Thyroarytenoid muscle EMGwas observed at the nadir of PB, either throughout apnea or withprolonged expiration during the lowest respiratory efforts. Phasicinspiratory cricothyroid muscle EMG and phasic expiratory abdominal EMGdisappeared at the nadir of PB. Active glottic closure at the nadir ofPB, without abdominal muscle contraction, could be a beneficialmechanism, preserving alveolar gas stores for continuing gas exchangeduring the apneic/hypopneic phase of PB. However, consequences ofactive glottic closure on ventilatory instability, either enhancing orreducing, are unknown.


Sukumar, Minakshi, Mahesh Bommaraju, John E. Fisher,Frederick C. Morin III, Michele C. Papo, Bradley P. Fuhrman, Lynn J. Hernan, and Corinne Lowe Leach. High-frequency partial liquidventilation in respiratory distress syndrome: hemodynamics and gasexchange. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1):327-334, 1998.Partial liquid ventilation using conventionalventilatory schemes improves lung function in animal models ofrespiratory failure. We examined the feasibility of high-frequencypartial liquid ventilation in the preterm lamb with respiratorydistress syndrome and evaluated its effect on pulmonary and systemichemodynamics. Seventeen lambs were studied in three groups:high-frequency gas ventilation (Gas group), high-frequency partialliquid ventilation (Liquid group), and high-frequency partial liquidventilation with hypoxia-hypercarbia (Liquid-Hypoxiagroup). High-frequency partial liquid ventilation increased oxygenation compared with high-frequency gas ventilation over5 h (arterial oxygen tension 253 ± 21.3 vs. 17 ± 1.8 Torr; P < 0.001).Pulmonary vascular resistance decreased 78%(P < 0.001), pulmonary blood flowincreased fivefold (P < 0.001), andaortic pressure was maintained (P < 0.01) in the Liquid group, in contrast to progressive hypoxemia,hypercarbia, and shock in the Gas group. Central venouspressure did not change. The Liquid-Hypoxia group was similar tothe Gas group. We conclude that high-frequency partial liquidventilation improves gas exchange and stabilizes pulmonary and systemichemodynamics compared with high-frequency gas ventilation. Thestabilization appears to be due in large part to improvement in gasexchange.


《Small Ruminant Research》2007,72(1-3):273-279
The Muzaffarnagari sheep, a mutton-producing breed of India, is generally known for its fast growth rate and high feed conversion efficiency. The study identified the causes of perinatal and postnatal deaths and factors contributing to the cause of mortalities in lambs. Data were recorded for 4628 lambs born to Muzaffarnagari ewes in single-sire matings from 165 rams, between 1978 and 2002. The least-squares means for overall lamb mortality from birth to 1 year of age in the flock was 12.6% (582/4628), while the overall pre- and post-weaning mortality rate averaged 6.6% and 6.0%, respectively. The mortality rate of the lambs declined as the lambs grew older. The major causes associated with lamb losses were pneumonia (31.4%), digestive disorders (14.6%), starvation (9.6%), endoparasitism (5.0%), septicaemia and toxaemia (10.1%), accidental (2.1%) and undetermined causes (27.2%), respectively. The main causes of early lamb mortality (within 15 days of birth) were pneumonia followed by starvation. The highest lamb mortalities occurred within the first 15 days of life. The year of birth of the lamb significantly affected (P < 0.01) the cumulative lamb mortality rate at all ages. The sire of the lamb also had a significant (P < 0.01) effect on lamb mortality rate at all ages. Lambs reared under an intensive feeding management system had a remarkably (P < 0.01) lower mortality rate than lambs maintained under a semi-intensive management system, at 3 months of age and later. The lamb losses were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in ram lambs than in females during the post-weaning stages. The linear regressions of lamb birth weight and dam weight at lambing were highly significant (P < 0.01) with lamb mortality rate during pre- and post-weaning stages. Logistic regression analyses revealed lambs maintained under a semi-intensive system, to be at a greater risk of dying from all ailments than lambs maintained under intensive feeding systems. Male lambs had greater risk of death from respiratory, digestive and other causes, compared to their female counterparts. The findings of this study revealed causes of pre-weaning lamb mortalities to be mainly due to a low birth weight and non-parasitic diseases (predominantly pneumonia). These factors must be considered in any lamb production system.  相似文献   

Undernutrition restricted to the time around conception in sheep alters endocrine and metabolic responses in the offspring. Studies in rats suggest that such an early insult can also alter the behaviour of the offspring. We studied the effects of mild maternal periconceptional undernutrition (10–15% body weight reduction) on the lamb's response to separation from and reunion with the mother, and on the ewe–lamb bond, evaluated as the preference for each other over an alien ewe/lamb in a test enclosure, at 24 h, 1 and 4 weeks of age. Lamb birth weight was not affected by maternal nutrition. Maternal periconceptional undernutrition did not affect the lambs’ responses to separation and reunion (number of vocalisations, times to leave pen and achieve proximity with ewes) or the bond between ewes and lambs (percentage of time spent near their own dam/lamb). However, there were effects of sex, litter size and time on lambs’ responses to separation and reunion and on the ewe–lamb bond. Female lambs vocalised more during separation (P ≤ 0.01) and left the holding pen faster than males (P ≤ 0.05), and twins vocalised more than singletons (P ≤ 0.05). The time to leave the holding pen, achieve proximity with the ewes and number of vocalisations decreased with increasing postnatal age of the lamb (all P ≤ 0.001). Ewes showed a stronger preference for the lamb at 24 h and 1 week than at 4 weeks postpartum (P ≤ 0.001), whereas lambs followed an opposite trend, showing a lower preference for the mother at 24 h and 1 week and increased preference at 4 weeks of age (P ≤ 0.001). We conclude that periconceptional undernutrition does not affect offspring response to separation from the mother or the bond between ewes and lambs, but that these behaviours are affected by sex and litter size for up to 4 weeks after birth.  相似文献   

Metabolic effects of low cortisol during exercise in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This studyexamined the physiological effect of reduced plasma cortisol (C) duringprolonged exercise in humans. The effects of normal C (NC) werecompared with metyrapone-induced low C (LC) on plasma substrateavailability and the respiratory exchange ratio during 2 h of exerciseat ~60% peak O2 consumption innine subjects. The C responses were compared with preexercise (Pre) levels and with a rest day (Con). At rest, C was attenuated by ~70%for LC compared with NC. At rest, plasma glucose, lactate, glycerol,-hydroxybutyrate, alanine, branched-chain amino acids, insulin,glucagon, growth hormone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine were similarunder LC and NC (P > 0.05). Duringexercise under NC, plasma C increased compared with Pre, whereas itremained unchanged during LC. During NC, plasma C was elevated at 90 min (compared with Con) and at 120 min (compared with Con and Pre). During exercise, plasma glucose decreased to the same extent and lactate was similar under both conditions, whereas plasma glycerol, -hydroxybutyrate, alanine, and branched-chain amino acids were higher (P < 0.01) under NC. Plasmainsulin declined (P = 0.01) to agreater extent under LC, whereas growth hormone, epinephrine, andnorepinephrine tended to be higher (0.05  P  0.10). Plasma glucagon increasedunder both conditions (P < 0.01).The respiratory exchange ratio did not differ between conditions. Weconclude that, during exercise, 1) Caccelerates lipolysis, ketogenesis, and proteolysis;2) under LC, glucoregulatory hormoneadjustments maintain glucose homeostasis; and3) LC does not alter whole body substrate utilization or the ability to complete 2 h of moderate exercise.


It haspreviously been reported that active glottic adduction is presentduring prolonged apneas but absent during periods of breathingmovements in fetal lambs in utero. The present study was aimed atexamining the precise coordination between fetal breathing movements[diaphragm electromyographic (EMG) activity (Di EMG)] andglottic adduction [thyroarytenoid muscle EMG activity (TAEMG)]. Electrodes for electroencephalogram, eye movements, TAEMG, and Di EMG and an arterial catheter were surgically implanted infetal lambs 123-142 days postconception. Polygraphic recordings were performed without sedation while the ewe breathed room air (n = 11) or various gas mixtures(hypoxia, n = 5; hyperoxia,n = 4; hypercapnia,n = 5; hypercapnia+hyperoxia,n = 5). Tonic TA EMG was observedthroughout >90% of apneas (>6 s) in both non-rapid-eye-movement and rapid-eye-movement sleep, and when Di EMG frequency decreased inrapid-eye-movement sleep. In all but two fetuses, TA EMG was immediately inhibited when Di EMG appeared. Altering blood gases did not modify these results. In conclusion, Di EMG and TAEMG are well coordinated in late gestation in fetal lambs,except in a few cases. These findings may have consequencesfor understanding the pathogenesis of mixed/obstructiveapneas of prematurity.


《Small Ruminant Research》2007,69(3):336-339
The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of two production systems (spring and winter), sex and birth type on growth performance in Norduz lambs. Data were collected using 103 and 140 lambs born during the winter and spring, respectively. Lambs born in the winter were heavier (P < 0.01) than those born in the spring at birth, 90 and 180 days of age by 0.5, 1.6 and 1.7 kg, respectively. Ram lambs were heavier (P < 0.01) than ewe lambs at birth, 90 and 180 days of age by 0.5, 1.0 and 2.3 kg, respectively, while lambs born as singles were heavier (P < 0.01) than lambs born as twins at birth, 90 and 180 days of age by 0.9, 1.6 and 2.3 kg, respectively. Lambs born in the winter recorded a higher (P < 0.01) pre-weaning ADG (15 g/day) than spring-born lambs, while ram lambs recorded a higher (P < 0.01) pre-weaning ADG (11 g/day) than ewe lambs. The effect of birth type was not significant on pre-weaning ADG. The influence of lambing season and sex were also not significant on post-weaning ADG. Lambs born as singles recorded a higher (P < 0.01) post-weaning ADG (16 g/day) than lambs born as twins. Results suggest the winter season to give rise to heavier lambs at weaning and post-weaning and suggest lambs born in different seasons to have distinctly different growth patterns. The data also confirm that the influence of sex and type of birth on growth to be very important and to be take into account sheep production.  相似文献   

Smith, Francine G., Suzanne Chan, and Saskia N. De Wildt.Effects of renal denervation on cardiovascular and renal responsesto ACE inhibition in conscious lambs. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(2): 414-419, 1997.Cardiovascular andrenal effects of either the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorcaptopril or vehicle were measured in chronically instrumented lambs inthe presence (intact; n = 6) andabsence of renal sympathetic nerves (denervated; n = 5) to determine whether there wasan interaction between the renin-angiotensin system and renalsympathetic nerves early in life. Captopril caused a similar decreasein mean arterial pressure (P < 0.001) in intact and denervated lambs, predominantly through a decreasein diastolic pressure. Heart rate was increased from 177 ± 34 to213 ± 22 (SD) beats/min during captopril compared with vehicleinfusion in intact lambs. In denervated lambs, basal heart rates wereelevated to 218 ± 33 beats/min; there was no further increase inheart rate during captopril compared with vehicle infusion. Captoprilinfusion caused a decrease in renal vascular resistance but only in theabsence of renal nerves. These findings provide evidence to suggestthat early in life there is an interaction between renal sympatheticnerves and the renin-angiotensin system in regulating renalhemodynamics and the baroreflex control of the heart.


Charan, Nirmal B., and Paula Carvalho. Angiogenesis inbronchial circulatory system after unilateral pulmonary artery obstruction. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1):284-291, 1997.We studied the effects of left pulmonary artery(LPA) ligation on the bronchial circulatory system (BCS) by using asheep model. LPA was ligated in the newborn lambs soon after birth(n = 8), and when the sheep were ~3yr of age anatomic studies revealed marked angiogenesis in BCS.Bronchial blood flow and cardiac output were studied by placing flowprobes around the bronchial and pulmonary arteries in four adult sheep.After LPA ligation, bronchial blood flow increased from 35 ± 6 to134 ± 42 ml/min in ~3 wk (P < 0.05). We also studied gas-exchange functions of BCS ~3 yr after the ligation of LPA in newborn lambs (n = 4) and used a control group (n = 12)in which LPA was ligated acutely. In the left lung,O2 uptake after acute ligation was16 ± 3 ml/min and was similar to the chronic model, whereasCO2 output in the control group was 27 ± 3 ml/min compared with 79 ± 12 ml/min in the chronic preparation (P < 0.05).We conclude that LPA ligation causes marked angiogenesis in BCS that iscapable of performing some gas-exchange functions.


To study whethersucrose administration acts on lipid mobilization during prolongedexercise, we used subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue microdialysisin eight well-trained subjects submitted at random to two 100-minexercises (50% maximal aerobic power) on separate days. After 50 minof exercise, the subjects ingested either a sucrose solution (0.75 g/kgbody wt) or water. By using a microdialysis probe, dialysate wasobtained every 10 min from the subjects at rest, during exercise, andduring a 30-min recovery period. During exercise without sucrose,plasma and dialysate glycerol increased significantly. With sucrose,the response was significantly lower for dialysate glycerol(P < 0.05). Plasma free fatty acidlevel was lower after sucrose than after water ingestion(P < 0.05). With water ingestion,plasma catecholamines increased significantly, whereas insulin fell(P < 0.05). With sucrose ingestion,the epinephrine response was blunted, whereas the insulin level wassignificantly increased. In conclusion, the use of adipose tissuemicrodialysis directly supports a lower lipid mobilization duringexercise when sucrose is supplied, which confirms that the availabilityof carbohydrate influences lipid mobilization.


After baseline measurements of lung mechanics,effective air space diameter (EAD), and aerosol dispersion (AD), threedogs were exposed to two treatments of aerosolized papain (3 ml of a4% solution), and measurements were repeated during a 28-wk follow-upperiod. EAD and AD were measured with boluses of 0.7-µm particles ofdi-2-ethylhexl sebacate, with Pen (i.e., volumetric boluspenetration/total lung capacity) between 0.1 and 0.4. After papainexposure, EAD increased a mean of 28%(P < 0.0001) and AD (Pen = 0.3, 0.4)increased 4-7% (P < 0.03). Theprogression of injury was indicated by increasing trends in total lungcapacity (P < 0.05), residual volume(P < 0.05), and EAD(P = 0.06) through week 18. There was no evidence ofdisease progression between weeks 18 and 28, whereas some of the data forindividual dogs suggested partial recovery from lung injury atweek 28. The results show that aerosolprobes can detect and characterize mild lung injury in experimental emphysema.  相似文献   

Wada, Kazuko, Alan H. Jobe, and Machiko Ikegami. Tidalvolume effects on surfactant treatment responses with the initiation ofventilation in preterm lambs. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(4): 1054-1061, 1997.We hypothesizedthat initiation of ventilation in preterm lambs with high volumes wouldcause lung injury and decrease the subsequent response to surfactanttreatment. Preterm lambs were randomized to ventilation for 30 minafter birth with 5 ml/kg (VT5),10 ml/kg (VT10), or 20 ml/kg(VT20) tidal volumes and then ventilated with ~10 ml/kg tidal volumes to achieve arterialPCO2 values of ~50 Torr to 6 h ofage. VT20 lambs had lowercompliances, lower ventilatory efficiencies, higher recoveries ofprotein, and lower recoveries of surfactant in alveolar lavages and in surfactant that had decreased compliances when tested in preterm rabbits than VT5 orVT10 lambs. Other lambsrandomized to treatment with surfactant at birth and ventilation with6, 12, or 20 ml/kg tidal volumes for 30 min had no indicators of lunginjury. An initial tidal volume of 20 ml/kg decreased the subsequentresponse to surfactant treatment, an effect that was prevented withsurfactant treatment at birth.


We wished to determine whether the increased ACTH duringprolonged exercise was associated with changes in peripheralcorticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and/or argininevasopressin (AVP). Six male triathletes were studied during exercise: 1 h at 70% maximal oxygen consumption, followed by progressivelyincreasing work rates until exhaustion. Data obtained during theexercise session were compared with a nonexercise control session.Venous blood was sampled over a 2-h period for cortisol, ACTH, CRH,AVP, renin, glucose, and plasma osmolality. There were significantincreases by ANOVA on log-transformed data in plasma cortisol(P = 0.002), ACTH(P < 0.001), CRH(P < 0.001), and AVP(P < 0.03) during exercise comparedwith the control day. A variable increase in AVP was observed after the period of high-intensity exercise. Plasma osmolality rose with exercise(P < 0.001) and was related toplasma AVP during submaximal exercise(P < 0.03) but not with theinclusion of data that followed the high-intensity exercise. Thisindicated an additional stimulus to the secretion of AVP. The mechanismby which ACTH secretion occurs during exercise involves both CRH andAVP. We hypothesize that high-intensity exercise favors AVP release andthat prolonged duration favors CRH release.


《Small Ruminant Research》2010,91(1-3):58-63
A 3-year longitudinal study was conducted to evaluate the effects of strategic anthelmintic dosing on communally grazed village sheep in Gera Keya district in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Ewes were stratified by weight and randomly allocated to three treatment groups: untreated control (TG1), twice-dosed per year (TG2; for both nematodes and trematodes in mid-January and mid-June) and four-time-dosed per year (TG3; in June for nematodes, in August–September for nematodes and adult Fasciola, in November–December and January–February for immature liver flukes). The fixed effect of treatment, lamb sex, dam parity, season and year of birth on mortality from birth to 90, 180, 270 and 365 days was analyzed. Least square means of lamb mortality from birth to 90, 180, 270 and 365 days were 11.3, 16.8, 18.0 and 19.5%, respectively. Anthelmintic treatment had significant effect (P < 0.05) on mortality of lambs at all ages: lambs in TG3 had consistently higher mortality than lambs in TG2. The lambs in TG3 were worse in terms of survival from birth to 180 days even when compared with the control group (TG1). Mortality rate in male lambs was twice as high compared to their female contemporaries at all ages (P < 0.001). Season of birth had significant (P < 0.01) effect on lamb mortality at all ages. Lambs born during rainy season had the lowest mortality in the first 6 months (0–90 and 0–180 days) of age than those born during short rainy or dry seasons. Instead of frequent mass drenching, discriminatory drenching on a case-by-case basis should be considered to improve lamb survival.  相似文献   

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