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Pressure-flow relationships in the ventilated lung have not been previously determined in undelivered fetal sheep. Therefore we studied 11 late-gestation chronically prepared fetal sheep during positive-pressure ventilation with different gas mixtures to determine the roles of mechanical distension and blood gas tensions on pressure-flow relationships in the lung. Ventilation with 3% O2-7% CO2 produced a substantial fall in pulmonary vascular resistance even though arterial blood gases were not changed. Increases in pulmonary arterial PO2 during ventilation were associated with falls in pulmonary vascular resistance beyond that measured during mechanical distension. Decreases in pulmonary arterial PCO2 and associated increases in pH were also associated with falls in pulmonary vascular resistance. Pulmonary blood flow ceased at a pulmonary arterial pressure that exceeded left atrial pressure, indicating that left atrial pressure does not represent the true downstream component of driving pressure through the pulmonary vascular bed. The slope of the driving pressure-flow relationship in the normal mature fetal lamb was therefore different from the ratio of pulmonary arterial pressure to pulmonary arterial flow. We conclude that mechanical ventilation, increased PO2 and decreased PCO2, and/or increased pH has an important influence on the fall in pulmonary vascular resistance elicited by positive pressure in utero ventilation of the fetal lamb and that the downstream driving pressure for pulmonary blood flow exceeds left atrial pressure.  相似文献   

Importance of vagal afferents in determining ventilation in newborn rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We studied the effect of acute bilateral vagotomy on ventilation and ventilatory pattern in rats. In 1- to 6-day-old unanesthetized rats, vagotomy resulted in a substantial decrease (38%) in ventilation during air breathing. After vagotomy there was a threefold increase in tidal volume (VT), inspiratory time (TI) doubled, and expiratory time (TE) was six times longer. When studied under isoflurane anesthesia, newborn rats showed decreases in ventilation similar to that observed without anesthesia, whereas anesthetized adult rats had no consistent changes in ventilation. Adult and newborn rats had nearly identical proportionate increases in VT and TI after vagotomy, but TE lengthened to a greater extent in the newborns. Additionally, we demonstrated a significant decrease in ventilation when 100% O2 rather than air was supplied to nonvagotomized unanesthetized newborn rats. Ventilation decreased by 19% after vagotomy under hyperoxic conditions. We conclude that vagal afferent input, probably of pulmonary mechanoreceptor origin, provides positive feedback to respiration in newborn rats and that newborn rats greater than 24 h old also have a degree of peripheral chemoreceptor drive during air breathing.  相似文献   

Recently, Wong et al. (Wong KA, Bano A, Rigaux A, Wang B, Bharadwaj B, Schurch S, Green F, Remmers JE, and Hasan SU, J Appl Physiol 85: 849-859, 1998) demonstrated that fetal lambs that have undergone vagal denervation prenatally do not establish adequate alveolar ventilation shortly after birth. In their study, however, vagal denervation was performed prenatally and the deleterious effects of vagal denervation on breathing patterns and gas exchange could have resulted from the prenatal actions of the neurotomy. To quantify the relative roles of pre- vs. postnatal vagal denervation on control of breathing, we studied 14 newborn lambs; 6 were sham operated, and 8 were vagally denervated below the origin of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Postoperatively, all denervated animals became hypoxemic and seven of eight succumbed to respiratory failure. In vagally denervated lambs, expiratory time increased, whereas respiratory rate, minute ventilation, and lung compliance decreased compared with the sham-operated animals. In the early postoperative period, the frequency of augmented breaths was lower but gradually increased over time in the denervated vs. sham-operated group. The dynamic functional residual capacity was significantly higher than the passive functional residual capacity among the sham-operated group compared with the denervated group. No significant differences were observed in the prevalence of various sleep states and in the amount of total phospholipids or large- and small-aggregate surfactants between the two groups. We provide new evidence indicating that intrauterine actions of denervation are not required to explain the effects of vagal denervation on postnatal survival. Our data suggest that vagal input is critical in the maintenance of normal breathing patterns, end-expiratory lung volume, and gas exchange during the early neonatal period.  相似文献   

Three main events characterize the development of the proximal-distal axis of the Drosophila wing disc: first, generation of nested circular domains defined by different combinations of gene expression; second, activation of wingless (wg) gene expression in a ring of cells; and third, an increase of cell number in each domain in response to Wg. The mechanisms by which these domains of gene expression are established and maintained are unknown. We have analyzed the role of the gene zinc finger homeodomain 2 (zfh2). We report that in discs lacking zfh2 the limits of the expression domains of the genes tsh, nub, rn, dve and nab coincide, and expression of wg in the wing hinge, is lost. We show that zfh2 expression is delimited distally by Vg, Nub and Dpp signalling, and proximally by Tsh and Dpp. Distal repression of zfh2 permits activation of nab in the wing blade and wg in the wing hinge. We suggest that the proximal-most wing fate, the hinge, is specified first and that later repression of zfh2 permits specification of the distal-most fate, the wing blade. We propose that proximal-distal axis development is achieved by a combination of two strategies: on one hand a process involving proximal to distal specification, with the wing hinge specified first followed later by the distal wing blade; on the other hand, early specification of the proximal-distal domains by different combinations of gene expression. The results we present here indicate that Zfh2 plays a critical role in both processes.  相似文献   

The mechanical derangements in the acutely injured lung have long been ascribed, in large part, to altered mechanical function at the alveolar level. This has not been directly demonstrated, however, so we investigated the issue in a rat model of overinflation injury. After thoracotomy, rats were mechanically ventilated with either 1) high tidal volume (Vt) or 2) low Vt with periodic deep inflations (DIs). Forced oscillations were used to measure pulmonary impedance every minute, from which elastance (H) and hysteresivity (eta) were derived. Subpleural alveoli were imaged every 15 min using in vivo video microscopy. Cross-sectional areas of individual alveoli were measured at peak inspiration and end exhalation, and the percent change was used as an index of alveolar instability (%I-EDelta). Low Vt never led to an increase in %I-EDelta but did result in progressive atelectasis that coincided with an increase in H but not eta. DI reversed atelectasis due to low Vt, returning H to baseline. %I-EDelta, H, and eta all began to rise by 30 min of high Vt and were not reduced by DI. We conclude that simultaneous increases in both H and eta are reflective of lung injury in the form of alveolar instability, whereas an isolated and reversible increase in H during low Vt reflects merely derecruitment of alveoli.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2023,30(8):1028-1042.e7
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Tropomodulins are a family of proteins that cap the slow-growing end of actin filaments. Erythrocyte tropomodulin (E-Tmod) stabilizes short actin protofilaments in erythrocytes and caps longer sarcomeric actin filaments in striated muscles. We report the knockin of the beta-galactosidase gene (LacZ) under the control of the endogenous E-Tmod promoter and the knockout of E-Tmod in mouse embryonic stem cells. E-Tmod(-/-) embryos die around embryonic day 10 and exhibit a noncontractile heart tube with disorganized myofibrils and underdevelopment of the right ventricle, accumulation of mechanically weakened primitive erythroid cells in the yolk sac, and failure of primary capillary plexuses to remodel into vitelline vessels, all required to establish blood circulation between the yolk sac and the embryo proper. We propose a hemodynamic "plexus channel selection" mechanism as the basis for vitelline vascular remodeling. The defects in cardiac contractility, vitelline circulation, and hematopoiesis reflect an essential role for E-Tmod capping of the actin filaments in both assembly of cardiac sarcomeres and of the membrane skeleton in erythroid cells that is not compensated for by other proteins.  相似文献   

Wnt signals control cell fate decisions and orchestrate cell behavior in metazoan animals. In the fruit fly Drosophila, embryos defective in signaling mediated by the Wnt protein Wingless (Wg) exhibit severe segmentation defects. The Drosophila segment polarity gene naked cuticle (nkd) encodes an EF hand protein that regulates early Wg activity by acting as an inducible antagonist. Nkd antagonizes Wg via a direct interaction with the Wnt signaling component Dishevelled (Dsh). Here we describe two mouse and human proteins, Nkd1 and Nkd2, related to fly Nkd. The most conserved region among the fly and vertebrate proteins, the EFX domain, includes the putative EF hand and flanking sequences. EFX corresponds to a minimal domain required for fly or vertebrate Nkd to interact with the basic/PDZ domains of fly Dsh or vertebrate Dvl proteins in the yeast two-hybrid assay. During mouse development, nkd1 and nkd2 are expressed in multiple tissues in partially overlapping, gradient-like patterns, some of which correlate with known patterns of Wnt activity. Mouse Nkd1 can block Wnt1-mediated, but not beta-catenin-mediated, activation of a Wnt-dependent reporter construct in mammalian cell culture. Misexpression of mouse nkd1 in Drosophila antagonizes Wg function. The data suggest that the vertebrate Nkd-related proteins, similar to their fly counterpart, may act as inducible antagonists of Wnt signals.  相似文献   

Vagal, nonadrenergic inhibitory system (NAIS) innervation to airway smooth muscle has been demonstrated in adults of several species, including humans. However, the functional status of this system in newborns is not known. The NAIS of intestinal smooth muscle has been demonstrated in newborns and develops in parallel with cholinergic innervation (14). Since the lung is derived embryologically from the foregut and cholinergic innervation is operative at birth, we tested the hypothesis that NAIS innervation to the airways is functional in newborn cats. Nineteen cats (2-11 days of age) were anesthetized with chloralose-urethan, and a tracheal cannula was inserted. The chest was opened and the animals were mechanically ventilated. The cervical vagus nerves were separated from the sympathetics, cut, and placed on stimulating electrodes. Mean inspiratory resistance (RL, I) and dynamic compliance (Cdyn, L) were measured on a breath-by-breath basis. Atropine and propranolol were administered (2 mg/kg iv) to block cholinergic and adrenergic pathways, respectively. Subsequently, serotonin infusion was used to increase RL, I approximately 150%. Stimulation (10 s) at frequencies ranging from 2 to 20/s caused a slow-onset (30 s to peak) long-lasting decrease in RL, I and a much smaller increase in Cdyn, L. The magnitude and duration of the bronchodilation increased with stimulus frequency to a plateau at approximately 15/s. At a stimulus frequency of 2/s, RL, I decreased 11 +/- 1.9 vs 36 +/- 4.8% (SE) at 20/s, whereas Cdyn, L increased 2 +/- 1.1 vs. 6 +/- 1.7%, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The establishment of trophectoderm (TE) manifests as the formation of epithelium, and is dependent on many structural and regulatory components that are commonly found and function in many epithelial tissues. However, the mechanism of TE formation is currently not well understood. Prickle1 (Pk1), a core component of the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, is essential for epiblast polarization before gastrulation, yet the roles of Pk family members in early mouse embryogenesis are obscure. Here we found that Pk2(-/-) embryos died at E3.0-3.5 without forming the blastocyst cavity and not maintained epithelial integrity of TE. These phenotypes were due to loss of the apical-basal (AB) polarity that underlies the asymmetric redistribution of microtubule networks and proper accumulation of AB polarity components on each membrane during compaction. In addition, we found GTP-bound active form of nuclear RhoA was decreased in Pk2(-/-) embryos during compaction. We further show that the first cell fate decision was disrupted in Pk2(-/-) embryos. Interestingly, Pk2 localized to the nucleus from the 2-cell to around the 16-cell stage despite its cytoplasmic function previously reported. Inhibiting farnesylation blocked Pk2's nuclear localization and disrupted AB cell polarity, suggesting that Pk2 farnesylation is essential for its nuclear localization and function. The cell polarity phenotype was efficiently rescued by nuclear but not cytoplasmic Pk2, demonstrating the nuclear localization of Pk2 is critical for its function.  相似文献   

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