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The human beta-secretase, BACE, plays a key role in the generation of pathogenic amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) in Alzheimer's disease and has been identified as an ideal target for therapy. Previous studies reported the monitoring of BACE activity in vitro utilizing chemical synthesized sensors. Here we describe the first genetically encoded FRET probe that can detect BACE activity in vivo. The FRET probe was constructed with the BACE substrate site (BSS) and two mutated green fluorescent proteins. In living cell, the FRET probe was directed to the secretory pathway and anchored on the cell surface to measure BACE enzymatic activity. The results show that the FRET probe can be cleaved by BACE effectively in vivo, suggesting that the probe can be used for real-time monitoring of BACE activity. This assay provides a novel platform for BACE inhibitor screening in vivo.  相似文献   

Genetically encoded FRET (Foerster resonance energy transfer) sensors are exciting tools in modern cell biology. Changes in the conformation of a sensor lead to an altered emission ratio and provide the means to determine both temporal and spatial changes in target molecules, as well as the activity of enzymes. FRET sensors are widely used to follow phosphorylation events and to monitor the effects of elevated calcium levels. Here, we report for the first time, to our knowledge, on the analysis of the conformational changes involved in sensor function at low resolution using a combination of in vitro and in cellulo FRET measurements and small-angle scattering of x rays (SAXS). The large and dynamic structural rearrangements involved in the modification of the calcium- and phosphorylation-sensitive probe CYNEX4 are comprehensively characterized. It is demonstrated that the synergistic use of SAXS and FRET methods allows one to resolve the ambiguities arising due to the rotation of the sensor molecules and the flexibility of the probe.  相似文献   

Zinc(II) ions (Zn2+) play an essential role in living systems, with their delicate concentration balance differing among the various intracellular organelles. The spatiotemporal distribution and homeostasis of Zn2+ can be monitored through photoluminescence imaging using zinc sensors. Among such biosensors, genetically encoded fluorescent sensor proteins are attractive tools owing to their subcellular localization advantage and high biocompatibility. However, the limited fluorescent properties of these proteins, such as their insufficient quantum yield and dynamic range, restrict their practical use. In this study, we developed an expression–screening–directed evolution system and used it to improve ZapCY1, a genetically encoded fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) sensor. After four rounds of directed evolution, the FRET dynamic range of the modified sensor (designated ZapTV-EH) was increased by 1.5–1.7-fold. With its enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and ability to detect a wide Zn2+ concentration range, ZapTV-EH proves to be a better visualization tool for monitoring Zn2+ at the subcellular level. Combined with the simplified subcloning and expression steps and sufficient mutant libraries, this directed evolution system may provide a more simple and efficient way to develop and optimize genetically encoded FRET sensors through high-throughput screening.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine protein kinase D (PKD) is recruited to the trans-Golgi-network (TGN) by interaction with diacylglycerol (DAG) and Arf1 and promotes the fission of vesicles containing cargo destined for the plasma membrane. PKD activation is mediated by PKC(-induced phosphorylation. However, signaling pathways that activate PKD specifically at the TGN are only poorly characterized. Recently we created G-PKDrep, a genetically encoded fluorescent reporter for PKD activity at the TGN in fixed cells. To establish a reporter useful for monitoring Golgi-specific PKD activity in living cells we now refined G-PKDrep to generate G-PKDrep-live. Specifically, phosphorylation of G-PKDrep-live expressed in mammalian cells results in changes of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), and allows for indirect imaging of PKD activity. In a proof-of-principle experiment using phorbolester treatment, we demonstrate the reporter's capability to track rapid activation of PKD at the TGN. Furthermore, activation-induced FRET changes are reversed by treatment with PKD-specific pharmacological inhibitors. Thus, the newly developed reporter G-PKDrep-live is a suitable tool to visualize dynamic changes in PKD activity at the TGN in living cells. See accompanying commentary by Gautam DOI: 10.1002/biot.201100424.  相似文献   

Genetically encoded fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) indicators are powerful tools for real-time detection of second messenger molecules and activation of signal proteins. However, these fluorescent protein-based sensors typically display marginal FRET efficiency. To improve their FRET efficiency for optical imaging and screening, we developed a number of fluorescent protein mutants based on cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). To improve FRET ratios, which were initially within a narrow dynamic range, we used DNA shuffling to develop a new FRET pair called 3xCFP/Venus. The optimized 3xCFP/Venus pair exhibited higher FRET ratios than CyPet/YPet, which has one of the greatest dynamic ranges of protein-based FRET pairs. We converted this FRET pair to a Ca2+ FRET indicators using circular permutation Venus (cpVenus) linked with 3xCFP to form 3xCFP/cpVenus, which displayed an ∼11-fold change in dynamic range in response to Ca2+ binding. The enhanced dynamic range for Ca2+ concentration detection using 3xCFP/cpVenus was confirmed in PC12 cells using previously established indicators (TN-XXL, ECFP/cpCitrine). To our knowledge, this FRET pair displays the largest dynamic range so far among genetically-encoded sensors, and can be used for sensitive FRET detection.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP controls several signalling cascades within cells, and changes in the amounts of this second messenger have an essential role in many cellular events. Here we describe a new methodology for monitoring the fluctuations of cAMP in living cells. By tagging the cAMP effector protein kinase A with two suitable green fluorescent protein mutants, we have generated a probe in which the fluorescence resonance energy transfer between the two fluorescent moieties is dependent on the levels of cAMP. This new methodology opens the way to the elucidation of the biochemistry of cAMP in vivo.  相似文献   

Glutamine plays a central role in the metabolism of critical biological molecules such as amino acids, proteins, neurotransmitters, and glutathione. Since glutamine metabolism is regulated through multiple enzymes and transporters, the cellular glutamine concentration is expected to be temporally dynamic. Moreover, differentiation in glutamine metabolism between cell types in the same tissue (e.g. neuronal and glial cells) is often crucial for the proper function of the tissue as a whole, yet assessing cell-type specific activities of transporters and enzymes in such heterogenic tissue by physical fractionation is extremely challenging. Therefore, a method of reporting glutamine dynamics at the cellular level is highly desirable. Genetically encoded sensors can be targeted to a specific cell type, hence addressing this knowledge gap. Here we report the development of F?ster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) glutamine sensors based on improved cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins, monomeric Teal Fluorescent Protein (mTFP)1 and venus. These sensors were found to be specific to glutamine, and stable to pH-changes within a physiological range. Using cos7 cells expressing the human glutamine transporter ASCT2 as a model, we demonstrate that the properties of the glutamine transporter can easily be analyzed with these sensors. The range of glutamine concentration change in a given cell can also be estimated using sensors with different affinities. Moreover, the mTFP1-venus FRET pair can be duplexed with another FRET pair, mAmetrine and tdTomato, opening up the possibility for real-time imaging of another molecule. These novel glutamine sensors will be useful tools to analyze specificities of glutamine metabolism at the single-cell level.  相似文献   

A new family of genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs) has been developed based on intermolecular Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). To test the hypothesis that the GEVI ArcLight functions via interactions between the fluorescent protein (FP) domains of neighboring probes, the FP of ArcLight was replaced with either a FRET donor or acceptor FP. We discovered relatively large FRET signals only when cells were cotransfected with both the FRET donor and acceptor GEVIs. Using a cyan fluorescent protein donor and an RFP acceptor, we were able to observe a voltage-dependent signal with an emission peak separated by over 200 nm from the excitation wavelength. The intermolecular FRET strategy also works for rhodopsin-based probes, potentially improving their flexibility as well. Separating the FRET pair into two distinct proteins has important advantages over intramolecular FRET constructs. The signals are larger because the voltage-induced conformational change moves two FPs independently. The expression of the FRET donor and acceptor can also be restricted independently, enabling greater cell type specificity as well as refined subcellular voltage reporting.  相似文献   

Genetically encoded fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) indicators are powerful tools for real-time detection of second messenger molecules and activation of signal proteins. However, these fluorescent protein-based sensors typically display marginal FRET efficiency. To improve their FRET efficiency for optical imaging and screening, we developed a number of fluorescent protein mutants based on cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). To improve FRET ratios, which were initially within a narrow dynamic range, we used DNA shuffling to develop a new FRET pair called 3xCFP/Venus. The optimized 3xCFP/Venus pair exhibited higher FRET ratios than CyPet/YPet, which has one of the greatest dynamic ranges of protein-based FRET pairs. We converted this FRET pair to a Ca(2+) FRET indicators using circular permutation Venus (cpVenus) linked with 3xCFP to form 3xCFP/cpVenus, which displayed an ~11-fold change in dynamic range in response to Ca(2+) binding. The enhanced dynamic range for Ca(2+) concentration detection using 3xCFP/cpVenus was confirmed in PC12 cells using previously established indicators (TN-XXL, ECFP/cpCitrine). To our knowledge, this FRET pair displays the largest dynamic range so far among genetically-encoded sensors, and can be used for sensitive FRET detection.  相似文献   

Imaging molecular interactions in living cells by FRET microscopy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is applied extensively in all fields of biological research and technology, generally as a 'nanoruler' with a dynamic range corresponding to the intramolecular and intermolecular distances characterizing the molecular structures that regulate cellular function. The complex underlying network of interactions reflects elementary reactions operating under strict spatio-temporal control: binding, conformational transition, covalent modification and transport. FRET imaging provides information about all these molecular processes with high specificity and sensitivity via probes expressed by or introduced from the external medium into the cell, tissue or organism. Current approaches and developments in the field are discussed with emphasis on formalism, probes and technical implementation.  相似文献   

In this study, the applicability of fluorescently labeled adenosine analogue-oligoarginine conjugates (ARC-Photo probes) for monitoring of protein kinase A (PKA) activity in living cells was demonstrated. ARC-Photo probes possessing subnanomolar affinity towards the catalytic subunit of PKA (PKAc) and competitive with the regulatory subunit (PKAr), penetrate cell plasma membrane and associate with PKAc fused with yellow fluorescent protein (PKAc-YFP). Detection of inter-molecular Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiency between the fluorophores of the fusion protein and ARC-Photo probe can be used for both the evaluation of non-labeled inhibitors of PKAc and for monitoring of cAMP signaling via detection of changes in the activity of PKA as a cAMP downstream effector.  相似文献   

The Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) technique is widely used for studying protein interactions within live cells. The effectiveness and sensitivity of determining FRET, however, can be reduced by photobleaching, cross talk, autofluorescence, and unlabeled, endogenous proteins. We present a FRET imaging method using an optical switch probe, Nitrobenzospiropyran (NitroBIPS), which substantially improves the sensitivity of detection to <1% FRET efficiency. Through orthogonal optical control of the colorful merocyanine and colorless spiro states of the NitroBIPS acceptor, donor fluorescence can be measured both in the absence and presence of FRET in the same FRET pair in the same cell. A SNAP-tag approach is used to generate a green fluorescent protein-alkylguaninetransferase fusion protein (GFP-AGT) that is labeled with benzylguanine-NitroBIPS. In vivo imaging studies on this green fluorescent protein-alkylguaninetransferase (GFP-AGT) (NitroBIPS) complex, employing optical lock-in detection of FRET, allow unambiguous resolution of FRET efficiencies below 1%, equivalent to a few percent of donor-tagged proteins in complexes with acceptor-tagged proteins.  相似文献   

Signaling cascades involving cyclic nucleotides play key roles in signal transduction in virtually all cell types. Elucidation of the spatiotemporal regulation of cyclic nucleotide signaling requires methods for tracking the dynamics of cyclic nucleotides and the activities of their regulators and effectors in the native biological context. Here we review a series of genetically encoded FRET-based probes for real-time monitoring of cyclic nucleotide signaling with a particular focus on their implementation in neurons. Current data indicate that neurons have a very active metabolism in cyclic nucleotide signaling, which is tightly regulated through a variety of homeostatic regulations.  相似文献   

Protein kinases and phosphatases are organized into complex intracellular signaling networks designed to coordinate their activities in both space and time. In order to better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of signal transduction networks, it is important to define the spatiotemporal dynamics of both protein kinases and phosphatases within their endogenous environment. Herein, we report the development of a genetically-encoded protein biosensor designed to specifically probe the activity of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase, calcineurin. Our reporter design utilizes a phosphatase activity-dependent molecular switch based on the N-terminal regulatory domain of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells as a specific substrate of calcineurin, sandwiched between cyan fluorescent protein and yellow fluorescent protein. Using this reporter, calcineurin activity can be monitored as dephosphorylation-induced increases in fluorescence resonance energy transfer and can be simultaneously imaged with intracellular calcium dynamics. The successful design of a prototype phosphatase activity sensor lays a foundation for studying targeting and compartmentation of phosphatases.  相似文献   

Constant efforts are ongoing for the development of new imaging methods that allow the investigation of molecular processes in vivo. Protein-protein interactions, enzymatic activities and intracellular Ca2+ fluxes, have been resolved in cultured cells using a variety of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) detection methods. However, FRET has not been used so far in conjunction with 3D intravital imaging. We evaluated here a combination of multiphoton microscopy (MPM), method of choice for non-destructive living tissue investigation, and FRET imaging to monitor calpain proteolytic activity in living mice muscle. We show that kinetics of ubiquitous calpains activation can be efficiently and quantitatively monitored in living mouse tissues at cellular level with a FRET-based indicator upon calcium influx. The ability to visualize calpain activity in living tissue offers a unique opportunity to challenge remaining questions on the biological functions of calpains and to evaluate the therapeutic potential of calpain inhibitors in many degenerative conditions.  相似文献   

We recently reported on CFP-Epac-YFP, an Epac-based single polypeptide FRET reporter to resolve cAMP levels in living cells. In this study, we compared and optimized the fluorescent protein donor/acceptor pairs for use in biosensors such as CFP-Epac-YFP. Our strategy was to prepare a wide range of constructs consisting of different donor and acceptor fluorescent proteins separated by a short linker. Constructs were expressed in HEK293 cells and tested for FRET and other relevant properties. The most promising pairs were subsequently used in an attempt to improve the FRET span of the Epac-based cAMP sensor. The results show significant albeit not perfect correlation between performance in the spacer construct and in the Epac sensor. Finally, this strategy enabled us to identify improved sensors both for detection by sensitized emission and by fluorescent lifetime imaging. The present overview should be helpful in guiding development of future FRET sensors.  相似文献   

Shyu YJ  Suarez CD  Hu CD 《Nature protocols》2008,3(11):1693-1702
Studies of protein interactions have increased our understanding and knowledge of biological processes. Assays that utilize fluorescent proteins, such as fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC), have enabled direct visualization of protein interactions in living cells. However, these assays are primarily suitable for a pair of interacting proteins, and methods to visualize and identify multiple protein complexes in vivo are very limited. This protocol describes the recently developed BiFC-FRET assay, which allows visualization of ternary complexes in living cells. We discuss how to design the BiFC-FRET assay on the basis of the validation of BiFC and FRET assays and how to perform transfection experiments for acquisition of fluorescent images for net FRET calculation. We also provide three methods for normalization of the FRET efficiency. The assay employs a two-chromophore and three-filter FRET setup and is applicable to epifluorescence microscopes. The entire protocol takes about 2-3 weeks to complete.  相似文献   

Fluorescent proteins have revolutionized modern biology with their ability to report the presence of tagged proteins in living systems. Although several fluorescent proteins have been described in which the excitation and emission properties can be modulated by external triggers, no fluorescent proteins have been described that can be activated from a silent dark state to a bright fluorescent state directly by the activity of an enzyme. We have developed a version of GFP in which fluorescence is completely quenched by appendage of a hydrophobic quenching peptide that tetramerizes GFP and prevents maturation of the chromophore. The fluorescence can be fully restored by catalytic removal of the quenching peptide, making it a robust reporter of proteolysis. We have demonstrated the utility of this uniquely dark state of GFP as a genetically encoded apoptosis reporter that monitors the function of caspases, which catalyze the fate-determining step in programmed cell death. Caspase Activatable-GFP (CA-GFP) can be activated both in vitro and in vivo, resulting in up to a 45-fold increase in fluorescent signal in bacteria and a 3-fold increase in mammalian cells. We used CA-GFP successfully to monitor real-time apoptosis in mammalian cells. This dark state of GFP may ultimately serve as a useful platform for probes of other enzymatic processes.  相似文献   

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