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应用666粉剂处理土壤以消灭地下害虫,如蛴螬、金针虫等,在其他国家研究这种方法的不少;但是由于害虫种类和生活史的长短、土壤性质、肥料的施用、以及耕作气候条件的不同,因而施用的药量和施用方法亦差异很大。在应用适当药量之下,可使害虫消灭较为彻底,其药剂毒效在土中可以维持相当长时间,因此在发展上不仅作为地下害  相似文献   

地下害虫为害各种农作物,造成缺苗断垅,严重影响作物产量。有许多地区,几类的地下害虫如蛴螬、金针虫、蝼蛄同时发生,因此要求一种有效的兼治办法极为群众所热望,自1950年作者研究出应用666粉制成毒谷,用以防治以蝼蛄,获得了很大效果,在各地实践应用当中发现666毒谷对于金针虫、蛴螬具有良好的兼治作用。过去国外  相似文献   

山西省长治潞安盆地,蛴螬发生普通,为害严重。在当地主要为害春播玉米,自5月下旬播种出苗后开始为害,至玉米生长出6、7个真叶后(约在6月中旬),即为害轻微。因此蛴螬在当地主要为害时期约20—30天。鉴于此种情况,我们进行了一些666粉剂处理作物种子的保苗防治试验,兹将室内及田间试验结果简单介绍于下,以供各地参考。  相似文献   

近年来,华北一些地区大量使用对硫磷乳剂处理小麦、旱粮等种子以防治蝼蛄为害,获得了良好防治效果,但对硫磷对高等动物毒性大,为此,生产上迫切要求寻求高效、价廉而又使用安全的药剂,以代替对硫磷来防治地下害虫。 通过三年来的试验,我们初步明确了七氯是防治蝼蛄及其他地下害虫的良好药剂,并在不同地区进行了试验示范工作。本文是将部分研究结果简要报导,以供农业生产应用的参考。 室内毒力测定和防治初步试验 在试验中曾以华北蝼蛄进行几种杀虫剂的毒力测定,以求获得较好的种子处理药剂,其中发现七氯对华  相似文献   

河北省围场县农民有2种防治地下害虫的土方法: 1.烟袋油子拌种:取烟袋杆内的烟油2两(10两秤),用温水化开,拌和10斤种子(群众多用来拌粟),晾干后播种。或者用烟秆烟筋切碎,放锅内加水,用小火煮熬成黑色的浓稠液体,用来拌种,都能防治蛴螬,蝼蛄等地下害虫,还能保证出苗齐全,幼苗黑绿健壮。  相似文献   

江苏省邳县官湖红旗人民公社第11大队,在花生套种蓖麻防洽金针虫的耕作习惯,当地农民称为“果子地点麻子”,此法流传甚久。 最早他们在花生田头点上些蓖麻,在旧历7月间曾发现蓖麻周围有很多金针虫的尸体,因此逐渐创造了套种的办法。该地金针虫有2个为害期,当春夏之交,越冬幼虫开始活动,此时蓖麻出芽,幼虫食害根茎,即中毒死亡。此后至旧历7月间,一部分成虫出土,食害蓖麻叶,幼虫则在土中食害根,亦中  相似文献   

菜螟(Hellula undalis Fabricius)为害白菜、油菜、萝卜等蔬菜的心叶。 我们用1%666药粉点在菜心里,效果能达87%以上,因为药粉集中在心叶上,容易毒杀幼虫。666药  相似文献   

近年来大面积药剂治螟在各地广泛开展,从实践结果来看,苗期防治技术比较容易掌握,效果也较稳定,穗期防治技术比较复杂,关键不易掌握,故防治效果的波动较大。为了提高666治螟保穗的技术,自  相似文献   

我们在1950年曾进行了有机磷剂处理种子防治蝼蛄的研究。现将初步结果,整理于下。 一、材料和方法 (一)供试材料 50%E605乳油,50%E605活性炭粉剂(1959—1962年天津农药总厂产品)。 (二)处理方法 1.田间试验:(1)闷种:将种子置入一定浓度药液内,使充分沾药,立即捞出闷种3小时后再摊开晾干;(2)浸种:将定量种子置入一定浓度的药液内时翻  相似文献   

神经节苷脂对细胞膜损伤的保护作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
观察了神经节苷脂对去垢剂Triton—X—100损伤大鼠红细胞膜的影响。适量的红细胞与16μg/ml至5×104μg/ml范围内不同浓度的神经节苷脂于37℃孵育1小时后,加入TritonX-100在室温下作用3分钟。离心,取上清液在540nm测溶液透光率,取沉淀部分的红细胞在扫描电镜下观察红细胞及其膜的形态变化。实验结果显示,在神经节苷脂浓度为104μ/ml时,对红细胞膜的保护作用最好,上清液透光率为正常值的85.4%;细胞形态虽有改变,但仍的部分接近正常的细胞存在。而损伤对照组上清透光度仅为正常值的13.4%,红细胞胞体缩小,成为棘形红细胞。结果表明,神经节苷脂对红细胞膜化学损伤有良好的保护作用。  相似文献   

Creosoting of pine stumps immediately after felling commonly prevents the entry of Fomes annosus and other primary basidiomycete colonizers through the cut surface. Ceratocystis spp. and Ophionectria cylindrospora frequently enter creosoted stumps, but growth tends to be slow.
Light applications of creosote often fail to exclude basidiomycetes. Failure to achieve protection may also result from delay in application, especially when resin flow from the cut surface is rapid; this flow impedes creosote penetration.
In one experiment creosoting also controlled air-borne Fomes annosus infection of larch stumps. Various protectants were tested in the forest, a preliminary indication of their efficiency being obtainable after 2 months. A gasworks creosote ( b.p. 190–300° C.) was promising, whilst a tar/creosote mixture was unsatisfactory.
Disadvantages of creosote as a stump protectant arise mainly from its retarding effect on stump colonization. Creosoted stumps tend to remain alive longer than untreated ones and the risk of F. annosus attaining dominance in stumps already having root infection is correspondingly greater.  相似文献   

本工作采用无血清原代培养大鼠肝细胞法,观察了重组人肝细胞生长因子(r-hHGF)对四氯化碳(CCl4)致大鼠肝细胞损伤的保护作用。结果表明,r-hHGF对CCl4染毒肝细胞有明显的保护作用。r-hHGF保护组较CCl4染毒组细胞存活率显著升高,细胞内丙氨酸转氨酶、钾离子漏出明显降低。结果提示,r-hHGF可减轻CCl4对肝细胞膜的损伤,提高细胞膜的结构完整性  相似文献   


Various substances when added to the stump surface in concentrated solution directly after felling markedly affect the course of fungal colonization. The extent to which applications kill stump tissues probably affects the rate at which saprophytes develop.
Nitrogenous applications favour growth of Trichoderma viride and Penicillium spp., which tend to suppress surface colonization by Fomes annosus ; ammonium sulphamate is especially effective in this respect.
Some other applications are initially toxic to stump fungi but rapid leaching from the stump surface soon permits growth of various moulds, which again tend to suppress F. annosus and to a large extent other primary basidiomycete colonizers. Substances of this type include urea, which encourages growth of Ophionectria cylindrospora , and disodium octaborate, which favours Botrytis cinerea. The probable mode of action of these substances is discussed.
Stumps usually die more rapidly after such treatments than after creosoting, and often as fast as untreated ones. The rapid colonization of treated stumps by saprophytes is of advantage where application is incomplete or the stump is subsequently damaged. The effectiveness of treatments in preventing a major spread of Fomes annosus from roots already containing the parasite is variable and apparently depends to some extent on the particular species becoming dominant.
Preliminary screening may be performed in the laboratory with sections of pine stem inoculated with stump fungi; potential protectants are then tested in the forest.  相似文献   

Treatment of sorghum ( Sorghum vulgare ) seed with fungicide dressings controlled covered smut ( Sphacelotheca sorghi ), the major disease of sorghum in the Sudan, and usually resulted in appreciably better stands. In the Sudan Gezira, powder dressings containing 20–40%γ-benzene hexachloride (γ-BHC) applied at the rate of 1g./1b. of seed effectively protected sorghum seedlings from root attack by chafer grubs ( Schixonycha sp.) and significantly increased stands and yields. No certain evidence of this effect was obtained with dolichos bean ( Dolichos lablab ) or groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea ), and the different responses shown by these plants as compared with sorghum are attributed largely to differences in seed germination and root system. An application rate of 0·08 %γ-BHC/seed was sometimes slightly but appreciably phytotoxic to sorghum in the field and more markedly so in greenhouse experiments. A powder containing 25% thiram and 20%γ-BHC applied at the rate of 1g./1b. of seed is recommended as the standard seed dressing for sorghum in the Sudan.  相似文献   

八肽胆囊收缩素对链佐霉素引起的小鼠糖尿病的保护作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱文玉  金雨荪 《生理学报》1985,37(6):539-544
用小剂量多次腹腔注射链佐霉素的方法破坏胰岛β细胞,造成小鼠糖尿病,其主要表现为血糖升高和血清胰岛素浓度下降。在每次注射链佐霉素前10—15min,由皮下注射 CCK-8(100μg/kg),可使链佐霉素的损伤作用減轻或不出现:小鼠血糖浓度由对照组的518.9±53.6mg%降低到267.1±16.8mg%,糖尿病发病率由83.3%降到30%;血清胰岛素浓度基本正常,表明 CCK-8对链佐霉素引起的糖尿病有一定的预防作用。用链佐霉素造成高血糖后,再用 CCK-8作治疗性注射,不能减轻高血糖的程度,表明 CCK-8无治疗作用。CCK-8对正常小鼠的血糖及胰岛素水平也无明显影响。以上结果提示,CCK-8对胰岛β细胞可能具有直接保护作用。  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白抗自由基损伤研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用电子自旋共振技术(ESR),以马来酰亚胺自旋标记完整血红细胞和细胞膜,监测氧自由基引起的ESR波谱的变化,研究了不同亚型、不同结合金属的兔肝金属硫蛋白(MT)清除·OH和其对辐射损伤的防护作用。首次观察到四种MT清除·OH及抗辐射的能力与其亚型和结合金属种类有以下顺序的关系:ZnMT_2>ZnMT_1>CdMT_2>CdMT_1。而且还观察到MT对自由基损伤具有修复作用,其作用的强弱和清除·OH的能力大小顺序一致。对实验结果的分子机制进行了某些探讨。  相似文献   

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