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The biological hierarchy of genes, cells, organisms and societies is a fundamental reality in the living world. This hierarchy of entities did not arise ex nihilo at the origin of life, but rather has been serially generated by a succession of critical events known as ‘evolutionary transitions in individuality’ (ETIs). Given the sequential nature of ETIs, it is natural to look for candidates to form the next hierarchical tier. We analyse claims that these candidates are found among ‘supercolonies’, ant populations in which discrete nests cooperate as part of a wider collective, in ways redolent of cells in a multicellular organism. Examining earlier empirical work and new data within the recently proposed ‘Darwinian space’ framework, we offer a novel analysis of the evolutionary status of supercolonies and show how certain key conditions might be satisfied in any future process transforming these collaborative networks into true Darwinian individuals.  相似文献   

Somatic plasticity of neural stem cells: Fact or fancy?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several studies have described the potential for embryonic and adult neural stem cells to differentiate into non-neural cells such as muscle and blood, tissues that are derived from non-neuroectodermal germ layers. This raised the exciting possibility that these cells possessed a broader range of differentiation potential than originally thought and raised interesting prospects for possible transplantation utilization. However, a number of recent reports have raised questions about whether the phenomena observed actually represented true somatic plasticity. In this review, we critically analyze these studies with the aim of providing some criteria by which future studies that address this important problem may be evaluated.  相似文献   

Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a major precursor factor of esophageal cancer (EC). The appropriate management of patients with BE depends on the presence or not of dysplasia and the type of dysplasia that occurs. Due to the small proportion of BE patients that progress to cancer, the value of surveillance programs are a matter of debate. On the contrary, in high risk group of patients surveillance programs have significant impact. Large prospective trials are needed to define the optimal management strategy. Elucidation of carcinogenesis' steps and signal transduction pathways could reveal potential biomarkers in the order of early prediction for a highly malignant neoplasm with dismal prognosis. An efficacious tailored-made manner focusing to the safety profile and associated costs should be practised for less severe disease. In this review a thorough investigation of all available methods dealing with the clinical management of BE is provided.  相似文献   


A coalition of third world nations, led by the Pacific island countries and those European nations who have developed land‐based disposal programs for their radioactive wastes, seek to amend the London Convention on Dumping (the international treaty controlling ocean disposal of radioactive and other wastes) in order to ban ocean disposal of low‐level radioactive wastes. Pro‐dumping nations maintain that the treaty may only be amended based on science and that current scientific research indicates that low‐level waste represents neither a threat to the integrity of the marine environment nor human health. Anti‐dumping nations, on the other hand, argue that the same science, particularly the models used to predict the fate and the effects of these wastes, exhibits sufficient uncertainty to preclude judgments about the absence of harm from future disposal activities. These differing conclusions mirror differing assessments of risk. These assessments build on the differing social, political, and economic values placed on use of the ocean and on conflicting conceptions of the fundamental rights and obligations of nations whose use of the ocean may impinge on the resources of others. Each side's continued intransigence may result in unilateral ocean disposal activities with serious consequences for the London Convention on Dumping (LDC) and its control over other wastes transported to sea for disposal. Initiatives of anti‐dumping nations to expand the LDC's decision‐making framework to examine the social, economic, and political issues underlying each side's interpretation of scientific evidence offer hope to address the underlying non‐scientific issues and perhaps to strengthen decision‐making within the LDC.  相似文献   

Accelerated nitrogen inputs — A new problem or a new perspective?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper considers whether new problems are arising in forest ecosystems due to increased levels of inorganic N deposition from the atmosphere, or whether there are no new problems, just a change of perception. Deposition of N has indeed increased. Wet deposition rates are reasonably quantified, but the rates of dry deposition to forests are largely unknown. Current transport and deposition models are probably under-estimating N deposition to forests. Consideration of possible effects of enhanced N deposition reveals with varying degrees of certainty that there may be effects due to high N in biomass, high uptake rates, leaching of nitrate and consequent acidification, and an overall increase in N availability. Forest ecosystems are not well-enough understood to set a critical load for N deposition, but enough is known to define some upper limits.  相似文献   

Many migratory bird species fly mainly during the night (nocturnal migrants), others during daytime (diurnal migrants) and still others during both night and day. Need to forage during the day, atmospheric structure, predator avoidance and orientation conditions have been proposed as explanations for the widespread occurrence of nocturnal migration. However, the general principles that determine the basic nocturnal-diurnal variation in flight habits are poorly known. In the present study optimal timing of migratory flights, giving the minimum total duration of the migratory journey, is evaluated in a schematic way in relation to ecological conditions for energy gain in foraging and for energy costs in flight. There exists a strong and fundamental advantage of flying by night because foraging time is maximized and energy deposition can take place on days immediately after and prior to the nocturnal flights. The increase in migration speed by nocturnal compared with diurnal migration will be largest for birds with low flight costs and high energy deposition rates. Diurnal migration will be optimal if it is associated with efficient energy gain immediately after a migratory flight because suitable stopover/foraging places have been located during the flight or if energy losses during flight are substantially reduced by thermal soaring and/or by fly-and-forage migration. A strategy of combined diurnal and nocturnal migration may be optimal when birds migrate across regions with relatively poor conditions for energy deposition (not only severe but also soft barriers). Predictions about variable timing of migratory flights depending on changing foraging and environmental conditions along the migration route may be tested for individual birds by analysing satellite tracking results with respect to daily travel routines in different regions. Documenting and understanding the adaptive variability in daily travel schedules among migrating animals constitute a fascinating challenge for future research.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders Stephen Castle’s classic paper Why Migration Policies Fail. Beginning with the so-called migration crisis of 2015 it considers the role of numbers is assessing success or failure. It argues that in the UK public debates about immigration changed with European Union (EU) Enlargement in 2004, when the emphasis shifted from concerns about asylum to concerns about EU mobility. Concerns were exacerbated by the government’s failure to meet its promise to reduce net migration. This policy is hampered by the general problem of definition of “migrant” and the gap between statistical measures and popular usage in which “migration” signifies problematic mobility. In fact, concern about migration has become a placeholder for concerns about globalization and democratic accountability. A new politics of migration must make connections between migrants and citizens, but also between migration and other global processes, particularly outsourcing and the exploitation of labour and resources in the global south.  相似文献   

The link between species invasions and the extinction of natives is widely accepted by scientists as well as conservationists, but available data supporting invasion as a cause of extinctions are, in many cases, anecdotal, speculative and based upon limited observation. We pose the question, are aliens generally responsible for widespread extinctions? Our goal is to prompt a more critical synthesis and evaluation of the available data, and to suggest ways to take a more scientific, evidence-based approach to understanding the impact of invasive species on extinctions. Greater clarity in our understanding of these patterns will help us to focus on the most effective ways to reduce or mitigate extinction threats from invasive species.  相似文献   

Murdoch DA  Kelly M 《Anaerobe》1997,3(1):23-26
Peptostreptococcus vaginalis is a recently described species of Gram-positive anaerobic coccus. We report one case in which P. vaginalis was isolated in pure culture from an abscess on the upper arm, and summarise nine further cases where it was isolated in mixed culture from other superficial sites, particularly infected leg ulcers. We suggest that clinical strains of P. vaginalis have probably been described in the past as Peptostreptococcus prevotii, a species which has frequently been reported from clinical surveys of anaerobic infections; their relative importance and appropriate treatment are discussed. Preformed enzyme profiles provide a simple method of identification accessible to routine diagnostic laboratories; when clinically significant isolates of GPAC are isolated in pure growth, they should be identified to the species level by use of preformed enzyme kits.  相似文献   

(1) The classical view of the genesis of infectious fevers is that they develop in sequential steps, starting with the production by peripheral mononuclear phagocytes activated by the infectious noxa (i.e., the invading pathogens and/or their products, e.g., bacterial endotoxic lipopolysaccharides (LPS)) of pyrogenic cytokines, principally tumor necrosis factor-, interleukin(IL)-1β and IL-6, the release of these cytokines into the bloodstream, their transport to targets accessible from blood (e.g., cerebral microvessels, the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis) in close proximity to the ventromedial preoptic area (VMPO, the presumptive brain site of the febrigenic controller), and the consequent generation of stimulatory signals directed to the VMPO. An alternative view is that the message of the pyrogenic cytokines elaborated in the periphery is conveyed to the VMPO via a neural rather than a humoral pathway. In both views, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2-dependent prostaglandin (PG) E2 is considered to be the proximal fever mediator induced in the VMPO by these cytokines, modulating the activity of thermosensitive neurons contained in this region and effecting the development of fever. (2) However, peripheral cytokines are not consistently detectable in febrile illnesses, and it was recently reported that neither circulating LPS nor cytokine levels are increased at the onset of robust fevers induced in rats by subcutaneous injections of replicating Escherichia coli. (3) And it was reported long ago that the intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of PGE2 did not evoke fever in newborn lambs and goats although these animals responded normally to the intravenous injection of LPS, and that the icv-injection of synthetic PGE2 antagonists that prevented the febrile response of rabbits to icv-injected PGE2 did not inhibit that to a simultaneously injected endogenous pyrogen. (4) Other, more recent data indicate that the pyrogenic chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-1β produces fever independently of PGE2. (5) We found recently that the febrile response of adult guinea pigs to intravenously injected LPS is initiated significantly before the appearance of cytokines in the blood and, moreover, is evoked and sustainable in the absence of preoptic PGE2. (6) What is amiss? Are the contradictory data fallacious or should the conventional wisdom be revisited? This issue is considered in this article and an explanation suggested for these disparate findings.  相似文献   

Chemokines are not only found in the immune system or expressed in inflammatory conditions: they are constitutively present in the brain in both glial cells and neurons. Recently, the possibility has been raised that they might act as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. Although the evidence is incomplete, emerging data show that chemokines have several of the characteristics that define neurotransmitters. Moreover, their physiological actions resemble those of neuromodulators in the sense that chemokines usually have few effects by themselves in basal conditions, but modify the induced release of neurotransmitters or neuropeptides. These findings, together with the pharmacological development of agonists and antagonists that are selective for chemokine receptors and can cross the blood-brain barrier, open a new era of research in neuroscience.  相似文献   

Climatic history and ecology are considered the most important factors moulding the spatial pattern of genetic diversity. With the advent of molecular markers, species' historical fates have been widely explored. However, it has remained speculative what role ecological factors have played in shaping spatial genetic structures within species. With an unprecedented, dense large-scale sampling and genome-screening, we tested how ecological factors have influenced the spatial genetic structures in Alpine plants. Here, we show that species growing on similar substrate types, largely determined by the nature of bedrock, displayed highly congruent spatial genetic structures. As the heterogeneous and disjunctive distribution of bedrock types in the Alps, decisive for refugial survival during the ice ages, is temporally stable, concerted post-glacial migration routes emerged. Our multispecies study demonstrates the relevance of particular ecological factors in shaping genetic patterns, which should be considered when modelling species projective distributions under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

The energetic profiles of a significant number of protein-DNA systems at 20 °C reveal that, despite comparable Gibbs free energies, association with the major groove is primarily an enthalpy-driven process, whereas binding to the minor groove is characterized by an unfavorable enthalpy that is compensated by favorable entropic contributions. These distinct energetic signatures for major versus minor groove binding are irrespective of the magnitude of DNA bending and/or the extent of binding-induced protein refolding. The primary determinants of their different energetic profiles appear to be the distinct hydration properties of the major and minor grooves; namely, that the water in the A+T-rich minor groove is in a highly ordered state and its removal results in a substantial positive contribution to the binding entropy. Since the entropic forces driving protein binding into the minor groove are a consequence of displacing water ordered by the regular arrangement of polar contacts, they cannot be regarded as hydrophobic.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract: a major site of antioxidant action?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Diets rich in fruits and vegetables delay the onset of many age-related diseases, and contain a complex mixture of antioxidants (including ascorbate, carotenoids, vitamin E and other phenolics such as the flavonoids). However, diet also contains pro-oxidants, including iron, copper, H2O2, haem, lipid peroxides and aldehydes. Nitrite is frequently present in diet, leading to generation of reactive nitrogen species in the stomach. In considering the biological importance of dietary antioxidants, attention has usually focussed on those that are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract into the rest of the body. In the present paper we develop the argument that the high levels of antioxidants present in certain foods (fruits, vegetables, grains) and beverages (e.g. green tea) play an important role in protecting the gastrointestinal tract itself from oxidative damage, and in delaying the development of stomach, colon and rectal cancer. Indeed, carotenoids and flavonoids do not seem to be as well absorbed as vitamins C and E. Hence their concentrations can be much higher in the lumen of the GI tract than are ever achieved in plasma or other body tissues, making an antioxidant action in the GI tract more likely. Additional protective mechanisms of these dietary constituents (e.g. effects on intercellular communication, apoptosis, cyclooxygenases and telomerase) may also be important.  相似文献   

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